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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 2, March-April 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Child Right Provisions in Russian Constitution: An Analysis

through the Lens of Child Centric Perspective
Dr. Kirtimayee Routraya
Ph.D. Scholar from CRCAS in the School of International Studies,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Delhi, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Kirtimayee

Historically, children have been viewed as non-persons or properties Routraya "Child Right Provisions in
of the parents; however, the advent of industrialization and Russian Constitution: An Analysis
subsequent reform movements led to the recognition of children as through the Lens of Child Centric
autonomous individuals with comprehensive rights. This paper Perspective"
Published in
examines the constitutional provisions of Russia related to children’s International Journal
rights from child centric perspective. The recognition of children as of Trend in
autonomous beings with agency and voice is the major underpinning Scientific Research
behind such advocacy. Though Russia ratified the UNCRC, the and Development
constitutional recognition of children as independent right-holders (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD64717
remains limited and is obscured by the language of paternalism that 6470, Volume-8 |
prioritises protection over autonomy. The study deconstructs the Issue-2, April 2024, pp.549-553, URL:
constitutional texts and evaluate the visibility of child rights within
the constitutional framework. The study, also compares the approach
of constitutions of other countries while discussing its major Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
advocacy. Thus, the paper calls for employing right-based language, Scientific Research and Development
asserting child’s agency and visibility in the legal framework without Journal. This is an
subsuming it under other broad provisions, to reform the normative Open Access article
way of addressing the rights and entitlements of children. This distributed under the
approach, further aligns with the international standards set by the terms of the Creative Commons
UNCRC and is integral for ensuring children’s rights and their Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
wellbeing within a progressive framework. (

KEYWORDS: child rights, Russian constitution, UNCRC, child

centric perspective

The rights of children in a constitutional framework responsibility towards children. Since then, children
are of immense significance for legal discourse and and their rights deserved a distinct place in public
social governance. These are rudimentary in shaping discussion as it contributes towards the nation
the foundational safeguards for protection, welfare, building and wellbeing of the society. Thus, the
and development of children within a specific socio- constitutional provisions for children’s rights marks a
political milieu. Embedded within the constitutional historical step in the representation of children as a
law these rights delineate the fundamental unique social category having equal importance as
entitlements accorded to children encompassing civil, adults. These legal entitlements not only provide for
political, social, economic, and cultural aspects. The legal and institutional mechanism but also cements
core of these constitutional guarantees upholds, social commitment for fostering the wellbeing of
recognition of children as justified right-holders, children.
endowed with voice and agency. The emergence of
the child rights in the public and political discourse
 To examine the provisions of Russian
does not have a long history (Stearns, 2017). For
Constitution through the lens of child centric
centuries they are treated and viewed as non-persons,
property, and responsibility of parents (Aries, 1962).
The beginning of industrialisation has witnessed the  To advocate the agency of children through legal
emergence of the discussion on the state entitlements in the context of Russian Federation.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64717 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 549
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Research Methodology individual agents. Finland Constitution can be cited as
This study is qualitative and analytical in nature. It reference in this context which states, “Children shall
involves a qualitative analysis of Russian be treated equally and as individuals and they shall be
Constitution, deconstructing of the constitutional texts allowed to influence matters pertaining to themselves
and language to reveal ambiguities, complexities, and to a degree corresponding to their level of
underlying power dynamics, review of international development.” It must be noted that the authorities
norms and treaties like UNCRC, to assess how child and legal entities and society need to be progressive
rights are represented and prioritised. The provisions in accepting and interpreting the laws of child centric
of Russian Constitution are compared with other constitutional provisions.
constitutions to highlight variances in legal
The constitutional law when focuses on the child as
commitment to child rights, gaps, and potential areas
objects requiring protection of the law but does not
of reform. The study is framed within the theoretical
approach children or their concern by accepting them
construct of child’s agency and child centric approach
as independent right holders, then the approach is
to constitutional rights. Child’s agency views children
paternalistic. The paternalistic approach uses the
as autonomous ‘beings’ with capacities and rights,
‘special protection’ language for safeguarding them
which challenges traditional notion of children as
from harm (Tobin 2005). The constitution does not
passive subjects of adult decisions (James and Prout,
explicitly acknowledge children as independent right
1997). The child centric approach to constitution
holders and they does not appear too frequently in the
stresses on prioritizing the child’s perspective and
text. The capacity of the child to deal with a situation
interest, and acknowledges them as independent right
as autonomous individuals is not recognised by the
holders (Archard, 2004). Such advocacy stands in
constitution beyond the need of protection. The
sharp contrast with the paternalistic approach which
paternalistic approach rarely uses the language of
undermine children’s autonomy and competencies at
rights and categorise children along with other
various developmental stages (Tobin, 2005; Freeman,
vulnerable groups (O’Mahony 2019). In this context
Croatian Constitution can be cited, which upholds the
Child Centric Perspective towards Constitutional similar stand which is devoid of the language of
Provisions children’s rights. For example, under article 62 it is
The visibility of children and rights of children in the mentioned that “Everyone shall have the duty to
constitution and major legislations may vary from protect children and helpless persons”. O’mahony
each country to the other considering the typical (2019) notes that the Russian Federation implements
circumstances, cultural contexts, availability of a strategy in which “childhood” is prioritised over
resources, historical events, and political dynamics. seeing children as autonomous human beings. The
Though, most of the nations of the world have ratified perspective of child rights in the constitution is
the United Nations Convention on the Rights of hampered by the adoption of a more paternalistic
Children, the way these nations follow the standard language.
set by the international norms will differ from case to
Child Right Provisions in Russian Constitution
case. In the constitution and major legal enactments
and Child Centric Perspective: An Analysis
of a country the rights concerning children may find
Russia ratified the United Nations Convention on the
better visibility with “dedicated, detailed provisions
Rights of Child (1989) on June 13, 1990 and it came
setting out the constitutional rights of children and the
into force since September 15, 1990. It was among
duties that the state has to vindicate such rights”
the early signatories of the Convention. The
(O’Mahony 2019). There are cases where children’s
Constitution of Russian Federation came into force on
rights can be said to be invisible in the constitutions
25, December 1993. The Constitution uses the term
or there are constitutions with limited reference to
‘children’ and ‘childhood’ in its provisions. While the
children, with discrete provisions addressing specific
term ‘childhood’ appeared three times, the term
issues that concern children. Thus, it is important to
‘children’ appears four times in the main text under
examine, how the Constitution of Russian Federation
articles. This signifies its emphasis on the phase of
informs the rights of children through its provisions.
the person’s life which needs nurturing, care, and
The child centric perspective towards children’s support. Under article 7 of the Constitution which
rights invokes the principle of agency of the child enshrines the socialist state and its policies for
which views child as ‘being’ rather than a ‘becoming ‘dignified life and free development of the human
adult’. It proposes a stand which is against the being’ also includes the provision of ‘state support’
traditional notion of seeing child as a person lacking for “family, motherhood, fatherhood, and childhood”
in rational capacity. It sees children as autonomous and for the disabled and elderly citizens. This

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
expresses state’s concern for childhood as a general education of their children”. The Article
distinctive phase of human life which needs equal states that “Everyone has the right to education”.
attention like that of motherhood and fatherhood. The Though this right does not specifically mention it to
support from the state can be viewed as state’s be the rights of children but it is meant for children.
recognition for childhood needs which demands and This article further provides accessibility to free of
deserves support and protection by the state. The cost education in the “preschool, basic general and
guarantee for social welfare support is further secondary vocational education in the state and
provided for upbringing of children under the Article municipal education institutions”. It should be noted
39, which states that “Everyone is guaranteed social that while other provisions relating children focus on
welfare support in old age, in case of illness, the ‘need’ of the child and thereby the welfare
disability, loss of breadwinner, for upbringing of support provisions, Article 43 of the Constitution,
children and in other cases stipulated in law”. Thus, explicitly and vividly pronounce ‘education’ as a
state share the burden of upbringing of children right for everyone including children. Employing the
through social support and regards ‘upbringing’ as an term ‘right’ in the provision is emblematic of the
area deserving the welfare support and affirmative intrinsic value ascribed to education underscored by a
action from the state. cognizance of entitlement emanating from state.
The similar conceptualisation is reiterated in the Right to education is one of the fundamental rights
article 38 of the Constitution, which states, for children. The history of children’s rights
“Motherhood and childhood, the family are under movement shows how through right to education the
state protection”. The next mention of ‘childhood’ rights of the children are incorporated in the
appears under the article 72 of the Constitution. The Constitutional law in the initial years of struggle. In
provision under the article is related to the joint certain instances, the constitutional frameworks only
jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and of the delineate children’s rights through the prism of ‘right
constituent entities which states under 72(g) that to education’. The presence of right to education in
“coordination of health care issues, protection of the constitutional provisions makes it a potential
family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; social instrument for advancing the agenda for children’s
protection, including social welfare”. Thus, together rights as it can be claimed through the legal process.
the constituent entities and the centre will implement, This is significant because right to education is a
participate, and cooperate on providing social prerequisite for development of the children and fully
protection to ‘childhood’. Here the reference to harnessing of the potential of children. Within the
childhood is not mentioned separately rather it is also Russian Constitution, this right does not explicitly
mentioned and clubbed together with family, encompass individual entitlement for receiving
motherhood, and fatherhood like it is done earlier. education. Instead, it articulates education as a
Under article 38, the Constitution stipulates that “care universal right and describes it as an obligation of
for children and their upbringing is the equal right parents and guardians of the child. Still this right is
and duty of the parents”. This provision makes significant in making children visible in the text of
parenting of children a right for parents equally the constitutional law in Russia. Most of the states
applicable to both the spouses and makes it a duty and contain the provision for education in the
obliges the parents to deliver the responsibility constitutional law e. g. India, Luxembourg,
towards upbringing of children. This provision can be Netherlands.
said to be focused on the issue of children without
Under the Chapter Two i.e., Human and Civil Rights
intermixing it with any allied area of concern which
and Freedoms of the Constitution of Russian
imply that upbringing of children is given priority. At
Federation, it is stated that “Human and civil rights
the same time, it must be noted that the Constitution
and freedoms are recognised and guaranteed in the
emphasises the ‘need’ for care and upbring for the
Russian Federation in accordance with the
child and secures the parental obligation towards it.
universally recognised principles and norms of
Article 38 also mentions the responsibility of children
international law and in conformity with this
who are employable and have reached the 18 years of
Constitution. The basic human rights and freedoms
age have the duty towards the non-employable
are inalienable and belong to everyone from birth”.
Though this provision makes generalist provisions for
The Constitution also mentions parental obligation for human rights it also implies the rights and freedom of
securing basic education of the child under Article 43. the child since the time of its birth. The rights of child
It states, “basic general education is obligatory. even before the birth is consistent with the provisions
Parents or persons substituting for them ensure basic of motherhood and its protection by the state.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Moreover, the recognition of international norms in The principle of non-discrimination is mentioned in
the sphere of human rights is also recognised by the the constitution though not exclusively related to
Constitution making the ratification and enforcement children rather in a generalist way. The provision for
of international conventions and treaties consistent respect for child’s view is not reflected in the
with the provision of Constitution (Article 17). Thus, provisions of Constitution of Russia unlike the
it can be concluded that the rights of children and Constitutions of Australia, Ireland, or Norway. The
children are not invisible in the codification of the best principle concept is also not included in the
Constitution of Russian Federation. Though the constitution of Russian Federation. UNCRC asserts
visibility cannot be said to be vivid and dominant. that children should not be treated or conceived as
The constitutional provisions cannot be said to be ‘objects’ in need of assistance rather as right holders.
blind to children and their rights in comparison with This essentially makes the right to be heard and right
the rights of others. It is to be noted that the to participation in all decisions that impacts their life.
Constitution of Russian Federation does not It is a significant one in realisation of agency of
incorporate any rights of the child which is not children. Habashi et al. (2010) observes that the
justiciable. The example of Irish Constitution can be selective inclusion of protection provisions from
cited here, which includes the care for orphans and UNCRC, while disregarding the domain of
prevention of economic exploitation of children under participation, reinforces perceptions of children as
the “Directive Principles of State Policy” which are vulnerable and immature, rather than recognizing
not enforceable. their capacity as potential decision makers.
It is to be noted there is no other specific provision is Conclusion
mentioned in the constitution of Russian Federation As a state Russia values children as national assets
related specifically with children, though there are and prioritises their well-being as evidenced from the
many rights which are pronounced as the rights of policies and agenda of the government. But the
citizens in generalist manner. For instance, equality fundamental law of the land excludes the semantics of
before law and principle of non-discrimination are a child centric approach in its codification, makes the
enshrined under article 19 of the constitution, but child right concerns of the state ostensible. The rights
there is no mention of constitutional provisions in of children must be included in a vivid and
relation to the equal treatment of all children or transparent way in the constitution of every state that
prohibition of discrimination among children or wants to solidify its foundation of democracy and rule
between children or between adults and children. of law. Thus, while deconstructing the constitutional
The Constitution of Russian Federation, makes “a texts we can conclude that a child centric
subsection of a general provision on the family that constitutional approach does not inform the social and
guarantees special state protection to parents and political discourse embedded in the constitution. The
children” (O’Mahony 2019). This approach can also Constitutional approach to children’s rights is more
be noticed in Estonia, Italy, Lithuania (ibid). There is tilted towards paternalism and less towards child
a dedicated section entirely for children or detailed centric perspective and language. Nevertheless, it
part devoted to specific issues of children under some would be inaccurate to assert that children are entirely
broad themes like family. There is no detailed absent from the provisions of constitutional law. But
children’s rights provision or explicit statement and steps must be taken to elevate their constitutional
use of the term ‘right’ in the provisions of the status as right bearers giving child rights due and
Constitution of Russian Federation. There has been distinct space in the constitutional frame, making
no mention to prevention of abuse, violence, their rights authentic and fundamental to the
exploitation specific to children. For instance, the governance structure in a broad perspective. This will
Indian Constitution under its article 24 enshrines the open the horizons for children’s autonomy, right to
fundamental right which prohibits employment of self-determination and participation, making the
children below the age of 14 years, in any hazardous constitutional approach for child rights more
industry, factory or mines. authentic, solid and child centric in the social and
political discourse of contemporary Russia.
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64717 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 553

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