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Parte 5 y 6 de inglés

PARTE 5 (Texto 1)

Lea el texto y responda las preguntas 1 a 7 de acuerdo con la siguiente información.

The hamburger
There is controversy over the German origin of the hamburger, but it is
a U.S. invention, says “The Hamburger: A History” by Josh Ozersky.
However, the origin of the inventor of the hamburger is still not clear.
It could be Charlie Nagreen, who sold meatballs between two pieces of
soft bread in 1885. Or maybe Frank Menches, from Ohio, who sold a
sandwich made of meat and soft bread in Hamburg, N.Y. in 1885.
Another possible inventor was Louis Lassen, from Connecticut, who
served some meat pieces between two slices of toast in 1900. There
was also Fletcher David, a Texan who sold a meat sandwich with soft bread in a world exhibition in 1904,
where it got the name “hamburger.”
However, meat and bread -like today’s hamburger- was more common in Hamburg, Germany, in the
nineteenth century. It was called Hamburg steak and was a usual dish for the German immigrants that
left Hamburg for the United States. Anyone could prepare it, and they could have it while standing up or
So, the hamburger already existed in the early twentieth century, but it was only good for workingmen
and served in restaurants near factories at midday. However, after the introduction of the automobile in
the market and people’s new wish for meals to eat on the road, the reputation of the hamburger improved
in 1920.

0. Ozersky thinks that the hamburger was first made by a person who

A. was American.
B. lived in Germany.
C. C. had a strange origin.

1. A different form of bread was first used in a hamburger in

A. Ohio.
B. Texas.
C. Connecticut.

2. The hamburger became known by people from all over the world in

A. 1885.
B. 1900.
C. 1904
3. Who made a hamburger with meat prepared in a particular shape?

A. Charlie Nagreen
B. Louis Lassen
C. Fletcher David

4. Hamburgers in Germany were different from the American ones in that they

A. were very popular.

B. had more meat.
C. were known later.

5. The kind of hamburger brought from Germany to the US was

A. hard to find.
B. interesting to make.
C. easy to eat

6. At the beginning of the last century, some people ate hamburgers for

A. breakfast.
B. lunch.
C. dinner.

7. What changed the way people thought of the hamburger in the 1920s?

A. a new path.
B. a new job.
C. a new machine.
PARTE 5 (Texto 2)

Lea el texto y responda las preguntas 8 a 14 de acuerdo con la siguiente información

River Dolphins

River dolphins were first described by Henri Marie Ducrotay in 1817. He also gave
them names. There are 38 kinds of dolphins, but 33 are sea dolphins and only 5 of
them make their homes in large rivers. Although the pink dolphin lives in the Amazon
River, it can also be found in the Orinoco and Madeira rivers in a smaller numbers.
While they are mostly pink, river dolphins can be light gray or brown, but science has
not found out why they have their lovely color. We guess they become pinker when
they are excited, as it happens to us when we’re mad.

River dolphins, like the ones in the Southeast Asia or La Plata River, are clever;
however, the pink dolphins in the Amazon are the cleverest, but not as much as
dolphins in the Atlantic Ocean. Pink dolphins make sounds to show they enjoy being close to people;
some stories of people being pushed close to the river by them are popular in the Amazon. If a pink
dolphin dies, people think something bad may happen. However, if this happens, they will use the dead
animal’s oil to help other animals with health problems like infections, but they won't use the meat.

Unfortunately, river dolphins have died as we have built new towns around their area and changed the
rainforest. Also, they are caught with other animals to be shown in aquariums.

0. In 1817, a man

A. Recorded dolphins in detail.

B. Explored dolphins fresh water
C. Called dolphins differently.

8. How many types of dolphins are there in the waters of our planet?

A. 33.
B. 5.
C. 38.

9. Most pink dolphins can be seen in the

A. Amazon river.
B. Orinoco river.
C. Madeira river.
10. What’s the reason why pink dolphins are that color?

A. People bother them.

B. They have feelings.
C. Nobody’s sure.

11. Pink river dolphins are less brilliant than dolphins in

A. Southeast Asia.
B. La Plata.
C. the Atlantic.

12. Pink dolphins are

A. sometimes dangerous.
B. usually friendly.
C. always noisy.

13. People think river dolphins could

A. bring bad luck.

B. become food.
C. get sick easily.

14. Dolphins have been in danger because of

A. heavy storms.
B. people’s buildings.
C. animals’ meals.

Lea el texto y responda las preguntas 15 a 19 de acuerdo con la siguiente información.


In 1999, when their high school was closed, Ms. Dente, the school´s Italian teacher, and Ms. Doria, an
English teacher, feared it would be the end of them. For 33 years, they had worked together. Margaret
Doria said “We couldn´t imagine being split up”. Fortunately for them, they managed to get a job in
another all-girls school, keeping their bond intact.

They love what they do and are offended by politicians who call themselves education reformers while
closing public schools. The two have helped many girls grow into responsible young women. Giovanna
Morelli, class of 1971, was inspired by Ms. Doria to become an English writer. So was Laura Palumbo,
class of 2007, who says “Ms. Doria was the first person to awaken me to the possibility of being a writer”.

Ms. Dente has long had a reputation for wandering a lot from the subject. “She´d be teaching us Latin,
and then all of a sudden she´d tell us a story about Italian history”. Recalled Emily Hogan, class of 2008
and now a junior at Harvard. “I assumed she was just chatting. But now I´ve learned how important
history is in language”.

Despite their closeness, they are quite different. Ms. Doria is more reserved and better organized. For
her lessons, she creates handwritten outlines. Ms. Dente will break out into song in class. Ms. Dente has
a high-tech cell phone. Ms. Doria´s rarely works.

In 2005, Christa Keir wrote Ms. Doria, “Watching you and Ms. Dente is a reminder to the school that
friendship is the most important lesson we can learn”.

15. Which card could the teachers have received in 1999?

Dear teachers,
Sorry about your resignation.
We love the way you motivate
us. Your friendship is amazing.

B. Dear teachers,
We lose our school and two
great teachers. Despite your
friendship you are two worlds.
We learned lots from you.
Dear teachers,
It´s un affair situation. We love
your work and how you two do
things in the same way.

Dear teachers,
Our school will not be the
same without you. Your
teachings were important for
our lives. We admire your

16. What do learn from the text about Ms. Dente?

A. She loses the point of the subject for no reason.

B. What she says is always very easy to understand.
C. She should teach history rather than language.
D. What she says is related to what she teaches.

17. What does Laura Palumbo say about her career?

A. She didn´t think of herself as a write before Ms. Doria.

B. Giovanna Morelli was a very important example for her.
C. Thanks to her teacher, she is a well-known English write.
D. Ms. Doria´s were the first writings she ever read.

18. What did one of the teachers say when the school was closed?

A. We would fine and difficult to stop seeing the girls.

B. We couldn´t live without each other.
C. We wouldn´t be able to forgot those 33 years.
D. We wanted to find a job very soon.

19. With this text, the author is

A. Describing how two close teachers overcome many problems.

B. Explaining how to get a good friendship last forever.
C. Showing an example of two great teachers who get alone well.
D. Comparing both Ms. Dente´s an Ms. Doria´s students.

Lea el texto y responda las preguntas 20 a 23 de acuerdo con la siguiente información.

Effective communication

Experts point to the fact that almost 85% percent of our success in life is due to our communication
skills. That means that no matter how brilliant, how responsible, or how highly educated someone is,
they still have a low possibility of success unless they develop the right communication skills.

The good news is that anyone can develop good communication skills. And it’s encouraging to know that
even small improvements in your ability to connect with others will have a deep effect on the quality of
your life and business.

Don’t concentrate too much on what you’re going to say next as your conversation partner is talking.
Instead, listen to every word they say and reply as properly and smoothly as possible. This shows people
that you are interested in what they have to say and you are fully engaged in the moment with them.
Also, make sure to ask questions whenever there’s something they say that you don’t quite understand.
This will help correct any mistake in the communication.

Effective communication requires a set of skills including body language, eye contact, engaged listening,
managing stress in the moment, the ability to communicate confidently, and to recognize and understand
your own emotions and those of the person you’re communicating with. It is the connection that helps
you solve problems, improve teamwork, and make decisions. It allows you to transfer even negative or
difficult messages without creating disagreement.

These abilities will open up new opportunities that would not have been available otherwise. Besides,
you will make people feel more confident to express their thoughts. And finally, you will reduce stress,
deal with challenging situations, and build better relationships at home and work.

20. What is the writer trying to do in this text?

A. revise how educated people develop effective communication.

B. show how to identify people with different communication skills.
C. present the benefits of developing effective communication skills.
D. point at emotions that help improve effective communication

21. In this article you learn

A. what to do when you are listening to someone.

B. how smart people can communicate effectively.
C. facts about the kind of people who are better at communicating.
D. to control the way you reply when you are explaining your point of view.
22. What would be one advantage of taking into account the opinions of others?

A. It’s possible to understand people and their mistakes.

B. You can recommend helpful options for individual benefits.
C. It’s possible to find out information from people’s body language.
D. You can build a broader contact with your colleagues.

23. A conference announcement on effective communication would be:





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