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1.0 Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Hazards and Disaster
1.3 Dimensions of Hazard
1.4 Hazards Classification
1.5 Types of Natural Hazards
1.6 Effects and Service Functions of Natural Hazards
1.7 Disaster and Socio-economic Impacts
1.7.1 Social Impact
1.7.2 Economic Impact
1.7.3 Psychosocial Impact

1.8 Vulnerability and Human Intervention

1.9 Overview of Assessing Hazards
1.10 Natural Disasters: International Attention and Strategies
1.11 Let Us Sum Up
1.12 Key Words
1.13 References and Suggested Further Readings
1.14 Answers to Check Your Progress

We know that all the earth processes have been operating throughout the
geological history, but these processes have become hazardous only because
they negatively affect us. The earth is an open system with respect to energy
but essentially a closed system with respect to materials. The earth is also a
dynamic, evolving system with complex interactions of internal and external
processes. While the internal processes are primarily responsible for movement
of plates, earthquakes, volcanic activities; the external processes are responsible
for the wave generation, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and droughts. The source
of energy of the internal process is essentially radioactivity, whereas the source
of energy for the external process is the sun.
We benefit directly and our survival depends on the Earth’s resources. However,
the same earth can be a dangerous place and our understanding of these natural
hazards is important for our continued success as a species. The first step to
deal with hazards is to prepare. Thus, for us to have an understanding of the
Natural Hazards earth processes in which we live, it is important to look at the processes and
structures that occur today, and interpret what could have occurred in the past
i.e. applying the Hutton concept “Present is the key to the past”.

After reading this unit, you should be able to:
 define the term natural hazards;
 explain the types of natural hazards, their effects, impacts and
 describe the vulnerability and human intervention.


Geo-hazard is a natural earth process that upon interaction with human activity
causes loss of life and / or property. Earth processes, means natural events that
occurs within the lithosphere, hydrosphere or atmosphere. Geologic processes
affect every living organism on the Earth all the time, but they become obvious
only when they affect life or property. Such life or property threatening processes
is called natural hazards. Hazard is an inescapable part of life and no one can
live in a totally safe environment.
Hazard: A hazard can be defined as a potential threat to humans and their
welfare and risk as the probability of hazard occurrence. Hazard can also be
defined as: “Those elements of the physical environment, harmful to man and
caused by forces extraneous to him” (Burton et al. 1978). A hazard has the
potential to cause harm to:
 People: death, injury, disease and stress
 Human activity: economic, educational etc.
 Property: property damage, economic loss of
 Environment: loss fauna and flora, pollution, loss of amenities.
Disaster: A disaster occurs when an extreme event exceeds a community’s
ability to cope with it.
Hazard Event: It is the physical parameter of the hazard event that causes the
harm. Environmental events become hazards once they threaten to affect society
and/or the environment adversely. A physical event, such as a volcanic eruption,
that does not affect human beings is a natural phenomenon but not a natural
hazard. A natural phenomenon that occurs in a populated area is a hazardous
Natural Disaster: A hazardous event that causes unacceptably large numbers
of fatalities and/or overwhelming property damage is a natural disaster.
The best way to face natural hazards is obviously to predict and prepare. The
long-term preparations for hazard mitigation are frequently complex and often
involve investment of substantial resources. The relationship between humans
and geologic processes is characterized by risk. The risk from natural hazards,
while it cannot be eliminated, can, in some cases be understood in such a way
6 that we can minimize the hazard to humans, and thus minimize the risk. To be
able to do this, we must understand something about the processes that operate, Introduction to Natural
Hazards and Disaster
and understand the energy required for the process. Then, we can develop an
appropriate plan of action for minimizing the risk. Although, humans can
sometimes influence natural disasters other disasters that are directly caused
by humans, are considered technological disasters, such as oil and toxic material
spills, pollution, massive auto mobile or train wrecks, air plane crashes, and
human induced explosions.


The impact of a disastrous event is in part a function of its magnitude (amount
of energy released) and frequency (recurrence interval) but it is influenced by
many other factors like climate, geology, vegetation, population and land use.
Magnitude is an important characteristic for analyzing hazards since only
occurrences exceeding some defined level of magnitude are considered
hazardous. The level of harm is governed by:
 Magnitude of the hazard
 Frequency of hazard or recurrence
 Intensity at the impact point
In general, the frequency of such an event is inversely related to the magnitude.
Small earthquakes for example occur more often than do large ones. The
magnitude concept is the assertion that there is generally an inverse relationship
between the magnitude of an event and its frequency. In other words the larger
the flood, the less frequently the flood occurs. The concept also supports the
idea that much of the work of, forming the earth’s surface is done by events of
moderate magnitude and frequency rather than common processes with low
magnitude and high frequency or extreme events of high magnitude and low
Return Period: Majority of hazards have return periods on a human time-
scale. Some examples are five-year flood, fifty-year flood and a hundred year
flood. This reflects a statistical measure of how often a hazard event of a given
magnitude and intensity will occur. The frequency is measured in terms of a
hazard’s recurrence interval. For example, a recurrence interval of 100 years
for a flood suggests that in any year, a flood of that magnitude has a 1% chance
of occurring. Such extreme events have very low frequencies but very high
magnitudes in terms of destructive capacity. This means that an event considered
being a hundred year flood would cause severe damage compared to a five-
year flood.


There are many different ways of classifying hazards. One method is to consider
the extent to which hazards are natural.
i. Natural hazards such as earthquakes or floods arise from purely natural
processes in the environment.
ii. Quasi-natural hazards such as smog or desertification arise through the
interaction of natural processes and human activities.
Natural Hazards iii. Technological (or man-made) hazards such as the toxicity of pesticides to
fauna, accidental release of chemicals or radiation from a nuclear plant.
These arise directly as a result of human activities.
Natural hazards are basically natural processes, which may become hazardous
when people live or work in areas where these processes occur. Technological
hazards occur as a direct result of human interaction with the environment.
They include hazards, which occur due to exposure to hazardous substances,
such as radon, mercury, asbestos, and coal dust. They also include other hazards
that have formed only through human interaction, such as acid rain, and
contamination of the atmosphere or surface waters with harmful substances,
as well as the potential for human destruction of the ozone layer and potential
global warming.
Table 1.1: General Classifications of Hazards
Natural Hazards 1. Geologic Hazards Earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, landslides,
avalanches, subsidence,
and impacts with space
2. Hydrological hazards Floods, tsunamis
3. Atmospheric Hazards Hurricanes, tornadoes,
droughts, and severe
thunderstorms, lightening
4. Biological Hazards Insect infestations,
disease, wildfires

Technological or Exposure to hazardous

Anthropogenic substances, such as
Hazards radon, mercury, asbestos
fibers, and coal dust, acid
rain, contamination of the
atmosphere or surface
Natural Hazards can also be termed as catastrophic hazards when they have
devastating consequences to large numbers of people, or have a worldwide
effect, such as impacts huge volcanic eruptions, world-wide disease epidemics,
and world-wide droughts.
Secondary Hazards: These are hazards that follow as a result of other hazard
events. Hazards secondary to an earthquake may be listed as follows to illustrate
the concept. For example a primary hazard is the earthquake. Secondary hazards
 Building collapse
 Dam failure
 Fire Hazardous material spill
 Interruption of power/ water supply/ communication/ transportation/ waste
8 disposal
 Landslide Introduction to Natural
Hazards and Disaster
 Soil liquefaction

 Tsunami (tidal wave)

 Water pollution

Chronic Hazards: A group of hazards that do not stem from one event but
arise from continuous conditions (e.g., famine, resource degradation, pollution,
and large-scale toxic contamination), which accumulate over time.

Hewitt and Burton (1971) reported a number of factors relating to damaging

geophysical events that include:

 Aerial extent of damage zone

 Intensity of impact at a point

 Duration of impact at a point

 Rate of onset of the event

 Predictability of the event

Rate of Onset of Hazards: Natural hazards can also be classified into rapid
onset hazards, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, landslides, severe
thunderstorms which form with little warning and strike rapidly or slow onset
hazards, like drought and disease epidemics take years to form. The speed of
onset of a hazard is an important variable since it conditions warning time. At
one extreme, earthquake, landslides, and flash floods give virtually no warning.
Less extreme are tsunamis, which typically have warning periods of minutes
or hours, and hurricanes and floods, where the likelihood of occurrence is
known for several hours or days in advance. Volcanoes can erupt suddenly and
surprisingly, but usually give indications of an eruption weeks or months in
advance. Other hazards such as drought, desertification, and subsidence act
slowly over a period of months or years. Hazards such as erosion/sedimentation
have varying lead times: damage may occur suddenly as the result of a storm
or may develop over many years.

Spatial Dispersion: This refers to the pattern of distribution of a hazard over

the geographic area in which the hazard can occur.

Temporal Spacing: Refers to the sequencing and seasonality of events. Some

events are quite random (volcanoes) while others have seasons (hurricanes,
tropical cyclones, river floods).

Hazardscape: It is the landscape of many hazards. The interaction among

nature, society, and technology at a variety of spatial scales creates a mosaic of
risks that affect places and the people who live there. The term is normally
used in reference to a specific place or region.

Each of these disasters has a different space and time signatures (Table. 1.2;
Navalgund, R.R. 2001).
Natural Hazards Table 1.2: Disaster Time and Space Characteristics
(Source: Navalgund, R.R. 2001)
Type Impact time Spatial Extent

Earthquake Seconds to minutes 102 – 104

Landslide Seconds 0.1 – ½

Forest fires Minutes to days 101 – 103

Floods Minutes to hours 105 –

Cyclones Few hours 103 – 104

Drought Months to years 106

Desertification Tens of years 107 – 108

Check Your Progress 1

Note: a) Write your answer in about 50 words.
b) Check your progress with possible answers given at the end of the
1. Define hazard and disaster.
2. Write short notes on dimensions of hazard.
3. How are hazards classified?


Natural hazards can be classified into several broad categories: geological
hazards, hydrological hazards, meteorological hazards, and biological hazards.
(i) Geological Hazards: These are hazards driven by geological or earth
processes, in particular, plate tectonics. This includes earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions. In general, geological extreme events are beyond
human influence, though humans have large influence on the impacts of
10 the events.
(ii) Meteorological Hazards: These are hazards driven by meteorological Introduction to Natural
Hazards and Disaster
or weather processes, in particular those related to temperature and wind.
This includes heat waves, cold waves, cyclones, hurricanes, and freezing
rain. Cyclones are commonly called hurricanes in the Atlantic and
typhoons in the Pacific Ocean.
(iii) Hydrological Hazards: These are hazards driven by hydrological or water
processes. This includes floods, droughts, mudslides, and tsunamis.
Floods and droughts can cause extensive damage to agriculture and are
among the main contributors to famine.
(iv) Biological Hazards: These are hazards driven by biological processes.
This includes various types of disease, including infectious diseases that
spread from person to person, threatening to infect large portions of the
human population. Some examples are the Black Death outbreak of
bubonic plague in the 1300s, killing 75-100 million people, and the 1918
“Spanish” flu pandemic, killing 50-100 million people.
It is possible for an extreme event to fit within more than one of these categories.
For example, volcano eruptions (a geological event) block incoming sunlight,
potentially enough to cause cold waves (a meteorological event). This happened
in dramatic fashion in 1816 when the Mount Tambora eruption caused the
‘year without summer’ in the Northern hemisphere. Volcano eruptions can
also cause tsunamis (a hydrological event); some of the largest tsunamis ever
occurred when volcanoes along coasts caused large landslides into the water.
Earthquakes (a geological event) that occur under water can also trigger
tsunamis (a hydrological event), such as the 2011 Japan Earthquake and


The killer earthquake of Bhuj, Gujarat, India
While the entire country was celebrating the 51st anniversary of the
Republic Day on January 26, 2001, a devastating earthquake struck the
Bhuj area of the Gujarat State of India. The 7.6 magnitude Bhuj earthquake
that shook the Indian Province is one of the two most deadly earthquakes
to strike India in its recorded history killing thousands and causing
extensive damage to property. One month after the earthquake Government
of India official figures placed the death toll at 19,727, number of injured
at 166,000, 600,000 people were left homeless, 348,000 houses destroyed
and an additional 844,000 damaged. More than 20,000 cattle were
reported killed.


Effects of Natural Hazards
Natural hazards have the potential to cause a number of primary, secondary
and tertiary effects. The secondary effects produced vary with the type of event,
as does their severity. Tropical cyclones bring strong winds and heavy rains
which cause secondary hazards such as flood, storm tide, landslides and water
Natural Hazards pollution. Flood inundates areas, which in turn may lead to landslide, erosion,
water quality deterioration or turbidity, as well as sediment deposition. Severe
storms range from isolated thunderstorms to intense low-pressure systems
producing phenomena such as severe winds, heavy rain, lightning, flood, storm
tide, hail and coastal erosion. Secondary effects of bushfires include water
pollution, erosion and reduced water catchment yield. A landslide may block a
watercourse, leading to flooding and debris flows upstream. Earthquakes may
also bring fire, flood, water pollution, landslide, tsunami and soil liquefaction,
which can be as devastating as the primary hazard. Each of these phenomena
may produce physical, social and economic effects. Physical effects on the
built infrastructure may involve structural and non-structural damage and/or
progressive infrastructure deterioration. They may also result in the release of
hazardous materials such as chemicals which are usually stored in a safe
environment. Social effects may include fatalities, injuries, homelessness or
loss of income; or secondary effects such as psychological impact, disease or
loss of social cohesion. Economic effects may include business disruption;
disruption to the supply of power, water and telecommunications; and the cost
of response and relief operations. Secondary economic impacts, such as
insurance losses and rising premiums, loss of investor confidence, and costs
of providing welfare and medical assistance, may also result (Institution of
Civil Engineers 1995). However, a natural hazard is not inherently negative,
as hazards produce a disaster only when they impact adversely on communities.
Natural hazards can bring positive environmental and social benefits. Bushfires,
for example, can stimulate growth and regenerate forest ecology, as the heat
from fire is required for some seeds to germinate (Luke and McArthur 1977).
Floodplains are picturesque places for recreational activity and floods can bring
welcome relief for people and ecosystems suffering from prolonged drought.
Further, the ash from volcanoes produces rich soils that can grow three crops
per year in the tropics, and floodplains provide easily cultivated agricultural
land close to a water supply.

Table 1.3: Effects of Hazards

Primary Effects They occur as a result Water damage due to a

of the process itself flood, building collapse due
to an earthquake, landslide,
hurricane, or tornado.

Secondary They occur only Fires ignited by

Effects because a primary effect earthquakesor volcanic
has caused them eruptions, disruption of
electrical power and water
service as a result of an
earthquake or flood and
flooding caused by a
landslide moving into a lake
or river.

Tertiary Effects They are long-term Loss of habitat due to

effects that are set off floods, crop failure caused
as a result of a by a volcanic eruption etc.
primary event
Natural Service Functions of Natural Hazards: Introduction to Natural
Hazards and Disaster
Natural earth processes are considered only hazardous when they affect human
life and property. These earth processes have important service functions as
they are responsible for things that make the Earth a habitable planet for life.
Volcanic activity throughout the history of the earth has been responsible for
producing the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. Flooding, landslides, and
windstorms replenish soil, which sustain life. Maintaining and restoring nature’s
ecological safety is important. Dunes, barrier islands, mangrove forests and
coastal wetlands are natural ‘shock absorbers’ that protect against coastal storms.
Forests, floodplains, and wetlands, are ‘sponges’ that absorb floodwaters. Nature
provides these services for free, and we should take advantage of them rather
than undermining them.


A disaster occurs when an extreme event exceeds a community’s ability to
cope with it. Understanding the process by which natural disasters produce
community impacts is important. It is necessary to identify the pre-impact
conditions that make communities vulnerable to disaster impacts. Also the
disaster impact processes can be used to identify specific segments of each
community that will be affected disproportionately (e.g., low income
households, ethnic minorities, or specific types of businesses). The information
regarding the disaster impact process can be used to identify the event-specific
conditions that determine the level of disaster impact. Finally the entire disaster
impact process allows planners to identify suitable emergency management
interventions. The effects of a disaster are determined by three pre-impact
conditions. They include hazard exposure, physical vulnerability, and social
vulnerability. There also are three event-specific conditions. They include:
hazard event characteristics, improvised disaster responses, and improvised
disaster recovery. Communities can involve in three types of emergency
management interventions to manage disaster impacts in a better way. Physical
impacts can be reduced by hazard mitigation practices and emergency
preparedness practices, whereas social impacts can be reduced by recovery
preparedness practices.
Natural hazards have impacted civilizations. They have influenced, shaped
and influenced human behavior, changing the way people live with and respond
to the environment. Globally, billions of dollars have been spent in trying to
mitigate or prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from natural disasters.
Natural disasters have resulted in enormous economic and social loss.

1.7.1 Social Impact

More people globally are now displaced by natural disasters than by conflict.
In the 1990s, natural catastrophes like hurricanes, floods, and fires affected
more than two billion people and caused in excess of $608 billion in economic
losses. We have altered so many natural systems and thus their ability to protect
us from disturbances is greatly diminished. Also contributing to the rising toll
of disasters is the enormous expansion of the human population and the built
environment, which put more people and more economic activities in disaster
prone areas. For example, many people live within 100 kilometers of a coastline. 13
Natural Hazards Many of the world’s megacities (with over 10 million inhabitants) live in coastal
zones. The effects of global warming, extreme weather events and sea level
rise, will only magnify potential losses. The impact of natural hazards falls
disproportionately on poor people as they are more likely to be living in
vulnerable areas and they have fewer resources to prepare for or recover from
disasters. Between 1985 and 1999, 96 percent of recorded disaster fatalities
were in developing countries. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) estimates that future impacts of climate extremes will affect the poor
disproportionately. Vietnam and Bangladesh, for example, are projected to lose
more than 70,000 square kilometers of land, affecting some 32 million people.
The entire Mediterranean coast is especially vulnerable to sea level rise, as are
the U.S.’s Atlantic and Gulf coasts.

1.7.2 Economic Impact

The property damage caused by disaster impact creates losses in asset values
Economic losses from are greater in the developed countries. The earthquake
that rocked Kobe, Japan in 1995, for example, cost more than $100 billion,
making it the most expensive natural disaster in history. Smaller losses often
hit poor countries harder, where they represent a larger share of the national
economy. The damage from 1998’s Hurricane Mitch in Central America was
$8.5 billion-higher than the combined gross domestic product of Honduras
and Nicaragua, the two nations hardest hit. Few of the losses in poor countries
are insured. In the period 1985-99, the vast majority of insured losses-some 92
percent-were in industrial nations. For example, China now recognizes that
forests are ten times more valuable for flood control and water supply than
they are for timber, and has halted logging in the Yangtze River watershed.
The loss of 85 percent of the forests in the upper Yangtze River worsened the
1998 flood that affected 223 million people. Vietnam has restored 2,000 hectares
of mangroves in a successful effort to provide a buffer from coastal storms as
well as much needed jobs in fisheries.

1.7.3 Psychosocial Impacts

Psycho physiological effects include: fatigue, gastrointestinal upset, confusion,
impaired concentration, attention deficits, anxiety, depression, and grief. They
also include behavioral effects such as sleep and appetite changes, ritualistic
behavior, and substance abuse. Some disaster victims require psychiatric
diagnosis and benefit from counseling and orientation programmes. However,
there are some population segments that require special attention. These include
children, old and elderly, people with pre-existing mental illness, racial and
ethnic minorities, and families of those who have died in the disaster.


Vulnerability refers to not only the possible physical effects of a natural hazard,
but the way it affects human life and property. Vulnerability to a given hazard
depends on a number of factors like:
 Proximity to a possible hazardous event
 Population density, construction styles and building codes Introduction to Natural
Hazards and Disaster
 Understanding and awareness of the nature of the hazard
 Early-warning systems, lines of communication and emergency
Generally, less developed countries are more vulnerable to natural hazards
than are industrialized countries because of lack of understanding, education,
infrastructure, poor building codes. Poverty is in a way directly related to
vulnerability of natural hazards - since poverty leads to poor building structure,
increased population density, and lack of communication and infrastructure
i. Human Vulnerability
Humans are vulnerable to natural hazards. There is variability in the
physiological response of the affected population. This means that given
the same level of exposure, some people will die, others will be severely
injured, still others slightly injured, and the rest will survive unscathed.
Typically, the most susceptible to any hazard will be the very young, the
very old, and those with weakened immune systems.
ii. Agricultural Vulnerability
Like humans, agricultural plants and animals are also vulnerable to natural
hazards. There are differences among and within plants and animals.
However, agricultural vulnerability is more complex than human
vulnerability because there is a greater number of species to be assessed,
each of which has its own characteristic response to each stress.
iii. Structural Vulnerability
Structural vulnerability arises when buildings are constructed using designs
and materials that are incapable of resisting extreme stresses (e.g., high
speed winds, earthquakes). The construction of most buildings is governed
by building codes to protect the life safety of occupants from structural
iv. Social Vulnerability
Social vulnerability has been defined in terms of people’s “capacity to
anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impacts of a natural
hazard” (Wisner, Blakie, Canon & Davis, 2004). Social vulnerability refers
to their susceptibility to behavioral changes. Social vulnerability varies
across communities and also across households within communities.
Natural Hazards and Human Intervention
Although humans can do little or nothing to change the incidence or intensity
of most natural phenomena, they have an important role to play in ensuring
that natural events are not converted into disasters by their own actions. It is
important to understand that human intervention can increase the frequency
and severity of natural hazards. For example, when the toe of a landslide is
removed for a settlement, the earth can move again and bury the settlement.
Human intervention may also cause natural hazards where none existed before.
Volcanoes erupt periodically, but it is not until the rich soils formed on their
surface are occupied by farms and human settlements that they are considered 15
Natural Hazards hazardous. Human intervention in natural processes increases vulnerability
1. Development and habitation of lands susceptible to hazards, For example,
building on floodplains subject to floods, sea cliffs subject to landslides,
coastlines subject to hurricanes and floods, or volcanic slopes subject to
volcanic eruptions.
2. Increasing the severity or frequency of a natural hazard. For example:
overgrazing or deforestation leading to more severe erosion (floods,
landslides), mining groundwater leading to subsidence, construction of
roads on unstable slopes leading to landslides.
3. Human intervention reduces the mitigating effect of natural ecosystems.
For example, destruction of coral reefs, which removes the shore’s first
line of defense against ocean currents and storm surges, is a clear example
of an intervention that diminishes the ability of an ecosystem to protect


Hazard Assessment is sometimes called Hazard Evaluation or Hazard Analysis
(UNDRO, 1991). Hazard Assessment is the process of estimating, for defined
areas, the probabilities of the occurrence of potentially-damaging phenomenon
of given magnitude within a specified period of time. The probability of a
hazard occurrence differs from place to place. The use of mapping to synthesize
data on natural hazards and to combine these with socioeconomic data facilitates
analysis. It improves communications among people in the hazard management
process and between planners and decision-makers.
a) Hazard Assessment consists of answering the following questions.
 When have hazardous processes occurred in the past?
 Where have hazardous process occurred in the past?
 The magnitude and frequency of the past hazardous processes
 The likely effects of a process of a given magnitude if it were to
occur now.
 Making all this information available in a form easily understandable
to public officials responsible for making decisions in event of a
b) Risk Assessment involves not only the assessment of hazards from a
scientific point of view, but also the socio-economic impacts of a hazardous
event. Risk is a statement of probability that an event will cause a certain
amount of damage, or a statement of the economic impact in monetary
terms that an event will cause. Risk assessment involves
 hazard assessment
 location of buildings, highways, and other infrastructure in the areas
subject to hazards

16  potential exposure to the physical effects of a hazardous situation

Risk assessment helps decision makers and scientists to compare and evaluate Introduction to Natural
Hazards and Disaster
potential hazards, decide on priorities on what kinds of mitigation are possible,
and on where to focus resources.


The year 1990’s was designated as the International Decade for Natural Disaster
Reduction (IDNDR) by the United Nations with primary goal to reduce the
loss of life, property, socio-economic disruption caused by natural disasters,
such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, droughts,
locust infestations, and other disasters of natural origin. A strictly techno-centric
and scientific approach in the beginning was followed by the IDNDR, but the
Yokohama conference in 1994 put socio-economic aspects as component of
effective disaster prevention into perspective. A global strategy aiming at
reducing the impacts of natural hazards therefore must include the development
of national and sub-national mechanisms for disaster risk reduction. Within
this context the IDNDR advised the UN-member states to establish National
Platforms which would facilitate the adjustment of general disaster risk
reduction objectives to national/local conditions implement the agreed policies
and expand the understanding and perception of the importance of disaster
risk reduction on national levels. In practice, there remains a pressing need to
revitalize and strengthen these national structures as many countries have not
established national network. The same resolution also designated the second
Wednesday of October as International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction.
The (international strategy for disaster reduction) ISDR aims to push the
initiatives and cooperation agreed on during the IDNDR, and developing new
mechanisms as well as ensuring for further commitments from policy-makers.
The ultimate goal is to reduce human, social, economic and environmental
losses due to natural hazards. The ISDR promotes the following four objectives
as tools towards reaching disaster reduction for all:
 Increase public awareness to understand risk, vulnerability and disaster
reduction globally
 Obtain commitment from public authorities to implement disaster
reduction policies and actions.
 Stimulate interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral partnerships, including the
expansion of risk reduction networks.
 Improve scientific knowledge about disaster reduction
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
The Sendai Framework was endorsed by the UN General Assembly (after the
2015 Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction - WCDRR) for
Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. It is the first major agreement of the post
2015 development agenda. Seven targets are identified and four priorities are
listed for action. The Sendai Framework was adopted on 18th March, 2015 at
the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai City,
Japan. The Sendai Framework is a 15 year, voluntary, non-binding agreement.
This framework recognizes that the State has the primary role to reduce disaster
risk. It also emphasizes that the responsibility should be shared with other 17
Natural Hazards stakeholders including local government, the private sector and other
stakeholders. The ultimate aim of this framework is the substantial reduction
of disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and health. It also aims to reduce
disaster risks regarding the economic, physical, social, cultural and
environmental assets of persons, businesses, communities and countries.
In conclusion, hazards are an integral part of life and no one can live in an
environment totally risk free. Each hazard varies in dimensions and assessing
hazards and risks is the first important step and the response to different hazards
requires adopting different strategies. Also policies play a fundamental role in
influencing the impact of natural disasters, particularly in areas such as land
use planning, construction standards and emergency management.
Check Your Progress 2
Note: a) Write your answer in about 50 words.
b) Check your progress with possible answers given at the end of the
1. Explain the socio-economic impacts of disasters.
2. Describe vulnerability and human intervention.


In this unit we have studied about an introduction to natural hazards, their
types, effects, impacts, vulnerability, human intervention and an overview of
assessing hazards. Humans also play a key role in creating natural disasters.
The effects of urbanization and increasing population growth and density have
led to a higher potential exposure to natural hazards. Natural hazards vary in
dimensions. Assessing hazards and risks is the first important step and the
response to different hazards requires adopting different strategies. Further,
policies play a fundamental role in influencing the impact of natural disasters.


Geo-hazard : It is a natural earth process that upon interaction with
human activity causes loss of life and / or property.
Earth processes : They are natural events that occur within the
lithosphere, hydrosphere or atmosphere.
Hazard : It can be defined as a potential threat to humans and
their welfare and risk as the probability of hazard

18 IPCC : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Introduction to Natural
1.13 REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED Hazards and Disaster
Baskar, S and Baskar, R. 2009. Natural Disasters. Unicorn books, Pustak Mahal,
India. 159p.
Bryant, E. 2005. Natural Hazards. 2nd Edition, Cambridge university press,
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management, Natural Resources Journal 3, 412-41.
Burton, I., Kates, R.W., and White, G.F. (1978). The Environment as Hazard
New York: Oxford University Press.
Hewitt, K. and Burton, I. (1971). The Hazardousness of a Place: A Regional
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United Nations Disaster Relief Organization. (1991). Mitigating Natural
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Answers to Check Your Progress 1
1. Your answers should include the following points:
A hazard can be defined as a potential threat to humans and their welfare
and risk as the probability of hazard occurrence. Hazard can also be defined
as: “Those elements of the physical environment, harmful to man and
caused by forces extraneous to him” (Burton et al. 1978). A hazard has
the potential to cause harm to:
 People: death, injury, disease and stress
 Human activity: economic, educational etc.
 Property: property damage, economic loss of
 Environment: loss fauna and flora, pollution, loss of amenities.
2. Your answer should include the following points:
The impact of a disastrous event is in part a function of its magnitude
(amount of energy released) and frequency (recurrence interval) but it is
influenced by many other factors like climate, geology, vegetation,
population and land use.
 Magnitude of the hazard
 Frequency of hazard or recurrence
 Intensity at the impact point
 Return Period 19
Natural Hazards 3. Your answer should include the following points:
 Natural hazards
 Quasi-natural hazards
 Technological hazards
 Secondary hazards
 Chronic hazards
Answers to Check Your Progress 2
1. Your answer should include the following points:
 Social impacts
 Economic impacts
 Psychosocial impacts
2. Your answer should include the following points:
 Human vulnerability
 Agricultural vulnerability
 Structural vulnerability
 Social Vulnerability
 Natural hazards and human intervention


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