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Tally Exercise

Tally Exercise


Introduction 4
Shortcut 6
Company Info Features 7
Accounts Info 7
Inventory Info 10
Vouchers 13
Display 22
Multi-Accounts Info 24
Bank Reconciliation Statement 24
Bill Wise Details 26
Cost Center & Cost Categories 26
Currency 29
Interest Calculations 30
Cost Center Classes 26
Voucher Type 32
Voucher Class 32
Budget & Controls 33
Scenario Management 34
Order Processing 35
Re-order Levels 37
Batch Wise Details` 37
Bill of Materials 40
Additional Cost Details 40
Price Levels& Price List 38
Advanced Invoicing 40
Consolidation Of Accounts 40
Security Control 40
Spilt Company Data 41
Import & Export 41
Backup & Restore 41
Goods And Service Tax 41
Tax Deducted At Source 43
Service Tax 45

Tally Exercise
Accounts - Business language
Income and Expenses – Gain
Expenses and Income – Loss

History of Tally:
It is invented by
Lucas Pocioli [Italian] by 1414.
Tally Introduced by Tally Solutions Private Limited (invert Bangalore)

Transfer of money, goods or services.

Transactions are two types:

(1) Cash Transactions (2) Credit Transactions

Accounting Record or Book Keeping

(1) Single Entry System
(2) Double Entry System

Single Entry System:

Only Cash Transactions Allowed.

Double Entry System:

Both Cash and Credit Transactions Allowed

Types of Account:

Personal Account

Impersonal Account

Name of Person Real Account

Name of Book Nominal Account
Name of Company

Real Account:
Things That Can Be See and Touch.
Example: Furniture, Computer.

Nominal Account:
Things That Can’t Be Seen and Touch.
Example: Rent, Ebcharge, Telephone charge.

Tally Exercise

Golden Rules of Transactions:

Personal Account:
(1) Debit The Receiver.
(2) Credit The Giver.
Cash Deposited in Canara Bank Rs.10000.
Cash Deposited in CanaraBank-Debit the Receiver.
Rs.10000- Credit the Giver.

Real Account:
(1) Debit What Comes In
(2) Credit What Goes Out.
Example: Purchase Wall clock (Dr) for Rs.1000 (Cr).

Nominal Account:
(1) Debit All Expenses and Loss
(2) Credit All Income and Gain
Example: Paid Ebcharge (Dr) for Rs.5000 (Cr).

(1) Sales Return
(2) Purchase Return
(3) Capital
(4) Purchase
(5) Sales
(6) Invoice Bill – Bill No
(7) Sundry Creditor (Supplier)
(8) Sundry Debtor (Customer)

Tally Screen Divided into Five Components:

(1) Title bar
(2) Gateway of Tally
(3) Calculator
(4) Button Toolbar
(5) Minimize Button

TDL – Tally Development Language.

Shortcut Keys:
Gateway of Tally to Company Info  Alt +f3
Tally Exercise
Company Info to Gateway of Tally  Esc
Gateway of Tally to Calculator  Ctrl + n
Calculator to Gateway of Tally  Ctrl + m
Shut Company  Alt + f1
Select Company  f1
Close Tally  Esc
Accept  Ctrl + a

Contra (f4)
Example: Bank, Deposit, Withdrew, Petty cash.

Payment (f5)
Example: Expenses, Fixed Assets, Purchase, Payment to Creditors.

Receipt (f6)
Example: Incomes, Received From Debtors, Fixed assets, Sales, Received Capital.

Journal (f7)
Example: Sales Return, Purchase Return, Depreciation.
Sales (f8)
Example: Sales of goods.

Purchase (f9)
Example: Purchase of goods.

Tally Exercise
Tally Exercise
Ex-1 Company & Features
A. Create a company with the following information:
Mailing name : ABC Department Store (P) Ltd
Address : 9, M.G. Road
Statutory compliance for : India
Pincode : 600 021
Telephone : 24314320
E-mail : [email protected]
Currency symbol : Rs.
Maintain : Accounts with Inventory
Financial year : 1.4.2006
Books beginning from : 1.4.2006
Enter the following details in F3 statutory features:
Income Tax number : AAA CI 0450 M
Local sales Tax : TNGST 020817
Interstate sales Tax Number : CST/621/15/3/99
B.F11: Company Features
Maintain stock category, maintain multiple godown, Use Tracking numbers & Use Rejection Inward\Outward Notes.
Ex-2 Accounts Info

A. Create the following Group

Name Under Nature

God Primary Assets
Central Sales Tax Duties & Taxes -
Local Sales Tax Duties & Taxes -
Foreign Suppliers Sundry Creditors -

Tally Exercise
Taxable Sales Sales Accounts -
Non-taxable Sales Sales Accounts -
LST Sales Taxable Sales -
CST Sales Taxable Sales -
B.Create the following ledger by using single ledger option:
Name Under Debit Credit
Opening Stock Stock in hand 162444.00 -
10% LST Sales LST Sales - -
8% LST Sales LST Sales - -
Almighty God - 11.00
Amway Corp. Foreign Suppliers - 16835.00
Beauty Care Centre Sundry Debtors - -
Bond Box Dry Cleaners Sundry Debtors - -
Brittania Industries Ltd Sundry Creditors - 56230.00
Buildings Fixed Assets 265400.00 -
Care Nursing Home Sundry Debtors 6680.00 -
Cash Cash in hand 3680.00 -
CCTV Camera Fixed Assets 6890.00 -
Computer Fixed Assets 46520.00 -
CST Collected Central Sales Tax - -
Daily Wages Direct Expenses - -
Delivery Charges Direct Expenses - -
Delivery Van Fixed Assets 160250.00 -
Equity Share Capital Capital Account - 350000.00
Exempted Sales Non-taxable Sales - -
Forex Gain / Loss Indirect Incomes - -
Freight Inwards Direct Expenses - -
Furniture Fixed Assets 18620.00 -
Hindustan Lever Ltd Sundry Creditors - 14896.00
Hotel Aryabavan Sundry Debtors 36802.00 -
ICICI-OD A/c No 117 Bank Accounts - 16456.00
Import Purchase Purchase Accounts - -

Tally Exercise
Interest Received Indirect Incomes - -
Kalueeswari Refineries Ltd Sundry Creditors - 14000.00
Loan From Director Unsecured Loans - 125000.00
Local purchase Purchase Accounts - -
LST Collected Local Sales Tax - -
Mini door Auto Fixed Assets 43200.00 -
Packing Charges Direct Expenses - -
Pepsi India Sundry Creditors - 46820.00
Profit & Loss A/c Primary - 192934.00
SBI-A/c No 01100001537 Bank Accounts 4896.00 -
Shares in brittania ltd Investments 50000.00 -
Srilankan Tea Corporation Foreign Suppliers - -
SSP Marriage Hall Sundry Debtors - -
Staff Advance Loans & Advances (Assets) 2300.00 -
Surcharge Collected Local Sales Tax - -
Tally Software Fixed Assets 22500.00 -
Tour Advance Loans & Advance (Assets) 3000.00 -
833182.00 833182.00

B. Create the following ledgers by using multiple ledger option

Name Under

Advertising Expenses Indirect Expenses

Bank Charges & Commissions Indirect Expenses
Business Promotion Expenses Indirect Expenses
Foreign Traveling Expenses Indirect Expenses
Incentives Indirect Expenses
Printing charges & stationeries Indirect Expenses
Repairs & Maintenance Indirect Expenses
Rounding off Indirect Expenses
Salaries & Bonus Indirect Expenses
Traveling & Conveyance Indirect Expenses

Tally Exercise

Ex-3 Inventory info

A. Create the following stock groups:

Name Under
Amway Primary
Annapoorna Primary
Ariel Primary
Britannia Primary
Cinthol Primary
Gold winner Primary
Hamam Primary
Johnson & Johnson Primary
Lanka Primary
Pepsi Primary
Ponds Primary
Surf Primary
Pillsbury Britannia

B. Create the following stock categories

Name Under
Baby products Primary
Bath soaps Primary
Biscuits Primary
Coffee & Tea Primary
Edible oils Primary
Flours Primary
Health care products Primary
Soft drinks Primary
Washing powder & soaps Primary
Cream Biscuits Biscuits

Tally Exercise
C. Create the following Godown

Name Under
First Floor Primary
Ground Floor Primary
Stock Room Primary

D. Create the following Units of Measurement

Type Symbol Formal Name Decimal places

Simple Bot Bottle 0
Simple Bx Box 0
Simple Dz Dozen 2
Simple Gms Grams 0
Simple Kgs Kilograms 3
Simple Ltrs Liters 3
Simple Nos Numbers 0
Simple Pks Packs 0
Compound Bx.of.10 nos

E. Create the following items:

Opening Balance
S.N Item Group Categories UOM Godowns Qty Rate Val
1 Amway Gh Lotion Amway Health care Bot - - - -
2 Annapoorna Atta Annapoorn products Kgs.Alt First floor 100 15.00 1,500.00
a Flours Units = kgs
3 Annapoorana Salt N.A Kgs - - - -
4 Ariel Super Annapoorn Washing Pks.Alt. First 500pk 160.0 80,000.0
Soaker a Powders & Soaps Units=dz Floor s 0 0
5 Ariel Cream Biscuits Nos
Brittania Bourbon 1dz=1Pk - - - -
6 Brittania Biscuits .
Brittania Milk Nos.Alt. Ground 120n 5.45 654.00
Bikkies Brittania Units=z Floor

Tally Exercise

7 Cinthol Lime Soap Cinthol Bath Soap Nos.Alt. First Floor 180nos 8.00 1,440.00
8 Gold Winner Goldwinner Edible Oil Ltrs. - - - -
Sunflower Oil
9 Hamam Soaps Hamam Bath Soap Nos - - - -
10 J&J Baby Oil Johnson & Baby Products Bot Stock 10Bot 60.00 600.00
Johnson Room
11 J&J BabyShampoo Johnson & Baby Products Bot Stock 15Bot 30.00 450.00
Johnson Room
12 J&J Baby Soap Johnson & Baby Products Nos.Alt Stock 15nos 20.00 300.00
Johnson units=dz Room
13 Lankan Green Tea Lanka Coffee & Tea Pks.Alt. First Floor 200pks 250.00 50,000.00
14 Mirinda Pepsi Soft Drinks Bot - - - -
15 Pepsi Pepsi Soft Drinks Bot Stock 5000bo 5.50 27,500.00
Room t
16 Phillsbury Atta Phillbury Flours Kgs - - -
17 Ponds Snow Ponds Health Care Bot - - - -
Product -
18 Ponds Soap Ponds Health Care Nos - - -
Product -
19 Raman Groundnut Primary N.A Pks - - -
Sweets -
20 Surf Excel Surf Washing Pks - - -
Powder & soap -
21 J&J Baby Kit Johnson & Baby Product Box - - -
Johnson -
22 Ponds Talcum Ponds Health Care Nos - - -
Powder Products -

Tally Exercise
Ex – 4

Voucher Entry
Condition : All sales and purchase vouchers (expect marked with*) must be prepared in voucher in voucher mode.
Pass necessary entries for the following transactions:
S.N Date Accounting Details Inventory Details Narration Amount
1) 3.4.2006 Received Cash from Nil Received towards opening 35000.00
Hotel Aryabavan balance

2) 3.4.2006 Exempted sales to Hotel Lankan Green Tea 30000.00

Aryabavan on Credit 100 [email protected]/-each
3) 5.4.2006 Cash deposit in SBI Nil 25000
4) 7.4.2006 Goods delivered at care Britannia milk bikies 672.00
Nursing home vide 96 nos @7- each from
D.CNo.1186 Ground Floor
Freight inwards 25.00

5) 8.4.2006 Cheque Received from Nil Chq.No.789630, 7000.00

Care nursing home Canara Bank –
And deposited in SBI Rs.6,680/- towards
Bill no.1896 dt .16.3.04
& Rs.320/- as advance
6) 9.4.2006 Received goods from 1.Britannia milk bikies 752.00
Britannia industries Vide 132 @5.70 each stored
B.N. 006589/BD In ground floor
Additional 2.Britannia
Information: bourbon48@11/- 528.00
Freight inwards Stored in ground floor 60.00
Rounding off 1340.00

7) 10.4.200 SBI- D.D Sent to SSP Nil Chq.No.187896 for 5000.00

6 Marriage hall D.D towards stall 60.00

Tally Exercise
D.D Charges Nil Booking Advance in 5030.00
Home Life Exhibition

8) 10.4.200 Invoice mode Britannia Milk Bikies 96 672.00

6 8% LST Sales Nos @ 7- => DC
Made to Care Nursing No.1186
Home vide B.No. 11204-
Addl. Info: 53.76
LST Collected 02.69
@8%Surcharge @5% .05
Rounding off 728.50

9) 10.4.200 Invoice Mode Local Raman’s groundnut Purchase of 30 pks from 150.00
6 Purchases by cash Sweets – 30 pks @ 5/- Raman’s cottage industries
Each Vide Bill No.RM569
10) 11.4.200 8%Lst sales to SSP Annapoorna Atta 8 Kgs Nil 160.00
6 Marriage Hall vide @ 20/- each
LST Collected@8% 12.80
Surcharge @5% 0.65


11) 12.4.200 Local purchases from Britannia milk bikies Nil

6 Britannia Industries Ltd. [email protected] 752.40
Vide B.No B.M/05489/04- Britannia Burbon 396.00
05 36@11/-
Addl.Info: 60.00
Freight inwards 1208.40

12) 13.4.200 Printing charges paid Nil Bar Code Stickers

6 By cash Printing
Charges paid to ravi 1500.00
Systems vide B.No.
156 dt.10.4.2006

Tally Exercise

13) 13.4.200 Exempted sales for cash Ramam’s groundnut 20 pks of groundnut 120.00
6 Sweets 20 pks @Rs.6/- Sweets sold for cash
Each from ground floor
14) 13.4.200 10% Lst sales to Pepsi 2000 bot.@7/- Nil 14000.00
6 SSP Marriage Hall vide From stock room
LST @10%
Surcharge @5%
Delivery charges 160.00


15) 13.4.200 OD A/C Cheque issued Nil Chq.No.058896 to

6 To Britannia Industries Britannia
Industries – R.s 16000/-
Towards B.No.BM 18956 –
03-04- & Rs.9000/-
Towards B.No. BM 19040

16) 17.4.200 8% LST Sales for cash Britannia milk bikies Nil 350.00
6 Addl. Info 50 Nos @7- ground
Lst @8% Floor 28.00
Surcharge @5% 140


17) 18.4.200 Delivery charges Nil Diesel Expenses 1800.00

6 incurred For delivery van
In cash Transport – Pepsi &
Amway lotion
18) 21.4.200 Cash Received from Nil Rs.160/- towards

Tally Exercise
6 SSP Marriage Hall B.No. 111&Rs.2540/- 2500.00
Towards B.No. 115
19) 22.4.200 SBI Chq.given for Nil
6 Foreign travel ticket 12259.00
20) 22.4.200 SBI Chq to Advertisers Nil Chq No. 187898 to ad
6 Plus as Pepsi Advt 6000.00
Charges in ‘THE HINDU’

21) 22.4.200 Journal to pepsi India for Nil 50% of avt charges to 3000.00
6 50% of avt.cost Be bourned by pepsi india
22) 26.4.200 Repairs charges paid in Nil Repair charges paid to
6 cash Super auto services vide 2300.00
B.No. 15568 for Delivery
Van and Mini door Auto
23) 36.4.200 SBI chq. For freight Nil Chq.No.187899 to 1680.00
6 inwards Transport
Corpn. Of India towards
LR No.15569
24) 29.4.200 SBI cheque for visiting Nil Chq.No 187900 to
6 Cards printing Srinivasa printers for 530.00
Manager Ram’s Visiting
Cards printing
25) 30.4.200 Transfer from SBI OD Nil Chq.No.187902
6 A/C To loan A/c 10000.00
26) 30.4.200 Incentives given in cash Nil Incentives given to
6 managers Aiswarya –
Rs. 1200/- & Ram – Rs
800/- 2000.00
27) 30.4.200 Petrol expenses Nil Petrol Expenses
6 reimbursed reimbursed
To managers for April
- Rs. 420/-Ram – Rs.210/- 630.00
28) 30.4.200 Charges made by Nil Folio charges – Refer 130.00
6 Banker Bank statement

Tally Exercise
29) 3.5.2006 Cash drawn from OD A/c Nil Chq.No.058899 5000.00

30) 3.5.2006 Salaries paid by cash Nil Salary paid to aiswarya 4000.00
For April
31) 3.5.2006 Salaries paid by cash Nil Salary paid to ram For 3000.00
32) 3.5.2006 Cash Received from Nil Stall Booking Ram 5000.00
SSP Marriage Hall refunded due to
cancellation of home life
33) 3.5.2006 Import purchases from Amway GH lotion GH Lotion 500 bot 174375.0
Amway Crop 500 bot. @348.75 @US$ 7.5 each 0
Each – First floor
Freight inwards @10% @US$. 46.50/$
34) 3.5.2006 Goods delivered at Amway GH Lotion 100 Nil 45000.00
Beauty bot
Care Center vide DC @450/- First Floor
Addl. Info 3600.00
LST collected @8% 180.00
Surcharge @5%

35) 6.5.2006 Material rejected and Amway GH Lotion 5 Due to seal open 2250.00
return by beauty Bot. 450/- First Floor & leakage
Care Centre DC No. 788
36) 8.5.2006 8% LST Sales to Beauty Amway GH Lotion 95 Nil 42750
Care Center Vide Bot.@450 First Floor
Add. Info
Lst Collected @8% 3420
Surcharge @5% 171
37) 11.5.200 Rejected materials Amway GH Lotion 5 Each bot.@US$ 1841.25
Tally Exercise
6 returned Bot. @368.25First floor [email protected]/$
To Amway corp. Tracking – Not
38) 14.5.200 Exempted sales to Lankan Green Tea 80 Nil 24800.00
6 Hotel Arya Bhavan pks
39) 15.5.200 Delivery charges Nil Paid to southern Railways 1800.00
6 incurred in cash - Goods delivered vide

40) 15.5.200 SBI.Chq. for sales Tax Nil Chq.No.187901

6 Remittance LST To sales tax officer
collected As remittance of April 1494.55
Surcharge collected Collections 74.75

41) 15.5.200 Manufacturing Expenses Nil To made j & j

6 Paid by cash Baby kits from j & j 50.00
Daily wages Products 100.00
Packing charges
42) 15.5.200 Goods delivered at Amway GH Lotion Nil 67500.00
6 Beauty care center vide 150 Bot. 450/-
DC No.1145 First Floor
Delivery Charges
LST collected @8%
Surcharge @5%
43) 15.5.200 Made 5 j & j Baby Kits Source Rate includes daily 550.00
6 J & J Baby Oil – 5 Wages Rs. 50/- &
J & J Baby Shampoo – 5 Packing charges Rs.100/-
J & J Babay Soap – 5
All from stock Room

Tally Exercise
J & J Baby Kit – 5 3500.00
@Rs. 700/-
Ground Floor
44) 16.5.200 Chq received for 8% Amway GH Lotion Chq.No.158967 90000.00
6 LST Sales & deposited 200 bot. @450/- Canara Bank From
In OD A/C First Floor M.M Marketting
Lst Collected @8% 7200.00
Surcharge @5% 360.00

45) 18.5.200 10% LST Sales to Ariel Super Soaker Nil 26250.00
6 CST Sales to Beauty 150 pks @175/-First
Care Centre Vide Floor
LST Collected @ 10% 2625.00
Surcharge @5% 131.00


46) 19.5.200 Invoice Mode 4% Amway GH Lotion Nil 67500.00

6 CST Sales to Beauty 150 Bot.@450/-
Care Centre Vide First Floor
Add. Info
Delivery ChargesCST 1800.00
Collected @4% 2700.00

47) 20.5.200 Chq.received from Nil Chq.No.789884,IOB, 35000.00

6 Beauty Care Centre and T.Nagar Branch towards

Tally Exercise
Deposited in SBI B.No.12578
48) 22.5.200 Product promotion Nil Rs. 10/-per Bot 2450.000
6 Incentives adjusted Given to Beauty Care

49) 30.5.200 Chq.Received from Nil Chq.No456893, 45000.00

6 Hotel Arya Bhavan SB of Travancore
And sent for collection
Through SBI
50) 31.5.200 Incentives given to Nil Incentives given to 1500.00
6 managers Managers
Aiswarya – 900/-
Ram – 600/-
51) 4.6.2006 Cash drawn from SBI Nil Chq.No.187902 8000.00

52) 4.6.2006 Salaries paid by cash Nil Salaries paid to 4000.00

Aiswarya for may

53) 4.6.2006 Salaries paid by cash Nil Salaries paid to Ram 3000.00
For may

54) 5.6.2006 10% LST sales to Ariel Super Soaker Nil 54000.00

Bond Box Dry Cleaners 300 pks @ 180/-

Lst Collected @10% 5400.00
Surcharge @5% 270.00
Delivery Charges 150.00

55) 6.6.2006 Transfer of Stock Pepsi 500 bot. Nil 2750.00

Transferred from stock
Room to Ground Floor
@5.50 per bot

Tally Exercise
56) 15.6.200 SBI Chq. For sales Nil Chq.No.187903
6 Tax Remittanc To Sales Tax
CST Collected Officer as remittance 2700.00
Lst Collected Of May Collections 13245.00
Surcharge 662.00


57) 15.6.200 Import purchase from Lankan Green Tea 50 For US$.295/- 14012.50
6 Sri Lankan Tea Corpn pks @Rs.47.50/$
@ 280.25/ pks.First
58) 28.6.200 SBI Chq. To sri Lankan Nil Chq.No.187904 14189.50
6 Tea Corpn For US$.295/-@

59) 30.6.200 Incentives given to Nil Incentives given to 2000.00

6 Managers Managers
Aiswarya – 900
Ram 1100

60) 30.6.200 Chq. received from Nil Chq No.178962 75000.00

6 Beauty care centre and Vysaya Bank – Rs. 10397
Deposited in SBI For B.No.12578 &
Rs. 64609 for B.No.17899
61) 30.6.200 Interest debited by Nil Quarterly Interest 456.34
6 Bankers
62) 3.7.2006 Invoice Mode:8% Amway GH Lotion Nil 17896.50
LST Sales to Beauty 41 Bot. @450/-First
Care Floor
Centre – after 3%
discount 1431.70
Addl. Info 74.60

Tally Exercise
LST Collected @8% 0.20
Surcharge @5%
Rounding off
63) 3.7.2006 Free gift to Care J & J Baby Kit Free Gift Issued 0
Nursing Home 1 Box – Ground Floor

64) 6.7.2006 10% LST Sales to Pepsi 1900 Bot Nil 15200.00
Hotel Arya Bhavan @8/- Stock Room
Addl. Info
LST Collected @10% 1520.00
Surcharge @5% 76.00
Surcharge @5%

65) 13.7.200 10% LST Sales for cash Pepsi 350 Bot @8.50 Actually sent was 2975.00
6 Addl. Info Stock Room 500 Bot
LST Collected@10% 297.50
Surcharge @5% 14.90
Rounding off 0.40

66) 15.7.200 OD Chq. to Nil Chq.No.058916 68520.00

6 Amway Corpn US$.1500

67) 16.7.200 SBI Chq. For sales Nil Chq. No.187905

6 Tax Remittance Lst To sales tax officer 5400.00
Collected Surcharge As remittance of 270.00
June collection

Tally Exercise

Tally Exercise
68) 31.7.200 Physical stock As on 31.7.2006 Pepsi Shortage – 10 bot
6 Lankan Green Tea Due to Guest Entertainment
(F.F) 71 Pks
Raman GN Sweet Lankan Tea – Excess
(G.F) 10pks.pepsi Due to samples for
Stock Room 100 bot New taste
G.F. 490 bot
69) 13.8.200 Post dated SBI Chq Nil Chq. No.187920 25000.0
6 To Pepsi India Towards B.No.17896 0

Ex – 5: Display
A. Prepare Extract of April month’s Sales Register.
B. Prepare Columnar Report for the period from 1.4.2006 to 15.5.2006 with the following columns
Voucher Number, Ref.No, Narration, Quantity details, all items (Automatic columns)
Ex – 6: Display
A. Vouchers narrated with the word “Managers”.
B. Cash vouchers related with delivery charges A/c
C. Delivery charges spent for Delivery van
D. Salaries paid to ram
E. Salaries paid to either Ram and Aishwarya
F. Vouchers related with ledgers whose names start with alphabet ‘p’
G. Vouchers without narration
H. Vouchers whose values are greater than 20,000/-
Ex – 7 Display & Print
1. Prepare the following reports:
A. Prepare vertical profit & loss a/c for the period ending 31.5.2006
B. Prepare vertical profit & loss a/c in columnar format for the periods ending 31.5.2006 and 31.7.2006
C. Prepare profit and loss a/c for the period ending 31.7.2006 for all stock valuation methods
(Hint: Use Auto column)
D. Prepare detailed trail balance stating opening balance, Debit, Credit, and closing balance.
(Hint: Use f12-configuration)
E. Prepare April month’s cash book so as to display daily balances.

11. Print the above reports

Tally Exercise
Ex – 8: Multi – Accounting Printing

A. Print Ledger Book with the following settings

Period : 1.4.2006 to 31.7.2006

Style : Normal
Vouchers : All
Format : Detailed
Narration : Yes
Balancing : Yearly
Start Fresh Page : No
With preview : Yes

B. Print the above said ledgers, third and fourth pages

C. Print Profit & Loss A/c for the period ending 31.7.2006 titles as “provisional profit & loss a/c for the period
ending 31.7.2006
Ex-9 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Prepare Bank reconciliation by using the following Bank statement:

State Bank of India A/C.No.01100001537
Date Particulars Chq. No Debit Credit Balance
01.4.2006 Opening Balance - - 4,896 4,896
05.4.2006 Cash - - 25,000 29,896
10.4.2006 SSP Marriage Hall 187896 5,030 - 24,866
12.4.2006 Care Nursing Home 789630 - 7,000 31,866
24.6.2006 Ad Plus 187898 6,000 - 25,866
26.4.2006 Travel World 187897 12,259 - 13,607
27.4.2006 TCI 187899 1,680 - 11,927
30.4.2006 Folio Charges - 130 - 11,797

01.5.2006 Opening balance - - 11,797 11,797

02.5.2006 TRF-ICICI 187902 10,000 - 1,797
04.5.2006 Srinivasa printers 187900 530 - 1,267

Ex – 10 Billwise Details

A. Features F11 : Set Yes to Maintain Billwise details

Set No for Non – trading A/cs.

Tally Exercise
B. Masters : Alter the following Ledgers, Set Yes for maintain balances bill by
Bill and gives respective default credit periods

Ledger Opening Bill details Credit period

Date Bill No Amount

2.2.2006 AMMM48953 16,835

Amway Crop 3 months
Beauty Care Centre 15 days
Bond Box Dry cleaner 30 days
15.3.2006 BMI9040-03-04 40,230
Britannia Industries 28.2.2006 BMI8956-03-04 16,000
30 days
29.3.2006 1896 6,680
Care Nursing Home 7 days
SSP Marriage Hall 7 days

C. Entry
Alter the following ex – 4 entries so as to give the following Billwise details:

Entry Date Party Billwise details Amount

5 8.4.2006 Care Nursing Home 1896 6,680.00
Advance 320.00
7 10.4.2006 SSP Marriage Hall On Account 7,000.00
8 10.4.2006 Care Nursing Home Advance 112/04-05 5,000.00

10 11.4.2006 SSP Marriage Hall 111 15,638.00
14 13.4.2006 SSP Marriage Hall 115 160.00
18 21.4.2006 SSP Marriage Hall 111 2,340.00
31 3.5.2006 SSP Marriage Hall On Account 5,000.00

Tally Exercise
32 3.5.2006 Amway Crop AMM4658 1,91,812.50
35 8.5.2006 Beauty Care Center 12578 46,341.00
44 18.5.2006 Care Nursing Home 1396 29000.00
45 19.5.2006 Beauty Care Center 17899 72,000.00
46 20.5.2006 Beauty Care Center 12578 35,000.00
47 22.5.2006 Beauty Care Center 1257817899 950.00

. 2,450.00
53 5.6.2006 Bond box dry cleaner 1489 10,371.00
59 Beauty care center 12578 64,609.00

61 Beauty Care Centre 10058
3.7.2006 68,520.00
65 15.7.2006 Amway crop AMM4658

D. Display:

1. Prepare detailed all bills report for Beauty Care Center (Hint: D, A, L, Alt+B, Range of bills: all)
2. Prepare receivable statements as on 31.7.2006 (Hint:D,S,O,R)
3. Prepare Ageing Analysis Report as on 31.7.2006 for 30,6,90,more than 90 days

E. Print:

1. Prepare Confirmation of A/c as on 31.7.2006 for Beauty Care Center’s Ledger

2. Prepare reminder letter as on 31.7.2006 to Beauty care center

Ex – 11 Cost Center & Cost Categories

A. F11: Features: Set Yes to Maintain Cost Centre & Cost Categories

B. Masters:

1. Create the following primary Cost Categories and Set Yes to Revenue items, No to Non – Revenue

Tally Exercise
Name Under
Administration Primary
Departments Primary
Managers Primary
Vehicles Primary

2. Create the following primary Cost Centers

Cost Centre Cost Categories

General Administration
Cosmetics Department
Drinks Department
Kids Department
Oils Department
Provisions Department
Snacks Department
Toiletries Department
Aiswarya Managers
Ram Managers
Auto Vehicles
Van Vehicles

3. Set No to Cost Centers are applicable for the following Ledgers:

Bank Charges & Commissions

Dividend Received
Forex Gain/Loss
Interest Received
Interest Paid
Rounding off

C. Entry alter the following vouchers so as to give Cost Center details

Entry No Date Ledger Cost Category Cost Centre Amount
2 3.4.2006 Exempted Sales Department Drinks 30,000.00
8 10.4.2006 8% LST Sales Department Snacks 672.00
9 10.4.2006 Local Purchases Department Snacks 150.00

Tally Exercise
10 11.4.2006 8% LST Sales Department Provisions 160.00
11 12.4.2006 Local Purchases Department Snacks 752.40
Department Snacks 396.00
13 13.4.2006 Exempted sales Department Snacks 120.00
14 13.4.2006 10% Lst sales Department Drinks 14,000.00
Manager Aishwarya 14,000.00
Vehicles Auto 160.00
16 17.4.2006 8% LST Sales Department Snacks 350.00
17 18.4.2006 Delivery Charges Department Drinks 1,000.00
Department Cosmetics 800.00
19 22.4.2006 Foreign Travel Exp Administration General 12,259.00
20 22.4.2006 Advertisement Department Drinks 6,000.00
21 22.4.2006 Advertisement Department Drinks 3,000.00
22 26.4.2006 Repairers&maintenance Vehicles Van Auto 1800.00
23 26.4.2006 Freight Charges Department Provisions 1680.00
24 29.4.2006 Printing Manager Ram 530.00
26 30.4.2006 Incentives Manager Aishwarya 1,200.00
Ram 800.00
27 30.4.2006 Traveling expenses Manager Aiswarya 420.00
Ram 210.00
Administration General 630.00

D. Display

1. Prepare detailed Cost Category report for the period ending 30.4.2006
2. Prepare Cost Center Break-up as on 30.4.2006 for Snacks
3. Prepare Cost Center Break-up as on 30.4.2006 for Delivery charges Ledger

Tally Exercise
4. Prepare Cost Centre Break-up as on 30.4.2006 for sales Group

E. Print
Print the above listed reports.

Ex-12 Multiple Currency

A. Features F11: Set Yes to Allow Multiple Currency

B. Masters:

Create the following Foreign Currencies

Symbol Formal name Decimal Place Symbol for decimal

$ US Dollar 2 Cent
Re. Sri Lankan Rupees 2 Ps

C. Entry:

Entry No Date Ledger Currency Rate INR

19 22.4.2006 Foreign Ravel Expenditure $260 Rs.47.15/ 12259.00
32 3.5.2006 Import purchase (500 bot. @ $ 1,74,375.00
$7.5 each) Rs.46.5/$
Freight Charges 1,91,812.50
65 15.7.2006 Amway Crop $1500 68,520.00

D. Display

1. Prepare April Month’s SBI Bank Book with Forex details

2. Prepare Amway corp. Ledger with Forex details
3. Prepare Amway Corp. Ledger in Foreign Currency itself
4. Prepare Balance sheet and witness unadjusted forex Gain/Loss

Tally Exercise
E. Print
Print the above said reports
F. Trouble Shooting
To adjust Forex Gain/Loss, Journal Voucher has to be prepared Refer – Ex 14& 15 (For Voucher & cost center

Ex – 13 Interest Calculations

A. Features F11: Set Yes to Activate Interest Calculations & Advanced parameters
B. Masters: Alter the following Ledgers and give the following information:

Ledger Information
SSP Marriage Hall Yes to Active Interest Calculation transaction by
Transaction – Rate 12%- per 365 days year- on all
Balances – always-Normal Rounding

SBI A/c No. 1537 From 1.4.2006 to 30.4.2006 – 6%

From 1.5.2006 to 30.6.2006 – 5%
From 1.7.2006 to 31.7.2006 – 4.5%
On all balances – Normal rounding

C. Entry:
Alterations not required
D. Display
Prepare Interest calculation Statement as on 31.7.2006 for SSP Marriage Hall and SBI Ledgers.
E. Print:
Print the above said reports.
Ex – 14 Cost Centre Classes

A. Features F11: 1. Set Yes – Pre-defined Cost Centre allocation

2. Class name: Incentive
Category : Managers
Aiswarya – 60%
Ram - 40%

Tally Exercise
B. Masters: Alterations not required
C. Entry:
Delete Entry nos 26 & 49 and re-enter them
Entry no Date Cost Centre Class Ledger Amount
26 30.4.2006 Incentives Incentives A/c 2,000.00
49 31.5.2006 Incentives Incentives A/c 1,500.00

D. Display
Av ail Cost Centre Break-Up for the above said entries from Incentives Ledger A/c and winess automatic
Cost Center Allocation
E. Print
No specific option for Cost Centre Classes printing

Ex – 15 Voucher Type

A. Features F11: Alterations not required:

B. Masters : Create new voucher type as follows:

Name : Bank payment

Type : Payment
Abbreviation : B Pymt
Numbering method : Automatic
Starting No : 1
Width : 3
Prefill : Yes
Restart numbering : 1.4.2006 1 Yearly

Prefix : 1.4.2006 Apr/

1.5.2006 May/
1.6.2006 Jun/
1.7.2006 Jul/
Suffix : 1.4.2006 /2006-05

Entry No Date Party Amount

65 15.7.2006 Amway crop 68.520.00
Tally Exercise
LST Collected
66 16.7.2006 5,400.00
Alter the above vouchers and change voucher type from payment to Bank payment by using f5 key
D. Display:
Prepare Bank Payment vouchers list from statistics
Print Bank Payment Vouchers for July 2006
Ex – 16 Voucher Class
A. Features F11 : Alterations not required
B. Master : Alter sales voucher type to attach the following information.

Name of class : 8% Tax

*Default Accounting Allocation : 8% LST Sales
Additional Accounting entry : LST Collected on total sales 8%
Surcharge collected as surcharge 5%
*Include these Groups:
Sundry Debtors
Sundry Creditors
Cash in Hand
Cash at Bank
Delete Entry Nos 16 & 42 and re-enter them.
Entry No Date Voucher classes
16 17.4.2006 8% Tax
42 16.5.2006 8% Tax

Entry No Date Particulars Ledger Bill ref. Amount

70 31.7.2006 Vr.type-journal Sri lankan Tea Corpn QQ789 177.00
A/c – Forex Gain/Loss

Tally Exercise
71 31.7.2006 Vr.type-journal
A/c-Forex Gain/Loss Amway Crop AMM4658 3,382.50
AMM48953 – 66.60

C. Display
Avail detailed format for the above said vouchers from 8% LST Sales and witness additional accounting entries and
their automated calculations.
D. Print:
No specific options for Voucher Class printing
Note: Some of the Voucher Classes that can be used in Tally are listed below:
Voucher classes Voucher Type Purpose
Forex Gain/Loss Journal To adjust Forex Gain/Loss
Simple & compound (interest) Debit Note Credit Note For different kind of interest calculations
Ex – 17 Budget & controls
A. Features : Set Yes to Maintain Budget & Control
B. Masters : Create a budget by name “I Quarter” and make the following settings.
Period: From 1.4.2006 to 30.6.2006
Group Budgeting : Sales Accounts – Not Applicable -
Closing Balance – 3, 00,000/-
Indirect Expenses –Not Applicable
Closing Balance-50,000/-
Ledger Budgeting : Traveling & Conveyance – Not applicable
Closing Balance-5,000/-
Salaries & Bonus-Not Applicable
Closing Balance-20,000/-
Cost Center Budgeting : Ram- Expenditure-12,000/- Closing Bal Nil
Income - 25,000/- -do-
Aiswarya- Expenditure- 15,000/- -do-
Income - 30,000/- -do-

C.Entry: Alterations not required.

C. Display
Tally Exercise
1. Avail I Quarter Budget variance from trial balance and witness group wise variances
2. Avail I Quarter Budget variance from Indirect Expenses group summary and witness ledger wise
3. Avail I Quarter Budget Variance from cost category summary and witness cost center wise variance
D. Print
Print the above said reports
Ex-18 Scenario Management

A. Features: Set Yes to Maintain Budgets & Controls

Set Yes to Use Reversing Journals & Optional Vouchers
B. Masters: Create a scenario by name ‘Monthly’ – Include Actuals and Reversing
journals exclude Forex Gain and Inventory Tracking Calculations
C. Entry:
Entry No Date Entry Narration Amount
72 16.5.2006 Depreciation a/c Dr XX April, May Depn @ 5,340.00
(applicable To Delivery van a/c XX 20%p.a
Upto 31.5.06)
73 16.6.2006 Depreciation a/c Dr XX April, May, June Depn. @ 8,010.00
(applicable To Delivery van a/c XX 20%p.a
Upto 3.6.06)
74 16.7.2006 Depreciation a/c Dr XX April to July Depn. @ 10,680.00
(applicable To Delivery van a/c XX 20% p.a
Upto 31.7.06)
75 2.7.2006 Traveling Expenses Traveling expenses given 500.00
To Audit assistants-Audit fee?
To Cash A/c Or Traveling exp?
76 Payment Vr.type-Optional Salaries payable to managers 7,000.00
Salaries Bonus 7000/- For July 2006
Ram 3000/-
Aiswarya 4000/-
To Cash A/c 7000/-

Tally Exercise
D. Display :
1. Prepare Vertical profit & loss A/c for ‘Monthly’ Scenario with the following periods a columns and watch
The variations in amount of depreciation
2. Prepare Balance sheet from 1.4.2006 to 31.5.2006 for ‘Monthly’ scenario and watch exclusion of unadjusted
Forex Gain /Loss
E. Print
Print the above said reports
EX-19 Order processing & Tracking Numbers
A. Features : Set yes to allow purchase order processing
Allow sales order processing and
Use Tracking Numbers
B. Masters : Alterations not required
C. Entry
1. Pass the following purchase orders to concerned supplier

Entry No Date Inventory Details Amount

77 3.4.2006 Order No PO156-Britannia Milk Bikies
-Any- due on 14.4.2006-144 [email protected]/- 820.200
Each Britannia Bourbon-any-due on 528.00

Additional Information
Freight inwards 60.00
Rounding off 0.20
78 5.4.2006 Order No.PO157-Amway Gh Lotion $3750
-due on 25.4.2006-First Floor-500 bot (1,73,925.00)
@$7.5 (1$=Rs.46.38)
Additional Information $375
Freight inwards @10% (17,392.50)

2. Pass the following sales orders:

Tally Exercise
Entry No Date Party Details Amount
79 6.4.2006 Care Nursing Home SO118 – Britannia milk
Bikies-due on 7.4.06-Ground
Floor-120 nos @7/-each 840.00
Additional Information:
Freight inwards
(Accounting Allocation:
Exempted sales) 25.00
80 234.2006 Beauty Care Centre SO 1189-Amway Gh Lotion
-due on 5.5.06-any-100 bot
@ 450/- each 45,000.00
(Accounting Allocation
:8% LST Sales)
81 12.5.2006 Beauty Care Centre SO 2369-Amway GH Lotion-due
On 15.5.06-First Floor-150 bot
@ 450/-each 67,500.00
(Accounting Allocation
-4% CST Sales)
Narration: To Deliver at their

3. Alter the following vouchers:

Entry No Date Party Name Alteration
4 Britannia industries Order No. SO118-due on 7.4.2006
6 Britannia industries Order No. PO 156-due on 10.4.2006 for both item
33 Beauty Care Centre Order No. SO 1189-due on 5.5.2006
41 Beauty Care Centre Order No. SO 2369-due on 15.5.2006
D. Display
1. Make separate list for the all sales orders and purchase orders belonging to 1.4.2006 to 31.7.2006
2. Prepare separate Reports stating outstanding purchase order and sales orders as on 31.7.2006
3. Prepare separate reports stating sales bill spending and purchase bill pending as on 31.7.2006

E. Print:
Print the above said reports.

Tally Exercise
Ex- 20 Re-order levels
A. Features: Since purchase order and sales order processing options are availed already
Re-order levels and re-order status options will get activated.
B. Masters: Set the following re-orders levels in inventory info. menu
Item Min.Order Re-order level Consumption Whichever is Rounding
Quantity Days
Britannia Burbon 25 20 15 days Lower Normal
Britannia milk bikies 100 150 10 days Higher Normal

C. Entry : Alterations not required

D. Display : Prepare Re-order status report for Britannia Stock Group as at 31.7.2006
E. Print : 1. Print the above report
2. Print report for items to be ordered alone
Ex-21 Batchwise details

A. Features : Set yes to maintain batch wise details & expiry dates for batches
B. Masters : Alter stock item “Britannia Milk Bikies” and set Batch no. as 02663,
Mfg. Date 29.3.2006 and expiry period as 60 days for the opening stock 120 nos
C. Entry – Alter the following entries
Entry No Date Party Item Batch No Quantity
8 10.4.2006 Care Nursing Home Britannia Milk Bikies 02663(29.3.2006 96 nos
/60 days)
11 12.4.2006 Britannia Industries Britannia Milk Bikies 150233(2.4.2006) 132 nos
/60 days)
16 17.4.2006 Cash Britannia Milk Bikies 02663 24 nos
150233 26 nos

D. Display:
1. Prepare stock summary as at 31.7.2006 for Britannia Group with opening balance, inwards,outwards
And closing balance for all Batches
2. Prepare Ageing analysis statement on 31.7.2006 for Britannia Stock Group based on Mfg. date and
Date of expiry
E. Print:
Print the above said reports.

Tally Exercise
D. Display:
1. Prepare profit & loss A/c and witness increase in purchase, sales and decrease in concerned direct exp.
2. From Movement analysis menu prepare stock item report for J&J Baby kit and witness detailed basic values
Additional cost & effective rate.
E. Print:
Print the second report in D. Display
Ex-24 Price levels and price list

A. Features : Set to yes multiple price levels for invoicing under which introduce two price
Levels vize. “Bulk” & “Loose”
B. Masters : 1. Set price list as below
Item Level Applicable Quantity Rate Discount
From To
Amway GH Loose 1.7.2006 0 10 430 -
Lotion 10 30 430 5%
30 - 430
Pepsi Bulk 1.7.2006 0 500 8.50 -
500 1000 8.00
1000 1500 7.50 -
1500 - 7.00

C. Entry
1. Delete entry no. 61 dt.3.7.2006 and 63 dt. 6.7.2006
2. Prepare entry no. 61 with the following Quantity slabs and witness different discount rates, Tax applicable
And total amount of bill.
Price Level Item Quantity
Loose Amway GH Lotion 1 Bot
Amway GH Lotion 10 Bot
Amway GH Lotion 30 Bot

Tally Exercise
3. Prepare entry No.63 for the following Quantity slabs and witness rate changes, Tax applicable, total amount of
Price Level Item Quantity
Bulk Pepsi 200 Bot
Pepsi 600 Bot
Pepsi 1100 Bot
1900 Bot
D. Display
1. Prepare profit & loss A/c and witness decrease in sales.
2. Prepare stock summary and witness increase in unit rate and value for the above said items.
E. Print:
Print price list of the above said items.
Ex- 25 Advanced Invoicing – Different Actual /Billed Quantity

A. Features : Set Yes to Use Different Actual & Billed Quantity

B. Masters : Alterations not required
C. Entry : Delete entry No. 64 and re-enter it with 500 Bot. as actual Qty. and 350 Bot. as
Billed Qty
D. Display
1. Prepare stock item report for Pepsi for July and witness outwards Qty. as 500 Bot.
2. Prepare 8% LST Sales A/c for 31.7.2006 and witness amount for 350-Bot. only.

E.Print Consolidation of Accounts

A. Features : Alterations not required

B. Masters
1. Create any other company on your own and keep it selected along with ABC Department stores. (It is
Better to select any other company whose financial year is as same as ABC Department stores and
This has reasonable entries.)

2. Create a Group Company whose members are the above said two companies.

Tally Exercise
C. Entry : Alterations are required
D. Display : Prepare profit & loss A/c and Balance Sheet for the Group Company and witness merging of
Balances of identical groups
E. Print:
1. Print Consolidated Balance sheet, profit & Loss A/c of Group Company.
2. Print comparitative Balance sheet and profit & loss A/c for member companies

Ex – 27 Security Control

A. Company : Alter Company and set yes to security control. Set ‘ABC’ as administrator and ‘123’ as password
Shut company, select it and enter with administrator name and password.
B. Masters : 1. Create ‘Managers’ as new type of security, using the basic facilities of owner with the
following dis – allowances
Types of Access List of reports
Full Access Balance Sheet
Full Access Profit & Loss A/c
Print Cash flow
Print Funds flow
Alter Accounts Masters
Alter Inventory Masters
Full Access Vouchers

2. Create the following users:

Name Password Level

Aiswarya 1 Managers
Ram 2 Managers

3. Shut company, select it and enter with user name ‘Ram’, password ‘2’
C. Entry:
Witness voucher entry option is not available in gateway of Tally.
D. Display
Witness Balance sheet and profit & Loss A/c options are missing in Gateway of Tally
Try to print Funds Flow statement or cash Flow statement and get error message.

Tally Exercise

Ex – 28 Split Company Data

1. Split ABC Departmental stores data into two books from 1.7.2006
2. Open two splitted Books and check closing balance of the first book is the opening balance of the
Second book

Ex – 29 Import and Export.

1. Prepare list of ledgers for 31.7.2006 and export it to ‘master.xml’.

2. Create new company by name” import House” whose books begin at 1.8.2006.
3. Import masters from ‘master.xml’ into “Import House Company. (Hint: Combining Opening Balances)
4. Display Trial Balance of ‘Import House’ along with ‘ABC Departmental stores’ and witness later’s
Closing Balance is farmer’s Opening Balance.

Ex – 30 Backup and Restore

1. Select Backup option from Gateway of tally.

2. Change destination as C:\Backup (Hint: Shit+Tab)
3. Select the companies to be backed – up and accept.
4. Explore C:\Backup and witness a back up file was created by name Tbk 500.001
5. Select restore option
6. Change destination as C:\Restored and accept
7. Select name of companies to be restored and accept
8. Witness selected companies data restored in C:\ Restore Directory

Ex – 31 Goods and Service Tax (GST)

1. Open a company by name “GST Ltd” whose GSTNUM is 29ABCDE1234F2Z5.

2. Set the date as 1.7.2017.

3. Set the following features:

State : Tamilnadu
Applicable from : 1/7/2017
Enable GST classifications : Yes

5. Create the following Leadgers:

Tally Exercise

Name Under Type Alter GST details

Raj Infotech Sundry Creditors - -

Microtek India Ltd Sundry Creditors - -

Rajiv Roy & Sons Sundry Debtors - -

Goenka Traders Sundry Debtors - -

Sales Sales Accounts - Yes

Purchase Purchase Accounts - Yes

Cgst Duties & Taxes Gst -

Sgst Duties & Taxes Gst -

5. Create the stock item:

S.No Item Alter GST Details Integrated Tax

1 Antivirus Software CD Yes 18%

2 Monitors Yes 28%

6. Enter the following Purchase and sales entries:

1. Purchase from Raj Infotech , 5 CDs of Antivirus Software @ Rs.800 each with Input GST Rate @18% i.e.
Rs.720 – [CGST( 9% ) Rs.360 and SGST( 9%) Rs.360]

2. Purchase from Microtek India ltd, 10 monitors @ Rs. 4000 each, with Input GST @28% i.e. Rs 11,200-
[CGST(14%) Rs. 5600 and SGST(14%) Rs.5600]

3. Sales of 5 Antivirus CDs @ Rs.1500 to Rajiv Roy & Sons with Output GST @ 18% i.e. Rs. 1350-[CGST( 9%)
Rs.675 and SGST (9%) Rs.675]

4. Sales of 10 Monitors @ Rs.4500 to Goenka Traders with Output GST @ 28% i.e. Rs. 12600-[CGST(14%)
Rs.6300 and SGST(14%) Rs.6300)

Ex – 32: Tax Deducted at Source

1. Open a company by name “TDS Ltd” whose PAN No is AAA CT 1881 E.

Tally Exercise
2. Set the following features.
TAN No : CHET 00819 M
Ward : TDS 11 (1)
Deductor : Company
Person : Ganesh Kumar.s
Designation : Director – Finance
3. Create the following Accounts:
Name Under Type Ignore Limit PAN
TDS on Rent Duties - Yes -
TDS on professional fess Duties - Yes -
TDS on Contracts Duties - Yes -
TDS on Advt. Contracts Duties - No -
Kasturi & Co – Hindu Crs Firm - AABGK1556S
Sreedharan FCA Crs Ind.Resi No AZQPS2412R
Marvell properties Ltd Crs Coy-Resi - AAFCM0088S
Chennai Corporation Crs LocalAuth - AAAGC1333R
Ren paid Indir. Exp - - -
Professional Fees Indir. Exp - - -
Repairs & Maintenances Indir. Exp - - -
Advertisement Charges Indir. Exp - - -
HDFC Bank Bank - - -

4. Pass entries for following transactions:

On 01.04.2006
a. Sreedharan FCA sent professional fee bill no. 001 for Rs.22000
b. As per contract, cheque No. 017263 for Rs. 22000 issued to Chennai corporation as advance
For sanitary works. TDS was deducted.
c. Received bill no. 1245 for Rs. 16500 from kasturi & co
On 02.04.2006
a.Rs. 13500 charged by kasturi & co vide bill No. 1252
b. Chennai Corporation sent final bill for Rs. 32852.

On 01.05.2006
Marvell properties Ltd sent notice for April rent due Rs. 12500.

On 02.05.2006
Tally Exercise

Cheque No. 017263 issued for deposit of the following TDS:

On Advt. charges Rs. 337
On prof.Fees Rs. 1122
On Contracts Rs. 737
(Note: 1. Use TDS Helper to prepare these vouchers
2. Reconcile challan with the following details:
Nos: 00221,222,223 Date: 2.5.2006 Chq: 017281
On 01.06.2006

Marvell properties Ltd sent notice for may rent due Rs. 2805
(Assume the accountant did not passed TDS deduction entry)

On 02.05.2006
Cheque No. 017281 issued for deposit of TDS on Rent Rs.2805.
5. Display TDS payables for period from 1.4.2006 to 1.5.2006
6. Have print preview of ITNS 281 for TDS on Advt. deposited on 2.5.2006
7. Display TDS computation for period from 1.4.2006 to 31.5.2006
8. Display TDS not deducted for period from 1.4.2006 to 2.6.2006
9. Have print preview of Form 16A to Chennai Corporation.

Ex – 33 Service Tax

1. Open a company by name “Best Services P Ltd”.

2. Set the following features:
ST Regn No : STC \ CHE-II \ Cons \ 180
Date of Reg : 15.9.2004
Assessee Code : ABD76CHE1269
Type : Company - Resident

Major : Management Consultant

Credit Adj : 20%
Division : CHE/01185 - Nandanam
Tally Exercise
Range : CHE-11 – Chennai South
Commissionarate : CHE-11 – Chennai - 2
Focal Bank : C10012 – IOB
616 Anna salai, Chennai – 2.
3. Create the following Accounts:
Name Under ST Category ST No
Consuirancy Income Dir.Inc Yes Mgt Consultant -
ST On Consultancy Income Duties Yes Mgt Consultant -
ABC Industries Drs Yes - -
InfoTech Pct Ltd Drs Yes - -
Telephone charges Indir.Exp Yes Telephone Serv -
BSNL Crs Yes - AABCB55760
ST on Telephone charges Duties Yes Telephone Serv -
Consultancy charges paid Indir.Exp Yes Mgt Consultant -
Sundar & Sundar Crs Yes - BBRDS1111T
ST on Consultancy charges Duties Yes Mgt Consultants -
IOB Bank No - -

4. Pass entries for following transactions:

On 01.04.2006
a. A Consultancy invoice raised to ABC Industries for Rs. 15000
b. Consultancy Inv. No. 2 passed to InfoTech P Ltd for Rs.20000 out of which Rs. 3000 meant for
Traveling Expenses
On 01.05.2006
a. ABC Industries sent advance cheque for Rs.204
b. BSNL sent a bill for Rs.2204 incl. ST Rs.204
c. Received a bill for Rs. 8816 (ST Rs.816) from Sundar & Sundar
d. Service Tax Collected during april was remitted vide a cheque.
(Note: Use Double Entry mode)

On 02.05.2006

a.BSNL bill settled by cash

Tally Exercise
b.A Cheque for Rs. 5000 issued to sundar & sundar
c.Rs. 15000 LST debited in ABC industries a/c as consultancy income
On 01.06.2006

d.ST paid after adjusting 100% input credit

5.Have print preview of TR6 challan for period from 1.5.2006 to 31.05.2006
6.Display ST payable for period from 1.4.2006 to 2.4.2006
7.Display ST payables for period from 1.4.2006 to 31.5.2006
8.Display Input credit for period from 1.5.2006 to 31.5.2006
9.Have print preview of ST3 From for period from 1.4.2006 to 2.6.2006


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