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The LearnCon PH 2023 was developed in response to the DepEd thrust to reassess,

realign, and refocus its learner-related initiatives to be more responsive to the needs
of the learner. It will also serve as a launching pad for the services being done by the
Operations strand, in line with the commitment of DepEd to the MATATAG Agenda:
We will take good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusive
education, and a positive learning environment. Thus, the activity aims to:

a. communicate the policy and program priorities of the Department to

learners and education stakeholders (relevant DepEd issuances, key
programs, projects, and opportunities);

b. revitalize learners’ participation in achieving quality and inclusive

education by spearheading conversations about pressing and relevant
issues for the learners as emerging youth leaders;

c. provide learners from across SDOs and regions with a face-to-face

avenue to dialogue, share, and collaborate ideas, insights, lessons learned,
and best practices in learners’ involvement in public and civic affairs;

d. collaborate and build a strong network across different sectors to

deliver real, responsive, and impactful change;

e. offer meaningful opportunities for the learners to learn about their role
in nation-building, and provide a safe space where they can build a
network of like-minded individuals interested in, but not limited to
leadership, governance, and civic engagement; health and well-being;
gender and social inclusion; climate action, environmental protection, and
agriculture; innovation, entrepreneurship, and future readiness; and
culture, arts, and peace;

f. gather learner inputs for the co-creation of the National Action Plan
that may address the issues and concerns faced by Filipino learners across

g. enjoy the right to respect the well-being in a learning opportunity

including the right to participate in matters that concern them and to have
those views seriously considered.

In this regard, the following memorandum is hereby issued containing the general
administrative guidelines relative to the conduct of the Learners’ Convergence PH
2023. The following are the enclosures of the memorandum:

Enclosure 1: Indicative Program of Activities

Enclosure 2: General Administrative Guidelines
Enclosure 3: SDO Pre-Registration Form
Enclosure 4: Regional Confirmation Form
Enclosure 5: Parental Consent and Waiver Form

For more information, questions, or concerns on the abovementioned subject, kindly

contact Mr. Rovin James F. Canja, Officer-In-Charge of BLSS-YFD through
telephone number at (02) 8637-9814 or email at [email protected].

For your information and compliance.

(Enclosure No. 1 to OUOPS Memorandum No. 2023 – 03 - 5122)


● Day 0: 29 July 2023 I Delegation Arrival, Registration, and Preparation

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Travel to Billeting Areas


(1) Attendance/Verification of Participation

(2) Billeting Assignments
(3) Distribution of Kits

Supervised Tour at the Billeting Schools


(1) Venue Setup

(2) Ingress of Local Booths, Exhibits, Opportunities Fair, and Marketplace of Learners’ Innovative
Solutions and Initiatives
(3) Technical Rehearsals

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Dinner

7:01 PM - 8:00 PM Safety Briefing and Orientation

10:00 PM Lights Off

● Day 1: 30 July 2023 I Grand Opening, Plenary Sessions, Panel Discussions, & Welcome Night

7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Registration

Launching of Local Booths, Exhibits, Opportunities Fair, and Marketplace of Learners’ Innovative
Solutions and Initiatives

9:01 AM - 9:30 AM Opening Program

(1) Presentation of the Youth Education Agenda 2022

(2) Safety Briefing
(3) Entrance of Colors
(4) Opening Performance
(5) Prayer of the Youth
(6) National Anthem

9:31 AM - 10:00 AM Welcome Addresses

● Wilfredo E. Cabral
Regional Director, DepEd- National Capital Region

● Marcelino Teodoro
Mayor, Marikina City*

● Dr. Dexter A. Galban

Assistant Secretary for Operations

● Francis Cesar B. Bringas

Assistant Secretary for Operations
10:01 AM - 10:10 AM Welcome Address and Introduction to Keynote Speech

● Atty. Revsee A. Escobedo

Undersecretary for Operations

10:11 AM - 10:25 AM Keynote Speech

● Hon. Sara Z. Duterte

Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines and Secretary of the Department of Education

10:26 AM - 10:35 AM Program Overview and Expectation Settings

● Nenneth Esplana-Alama
Director IV, Bureau of Learner Support Services

10:36 AM - 11:00 AM Presentation of Regional Chants

11:01 AM - 11:45 AM Plenary Talk 1

11:45 AM - 12:00 NN Interactive Booth Activities/Networking

12:01 NN - 1:00 PM Lunch Break

1:01 PM - 1:30 PM Plenary Talk 2

1:31 PM - 2:00 PM Plenary Talk 3

2:01 PM - 2:15 PM Entertainment

2:16 PM - 3:15 PM Panel Discussion 1

3:16 PM - 3:30 PM Social Media Break/Networking

3:31 PM - 4:15 PM Plenary Talk 4

4:16 PM - 5:00 PM Panel Discussion 2

5:01 PM - 6:00 PM Traveling Back to Billeting Areas

6:01 - 7:00 PM Dinner and Preparation for Campfire Session

7:01 - 9:00 PM Maligayang Pagdating! : Welcome Night for New Breeds of Education Champions

10:00 PM Lights Off

● Day 2: 31 July 2023 I Thematic Learning Sessions (TLS)

6:00 AM - 7:00 AM Breakfast

7:00 AM - 7:30 AM Preparation for the TLS

7:31 AM - 8:00 AM Preliminaries

(1) Community Dance/Morning Exercise

(2) Orientation

8:01 AM - 12:00 NN Thematic Learning Sessions

(1) Leadership, Governance, and Civic Engagement

(2) Health and Well-Being
(3) Gender and Social Inclusion
(4) Climate Action, Environmental Protection, and Agriculture
(5) Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Future Readiness
(6) Culture, Arts, and Peace

12:00 NN - 1:00 PM Lunch Break

1:00 NN - 3:00 PM Travel to the Venue of the Opening of the Palarong Pambansa 2023

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Arrival to the Venue and Settling Down

3:31 PM - 6:00 PM Attendance at the Grand Opening of the Palarong Pambansa 2023

6:01 PM - 8:00 PM Dinner & Travel Back to Billeting Areas

10:00 PM Lights Off

● Day 3: 01 August 2023 I Simultaneous Sessions and Preparation of Outputs

6:00 AM - 7:00 AM Breakfast

7:01 AM - 7:30 AM Travel to the Venue of the Simultaneous Activities

7:31 AM - 8:00 AM Preliminaries

(1) Prayer
(2) Morning Exercise
(3) Attendance Check
(4) Program Orientation

8:01 AM - 12:00 NN Simultaneous Sessions

(1) YFD Session: Learners’ Assembly and Capacity Building Program (for DFSSG officers)
● Election of National Federation of Supreme Student Government for School Year 2023-2024
● Creation of General Plan of Action
● Learner Declaration in Achieving Bansang Makabata, Batang Makabansa

(2) SSD Session: Workshop on the Development of an Action Plan on the Promotion of
Sports Club in Public Schools (for sports representatives)
● Overview of the Sports Club Program
● Real Life Experiences/Best Practices in Sports Clubs
● Sports Management and Simulation of Sports Club Activities
● Simulation and Workshop Mechanics

(3) SHD Session: Advocacy and Campaigns for Health (for health representatives)
● Interactive Learning session and Workshop on “How to Install Peer Health Navigation Program
in a School Setting”
● Installation of Interactive Booth

(4) DRRMS Session: Disaster Preparedness (for DRRM representatives)

● Resilience Booth Festival
● Theater Show
● Youth Resilience Forum

(5) LRPO Session: Learners’ Rights Congress (for learner member of Child Protection
Committee or learner representative of any LRP-related organization in the absence of the
● Introduction to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Philippine laws, and
DepEd policies
● Role of CPC learner- representatives in CPC
● Discussion of Risks, Harms, and the Need for Safeguarding Guidelines
● Crafting of Safeguarding Guidelines
● Workshop on learner rights and protection advocacy and communication

12:01 NN - 1:00 PM Lunch Break

1:01 PM - 1:30 PM Orientation on Afternoon Session/Entertainment

1:31 PM - 4:00 PM Preparation of the Session Outputs

4:01 PM - 4:30 PM Mental Health Break & Networking

4:31 PM - 6:00 PM Tour at Palarong Pambansa Banchetto

6:01 PM - 7:00 PM Travel Back to Billeting Areas

7:01 PM - 8:00 PM Dinner

10:00 PM Lights off

● Day 4: 02 August 2023 I Output Presentations, Convergence Night, and Closing Ceremonies

6:00 AM - 7:30 AM Breakfast

7:31 AM - 8:00 AM Travel to the Main Venue

8:01 AM - 8:30 AM Preliminaries

(1) Prayer
(2) Morning Exercise
(3) Attendance Check and Regional Chant
(4) Program Orientation

8:31 AM - 10:00 AM Presentation of the Office Initiatives and Session Outputs (Part 1)

(1) SSD-led Session (for sports representatives)

● Cesar Abalon
Chief, School Sports Division

(2) SHD-led session (for health representatives)

● Dr. Maria Corazon Dumlao
Chief, School Health Division

(3) DRRMS-led session (for DRRM representatives)

● Atty. Christian E. Rivero
Director IV, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service

10:01 AM - 10:30 AM Mental Health Break

Social Networking
10:31 AM - 11:30 AM Presentation of the Office Initiatives and Session Outputs (Part 2)

(4) LRPO-led session (for learners’ rights and protection representatives)

● Atty. Suzette Gannaban-Medina

OIC-Director, Learners’ Rights and Protection Office

(5) YFD-led Session (for incoming and outgoing DFSSG Presidents)

● Rovin James F. Canja

OIC-Chief, Youth Formation Division

11:31 AM - 11:50 AM Presentation of the Newly Elected National Federation of Supreme Student Government (NFSSG) for
School Year 2023-2024

11:51 AM - 12:00 NN Program Overview on Convergence Night and Closing Ceremonies

12:01 NN -1:00 PM Lunch Break

1:01 PM - 1:30 PM Travel Back to Billeting Areas

1:31 PM - 5:00 PM Practice of Cultural Performances

> Cultural Presentation

> Regional Chants

5:01 PM - 5:30 PM Travel to the Main Venue

5:31 PM - 9:00 PM Convergence Night and Closing Ceremonies

(1) Preliminaries
● Opening Entertainment
● Prayer
● National Anthem
(2) Welcome Messages
● Hon. Marcelino Teodoro
Marikina City Mayor

● Hon. Marjorie Ann A. Teodoro

District Representative, Marikina City 1st District

(3) Inspirational Message: Engaging the Filipino Learners Moving Forward

● Dr. Dexter A. Galban
Assistant Secretary for Operations

(4) Cultural Performances (SET 1)- 3 minutes each

● Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)
● Region I
● Region II
● Region III
(5) Presentation of NFSSG 2022-2023 Accomplishments
(6) Cultural Performances (SET 2)- 3 minutes each
● Region V
● Region VI
● Region VII
● Region VIII
● Region IX
● Region X
(7) Presentation of the Learner Declaration towards Bansang Makabata, Batang Makabansa
(8) Cultural Performances (SET 3)- 3 minutes each
● Region XI
● Region XII
● Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
● National Capital Region (NCR)
(9) Donning of Responsibility and Oathtaking of the Newly Elected National Federation of Supreme
Student Government for School Year 2023-2024

(10) Presidential Speech

● Newly elected NFSSG President, SY 2023-2024

(11) Recapitulation Video of the LearnConPH

(12) Closing Message

● Ma. Evalou Concepcion A. Agustin
Schools Division Superintendent

Division of City Schools Marikina

(13) Community Dance/Party

9:01 PM - 9:30 PM Travel Back to Billeting Areas

10:00 PM Lights Off

Day 5: 03 August 2023 I Departure of Participants

7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Breakfast

Cleaning of Quarters

Preparation for Departure

9:01 AM onwards Leave the Billeting Areas

(Enclosure No. 2 to OUOPS Memorandum No. 2023 – 03 - 5122)



1. To ensure participation, the Schools Division Offices (SDOs) shall select eight (8)
division representatives based on the criteria provided, taking diversity and
inclusivity into account. The qualifications of participants are as follows:
a. Learners
a.1. bona fide public secondary school learners;
a.2. with good moral character;
a.3. able to represent any of the following learner-representations prescribed
in item 2; and
a.4. capable of participating actively and collaboratively in all activities.
a.5. except for those participants who are the outgoing Presidents of the
Division Federation of Supreme Student Government (SY 2022-2023); learners must
be incoming grade 8 to 12 the following school year (SY 2023-2024);

b. Chaperones
b.1 with good office standing and professional ethics;
b.2 performs all the tasks expected of them;
b.3 provides guidance to the learner participants all throughout the event;
b.4 with relevant experience in learner formation activities and

2. In addition to the abovementioned qualifications, the division delegation shall

compose of the following representatives:

● one (1) outgoing President of the Division Federation of Supreme Student

Government (SY 2022-2023);
● one (1) incoming President of the Division Federation of Supreme Student
Government (SY 2023-2024);
● four (4) secondary learner representatives (preferably 2 males and 2 females)
➢ sports-related organization; eg. sports clubs
➢ health-related organization; eg. Barkada Kontra Droga, Red Cross Youth,
BSP/GSP, etc.
➢ Child Protection Committee (CPC) or any recognized learners’ rights and
protection-related organization;
➢ disaster risk reduction and management-related organization; eg. Batang
Emergency Response Team, Red Cross Youth, BSP/GSP, etc.
● two (2) chaperones (1 male and 1 female) who are Division Youth Formation
Coordinators or Teacher-Advisers assigned/identified by the Schools Division

3. For special cases, if the incumbent President of the Division Federation of Supreme
Student Government (DFSSG) is re-elected as President, or for any other reason, will
not be able to participate, the incoming Vice President shall be part of the division

4. The designated chaperones shall serve as the focal persons of their respective
division delegation. They shall provide assistance to learner participants in the
completion and submission of the following requirements:
● signed SDO Pre-Registration Form (Enclosure 3) by the Schools Division
● signed Parental Consent and Waiver Form (Enclosure 5)
● scanned copy of CoVID Vaccination Card/any proof of CoViD-19 vaccination
(e.g., VaxCert)

For your reference, you may access the following links:

• Editable Forms:
> SDO Pre-Registration Form
> Regional Confirmation Form
> Parental Consent and Waiver Form

Please take note that the forms shall be downloaded before editing.

● Pre-Registration Google Sheet:


5. The SDO Pre-Registration Form shall be submitted to the Regional Office on or

before June 19, 2023. Meanwhile, the Regional Office shall forward the
accomplished and signed Regional Confirmation Form to DepEd CO BLSS-YFD on
or before June 23, 2023.

6. The SDO shall input the same information of the participants in the Google Sheet
links mentioned in item 4. An endorsement letter, saved in one PDF file, attached
with the completed documents listed in item 4, shall be submitted to their respective
Regional Office via email on or before the mentioned date on item 5.

7. Upon receipt of the endorsement files from their respective divisions, the Regional
Office (RO) shall respond to the SDO immediately by acknowledging the official list
submitted and ensuring that the documents are well compiled and documented.

8. The RO shall transmit the accomplished and finalized Regional Confirmation Form
(Enclosure No. 4) saved in one PDF file, including the official lists of SDO
participants, signed waiver forms, and proof of vaccination to the LearnCon PH
Secretariat through email. This must be duly signed by the Regional Director (RD).
The email shall follow this naming convention:
To : [email protected]
Subject : Region _ Official List of Participants _ LearnCon PH 2023

● The Regional Confirmation Form, signed by the Regional Director, is the

official and final list of delegates. The RO must ensure that all information
sent to the regional office by the SDOs is translated completely and accurately
into the Regional Confirmation Form.

9. Before the Convergence, all participants must be fully vaccinated against the
CoViD-19 virus and preferably with booster shot. To verify the validity, all
participants are required to bring their vaccination certificate or card (e-copy or
actual card).

10. SDOs, through the designated chaperones, shall notify the LearnCon PH
Secretariat of their travel details and statuses via email prior to their arrival at the
Convergence. This will serve as basis for establishing mechanisms for easier
transportation and mobility to their assigned billeting areas.

11. Any changes to the delegation's participation, travel, or other aspects of the event
must be well-coordinated and communicated to the LearnCon PH Secretariat before
the event. Necessary adjustments will be made as deemed necessary.

12. An updated advisory will be released prior to the event to orient the participants
on the overall flow of the program, general guidelines, and reminders for guidance.


Prior to the event, a general orientation about these guidelines and event proper will
be conducted with the selected participants facilitated by the LearnCon PH
Secretariat. An official notice or advisory will be issued beforehand for everyone’s
reference. Belowmentioned are the areas for consideration and strict compliance of
the participants all throughout the event duration:

A. Arrival of Participants

1. All participants are expected to arrive at their respective school billeting areas
on July 29, 2023. Participants traveling by air will be picked up at the airport
by their coordinated transportation providers. Travel arrangements, with the
assistance of the Transportation Management Committee, with the service
providers endorsed the SDO Marikina City shall be made by the participating
SDO before coming at the venue. Meanwhile, participants traveling by land
shall proceed directly to their assigned accommodation areas and will be
accommodated by the Welcoming Committee.
2. Each SDO, through the chaperones, shall keep safe the contact details of the
transportation providers they coordinated and arranged with vehicle service.
This is to ensure smooth communication and regular updating of their

3. All participants must present their accomplished forms and identification card
(school ID or any government-issued ID) to the Registration Committee upon
arrival for attendance, verification, room assignments, and kit distribution.

B. Registration Fee

No registration fee shall be collected and/or charged to participants.

C. Billeting and Accommodations

1. All participants will be staying at the billeting schools identified by LearnCon

PH Secretariat. Prior to the event, an announcement will be made regarding
their school billeting assignments. The accommodation period will begin on
July 29, 2023, in the morning and end on August 3, 2023, in the

2. Prior to their arrival at the billeting schools, participants will be provided with
room assignments. Any other expenses incurred while at the school and at
the venue, such as long-distance phone calls, personal meal orders outside
the venue, and so on, will not be covered by the organizers and must be paid
for on their own account. Participants must also bring their own personal
hygiene kits and personal medicines.

D. Meals

1. The first meal to be served is lunch on July 29, 2023, while the last meal will
be a.m. snacks on August 3, 2023.

2. All participants will be given meal stubs incorporated on their identification

card during their registration. It shall be presented to the Food Committee in
claiming their meals.

3. In support of Marikina City’s initiatives to purchase products and services

that cause minimal adverse environmental impacts, all participants are
encouraged to bring their own tumblers to lessen plastic waste. In addition,
trash bins will be positioned in different areas within the billeting schools and
the main event venue. Everyone is encouraged to dispose their waste

E. Activities

1. The activity schedule will be followed as planned. In the event of a change, the
organizers will inform the participants through announcements during the
plenary sessions to guide them throughout the program.
2. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, the LearnCon PH Secretariat shall
assist and respond to participants' questions or concerns.

F. Participation

Active participation in the entire activities is strongly encouraged. The

LearnCon PH Secretariat and/or resource persons shall assist participants
with any questions or clarifications they may have about the program. To get
the most out of the activities, everyone is encouraged to interact with others.

G. Event Rules

1. During the event, the BLSS-LFD is the head authority on all matters
pertaining to policy and rules in consultation with the LearnCon PH

2. To ensure everyone’s health, safety, and well-being, all attendees must adhere
to the minimum public health standards and protocols throughout the
activity. (Please refer to the Health and Safety Protocols of this Memorandum
for more details.)

3. If there are additional rules and regulations, the LearnCon PH Secretariat will
inform the participants immediately for guidance.

H. Roles and Responsibilities

1. To ensure that everyone is held accountable for their own actions during the
event, everyone is expected to carry out their assigned roles and
responsibilities. To cite:

a. Learner participants shall:

a.1. actively participate in plenary talks, panel discussions, thematic

learning and simultaneous sessions, and other event activities;

a.2. contribute to the creation of session outputs, such as program and

policy recommendations, by providing relevant inputs and constructive

a.3. maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the billeting areas and
other event venues;

a.4. practice proper decorum all throughout the event;

a.5. communicate issues and concerns to the assigned chaperones or

LearnCon PH Secretariat in a polite and respectful manner;

a.6. follow the prescribed dress codes and wear the identification card
(ID) when inside the billeting schools, main event venue, and during
the entire sessions;

a.7. avoid bringing into the LearnCon PH 2023 premises (event venue
or billeting areas) or otherwise, possessing prohibited articles, such as
deadly weapons, drugs, alcohol, toxic and noxious substances,
cigarettes, and pornographic materials; and

a.8. properly use the facilities of the billeting schools to avoid any harm
and/or further damages;

a.9. abide with all the rules and regulations set by the organizers and
the billeting schools;

a.10. perform other tasks assigned/requested by the LearnCon PH


b. Chaperones shall:

b.1. ensure that learner participants are safe and secure, and able to
enjoy all throughout the event. As chaperones, they are the persons to
whom the learners should look for guidance, protection, clarification,
and support;

b.2. exercise parental authority and responsibility over the learners

under their supervision, instruction, and custody - authority shall
apply to all authorized activities whether inside or outside the premises
of the session venues and billeting areas;

b.3. ensure that emergency contact details are readily available and can
be contacted, whenever necessary;

b.4. maintain a calm and composed behavior in an emergency and in

stressful situations;

b.5. address any misbehaviors from learners and other participants

that concerns the chaperones and if it continues to be a concern,
escalate the concern to the appropriate persons;

b.6. practice proper decorum, positive and non-violent discipline all

throughout the event, as may be required under the circumstances;
provided, that in no case shall corporal punishment be inflicted upon

b.7. knowledgeable with the safeguarding policies and procedures,

event rules, and other safety and security protocols required of them to
perform; and

b.8. protect learner participants from bad company and prevent them
from acquiring habits detrimental to their health, participation, and

b.9. document learners’ activities and engagements all throughout the

event for the purpose of giving or reporting updates to their respective
heads of office and to assist the organizers in monitoring learners’

b.10. encourage learners to keep the orderliness and cleanliness of the

school facilities and other venues;
b.11. maintain a friendly, respectful, and professional relationship with
the school staff, SDO TWG, and LearnCon PH Secretariat;

b.12. perform such other duties as imposed by DepEd existing policies

upon them, as substitute parents or guardians.

I. Security and Valuables

All participants must take care of their own personal belongings and refrain
from leaving their valuables unattended all throughout the event. The
LearnCon PH Secretariat will not be held responsible for any loss of personal
belongings while in the event. Should there be any untoward incidents during
the event, please inform the LearnCon PH Secretariat as soon as possible for
immediate action.

J. Attire

All participants must wear decent and non-revealing clothing (e.g.,

organization or club shirt, collared shirt, long sleeves and slacks, pencil cut,
and below the knee skirts). Prior to the event, an advisory on the required and
official attire will be issued.

K. Wearing of Identification card (ID)

Event IDs must be worn at all times for security reasons. Everyone shall not
be allowed to enter into the plenary, mess, and other session halls without ID.

L. Health and Safety Protocols

1. All participants are presumed to be in good health. Those who are exhibiting
any symptoms of illness shall inform the chaperones about their medical
conditions and needs and shall be discouraged from attending the event

2. Medical needs shall be addressed by the LearnCon PH Secretariat. Expenses

in this regard shall be charged against contingency and/or personal funds.
For safety and for any emergency, there will be medical staff stationed at the
venue and in billeting areas for the entire duration of the event.

3. In addition, the LearnCon PH 2023 shall ensure to abide to DepEd Order No.
39, series of 2022, “Health and Safety Protocols in Light of the COVID 19
Pandemic”, that provides guidance on ensuring health, safety, and well-being
of learners and DepEd personnel as it applies to learner formation-related
activities including convergence.

4. LearnCon PH 2023, as a component event of the Palarong Pambansa, shall

follow the conditions established by the PP Board for the delegates' health and

a. Pre-Event
a.1. The billeting schools and event venues must conform with the standards
required by the IATF and DOH as stipulated in DepEd Order 39, s. 2022 even
prior to the arrival of the delegation.
a.2. A designated isolation area must be identified in case the delegate
manifests any sign or symptom of CoVID-19 or any communicable disease.

a.3. Likewise, coordination with the DOH or host City Health must be done to
ensure the availability of health personnel and seek the support of and partner
with mental health associations in respective areas, if possible, to assist in
ensuring the mental wellness of the entire delegation.

a.4. Each delegation is responsible for ensuring sanitation in their respective

billeting schools including sleeping areas, comfort rooms, and other public
use facilities.

a.5. The host city shall ensure 24/7 availability of medical provision.

a.6. Submission of documentary health requirements such as a medical

certificate/CoViD-19 proof of vaccination issued by a government medical
practitioner is a must as a health protocol and requirement for eligibility.

b. At the Billeting Areas

b.1. The delegation is responsible for reporting any signs and symptoms of
CoVID-19 to CoVID Management Team/ Medical Team.

b.2. Learner participants and chaperones who exhibit symptoms of CoViD-I9

shall be immediately placed in an isolation area while preparing for transport
to the appropriate facility.

b.3. All participants shall follow the existing approved protocols of the billeting
schools which must be explained by the assigned health personnel once the
delegation arrives.

b.4. All participants are highly encouraged to wear face masks.

b.5. Physical distancing shall be observed whenever possible.

b.6. The participants are encouraged to eat together while ensuring a safe
distance from one another. If there is a lack of space in the room or school
premises to allow distancing during meals, eating shall be done in a manner
where all individuals face in one direction.

b.7. Standard classroom shall accommodate not more than or less than 80%
capacity to avoid congestion. (DepEd Order 34, s.2022).

b.8. Strictly observe the National and local IATF and DOH guidelines.

c. During Event

c.1. All event activities shall adopt safety protocols prescribed by the LearnCon
PH Secretariat.

c.2. Daily temperature checking shall be administered before the entry of

delegates into the convergence venues.
c.3. Any member of the delegation who exhibits flu-like symptoms, such as
fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body malaise and
chills, headaches, or loss of smell and taste, will not be permitted to interact
with other members of the delegation. Instead, they will be placed in a
separate room for proper monitoring and management.

c.4. In light of the issuance of Executive Order No. 7, s. 2022 "Allowing

voluntary wearing of face masks in indoor and outdoor settings, reiterating
the continued implementation of minimum public health standards during
the state of public health emergency related to the CoViD-19 pandemic", and
the issuance of DO No. 48, s. 2022 otherwise known as "Implementing
Executive Order No. 07 , s. 2022 and Amending DepEd Order No. 039, s.
2022", both delegates and working committees are still encouraged to wear
face masks throughout the entire duration of the activities, except when eating
or drinking.

c.5. Physical distancing shall be observed whenever possible.

c.6. Disinfecting of the event venues including equipment before, during, and
after the event.

c.7. Availability of alcohol dispensers at entrances, exits, session venues, and

comfort rooms shall be ensured.

d. Post-Event

The host division and the delegation shall provide assistance to the
participants with CoVID infection/CoVID-like symptoms and other medical
issues particularly when the member of the delegation is hospitalized and
advised by the medical practitioner if not fit to travel.

M. Insurance

All participants may, but not required, procure their own travel insurance at
their own expense covering inclusive dates of travel from point of departure to
Marikina City, and back, either group or individual, before proceeding to the
LearnCon PH 2023.

N. Proper Conduct

1. Participants are expected to exhibit proper conduct all throughout the event.
Please avoid disrespectful acts and language in communicating with others.

2. All members, facilitators, and participants shall not fight with, threaten,
injure, and/or harass any other fellow participants or get negatively involved
should such incidents ensue.

3. During the sessions, please put mobile phones on silent mode and refrain
from using the phone, except during identified portions of the day when
participants will be encouraged to tweet, post, share, and like on social media.

4. Likewise, please avoid any unnecessary loud chats with one another when the
sessions are ongoing. We will make sure everyone listens when it is time to
speak/ present.
5. All LearnCon PH Secretariat and the entire delegations shall also adhere
strictly to the event rules and guidelines to ensure safe and dignified conduct
all throughout the event.

O. Learners’ Rights and Protection

1. The Department of Education (DepEd), the Learners’ Convergence PH

Secretariat, and through the Learner Rights and Protection Office (LRPO),
ensures that all activities and venues are conducive and that the best interest
of the learner participants shall be the paramount consideration in all
decisions and actions involving them. To provide special protection to learner-
participants who are gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances, the
DepEd Child Protection Policy (DepEd Order 40, s. 2012) shall be fully adopted
before, during, and after the convergence. Yet, the participatory rights of the
learners in the implementation of this policy and in all proceedings affecting
them, whether they be victims or aggressors, either directly, or through a
representative, is greatly recognized.

2. The Learners’ Convergence PH 2023 shall be in accordance with the

safeguarding guidelines in order to minimize risk, guarantee safe space, and
ensure positive experience for all delegates, organizers, and others who are
involved in the event. Further, through the safeguarding guidelines,
appropriate preventive, protective, and remedial measures will be properly

3. Accordingly, the DepEd and Learners’ Convergence PH Secretariat reiterates

the zero-tolerance policy for any act of child abuse, exploitation, violence,
discrimination, bullying, and other forms of abuse. Hence, a Child Protection
Desk shall be fully operationalized through the Child Protection Committee
(CPC) in all venues and billeting schools.

P. Feedback and Evaluation

To have a worthwhile Learners’ Convergence PH experience in the future,

participants should accomplish the feedback and evaluation form in exchange
for the certificates. Our official hashtags are #BLSSed, #MATATAG,
#SaMakabata, #DepEdKabataan2023, and #LearnConPH2023.


A. Composition
1. LearnCon PH 2023 Secretariat shall facilitate the formation of the following
recommended Committees at the national level with counterparts from the
DepEd NCR, and Division of City Schools Marikina for the effective
implementation of the said DepEd Memorandum:

DepEd Central Office Steering Committee

Chairperson Undersecretary Revsee A. Escobedo Office of the Undersecretary
for Operations
Co-Chairperson Assistant Secretary Dexter A. Office of the Assistant
Galban Secretary for Operations
Vice Dr. Nenneth Esplana-Alama Director IV, Bureau of
Chairperson Learner Support Services
Members Atty. Christian E. Rivero Director IV, Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management
Atty. Suzette T. Gannaban-Medina Director III, Learner Rights
and Protection Office
Mr. Rovin James F. Canja PDO IV/OIC, BLSS-Learner
Formation Division
Mr. Cesar S. Abalon Chief, BLSS-School Sports
Dr. Maria Corazon C. Dumlao Chief, BLSS-School Health

Management Working Committee

Chairperson: Rovin James F. Canja, OIC, BLSS-Youth Formation Division

Over-all Event Coordinator: Arman Jay B. Dudas, Senior Technical Assistant II, BLSS-
Youth Formation Division

Events Committee Finance and Administration Committee

Sub-committees: Sub-committees:
1. Programs 1. Logistics and Supplies
2. Communications and 2. Procurement
Documentation 3. Safety and Security
3. Registration 4. Medical/First Aid
4. Creatives 5. Child Protection
5. Technical and Production 6. Marketing and Sponsorship
6. Cultural and Entertainment 7. Collaterals
7. Decoration and Venue Setup 8. Food
8. Guest Relations 9. Accommodation and Venue
9. ICT and Social Media Promotions 10. Transportation Management
10. Evaluation 11. Volunteer Management
12. Traffic Management

2. A separate Technical Working Group shall be convened with other DepEd

Central offices to assist in the implementation of the event.

3. The DepEd Regional Office of National Capital Region (NCR), through the
Regional Director or RO personnel authorized by the latter, may appoint a
personnel or employee to assist the LearnCon PH 2023 Secretariat and LGU
Marikina City in the event's planning, organization, implementation, and
4. The Division of City Schools Marikina, through its Schools Division
Superintendent or SDO personnel authorized by the latter, and in
consultation with the LGU, RO, and national Secretariat, may assign
personnel to assist the LearnCon PH 2023 Secretariat, LGU Marikina City,
and DepEd NCR in the event's preparation, organization, implementation, and

5. Furthermore, the RO/SDO may tap or forge partnerships and collaboration

with local communities/barangays or partner organizations with the
authorization of the office head or person-in-charge as long as the probable
partners are provided with a clear set of tasks to be completed accordingly.


Department of Education. DepEd Memorandum No. 44, s. 2022- Philippine Youth

Convergence 2022. Pasig City: Department of Education, 2022.

Department of Education. DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012- DepEd Child Protection
Policy. Pasig City: Department of Education, 2012.

Department of Education. DepEd Order No. 39, s. 2022- Health and Safety Protocols
in Light of the COVID-79 Pandemic. Pasig City: Department of Education, 2022.

Department of Education. DepEd Order No. 48, s. 2022- Implementing Executive

Order No. 7, s. 2022 and Amending DepEd Order No. 39, s. 2022. Pasig City:
Department of Education, 2O22.

Office of the President. Executive Order No, 7, s. 2022 - Allowing Voluntary Wearing
of Face Mask in Indoor and Outdoor Settings, Reiterating the Continued
Implementation of Minimum Public Health Standards During the State of Public
Health Emergency Relative to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Malacañang Palace, Manila,
(Enclosure No. 3 to OUOPS Memorandum No. 2023 – 03 - 5122)


#SaMakabata: Sentro ng Karunungan, Huwaran ng Kagalingan
Marikina City, Metro Manila, National Capital Region
July 29-August 3, 2023


Name of Division: __________________________________ Region: ________________________________________

Name of Learner/Chaperone In case of Emergency
(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Birthdate Grade Complete Name of School T-Shirt Food
Representation Name) Gender (mm/dd/yy) Age Level Email Address & Size Restriction Religion
Contact Number
Name Relationship Contact

Outgoing DFSSG
(SY 2022-2023)
(1 pax only)

Incoming DFSSG
(SY 2023-2024)
(1 pax only)


(1 pax only)

representing sports-

(1 pax only)
Name of Learner/Chaperone In case of Emergency
(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Birthdate Grade Complete Name of School T-Shirt Food
Representation Name) Gender (mm/dd/yy) Age Level Email Address & Size Restriction Religion
Contact Number
Name Relationship Contact

representing LRP -

(1 pax only)

Disaster Risk
Reduction and

(1 pax only)


Preferably 1 male, 1
adviser assigned by
the Schools Division

(2 pax only)

Approved by:

Schools Division Superintendent
(Signature over Printed Name)

1. An endorsement letter, saved in one PDF file, must be submitted to the respective Regional Office via email on or before June 19, 2023, along with the completed documents (Accomplished
SDO Pre-Registration Form, signed Parental Consent and Waiver Form, and any proof of COVID vaccination)
2. Please input the same information of the participants in this Google Sheet through this link,
3. You may access the editable forms (Pre-registration, Confirmation, and Parent’s Consent Form) here,
(Enclosure No. 4 to OUOPS Memorandum No. 2023 – 03 - 5122)


#SaMakabata: Sentro ng Karunungan, Huwaran ng Kagalingan
Marikina City, Metro Manila, National Capital Region
July 29-August 3, 2023


Region: __________________________________ Office Contact Number (if any): _________________________________

Office Email: ____________________________ Regional Learner Formation Coordinator & Number: _______________________________

Name of Learner/Chaperone In case of Emergency

(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Birthdate Grade Complete Name of School T-Shirt Food
Representation Name) Gender (mm/dd/yy) Age Level Email Address & Size Restriction Religion
Contact Number
Name Relationship Contact

Outgoing DFSSG 1.
(SY 2022-2023)

Incoming DFSSG 1.
(SY 2023-2024)

Learner 1.
organization 2.
Name of Learner/Chaperone In case of Emergency
(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Birthdate Grade Complete Name of School T-Shirt Food
Representation Name) Gender (mm/dd/yy) Age Level Email Address & Size Restriction Religion
Contact Number
Name Relationship Contact

Learner 1.
representing sports-
organization 2.

Learner 1.
representing LRP -
organization 2.

Learner 1.
organization 2.

Chaperones 1.


Prepared by:
Regional Learner Formation Coordinator
Approved by:

Regional Director
(Signature over Printed Name)
1. Insert additional rows if necessary. Please send the accomplished form through email at [email protected] on or before June 23, 2023.
(Enclosure No. 5 to OUOPS Memorandum No. 2023 – 03 - 5122)


(English Version)

I, ______________________________________, as the parent or legal guardian of

_________________________________________, hereby acknowledge that I have been
informed of the details of the conduct of the face-to-face Learners’ Convergence PH
2023 with the theme, “#SaMakabata: Sentro ng Karunungan, Huwaran ng
Kagalingan” that will be held on 29 July to 03 August 2023 at Marikina City,
Metro Manila.

I understand that the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Operations through the
Bureau of Learner Support Services-Youth Formation Division (BLSS-YFD) of the
Department of Education shall implement the minimum public health standards set
by the government to minimize the risk of the spread of COVID-19, but it cannot
guarantee that my child will not become infected with COVID-19 given that it is
highly contagious.

I understand that my child’s in-person attendance in the event will include

associating with teachers, fellow learners and school personnel, and other persons
inside and outside of the school that may put my child at risk of COVID-19
transmission, notwithstanding the precautions undertaken by the implementing

Voluntary Participation
I acknowledge that my child’s participation in this activity is completely voluntary.
My child may decline to participate or withdraw from participation at any time for
any reason. Declining or withdrawal of participation will not result in any penalty or
loss of benefits or reduction of any basic right to which my child is entitled. While
there remains the risk of possible COVID-19 transmission to my child/ren, and to
the members of my household, I freely assume the said risk and I permit my
child/ren to attend this activity.

Exclusion (Limitations/Ineligibility)
I am aware that symptoms of COVID-19 include, but are not limited to, fever or chills,
cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches,
headache, the new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose,
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

I confirm that my child currently has none of those symptoms and is in good health.
I will not allow my child to physically go to the event if my child or any member of
my household develops any of the said symptoms or any other symptoms of illness
that may or may not be related to COVID-19. I will also inform the school/division
and not allow my child to attend the event if my child or any of my household
members tests positive for COVID-19. My child/ren and I, with my household
members, will follow the required health and safety protocols and procedures
adopted by the school and community.

I confirm that I give full permission in any recording or picture taken of my child
during the conduct of this event and to use some or all of my child’s images/
contribution/ performance in any publication (including electronic publications such
as film or website) created by or for the BLSS-YFD and to release this material to
DepEd official platforms.

I am aware that any information that will be given during the activity will be kept
strictly confidential, and personal information will be treated in accordance with the
Data Privacy Act of 2012. I am assured that the information about my child will not
be shared outside of the implementation team. My child’s name will not be used
when data from this activity is analyzed.

I hereby confirm that I agree and understand the commitment of my child as a

participant. I also understand and will support my child’s endeavor to meet the
expectations, guidelines, and responsibilities to his/her fellow participants and to

To the extent allowed by law and rules, I hereby agree to waive, release, and discharge
all claims, causes of action, damages, and rights against the school/division and its
personnel as well as officials and personnel of the Department of Education relative
to the conduct of the activity.

With full understanding, I – on behalf of myself, my household members, and my

child/ren – hereby freely and voluntarily give my consent to my child’s participation
in the activity from 29 July to 03 August 2023. I also attest that I had sought the
views of my child and he/she has expressed a willingness to participate in the


For any concerns or clarification, you may contact the Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Operations through the Bureau of Learner Support Services-Youth
Formation Division through the email address [email protected] or through
telephone number +632 8 637 9814.

_______________________________________ ______________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian over Contact Details (Mobile Number)
Printed Name

_______________________________________ ______________________________________
Name of Children Date

* Please submit this form to your school/SDO prior to participation in the event.
(Enclosure No. 5 to DepEd Memorandum No. _____________ s. 2023)


(Filipino Version)

Ako si ___________________________________, magulang o legal na tagapangalaga ni

__________________________________, ay ipinaalam sa akin ang mga detalye ng
pagsasagawa ng Learners’ Convergence PH 2023 na may temang, “#SaMakabata:
Sentro ng Karunungan, Huwaran ng Kagalingan” sa 29 Hulyo hanggang 03 Agosto
2023 na gaganapin sa Lungsod ng Marikina, Metro Manila.

Nauunawaan kong ipatutupad ng Office of the Assistant Secretary for Operations sa

pamamagitan ng Bureau of Learner Support Services-Youth Formation Division
(BLSS-YFD) ng Kagawaran ng Edukasyon ang mga pampublikong pamantayang
pangkalusugan na itinakda ng pamahalaan, subalit hindi nito matitiyak na hindi
mahahawahan ng COVID-19 ang aking anak, sapagkat lubhang nakahahawa ang
sakit na ito.

Nauunawaan kong kabilang sa harapang pagdalo sa gawain ng aking anak ang

pakikihalubilo sa mga guro, kamag-aral at mga empleyado ng paaralan, at iba pang
tao sa loob at labas ng paaralan na maaaring magdulot ng pagkahawa ng aking anak
sa COVID-19, sa kabila ng mga pag-iingat na isinasagawa ng BLSS-YFD.

Boluntaryong Paglahok
Nauunawaan kong ganap na boluntaryo ang paglahok ng aking anak sa gawaing ito.
Ang aking anak ay maaaring tumanggi o umatras sa paglahok sa anumang oras sa
anumang dahilan. Ang pagtanggi o pag-atras sa gawaing ito ay hindi magkakaroon
ng anumang parusa, o hindi mawawala ang anumang benepisyong nararapat para
sa aking anak. Bagamat nananatili ang posibilidad ng pagkahawa sa COVID-19 ng
aking anak, at ng aming mga kasama sa bahay, tinatanggap ko ang mga kaakibat
nitong panganib (freely assume the risk) at pinahihintulutan kong lumahok ang
aking anak sa gawaing ito.

Mga Limitasyon/ Mga Hindi Maaaring Mapiling Lumahok

Batid ko ang mga sintomas ng COVID-19 kung saan kabilang ang, ngunit hindi
limitado sa, lagnat, pag-ubo, pangangapos ng hininga, pagkapagod, pananakit at
pagkirot ng katawaan o kalamnan, pagkawala ng panlasa o pang-amoy, pananakit
ng lalamunan (sore throat), sipon o baradong ilong, pagduduwal, pagsusuka, at

Kinukumpirma ko na ang aking anak ay wala ng mga nabanggit na sintomas, at

kasalukuyang may mabuting kalusugan. Hindi ko pahihintulutan ang aking anak
na harapang pumasok sa paaralan kung ang aking anak o sinumang kasama sa
bahay ang makaranas ng mga nabanggit na sintomas o makaranas ng iba pang
sintomas na maaaring may kaugnayan sa COVID-19. Ipaaalam ko sa paaralan ang
aming kundisyon at hindi ko pahihintulutang lumahok sa harapang klase ang aking
anak kung siya o sinumang kasama sa bahay ay magpositibo sa COVID-19. Ako,
ang aking anak at ang aming mga kasama sa bahay, ay susunod sa mga protokol na
pangkalusugan at pangkaligtasan at sa mga pamamaraang isinasagawa ng paaralan
at ng aming komunidad.

Kinukumpirma ko na binibigyan ko ng buong pahintulot ang anumang pagre-record
o pagkuha ng larawan ng aking anak habang isinasagawa ang kaganapang ito at
gamitin ang ilan o lahat ng mga larawan/ ambag/ pagganap ng aking anak sa
anumang publikasyon (kabilang ang mga elektronikong publikasyon tulad ng
pelikula o website) na ginawa sa o para sa BLSS-YFD at ilabas ang mga materyal na
ito sa mga opisyal na plataporma ng Kagawaran.

Batid ko na ang anumang impormasyong ibibigay habang isinasagawa ang gawaing
ito ay pananatilihing kumpidensiyal, at ang personal na impormasyon ay gagamitin
nang naayon sa Data Privacy Act of 2012. Aking natitiyak na ang mga impormasyon
tungkol sa aking anak ay hindi ilalabas ng implementation team. Ang pangalan ng
aking anak ay hindi gagamitin sa pagsusuri ng mga datos sa gawaing ito.

Kinukumpirma ko na ako ay pumapayag at nauunawaan ko ang tungkulin ng aking

anak sa pagdalo sa gawaing ito. Buong puso kong susuportahan ang pagsusumikap
ng aking anak na matugunan ang mga ekspektasyon, mga alituntunin, at mga
responsibilidad sa kanyang mga kapwa kalahok at sa BLSS-YFD.

Sa hangganang pinahihintulutan sa ilalim ng batas at ng mga patakaran, sumasang-

ayon ako na talikuran ang anumang paghahabla o paghahabol at lubusan kong
tinatalikuran ang anumang karapatan, paghahabol, anumang usapin o pagsasampa
ng kaso laban sa paaralan/dibisyon, mga empleyado at opisyal nito, at sa Kagawaran
ng Edukasyon kaugnay sa pagpapatupad ng gawaing ito. Dahil naunawaan ko ang
lahat ng mga nabanggit, ipinapahayag ko - sa ngalan ng aking sarili, mga kasama
sa aking bahay, at ng aking anak - ang aking malaya at boluntaryong
pagpapahintulot sa paglahok ng aking anak sa gawaing ito simula Hulyo 29, 2023
hanggang Agosto 03, 2023. Pinatototohanan kong sumangguni ako sa opinyon ng
aking anak at nagpahayag siya ng kanyang pagsang-ayon sa paglahok sa gawaing



Para sa anumang tanong o paglilinaw, maaaring makipag-ugnayan sa Office of the

Assistant Secretary for Operations sa pamamagitan ng Bureau of Learner Support
Services-Youth Formation Division (BLSS-YFD) sa pamamagitan ng email address
na [email protected] o tumawag sa numerong +632 8 637 9814.

_______________________________________ ______________________________________
Lagda ng Magulang/Tagapag-alaga sa Numero ng Maaaring Tawagan/
Ibabaw ng Pangalan Makontak

_______________________________________ ______________________________________
Pangalan ng Mag-aaral Petsa
* Mangyaring isumite ang dokumentong ito sa inyong paaralan/SDO bago ang
pagsasagawa ng harapang gawain.

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