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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 2, March-April 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Developing and Analyzing Polyherbal

Lather Shaving Cream Formulations
Komal Jadhav, Vishal Girbane, Dhanashri Dupade
Department of Pharmacy, TMV’s Lokmanya Tilak Institute of
Pharmaceutical Science’s Pune, Mukund Nagar, Maharashtra, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Komal Jadhav |

Shaving cream is a semi-solid emulsion that is applied to the skin. Vishal Girbane | Dhanashri Dupade
Shaving cream is not a cosmetic hair product, but provides a foaming "Developing and Analyzing Polyherbal
agent to gently remove unwanted hair. Commercially available Lather Shaving Cream Formulations"
shaving creams are full of synthetic chemicals, which are very Published in
International Journal
harmful to the skin if used regularly or daily. As we know, the skin of Trend in
on the face is very delicate and can be scratched when shaving. This Scientific Research
led us to prepare shaving cream with natural herbs. Commercial and Development
preparations contain sodium hydroxide, potassium permanganate, (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
glycerin and sodium lauryl sulfate, but all synthetic substances have 6470, Volume-8 | IJTSRD64646
been replaced by natural plant products such as anti-inflammatory Issue-2, April 2024,
aloe vera gel, natural surfactants and concentrated soap extract and pp.368-376, URL:
coconut oil. Primer, Antifungal and Antiseptic Neem Oil,
Antibacterial Olive Oil, Aromatic Lemon Oil. We prepared four
structures, one synthetic, the second recycled, the third natural and Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
the fourth natural. The pH is the same as your skin's. Easy to apply Scientific Research and Development
and remove. It spreads easily on the skin. All four shaving cream Journal. This is an
formulations showed the same results. Open Access article
distributed under the
KEYWORDS: Facial Skin, Synthetic Chemicals, Natural Cream,
terms of the Creative Commons
Semi-Soild, Emulsion Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Shaving cream isn't just a mundane grooming soap into lather, offering a more convenient and
product-it occupies a significant space within the efficient alternative. Fast forward to 1949, and the
cosmetic realm. Defined as substances intended for Rise shaving cream stepped onto the scene,
application on the body for purposes like cleaning, introducing the first pressurized can. Within the next
protection, beautification, and altering appearance, decade, this format asserted its dominance, capturing
shaving cream is a carefully concocted blend of oil, two-thirds of the American market. Not only have
soap or surfactant, and water [22,23,24]. It’s primary packaging materials evolved, so have fuels, and we
mission to make the process of removing hair with a said goodbye to ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons
razor smooth and hassle-free, whether on the face or (CFCs) in the late 1990s. A mixture of butane,
any other part of the body Venture into the historical propane, butane and isobutane, which falls
archives, and you'll find that the journey of shaving somewhere in between. The 1970s ushered in the era
cream is more than just a mundane tale. Dating back of razors that offer different textures and experiences.
to approximately 3000BC, the earliest known form Then, in 1993, Procter and Gamble Company
involved a mixture of wood alkali and animal fat patented a post-foam gel composition combining the
applied as a shaving aid. [26,27,28,29]. The pre-20th- properties of foam and skin. While these advances in
century era saw the dominance of hard shaving soap innovation have greatly improved the shaving
in bars or sticks, a tradition that would soon face experience, many synthetic shaving creams are full of
disruption. In 1919, the status quo was challenged by harmful chemicals. Regular use can cause a variety of
Frank Shields, a former MIT professor, who skin problems, including pain, redness, and itching.
introduced the world to the first-ever shaving cream- So when you buy your real shaving cream, take a
Babalola [30,31,32,33]. This innovative product marked a moment to think about its previous development and
departure from the traditional use of brushes to work composition that can improve your care [33,34,35,36,37,38].

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64646 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 368
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Shaving cream full of aloe benefits aloe vera (Aloe does not refer to the fruit itself, but includes the entire
barbadenis). miller), neem oil (Azadirachta indica), palm kernel. The positive form of this word comes
coconut oil (Cocos nuifera), olive oil (Olea europaea) from the old Portuguese word "coco", which means
and soap. Dried fruits (Sapindusmukorossi), lemon oil head or skull. This designation comes from the three
(Citrus limon), stearic acid (octadecanoic acid). The distinct grooves in the coconut shell that resemble the
above components have been found to have many shape of the eye. Spread along the coast, coconut
biological functions. trees have become a cultural symbol of the continent,
Aloe vera (Aloe barbadenis miller) synonymous with sun-drenched beaches and palm
fronds. In addition to the beauty of nature, the
Native to the Arabian Peninsula, but now found in coconut is a type of wealth, and coconut oil is one of
tropical and dry climates around the world, aloe vera the most popular. Coconut oil has a unique
is more than just an ornamental plant. Known for composition that is rich in medium-chain fatty acids,
centuries as a traditional remedy for skin conditions including capric acid, capric acid, and lauric acid.
such as burns and wounds, aloe vera is nature's first such as medium chain fatty acids. The beauty of these
aid [1,2,3]. However, its benefits extend beyond skin fatty acids is that they have a moisturizing effect
care and health benefits. the health It's amazing. It is when applied to the skin. Therefore, coconuts are not
rich in 75 compounds, including vitamins (A, C, E, only a great addition to your tropical landscape, but
B12), enzymes (amylase, catalase and peroxides), also an excellent skin care remedy [42,43,44].
minerals (zinc, copper, calcium) and sugar
(monosaccharides such as mannaose-6-phosphate) Top of Form
and polysaccharides such as glucomannan, Olive oil (Olea europaea)
anthraquinones (aloin and emodin) and fatty acids Olive trees, belonging to the olive family (Oleaceae),
(salicylic acid, lignin and saponin) In addition to the
are a type of shrub or small tree that thrives in the
end use, aloe vera is antioxidant, anticancer, Mediterranean Sea. In the compact form of the small
antidiabetic and anti-hyperlipidemic [39,40,41].
tree it is called Olea europaea 'Montra', dwarf olive or
Neem oil (Azadirachta indica): small olive. This species extends its roots beyond the
Mediterranean and grows in countries around the
Neem, also known as Margosa, is a plant belonging to
the Meliaceae family. A well-known member of the world, from Australia and New Zealand to North and
plant world, the genus Azadirachta is one of two South America and South Africa. Basically, this
species. Neem is native to the Indian subcontinent species is the type species of the genus. The most
important thing about the olive tree is its fruit, which
and parts of Southeast Asia, and its roots have spread
is why it is called an olive tree. As the main source of
throughout the world, inhabiting tropical and
olive oil, it is one of the main agricultural
subtropical regions. The real magic of neem lies in
powerhouses of the Mediterranean region. In addition
the fruits and seeds that serve as the source of neem
to their culinary uses, olives and olive oil display
oil, called margosa oil[4,5,6]. Neem oil, which is
extracted by pressing in these areas, is a vegetable oil surprising properties [9,10,11]. These include sources of
that increases health benefits. . . Composition of the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant
effects. If we take a closer look at olive products,
material. Among its important nutrients are fatty acids
(EFAs), limonoids, vitamin E, antioxidants, olive oil is unique because of its polyphenolic
triglycerides, calcium and others - an ideal team for compounds. These compounds not only contribute to
skin care. When it comes to skin care, neem oil is in the flavor of the oil, but also influence various
biological activities. From cooking to skin care,
the spotlight for good reason. Its anti-inflammatory
properties make it perfect for protecting against skin olives and olive oil have proven to be good friends.
irritation, and its ability to reduce acne and pimples is Soapnut (SapindusMukorossi)
effective in solving common skin problems. In The Soapnut belongs to the Sapindaceae family and is
addition, the presence of antioxidants and vitamin E a beautiful genus of 5 to 12 species of small trees and
gives neem oil anti-aging properties, adding another shrubs. This unique group of plants takes root in
layer to its skin-protecting powers. Nature is amazing, warm and tropical regions around the world.[9] Within
it contains trees like neem, providing a complete gift the soapnut genus there are both herbaceous and
and benefit to our skin [48,49,50]. perennial species, which reflects the diversity of this
Coconut oil (Cocos nuifera): plant group. Members of this genus, known as soap
Proud member of the Arecaceae palm family, the nuts or soap nuts, get their name from the amazing
ability of the fruit's pulp to produce soap. The very
coconut tree holds the unique title of being the only
living species in the genus Cocos. The term "coconut" name of the genus is a linguistic reference, derived

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64646 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 369
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
from the Latin words "sapo" meaning soap and Objective
"Indicus" meaning Indian, and reflecting its Objective of the research was to prepare and evaluate
connection to the land of India. The fame of Soapnuts a chemical free shaving cream. This will become
lies in the pulp of the fruit, which contains saponins better alternative for chemical based formulation. To
(natural compounds with surfactant properties). These reduce the side effects associated with the synthetic
chemicals, or chemicals, were used by ancient Asians formulations.
and Americans for cleaning purposes. This is an Material and Methods
indication of the wise use of nature in traditional
Material The material used in the preparation of the
ways [10]. shaving cream were purchased from the Patanjali
Lemon oil (Citrus limon) Ayurveda Store, Poona Ayurvedic and herbals, Pune.
All the evaluation parameters of material were
The lemon is a small green species of flowering plant
in the Rutaceae family. It is found mainly in Asia and conducted at TMV’s Lokmanya Tilak Institute of
Pharmaceutical Science’s Pune.
is found in northeastern India and China. Lemon oil is
extracted from lemon cells and contains essential oils.
It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial Formula I: Synthetic
properties. Contains tannins, polyphenols, citric acid, Formula II: Semi synthetic
[13] Formula III: Natural
etc .
Formula IV: Natural
Table no. 1: Composition of four different formulations of shaving cream
Quantity Taken (gm)
Sr. No. Name of ingredients
1 Stearic acid 7.65 7.65 7.65 4.6
2 Cetyl alcohol 3.2 2 - -
3 Potassium hydroxide 3.3 2.34 - -
4 Sodium hydroxide 0.12 0.12 - -
5 Glycerin 3.5ml 2.5 ml 0.5ml -
6 Methyl parabean 0.1 0.1 - -
7 Neem oil - - 0.6ml 0.96ml
8 Aloe vera - 4.5 8 14
9 Coconut oil 4.84ml - 4ml 3ml
10 Olive oil - 2.8ml 3.84ml 3.84ml
11 Soapnut extract - - 5ml 7ml
12 Rose water - - 1.7ml
13 Lemon oil - - - 0.15ml
14 Purified water 7.74ml 7.74ml - -
15 Perfume 0.15ml 0.15ml 0.15ml -
Method for preparation of Synthetic formulations (Formula I & II)
First weigh all the ingredients. Take steric acid, cetyl alcohol and coconut oil in porcelain dish and heat on water
bath. Maintain the temperature till 70°C Dissolve potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide and methyl paraben in
water. Take water phase in morter slowly add the heated mixture into the morter and triturate well in one
direction so as to get creamy emulsion .Lastly add glycerin and perfume.
Method for preparation of Natural formulation (Formula III& IV)
Accurately weigh all the ingredients. Take neem oil, olive oil and coconut oil in porcelain dish the mix it well to
get a uniform mixture. Heat the mixture on water bath. Slowly add steric acid in small proportions to the mixture
in porcelain dish. Maintain the temperature at 70°C. Once dissolve cool at room temperature. Take glycerin,
soapnut extract and aloe vera gel in morter. Slowly triturate the mixture in one direction to get a uniform
mixture. Slowly add the mixture from porcelain dish into the morter and triturate in one direction.
Lastly add glycerin and perfume.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470

Figure no. 1: 1: Synthetic cream, 2: Semisynthetic, 3: Natural, 4: Natural

Determination of pH: The pH of the shaving cream was determined by using digital pH meter. The readings are
as mentioned in table no. 2, The pH of shaving cream is important because it can affect its compatibility with the
skin. Ideally, skincare products, including shaving cream, should be close to the skin's natural pH, which is
around 4.7 to 5.75. However, individual preferences and skin sensitivities can vary, so it's essential to consider
personal comfort and reactions when choosing skincare products.
Table no 2: pH of Shaving cream
Sr no. Formula pH
1 I 9.57
2 II 9.46
3 III 6.22
4 IV 4.72
Table no. 3: Determination of pH




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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Determination of Antimicrobial Activity
Antimicrobial property was carried out by the pour plate method. Where we used s.aureus bacteria and found no
bacterial growth. The antimicrobial activity was assessed using the pour plate method. In this procedure, a
culture of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria was introduced into a solid agar medium. Subsequently, the substance
or material under investigation, which is believed to possess antimicrobial properties, was added to the agar.
Table no. 4: Detection of microbial growth
Sr no. Formula Microorganisms Microbial Growth
1 I Staphylococcus aureus Absent
2 II Staphylococcus aureus Absent
3 III Staphylococcus aureus Absent
4 IV Staphylococcus aureus Absent
Washability test: Small amount of shaving cream was applied on hands and hold under running water, the
shaving cream was easily removed from hands. the washability test conducted involved applying a small amount
of shaving cream to hands and then holding them under running water. The observation that the shaving cream
was easily removed from the hands suggests good washability.
Irritability test: An area was marked on the dorsal side of the left hand, a small amount of creamwas applied on
it and the hand was observed for irritation, redness and edema. The test was repeated at the interval of 24hours
Parameters Evaluated:
Irritation: Any discomfort, itching, or unpleasant sensation.
Redness: The appearance of red patches or discoloration on the skin.
Edema: Swelling or puffiness in the applied area.
Homogeneity study: Homogeneity is to be determined by visual inspection of the shaving cream it is done to
check any clog or uniformity of the cream. A homogeneity study is designed to assess the consistency and
uniformity of a product, in this case, shaving cream. The study involves a visual inspection to check for any
signs of clogging or irregularities in the cream.
Parameters Evaluated:
Clogging: Check for any noticeable clogs or clumps within the shaving cream. Clogging could affect the
product's application and user experience.
Uniformity: Evaluate the overall consistency and evenness of the cream. A homogeneous product should have a
uniform texture without any separation or uneven distribution of ingredients.
Phase separation: The prepared shaving cream was kept in the air tight container at a room temperature for a
week. Any changes in the shaving cream was observed. The phase separation test you described involves placing
the prepared shaving cream in an airtight container at room temperature for a week and observing any changes
that occur during this period. This test is designed to assess the stability of the shaving cream formulation over
Foam height: The foam height test you described involves taking an equal amount of shaving cream in four
different test tubes of the same height and diameter. Each tube is then agitated with 10 ml of water for 15
seconds, and the height of the resulting foam is recorded. This test is likely conducted to assess the foaming
properties and stability of the shaving cream.

Figure no 3. Foaming of four different formulations.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64646 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 372
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Physical properties: The physical properties of the shaving cream such as odour, colour, consistency, state,
appearance etc. are to be observed. These observations provide a comprehensive overview of the physical
properties of the different shaving cream formulations. The variations in colour, fragrance, consistency, and
other properties may influence consumer preferences and user experience.
Table No. 5: Physical Properties of Formulation I to IV
Sr Property Formula I Formula II Formula III Formula IV
1 Colour White Creamish White light Brown Light brown
2 Fragrance Rose like Rose like Rose like Lemon like
3 Appearance Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth
4 Consistency Moderate Moderate Adequate Proper thick
5 Texture Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth
6 Greasy Greasy Greasy Greasy Greasy
7 Foam height 3.5cm 2.7cm 1.7cm 4.2cm
8 Elegance Not Elegant Not Elegant Not Elegant Not Elegant
9 Washability Washable Easily washable Easily washable Easily washable
10 Homogenicity Homogeneous Homogeneous Homogeneous Homogeneous

Discussion: Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. This finding

In conclusion, the pharmaceutical evaluation of underscores the formulations' potential in promoting
shaving cream formulations encompassed a range of hygiene and safeguarding against bacterial threats,
parameters, including pH, antimicrobial activity, thereby enhancing their suitability for personal care.
washability, irritability, homogeneity, and physical
The functional properties of the shaving creams were
properties. Formulation IV emerged as a promising
thoroughly explored through various tests. The
candidate due to its skin-friendly pH, antimicrobial
washability test showcased the ease with which the
efficacy, excellent washability, non-irritating nature,
shaving cream was removed under running water, a
homogeneous consistency, and superior foaming
characteristic indicative of user convenience and
properties. These findings contribute to a
efficient cleansing. The irritability test, examining
comprehensive understanding of the formulations,
discomfort, redness, and swelling, provided crucial
aiding in the selection of an optimal shaving cream
insights into the formulations' gentleness on the skin,
for consumers. Further research and consumer trials
with no reported adverse effects. Homogeneity
can enhance the applicability of these formulations in
studies offered a glimpse into the consistency and
real-world scenarios. In the pursuit of formulating an
uniformity of the formulations, ensuring a smooth and
ideal shaving cream, our study undertook a
seamless application. Foaming properties, a
comprehensive evaluation, scrutinizing various
quintessential aspect of shaving creams, were
parameters ranging from the crucial pH levels and
rigorously assessed through the foam height test.
antimicrobial activity to the sensory attributes and
Formulation IV, with a notable foam height of 4.2
functional characteristics of the formulations. This
cm, demonstrated superior foaming capabilities. This
meticulous assessment aimed not only to discern the
characteristic is pivotal for ensuring a satisfying and
efficacy of the shaving creams but also to provide
effective shaving experience, contributing to the
insights into their potential as skincare products.
overall user satisfaction and product performance.
One of the pivotal aspects investigated was the pH of
Observations of the physical properties,
the shaving creams. The skin's pH, typically ranging
encompassing color, fragrance, appearance,
between 4.7 to 5.75, is paramount for ensuring
consistency, texture, greasiness, and elegance, further
compatibility with skincare products. In this regard,
enriched our understanding of the formulations.
Formulation IV stood out by exhibiting a pH of 4.72,
Formulation IV, with its light brown color, lemon-
closely mirroring the skin's natural acidity. This
like fragrance, smooth appearance, proper thickness,
revelation positions Formulation IV as a potential
and homogeneous texture, emerged as a formulation
front-runner for being inherently skin-friendly,
harmonizing sensory appeal with functional
considering the paramount importance of pH in
excellence. In a holistic consideration, Formulation
preventing skin irritations and maintaining a healthy
IV emerges as a well-rounded candidate, combining
skin barrier. The assessment of antimicrobial activity
skin-friendly pH, robust antimicrobial properties,
through the pour plate method revealed a noteworthy
efficient washability, non-irritating nature,
absence of microbial growth across all formulations,
homogeneous consistency, and excellent foaming
denoting their efficacy in resisting the proliferation of
capabilities. The alignment of these characteristics

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64646 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 373
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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