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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 2, March-April 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Transformational Leadership and Teaching Efficiency

of Selected Federal Universities in South-West, Nigeria
Ozopelide, P. M.; Binuyo, A. O.; Akpa, V. O.
Department of Business Administration and Marketing, School of Management Sciences,
Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Ozopelide, P. M.

Efficiency of Universities are seen as critical to knowledge | Binuyo, A. O. | Akpa, V. O.
advancement and progress of nations and the global community. "Transformational Leadership and
Despite concerted efforts to strengthen their efficiency, Federal Teaching Efficiency of Selected Federal
Universities have been greatly challenged due to poor teaching Universities in South-West, Nigeria"
Published in
efficiency, graduate employability, research output, and institutional International Journal
ranking. Existing literature has suggested that this could be as a result of Trend in
of transformational leadership. therefore, examined the effect of Scientific Research
transformational leadership on the teaching efficiency of Federal and Development
Universities in South West, Nigeria. The study adopted survey (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
research design. The population of this study comprised 5,430 6470, Volume-8 | IJTSRD64630
Academic Staff members from four selected federal universities in Issue-2, April 2024,
South-West, Nigeria. A sample size of 464 was determined using the pp.272-285, URL:
research advisor’s sample size table. A structured and validated
questionnaire was used for data collection. The Cronbach's alpha
Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
reliability coefficients of constructs ranged from 0.70 to 0.81. A International Journal of Trend in
response rate of 98.3% was recorded. Data were analyzed using Scientific Research and Development
descriptive and inferential (multiple linear regression) statistics. The Journal. This is an
findings revealed that transformational leadership had significant Open Access article
effect on the teaching efficiency of selected federal universities in distributed under the
South-west Nigeria (Adj. R2 = 0.429; F (5,450) = 69.287, p < 0.05). terms of the Creative Commons
The study concluded that transformational leadership significantly Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
influenced teaching efficiency. Given the result of this study, it is (
recommended that educational policymakers and university KEYWORDS: Inspirational
administrators prioritize leadership development programs focused leadership, Intellectual stimulation
on cultivating these qualities among academic leaders to improve leadership, Teaching efficiency,
teaching efficiency. Transformational leadership,
Visionary Leadership

Enhancing the efficiency of universities is crucial for consistently rank among the best in the world
the advancement of knowledge and the progress of (Erickson et al., 2021). In general, UK universities are
nations and the global community. Despite highly efficient, offering quality education at a
considerable efforts to improve efficiency, Federal relatively low cost. Universities in the UK are
Universities in South West Nigeria have faced renowned for their world-class research facilities,
significant challenges, including issues with teaching excellent teaching staff, and cutting-edge technology
effectiveness, graduate employability, research (Seeber et al., 2019). UK universities also offer a
productivity, and institutional rankings. Previous wide range of courses and degrees, making them
studies have indicated that these challenges may be attractive to international students. In addition, UK
attributed to transformational leadership. Hence, this universities have a strong focus on employability,
study aims to investigate the impact of offering a range of career-oriented courses and
transformational leadership on the teaching efficiency programs that help students prepare for the job market
of Federal Universities in the region. (Shermamatova & Abdullayeva, 2022). Also, UK
universities have a strong commitment to
The United Kingdom is renowned for its strong
higher education system, and universities in the UK sustainability and social responsibility, making them

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
ideal for those looking to make a positive impact on provide quality education (Swanson & Mao, 2019).
the world (Cahalan et al., 2021). China’s higher education system is mired in
However, the UK's university teaching efficiency has bureaucracy, leading to a lack of agility and
been declining in recent years due to a variety of efficiency in decision making processes. This has
factors. The primary cause of this decline is the often led to a delay in the implementation of new
increasing number of students entering the university policies or initiatives, which can ultimately reduce
system, combined with the fact that there are not their organisational efficiency and research output
enough resources to accommodate them (Lacka et al., (He, 2018; Zhou, 2020).
2021). This has led to overcrowding and a reduction In Africa, there is an expectation for higher education
in the quality of teaching and learning. The second to deliver high-quality results while simultaneously
factor contributing to the decline in efficiency is the reducing the associated costs (Tabe, 2023). The
rise in tuition fees. This has caused some students to numerous advantages of obtaining a higher education
drop out or not attend classes due to financial burden, make it increasingly important to discuss how
leading to reduced attendance and a decrease in the effective higher education institutions are. On the
quality of teaching efficiency (Longhurst et al., 2020). other hand, the vast majority of institutions of higher
Also, the increase in student numbers has led to education in countries still in the process of
decrease in teaching efficiency, leading universities industrialization are tremendously worried about their
having to employ more staff in order to manage the poor performance (Yigermal, 2017). Universities and
increased demand, leading to a rise in costs and a colleges have been having trouble with low
reduction in efficiency. Also, the lack of investment graduation rates for the past few years, which is a
in university infrastructure has also contributed to the clear sign of this failure. The number of students
decline in teaching efficiency. Many universities are going to college has gone up, but the number of
in need of repair or modernisation in order to provide graduates has stayed the same. This is a clear
students with the best possible learning environment, indication that many universities and colleges are not
but there is often not enough funding available for performing well (Beckmann et al., 2022).
these projects (Almahri et al., 2020).
The decline in teaching efficiency in Nigerian
The efficiency of universities in China is generally universities is a multifaceted issue characterized by
quite good. China is known for its robust education several interrelated factors. Key among these are
system and its universities are highly ranked in global inadequate funding leading to outdated infrastructure
rankings (Wang et al., 2020). Chinese universities are and inadequate resources for faculty development and
known for their rigorous academic standards, research research (Yigermal, 2017). This is compounded by a
capabilities, and excellent student performance. The lack of investment in educational technology and
Chinese government invests heavily in the education modern teaching methodologies, resulting in outdated
system, providing students with access to the latest curricula and teaching practices (Ademola et al.,
technology and resources (Wang & Zhao, 2020). 2021). Additionally, there's a shortage of qualified
Additionally, Chinese universities are well-equipped faculty, exacerbated by brain drain as experienced
with the latest equipment and facilities for teaching academics seek better opportunities abroad (Adejare
and research. Chinese universities also benefit from a et al., 2020). Bureaucratic inefficiencies within the
large pool of talented and motivated students. The university system further hinder effective teaching
country has an excellent higher education system, and learning. These challenges collectively contribute
with a range of universities offering a wide selection to a decline in the quality of education, impacting
of programs that are tailored to the needs of students. student outcomes and the overall competitiveness of
Furthermore, Chinese universities offer a variety of Nigerian universities on the global stage (Ogunode,
scholarships and grants to attract and retain the best 2020).
students. This ensures that the quality of education
remains high (Tian & Liu, 2019). Nevertheless, the Education is one of the most important factors in
rapid growth in student enrollment has led to a developing qualified human power, which is essential
number of challenges for Chinese universities, for accelerating economic development and finding
including overcrowded classrooms, inadequate solutions to the genuine challenges that face a
facilities, and a lack of qualified teachers (Han et al., community (Yumashev et al., 2020). Students are
2019). Also, according to Lin (2019), China’s required to have a strong academic performance to
universities are severely underfunded, resulting in graduate from college, and it is expected of them that
inadequate facilities and faculty members. Moreover, they will devote a significant portion of their time to
most universities rely heavily on tuition fees to their studies. In Ethiopia, however, despite the
finance their operations, which limits their ability to significant amount of money that the government

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
spends on education, the vast majority of students are generation has also contributed to the situation in
unable to attain satisfactory academic results across which there is no one to audit the results of
all levels of education (Tadese et al, 2022). The government-funded projects, and there is no public
number of students who are graduating at a rate that is accountability for the lack of progress made by non-
not proportional to the number of students who are government-funded projects (Eja & Ramegowda,
enrolling in classes is on the rise, and this finding, 2020). There is also a general lack of trust in federal
combined with the fact that an increasing number of universities as most people feel that they are
students are committing readmission, suggests that controlled by corporations rather than people.
these students did not do well in their academics 2. Literature Review
(Golovina et al., 2021; Phumphongkhochasorn, et al., Transformational Leadership
2022). Transformational leadership is a type of leadership
Efforts are being made by the Nigerian government, style that has become increasingly popular in recent
through the accreditation agencies and other higher years (Ejo-Orusa & Egobueze, 2020). It is a style of
education organisations to improve the quality and leadership that focuses on the development of an
performance of higher institutions in Nigeria. organization’s people and processes to create lasting
However, Nigerian universities are left behind based positive change. The goal of transformational
on the statistics of universities that merit the world leadership is to create a work environment that is
ranking table. Akanji et al. (2019) has pointed lack of productive, satisfying, and motivating for employees
strong leadership that carries the entire stakeholder (Abubakar & Ahmed, 2021). First, Okonkwo (2020)
along in higher institutions in a report from The defined transformational leadership as "a process of
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural inspiring and guiding individuals and groups to create
Organization (UNESCO). The report spelt out clearly positive change within their organizations." It is a
that it is broadly true that institutional leadership is type of leadership that seeks to empower employees
not very effective in higher education in Africa with to take ownership of their work and develop their
Nigeria inclusive and around the world (Adewale & skills to innovate and improve their organization. In
Ghavifekr, 2019). In addition, Daramola and Amos addition, when followed in a consistent manner,
(2016) reported that the performance of the university transformational leadership can become non-
system in Nigeria reflects its leadership and transformational in nature. For instance, Chang and
management. Lee (2020) stated that transformational leadership
The literature reveals that different studies have been adopted without variation can become redundant,
conducted on transformational leadership and leading to loss of employees’ motivation and
teaching efficiency of different universities in increased turnover. Moreover, transformational
different nations and regions (Meng, 2022; Naseem et leadership can involve high risks and expenses.
al., 2018; Park, 2020). However, the case is different Becoming a successful transformational leader
for Nigerian universities as the challenges that exist in requires considerable investments to adapt to the
leadership have led to a decline in teaching changing needs of subordinates. With new
efficiency. The leadership in Nigerian universities is technologies and trends emerging frequently,
not transformational, instead, they are more organisations must keep up with the pace to maximise
transactional, and this reflects in poor teaching the effectiveness of their leadership style.
efficiency (Umunakwe & Akaire, 2020). Teachers Additionally, Bhatti (2022) drew attention to the
and lecturers do not focus on the right content to financial costs associated with transformational
teach but only on awarding grades for money or leaders’ focus on employees’ needs, such as monetary
engaging in strike actions. The lack of rewards for high performance and team building
transformational leadership in Nigerian universities is initiatives.
because many universities have little to no focus on Visionary Leadership
education and instead focus on commercial goals Visionary leadership is a leadership style that focuses
such as career development. This is because most of on creating a clear vision for the future and inspiring
the faculty members are not interested in education and motivating others to work towards achieving that
and instead focus on careers in business. This results vision. It is characterised by strong communication
in a lack of transformation of the education system skills, innovation, and the ability to think creatively
and a lack of focus on the needs of students (Jacob & and strategically. According to Den Hartog et al.
Lawan, 2020). Even worse, many universities have (2017), visionary leadership is defined as "the ability
become so reliant on external funding that they have to create and communicate a visionary goal or image
become less efficient in their internally generated of the future, to inspire and motivate followers to
revenue drive. This lackadaisical attitude to fund realise that vision, and to guide and support them in

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the process of bringing that vision to fruition. This leadership can have a range of positive impacts on
definition emphasises the importance of organizations, including improved motivation and
communication and inspiration in visionary performance, increased creativity and innovation, and
leadership. Other researchers have defined visionary enhanced team cohesion and morale. These benefits
leadership in terms of its focus on innovation and highlight the importance of inspirational leadership in
creativity. One benefit of visionary leadership is achieving organisational success.
increased employee motivation and commitment Intellectual Stimulation Leadership
(Srivastava & Beer, 2017). When leaders clearly Intellectual stimulation leadership is a style of
communicate their vision and provide a sense of leadership that focuses on fostering creativity, critical
purpose, employees are more likely to feel invested in thinking, and problem-solving within an organization.
the success of the organisation and motivated to work This type of leadership is characterised by leaders
towards achieving the shared goals (Chen et al., who encourage their employees to challenge
2017). This in turn can lead to improved performance assumptions, engage in open and honest
and productivity. Another benefit of visionary communication, and engage in continuous learning
leadership is increased innovation and creativity. and development (Lee & Chen, 2020). Intellectual
Leaders who are able to inspire and engage their stimulation involves providing opportunities for
teams in the vision and future direction of the employees to learn and grow. This can include
organisation are more likely to foster a culture of providing training and development opportunities,
creativity and innovation (Welch & Lu, 2018). This encouraging employees to seek out new learning
can lead to the development of new products, experiences, and supporting employee development
services, and processes that can give the organisation through mentorship and coaching (Bontis, 2018). By
a competitive advantage (Barber & Mensing, 2017). investing in employee development, leaders can
A third benefit of visionary leadership is improved create a culture of continuous learning and growth
organisational culture and climate (Srivastava & within the organisation (Lee & Chen, 2020). Overall,
Beer, 2017). intellectual stimulation leadership is a style of
Inspirational Leadership leadership that promotes creativity, innovation, and
Inspirational leadership has long been a topic of critical thinking within an organization. By fostering
interest in the field of organisational behaviour and a culture of inquiry, using challenging tasks and
leadership studies. While there is no singular goals, promoting open communication and dialogue,
definition of inspirational leadership, there are several and providing opportunities for employee learning
different conceptualizations that have emerged in the and development, leaders can create a positive and
literature (Huth, 2017). In this review, we examined engaging work environment that supports
some of the key definitions of inspirational leadership organisational performance and employee well-being.
and discuss their implications for understanding and Supportive Leadership
practising this type of leadership. One definition of Supportive leadership is a leadership style that is
inspirational leadership that has gained widespread characterised by a leader's focus on creating a
attention in the literature is that proposed by positive and supportive work environment for their
Northouse (2018). Inspirational leaders foster employees. This type of leadership has been linked to
creativity and innovation within organizations. improved employee well-being, job satisfaction, and
Inspirational leaders create a supportive and organisational performance (Gonçalves & Cardoso,
empowering environment that encourages employees 2017). Supportive leadership is a leadership style that
to think outside the box and take risks (Dvir et al., focuses on creating a positive and supportive work
2002). This can lead to the development of new and environment for employees. Research has shown that
innovative ideas, which can drive organisational supportive leadership can have a range of benefits for
growth and success (Bryman & Bull, 2017). In organizations, including increased employee
addition to improving motivation and fostering motivation, engagement, and performance (Skinner et
innovation, inspirational leadership can also improve al., 2020). One benefit of supportive leadership is
team cohesion and morale. By creating a positive and improved employee motivation. Research has shown
supportive work culture, inspirational leaders can that employees who feel supported and valued by
foster a sense of belonging and connection among their leaders are more motivated to perform at their
team members (Sy et al., 2005). This can lead to best. This is because supportive leaders create a
increased team cohesion and a more positive work positive and inclusive work environment where
environment, which can in turn improve overall employees feel confident and valued, leading to
organisational performance (Chen et al., 2020). increased motivation to contribute to the
Overall, the literature suggests that inspirational organization's goals (Zhang et al., 2017). Another

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
benefit of supportive leadership is increased create a positive impact on the wider community
employee engagement. Employees who feel (Liu, 2019).
supported and valued by their leaders are more likely Teaching Efficiency
to be engaged in their work and committed to the Teaching efficiency is a concept that has been widely
organisation (Den Hartog et al., 2017). This is debated and studied in the field of education. It is
because supportive leaders create a positive work typically defined as the ability of a teacher to
culture that promotes collaboration and open effectively use their time, resources, and instruction
communication, leading to increased employee to achieve desired learning outcomes for their
engagement (Zhang et al., 2017). supportive students (Akyol & Graeber, 2017). However, there
leadership also involves being fair and transparent in are various definitions of teaching efficiency that
decision-making and treating all employees with have been proposed by different researchers, with
respect and dignity (Zhang et al., 2017). This creates some focusing on the effectiveness of teaching
a sense of trust and fairness within the organization, methods, while others focus on teacher workload and
leading to increased employee engagement and productivity. One definition of teaching efficiency is
satisfaction (Eisenbeiss et al., 2019). Overall, the use of instructional strategies that are aligned with
supportive leadership is a crucial aspect of the learning goals of the lesson (Brophy, 2017).
organisational success, as it promotes a positive work According to this definition, an efficient teacher is
culture and employee well-being, leading to increased one who is able to engage students in meaningful
productivity and retention (Zhang et al., 2017). learning experiences that support their academic and
Servant Leadership personal development. This definition emphasizes the
Servant leadership is a leadership style that importance of teacher planning and preparation in
emphasises putting the needs of others before one's order to create effective and engaging lessons. There
own and using one's power and influence to serve and are numerous benefits to teaching efficiency,
empower others. Over the past decade, the concept of including increased student engagement and
servant leadership has gained increasing attention in achievement, improved teacher satisfaction, and
the organisational literature, with various definitions reduced workload for both teachers and students. One
being proposed by researchers. This review examined benefit of teaching efficiency is increased student
these different definitions and explore their engagement and achievement. Students who are
implications for organisational practice. One common actively engaged in the learning process are more
definition of servant leadership is offered by Eva et likely to retain information and perform better on
al. (2019), who defines it as a "leadership philosophy" assessments (Smith & Jones, 2017). Research has
that involves putting the needs of others first and also shown that students who are given clear and
seeking to empower them through selfless service. concise instructions are more likely to complete
This definition has been widely adopted in the assignments correctly and on time (Kim & Lee,
literature and has been applied to a variety of 2020). By focusing on teaching efficiency, teachers
contexts, including healthcare (Lux, 2017), education can create an environment in which students are more
(Lam, 2018), and business (Gates, 2019). likely to be actively engaged in their own learning.
Another benefit of teaching efficiency is improved
Research has consistently shown that servant
teacher satisfaction. Teachers who feel competent and
leadership is positively related to a range of
confident in their ability to effectively teach their
outcomes, including increased job satisfaction, team
students are more likely to report higher levels of job
effectiveness, and organisational performance
satisfaction (Thompson & Brown, 2021). This is
(Walumbwa et al., 2017). One key characteristic of
important because teacher satisfaction has been linked
servant leadership is the leader's emphasis on the
to student achievement and overall school success
needs and development of their followers. This
(Williams & Smith, 2018). By focusing on teaching
includes creating opportunities for growth and
efficiency, teachers can feel more confident in their
learning and actively seeking out the ideas and input
ability to effectively teach their students, leading to
of team members. Servant leaders also prioritise
increased job satisfaction.
ethical decision-making and fairness and often foster
a culture of trust and collaboration within their teams Theoretical Framework
(Walumbwa et al., 2017). In addition to prioritising The underpinning theory for this study is the
the needs of followers, servant leaders also exhibit a Transformational Leadership Theory, which holds
strong sense of community and collective purpose. significant relevance in examining the impact of
They often work to foster a shared vision and a sense transformational leadership on teaching efficiency
of belonging among team members and strive to within selected federal universities (Asbari et al.,
2020). Transformational leadership emphasizes the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64630 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 276
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
leader's ability to inspire and motivate followers, (Siangchokyoo et al., 2020). By employing this
fostering a shared vision and empowering individuals theory as a framework, researchers can explore how
to reach their full potential. Within educational leaders within these universities inspire faculty
settings, where effective teaching is paramount, members to excel in their teaching roles, ultimately
understanding how transformational leadership enhancing the overall educational experience and
practices influence teaching efficiency is crucial outcomes for students (Kwan, 2020).
3. Conceptual Model

Figure: Conceptual Model for Transformational Leadership and Teaching Efficiency

Source: Researcher’s Conceptualization (2024)
3.1. Methodology
The study adopted survey research design. The population of this study comprised 5,430 Academic Staff
members from four selected federal universities in South-West, Nigeria. A sample size of 464 was determined
using the research advisor’s sample size table. A structured and validated questionnaire was used for data
collection. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients of constructs ranged from 0.70 to 0.81. A response rate
of 98.3% was recorded. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential (multiple linear regression)
Functional Model
In this study, there were two constructs: independent and dependent variable. The independent variable is
transformational leadership which was measured with sub-variables such as visionary leadership, inspirational
leadership, intellectual stimulation leadership, supportive leadership, and servant leadership, while the dependent
variable is teaching efficiency which was measured as a whole.
The variable for this study was operationalized thus:
Y = f (X)
Y = Dependent Variable
X = Independent Variable
Z = Moderating Variables
Y = Teaching Efficiency (OE)
X = Transformational Leadership (TRNSL)
X = (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
X1 = Visionary Leadership
X2 = Inspirational Leadership
X3= Intellectual Stimulation Leadership
X4= Supportive Leadership
X5= Servant Leadership
Regression Models
TE = α0 + β1VL + β2IL + β3ISL + β4SL + β5SL + µ i ……………………………………………..….. (eq. 1)

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
α0 = the constant of the equation
β1- β5 = the coefficient of variables in the equations
βz = the coefficient of the interaction term
εi = Errors term
4. Data Analysis, Results and Discussion
The researcher distributed 464 copies of questionnaire to the respondents of which 456 copies of the distributed
questionnaire were duly filled and returned and was used for the analysis. This represents a response rate of
about 98.3% of the population employed in the study, which was considered an excellent response according to
Mugenda and Mugenda (2012) who asserted that a response of above 60% is generally accepted as a threshold
for survey quality in social sciences.
4.1. Restatement of Hypothesis
H0: Transformational leadership has no significant effect on the teaching efficiency of the selected federal
universities in South-west Nigeria.
Table 4.1 Summary of multiple regression between transformational leadership components and
teaching efficiency of selected Federal Universities in South-West, Nigeria.
ANOVA Adjusted F
N Model Β Sig. T R
(Sig.) R2 (5,450)
(Constant) 5.462 0.000 5.278
Visionary Leadership 0.080 0.095 1.673
Inspirational Leadership 0.074 0.096 1.669
Intellectual Stimulation Leadership 0.089 0.081 1.747
456 Supportive Leadership 0.363 0.000 6.601 0.000b 0.660a 0.429
Servant Leadership 0.162 0.000 4.476
Predictors: (Constant), Visionary Leadership, Inspirational Leadership, Intellectual Stimulation
Leadership, Supportive Leadership, Servant Leadership
Dependent Variable: Teaching Efficiency
Source: Author’s computation, 2024 underlying data from Field Survey
Table 4.2.1c shows the multiple regression analysis results for the components of transformational leadership on
teaching efficiency of selected federal universities in south-west Nigeria. The results showed that supportive
leadership (β = 0.363, t = 6.601, p<0.05) and servant leadership (β = 0.162, t = 4.476, p<0.05 have a positive and
significant effect on the teaching efficiency of selected federal universities in south-west Nigeria while visionary
leadership (β = 0.080, t = 1.673, p>0.05), inspirational leadership (β = 0.074, t = 1.669, p>0.05), and intellectual
stimulation leadership (β = 0.089, t = 1.747, p>0.05) have a positive but insignificant effect on teaching
efficiency. This implies that supportive leadership and servant leadership are important factors in the universities
which in turn yields an increase in teaching efficiency.
The R-value of 0.660 supports this result and it indicates that transformational leadership components have a
moderate positive relationship with the teaching efficiency of selected federal universities in south-west Nigeria.
The coefficient of multiple determination Adj R2 = 0.429 indicates that about 42.9% of the variation that occurs
in the teaching efficiency in selected federal universities in south-west Nigeria can be accounted for by the
components of transformational leadership while the remaining 57.1% changes that occur is accounted for by
other variables not captured in the model. The predictive and prescriptive multiple regression models are thus
TE=5.462+0.080VLt+0.074ILt+0.089ISLt+0.363SLt+0.162SELt+Ui---Eqn(i) (Predictive Model
TE =0.363SLt+0.162SELt + Ui --- Eqn(ii) (Prescriptive Model)
TE = Teaching Efficiency
VL = Visionary Leadership
IL = Inspirational Leadership
ISL = Intellectual Stimulation Leadership
SL = Supportive Leadership
SEL = Servant Leadership

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64630 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 278
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The regression model shows that holding The study of Avolio et al. (2017) found that
transformational leadership components to a constant transformational leadership had significant and
zero, teaching effectiveness would be 5.462 which is positive effect on employee performance and
positive. In the predictive model, it is seen that the organizational citizenship behaviours, and both of
variables visionary leadership, inspirational which contributed to organizational efficiency.
leadership and intellectual stimulation leadership are Another study published in Wang et al. (2018) also
positive and insignificant so the management of the found a positive relationship between
universities can downplay the variables which is why transformational leadership and employee
they are not included in the prescriptive model. The performance. In Gao et al. (2019), a meta-analysis
results of the multiple regression analysis as seen in explored the relationship between transformational
the prescriptive model indicate that when all other leadership and various outcomes related to
variables of transformational leadership (supportive organizational efficiency, including employee
leadership and servant leadership) are improved by performance, job satisfaction, and turnover intention.
one unit teaching efficiency would also increase by The study found that transformational leadership had
0.363 and 0.162 respectively and vice-versa. This significant effect on organizational efficiency,
implies that an increase in supportive leadership and suggesting that it may be a beneficial leadership style
servant leadership would lead to an increase in the for organizations seeking to increase efficiency. In
rate of teaching efficiency in selected federal Raupu et al. (2021), this study found that the
universities in south-west Nigeria. Also, the F- democratic leadership style displayed by the principal
statistics (df = 5, 450) = 69.287 at p = 0.000 (p<0.05) has a strong influence and significance on the
indicates that the overall model is significant in performance of teachers in SMP/MTs in Bara
predicting the effect of transformational leadership District, Palopo City. This is because the leadership
components on teaching efficiency which implies that style displayed by the principal through several
transformational leadership components except for indicators can provide a significant enough stimulant
visionary leadership, inspirational leadership, and to the teacher so that teachers' work motivation can
intellectual stimulation leadership are important increase adequately, which impacts the achievement
determinants in the teaching efficiency rate of of educational and learning goals in schools.
selected federal universities in south-west Nigeria.
Furthermore, in accordance with the findings of this
The result suggests that the universities should pay
study, Ahmad and Rochimah (2021) discovered that
more attention towards developing the components of
transformational leadership and integrity had a
transformational leadership, especially supportive
significant positive impact on teaching effectiveness.
leadership and servant leadership. Therefore, the null
Also, Ahmed et al. (2020) revealed that
hypothesis (H01) which states that Transformational
transformational leadership had a significant positive
leadership has no significant effect on the teaching
impact on employee performance and organisational
efficiency of selected federal universities in south-
citizenship behaviour (OCB). Ahwireng et al. (2022)
west Nigeria was rejected.
found that transformational leadership had a
Discussion of Findings significant positive impact on motivation and
The aggregated results of multiple regression analysis performance. In the same vein, ALHumeisat and
for hypothesis one showed that transformational ALBashabsheh (2020) found that transformational
leadership (visionary leadership, inspirational leadership has a positive impact on crisis
leadership, intellectual stimulation leadership, management in the cellular communications sector in
supportive leadership, and servant leadership) has Jordan. Specifically, they found that transformational
significant effect on teaching efficiency of selected leadership has a direct impact on crisis management
Federal Universities in South-West, Nigeria (Adj. R2 effectiveness, and an indirect impact on crisis
= 0.429; VL = 0.080, IL = 0.074, ISL = 0.089, SL = management effectiveness through organizational
0.363, SL = 0.162, p < 0.05). These findings indicated resilience. Likewise, Dim and Nzube (2020) found
transformational leadership components are that autocratic leadership style has a significant
significant predictors of teaching efficiency of negative effect on organizational performance.
selected Federal Universities in South-West, Nigeria. Laissez-faire leadership style has a significant
positive effect on organizational performance in foam
The result of this study supports the findings of
various empirical studies on transformational manufacturing firms in the Anambra State Nigeria.
Democratic leadership style has a significant positive
leadership and teaching efficiency such as Avolio et
al. (2017), Ahmad and Rochimah (2021), Gao et al. effect on organizational performance in foam
manufacturing firms in Anambra State Nigeria.
(2019), Raupu et al. (2021), and Wang et al. (2018).
Transformational leadership style has significant

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64630 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 279
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
positive effect on organizational performance in foam the relationship between transformational leadership
manufacturing firms in the Anambra State Nigeria. and health worker performance. This means that
Also, in Caillier (2020), the results demonstrate that transformational leadership influences health worker
democratic leadership practices enhanced the performance through its impact on organizational
performance reviews of the superintendent, while culture. Also, Azizah et al. (2021) found that
autocratic leadership practices decreased them. transformational leadership has a positive impact on
Respondents’ level of public service motivation innovative capability, and that employee optimism
(PSM) was also found to have a positive effect on the mediates this relationship. This means that
superintendent’s performance ratings. Furthermore, transformational leadership influences innovative
democratic leadership style moderated the capability through its impact on employee optimism.
relationship between PSM and the performance Equally, Balasuriya and Perera (2021) found that
ratings assigned by respondents. transformational leadership has a positive impact on
employee performance, and that employee
Similarly, Ali et al. (2021) found that
transformational leadership style has a negative engagement mediates this relationship. This means
impact on subordinates' turnover intention in private that transformational leadership influences employee
performance through its impact on employee
high schools of District Swat, Pakistan. Specifically,
they found that transformational leadership style has a
direct impact on subordinates' turnover intention, and Conclusion and Recommendation
an indirect impact on subordinates' turnover intention The findings of the study affirm a significant
through organizational commitment and job relationship between transformational leadership
satisfaction. Additionally, Al-Matroushi and Al- styles, namely visionary, inspirational, intellectual
Kiyumi (2022) found that transformative leadership stimulation, supportive, and servant leadership, and
practices of educational supervisors have a positive teaching efficiency within selected Federal
impact on the sustainable professional development Universities in South-West, Nigeria. This underscores
of mathematics teachers. Specifically, they found that the pivotal role of leadership in shaping educational
transformative leadership practices have a direct outcomes. Leaders who exhibit these transformative
impact on sustainable professional development, and qualities are likely to foster an environment
an indirect impact on sustainable professional conducive to effective teaching practices. This
development through teacher motivation and conclusion emphasizes the importance of cultivating
engagement. Moreso, Ahmad et al. (2022) explored and nurturing transformational leadership behaviors
the impact of project managers' transformational within academic institutions to enhance teaching
leadership on project success, revealing that self- effectiveness and ultimately contribute to the overall
leadership mediated this relationship, and quality of education.
empowerment moderated it. While this study did not
Given the demonstrated influence of transformational
directly examine OCBs, it highlights the multifaceted
leadership on teaching efficiency, it is recommended
effects of transformational leadership on various
that educational policymakers and university
aspects of organizational performance. Furthermore,
administrators prioritize leadership development
Alsayyed et al. (2020) found that transformational programs focused on cultivating these qualities
leadership has a positive impact on organizational among academic leaders. Such initiatives should
performance at the University of Jordan. Specifically, include training sessions, workshops, and mentorship
they found that transformational leadership has a programs tailored to enhance visionary thinking,
direct impact on organizational performance, and an inspiration, intellectual stimulation, supportiveness,
indirect impact on organizational performance and servant leadership behaviors among university
through organizational innovation and employee administrators and faculty members. Additionally,
engagement. Also, Asad et al. (2022) found that fostering a culture that values and encourages these
transformational leadership has a positive impact on leadership traits within academic institutions can
educational institutes culture in Pakistan. Specifically, further amplify their impact on teaching efficiency
they found that transformational leadership has a and overall educational quality. By investing in the
direct impact on educational institutes culture, and an development and promotion of transformational
indirect impact on educational institutes culture leadership, Federal Universities in South-West,
through teacher commitment and job satisfaction. Nigeria, can effectively address the challenges facing
Likewise, Asrawijaya and Hidayah (2022) found that the education sector and pave the way for sustainable
transformational leadership and organizational culture academic excellence.
have a positive impact on health worker performance.
They also found that organizational culture mediates

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64630 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 280
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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Boadiwaa Bosamtwi, E. (2022). The impact of
of both academic leaders and faculty members
transformational leadership on motivation and
regarding the implementation and impact of
performance in selected public sector
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organizations. Advances in Social Sciences
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