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It is an acute viral infection which starts in the respiratory system.

From the respiratory tract the virus spreads to other parts of the body
through the blood stream.

Once in the body the virus (from the Paramyxovirus family) invades the host
cells and uses cellular components to complete its cycle.

The medical name for measles is Rubeola.

The infection occurs in stages over 2 to 3 weeks.

 Infection and incubation. For the first 10 to 14 days after infection,

the measles virus spreads in the body. There are no signs or
symptoms of measles during this time.

 Nonspecific signs and symptoms. Measles typically begins with a

mild to moderate fever, often with a persistent cough, a runny nose,
inflamed eyes (conjunctivitis) and a sore throat. This relatively mild
illness may last 2 to 3 days.

 Acute illness and rash. The rash is made up of small red spots,
some of which are slightly raised. Spots and bumps in tight clusters
give the skin a splotchy red appearance. The face breaks out first.

Over the next few days, the rash spreads down the arms, chest and back,
then over the thighs, lower legs and feet. At the same time, the fever rises
sharply, often as high as 104 to 105.8 F (40 to 41 C).

 Recovery. The measles rash may last about seven days. The rash
gradually fades first from the face and last from the thighs and feet. As
other symptoms of the illness go away, the cough and darkening or
peeling of the skin where the rash was may stay for about 10 days.


Measles is a highly contagious illness. This means it's very easily spread to
others. Measles is caused by a virus found in the nose and throat of an
infected child or adult. When someone with measles coughs, sneezes or
talks, infectious droplets spray into the air, where other people can breathe
them in.

The infectious droplets can hang in the air for about an hour.
The infectious droplets may also land on a surface, where they can live and
spread for several hours. You can get the measles virus by putting your
fingers in your mouth or nose or rubbing your eyes after touching the
infected surface.

When can a person spread the measles virus?

A person with measles can spread the virus to others for about eight days,
starting four days before the rash appears and ending when the rash has
been present for four days.


 Coughing and sneezing

 Contact with contaminated service

 Airborne –when infected person breaths

Signs and symptoms

Measles signs and symptoms appear around 10 to 14 days after exposure to

the virus. Signs and symptoms of measles typically include:-

 High fevers approximately 40.5oC

 Runny nose
 Cough
 Red eyes
 Sore throat or lesions
 White spots in the mouth
 Red blotchy itchy rash (Wide spread on the body) and sometimes forming
 Diarrheas and vomiting causing dehydration.
 Otitis media- middle ear infection causing earache.
 Laryngitis - inflamed voice box
 Airway and lung infection e.g. pneumonia, bronchitis
 Febrile seizures due to high fevers.


 Can be made based on the characteristic rash as well as Koplik’s

Spots. small, bluish-white spot on a bright red background
 Blood test can also be done to confirm the infection.
 Other confirmatory tests include the throat swab or urine sample test.
Who are at Risk (Risk factors)

Risk factors for measles include:

 Being unvaccinated. If you haven't had the measles vaccine, you're much
more likely to get measles.
 Traveling internationally. If you travel to countries where measles is
more common, you're at higher risk of catching measles.
 Having a vitamin, A deficiency. If you don't have enough vitamin A in
your diet, you're more likely to have more-severe symptoms and
complications of measles.

Prevention and treatment

Measles is prevented through vaccination with the MMR vaccine (Measles,

Mumps, and Rubella).

First dose is give between 9 &12 months and 2 nd dose is given at 18 & 24
months of age.

N/B Measles being a viral disease has no specific treatment since the virus
has to run its course.

However, sick children should: -

 Get enough rest

 Take analgesics/pain killer to reduce the fever
 Be given Vitamin A Supplements to help with immune regulations


Generally good-most children survive measles and only in rare cases do

complications occur.


Complications of measles may include:

 Diarrhea and vomiting. Diarrhea and vomiting can result in losing too
much water from the body (dehydration).
 Ear infection. One of the most common complications of measles is a
bacterial ear infection.
 Bronchitis, laryngitis or croup. Measles may lead to irritation and swelling
(inflammation) of the airways (croup). It can also lead to inflammation of
the inner walls that line the main air passageways of the lungs (bronchitis).
Measles can also cause inflammation of the voice box (laryngitis).
 Pneumonia. Measles can commonly cause an infection in the lungs
(pneumonia). People with weakened immune systems can develop an
especially dangerous type of pneumonia that sometimes can lead to death.
 Encephalitis. About 1 in 1,000 people with measles can develop a
complication called encephalitis. Encephalitis is irritation and swelling
(inflammation) of the brain. The condition can be especially dangerous for
people with weakened immune systems. Encephalitis may occur right after
measles, or it might not occur until months later. Encephalitis can cause
permanent brain damage.
 Pregnancy problems. If you're pregnant, you need to take special care to
avoid measles because the disease can cause premature birth, low birth
weight and fetal death.

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