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SIMATIC S7-1200 Basic Course

3.6.3. Menu Bar and Toolbar

All commands which are required for working can be found in the menu bar.

Create/Open/Save Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete Delta Compile Upload WINCC RT

project (element)
Download Simulation

Accessible CPU Cross- Split editor Global Search

devices RUN/STOP references space

Menu Bar
The menu bar contains all commands required for your work.

The toolbar provides buttons for frequently required commands. That way, you can access these
commands faster.

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3.6.4. Project Tree (First Level)


Devices (PLC, Panel, Drives,…)

Device groups (optional)

to improve the overall view

distributed I/O

Distributed I/O not yet assigned to a Project language and

controller texts
Online access
SIMATI C Card Reader

The "Project tree" window provides access to all components and project data. All components
and all available objects of a project appear in the Project tree in a tree structure and can be
opened from there by double-clicking on them.
The following actions can be carried out:
− adding new components (controllers, HMI devices etc.)
− editing existing components
− querying and modifying properties of existing components
− diagnosing accessible components
To improve clarity, objects (entire stations) can be grouped together.
Newly inserted distributed I/Os are stored in the folder “Ungrouped devices” and can be moved to
the groups which you have created yourself.
A link to a distributed I/O is found in the folder “Unassigned devices” until it is assigned to a
controller or master.

The folders “Common data”, “Documentation settings” and “Languages & resources” refer to the
project; the folders “Online access” and “Card Reader/USB memory” are project independent.

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SIMATIC S7-1200 Basic Course Project Tree (Second Level)


PLC program

PLC tags
PLC data types (UDT)

Watch tables and

Force tables
Trace configurations and
trace recordings

Central modules
distributed I/O

For a better overall view, blocks can be arranged in block groups which you create yourself. This
grouping merely serves the overview of the program and has no impact on the execution of the
program. This information is not loaded into the CPU.
All central modules are stored in the folder “Local modules”.
If a device or slave was assigned to a controller or master, the device can be found in the folder
“Distributed I/O” of the relevant controller/master.

Hiding/Showing a Structure Section

An underlying structure is indicated by the black triangle . By clicking on the triangle, the
underlying structure level can be shown → or hidden again → .

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3.6.5. Task Cards

Different Task Cards are available depending on the edited or selected object!

Which Task Cards are available depends on the products that have been installed and on the
object currently being edited or open in the working area. If all Task Cards are not visible, the
Task Card-bar can be shifted using the cursor buttons at the bottom right.
• Hardware Catalog
All the available hardware components (such as CPUs, modules etc.) can be selected in the
Hardware Catalog.
• Instructions
Instructions for programming blocks;
Code templates and function list wizard for script programming (VBS as well as C scripts with
WinCC Professional)
• Toolbox
Configurable screen objects (graphics, display and operator control objects) in different panes
(basic objects, elements, controls - optional customized controls, graphics)
• Online Tools
If there is an online connection established, diagnostics and online information can be called,
such as, the current cycle time of the CPU and the configuration of the load and work memory
of the CPU. Also the CPU can be switched to the STOP and RUN mode.
• Animations
Templates for making screen objects dynamic in different panes (movements, display, tag link
for making dynamic)
• Layout
Tools for adapting the presentation when designing screens during configuration of HMI
devices (zoom, level assignment, grid alignment, objects outside the area)
• Tasks
Classic editor functions (such as find and replacing tags, instructions etc.)are available such
• Libraries
Management of the local project library and global libraries

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3.6.6. Inspector Window

Show / Hide errors, warnings or information Indicates new


Additional information on a selected object or on actions to be executed is displayed in the

Inspector window. The Inspector window consists of the following tabs:
→ can be selected by clicking the tabs

This symbol in the tab indicates new entries.

If errors are displayed, you can jump to the error location or into the associated editor by
double-clicking on the error information.

"Properties" Area
This tab displays the properties of the object selected in the working area and editable properties
can be changed.

"Info" Area
This is the output area of the engineering. This tab displays further information for the object
selected. In addition to this, messages relating to executed actions, for example, compilation and
download of blocks to the CPU are output.
"General" tab → general status output
"Cross-references" tab → display of the current locations at which the selected object is used
"Compile" tab → status display of compilation progress
"Syntax" tab → status display for invalid programming commands

"Diagnostics" Area
This tab displays information on system diagnostics and configured alarm events
"Device information" tab→ Information about the state of the devices
"Connection information" tab → detailed diagnostics of connections
"Alarm display" tab → Display of currently pending CPU alarms
"Monitor value" tab→ Monitoring of structures in a block

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3.7. Window Arrangement


Collapse or Expand
automatically permanently
(left, bottom, right) (left, bottom, right)

The positions and characteristics of windows can be configured individually. You can hide
windows that are seldom required in order to enlarge the working area.
The current configuration of the engineering user interface is saved in the user profile of
Windows. When the project is saved, the positions and characteristics of windows are
automatically saved with it.

Window Arrangement Options

• When the window is ‘Expand permanently’
− fixed location and fixed size on user interface
− position at left, bottom or right outside of the working area is possible
− always open, reduces the working area
• When the window is ‘Collapse automatically’
− hidden at edge of user interface
− position at left, bottom or right is possible, superimposed on working area when open
− default status = window closed, and tab displayed at edge of the user interface
− mouse click on the tab opens the window
− closed automatically the next time there is a click outside the window area
• ‘Float’ window!! Makes sense if a 2nd monitor is used!!
− can be positioned anywhere on the user interface
− permanently covers the user interface area underneath it

By clicking the functions in the window title bar you can switch between the modes
"float" and "embed" or "collapse automatically" and "expand permanently".

In addition, the windows can be expanded and collapsed via the buttons .
Hidden windows are opened by clicking on the tab and closed again by clicking outside the
window area.

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3.7.1. Splitting and Arrangement of the Working Area

Split editor space

horizontally or

Editor space (working area)

float (freely position)
maximize (in the TIA Portal)
embed (in the TIA Portal)
maximize (entire screen)

The windows of the editor space (working area) can be arranged as follows:

Maximize (full size) a working area to cover the entire screen

(color depending on View online/offline)

Maximize a working area in the TIA Portal (Project tree, Task Card and Inspector window are
minimized) (color depending on View online/offline)

Float or release a window from the working area

(color depending on View online/offline)

Embed a window in the working area once again

(color depending on View online/offline)

Split the editor space (working area) horizontally into two windows

Split the editor space (working area) vertically into two windows

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3.7.2. Keeping the Editor Window in the Foreground (when Editor Space is Split)

Editor window

Editor window for

the next editor to
be opened

If you work with a split editor space (working area), one of the two working areas can be fixed
(attached) by clicking on the “paper-clip” (paper-clip is vertical) so that when you open a further
editor, this first one always remains fixed in the foreground and the newly opened one always
becomes the second visible editor.

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3.7.3. Save / Manage / Use Window Layouts

current setting

Manage window
layouts Restore
last settings

Selection of saved
window layouts

The different window arrangements of the user interface can be saved and then restored.

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3.8. Undo and Redo

Action, up to which
all actions are

Undo last action

Undo Concept of the TIA Portal

The drop-down menu shows the user in which editor the "Undo" function is executed. Closed
editors are then automatically opened. Because all actions are only undone up to the selected
action, the consistency of the project is ensured.

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3.9. Saving a Project

The entire project is

always saved!

Including incomplete or
incorrect objects

Regardless of the object that is open in the working area, it is always the entire project in the
current state that is saved when the Save icon is pressed, even if some objects of the project are
still incomplete or faulty [incorrect] (for example, syntax faulty blocks or symbols which have not
yet been assigned an absolute operand in the global symbol list).
If the project is closed without saving, all changes made or objects created during the session are

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3.9.1. Archiving / Retrieving a Project

Create a compressed archive file

or Save as…?

No archiving of Search index

and HMI Compile Result?

The current state of the project can be archived at any time.
When you archive projects, you can choose the following:
• TIA Portal project archive
The project is minimized (all files are reduced to their essential components) and then stored
compressed in a project archive (file with the ending zap15).
If this item is not selected, the project is saved under the given name and path as an
independent project. (Save as… without closing current project)
• Discard restorable data
Search index and the HMI Compile Result are not archived.
• Add date and time to the file name
The current date and time is added to the selected archive name.

The most recently saved version of the project is archived. If the last changes to the project are
also to be included in the archive, the project must be saved before archiving.

Only project archives (file with the ending zap15) can be retrieved, that is, unzipped.

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3.10. TIA Portal - Settings: User Interface Language

Portal view

Project view

Mnemonics: - German → E / A
- International → I / Q

Available User Interface Languages

The user interface language of the TIA Portal can be changed during running operation. The
following languages are available:
− German
− English
− French
− Spanish
− Italian
− Russian
− Korean
− Japanese
− Chinese (simplified)

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3.10.1. TIA Portal - Settings: Language, Storage Location, Layout

The user interface language of the TIA Portal can be changed at any time without needing to
restart. The TIA Portal always starts in the language that was last selected.

Storage Settings
Storage location for projects:
Storage location of newly created projects and their project libraries
Storage location for libraries:
Storage location for global libraries

If the layout is reset, the original window layout arrangement of the TIA Portal is restored.

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3.11. Libraries

Local library
Part of the TIA Portal project Own global library
create, open, save and close
In project

Global library
Stored outside of the TIA
Portal project

No restriction on contents
• Blocks (FCs, FBs, DBs...)
• Pictures (screens), graphics
• Devices
• Tags ...

Project Library
Each project has its own library. Here, objects can be stored that are to be reused within the
project. This project library is always opened, saved, and closed together with the current project.

Global Libraries
Global libraries are stored independently of the projects and are used to store objects that are to
be used and reused in different projects.
The area of the global libraries also contains libraries supplied with the TIA Portal that, for
example, contain ready-made functions and function blocks.

Library Objects
A library is a collection of any project objects, such as, blocks, devices, PLC data types, watch
tables, screens, graphics, faceplates….

Uses of Global Libraries

Library objects can either be used as a master copy or as an instance.
• Objects from the Master copies folder are copied to the project when used.
If subsequent changes are made to this master copy, these changes are not made to the
copies in the project.
• Objects from the Types folder are copied to the Types folder of the project library when they
are used and an instance (location of use) is created in the project.
These objects are then stored in the local project library. The object itself is not used in the
project, rather only a reference to it.

You will find more information about libraries in the section Programming Guideline Libraries:
“TIA Portal Information Center” > Documentation > Manuals > Control Technology
or in the Online Support under the Entry ID: 90885040

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3.12. Help

Path in the Content



Wide-ranging help functions are available for solving your tasks; these describe basic concepts,
actions and functions.
• Tooltip for information on the user interface elements, for example, instructions, input boxes,
buttons and symbols
Some tooltips provide cascades with more precise information.

Operating instructions: Step-by-step approach for implementing a task

Example: Practice-oriented application example with solution of an

automation task

Factual information: Background information about the functions of the TIA


Reference: Detailed reference information about instructions and

These are activated by clicking (Information system is opened)
• Help on the current context
For example, on menu commands by pressing the <F1> key.
• In the input boxes (for example, in the Properties in the Inspector window), the roll-out
provides information about the permitted value ranges and data types for the input.

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3.12.1. Help (Information System)

Search Navigation Content

Advanced search Create Favorites

(Boolean, Phrase, Fuzzy …)

Open the position in the table of

Devices filter

Several tabs

Direct link to the Start page for the

TIA Portal Information Center

Contents of the Help Functions

• Search area
In the Search area, you can perform a full-text search across all help topics.
• Navigation area
In the Navigation area, you find the (table of) Content and the Favorites.
• Contents area
The help pages are displayed in the Content area. You can open several tabs in order to
simultaneously display different help pages.
You can show and hide the individual areas using the arrows on the window splitters. In that way,
you can close the Search area as well as the Navigation area in order to enlarge the Contents

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3.13. Additional Information

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3.13.1. Keyboard Shortcuts of the TIA Portal

Can be sorted according to

(Keyboard) Shortcut, Action or Editor

The keyboard shortcuts can be displayed through the menu item Options > Settings. The view
can be sorted according to (Keyboard) Shortcut, Action and Editor.

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3.13.2. Project Migration

≥ V5.4 V13 SP1

Migrate project
S7-300 S7-400 Upgrade
S7-300 S7-400 S7-1500

S7-300 S7-400 S7-1500

Migrate project
≥ 2008 SP3
If req. change
device type
≥ V7.0 SP3 Upgrade

“TIA Portal Information Center > Migration” or

Migration Guide (Customer Support Entry ID: 109478811)

What does Migration Actually Mean?

• Switch or change of a system / a technology
• "Step-by-step" modernization of the installed basis and adaptation to modern technology…

Why Migration? – Motivation for Migration

• Investment protection
• Switch to the latest engineering
• Basis for future retrofits/renovations
• Products with higher performance
• Innovative products
• Long-term availability of products
• Reduced product time-to-market
• Lower operating costs

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SIMATIC S7-1200 Basic Course Migration of STEP7 V5.x – Projects: Supported Hardware

Effective date 1.10.2007

S7-300/ET200CPU S7-400 WinAC → Availability of Hardware

Basic Panels

Mobile Panels Panel PC,

x77er Panels Standard PC SCADA System
Single Station … based on WinCC flexible RT … based on WinCC V7 Runtime

Possible check before migration with the help of the tool: “READINESS CHECK”
(TIA Portal Information Center > Tools & Apps > Planning and Configuration
or Entry ID: 60162195 in the Online Support)

The hardware configuration for supported hardware can also be migrated. Otherwise, only the
software can be migrated and must be adjusted to the supported hardware.
To if a speciic hardware item is supported by TIA Portal, use the “READINESS CHECK” tool
which is available for download on the Support Pages (
under the Entry ID: 60162195 or via the “TIA Portal Information Center”.

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3.13.3. Installation with Record Function in the Setup

Initial installation with Record function (config file)

> setup.exe /record

WinCC V15 Install.rec
Startdrive V15

Further installation → Command lines installation (Silent installation)

> setup.exe /qb {parameter}

With progress bar
WinCC V15 > setup.exe /qn {parameter}
Startdrive V15 Without progress bar

With the command “setup.exe /record”, an installation file is created during installation. With the
help of this file, exactly the same installation can be carried out on other computers. For this, the
installation file must be saved on the computer on which the installation is to be carried out and
the installation must be started with the command setup.exe /qb {parameter} or
setup.exe /qn {parameter}. {parameter} corresponds exactly to the path in which the installation
file was saved. The installation is executed without further settings having to be made.

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3.13.4. Update Tool

Server of the available Updates

and Support Packages

Update Tool
You can search for updates in the dialog “Installed software”.
• Start via: Portal view: Start > Installed software > Check for updates
Project view: Help > Installed software > Check for updates
• Checks and informs about possible updates of installed software
• Download of updates
• Pause / Continue downloads
• Installation of Updates

• Location for Download Files
Server used to check for updates.
You can choose either the TIA Automation Software Update Server or a user-defined server on
which the updates are provided by an Administrator.
• Check for updates daily

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Contents 4
4. Devices & Networks: Online Functions and Hardware Configuration .............. 4-2
4.1. Online Tools, Configuring and Parameterizing the Hardware .............................................. 4-3
4.2. Online Connection via Industrial Ethernet: IP Address and Subnet Mask ........................... 4-4
4.2.1. Online Connection: Assigning an IP Address for the PG ..................................................... 4-5
4.3. Default for Online Access and Visible Interfaces .................................................................. 4-6
4.4. Online Access: Accessible Devices ...................................................................................... 4-7
4.4.1. Accessible Devices: Online & Diagnostics, Task Card: Online Tools .................................. 4-8
4.4.2. Accessible Devices: Online & Diagnostics: Diagnostics Buffer ............................................ 4-9
4.4.3. Accessible Devices: Online & Diagnostics: IP Address, Name, Time, FW Update,
Memory Card ...................................................................................................................... 4-10
4.6. SIMATIC S7-1200/1500: Memory Concept for CPU Memory Reset .................................. 4-11
4.6.1. SIMATIC S7-1200/1500: Memory Concept for CPU Reset to Factory Settings ................. 4-12
4.7. Card Reader / USB Memory Device ................................................................................... 4-13
4.8. Uploading a Hardware Station into the Project (1) (Hardware with Parameterization and
Software) ............................................................................................................................. 4-14
4.8.1. Uploading a Hardware Station into the Project (2) (Hardware with Parameterization and
Software) ............................................................................................................................. 4-15
4.9. Working Areas of the Hardware and Network Editor .......................................................... 4-16
4.9.1. Hardware and Network Editor: Device View ....................................................................... 4-17
4.9.2. Setpoint and Actual Configuration ...................................................................................... 4-18
4.9.3. Hardware Catalog ............................................................................................................... 4-19
4.9.4. Selecting the Controller and the Modules ........................................................................... 4-20
4.9.5. Setpoint Configuration: Creating a Hardware Station (Controller)...................................... 4-21 Inserting / Deleting a Module .............................................................................................. 4-22 Changing a Device / Module ............................................................................................... 4-23
4.9.6. CPU Signal Board ............................................................................................................... 4-24
4.9.7. CPU Properties: Ethernet Address ..................................................................................... 4-25 CPU Properties: Maximum Cycle Time .............................................................................. 4-26 CPU Properties: System and Clock Memory ...................................................................... 4-27 CPU Properties: Password Protection ................................................................................ 4-28
4.9.8. Compiling the Hardware / Software and Downloading it into the CPU ............................... 4-30
4.10. Task Description: Creating a Project with an S7-1500 Station ........................................... 4-31
4.10.1. Exercise 1: Setting the IP Address of the PG ..................................................................... 4-32
4.10.2. Exercise 2: Read out the Firmware version and reset the CPU to Factory Settings .......... 4-33
4.10.3. Exercise 3: Deleting Old Projects ....................................................................................... 4-34
4.10.4. Exercise 4: Creating a New Project .................................................................................... 4-35
4.10.5. Exercise 5: Creating a S7-1200 - Station ........................................................................... 4-36
4.10.6. Exercise 6: Configuring the CPU Signal Board .................................................................. 4-37
4.10.7. Exercise 7: Configuring the S7-1200 Station ...................................................................... 4-38
4.10.8. Exercise 8: CPU Properties: Assigning the IP Address ...................................................... 4-39
4.10.9. Exercise 9: CPU Porperties: Adresses of the integrated Inputs / Outputs ......................... 4-40
4.10.10. Exercise 10: CPU Properties: Parameterizing the Clock Memory Byte ............................. 4-41
4.10.11. Exercise 11: Analog I/O module: I/O adresses ................................................................... 4-42
4.10.12. Exercise 12: DI/DQ module: I/O addresses ........................................................................ 4-43
4.10.13. Exercise 13: : Compiling the Device Configuration and Downloading it into the CPU ....... 4-44
4.10.14. Exercise 14: Setting the Time ............................................................................................. 4-47
4.11. Additional Information ......................................................................................................... 4-48
4.11.1. Area for Modules Not Plugged In ........................................................................................ 4-49
4.11.2. Swapping a Slot / Inserting a Module between Two Modules ............................................ 4-50
4.11.3. Copying Modules from a Reference Project ....................................................................... 4-51
4.11.4. Unspecified CPU ................................................................................................................. 4-52
4.11.5. ‘View’ Settings of the Task Cards ....................................................................................... 4-53

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SIMATIC S7-1200 Basic Course

4. Devices & Networks:

Online Functions and Hardware Configuration

At the end of the chapter the participant will ...

... be able to establish an online connection between PG and

CPU via Industrial Ethernet

… be able to use online functions to start and stop the CPU and
to reset it to factory settings

... be able to create and parameterize a new station

... be able to create and parameterize a setpoint (offline)


... be familiar with addressing the input and output modules of an

S7-1200 and be able to do it

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4.1. Online Tools, Configuring and Parameterizing the Hardware

online → Status,
offline → Configuration,

Online Tools
An online connection to the CPU permits diagnostics and status information for all modules to be
With CPUs that can be accessed online, the "Online tools" task card and additional status
information (cycle time statistics and memory load) can be called.

Configuring and Parameterizing the Hardware

Almost all devices or components of an automation solution such as PLCs or touchpanels can be
assigned parameters. The parameter assignment of the devices and network settings required for
commissioning is handled using the Hardware and Network Editor.
With this, for example, all components of an Ethernet network are assigned IP addresses via
which they communicate during later operation.
But even inside the automation device, address areas of the I/O modules must be specified and
the cycle monitoring time of the CPU must be set, for example.

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4.2. Online Connection via Industrial Ethernet:

IP Address and Subnet Mask

MAC Address: 08-00-06-01-74-10 MAC Address: 08-00-06-01-74-20

Subnet Mask: Subnet Mask:
IP Address: IP Address:

Subnet Device Subnet Device

Internet Protocol
Internet Protocol (IP) is the basis for all TCP/IP networks. It creates the so-called datagrams (data
packets specially tailored to the Internet protocol) and handles their transport within the local
subnet or their "routing" (forwarding) to other subnets.

IP Addresses
IP addresses are not assigned to a specific computer, but rather to the network interfaces of the
computer. A computer with several network connections (for example routers) must therefore be
assigned an IP address for each connection.
IP addresses consist of 4 bytes. With the dot notation, each byte of the IP address is expressed
by a decimal number between 0 and 255. The four decimal numbers are separated by dots
(see picture).

MAC Address
Every Ethernet interface is assigned a fixed address by the manufacturer that is unique
worldwide. This address is referred to as the hardware or MAC address (Media Access Control).
It is stored on the network card and uniquely identifies the Ethernet interface in a local network.
Cooperation among the manufacturers ensures that the address is unique worldwide.

Subnet Mask
The subnet mask specifies which IP addresses in the local network can be accessed. It separates
the IP address into the network and device part.
Only IP addresses whose network part is the same can be accessed.
e.g.: Subnet mask = and IP address =
accessible IP addresses: to

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4.2.1. Online Connection: Assigning an IP Address for the PG


IP Address of the Programming Device

The setting of the PG’s IP address can be made as shown in the picture.
If an online connection is to be established between the programming device and the CPU, both
devices must be assigned the same subnet mask and IP addresses which are located in the
same subnet.

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4.3. Default for Online Access and Visible Interfaces

In the Settings, you can have a default setting for the connection path for online access(es).
In the Online access folder, all possible interfaces of the PG/PC are displayed. Because not all of
these are required or can be used, interfaces can be hidden for better clarity.

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4.4. Online Access: Accessible Devices

2 3

1. Online access or
Accessible devices 1
(Project or Portal view)
2. Select interface for the

3. Update accessible devices

or Start search

Accessible Devices in the Portal View

This function provides the option of fast access (for example for service purposes) even when
there is no offline project data for the target systems on the PG.
All accessible, programmable modules (CPUs, FMs CPs, HMI devices) are listed in the Portal
view, even if they are located in other subnets.

Access Online Functions → Button

Whenever there is an attempt to access a module online with the "Show" button which is located
in a different subnet from the PG, a dialog opens asking whether an additional IP address should
be assigned to the PG.
Following confirmation, an additional IP address is assigned to the PG that is located in the same
subnet as the address of the CPU. After that, all online functions can be used.

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SIMATIC S7-1200 Basic Course

4.4.1. Accessible Devices: Online & Diagnostics, Task Card: Online Tools

CPU Operator Panel: Mode Selector Switch

The operating mode of the CPU can be changed.
If there is a change from RUN to STOP, the CPU terminates the running user program.
If there is a change from STOP to RUN, the CPU performs a restart.

Cycle Time:
"Shortest", "Current" and "Longest" are the cycle times since the last CPU restart

With a Memory Reset (MRES), a CPU reset is carried out:

− All user data (even the retentive) is deleted (delete work memory)
(process images, memory bits, timers, counters, all program/data blocks)
− Retained are: IP addresses, the retentive part of the diagnostics buffer, operating hours
counter, time-of-day

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4.4.2. Accessible Devices: Online & Diagnostics: Diagnostics Buffer

Details for the entry line

selected above

Online Access to the CPU

If the PG and the target system (for example CPU) are located in the same subnet, various
Online & diagnostics functions are available in the "Accessible devices" function.
• in the working area of the TIA Portal
• in the "Online tools" task card (see next page)

Diagnostics Buffer
The diagnostics buffer is a buffered memory area on the CPU organized as a circular buffer.
It contains all diagnostics events (error alarms, diagnostics interrupts, start-up information etc.)
of the CPU in the order in which they occurred. The highest entry is the last event to occur.
All events can be displayed on the programming device in plain language and in the order in
which they occurred.
All events can be displayed on the programming device in plain language and in the
order in which they occurred. In addition, some of the diagnostics buffer is not buffered
with PowerOFF (only a part is retentive).

• Number of entries, 1000 to 3200

• Of that, retentive 250 to 500

Details on Event
Some additional information is also provided for the selected event in the "Details on event" box:
• Event name and number
• Additional information depending on the event, such as, the address of the instruction that
caused the event etc.

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4.4.3. Accessible Devices: Online & Diagnostics:

IP Address, Name, Time, FW Update, Memory Card

• Set Time (of Day)

Each S7 CPU has a real-time clock that can be set here.
• Assign IP Address
As long as no IP address has been specified already by a hardware configuration that was
downloaded earlier, this can be assigned or modified here (this function is also available
when the PG/PC and the CPU are not assigned to the same subnet).
• Reset to Factory Settings
Unlike the "memory reset", all the memory areas of the CPU (work, load and retentive
memory, diagnostics buffer and time) are deleted. Optionally (see dialog in the picture), the
IP address can also be deleted so that the CPU then only has a MAC address (Media Access
• Format Memory Card
The CPU memory card can also be deleted in the CPU via this online function. After that, the
CPU only has its IP address. All other data (including the device configuration) is deleted.
The card cannot be deleted in the card reader via the Project tree. Device configuration and
blocks have a gray background, that is, are write-protected (only status information or open
with a double-click).
• Assign Name
In PROFINET, each device must be assigned a unique device name that is stored retentively
on the device. The device name identifies a distributed I/O module (PROFINET IO) and
allows module replacement without a PG/PC.
• Firmware Update
Here, the firmware version of the device and the modules can be updated. Under
"Diagnostics -> General", the current firmware version is displayed.
Caution: If the CPU and Display have to be updated, first the Display and then
the CPU.

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4.6. SIMATIC S7-1200/1500: Memory Concept for CPU Memory Reset

With Memory Reset...

1 internal memory areas
Time-of-day Operating IP addresses
(system memory, entire data hours counter
and code working memory)
are deleted internal Flash Diagnostics
2 the user program and the
hardware configuration as well Load memory
as active Force jobs are
copied from the load memory Force jobs

System memory

Force 1
jobs 2 Code working memory
internal Flash

Data working memory

inserted Flash Card Retentive memory
Load memory

CPU Memory Reset

• What to do:
− STEP7 online function → MRES in "CPU operator panel" of "Test" and "Online tools" Task
− Display (only S7-1500) → Main menu "Settings", submenu "Memory reset"
− CPU mode selector switch (with inserted memory card)
• Impact
− An existing online connection between PG/PC and the CPU is disconnected.
− The entire RAM work memory is deleted, including all user data (process images, bit
memories, counters, timers, all program/data blocks, even the retentive ones)
− Retained are: IP addresses, diagnostic buffer, operating hours counter, CPU time-of-day.
− After that, the CPU copies all data relevant for execution into the RAM work memory from
the memory card. (Data relevant for execution: device configuration, program blocks, data
blocks, current Force jobs).

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4.6.1. SIMATIC S7-1200/1500: Memory Concept for CPU Reset to Factory Settings

With Reset to factory ?

settings... Time-of-day Operating IP addresses
01.01.2012 hours counter
1 internal memory areas (incl.
time-of-day, diagnostics buffer,
operating hours counter) and internal Flash Diagnostic
module parameters are deleted buffer
IP addresses query in STEP7 Load memory
Force jobs
2 the user program, the RAM
hardware configuration and
active Force jobs are copied
from the external load memory
(SMC) System memory

Force 1
jobs 2 Code working memory
internal Flash

Data working memory

inserted Flash Card Retentive memory
Load memory

CPU Reset to Factory Settings

• What to do:
− STEP7 online function → MRES in "CPU operator panel" of "Test" and "Online tools" Task
− Display (only S7-1500) → Main menu "Settings", submenu "Memory reset"→ Factory
− Mode selector switch (only without memory card)
• Impact
− An existing online connection between PG/PC and the CPU is disconnected.
− The entire RAM work memory is deleted, including all user data (process images, bit
memories, counters, timers, all program/data blocks, even the retentive ones, diagnostic
buffer), IP addresses are deleted if this is selected in STEP7.
− All IP addresses are retained if this was specified in STEP7.

If a memory card is inserted (or is already inserted), the CPU copies all data relevant for
execution into the internal RAM work memory from the memory card. (Data relevant for
execution: device configuration incl. IP address, program blocks, data blocks, current Force jobs).

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4.7. Card Reader / USB Memory Device



• Removable media:
external hard drive
• Internal/external prommer: USB memory device
Memory Card
Micro Memory Card • Reader_X (user-defined memory):
Folder on hard drive

Card Reader / USB Memory

In the Card Reader/USB memory folder, you can access an SMC inserted in the SD Reader, the
internal/external prommer, removable (media) devices or user-defined folders.

Card Type of the SIMATIC Card for S7-1200/1500:

The SIMATIC Memory Card is used as a Program card or a Transfer card or for Firmware
Updates. Before the relevant data is stored on the SMC, the card type must be selected as
shown in the picture.
• SIMATIC Memory Card as Program Card:
The card contains all configuration and parameterization data for the station as well as the
entire user program with documentation. During operation, the card must remain inserted in
the CPU because it is used as a replacement for the internal CPU load memory which
remains unused.
• SIMATIC Memory Card as Transfer Card (only for S7-1200):
The card contains the same data as a Program card but it doesn’t have to remain inserted
during operation. After inserting the card and subsequent Power ON, all data is copied into
the internal load memory of the CPU. Then the card has to be removed and a restart has to
take place.
• SIMATIC Memory Card to Update Firmware:
The SIMATIC Memory Card contains the files required for a firmware update. After execution,
the SIMATIC Memory Card must be removed.

An S7-300 or S7-400 CPU does not have an SMC as load memory but a Memory Card or Micro
Memory Card. You can only access these cards with the help of an internal or external prommer.
Note: A SIMATIC Field PG has an internal prommer.

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4.8. Uploading a Hardware Station into the Project (1)

(Hardware with Parameterization and Software)

Select device

Unlike the option “Upload actual configuration without parameterization”, an already existing
configuration of an S7 station can be read out using the function “Upload device as new station”.
This is then necessary when the appropriate offline station doesn’t exist on the PG. After reading
out the S7 station, the hardware as well as the program can be adjusted or modified, saved and
downloaded into the CPU.

The station already has a configuration.

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4.8.1. Uploading a Hardware Station into the Project (2)

(Hardware with Parameterization and Software)

After the device is uploaded, the entire station (central and distributed hardware with
parameterization, the entire program with comments and symbols) is available to the user offline
for further processing.

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4.9. Working Areas of the Hardware and Network Editor

Connection configuration

Device configuration
module parameter
Topology configuration

Components of the Hardware and Network Editor

The Hardware and Network editor consists of a Device, Network and Topology view.

Device View
The Device view is used for configuring and parameterizing devices and modules.
• Hardware configuration
• Device and module parameter assignment

Network View
The Network view is used for configuring, parameterizing and networking devices.
• Configure and parameterize devices
• Connection configuration

Topology View
The Topology view is used for displaying, configuring and determining the physical structure of
• Configure the port assignment and the relationship between devices
• Online-Offline comparison as well as synchronization of the port assignment and relationships
• Topology makes it possible to exchange devices without a node initialization

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4.9.1. Hardware and Network Editor: Device View

horizontal and vertical split

Device selection

Graphic area

Tabular area

Module parameter assignment

→ Properties in the Inspector window

Components of the "Hardware and Network Editor"

"Device view" section in the working area
This editor consists of 2 areas, a tabular (left/top) and a graphic (right/bottom). The splitting left-
right or top-bottom can be changed as required.
− Graphic area = module configuration
− Tabular area = Address parameterization of configured modules
• "Properties" tab in the Inspector window
This tab is used to assign parameters to the module selected in the working area. Here, all
the properties or parameters of the selected module are displayed and can be modified. In the
left-hand part of the Properties tab there is a navigation section in which the parameters are
arranged in groups.
• "Hardware Catalog" Task Card
Module catalog for the configuration (module grouping) in the working area

Project Tree → "Local Modules"

In the Project tree, the modules along with their parameter assignments (for example, addresses)
are stored under the relevant device in the "Local modules" folder.

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4.9.2. Setpoint and Actual Configuration

Configuration Assignment of racks and modules of the central and

distributed I/O.

Parameter Assignment Specifying the behavior of parameter-assignable modules,

for example, startup behavior, retentive areas, etc.

Setpoint Configuration Planned hardware configuration and parameter assignment.

Actual configuration and parameter assignment of an

Actual Configuration
existing hardware.

Setpoint (Offline) and Actual Configuration

When you configure a system, a setpoint (offline) configuration is created. It contains a hardware
station with the planned modules and the associated parameters. The PLC system is assembled
according to the setpoint (offline) configuration. During commissioning, the setpoint (offline)
configuration is downloaded to the CPU.

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4.9.3. Hardware Catalog

If several versions of modules

Search function Create /
exist, the version currently being
used must be selected before
HW Profile
Filter function


The Hardware catalog contains all devices and hardware components in a tree structure.
From the catalog, selected devices or modules can be dragged to the graphic working area of the
"Hardware and Network" editor.

Search Function
This allows a convenient search for specific hardware components. The search also includes the
module description texts.

Filter Function

enabled: Only modules that match the current context are displayed.

disabled: All existing objects of the catalog are displayed

Contents of the Hardware Catalog for Enabled Filter

• Network view → only objects that can be networked
• Device view → all modules or, for enabled filter, only the modules that belong to the current
device in the working area

It is possible to create and to use your own profiles. This expands the filter possibilities.

The "Information" pane shows detailed information about the object selected in the catalog.
• Name
• Order number (Article no.)
• Version number

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4.9.4. Selecting the Controller and the Modules

Manual: “SIMATIC S7-1500 / ET 200MP Software: “TIA Selection Tool” (online or offline)
Automation system In a nutshell”

TIA Portal Information Center > Tools & Apps >

Entry ID: 109481357

SIMATIC S7-1500 provides you with a wide range of CPUs that can be integrated. You can
expand each CPU with I/O modules, communication modules and technology modules. If, for
example, the memory and performance of a CPU 1511-1 PN are sufficient for you, then you
expand it with communication modules for PROFINET and PROFIBUS. For technology functions,
technology CPUs and technology modules are available in addition to the Compact CPUs.

To select the correct controller there is the manual “SIMATIC S7-1500 / ET 200MP Automation
system in a nutshell” which contains further useful guidelines. It can be found under the Entry
ID: 109481357.

There is also the software TIA Selection Tool which provides an opportunity for selecting,
configuring and ordering the devices for Totally Integrated Automation. After configuring the
hardware in the TIA Selection Tool, you are given a list with all hardware components which are
required (modules, plugs, cables, profile rails etc.).
In addition, the order via the Industry Mall can be started directly from the TIA Selection Tool.

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4.9.5. Setpoint Configuration: Creating a Hardware Station (Controller)

Project view

Portal view

Add New Device

It is possible to create a new device in the project using the Hardware and Network editor with the
help of the “Hardware catalog” task card or through the Project tree “Add new device”.
When a new device is created, a suitable rack is also created automatically. The selected device
is inserted into the first permitted slot in the rack.
Regardless of the method selected, the added device is visible in the Device view and in the
Network view of the Hardware and Network editor.

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SIMATIC S7-1200 Basic Course Inserting / Deleting a Module

Inserting from the

Hardware catalog

Deleting in the Device view
deletes individual modules


Deleting in the Network

view deletes entire station

Inserting a Module
Modules can be inserted using drag & drop or by means of a double-click.

Selecting a Version
When selecting a module, you must pay attention to the correct version. If the module is selected
(highlighted) in the task card “Hardware catalog > Catalog”, the version can be selected in the
task card “Hardware catalog > Information”.

Deleting a Module
Deleted hardware components are removed from the system and assigned addresses are made
available again.

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SIMATIC S7-1200 Basic Course Changing a Device / Module


Changing a Module
When a module is changed (replaced), all the parameters of the old module are adopted on the
new module. A module exchange can, for example, then be necessary when the CPU version in
the offline project is to be adapted to the CPU version (online) following a firmware update.
Hardware components can only be exchanged if the components are compatible.

It is also possible to change a device by dragging the new module from the Hardware catalog
onto the old module using drag & drop.

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4.9.6. CPU Signal Board

CPU Signal Boards

Signal boards allow you to increase the number of CPU-specific inputs and outputs. You will find
signal boards in the Hardware catalog along with all the other hardware components. Signal
boards are not inserted into the rack like other modules. Instead, they are inserted directly into a
CPU-specific slot. Each CPU can only accept one signal board.

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4.9.7. CPU Properties: Ethernet Address

Select CPU

PROFINET Interface
Regardless of whether the editor is in the Device view or Network view, if the CPU is selected,
the settings of the CPU PROFINET interface can be made in the Inspector window in the
"Properties" tab.

If an online connection needs to be established between the programming device and

CPU, both devices must be assigned the same subnet mask and the IP addresses must
be located in the same subnet.

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SIMATIC S7-1200 Basic Course CPU Properties: Maximum Cycle Time

Cycle Time
Cycle time is the time it takes for the CPU to complete one program cycle. Because parts of the
user program can also be processed conditionally and the program execution can also be
interrupted (for example, by diagnostics interrupts, time interrupts, hardware interrupts etc.), the
length of the cycle time is not the same in every cycle.

Maximum Cycle Time

The operating system monitors the runtime of the program for the configured upper limit.
If the runtime of the program is longer than the “Maximum cycle time” set here
• … the operating system calls the associated time error interrupt OB.
• … the operating system enters the event in the diagnostics buffer.
• … the operating system indicates the error on the error LED of the CPU.
Behavior when the maximum cycle time is exceeded:
• S7-1200:
The CPU remains in RUN mode even if no time error interrupt OB is programmed.
• S7-1500:
If no time error interrupt OB is programmed, the CPU changes to STOP mode.
If the runtime of the S7-1200/1500 program is more than twice as long as the set maximum cycle
time (2xMaxCycleTime error), the CPU changes to STOP mode without attempting to call the
time error interrupt OB.
With the RE_TRIGR instruction, the monitoring of the cycle time can be retriggered or reset to 0.

Minimum Cycle Time

The minimum cycle time is the minimum time that should pass for the one-time execution of the
cyclic user program and the updating of the associated I/O. The start of the next CPU cycle is
delayed if this time has not yet expired.

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SIMATIC S7-1200 Basic Course CPU Properties: System and Clock Memory

PLC tags

A PLC tag is automatically created for each available system or clock memory bit.

System Memory (4 bits)

These are memory bits that provide system status information.
• "FirstScan" =1 in the first CPU cycle; otherwise =0,
• "DiagStatusUpdate" =1, if the diagnostic status has changed,
• One static 1-memory bit and 0-memory bit each (“AlwaysTRUE”, “AlwaysFALSE”),

Clock Memory (8 bits)

These are memory bits for which the binary value is changed periodically by the operating system
of the CPU with a pulse-pause ratio of 1:1. The various frequencies are shown in the picture.
Clock memory (bits) is used to trigger actions periodically.
For example, to make an indicator light flash

Clock memory (bits) are not synchronized with the CPU cycle; in other words, with long
cycle times, the state of the clock memory (bits) can change more than once within one

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SIMATIC S7-1200 Basic Course CPU Properties: Password Protection

Write protection for fail-safe functions

Write protection for fail-safe and standard S7 functions

Full protection for fail-safe and standard S7 functions

Full protection for fail-safe, standard S7 functions

and HMI access

HMI Standard Fail-Safe

read /Fail-Safe Standard
write functions
write read write


Protection Levels
With the following protection levels, the access rights (read / write) of the programming device to
the CPU are specified:
• Full access incl. fail-safe (no protection): → Default setting for F-CPU
Read and write access is always permitted.
• Full access (no protection): → Default setting for non-F-CPU
Read access is always permitted, write access only to standard program.
• Read access: → Write protection
Read-only access possible. No data can be changed in the CPU and no blocks or modified
hardware configuration or parameter assignment can be downloaded to the CPU without
specifying a password.
• HMI access: → Write and read protection for STEP7
No write or read access is possible from the engineering. Only the CPU type and identification
data can be displayed in the Project tree under "Accessible devices". It is not possible to
display online information or blocks under "Accessible devices" without entering a password.
• No access (complete protection): → General write and read protection for STEP7 and HMI.
Now, access for HMI devices without a configured password in the connection is also not

Access Permitted through Passwords

In the example shown, "No access (complete protection)" is selected. This means that without a
password, STEP7 and HMI devices can neither read-access nor write-access the CPU.
The above explained protection levels can, however, be lifted again with passwords:
• By specifying a password 4 an HMI device can once again read-access and write-access
the CPU. For STEP7, however, neither read-accesses nor write-accesses are possible.
• By specifying a password 3 an HMI device can once again read-access and write-access
the CPU and for STEP7, only read-accesses are permitted, not write-accesses.
• By specifying a password 2 read-accesses and write-accesses of the standard program of
the CPU are possible for both an HMI device as well as for STEP7.

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