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Fayol Inc.

Date: 20th MAY, 2022 DAY: Subject: Science
Duration: 50MINS Strand: Systems
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: The Human Body Systems
Content Standard:
B7. Identify the end product of Lesson:
B7.3.1.1 Show an understanding of the
digestion of starchy, protein and oily
concept of food, and the process of digestion
foods and explain how absorption of the
and appreciate its importance in humans
digested food occurs in humans
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can identify the end product of digestion DL 5.1: CP 5.1: DL 5.1: DL 6.6: CP 5.8: CP 5.1:.
References: Science Curriculum Pg.18

Phase/Duration Learners Activities Resources

PHASE 1: STARTER Revise with learners on the previous lesson, using
questions and answers.

Introduce the lesson by sharing the performance

PHASE 2: NEW Engage learners to discuss the processes involved in Illustrations, the
LEARNING digestion. human body charts,
Example: physical and chemical process. etc.

Observe and describe how digested food is absorbed into

the body of humans using animation.

Learners to discuss the digestion of food in the mouth

and the stomach.

Have learners to identify the role of saliva in digestion.

Example: Saliva contains an enzyme known as salivary
amylase which breaks down starch into maltose or sugar.

Draw a flow chart to show how starch is digested to

sugar, protein is digested to amino acids and oils are
digested into fatty acids in the stomach.

Perform practical tests on food: starch, glucose, protein

and fats and oils.

1. Define the following terms
a. Ingestion
b. Digestion
c. Egestion
2. Briefly describe how digestion of food takes place in
the stomach.

PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out

REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Date: 20th MAY, 2022 DAY: Subject: Science
Duration: 50MINS Strand: Systems
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: The Human Body Systems
Content Standard:
B7. Identify the end product of Lesson:
B7.3.1.1 Show an understanding of the
digestion of starchy, protein and oily
concept of food, and the process of digestion
foods and explain how absorption of the
and appreciate its importance in humans
digested food occurs in humans
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can identify the end product of digestion DL 5.1: CP 5.1: DL 5.1: DL 6.6: CP 5.8: CP 5.1:.
References: Science Curriculum Pg.18

Phase/Duration Learners Activities Resources

PHASE 1: STARTER Revise with learners on the previous lesson, using
questions and answers.

Introduce the lesson by sharing the performance

PHASE 2: NEW Observe and describe how digested food is absorbed into Illustrations, the
LEARNING the body of humans using animation. human body charts,
Learners to discuss the digestion of food in the small
intestine and the big intestine.

Have learners to identify the role of enzymes in digestion.

Example: Pancreatic amylase, pancreatic lipase and

Draw a flow chart to show how starch is digested to

sugar, protein is digested to amino acids and oils are
digested into fatty acids in the small intestine and the big

Perform practical tests on food: starch, glucose, protein

and fats and oils.

Guide learners to describe what happens to the end

products of digestion in humans

Mention the end products of digestion.

Explain that the end products of digestion are absorbed

into the blood stream. Detailed treatment of absorption
not required.

Guide learners to discuss how the end-products of

digestion are used in the body.

Learners to discuss how undigested food substances are

removed from the body.
1. Mention the end products of the following
a. Protein digestion
b. Carbohydrate digestion
c. Fats and oil digestion
2. List in order, the parts of the digestive system of
3. Describe briefly what happens to a morsel of kenkey
in the mouth during eating.
4. What are digestive enzymes?
5. Mention any three examples of digestive enzymes.
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

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