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Journal of Accounting and Investment Vol. 25 No.

1, January 2024

Article Type: Research Paper

Antecedents of perceived usefulness on the

use of electronic hospital management
information systems
Adinda Adia Putri1, Oscar Jayanagara1* and Dwi Julianingsih2

Research aims: This study aims to analyze the factors that influence SIMRS and
examine the mediating effect of perceived ease of use on the factors that affect
Department of Management, Design/Methodology/Approach: This explanatory research used a quantitative
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Banten, approach through survey methods. The population in this study was doctors
practicing in the outpatient polyclinic of XYZ Hospital, totaling 80 doctors using the
Department of Management Retail, total sampling. Data collection techniques employed a scale and analyzed utilizing
Universiy of Raharja, Banten, Indonesia Smart Partial Least Square (PLS).
Research findings: According to the research findings, all examined indicators were
[email protected] found to be positively and substantially correlated with perceived ease of use by
the following variables: computer self-efficacy, trustworthiness, technological risk,
DOI: 10.18196/jai.v25i1.19120 facilitating conditions, and degree of openness. Although all but the degree of
openness exhibited a significant correlation with perceived usefulness, the
Putri, A. A., Jayanagara, O., & remaining indicators did not. In relation to perceived usefulness, all factors
Julianingsih, D. (2024). Antecedents of exhibited a positive and statistically significant association with perceived ease of
perceived usefulness on the use of use as a mediator.
electronic hospital management Practical and Theoretical Contribution/Originality: In terms of practical and
information systems. Journal of
Accounting and Investment, 25(1), 387- theoretical contributions, these findings offer valuable insights for hospitals,
412. emphasizing the importance of enhancing doctors' knowledge, openness, and
confidence in adopting SIMRS technology. Recommendations offered include
ARTICLE HISTORY increasing computer literacy among doctors, mitigating risks associated with
12 Jul 2023 SIMRS, and improving access to healthcare services.
Revised: Research limitation: In this case, the research limitation stems from the need to
19 Jul 2023 explore further additional characteristics, such as computer self-efficacy,
30 Aug 2023 trustworthiness, technological risk, facilitating conditions, and perceived ease of
16 Sep 2023
Accepted: use, as they may impact perceived usefulness across various variables. Future
05 Feb 2024 research should expand its scope and population, employing comprehensive data
collection techniques to maximize research outcomes.
Keywords: SIMRS; Technology Acceptance Model (TAM); Unified Theory of
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-
Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
No Derivatives 4.0 International License

JAI Website:
In recent years, the Indonesian government has significantly promoted the
use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in various sectors.
Information technology can be used to assist organizations in processing,
storing, and transforming data into the information they need (Antoni et
al., 2017). It becomes the main facilitator for organizational activities,
Putri, Jayanagara & Julianingsih
Antecedents of perceived usefulness on the use of electronic hospital …

contributing greatly to fundamental changes in the organization's structure, conditions,

policies, and management.

The availability and efficacy of information depend on the utilization of information

technology through the development of several applications within the organization.
Likewise, it plays a role in supporting the achievement of organizational goals (Pramono
et al., 2022). Information system management using information technology is related to
investing in information technology to adapt to organizational needs optimally.

Specifically, the hospital is one of the agencies that has implemented a management
information system in business processes, as the government has required a Hospital
Management Information System, abbreviated as SIMRS, for every hospital throughout
Indonesia. This was emphasized by the government that SIMRS, owned by all hospitals in
Indonesia, must be integrated with the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) system. For policies
that serve as guidelines for the implementation of health development carried out by the
government and the private sector to improve the quality of health services in hospitals,
the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has issued the Regulation of the
Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1171/MENKES/PER/VI/2011
(PMKRI, 2011). Article 1, section 1 states, "Every hospital is required to implement a
hospital information system." The hospital information system is a vital component in
realizing quality improvement efforts. Hospital information systems, in general, aim to
integrate information systems from various sub-systems and collect, present, and process
hospital data to produce information needed for hospital decision-making.

However, the implementation of SIMRS in Indonesia is remarkably diverse. Data from the
Ministry of Health (2017) uncovered that at the end of 2016, only 48% of hospitals had
used SIMRS, which increased by 4.05% to 52.05% in September 2017. The rest of the
hospitals already had SIMRS but were not functioning properly (5%), did not have SIMRS
(16%), and did not report SIMRS usage. Currently, many hospitals are unaware of how
important it is to manage exceptionally large data in hospitals and have not been
structured properly; as a result, hospital services do not run effectively. In addition, the
hospital is still unaware of how much information has been obtained, processed, and
distributed, either manually or computerized.

SIMRS is a system that supports decision-making for management in determining

strategies to achieve hospital administration goals (Alhaq et al., 2022). A sub-system of
the overall hospital information system is medical records, which have a crucial role in
improving the quality and service of the hospital itself. Implementation of medical records
starts when the patient registers and gets health services until he leaves the hospital.
Organizing medical records is a form of activity conducted to achieve fast, accurate, and
precise services so that the information produced is more effective and efficient, and good
quality management is needed.

In this research, XYZ Hospital was examined for several reasons. It was due to problems
at XYZ Hospital regarding perceptions of using SIMRS by doctors, where the level of
understanding of information systems was not the same among doctors (Tuten, 2020).

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Based on the observations made at the XYZ Hospital, it is also known to have used the
Electronic SIMRS. There has been a change in the Electronic SIMRS from the old system in
collaboration with a third party to a new system, an independent system developed by
the XYZ Hospital Information Technology (IT) Team, requiring a transition process. The
Electronic SIMRS used at the XYZ Hospital has also integrated services in all sections of
Nurses, Dental Poly, Children's Poly, Gynecology, Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Poly,
Ophthalmology, Maternal and Child Health (MCH), Internal Medicine Poly, Psychiatry,
Urology, Orthopedics, Laboratory, Medical Records, Pharmacy, Clinic, Psychology, Rajal
Registration, Emergency Registration, and Administration, SIMRS Installation, Care
Support Treatment (CST), to the Financial system. In implementing the Electronic SIMRS,
several elderly doctors complained about the process of having an Electronic SIMRS
because it was difficult to adapt due to a lack of knowledge of its use. In contrast, young
doctors who understood the technology for the first time felt no problem with
implementing electronic SIMRS at XYZ Hospital.

The second problem is where data were often scattered, the data entry process was
wrong, and the system used was still in the development stage, so data processing was
still slow and not optimal, such as the data contained in the patient data input section
with the existing database section having different IT management (Alshurideh et al.,
2021). Apart from that, another reason is that outpatient polyclinics experienced a lack of
authority regarding Electronic SIMRS, impacting the flow queue of patients. Hospitals are
also required to have speed in reviewing previous patient histories, accuracy in inputting
patient data, the ability to prescribe medication to patients, and the ability to provide
consultations and examine patients.

Based on the above phenomenon, the personal technical capabilities of information

system users play an essential role in developing information systems to produce
information to create accurate planning reports (Dwivedi et al., 2020). Therefore, every
doctor must be able to master the use of computer-based systems to process several
transactions quickly and in an integrated manner, be able to store data and retrieve large
amounts of data, be able to reduce mathematical errors, produce timely reports in various
forms, and utilize it as a decision aid.

Therefore, the analysis in this study was carried out using the TAM method to measure
health workers' acceptance levels. The constructs of the TAM used in this study were
adapted to research objectives. The use of SIMRS was analyzed with the TAM method to
determine the existing system in the hospital. Besides TAM, this study also used the
UTAUT model. The UTAUT model is a technology acceptance model that affects individual
acceptance of information technology. The UTAUT model was originally developed to
explain the acceptance and use of technology but then be developed for other contexts,
such as consumer technologies, where many industries have developed applications and
services from technology that target consumers (Anwar & Rikumahu, 2020). The result of
the development of the UTAUT model is called the UTAUT-2 model. The UTAUT-2 model
aims to identify three important constructs from research into technology use and
acceptance for both the general public and consumers, change some of the existing

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relationships in the concept of the UTAUT model, and introduce new relationships (Tuten,

This research also offers practical recommendations for hospitals aiming to increase
SIMRS acceptance among physicians while providing a valuable theoretical contribution
to understanding technology adoption in healthcare environments. Further research
could leverage these findings to continue improving the utilization of healthcare

Literature Review and Hypotheses Development

SIMRS Concept

A hospital information system (SIMRS) is an integrated information system that improves

patient care by increasing user knowledge and reducing uncertainty, allowing rational
decisions from the information provided (Kumalasari & Sulistiadi, 2022). SIMRS, with a
computer base, is an important supporting facility and mandatory for hospital operations.
The system is simply described as components or variables that are organized, interact
with each other, depend on each other, and are integrated (Adi et al., 2022). The system
is also a network of interconnected procedures that work together to carry out an activity
or complete certain goals (Yusuf et al., 2023).

There are two fundamental theories: the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The Technology
Acceptance Model, hereinafter abbreviated as TAM, is one of the theories regarding the
use of information technology systems, which is considered very influential and is
generally used to explain the individual acceptance of the use of information technology
systems (Ramayani et al., 2021). In this study, the TAM theory used included perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use.

On the other hand, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
model is the most comprehensive enhancement of the Technology Acceptance Model
(AlQudah et al., 2021) and is described as a consolidation of previous research constructs
(Al-Rahmi et al., 2019). Compared to the previous model, UTAUT presents a more
complete picture of technology acceptance (Al-Nuaimi & Al-Emran, 2021). The UTAUT
model is also an extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior. In this study, the UTAUT
theory employed covered computer self-efficacy, degree of openness, trustworthiness,
technological risk, and facilitating conditions.

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Computer Self-

Degree of

Perceived Ease of
Trustworthiness Perceived



Figure 1 Research Framework Model

Drawing from the aforementioned research framework Figure 1, the present study posits
the following hypothesis.

The influence of computer self-efficiency on perceived ease of use

If users have positive perceptions about computer self-efficacy, this will also affect their
perception that SIMRS is easy to use and that users do not need to exert much effort when
using the system. Furthermore, computer self-efficacy refers to individual confidence in
using a computer or computer system. Individuals with elevated levels of computer self-
efficacy also tend to have higher perceptions of the system's benefits. They may be more
confident in utilizing the system's features and see positive value in using them. Based on
the description above, the research hypothesis could be formulated as follows:

H1: Computer self-efficacy influences perceived ease of use.

The influence of degree of openness on perceived ease of use

In the context of SIMRS, openness means the extent to which individuals are willing and
psychologically ready to use SIMRS services. This level of openness includes the extent to
which a person is open to adopting modern technology and innovation and the extent to
which they see positive value in using these systems. People who are more open to
innovation tend to have a more positive view of the benefits of using SIMRS and are more
motivated to use it. An individual's level of openness can influence how they perceive the
ease of use and benefits of using SIMRS. Openness can also influence an individual's

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intention to actively use SIMRS in everyday life. It is important to point out that as more
open individuals have a greater tendency to utilize SIMRS more actively, an individual's
level of openness significantly impacts perceptions of system use. Given the information
provided, the study hypothesis can be phrased as follows:

H2: Degree of openness influences perceived ease of use.

The influence of trustworthiness on perceived ease of use

Trustworthiness denotes the level of individual trust in a system or technology's reliability,

security, and integrity. A high level of trustworthiness is associated with a higher actual
system use. If individuals trust the system and positively perceive their trustworthiness,
they will be more likely to use the system actively in their daily lives. Then, trustworthiness
can affect the perception of using the system because the level of individual trust in its
security, reliability, and integrity affects their perception of risk, reliability, and data
integrity and builds confidence and user intention to use the system actively. The
following formulation of the research hypothesis could be made in light of the previous

H3: Trustworthiness influences perceived ease of use.

The influence of technological risk on perceived ease of use

Technological risk as a construct has been used (Huang et al., 2020) as perceived risk.
Technological risk signifies the potential risks or negative consequences associated with
using a particular technology or system and affecting an individual's intention to use the
system. If users feel that the technological risks related to the system are too high or
unmanageable, they may have less intention to use the system. A high technological risk
can hinder user intentions and affect system adoption.

It can be inferred that technological risk can affect the perception of system use because
the level of risk perceived by users affects their perception of the system's security,
reliability, and integrity. Negative perception of risk can reduce users' trust, motivation,
and intention to use the system actively. Therefore, mitigation and management of
technology risks are crucial in building a positive perception of the use of the system.
Based on the given description, the research hypothesis might be written as follows:

H4: Technological risk influences perceived ease of use.

The influence of facilitating conditions on perceived ease of use

The degree to which users feel that resources or assistance are accessible for using the
system is referred to as “facilitating conditions” (Bervell & Arkorful, 2020). Facilitating

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conditions represent factors that support using a system or technology, such as

accessibility, technical support, adequate resources, and adequate infrastructure. Good
facilitating conditions tend to be associated with a higher perception of the system's ease
of use. If users feel that they have good access to the system, adequate technical support,
and adequate resources and infrastructure to use the system, the individual is more likely
to view the system as easy to use.

Based on the results of research conducted (Natasia et al., 2022), facilitating conditions
provide a relationship with perceived ease of use. Thus, the hypothesis tested in this study
is shown as follows:

H5: Facilitating conditions influence perceived ease of use.

The influence of computer self-efficiency on perceived usefulness

Computer self-efficacy is the individual confidence level in his ability to use a computer or
computer system. This can affect individual perceptions of the effectiveness of using the
system. Individuals with high confidence in their ability to use computers or systems tend
to believe they can achieve their goals using these systems. This will increase their
perception of the system's usefulness in achieving the desired results. Overall, computer
self-efficacy can affect perceived usefulness because individuals' confidence in their
abilities influences how they interpret ease of use, effectiveness of use, satisfaction, and
intention to use the system. Self-confidence in the ability to use the system can increase
positive perceptions of the system's usefulness as a whole.

The results of research carried out directly (Usman et al., 2020; Gultom, 2021) revealed
that computer self-efficacy provides a relationship with perceived usefulness. Then, the
hypothesis in this study is:

H6: Computer self-efficacy influences perceived usefulness.

The influence of degree of openness on perceived usefulness

In the context of SIMRS, openness can be defined as how open and psychologically
prepared individuals are toward using SIMRS services. The degree of openness level can
also affect individual perceptions of the system's benefits. Individuals who are more open
to innovation and innovative technologies tend to see positive values in using the system.
They are more likely to see the potential benefits derived from the system and are more
motivated to take advantage of it. Individual openness to new technologies can
strengthen perceptions of perceived usefulness.

Research (Ortega-Toro et al., 2019; Öberg & Alexander, 2019) indicates that openness
correlates with perceived usefulness. The hypothesis evaluated in this study is, therefore,
as follows:

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H7: Degree of openness influences perceived usefulness.

The influence of trustworthiness on perceived usefulness

Trustworthiness is based on trust impacting the intention to use SIMRS services (Huang
et al., 2020). Trustworthiness alludes to the user's trust in a technology or service's
integrity, reliability, and security. Meanwhile, perceived usefulness refers to the users'
perception of the extent to which the technology or service is useful in achieving their
goals or meeting their needs. The relationship between trustworthiness and perceived
usefulness is that when users feel that a technology or service can be trusted, they are
more likely to accept and use the technology, believing it will provide the expected
benefits. In this case, trustworthiness is a key factor influencing the user's perception of
the usefulness of a technology or service.

The findings of two studies (Nyssa & Rahmidani, 2019; Sairaga & Maulana, 2023) suggest
a direct correlation between perceived usefulness and trustworthiness. Presented below
is the hypothesis that this study attempts to test:

H8: Trustworthiness influences perceived usefulness.

The influence of technological risk on perceived usefulness

In general, perceived usefulness refers to the user's perception of the extent to which a
technology can provide benefits or uses for them. On the other hand, technological risk
indicates the possibility of a risk or negative consequence associated with using the
technology. Technology risks can include system failures, security vulnerabilities, data
loss, privacy issues, or other negative impacts. It is, therefore, important for technology
providers to manage and mitigate the technology risks associated with their products or
services and communicate clearly to users about the efforts being made to mitigate those
risks. In this way, they can increase users' perceptions of the benefits and uses derived
from the technology, thereby facilitating wider adoption and acceptance.

The research conducted by Ferdiansyah et al. (2022) and Maulani et al. (2022)
demonstrated that technological risk influences perceived usefulness. The hypothesis
examined in this study is presented as follows:

H9: Technological risk influences perceived usefulness.

The influence of facilitating conditions on perceived usefulness

Facilitating conditions characterize factors around the user and can affect the ease of use
of technology. These factors can include infrastructure, accessibility, availability of
resources, technical support, and user expertise. The relationship between facilitating

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conditions and perceived usefulness is positive and influences each other. When users are
provided with conditions that facilitate good use of technology, they tend to have higher
perceptions of the benefits and uses they can derive. For example, if users have easy and
reliable access to the required infrastructure, such as stable internet connectivity or
adequate hardware, they will be more able to utilize the technology effectively. This will
increase their perception of the benefits that can be obtained.

According to the research findings (Natasia et al., 2022; Sukendro et al., 2020), facilitating
conditions correlate with perceived usefulness. The hypothesis tested in this study is as

H10: Facilitating conditions influence perceived usefulness.

The influence of perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness

The relationship between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness is one of the
important aspects in the study of technology acceptance, especially in the context of
information systems and technology. There is a positive relationship between the two,
meaning that if people perceive a technology as easy to use, they are also more likely to
view it as useful.

The research results (Usman et al., 2020; Lutfi, 2022) showed that perceived ease of use
provides a relationship with perceived usefulness. Hence, the hypothesis investigated in
this study is:

H11: Perceived ease of use influences perceived usefulness.

The mediating role of perceived ease of use to increase perceived usefulness in

electronic hospital management information systems

In the context of technology acceptance, several studies have exhibited that perceived
ease of use can mediate the relationship between computer self-efficacy and perceived
usefulness. It means that perceived ease of use functions as a mediator between
computer self-efficacy and perceived usefulness. In this connection, mediation by
perceived ease of use means that computer self-efficacy can influence perceived
usefulness through perceived ease of use. In other words, an individual's computer self-
efficacy can influence their perception of the ease of use of technology, which in turn
affects their perceived usefulness of technology. For example, individuals with high levels
of computer self-efficacy may find it easier to master and use new technologies. Their
perception of high ease of use can then increase the perceived usefulness of the
technology. They may feel that technology can help them in their jobs, increase efficiency,
or provide other expected benefits. By understanding this relationship, technology
organizations and designers can recognize the importance of facilitating high perceived
ease of use. Building intuitive interfaces, providing clear guidance, and providing

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adequate user training or support can help improve perceived ease of use, strengthening
users' perceived usefulness and interest in adopting the technology.

According to studies (Usman et al., 2020; Gultom, 2021; Lutfi, 2022), perceived ease of
use may act as a mediator in the association between perceived usefulness and computer
self-efficacy. The following illustrates the hypothesis that this study tested:

H12: Perceived ease of use mediates the effect of computer self-efficacy on perceived

Since the results of research conducted directly (Nyssa & Rahmidani, 2019; Sairaga &
Maulana, 2023; Ortega-Toro et al., 2019; Öberg & Alexander, 2019) explained that
perceived ease of use could mediate the relationship between the degree of openness
and perceived usefulness, this study examines the below the hypothesis:

H13: Perceived ease of use mediates the effect of degree of openness on perceived

In this context, technology providers need to build trust through transparency, reliability,
security, and good performance. In addition, technology providers must also ensure that
the interface and use of technology are well designed to be easy for users to use. Thus,
individual trust can be increased through highly perceived ease of use, which in turn will
strengthen the user's perceived usefulness and interest in adopting the technology.
According to the studies conducted (Nyssa & Rahmidani, 2019; Usman et al., 2020; Lutfi,
2022; Sairaga & Maulana, 2023), perceived ease of use can mediate the trustworthiness
relationship with perceived usefulness. Then, the hypothesis in this study is:

H14: Perceived ease of use mediates the effect of trustworthiness on perceived usefulness.

Here, in discussing mediation, technology providers need to mitigate and manage the
technology risks associated with using their products or services. Transparency regarding
security policies, privacy, and risk mitigation measures can help build trust and reduce the
perception of substantial risk. In addition, technology providers must also ensure that
their technology is properly designed and developed to be easy for users to use. By paying
attention to the high perceived ease of use, individuals can experience greater usefulness
of technology and are more inclined to adopt it. However, it is also vital to note that other
factors, such as perceived usefulness, trust, and social factors, can influence the
acceptance and use of technology.

Perceived ease of use can act as a mediator in the relationship between perceived
usefulness and technical risk, according to the findings of direct research conducted by
Budiantara et al. (2019), Nazirwan (2019), Ferdiansyah et al. (2022), and Fahazzahrullail
(2022). Next, the following is the study's hypothesis:

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H15: Perceived ease of use mediates the effect of technological risk on perceived

Furthermore, mediation by perceived ease of use means that facilitating conditions can
affect perceived usefulness through perceived ease of use. In other words, the existing
facilitating conditions can affect an individual's perception of the ease of use of
technology, which in turn influences their perceived usefulness of technology. For
example, if individuals perceive that they have easy access to technology, receive
adequate training support, and have infrastructure that supports the use of technology,
they are more likely to view technology as an easy-to-use and useful tool in achieving
goals or meeting their needs. In optimizing this mediation, technology providers or
organizations need to create and facilitate adequate supporting conditions for using
technology. This can involve providing appropriate training, supporting technology
infrastructure, providing user support, and ensuring adequate physical and technical
accessibility. By creating adequate facilitating conditions, perceived ease of use can be
enhanced, which in turn will strengthen the user's perceived usefulness and interest in
adopting the technology.

The findings of studies (Natasia et al., 2022; Sukendro et al., 2020; Ferdiansyah et al.,
2022; Fahazzahrullail, 2022) stated that perceived ease of use can mediate the
relationship facilitating conditions with perceived usefulness. Hence, the hypothesis
confirmed in this study is:

H16: Perceived ease of use mediates the effect of facilitating conditions on perceived

Research Method
This research uses the Partial Least Square (PLS) model. There are several reasons why
the PLS approach was used for this research. The type of research conducted is
explanatory research, which aims to explain the cause-and-effect relationship between
the variables studi (Ritonga & Gatot, 2023). For analyzing causal relationships like this, PLS
is an appropriate statistical method. PLS has the advantage of handling complex models,
especially when the relationships between variables are interrelated and several
constructs are difficult to measure precisely. Therefore, PLS is a suitable choice to test the
hypotheses in this research. Apart from that, this research used a quantitative approach
with a survey method. The sampling technique employed in this research was total
sampling, which involved collecting data from a representative sample of the population
(80 doctors at XYZ Hospital) using a questionnaire. In situations where the population is
less than 100 people, as in this study, total sampling techniques are often used to allow
the entire population to be part of the sample (Ritonga & Gatot, 2023). Therefore, the use
of total sampling techniques in this research is appropriate.

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The data collection technique in this study used a scale. Data collection can use primary
or secondary sources. The measurement scale used in this study was the Likert scale
(Ritonga & Gatot, 2023). The Likert scale measures attitudes, opinions, and perceptions
of a person or group regarding social phenomena. Data were then processed and analyzed
through software based on raw data or primary data collected from respondents: 1) SPSS
for Windows, producing information/data for descriptive statistical analysis of
respondents' responses, and 2) Smart Partial Least Square (PLS), yielding
information/data for inferential statistical analysis, such as research instrument testing
(questionnaire), path analysis, and parametric statistical tests or hypothesis testing.

Result and Discussion

Characteristics of Respondents

The characteristics of respondents in this study were doctors who worked at XYZ Hospital,
totaling 80 doctors. Female respondents constituted the majority, with 53 respondents
(66%). The majority of respondents were in the age group of 46-55 years, including 26
respondents (33%). Also, most respondents, comprising 31 individuals (39%), had work
experience of 6-10 years.

Evaluation of the Measurement Model (Outer Model)

Convergent validity, discriminant validity, composite reliability, and Cronbach Alpha are
the four outer model measurement criteria considered when evaluating the outer
research model. The following Figure 2 illustrates the research model:

Figure 2 Outer Model

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Related to this, based on the convergent validity criteria, most research indicators could
be used as material for measuring a variable because the outer loading value was greater
than 0.7. Therefore, all the results in the study that were declared valid were also feasible
to use.

Next, based on the results of the discriminant validity analysis in Figure 2, the Heretroit-
Monotrait Ratio (HTMT) value was less than 0.9, which explains that all construct variables
had very good discriminant values. Meanwhile, considering the value of the square root
of average variance extracted (AVE) as an additional way of measuring discriminate
validity, the AVE value was more than 0.5. Therefore, it can be said that each variable had
the appropriate discriminant validity.

Table 1 Reliability Test

Variable Cronbach Alpha Composite Reliability
Computer Self-Efficacy 0.808 0.886
Degree of Openness 0.771 0.869
Trustworthiness 0.738 0.884
Technological Risk 0.823 0.895
Facilitating Conditions 0.953 0.969
Perceived Ease of Use 0.876 0.916
Perceived Usefulness 0.916 0.937

Furthermore, Table 1 presents the results of the reliability test which can be presented
through the results of Cronbach alpha and composite reliability. The results show that
Cronbach alpha and composite reliability have met the criteria of more than 0.6, so it can
be concluded that the sudech results are reliable.

Evaluation of the Structural Model (Inner Model)

The inner model is a structural model used to predict causal relationships between latent
variables or variables that cannot be measured directly. Several tests were performed in
this case, including the Path Coefficient Test, the Coefficient of Determination (R2), the
Q-square test, the f-square Test, and the Hypothesis Test. In brief, based on these tests,
almost all the test results were positive. This indicates that the causality relationship
between variables could be measured, which could be confirmed through hypothesis
testing at the end of the data testing process.

In Figure 3, there are five main constructs with various indicators. The "Computer Self
Efficacy (X1)" construct is represented by three indicators with respective values as
follows: CSE.1 with a value of 21,884, CSE.2 with a value of 16,788, and CSE.3 with a value
of 17,753. This shows the loading size for each indicator on construct X1.

The "Degree of Openness (X2)" construct also has three indicators, DO.1 with a value of
16,092, DO.2 with a value of 47,729, and DO.3 with a value of 13,654. Meanwhile, the
"Trustworthiness (X3)" construct has two indicators, TW.1 with a value of 31,576 and
TW.2 with a value of 26,314. For the "Technological Risk (X4)" construct, there are three

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indicators, TR.1 with a value of 85,091, TR.2 with a value of 17,259, and TR.3 with a value
of 17,699.

The final construct, "Facilitating Conditions (X5)", is also represented by three indicators:
FC.1 with a value of 60.126, FC.2 with a value of 159.462, and FC.3 with a value of 51.884.

Figure 3 Inner Model

The constructs "Perceived Ease of Use (Z)" and "Perceived Usefulness (Y)" are on the right
side of the model. "Perceived Ease of Use (Z)" has four indicators, PEOU.1 with a value of
24.029, PEOU.2 with a value of 14.073, PEOU.3 with a value of 14.527, and PEOU.4 with
a value of 82.408. This construct is related to "Perceived Usefulness (Y)", which has five
indicators: PU.1 with a value of 18.310, PU.2 with a value of 11.378, PU.3 with a value of
52.490, PU.4 with a value of -21.802, and PU.5 with a value of 76,916.

The values listed on the arrows connecting these constructs represent path coefficients
or weights in the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) model, showing the influence of
one construct on another. This model appears to be designed to assess how factors such
as computer self-efficacy, openness, trust, technological risk, and facilitating conditions
influence perceptions of ease of use and usefulness, which can be part of an evaluation
of the acceptability of a technology or information system.

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Hypothesis Testing

Based on the data processing, the results in Table 2 could be used to answer the
hypotheses in this study. Hypothesis testing in this study was carried out by looking at the
T-statistics values and P-values. The research hypothesis can be accepted if the P-values
are <0.05. Based on Table 2 below, it can be concluded that Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU)
acts as a mediator in several relationships between variables, but not in all cases.
Specifically, PEOU acts as a significant and positive mediator in the relationship between
Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE) and Perceived Usefulness (PU), between Trustworthiness
(TW) and PU, and between Facilitating Conditions (FC) and PU. However, no mediation
effect was detected in some other relationships, such as between Degree of Openness
(DO) and PU.

Table 2 Hypothesis Test

Variable Original P- Result
Sample Value
H1 CSE -> PEOU 0.280 0,005 Supported
H2 DO -> PEOU 0.097 0,339 Supported
H3 TW -> PEOU 0.282 0,000 Supported
H4 TR -> PEOU 0.191 0,006 Supported
H5 FC -> PEOU 0.249 0,010 Supported
H6 CSE -> PU -0.240 0,746 Not Supported
H7 DO -> PU 0.362 0,000 Supported
H8 TW -> PU - 0.094 0,385 Not Supported
H9 TR -> PU - 0.018 0,254 Not Supported
H10 FC -> PU - 0.030 0,327 Not Supported
H11 PEOU -> PU 0.715 0,000 Supported
H12 CSE -> PEOU -> PU 0.200 0,012 Supported
H13 DO -> PEOU -> PU 0.070 0,337 Supported
H14 TW -> PEOU -> PU 0.201 0,001 Supported
H15 TR -> PEOU -> PU 0.137 0,019 Supported
H16 FC -> PEOU -> PU 0.178 0,024 Supported
Notes: CSE: Coputer self-efficency; PEOU: Perceived Ease of Use; DO: Degree of
Openness; TW: Trustworthiness; TR: Technological Risk; FC: Facilitating Conditions;
PU: Perceived Usefulness


The Influence of Computer Self-Efficacy on Perceived Ease of Use

Accordingly, individuals with a positive view of computer self-efficacy will affect their ease
of use of SIMRS and use of the system, which does not require excessive effort.
Furthermore, computer self-efficacy describes individual confidence in using a computer
or computer system. Individuals with high levels of computer self-efficacy also tend to
have a more positive view of the system's benefits. Therefore, users feel more confident
utilizing system features and see various advantages in SIMRS.

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In line with that finding, research Usman et al. (2020) and Lutfi (2022) stated that
computer self-efficacy has a relationship with perceived ease of use.

The Influence of Degree of Openness on Perceived Ease of Use

The degree of openness is defined as the level of user openness or readiness to accept
and adopt a new information system or technology. If the level of openness about the
benefits of using the system is low, this is due to the tendency of users to see negative
aspects or less positive values in using the system. They may tend to underestimate the
benefits that can be obtained from the system and are less motivated to make optimal
use of it. In addition, users may have low intentions to adopt the system and be less active
in using it in daily life.

Based on the statement above, the results of this study are not supported by Ortega-Toro
et al. (2019), Öberg and Alexander (2019), who uncovered that the degree of openness
has a relationship with perceived ease of use.

The Influence of Trustworthiness on Perceived Ease of Use

In this instance, trust will be one of the main factors in attracting someone's interest, so
a high level of trust in SIMRS will affect the use of the system. This is due to a positive view
of SIMRS. Trust refers to how much a person believes in a system or technology's
reliability, security, and integrity. A high level of trust is strongly associated with a more
engaged and active use of the system. If a person believes in a system and has a positive
perception of their belief, they are more likely to incorporate the system into their daily
routine actively. As a result, trust plays a key role in shaping the user's perception of using
the system. An individual's degree of confidence in the system's security, reliability, and
integrity influences how they perceive risk, reliability, and data integrity, ultimately
affecting their confidence level and intention to use the system actively. Consistent with
that, according to the research results carried out directly Nyssa and Rahmidani (2019),
Sairaga and Maulana (2023), trustworthiness is related to perceived ease of use.

The Influence of Technological Risk on Perceived Ease of Use

Technological risk portrays the potential for harm or adverse consequences associated
with using a particular technology or system, as well as impacting an individual's
willingness to use the system. If users perceive the technological risks associated with the
system are too high or beyond their control, they may be less interested in using it. A high
technological risk can hinder user intent and system deployment. As a result, technology
risk can affect perceptions of system use because users' perceptions of system security,
reliability, and integrity are affected by perceived risk. Negative perception of risk can
reduce user trust, motivation, and intention to use the system actively. Therefore, it is
very important to address and manage technology risks to foster positive perceptions
about the use of the system. This study’s findings reinforce the results of research
Budiantara et al. (2019) and Nazirwan (2019), stating that technological risk is related to
perceived ease of use.

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The Influence of Facilitating Conditions on Perceived Ease of Use

By having facilitating conditions such as technology accessibility, stakeholder support,

comprehensive training, user guides, and other helpful resources, the user's perception
of the ease of use of the system will increase. For example, when users receive proper
training and access guidance resources that help them overcome usage challenges, they
will find the system easier to use and feel more confident doing so. As such, companies
or system developers must focus on and improve these facilitating factors to increase
perceived ease of use. Providing appropriate support, adequate training, and access to
relevant resources can contribute to a more positive user experience and promote better
system implementation. Supporting that result, studies Natasia et al. (2022)
demonstrated that facilitating conditions provide a relationship with perceived ease of

The Influence of Computer Self-Efficacy on Perceived Usefulness

Related to that, computer self-efficacy refers to the level of individual confidence in their
ability to use a computer or computer system, but this belief cannot influence how
individuals perceive the effectiveness of using the system. Those who do not have high
self-efficacy in using computers or systems tend to believe that they cannot run the
system optimally. Consequently, these beliefs do not enhance their perception of the
system's usefulness in achieving the desired results. In general, computer self-efficacy can
affect the perceived usefulness of the system because the level of individual confidence
influences how they interpret the ease of use, effectiveness of use, satisfaction, and
intention to use the system. Confidence in using the system can lead to a more positive
perception of the system's overall usefulness. Built on the statement above, the results of
this study are not corroborated by the statements of Usman et al. (2020) and Gultom
(2021) that computer self-efficacy is related to perceived usefulness.

The Influence of Degree of Openness on Perceived Usefulness

Including in the SIMRS context, the degree of openness positively correlates with
perceived usefulness in using systems or technology. Users with a high degree of
openness or are more open to adopting innovations and technologies tend to have a more
positive perception of the usefulness of the system or technology. They are more likely to
see the benefits and positive values of using the system, as well as realize the potential
benefits that can be obtained from using the system. To put simply, the higher a person's
degree of openness to innovation and new technology, the more likely they will find the
system or technology useful in meeting their needs or goals. Therefore, system or
technology developers need to consider the degree of openness level of potential users
in strengthening perceptions about the system's usefulness and increasing the adoption
of the system. It agrees with the results of research Ortega-Toro et al. (2019), Öberg and
Alexander (2019), stating that the degree of openness is correlated with perceived

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The Influence of Trustworthiness on Perceived Usefulness

In this study, trustworthiness cannot be based on the fact that trust impacts the intention
to use SIMRS services. Trustworthiness study does not pertain to users' trust in the
honesty, dependability, and safety of a technology or service. Therefore, if the level of
trustworthiness is low, users are less inclined to perceive the system as unreliable or
question its security, diminishing their perception of its usefulness. Thus, system or
technology developers must enhance and maintain the system's trustworthiness to
strengthen user perceptions of its usefulness and encourage wider system adoption. Trust
in the system will help create a positive environment and build users' confidence about
the benefits of using the system or technology. The research results do not align with
those Nyssa and Rahmidani (2019), Sairaga and Maulana (2023), which showed that
trustworthiness is correlated with perceived usefulness.

The Influence of Technological Risk on Perceived Usefulness

In research, technological risk does not refer to the possibility of risk or negative
consequences of using the technology. Suppose users perceive that the technological risks
associated with using a system or technology are high, such as the potential for system
failure, vulnerability to security attacks, or the risk of data loss. In that case, they will likely
perceive the system's usefulness negatively. When technology risk is considered high,
users may feel hesitant or worried about using the system for fear of problems and
negative impacts that may arise, then perceived usefulness may decrease because users
may feel that the benefits obtained from using the system are not worth the risks involved
they have to face. Based on the statement above, the research results are not the same
as those of Ferdiansyah et al. (2022), and Fahazzahrullail (2022), stating that technological
risk impacts perceived usefulness.

The Influence of Facilitating Conditions on Perceived Usefulness

Facilitating conditions that refer to factors around the user cannot affect the ease of use
of technology. Facilitating factors, such as technology accessibility, support from related
parties, adequate training, user guides, or other supportive resources, cannot positively
impact a system's perceived usefulness. This is because the user feels that facilitating
factors do not exist or are not given enough attention, and perceived usefulness can
decrease. Users may find it difficult and hindered in using the system if they do not have
adequate guidance or support. The research findings presented above contradict the
conclusions drawn by Natasia et al. (2022) and Sukendro et al. (2020), which posit that
perceived usefulness is associated with facilitating conditions.

The Influence of Perceived Ease of Use on Perceived Usefulness

In studying technology acceptance, especially in the context of information systems and

technology, the relationship between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness is
crucial. There is a positive association between these two factors, meaning that if
someone perceives a technology as easy to use, they are also more likely to see it as

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useful. Perceived ease of use refers to the degree to which a person perceives a
technology or system as easy to use in a particular context. Factors that influence
perceived ease of use include friendly interfaces, level of complexity, clear usage
guidelines, and ease of understanding and navigation of the system. The easier it is for
users to operate the technology, the more likely they will find it easy to use.

On the other hand, perceived usefulness reflects a person's belief that technology will
improve their performance and productivity or better meet their needs. Factors affecting
perceived usefulness encompass perceived benefits, the relevance of technology to tasks
or goals, and the contribution of technology to work efficiency or effectiveness. The
higher the perceived usefulness, the more likely someone will find the technology useful
and positively impact their work or life as a whole.

When someone perceives a technology as easy to use, it tends to increase their

perception of its usefulness. If people find technology easy to operate and understand,
they are more likely to see it as a useful tool for achieving their goals or meeting their
needs. Conversely, if someone finds a technology difficult to use, they are likely to doubt
its usefulness and may be reluctant to adopt it. In the context of technology acceptance,
perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness influence each other and contribute to a
person's interest in adopting technology. If someone finds technology easy to use and
useful, they are likely to be more open to adopting and actively using it. In designing
information systems and technology, designers and developers need to pay attention to
perceived ease of use and usefulness. Ensuring an intuitive interface, clear guidelines, and
functionality relevant to user needs can help increase positive perceived ease of use and
perceived usefulness. Thus, users are more likely to feel comfortable and motivated to
adopt and use the technology effectively. The research results carried out directly by
Usman et al. (2020) and Lutfi (2022) support this study’s finding that perceived ease of
use is associated with perceived usefulness.

Perceived Ease of Use in Mediating the Effect of Computer Self-Efficacy on Perceived


Perceived ease of use acts as a mediator between computer self-efficacy and perceived
usefulness. Computer self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in their ability to use
computer technology. Individuals with high self-confidence tend to feel confident in using
technology easily, can take advantage of technological features, and overcome obstacles
that may arise. Perceived ease of use reflects a person's perception of the extent to which
technology is considered easy to use. Factors such as interface appearance, complexity,
and usage guidelines can affect perceived ease of use. If someone perceives technology
as easy to use, they will likely feel confident operating it and more comfortable using it.
Meanwhile, perceived usefulness represents a person's belief that technology will provide
significant benefits and contributions in achieving goals or meeting their needs. If
someone feels that technology is useful and adds value to their work or daily life, they are
more likely to be interested in adopting and using that technology.

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In the context of this relationship, perceived ease of use acts as a link between computer
self-efficacy and perceived usefulness. It means that an individual's computer confidence
can influence their perception of the ease of use of technology, which in turn affects their
perceived usefulness of technology. For example, individuals with high computer
confidence may find it easier to master and use new technologies. Their perception of
high ease of use can then increase their perception of the usefulness of the technology.
They may feel that technology can help them in their jobs, increase efficiency, or provide
other expected benefits.

By understanding this relationship, technology organizations and designers can recognize

the importance of facilitating high perceived ease of use. Building intuitive interfaces,
providing clear guidance, and providing adequate user training or support can help
improve perceived ease of use, strengthening users' perceived usefulness and interest in
adopting the technology. According to a study by Usman et al. (2020), Gultom (2021), and
Lutfi (2022), perceived ease of use can act as a mediator in the connection between
computer self-efficacy and perceived usefulness.

Perceived Ease of Use in Mediating the Effect of Degree of Openness on Perceived


In this study, perceived ease of use did not mediate the relationship between the degree
of openness and perceived usefulness in the context of technology acceptance. A degree
of openness is defined as a person's openness or readiness to accept and use a new
system or technology. On the other hand, perceived usefulness reflects a person's belief
that technology will provide significant benefits and contributions in achieving goals or
meeting user needs. Although the degree of openness can affect perceived usefulness,
the relationship between the degree of openness and perceived usefulness does not
involve perceived ease of use as a mediator. In other words, perceived ease of use does
not explain the link between individual openness to technology and the perceived
usefulness of the technology.

Therefore, in the relationship between the degree of openness and perceived usefulness,
the role of perceived ease of use is irrelevant as a mediator, and individual openness to
technology can directly affect their perception of the usefulness of technology without
going through the influence of perceived ease of use. Based on the discussion above, the
results of this study are not supported Nyssa and Rahmidani (2019), Sairaga and Maulana
(2023), Ortega-Toro et al. (2019), and Öberg and Alexander (2019), explaining that
perceived ease of use can mediate the degree of openness relationship with perceived

Perceived Ease of Use in Mediating the Effect of Trustworthiness on Perceived


Therefore, trustworthiness impacted the intention to use SIMRS services. In the context
of technology acceptance, perceived ease of use is thought to mediate between

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trustworthiness and perceived usefulness. It denotes that perceived ease of use is an

intermediary between trustworthiness and perceived usefulness.

Trustworthiness refers to the extent to which individuals trust a technology or system's

reliability, honesty, and integrity. Factors such as the technology provider's reputation,
data security, and system performance can affect an individual's perception of trust in the
technology. People who view technology as trustworthy tend to feel more comfortable
and motivated to use it. Then, perceived ease of use reflects one's perception of the
extent to which technology is considered easy to use. If someone finds a technology easy
to use, they will likely feel more comfortable and motivated to adopt and use it.

In this connection, mediation by perceived ease of use means that trustworthiness can
influence perceived usefulness through perceived ease of use. In other words, an
individual's belief in technology can affect their perception of the ease of use of
technology, which in turn affects their perception of the usefulness of technology. For
example, if someone feels the technology is trustworthy and secure, they will likely feel
more comfortable using it. Their perception of high ease of use can then increase their
perception of the usefulness of the technology. They may believe the technology will help
them in their jobs, increase efficiency, or provide other expected benefits.

Hence, technology providers need to build trust through transparency, reliability,

security, and good performance. In addition, technology providers must ensure that the
interface and use of technology are well-designed to be easy for users to use. Thus,
individual trust can be increased through highly perceived ease of use, which in turn will
strengthen the user's perceived usefulness and interest in adopting the technology.
Supporting that finding, research Nyssa and Rahmidani (2019), Usman et al. (2020), Lutfi
(2022), and Sairaga and Maulana (2023) demonstrated that perceived ease of use can
mediate the trustworthiness relationship with perceived usefulness.

Perceived Ease of Use in Mediating the Effect of Technological Risk on Perceived


Technological risk alludes to the potential risks or negative consequences of using a

particular technology or system. If users feel that the technology risks are too high or
difficult to overcome, they may have less intention to use the system. A high technological
risk can hinder user intentions and affect system adoption. On the other hand, perceived
ease of use reflects a person's perception of the degree to which technology is perceived
as easy to use. Factors such as interface appearance, complexity, and usage guidelines
can affect perceived ease of use. If someone finds a technology easy to use, they will likely
feel more comfortable and motivated to adopt and use it.

In this association, perceived ease of use acts as a mediator between technological risk
and perceived usefulness. It denotes that perceived ease of use can affect the perceived
usefulness of technology when technology risks are considered. If someone faces high
technology risk but finds the technology easy to use, they may still be interested in using
it. A highly perceived ease of use can help reduce feelings of uncertainty or fear regarding

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technology risks and increase the perceived usefulness of technology. Hence,

understanding and improving the perceived ease of use of technology can help overcome
barriers that may arise due to technology risks and improve the perceived usefulness of
technology. Factors that affect perceived ease of use, such as intuitive interface design,
clear usage guidelines, and adequate training, can help create a more positive user
experience and increase user interest in adopting and using the technology. This study
finding is consistent with the results of research carried out directly Budiantara et al.
(2019), Nazirwan (2019), Ferdiansyah et al. (2022), and Fahazzahrullail (2022), stating that
perceived ease of use could mediate the relationship between technological risk and
perceived usefulness.

Perceived Ease of Use in Mediating the Effect of Facilitating Conditions on Perceived


In this case, facilitating conditions are factors that facilitate or support users using
technology or systems. These factors can be the accessibility of technology, support from
related parties, adequate training, user guides, or other resources that help users
overcome obstacles in using the system. Perceived ease of use is an individual's
perception of how user-friendly technology is. Factors including appearance, complexity,
and usage instructions might impact the perceived ease of use. Individuals are more likely
to accept and use technology if they find it easy to use, as it increases their comfort and

In this relationship, perceived ease of use mediated facilitating conditions and perceived
usefulness. It indicates that perceived ease of use can affect the perceived usefulness of
technology when facilitating factors are taken into account. If users are provided with
good accessibility to technology, receive adequate training, and have clear user guides,
they are more likely to become familiar with the technology and feel more comfortable
using it. This high perception of ease of use can then increase the perception of the
usefulness of technology because users feel that technology can help them in their work,
increase efficiency, or provide other expected benefits. Therefore, understanding and
improving technology's perceived ease of use can help increase facilitating factors'
influence on perceived usefulness. Facilitating factors that promote ease of use, such as
intuitive interface design, good training support, and accessibility of relevant resources,
can help create a more positive user experience and increase the perception of
technology's usefulness. Agreeing with that result, studies Natasia et al. (2022), Sukendro
et al. (2020), Ferdiansyah et al. (2022), and Fahazzahrullail (2022) explained that
perceived ease of use can mediate the relationship facilitating conditions with perceived

Based on the results of research conducted regarding the determining factors of SIMRS,
this research succeeded in identifying the factors influencing the acceptance of SIMRS
among doctors who practiced in the outpatient clinic of XYZ Hospital. First, these findings

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revealed a positive and significant relationship between factors (computer self-efficacy,

trustworthiness, technology risk facilitating conditions, and degree of openness) and
perceived ease of use of SIMRS. In other words, doctors who feel more confident in
operating computers, have high trust in SIMRS, feel that technological risks can be
managed well, and are more open to innovation tend to find SIMRS easy to use. Second,
these findings indicate that most factors studied did not significantly relate to perceived
effectiveness. The only exception is the degree of openness factor, which positively and
significantly influenced perceived effectiveness. This suggests that the extent to which a
person is open to innovation may influence their views on the extent to which SIMRS is
effective in its use.

The results of this research have important implications for XYZ Hospital and similar
institutions. By understanding the factors influencing the perceived ease of use of SIMRS,
hospitals can design more effective training programs to improve physicians' computer
skills and confidence in using the system. This can contribute to increasing the
effectiveness of SIMRS use in health services.

The results and conclusions drawn from the research led to several suggestions for
improving future research, which are detailed as follows: First, for academics, it is
suggested that later, they can utilize the findings of this study as a research description
that can be explored further by measuring the ability of researchers to obtain data with
their limitations to examine perceived usefulness in using SIMRS in other hospitals.
Second, for further research, it is recommended to develop and expand additional
characteristics, including computer self-efficacy, degree of openness, trustworthiness,
technological risk, facilitating conditions, and perceived ease of use, which may provide a
relationship with perceived usefulness with various variables, increasing the scope of
research and expanding the population by completing data collection techniques so that
research results are maximized.

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About the Authors

Adinda Adia Putri (A.A.P.) – is a Master of Management student at Pelita Harapan

University; email address: [email protected].
Oscar Jayanagara (O.J.) – is a lecturer in the Management Study Program at Pelita
Harapan University; email address: [email protected].
Dwi Julianingsih (D.J.) – is a retail management student at University of Raharja; email
address: [email protected].

Author Contributions

Conceptualisation, A.A.P and O.J.; Methodology, O.J.; Investigation, A.A.P.; Analysis,

A.A.P.; Original draft preparation, A.A.P. , O.J and D.J.; Review and editing, D.J.;
Visualization, A.A.P.

Journal of Accounting and Investment, 2024 | 411

Putri, Jayanagara & Julianingsih
Antecedents of perceived usefulness on the use of electronic hospital …

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the
study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the
manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.

© 2024 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the
terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0)
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