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As you read in the case and saw in the lecture video, the case seems to emphasize that

quick response is the key to Zara's success.

However, the case also mentions World Co. (bottom of page 9), a Japanese company
that had achieved similar quick response times, and yet was nowhere near as
successful as Zara in terms of profitability. The case lists several reasons for this.

Write a short answer to the following question: What do you think is the main reason
why World Co. was not as successful as Zara? The answer to this is very short--just a
sentence or two could be enough to answer this.

The main reason why Zara is more successful than World Co. is that their vertical
integration setup for supply, distribution and marketing was lightyears ahead. Zara’s design was
focused on staying up with modern trends, having a quick turnaround on products, producing
those products in-house while keeping warehouse supply low, and selling the products in stores
that were constantly being updated and/or moving to hot locations.

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