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Writing Worksheet

Parts of a Paragraph Worksheet (1)

Read the paragraph. Circle the topic sentence and

underline the conclusion sentence.

1. A Pet Cat
Every morning, Paul takes good care of his pet cat

at home. He keeps its bowl filled with fresh water. He

feeds it healthy food. He brushes its fur gently. Paul

loves his pet cat.

2. Summer Time
I enjoy spending the summer time with my family

at Silver Creek. It’s a great opportunity for us to

spend time together. During the day, we often go on

hikes. Dad and I go mountain biking. Silver Creek is one

of my favorite summer time activities.

Label and color each part of the burger paragraph
using words from the box .

Detail 1 Topic sentence Detail 2

conclusion Detail 3

Hamburger Writing

Parts of a Paragraph Worksheet (2)

 Read the following paragraph and identify its main


1. My favorite drink is orange juice. 2. My

mom makes me fresh orange juice every day.

3. I always have fresh orange juice with

breakfast. 4. Sometimes, I have orange juice

after lunch. 5. Orange juice is a healthy juice

and it tastes great!


2. __________________________________________

3. ______________________________________

4. __________________________________________

5. __________________________________________

Read each paragraph.

1. Circle the topic sentence:

All of my brothers have jobs. My eldest brother,

Josh is a doctor at the hospital. The second eldest,

Dave is a teacher at the school. My youngest

brother, Sam, is a policeman. I am so proud of my


2. Underline detail 1, detail 2, and detail 3:

Many people like to exercise. Some people walk

on a treadmill or ride a bicycle at home. Others like

to do aerobics or workout in the gym. Some people

prefer to swim. Most people have a favorite way to


3. Circle the conclusion:

I enjoy reading books. I like reading about

different countries and the famous places there.

When I go on holidays I like to buy books about the

place I am visiting. Travel books can inform you

about the place you are at. Books are fun to read!

Parts of a Paragraph Worksheet (3)

• Look at the paragraph and identify its parts.

conclusion details topic sentence title

A Pet Cat

Every morning, Paul takes good care of his pet cat at home.

He feeds it healthy food. He brushes its fur gently. He

also takes his cat to the vet when it gets sick.

Paul loves his pet cat .

 Choose the best topic sentence for each paragraph.

1. ______________. It was a very nice place to live in

then. Now, it is much bigger than before. More people

live there. My parents still live there but they say it

was better in the past.

a. I sleep in my bed.

b. I lived in a small town where I was a child.

c. I played with my friends.

2. _____________. Dogs are soft and fury. They like to

run and play. Dogs wag their tails when they are happy.

Dogs are my favorite animals.

a. Dogs have four legs.

b. Dogs play with cats.

c. Dogs are cute pets.

 Read the paragraph and circle the conclusion.

My favorite holiday was last year’s holiday. We

went to Scotland for three weeks. We visited the big

cities and then we travelled north. We saw some

beautiful countryside and mountains. Those three

weeks were the best holiday ever!

A conclusion is:

a. in the middle of the paragraph.

b. at the end of the paragraph.

c. new information.

Read the paragraph and circle the best conclusion.

Saif is my best friend. I met him at school when we

were seven. We were in the same class for ten years!
Now he lives in a different city but we see each other
every month.__________________

a. He is very good at football.

b. I will see him next week.

c. He will always be my best friend.


Parts of a Paragraph Worksheet (4)

Read each paragraph. Circle the topic sentence and

choose the best conclusion.

1. Playing outside has many benefits. First, playing

outside gives you sun exposure. Second, playing
active games gets you moving. Lastly, playing or
running around outdoors can help you relieve stress.

a. Playing outdoor can make you happy.

b. Anyone can benefit from outdoor activity.

c. Playing outdoor is better than playing inside.

2. Pizza has become one of America’s favorite foods.
Pizza is ordered for many various holidays and
events. Children prefer pizza over any other foods
for lunch and dinner. Each person in America eats
about 46 slices of pizza per year.

a. Americans like to eat pizza.

b. Everyone loves pizza.

c. Pizza has different kinds of toppings.

3. Skiing on the mountain is a great exercise. It takes

great leg strength to keep the proper position. Also,
skiers must use strength to keep the skis straight
and forward. Turning and weaving while skiing uses
many muscles in the legs and back.

a. We go skiing during winter.

b. Skiing is fun.

c. Skiing keeps your body in good health.

 Read each topic sentence and choose the best


1. Exercise is very important for a healthy body.

a. To stay healthy we must exercise.

b. We need to eat to stay healthy.

c. Fish is a healthy food.

2. Every meal should include fruits or vegetables.

a. Fruits and vegetables are yummy.

b. Fruits and vegetables are necessary in our meals.

c. There are different colors of fruits and


3. My grandmother is a very strong woman.

a. My grandmother is fun to be with.

b. My grandmother can cook.

c. My grandmother is very brave.

Parts of a Paragraph Worksheet (5)

A .Read the paragraph and answer the following

I enjoy going to the beach. It is a sunny place. The
sand is warm. The water is cool and salty. I can collect
sea shells and build sand castles. The beach is my
favorite place to visit.

1. The topic sentence for this paragraph is:

a. The beach is my favorite place to visit.

b. It is a sunny place.

c. I enjoy going to the beach.

2. The third supporting detail in this paragraph is:

a. The sand is warm.

b. The water is cool and salty.

c. I can collect sea shells and build sand castles.

3. The conclusion in this paragraph is:

a. The beach is my favorite place to visit.

b. I can collect sea shells.

c. I enjoy going to the beach.

4. Choose the supporting detail that could be added

to this paragraph:

a. Josh eats a sweet cake.

b. I also like to jump in the waves.

c. Mom bakes delicious cakes.

5. Choose the sentence that does not make a good

supporting detail.

a. Sami loves to go shopping.

b. I enjoy playing volleyball at the beach.

c. I can read a book and relax on the sand


B. Read each topic sentence and choose the sentence

that does not make a good supporting detail.

1. My favorite food is pizza.

a. The tomato sauce is yummy.

b. Mom bakes special pizza for me.

c. My hobby is playing on the piano.

2. I like different kinds of sports.

a. I like to play tennis with my sister.

b. I enjoy reading books.

c. I love swimming.

3. Summer is my favorite season.

a. Winter is very cold and snowy.

b. It’s time to relax and have fun.

c. I always go to the beach with my friends.

4. I help my dad during the weekend.

a. It is fun playing with my dog.

b. I wash his car.

c. We tidy up the garage together.

Revision Worksheet 2017
•Choose the best topic sentence for each paragraph.

1. _________________. I like math because it is fun. I

like to count and add and subtract numbers. Math

teaches us problem solving. Math is the best subject.

a. Math is my favorite subject.

b. Math teaches us to read.

c. Math is hard.

2. ________________. I started fishing when I was

twelve. My father took me out on his boat and showed

me how to catch fish. I like to go fishing every

weekend. Fishing is very special to me.

a. My favorite hobby is fishing.

b. I like to eat fish on the weekend.

c. Fish have fins and gills.

•Label each part of the paragraph using the numbers

Kittens need special care. You have to feed cats

twice a day. They have a lot of energy.

You need to play with them often. You have to

watch them closely.

1 detail 1

2 conclusion

3 detail 2

4 topic sentence

5 detail 3


•Read each topic sentence and choose the sentence that does
not make a good supporting detail .

1. A habitat is a place where animals live .

a. They are different kinds of habitats

b. I enjoy reading my book.

c. Animals can find food, water, and shelter in habitat.

2. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a

healthy diet.

a. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins.

b. Fruits and vegetables have a lot of fiber.

c. I always eat dinner .

3. I enjoy watching T.V. during winter.

a. There are different kinds of animals.

b. I make popcorn so we can eat while we watch.

c. My family joins me while I watch T.V.

 Answer the following questions.

1. What is a paragraph

a. A paragraph is a group of sentences about one

main idea.
b. A paragraph consists three sentences.

c. A paragraph has no conclusion.

2. What is a topic sentence?

a. A way to conclude the paragraph.

b. details to support the main idea.

c. The sentence that express the main idea of a


3. What are supporting sentences?

a. supporting sentences give examples or other

details about the main idea.

b. supporting sentences conclude the paragraph.

4. What is a conclusion?

a. A conclusion is a first sentence in a paragraph.

b. conclusion gives more details about the main idea .

c. A conclusion is a last sentence in a paragraph.

 Read each topic sentence and choose the best


1. The weather in the city was fierce this week.

a. The city has tall buildings.

b. Cats and dogs walk in the city.

c. Many are wondering what the weather in the

city will be like next week.

2. Walking is an effective way to exercise.

a. I exercise on a daily basis.

b. The effects that walking has on health makes it

a great way to exercise.

c. The boy goes to school by bus.

3. There are benefits of making your own ice cream.

a. The little girl enjoys buying sweet ice cream.

b. The ice cream is brown.

c. Making your own ice cream gives you the

benefits of adding what you like.


 Read the following sentences. If the sentence is

TRUE, circle true. If the sentence is FALSE, circle

1. Paragraphs can have more than one topic sentence

True False

2. Examples are details.

True False

3. The conclusion is the second sentence in the

True False
4. The conclusion is known as detail 1.
True False

5. The topic sentence tells the main idea.

True False

 Read the paragraph and answer the following


I just learned about the life cycle of the frog. The

frog's egg hatch into little tadpoles that can swim. The

tadpoles then grow legs and a tail. The tail then disappears

and the tadpole begins to look like a frog .The life cycle of a

frog takes about 12 to 16 weeks to complete.

1. The topic sentence for this paragraph is:

a. I just learned about the life cycle of the frog.

b. The tail then disappears and the tadpole begins to look

like a frog.

c. The tadpoles then grow legs and a tail.

2. The first supporting detail in this paragraph is:

a. The tadpoles then grow legs and tail.

b. The frog's egg hatch into little tadpoles that can swim.

c. I just learned about the life cycle of the frog.

3. The conclusion in this paragraph is:

a. I just learned about the life cycle of the frog.

b. The frog's egg hatch into little tadpoles that can swim.

c. The life cycle of a frog takes about 12 to 16 weeks to


4. Choose the supporting detail that could be added to this


a. I swim in the pond.

b. Small frogs eat insects.

c. My family go on a picnic.

5. Choose the sentence that does not make a good supporting

a. I go to my friend's house.

b. Frogs do not chew.

c. Frogs come in all sorts of colors.

 Read each topic sentence and choose the best conclusion.

1. Butterflies are pretty insects.

a. Butterflies are pretty insects.

b. The worm moves around in the dirt.

c. Birds fly high in the sky.

2. Fairy tales are fun to read.

a. I play at the beach.

b. I enjoy reading fairy tales before bedtime.

c. My family and I go camping.

3. Walking is an effective way to exercise.

a. My grandmother loves to cuddle my cat.

b. Dad feeds the bird.

c. My dog can do many different kinds of tricks.


 Read each topic sentence and choose the sentence that

does not make a good supporting detail.

1. A healthy diet includes fruits and vegetables.

a. Fruits and vegetables are very tasty.

b. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins.

c. My sister is good at playing the piano.

2. Mountain biking is good exercise.

a. Riding up mountains makes you confident.

b. On the weekend, my dad and I go mountain biking.

c. I play at the beach.

Quiz 2018 (1)

A. Read the paragraph and answer the questions .

1. The topic sentence of this paragraph is:

a. Local food vendors also sell their fabulous food.

b. There are many fun activities at the farmers'


c. Farmers' Markets are fun to attend.

2. The first supporting detail of this paragraph is:

a. Local food vendors also sell their fabulous food.

b. The best part is the huge selection of fruits and

vegetables from farmers and gardeners.

c. Some markets perform music.

4. The conclusion of this paragraph is

a. There are many fun activities at the Farmers'

b. Some markets perform music.
c. Local food vendors also sell their fabulous food.

4. Choose the supporting detail that could be added to

this paragraph.
a. Birds fly high in the sky.

b. There is always a big crowd at the Farmers'


c. I watch my mom cook dinner.

5. Choose the sentence that does not make a good

supporting detail.

a. Dad and I eat fruit.

b. Some markets have fun games for children.

c. I meet many people at the markets.

B. Read the following sentences .If the sentence is
TRUE circle true. If the sentence is FALSE, circle
1. Paragraphs always consist of a topic sentence,
supporting sentences, and a conclusion.
True False

2. The main idea of paragraph is known as topic

True False

3. A topic sentence is the last sentence of paragraph.

True False

4. The supporting sentence of a paragraph provide details

about the topic sentence.

True False
5. We should include new ideas in the conclusion.

True False

C. Read each topic sentence and choose the sentence

that does not make a good supporting detail.
1. Everyone should wear a life jacket when they are on
a boat.
a. There are many sea creatures.

b. Life jackets have been proven to save lives.

c. A life jacket looks like a vest.

2. Growing a garden can be fun.

a. It is interesting to watch the seeds sprout.

b. I read my book in the backyard.

c. Planting the seeds and pulling weeds is good exercise.

3. Bicycle helmets are very important.

a. I ride my bike everywhere.

b. Helmets protect your head from any injuries.

c. Your bike helmet should fit your head properly.


D. Read each topic sentence and choose the best


1. There are three types of bees in a hive.

a. Bees make honey.

b. Each type of bee is important to the hive.

c. Bees collect nectar from flowers .

2. Coral refers are the best places to snorkel .

a. We go out during the weekend.

b. It was an amazing experience snorkeling in the

coral reef.

c. The fish swim in the water.

Quiz 2018 (2)

1. A paragraph is

a. a story b. a group of sentence

2. A topic sentence is

a. the third sentence b. the main idea

3. Details are
a. examples b. the conclusion

4. A conclusion is

a. more details b. the last sentence

5. A paragraph has

a. many ideas b. one main idea

Let me tell you about my best friend. She lives next

door to me. We always have fun together. Best of all,

she's on my soccer team. I think she is the greatest

friend I've ever had.

1. The topic sentence for this paragraph is:

a. Best of all , she's on my soccer team.

b. Let me tell you about my best friend.

c. We always have fun together.

2. The first supporting detail in this paragraph is :

a. We always have fun together .

b. She lives next door to me .

c. I think she is greatest friend I've never had .

3. The conclusion in this paragraph is :

a. Let me tell you about my best friend.

b. Best of all , she's on my soccer team .

c. I think she is greatest friend I've never had .

4. Choose the supporting detail that could be added to

this paragraph :

a. My friend and I always eat lunch together.

b. Mom packs my bag .

c. Dad eats lunch .

5. Choose the sentence that does not make a good

supporting detail.

a. We read books and play games.

b. We always tell secrets to each other.

c. The sun shines brightly.

•Read each topic sentence and choose the best

1. There are four seasons in a year.

a. Mom sings a song.

b. I enjoy the four seasons every year.

c. We go and eat at the restaurant.

2. I love spending time with grandparents.

a. I love to play with puppies.

b. My grandparents are the best.

c. My friends and I play football.

4. At the festival we watched the fireworks.

a. Joya collects roses.

b. The fireworks at the festival were fun to watch.

c. Rabbits eat carrots.

 Read each topic sentence and choose the sentence that does
not make a good supporting detail.

1. Every Friday we gather for lunch.

a. The boy swims at noon.

b. My uncles and aunts also come for lunch.

c. Mom cooks delicious food for lunch.

2. We should obey classroom rules.

a. Classroom rules help keep us safe.

b. My dad helps me solve the problem.

c. Classroom rules should be followed.


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