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❖ It is synthesis of nursing practice and public health applied to
promoting and preserving the health of populations.

❖ Focus of the community health nursing is the community as a

whole, with nursing care of individuals, families and groups
being provided within the context of promoting and preserving
the health of the community.

❖ According to Ruth B. Freeman, it refers to a service rendered

by a professional nurse with communities, group, families,
individuals at home, in health centers, in clinics, in schools, in
places of work for the:
• Promotion of health
• Prevention of illness
• Care of the sick at home and rehabilitation
Four Levels of Clientele:
• Individuals
• Family
• Population
• Community

• School Nursing
• Occupational Health Nursing
• Community Mental Health Nursing
• Public Health Nursing
• It is a special field of nursing that combines the skills of nursing, public
health and some phases of social assistance (World Health Organization)
• Functions as part of the total public health program for the promotion of
health, the improvement of the conditions, in the social and physical
environment, rehabilitation of illness and disability.
• According to Dr. C.E Winslow, public health is the science and art of:
• Preventing diseases
• Prolonging life
• Promoting health and efficiency


• Refers to the nurses in the local/national health departments or public
schools whether their official position title is public Health Nurse or Nurse
school nurse
• Starts with a Salary Grade 15
Roles & Functions
• Planner/Programmer
Identifies the health needs, priorities and problems of individuals, families,
and community
• Nursing Care Provider
Provides nursing care to the sick, disabled in the home, clinic, school, or
place of work
• Manager/Supervisor
Formulates and implements nursing plan for individual, family, group,
Leads and encourages them to address their health needs and solve their
health problems
• Community Organizer
Motivates and enhances community participation
Initiates and participates in community development activities
• Service Coordinator
Collaborates with individuals, families, and groups for health and health
• Health Educator/Counselor/Trainer
Conducts health teaching, training and counseling
Trains and educates rural health midwives Acts as a resource speaker on
health and health related services
• Health Monitor
Monitors the status of the individuals, families and groups through various
• Role Model
Sets as good example of healthful, living to the individuals, families, and
• Change Agent
Motivates changes in the health behavior of individual, families and
• Reported/ Recorder/Statistician
Records every nursing interventions
Updates existing data base
Makes statistical analysis of data for interpretation
• Researcher
Uses observation, interview, survey questionnaire, physical exam, and
other methods in the assessment of individuals, families, and community
1. Leadership in Health
2. Enabler and Capacity
3. Administrator of specific Services
Filipinos are among the healthiest people in Southeast Asia by 2022, and Asia
by 2040
To lead the country in the development of a productive, resilient, equitable and
people-centered health system
Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA)
Health Sector reform is the overriding goal of DOH
FOURmula ONE for Health (2005-2010)
• Goals of the FOURmula One of Health
✓ Better Health Outcomes
✓ More responsive health systems
✓ Equitable health care financing
• Four Elements of the Strategy
1. Health Financing- To foster greater, better and sustained
investments in health (PHILHEALTH)
2. Health Regulation- To ensure the quality and affordability of health
goods and services
3. Health Service Delivery- To improve and ensure the accessibility
and availability of basic and essential health care
4. Good Governance- To enhance health system performance at the
national and local levels
❖ Adopted in the Philippines through:
• Letter of instruction (LOI) 949
-Signed by President Marcos on October 19, 1979
• Underlying theme: “Health in the Hands of the People by 2020”
❖ Characterized by partnership and empowerment of the people that
shall permeate as the core strategy in the effective provision of
essential health services that are community- based, accessible,
acceptable, and sustainable at a cost, which the community and the
government can afford.
❖ Elements/Components of PHC

E ducation for health

L ocally Endemic and Communicable Disease Control and
E xpanded Program on Immunization
M aternal and Child Health and Family Planning
E ssential Drugs
N Utrition
T reatment (Medical and Emergency Care, Non Communicable
Diseases and Mental Health)
S anitation of the Environment
❖ Four Cornerstones/Pillars in Primary Health Care
• Active community participation
• Intra and inter-sectoral linkages
• Use of appropriate technology
• Support mechanism made available

❖ Levels of Primary Health Care Worker

1. Village/Barangay Health Workers
• Refers to trained community health workers or health
auxiliary volunteer or a traditional birth attendant or healer

2. Intermediate Level Health Workers

• General medical practitioners or their assistants.
• E.g. Public Health Nurse, Rural Sanitary Inspectors and
Midwives, Rural Health Physician
❖ Levels of Health Care and Health Referral System
1. Primary Level of care
• Devolved to the cities and municipalities
• Health care provided by center physicians, public health
nurses, rural health midwives, barangay health workers,
traditional healers.
1. Barangay Health Stations
2. Rural Health Unit
3. Community Hospitals
4. Health Centers
5. Puericulture Center
2. Secondary Level of Care
• Secondary care is given by physicians with basic health
• Serves as a referral center for the primary health facilities
• Capable of performing minor surgeries and perform some
simple laboratory examinations
1. Emergency/District Hospitals
2. Provincial/City Health Services
3. Provincial/City Hospitals
3. Tertiary Level of Care
• Tertiary care is rendered by specialists in health facilities
• Referral center for the secondary care facilities
• Complicated cases and intensive care requires tertiary care
1. Regional Health Services
2. Regional Medical Centers and Training Hospitals
3. National Health Services
4. Medical Centers
5. Teaching and Training Hospitals
❖ Levels of Prevention
1. Primary Prevention – Prevent the transmission of the
• Target population- At risk
• Strategies
✓ Vector control
✓ Counselling
✓ Educational programs
✓ Immunization
✓ Isolation
✓ Lifestyle Modification
• Responsible sector
1. Public health
2. Primary health care
2. Secondary Prevention- Prevent or inhibit disease in cases
where infection has occurred.
• Focuses on early detection of disease and prompt
treatment for individual experiencing health problems.
• Strategies
✓ Screening
✓ Periodic health examination
✓ Case finding
✓ Early Intervention
✓ Early diagnosis
• Responsible sectors
✓ Public health
✓ Primary health care
3. Tertiary Prevention- prevent morbidity and mortality once
disease is established.
• Rehabilitation (prevent further disability)
• Restore client’s optimum level of functioning
• Strategies
✓ Symptomatic treatment
✓ Pharmacological interventions
✓ Management of complications
✓ Continuing care
• Responsible sectors
✓ Specialist services
✓ Hospital care
• To provide summary of data on health services delivery and selected
program accomplished indicators at the barangay, municipality/city,
district, provincial, regional and national levels.
• To provide data which when combined with data from other sources,
can be used for program monitoring and evaluation purposes.
• To provide a standardized, facility level data base which can be
accessed for a more in-depth studies
• To ensure that the data reported to the FHSIS are useful and accurate
and are disseminated in a timely and easy to use fashion
• To minimize the recording and reporting burden at the service
delivery level in order to allow more time for patient care and
promotive activities.
1. Family Treatment Record
2. Target Client List
3. Reporting Forms
4. Output Reports
1. Family Treatment Record- the fundamental building block or
foundation of the Field Health Service Information System. It is the document,
form or pieces of paper upon which the presenting symptoms or complaints of
the patient on consultation and the diagnosis (if available), treatment and date
of treatment is recorded.

2. Target Client List- the second “building block” of the FHSIS. It is

intended to serve four purposes.
• To plan and carry out patient care and service delivery.
• To facilitate the monitoring and supervision for services.
• To report services delivered.- The objective is to avoid having to go
back to individual/family records in order to complete the FHSIS
Reporting forms.
• To provide a clinic-level data base which can be accessed for further
studies – It is maintained in hard-bound cover to result in permanent
records of facility health care delivery activities which can be served as a
facility level data base. The complete set of Target Client List will be
collected periodically at the end of each year of every two years and stored
in a central location such as the Provincial Health Office to facilitate the
maintenance of such a data base.

3. Reporting forms- FHSIS Reports constitute the only mechanism through

which data are routinely transmitted from one facility to another in the revised
FHSIS. The majority of FHSIS reports are prepared and submitted either
monthly or quarterly. One report is prepared weekly, several annually, and in
some instance, every few minutes as relevant event s occur, e.g. maternal and
neonatal deaths.

4. Output Reports- Output Reports or Table will be produced at the PHO or

(alternate date processing site in the province) from the data reported in FHSIS
disseminated down to the RHU/MHC and up through the DOH system to the
Regional Health Office.
Maternal Health Program

1. Antenatal Registration- Every woman has to visit the nearest health facility
for antenatal registration and to avail prenatal services. This is the only way
to guide her in pregnancy care to make her prepare for childbirth. The
standard prenatal visits that a woman has to receive during pregnancy are as


1st Visit As early in pregnancy as possible
2nd Visit During 2nd trimester
3rd Visit During 3rd trimester
Every 2 weeks After 8th month of pregnancy until delivery
2. Tetanus Toxoid Immunization- Neonatal Tetanus is one of the public health
concerns that we need to address among newborns. To protect them from deadly
disease, tetanus toxoid immunization is important for pregnant women and child
bearing age women. A series of 2 doses of Tetanus Toxoid vaccination must be
received by a woman one month before delivery to protect baby from neonatal
tetanus. And the 3 booster dose shots to complete the five doses following the
recommended schedule provides full protection for both mother and child. The
mother is then called as a “Fully Immunized Mother”.


TT1 As early as possible during __________ ___________
TT2 After 4 weeks 80% 3 years
TT3 After 6 months 95% 5 years
TT4 After 1 year 99% 10 years
TT5 After 1 year 99% Lifetime
3. Micronutrient Supplementation- is vital for pregnant women. These are
necessary to prevent anemia, Vitamin A deficiency and other nutritional


Vitamins 10,000 IU Twice a week starting on the 4th month of
Iron/Folic acid 60mg/400ug Daily (Starting 5th month of pregnancy up 2
tablet months postpartum)
4. Treatment of Disease and Other Conditions- There are other conditions that
may occur among pregnant women. These conditions may endanger her health
and complication could occur. Follow first ai
4. Treatment of Diseases and Other Conditions
5. Clean and Safe Delivery
6. Health Teachings:
• Birth registration
• Importance of breastfeeding
• Newborn screening between 48 hours up 2 weeks after birth
• Schedule when to return for consultation for post-partum visits
✓ 1st Visit – 1st week postpartum preferably 3-5 days
✓ 2nd Visit – 6 weeks postpartum
7. Support to Breastfeeding
8. Family Planning Counseling
• Proper spacing of birth (3 to 5 years interval)
EPI LAW (PD (996)
❖ Principles:
• It is safe and immunologically effective to administer all EPI vaccines on
the same day at different sites of the body
• Measles Vaccine should be given as soon as the child is 9 months old. If
the child is living in an endemic area,
give the vaccine as early as 6 months. If given at 9 months = 85%
protection; if given at one year and older = 95%
• Giving doses less than the recommended interval may lessen the antibody
• No extra must be given to children/ mother who missed a dose of
• Strictly follow the principle of never, ever reconstituting the freeze dried
vaccines other than the diluents supplied
• One Syringe, One Needle per child during vaccination
RA 10152 (2011)
An act providing for mandatory basic immunization services for
infants and children.

False Contraindications:
• Malnutrition
• Low Grade Fever
• Mild Respiratory Infections
• Cough
• Diarrhea
• Vomiting
Absolute Contraindications:
• DPT 2 or DPT 3 to a child who has had convulsions or
shock within 3 days the previous dose.
• Patients with neurologic disease should not be given
vaccines containing whole cell pertussis
• Live vaccines like BCG vaccine must not be given to
individuals who are immunosuppressed due to a malignant
BCG ID 0.05ml At birth
HEPA B IM 0.5ml At birth
PENTAVALENT IM 0.5ml 6 weeks
6, 10, 14
OPV PO 2-3gtts 6 weeks
6, 10, 14
MMR SUBQ 0.5ml 9 months
→ 1 year (12m-
IPV IM 0.5ml 14 weeks
→9 months
PCV IM 0.5ml 6 weeks
6, 10, 14
❖ Overall Goal: To provide universal access of family planning
information and services wherever and whenever these are
❖ Aims to reduce:
• Infant deaths
• Neonatal deaths
• Under-five deaths
• Maternal deaths
❖ Objectives
• Addresses the need to help couples and individuals achieved their
desired family size within context of responsible parenthood.
• Ensure that quality FP services are available in DOH retained
hospitals, LGU managed health facilities, NGOs and private sector
Family Planning Methods
1. Female Sterilization
• Also known as Bilateral Tubal Ligation
• Safe and simple surgical procedure which provides
permanent contraception for women who do not want more
• Involves cutting or blocking of two fallopian tubes.

✓ Permanent method of contraception
✓ Does not interfere with sex
✓ Results in increased sexual enjoyment
✓ No effect on breastfeeding
✓ No known long term side effects or health risks
Uncommon complications of surgery:
✓ Infection or bleeding
✓ Increase risk for ectopic pregnancy
✓ Requires physical examination
✓ Reversal surgery is difficult
✓ Do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases
2. Male Sterilization
• Also known as Vasectomy
• Permanent method wherein the vas deferens is tied and cut o
blocked through a small opening in the scrotal skin

✓ Very effective in 3 months after the procedure
✓ Permanent, safe, simple and easy to perform
✓ Can be performed in a clinic
✓ Person will not lose his sexual ability and ejaculation
✓ May be uncomfortable due to slight pain and swelling 2-3
days after the procedure
✓ Reversibility is difficult and expensive
✓ Bleeding may result in hematoma formation
3. Pill
• Contains hormones – estrogen and progesterone
✓ Safe as proven through extensive studies
✓ Convenient and easy to use
✓ Reduces gynecologic symptoms such as painful menses
and endometriosis
✓ Does not interfere with sexual intercourse
✓ Often not used correctly and consistently, lowering its
✓ Has side effects such as nausea, dizziness or breast
✓ Can suppress lactation
4. Male Condom
• Thin sheath of latex rubber made to fit on a man’s erect
penis to prevent the passage of sperm cells and sexually
transmitted disease into the vagina

✓ Safe and has no hormonal effect
✓ Protects against microorganisms during intercourse
✓ Encourages male participation in family planning

✓ May cause allergy for people who are sensitive to latex
or lubricant
✓ May decrease sensation, making sex less enjoyable
5. Injectables
• Contain synthetic hormone, progestin that suppresses
ovulation, thickens cervical mucus and changes uterine
✓ Reversible
✓ No need for daily intake
✓ Does not interfere with sexual intercourse
✓ Has no estrogen-related side effects
6. Lactating Amenorrhea Method/LAM
• Temporary introductory postpartum method of postponing
pregnancy based on physiological infertility
experienced by Breastfeeding women
✓ LAM is universally available to all postpartum
breastfeeding women
✓ No other FP commodities are required
✓ ü It contributes to improve maternal and child health
and nutrition
✓ Short term FP method which is effective only for a
maximum of 6 months
✓ The effectiveness of LAM may decrease if a mother
and child are separated for extended periods
✓ Full or nearly full BF may be difficult to maintain up to
6 month
7. Mucus/Billing Methods
• Abstaining from sexual intercourse during fertile days
prevents pregnancy

✓ Can be used by any woman of reproductive age as long
as she is not suffering from an unusual disease or
condition that results in extraordinary vaginal discharge

✓ Cannot be used by woman with medical conditions that
would make pregnancy dangerous
8. Basal Body Temperature
• Identifies the fertile and infertile period of a woman’s cycle by
daily taking and recording of the rise in body
temperature during and after ovulation.
• Before Ovulation: Temperature decreases 0.5 °F
• During Ovulation: Temperature increases 1.0°F

9. Sympto-thermal Method
• Identifies the fertile and infertile days of the menstrual cycle as
determined through a combination of observations made on the
cervical mucus, basal body temperature recording and other
signs of ovulation.
10. Two Day Method
• Simple fertility awareness based method of FP that involves:
✓ Cervical secretions as an indicator of fertility
✓ Women checking the presence of secretions everyday
✓ Can be used by women with any cycle length
✓ No health related side effects associated
✓ Incurs very little or no cost
✓ Immediately reversible
✓ Promote male partner involvement in FP
✓ Needs cooperation of the husband
✓ Can become unreliable for women who have conditions
that cause abnormal cervical secretions
11. Standard Days Method
• Couples use color coded cycle beads to mark the fertile and
infertile days of the menstrual cycle
✓ No health related side effects associated with its use
✓ Increases self-awareness and knowledge of human
✓ Can be used either to avoid or achieve pregnancy
✓ Enhances self-discipline, mutual respect
✓ Can be integrated in health and family planning
✓ Cannot be used by women who usually have menstrual
cycle between 26 and 32 days long

❖ Environmental Health- It is a branch of public health that deals with the study
of preventing illness by managing the environment and
changing people’s behavior to reduce exposure to biological and non-biological
agents of disease or injury

❖ Health and Sanitation Laws

• PD 856 – Sanitation Code of the Philippines
• RA 6969- toxic Substances and hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act
of 1990
• RA 8749- Clean Air Act of 1999
• RA 9003- Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
• RA 9275- Clean Water Act 2004
Environmental Sanitation

❖ Study of all factors in man’s physical environment, which may

exercise a deleterious effect on his health well-being and

❖ The Development of Health through the Environment and

Occupation Health Office (EOHO) has set some policies on
the following areas:
1. Approved Types of Water Supply Facilities
• LEVEL 1 (Point Source)
✓ Protect well or developed spring with an outlet but without
a distribution system
✓ Serves around 15 to 25 households
✓ Outreach must not be more than 250 meters from the
farthest user
✓ Yield or discharge is generally from 40 to 140 liters per
✓ Generally adaptable for rural areas where the houses are
thinly scattered
• LEVEL II (Communal Faucet System or Stand –posts)
✓ System composed of a source of reservoir, a piped
distribution network and communal faucets
✓ Located not more than 25 meters from the farthest house
✓ Designed to deliver 40-80 liters of water per capital per
✓ Average households: 100
✓ One faucet per 4 to 6 households
✓ Suitable for rural areas where houses are clustered
densely to justify a simple-piped system

• LEVEL III (Waterworks System or Individual House

✓ NAWASA, Maynilad
2. Unapproved type of water facility
• Open drug wells
• Unimproved springs
• Wells that need priming

3. Access to sage and potable drinking water

4. Water quality and monitoring surveillance

• Disinfection of water supply sources is required on the
• Newly constructed water supply facilities
• Water supply facility that has been repaired/improve
5. Waterworks/water system and well construction
• Well sites shall require the prior approval of the Secretary
of Health or his duly authorized representative
• Well construction shall comply with sanitary requirements
of the Department of Health
• Water supply system shall supply safe and potable water
in adequate quantity
1. Non-water Carriage Toilet Facility
✓ Pit Latrines
✓ Reed Odorless Earth Closet

2. Toilet Facilities requiring small amount of water

✓ Poor Flush Toilet
✓ Aqua Privies
✓ Water carriage type with Water Flush type with septic
vault/tank disposal facilities

✓ Water carriage types of toilet facilities connected to
septic tanks and/or sewerage system to treatment plant
❖ Food Establishments shall be appraised as to the following
sanitary conditions:
• Inspection/approval of all food source, containers, transport
• Compliance to sanitary permit requirements for all food
• Provision of updated Health certificate for food handlers,
cooks and cook helpers

❖ DOH’s Administrative Order no.1 – 2006 requires all

laboratories to use Formalin Ether Concentration . Technique
(FECT) instead of the direct fecal smear in the analysis of stools
of food handlers.
❖ Food Establishment shall be rated as follows:
✓ CLASS A – Excellent
✓ CLASS B – Very Satisfactory
✓ CLASS C – Satisfactory

Four Rights in Food Safety

1. • Right Source
✓ Always buy fresh meat, fish fruits & vegetables
✓ Look at the expiry dates of processed food
✓ Avoid buying canned goods with dents, bulges,
deformation, broken seals and improper seams
✓ Boil water for at least 2 minutes (running boiling)
2. Right Preparation
✓ Avoid contact between raw food and cooked food
✓ Always buy pasteurized mild and fruit juices
✓ Wash vegetables well if to be eaten raw such as lettuce,
cucumber, tomatoes & carrots
✓ Wash hands kitchen utensils before and after preparing
✓ Sweep kitchen floors to remove food droppings

3. Right Cooking
✓ Cook food thoroughly (temperature on all parts of the
food should reach 70 degrees centigrade
✓ Eat cooked food immediately
✓ Wash hands thoroughly before and after eating
4. Right Storage
✓ All cooked food should be left at room temperature for
not more than two hours
✓ Use tightly sealed containers for storing food
✓ Store food under hot conditions (at least or above 60°C)
or in cold conditions (below or equal to 10°C) if you
✓ can plan to store it for more than 4 to 5 hours
✓ Do not overburden the refrigerator by filing it with too
large quantities of warm food
✓ Food should be reheated to at least 70 degrees centigrade
✓ Rule in Food Safety: “When in doubt, throw it out!”
❖ General guidelines for the use of medicinal plants
• Be sure that the right king of plant is used according to the
intended purpose
• Use the plant part suggested
• Use according to the dosage and direction recommended
• Use only one kind of medicinal plant at a time
• Stop the use of the plant if there is any untoward reaction or if
side effects occur
• If there are no signs of improvement after two or three
administration of the drug, consult a physician
• In boiling the plants, use enamel were or clay pots, not
aluminum ware. Clean the pots very well before and after
boiling the plant
• Use only the prescribed part of the plant
• Avoid the use of insecticides
Herbal Plants
1. Lagundi (Vitex negundo)
• For cough and asthma
• Preparations
✓ Clean the leaves thoroughly and chop
✓ Measure two cups of water and boil on a low fire for 15 minutes
✓ Use the table on the amount of leaves to be used


Adult 6 tbsp 4 tbsp
7 – 12 y/o 3 tbsp 2 tbsp
2 – 6 y/o 1 ½ tbsp 1 tbsp
✓ Divide the solution into three parts. Drink one part each in the
morning, noon and night For fever, drink each part every four hours
2. Ulasimang bato (Peperomia pellucida)
• Lower uric skin; for arthritis or gout
• Preparations
✓ Salad: Clean leaves thoroughly, Eat three times a day with
✓ Decoction: Clean leaves thoroughly and boil 1 ½ glasses of
leaves in two glasses of water for 15 minutes.
Divide into three parts and take three times a day
3. Bayabas (Psidium guajava)
• For cleansing or wounds, mouth infections and swollen gums
• Preparations
✓ Clean thoroughly and chop leaves
✓ Boil two glasses of leaves in four glasses of water on a low fire
• Administration
✓ Clean wounds with the solution two times a day. To use as a
mouthwash, use a lukewarm solution
4. Bawang (Allium sativum)
• To lower cholesterol level
• Preparation
✓ Saute or boil; may be infused (five minutes); be mixed with vinegar
• Administration and Dosage
✓ Eat two clove of garlic with meals three times a day
5. Yerba Buena (Mentha cordifolia Opiz ex Fresen)
• For pains of the body
• Preparations
✓ Cleanse thoroughly and chop the leaves, then boil in two glasses of
water for 15 minutes.
✓ Do not cover the pot; allow to cool and strain
✓ For adults, six tbsp. of fresh leaves or four tbsp. of dried leaves should
be used
✓ For patients 7-12 years old, use half the adult dose
• Dosage
✓ Divide the boiled solution into three parts and drink on part each in
the morning, afternoon and evening,
Squeeze the fresh leaves and place on the painful part
6. Sambong (Blumea balsamifera)
• For swelling. Diuresis, anti-urolithiasis
• Preparations
✓ Cleanse thoroughly and chop leaves, boil in two glasses of water for 15
✓ Do not cover the pot; keep boiling and strain
✓ For adults, use six tbsp. fresh leaves or four tbsp. dried leaves
• Dosage
✓ Divide the boiled solution into three parts and drink one part each in the
morning, afternoon and evening, Squeeze the fresh leaves and place on the
painful part.
7. Ampalaya (Momordica charantia)
• For diabetes mellitus (mild-insulin dependent)
• Preparation
✓ Clean the leaves thoroughly and chop. Measure two cups of leaves in
two glasses of water, Boil for 15 minutes on low fire. Drink ½ glass
three times a day before eating
8. Niyug-niyugan (Quisqualis indica)
• For ascaris
• Preparation
✓ Use newly-opened, mature and dried nuts
• Administration
✓ Eat the seeds two hours after supper
• Dosage

ADULT 8 – 10 seeds
7 – 12 y/o 6 – 7 seeds
6 – 8 y/o 5 – 6 seeds
4 – 5 y/o 4 – 5 seeds
9. Tsaang Gubat (Ehretia microphylla Lam)
• For stomachache
• Preparations
✓ Cleanse thoroughly and chop leaves and boil in two glasses of water for 15
✓ Do not cover the pot; keep cooking and strain
✓ For adults, six tbsp. of fresh leaves or four tbsp. of dried leaves should be
✓ For patients 7-12 years old, use half the adult dose
• Dosage
✓ Divide in two parts and drink one part every four hours
10. AKapulko (Cassia alata)
• Infected skin, skin irritation and scabies
• Preparation
✓ Squeeze enough leaves
• Administration
✓ Apply the juice of the leaves on affected parts twice a day

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