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Plibrico Company, LLC Technical Data Sheet

1935 Techny Road - Unit 16

Northbrook, IL 60062 Plibrico 90 AB
(312) 337-9000 Product # 10090
Available Internationally As: Plico 90 AB

Product Description:
A 90% alumina, air bonded plastic refractory.

Standard Packaging: 55 # / 25 kg Carton Abrasion Loss after 1500oF / 815oC

per ASTM C704
Shelf Life: 12 months
N/A cc
Service Limit: 3400 F o
1870 C
Contact Limit: N/A F N/A oC Chemistry (calcined) %
Al2O3 89.9 Alk 0.2 MgO 0.1
Bulk Density - In Service: 172 pcf 2755 kg/m3
SiO2 7.7 TiO2 1.1 ZrO2
Bulk Density - To Place: 190 pcf 3044 kg/m 3
CaO P2O5 Other
Fe2O3 1.1 SiC
Minimum Time To Firing: 0 hr

Water Range Per Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (reversable):

Standard Package % Quarts Liters
-6 o
5.0 x 10 in/in/ F / 9.0 x 10-6 mm/mm/oC
Vib min
Casting max Thermal
btu*in/hr*ft2*oF W/moC
500oF / 260oC 16.7 2.40
Casting max
1000oF / 540oC 15.1 2.17
min o o
Pumping 1500 F / 815 C 14.1 2.03
2000oF / 1090oC 14.3 2.06

Temperature Linear CCS Cold MOR Hot MOR

per ASTM C133 per ASTM C133 per ASTM C583
o o Change%
F C per ASTM C113 psi MPa psi MPa psi MPa

230 110 -0.5 2200 15.0 900 6.2

1500 820 -0.6 3500 24.0 1400 9.7 1800 12.4

2000 1090 -0.7 2000 13.8 2000 13.8

2500 1370 -0.3 2300 15.9 900 6.2

3000 1650 -0.7 2800 19.3

Other Data: Material ordered in either Stiff (SF), Standard (SD), or Export (EX) workability. PREVENT MATERIAL FROM FREEZING: During cold weather this material must
be shipped and stored in a warm place to prevent freezing. In warm weather, store in a cool dry place to prevent drying out.

Refractory material should be stored in a cool, dry environment.

Release Date: 1 Aug 2019
Note: All data are averaged results of ASTM tests (where applicable)
on laboratory specimens. Reasonable variations in data can be
Heat Up Guide: Schedule A expected. Data is not to be used for specification purposes. Product
data is periodically updated to reflect product, raw material, process
and/or testing changes. Please consult your Plibrico representative to
ASTM Class: C 673 90% Alumina make sure you have the most current data.
Plastic Refractory 1935 Techny Road –Unit 16, Northbrook, IL 60062

Copyright ©2019 Plibrico Company, LLC.

All rights reserved

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