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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 2, March-April 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Effects of Calcium, Potassium and

Nitrogen on Punica Granatum L.- A Review
Pooja Mesurani1, Vijay R. Ram2, Pankaj Ram3
Department of Chemistry, R R Mehta College of Science &
C L Parikh College of Commerce, Palanpur, Gujarat, India
Department of Chemistry, KSKV Kachchh University, Bhuj, Gujarat, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Pooja Mesurani |

Punica granatum L. also known as pomegranate, belonging to family Vijay R. Ram | Pankaj Ram "Effects of
of punicaceae is nutrious fruit with several therapeutic beneficial Calcium, Potassium and Nitrogen on
effects. As the need of food is increasing linearly by the day, Punica Granatum L.- A Review"
measures to increase fruit production are highly demanding. Published in
International Journal
Therefore application of nutrients like Potassium, Calcium and
of Trend in
nitrogen can help to increase fruit yeild and quality of pomegranate. Scientific Research
Results of experiments conducted by several authors concluded that and Development
calcium is very useful in reducing cracking problem of pomegrante. (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
Potassium increased vegetative growth, leaf nutrient content and 6470, Volume-8 | IJTSRD64627
ascorbic acid content. Lastly, Nitrogen increased number of fruits per Issue-2, April 2024,
plant, fruit weight, juice percentage, total soluble solids, total sugar pp.259-262, URL:
concentration, ascorbic acid content, fruit length and lowest seed
percentage, So the present review article aims at providing an up-to-
date overview the effects of Calcium, Potassium and nitrogen on Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
pomegranate. Scientific Research and Development
KEYWORDS: Punica granatum L., Calcium, Potassium, Nitrogen Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

The pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) belongs to the therefore foliar spray in proper quantity at appropriate
punicaceae family. It is important crop of arid and time should be applied as to increase growth, fruit
semi arid regions, basically of native Iran. Its all parts quality and reduce fruit cracking, moreover foliar
like roots, bark, leaves, flower and seeds are useful as spray has advantage of uniform distribution.
medicine from early time. Due to its multipurpose
The effect of macronutrients on pomegranate growth
medicinal uses it is also known by the name ‘‘Super and yield has been studied extensively.
fruit’’ in the global functional food industry. From
Macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and
market point of veiw, quality of pomegranate
potassium play vital roles in various physiological
contingent upon peel color, lack of physical defects, processes of pomegranate trees, including growth,
juice total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA)
flowering, fruit set, and fruit development.
and taste. Pomegranate is a good source of protein,
carbohydrate, minerals, antioxidants, vitamin A, B Potassium is an essential element for plants. It is
and C, it is also used in controlling diarrhea, engaged in many physiological processes, triggering
hyperacidity, tuberculosis, leprosy, abdominal pain of several enzymes and maintain cation and anion
and fever. . balance. Nitrogen plays vital roles in plant growth
and development, many parameters like fruit yeild
Minerals affect production and fruit quality, directly and fruit quality are affected by nitrogen. It is
or indirectly. To increase crop yield, systematic use of
required for chlorophyll and enzyme synthesis and it
fertilizers is the more important in all agricultural
is major component of proteins, metabolites, and
practices but to coordinate nutrient application to nucleic acids. Calcium plays important role in
plant need is hard. Foliar application of plant formation of cell wall membrance and its plasticity,
nutrients have several benefits on pomegranate,

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64627 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 259
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
influencing normal cell divison by sustaining cell Manfalouty pomegranate trees with calcium chloride
integrity and membrance permeability, also it is at 40 or 80 ml/L. Positive effect were noted in yield,
triggerer of various enzyme in protien synthesis and leaf area and chlorophyll content with calcium
carbohydrate transfer. chloride and manganese sulphate spraying of Salemy
cultivar. The remarkable yield was observed by
spraying calcium at 100 mg L-1 in combination with
Calcium (Ca2+) is considerably an essential element
manganese at 60 mg. L-1.
and inspected as playing important role in
maintaining postharvest standard of fruit and Potassium
vegetable crops by contributing to the linkages Potassium is an essential element for plants. It is
between pectic substances inside the cell-wall. engaged in many physiological processes, triggering
Calcium(Ca) plays various roles in plants, including of several enzymes and maintain cation and anion
structural functions in cell walls, balancing of cell balance. An experiment was carried out by in Natural
membranes, sustenance of cell turgor pressure, and as Resources Research Center (ANRRC) of Iran in 2009
a counter-ion for inorganic and organic anions in to study effects of potassium nitrate on ‘Malas Yazdi’
vacuoles and also as cytoplasmic second messenger. pomegranate. The result of the experiment concluded
that fruit length, fruit quality and reduction in harmful
Fruit cracking or splitting is serious problem in many
effect of carob moth were noted by spraying KNO3 at
fruits including pomegranate. Fruit cracking was
concentration of 250mg L-1.
notably reduced by application of CaCl2 foliar spray
of concentration 2 and 4% in cultivars ‘Manfaloty’ To study combined effect of Potassium, Calcium and
and ‘Wonderfull’. By , experiment was carried out in boron, a study was conducted by in experimental
orchard of Razavi Khorasan in North Eastern Iran in farm in state of himachal pradesh on eight year old
two seasons to note the effect of Ca fertilization on plants of Bhagewa cultivar for two year. It showed
fruit cracking and their result showed that results that foliar application of 1% KNO3, 1% CaCl2 and 0.
show that Ca fertilization reduces fruit cracking upto 4% H3BO3 increased vegetative growth, yeild, fruit
26–52% in two different seasons in comparison with quality, reduced fruit cracking, increased leaf nutrient
the control, with the best effect obtained by nano-Ca content. So combination of these nutrients can be
fertilizer at 0. 50 g Ca L-1. In pomegranate, the rate of used for over all growth and yeild as per
cracking was reduced to 5. 5 and 5. 2%, from 28. 4% requirements. Foliar spray of KNO3 at concentration
in comparison with unsprayed trees by application of of 10, 000mg L-1 reduced fruit cracking, also highest
CaCl2 spraying of concentration 0. 5 and 1%. From ascorbic acid concentration was obtained by this
the experiment conducted by in two seasons of year treatment in ‘Kadru’ cultivar. In addition to that
2013 and 2014 it was found that by spraying 2% KNO3 at concentration of 15, 000 mg L-1 showed
calcium chloride, fruit cracking reduced to 8. 0% and lowest fruit length /diameter ratio and highest peel
7. 2% from 19. 4% and 17. 9% in comparision with thickness. . It can be attributed that increasing in
trees sprayed with water. Reduction in fruit cracking diameter or decreasing in length of fruit is considered
percentage is due to role of Ca in the cohesion of cell as an betterment (from elongated to spherical) of fruit
walls, since it interacts with pectic acid. form (Stander, 2013). It my be due to role of
potassium that fruit splitting resistance ability of is
From the experiment conducted by in two seasons of
due to cell division betterment that leads to formation
year 2013 and 2014, it was observed that tree height,
fruit number, leaf area, leaf total chlorophyll were of thicker fruit peel. .
increased, percentage of sunburn fruits decreased, Nitrogen
peel calcium and nitrogen content were increased as Nitrogen plays vital roles in plant growth and
compared with control treatment of Manfalouty development, many parameters like fruit yeild and
pomegranate by applicaton of calcium chloride foliar fruit quality are affected by nitrogen. It is required for
spray. Among various concentration of calcium chlorophyll and enzyme synthesis and it is major
chloride, 2% calcium chloride treatment showed the component of proteins, metabolites, and nucleic
best effect. Tree productivity was influenced acids. The growth of all plant organs, including roots,
remarkeblly by calcium chloride treatments as stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits is limited if there is
compared with the control(water spray) treatment. N deficiency.
Tree productivity increased to 47. 1 and 40. 3 kg/tree To study combined effect of nitrogen and neem cake,
from 38. 9 and 30. 4 kg/tree for control treatment in an investigation was carried out by at Horticulture
2013 and 2014 seasons, by application of 2% calcium Research Station B. C. K. V. Mondouri, West bengal,
chloride . High yeild, good-fruit quality, and
India on cultivar Ganesh. From various combination
reduction in fruit cracking was noted by spraying of Nitrogen and Urea, 300g plant-1year-1 + 1 Kg neem

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64627 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 260
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64627 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 262

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