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ASDAN Business Simulation Agenda(Junior)

May 15-16
第一天 / Day 1

8:25-8:55 参赛代表入场/ Delegates Arrive

开幕式/ Opening Ceremony

9:00-9:30 商赛规则及日程讲解/ Agenda and Award Introduction
交易拍卖环节规则讲解/ Auction Rules and Procedures 大礼堂/ Assembly

9:30-11:00 交易拍卖环节/ Auction Game

11:00-11:30 融资演讲内容介绍/ Pitch deck Introduction

11:30-11:40 CEOs visit Office Rooms and Project Rooms

11:30-13:00 午餐/ Lunch 餐 厅 / Canteen

13:00-13:20 Menti测试/Menti Practice

13:20-14:20 公司运营规则及流程介绍/ Operation Rules and Procedure

大礼堂/ Assembly
14:20-14:35 团队工作/ Team working: Naming Your Company

14:35-15:20 测试轮/ Operation Test Round& 提问环节 / Q&A

15:20-15:40 TEAMS go to Office Rooms

15:40-16:20 第一轮运营决策/ Operation Round 1

15:40-17:00 融资演讲准备/ Pitch deck Preparation 办公室 / Offices 6F

17:00-17:40 第二轮运营决策/ Operation Round 2

第二天 / Day 2

9:00-10:10 融资演讲/ Pitch Deck 展示室 / Project Rooms 4F

10:10-10:20 TEAMS go to office rooms

10:20-11:00 第三轮运营决策/ Operation Round 3

办公室 / Offices 6F
11:10-11:50 第四轮运营决策/ Operation Round 4

11:50-12:50 午餐/ Lunch 餐 厅 / Canteen

13:00-15:00 闭幕式 & 颁奖典礼/ Closing Ceremony 大礼堂/ Assembly

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