'Juror Doe' Affidavit

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ko) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT NORFOLK, SS DOCKET NO, 2282-CR-00117 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Plaintiff KAREN READ. Defendant AFFIDAVIT OF JUROR DOE Now comes Juror Doe, a pseudonym, who on oath deposes and says as follows: 1, Lam of legal age and have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein, 2. Twas a member of the jury that was seated in the recently concluded trial in the above-captioned case. 3. I just retained counsel to represent me. 4, [have read the Impoundment Order entered by Superior Court Associate Justice Beverly J. Cannone on July 8, 2024, which found that “good cause exists to impound the list identifying the names of empaneled jurors in the trial of this case.” 5. As Tread the Court’s Order, is scheduled to expire on July 18 unless it is extended by the Court 6. submit this Affidavit in support of my request to extend the Impoundment Order entered on July 8. 7. Lam asking that the Impoundment Order be extended indefinitely because Iam in fear of my personal safety and the personal safety of my family if the names of the jury are made public. 8. Thave read the Impoundment Order and noted on the very first page that individuals associated with this case have been charged criminally with intimidation. 1am frightened for my personel safety as a result of learning that someone associated with this case has been criminally charged with intimidation. 9. also recall testimony from at least one witness who described being harassed by individuals and her family being harassed because of their involvement in this case. Ido not know any of the specifics of any such harassment, but I fear that my family and I will not only be harassed if the names of the jurors are made public, but that our personal safety will be seriously compromised. 10. During jury deliberations we could hear protesters outside screaming and yelling, 11, During our jury service, the members of the jury would meet at what was supposed to be a secret location to be transported to and from the courthouse by bus. After being discharged from jury service on July 1, 2024, we were taken by bus back to what was supposed to have been a secret location where we observed what appeared to be members of the media including photographers. I was so much in fear on my way home that I pulled over to the side of the road to see if I was being followed. Thankfully, I was not being followed, but that was (and remains) my mindset, If juror names are made public, we will be constantly threatened and harassed and there will likely be a physical confrontation at some point. 12, Since being discharged from jury service on July 1, 2024 I have read multiple news articles about the case and the attention that this case garnered across Massachusetts, New and and the country. 13, There are clearly people who have very strong opinions about the case and about the jurors who deliberated over many days, I have seen articles, comments to articles and postings about the verdict saying some very nasty and dangerous things. Some individuals have expressed outrage and anger that the jury did not acquit the defendant. Some individuals have expressed outrage and anger that the jury did not find the defendant guilty. 14, Just yesterday, [read an article in The Boston Globe, with the headline, “Karen Read case ended in a mistrial. But the dichards haven’t given up.” See, Exhibit 1. In approximately the 12 paragraph of this article, an administrator of a Karen Read-focused Facebook group was quoted as saying: ‘The people who were on the fringe of being interested in it are now engulfed... The anger level was at a nine before and now it’s at an 11.5.” The article characterized this increase as “a rising rage” 15, Later in this July 15 Boston Globe article another individual interviewed by the reporter stated “people are insane about this case. If they don’t agree with you, they'll try to dox you.” Tunderstand the term “dox" to mean that individuals will publicize someone's personal information, including someone’s residential address, occupation, business address etc. Publicizing my personal information in this context exposes me and my family to unwanted, and likely surprise, encounters with strangers who likely have an axe to grind with any juror. 16. Thave seen social media posts that were very demeaning of and attacking the integrity of the trial judge. If someone is going to attack a sitting judge, I see no reason why they would not demean and attack, verbally and physically, a juror who sat on this jury. 17. Tunderstand that there are individuals who are upset that an Impoundment Order was entered and that they are actively seeking the identity of all of the jurors. 18. For example, my attorneys have made me aware of a video posted by a blogger / journalist, whom I understand to be a person who has been charged with witness intimidation related to this case, speaking about the trial and the jury’s inability to reach a unanimous verdict on all counts after trial, In the video, the blogger initially states that he has identified the jury foreperson in the case. Not only does the blogger state that he has identified the jury foreperson, but also where this person lives and what the person does for a living. A link to this video can be found here: hitps://x.cow/JulieCar94/status/ 18084959205 11607087 19. In this same video, the blogger demands to know the identity of the “fexpletive] idiot on this jury” who did not vote in his preferred manner and further that: “Whoever did that subverted justice...Like, they helped cover up for a murder, as far as T’'m concemed, fuck ‘em, that's what I think.” hitps:/4x, com/JulieCar94/status’ 18084959205 | 1607087 The blogger states in another video posted to “ “Who outed the Chesna juror, remember that? The one woman who hung the Michael Chesna tril,! in July? The jury lists are public, so I got the jury list and I went down the list and I found the juror who hung the jury, and I shamed her, as I should, cause it’s shameful...” (emphases added). AA link to this post can be found here: httos://x.com/Heels in TheAir/status/177934413223599746: 20. understand that the above-mentioned blogger has been accused of harassing witnesses to the case, including by organizing crowds of people to harass them outside their homes, and I am aware that he has made statements in a blog from 2023 to the effect of, * Commonwealth v. Lopes, Norfolk County Superior Court Docket No, 1882CV00309, “murderers, and those who cover for them, do not deserve to live a comfortable life while Karen Read suffers and fights for justice for John O'Keefe.” See Exhibit 2. 21. If, as he has stated, this blogger believes that members of the jury on which I served “helped cover up for a murder,” and he further believes that “those who cover for [murderers]” are legitimate targets of harassment, I fully expect that members of the jury will be subjected to efforts to harass and shame them with the very real probability that some physical confrontation will inevitably occur. 22. My concerns are not limited to a particular blogger or to a particular “side” of this case, [am aware that there are other outspoken bloggers, commentators, and groups of people who wished for a guilty verdict on some or all charges against the defendant. I am aware that there have been physical confiontations between the two sides of supporters. 23, An example of this is from two recent postings by an individual who appears to be a reporter from New Bedford. In today’s post, she stated that she was in court today defending against a harassment charge against her and her pursuit of a counter-harassment charge. See, Exhibit 3. 24. Yesterday, this reporter posted about “getting protection” from another blogger. See, Exhibit 4, While I do not know the facts concerning these court appearances, it is very evident that individuals on all sides in this case have acted irrationally and aggressively over the past few years, which has caused multiple court appearances by parties seeking protection of the courts from other individuals. 25. In light of the mistrial — there is no end in sight to this irrational behavior, which clearly continues today. Jurors will undoubtedly be subjected to harassment and likely physical confrontations if their names are made public. 26. My affidavit and motion should not be interpreted as indicating how I or any other Juror voted on this case, or how I or any other juror feel about this case. Every member of the jury, regardless of how they voted, is likely to fave backlash from a segment of the large portion of the public who intensely followed this case. I wish to remain anonymous, and I bring this motion on behalf of myself and any other juror who does not wish to be identified, regardless of whether or not we agreed during our deliberations. 27. It was an honor to serve on the jury. It also was a significant sacrifice of time, which I understood and anticipated when I was selected. What I did not anticipate, however, was the likelihood that I and other members of the jury would become targets of intense public scrutiny and likely harassment campaigns strictly due to the outcome of our private deliberations. 28, If jury names are made public, I will be subject to nonstop requests for comment about jury deliberations. [ would prefer to not have to respond to these inquiries. However, what I fear is not only will Ibe subject to requests for interviews, but that I will be targeted and harassed because of what I did, or did not do on that jury. I fear that verbal harassment will likely lead to physical confrontation and physical harm. Tam not prepared or equipped to anticipate and prepare for any surprise personal attack. More importantly, I fear that I will not be able to protect myself and my family. Signed under the penalties of perjury this 16th day of July 2024 {s/ Juror Doe Thereby certify that this document eFiled on July 17, 2024 will be sent by separate email to all counsel of record and the Office of the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the following addresses: David R. Yannetti, Esq. 44 School Street Suite 10004. Boston, MA 02108 @davidyannetti.com Alan J. Jackson, Esq, Elizabeth S. Little, Esq. Werksman Jackson & Quinn, LLP 888 West Sixth Street, 4" Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 [email protected] [email protected] Martin G. Weinberg, Esq. 20 Park Plaza, Suite 1000 Boston, MA 02116 owlmgw@atinet Adam Lally, Esq, Assistant District Attorney Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office 45 Shawmut Road Canton, MA 02021 Adam Jally@n ov Andrea Campbell, Esq ‘Attomey General Commonwealth of Massachusetts One Ashburton Place, 21* Floor Boston, MA 02108 Andrea. campbell @mass.gov /s/ Andrew P. DiCenzo EXHIBIT 1 Karen Read case ended ina mistrial. But the diehards haven't given up. The judge in the Karen Read trial declared a mistrial. It triggered a cliffhanger — and in some, an even deeper obsession. By Beth Teitell Globe Staft, Updated July 15,2026, 6:04 am, ack Camey, right, of Canton, with other Karen Read supporters continuing their dedication to her, ona sidewalk along Providence Highway in Dedham on July 4, PAT GREENHOUSE/GLOBE STAFF DEDHAM —The TV cameras have moved on. The man wearing the blonde Judge Beverly Cannone wig n Read’ is gone. ‘The street is no longer lined with people bedecked in pink holding “Free It’s a weekday afternoon outside the Norfolk Superior Court, and where Read’s supporters once reigned, with their righteous outrage and their beach chairs, there is instead a farmer's market. A band plays Sonny Rollins. A child climbs into a fire truck brought just for that reason. A woman carries an armful of sunflowers. But the pastoral scene is deceiving. The July 1 end of the trial wasn’t the end at all. It was a mistrial, a cliffhanger, an invitation for yet more obsession over a real-life situation that’s as sad as it gets, but for many has turned into a binge-worthy true-crime drama, And they get to be part of the story! Those in the trial’s grip are still out protesting, still fighting on Twitter and Facebook, still buying Karen Read merch (the “Jackson Yannetti 2024" baseball caps, named for the defense attorneys, make a nice keepsake). Indeed, just six miles away from the Dedham courthouse where they got so chummy, the old “Karen Read was framed” gang reconvened last Wednesday. Once strangers, they have become people who hug hello and ask after each other's family members. ADVERTISING ‘They have gathered in Canton, protesting in front of the offices of Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey — one of their many nemeses. (Fromieft) Jack Carey, Cathy Carney, and Gall White holdup signs supporting Karen Read ouside DA Morrisseys office in Canton, KAYLA BARTKOWSKI FOR THE BOSTON “Morrissey Gotta Go!” reads one sign. “Justice is coming,” promises another. ‘The weather app shows 88 degrees, but the air is thick, and it feels hotter. The group is huddled on a small patch of grass between the road and their enemy's parking lot. Shade is scarce, but crusaders aren't stopped by humidity. “This is a busy week,” says Scott McGuinness as he describes the demanding schedule of a Karen Read diehard. Today he is at a protest, and he went to one on Monday, too, in South Boston, outside of the Massachusetts State Police barracks. He spent Tuesday night at a meeting of the Canton Select Board. And tomorrow, Thursday, he'd be heading to Dedham, to support the blogger known as Turtleboy in court appearances related to his coverage of the case. McGuinness lives in Shirley, and sometimes the commute to his Karen Read job takes an hour, or more if the traffie’s bad. “But I feel like I'm letting people down if I don’t go,” he says. It’s been two weeks since Judge Cannone declared a mistrial, leaving unanswered, for now (for some), the question of whether Read drunkenly backed her Lexus into her boyfriend and left him for dead in the snow on a lawn in Canton on a January night in 2022, as the Commonwealth alleges, or whether she was framed for his murder by the people inside the house, as her attorneys argued. If you indulged in a brief coma on mistrial day, such is the ongoing intensity that you could be forgiven for thinking the trial was still in session, And not just because it’s still spinning out actual news — leaks about the jurors’ thoughts; the motion by Read’s lawyers to dismiss two charges; the suspension without pay of state Trooper Michael Proctor, lead investigator in the case; the suspension with pay of Canton Police Detective Kevin Albert, whose brother owned the home where John O’Keefe’s body was found. An administrator of an enormous Karen Read-focused Facebook group says he is spending three or four hours a day on his responsibilities — approving new posts, writing his own, welcoming new members, who are coming in in droves, as Read's fame continues to grow. “The people who were on the fringe of being interested in it are now engulfed,” said the administrator, a middle school teacher, who asked to be identified by his Facebook name, Dooh Greg. “The anger level was at a nine before and now it’s at an 11.5” —a rising rage he attributes to the assertion by Read’s lawyers that the jury reportedly unanimously agreed to acquit her on two of the three counts. “I've gota fire lit in me that I didn’t know needed to be lit,” Paul Cristoforo, a restaurant owner and one of the informal organizers of the resistance. It was early in the week, and already plans were being formulated for weekend protests in spots from Auburn to the South Shore, some at rotaries, others on overpasses. “I'm just as active as I was during the trial,” he said. People’s rage takes different forms. At least one Read supporter who is unhappy with Judge Cannone’s handling of Read’s trial has taken to Facebook to post a link to the Massachusetts Commission on Judicial Conduct so that others can easily file complaints against her. Many Read obsessive spend their time on X, reading endless posts that dissect, once again, and possibly forever, what Karen Read did or didn’t say after she discovered John O’Keefe's body buried in the snow, and who did or who did not hear her say it, whatever itis. Then there are the trial highlight reels to binge for those who mis the good old days. One, “A goodbye to our new friends,” is a nostalgia-tinged montage of the now-familiar courtroom characters (the court reporter, the clerk, the cult-favorite ceiling fan) with Sara McLachlan’s emotional “I Will Remember You” for a soundtrack. Jay, its creator, asked that his last name not be used because “people are insane about this case. If they don’t agree with you, they'll try to dox you.” He's a former insurance adjuster who became so fascinated with true crime that he cashed in his 401(k) to start a trial-focused YouTube channel. His Read montage was a hit — it got 1.7k likes — but even so, he found dealing with both sides of the case so unpleasant, he said, that he vowed not to cover a second Karen Read retrial. Could it be? A person with the strength not to tune in for season two? Beth Teitell can be reached at beth. [email protected]. Follow her @bethteitell. ‘Show 195 comments (©2024 Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC EXHIBIT 2 Canton Cover-Up Part 76: Chris Albert Confronts “Loser” Woman In “Free Karen Read” Shirt In Waterfall Parking Lot For Taking His Picture Aidan Kearney July 17, 2023 — Framed — Video for Full Background on Canton Cover-Up Story ~ Donate to the Karen Read Legal Defense Fund = See all parts of the Canton Cover-Up Series = Watch the Live Shows and Videos On Saturday a pair of turtle riders wandered over to the Waterfront Bar & Grille in Canton, which was the last place John O'Keefe was seen alive. They wore the new Free Karen Read shirts that everyone's been raving about. However, when they stepped foot inside they saw a familiar face. Chicken Parm Charlie. The last time we saw him he was kicking an award winning journalist out of his pizza shop, and thus denying access to Chris Albert's world famous mediocre chicken parm. He then called police, claiming that he was some sort of victim, while periodically opening the door to call me a “looooosssaah" who was “going to get it” Clearly this man is on tilt because he knows he can no longer go out in public and live a normal life like he used to. That tends to happen when your family is involved in the murder of a police officer, followed by the subsequent cover up and framing of an innocent woman. EUS AUS ae aa UATE COU Pg FROMS10A MONTH It appears as if Chicken Parm Charlie, who is an elected member of the Board of Selectman, realized he was being photographed. However, instead of quietly accepting that people have the right to take pictures in public, and that he is both an elected official and the brother and father of men who have been accused in open court of murder, Chicken Parm Charlie decided to confront and berate these two women in the parking lot. He accused the woman of giving this award winning journalist a handjob, which is factually untrue, but it would probably be more satisfying than his pizza. After that she began filming. Watch: This dude cannot go five second without calling someone a “loooosssahhh," despite having a worse record in court than the New York Jets. Mr. Chicken Parm Charlie, you had to move into a small apartment because you couldn't afford to live in your house, you get by on your family name, and you make mediocre chicken parm that the Little League coaches buy out of pity. | assure you that the loser here is now who you think it is. As Marlo Stanfield once said, “You want it to be one way, but it's the other way.” Chris Albert wants to live in the world he used to live in, where the Alberts owned the town of Canton and nobody crossed them. He's not used to being unliked, despite the fact that he once killed a man and has countless court judgments and liens against him, which really says a lot about the town of Canton. This is a man who is a well known conservative in a town that Joe Biden won by 30 points, who managed to beat a Yale educated liberal attorney, simply because he comes from ‘the cool jock family. He doesn't know how to react to negativity because he’s never been in this position before, which is why he hired an attorney to send out more than a dozen demand letters threatening defamation lawsuits against people who speculated about his family's involvement in a murder on Facebook. But unfortunately for Chicken Parm Charlie we began reporting on this case, and the Albert family name no longer carries the swagger in town that it did three months ago. As Slim Charle once wisely said, “the thing about the old day, they the OLD days.” There is a Wire quote for everything. The best part about the Alberts and McCabes is that they think they can talk their way out of everything. Matt McCabe told me when | confronted him previously that it was “proven in court” that his wife never Googled “how long to die in cold." When you're accustomed to getting away with everything your entire life you don't know how to behave when you're finally held accountable. You're used to people blindly eating up your bullshit, which is why people like Chris think they can talk their way out of anything. “You don’t know anything about me and my family.” Here's some things we know about your family: Your brother Brian never came outside after being alerted that there was a dead cop on his front lawn Your son Colin frequently posts videos of himself threatening to kill people Your son was born innocent but became a depraved psychopath who believes that violence solves problems, which is a direct result of your failures as a father to impart morals into him, despite going through the motions and pretending to be practicing Catholics Your son had a black eye and cut up knuckles two weeks after John O'Keefe was killed You yourself once killed a man and left the scene of the crime You are close personal family friends with the Proctor family and have been for well over a decade Your family never left Canton because they control everything and can bang any woman they want so long as they graduated from Canton High School between 1989 and 1996 “Why are you taking pictures of me?” Because she's a free person living in a free country and she can take pictures of whatever she wants without having to explain herself to you. But if you really wanna know why, it’s because you're so brazen that you still go to bars like the Waterfall, knowing full well what everyone in town is thinking about you. “Because you were being all weird to me.” Sir, you're yelling at women in a parking lot and accusing them of giving an award winning journalist a handjob. | assure you that it is not them who is being weird. Also, your assumption that two women wouldn't drive a pickup truck reeks of toxic masculinity. This interaction was the best: Turtle rider: “You're framing an innocent woman." Chicken Parm Charlie: “Am | really? Because Karen f***ing ran John over. You have no f***ing clue.” Turtle rider: “That's why Colin has bruises all over his body.” Chicken Parm Charlie: "You have zero clue." Turtle rider: “The whole state believes that you are guilty.” Chicken Parm Charlie: “You're a f***ing looosah.” Turtle rider: “I'm a loser? You're arguing with a woman in a parking lot.” His response was basically the same response Matt McCabe gave me about his wife's Google search. It defies logic and reason, and ignores all the facts. But if they shout it loud enough then no one will challenge them. Karen Read did not run John over, and | will buy a $500 gift card to D&E Pizza (which | assume will be him writing something on a napkin) if he can explain to me the physics of how that happened, which align with all witness statements and the autopsy photos. The best thing she said was that the whole state believes they are guilty. Chris needed to hear that because the Alberts and McCabes. have insulated themselves in a bubble of people that is growing smaller by the day, who reassure them that they believe Karen Read killed John O'Keefe. And for a while, so did most people. Outside of Canton no one believes that, and inside of Canton more and more people are seeing the truth. The one place that was their sanctuary of acceptance is no longer that. Anyway, let's keep this up. | was so proud to see turtle riders unafraid, confronting evil like this in the flesh. The fact that he’s still going to places like the Waterfall is because he feels comfortable doing so. But murderers, and those who cover for them, do not deserve to live a comfortable life while Karen Read suffers and fights for justice for John O'Keefe. Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy: EXHIBIT 3 0 09 DR ou Do YN RK B ® © Post Jessica Machado @jessmachadoshow This morning, the individual who is accusing me of harassing her at Norfolk Superior Court during the Karen Read trial had an opportunity to be heard in front of a judge but chose not to be. Instead, she claimed that she now needs an attorney, as | counter filed against her this morning. When the judge asked if she realized that there was no order in place and that she would not get one today if she requested a new date, she said she understood and asked for it to be continued. We now have a new date of July 26th. There is no order. | was extremely prepared to not only defend myself against these ridiculous accusations, but | was equally as prepared to prove that am the one in need of protection. However, at this time, | will be hiring an attomey to do the heavy lifting. Many friends and followers have offered to help fund my legal representation and | will take you all up on that offer. Later today | will posta link to a fundraising option that you can use if you would like to contribute. This is distracting from my work and as you can imagine, very stressful The seemingly habitual exploiting of court ordered protection orders by women in our court system is a real problem and the only way to stop it is to fight back. | intend to do that. Last edited 11:30 AM- Jul 16, 2024 - 44.8K Views On tar Osis Ar 4 Post your reply Rich Vetstein @richardvetstein - 2h co ‘The newspaper you work for should really be paying your legal fees, since this is all happening as a result of your employment related activities. Just saying again Or ua 9 180 1h 4.8K As Jessica Machado @ @jessmachadoshow : th We have a meeting at 130 today to discuss. EXHIBIT 4 o 0092 DRX OQ hb wx © Post. Merosth 0 @mciedthonet Jul 18 Home Hopey Monday! figured everyone could use good ugh fe this eon Explore ‘TT tothe dar days boar ajessmachadoshow gotmsrant sith tanned frm eure Lt ee te vdeo, butt was wen ome on & Notifications Sina ateoan nine Feo acter cr Messages Grok Bookmarks Communities Premium Verified Orgs Profile More Ow us ons as Jesnlea Machado Gjessmachadoenon ‘This video was enteradinto evidence and instrumental in me getting protection from Grant. Haveto admit, [hate watching this butit’s a good reminder that you have to fighto stop people ke Grant from attacking you because you dort, they wil 12:45PM J15, 2024-3918 views ° a: On Ar 2 Post your reply ‘Butt Dia McCabe OMeALDUHT- JS We loveyou oo 0 os hates Ae Mio seer 118 ove that can't goto courthouse anymore. He teats everyone that way. 90 Jesseat ° 2 oo hss as Lata Mickaluait @ @LaiaMickotunit Ad TAKEDOW Weve the never-beore-olinae stv of how Prmhub was «exposed for enabing ane peoitng rom countless videos of eilérape and ‘lfc But he en ove jot Viet deserve use. {Watch & share hie vido, then far moro at thnk low DonKeavany ODkeavany Messages Q seach Relevant people Jessicattachado Conespondent Fallaiverepot an [eweadtonGuie.Formorhostot theleeses Machado Show and ‘SeuthiCoas Tonight GWBSM. Former lumi a BHowieCarShon Mereath ‘ameredtnonet ‘rant mith cemegrant sth ‘Arist feet known a3 Grande Lindsey's simp. Wendy's abled adultehid Human parody Also ndosinions rom my Mom Protec. vitnaae 0 FAFO. What's happening The sim Rome Show Nowe tang Blake ely tetany Teng California to Texas ‘Show mare COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, NORFOLK, ss. SUPERIOR COURT CRIMINAL A‘ NO, 2282CROOLI7 COMMONWEALTH vs. KAREN READ FINDINGS AND ORDER ON JUROR DOE’S EMERGENCY MOTION TO EXTEND JULY 8, 2024 IMPOUNDMENT ORDER ‘This matter came before the Court on the emergency motion of Juror Doe, to extend the July 8, 2024 Impoundment Order entered by this court. Upon review of the motion and supporting documents, including the Affidavit of Juror Doe, the Court makes the following findings and Order: 1. This case has gamered significant and divisive attention in Massachusetts and across the nation. 2. Individuals associated with this case have been charged with intimidation, which charges remain pending, 3. Juror Doe has submitted a detailed affidavit which I find to be credible. 4, Juror Doe is in reasonable fear for their safety and the safety of their family if the list ofjurors is made available to the public. 5. Through their affidavit, Juror Doe has established that publication of the list identifying the names of the empaneled jurors will present a real and present risk of personal harm to jurors and to the integrity of their service, BIL 6. Through their affidavit, Juror Doe has established that there is a continuing risk of immediate and irreparable injury should the jury list be made available to the public at this time, 7. Through their affidavit, Juror Doe has established good cause to extend the Impoundment Order, dated July 8, 2024, until and unless otherwise ordered by the Court. 8, This Order shall not preclude any juror from identifying himself or herself and/or from speaking to the public about his/her jury service SO ORDERED, és) Beverly J. Cannone Beverly J. Cannone Justice of the Superior Court Date: July 18, 2024

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