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.co - I / PAPER - I

Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 250


blesa iz'u gSa tks esa foHkkftr gSa rFkk ,oa nksuksa esa Nis gq, gSaA
ijh{kkFkhZ dks dqy iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gSaA

iz'u la[;k vkSj vfuok;Z gSa rFkk ckdh iz'uksa esa ls izR;sd [k.M ls de&ls&de iz'u pqudj fdUgha iz'uksa
ds mÙkj nhft,A

izR;sd iz'u@Hkkx ds vad mlds lkeus fn, x, gSaA

iz'uksa ds mÙkj mlh izkf/k—r ek/;e esa fy[ks tkus pkfg,] ftldk mYys[k vkids izos'k&i= esa fd;k x;k gS] vkSj bl
ek/;e dk Li"V mYys[k iz'u&lg&mÙkj ¼D;wå lhå ,å½ iqfLrdk ds eq[ki`"B ij fufnZ"V LFkku ij fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
izkf/k—r ek/;e ds vfrfjDr vU; fdlh ek/;e esa fy[ks x, mÙkj ij dksbZ vad ugha feysaxAs
iz'uksa esa 'kCn lhek] tgk¡ fofufuZ"V gS] dk vuqlj.k fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
iz'uksa ds mÙkjksa dh x.kuk Øekuqlkj dh tk,xhA ;fn dkVk ugha gks] rks iz'u ds mÙkj dh x.kuk dh tk,xh pkgs og mÙkj
va'kr% fn;k x;k gksA iz'u&lg&mÙkj iqfLrdk esa [kkyh NksMk+ gqvk i`"B ;k mlds va'k dks Li"V :i ls dkVk tkuk pkfg,A


Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions:
There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH.
Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
Question No. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, any THREE are to be attempted
choosing at least ONE question from each Section.
The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it.
Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be
stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No
marks will be given for answers written in medium other than the authorized one.
Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question
shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-
cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.

LUKMAAN IAS can be reached at

‘A’ Section ‘A’
1. Answer the following in about 150 words each:
10 X 5 =50
1. (a) yksd ç'kklu dk vFkZ gS fØ;k'khy 'kkluA djsaA

Public administration means governance in action. Comment. 10
1. (b) .co
yksd ç'kklu ds fl)kar ds fuekZ.k esa yksd ç'kklu ds lkeus vkus okyh dfBukb;ksa dh ppkZ djsaA
Discuss the difficulties faced by public administration in building a theory of public
administration. 10

1. (c) feuksC#d&II dh fof'k"Vrk dks blds lkoZtfud ç'kkldksa ij /;ku dsafær djus ls Hkh tkuk tkrk gS fd

os lekt dks etcwr djus ds fy, dSls dke dj ldrs gSaA djsaA
The Minnowbrook-II distinctiveness was also known by its focused on public

administrators that how they could serve to strengthen society. Comment. 10

1. (d) oqMjks foYlu dh jktuhfr&ç'kklu }a} dh vo/kkj.kk yksd ç'kklu dks ,d oSKkfud fo"k; 'kk[kk ds :i

esa LFkkfir djus dk ifj.kke FkhA ijh{k.k djsaA


Woodrow Wilson's concept of politics-administration dichotomy was the result

of establishing public administration as a scientific discipline. Examine. 10

1. (e) ^^'kklu ,d ljdkj dh fu;e cukus vkSj ykxw djus vkSj lsok,a çnku djus dh {kerk gS] Hkys gh og

ljdkj yksdrkaf=d gks ;k ugha^^ & Ýkafll Qqdq;kekA ijh{k.k djsaA

"Governance is a government's ability to make and enforce rules, and to deliver
services, regardless of whether that government is democratic or not"- Francis
Fukuyama. Examine. 10
2.(a) yksd ç'kklu ds çfreku yksd ç'kklu ds nk;js ij ,d xfr'khy –f"Vdks.k çnku djrs gSaA ppkZ djsaA
The paradigms of public administration provide a dynamic view on the scope of
public administration. Discuss. 20
2.(b) ^^u, lkoZtfud çca/ku vkSj u, lkoZtfud çca/ku ds ckn dh lq/kkjksa dh igy us çca/kdh;] jktuhfrd]
ç'kklfud] dkuwuh] is'ksoj vkSj lkekftd tokcnsgh ds chp larqyu dks çHkkfor fd;k gSA^^ fo'ys"k.k djsaA
"New Public Management and post-New Public Management reforms initiatives
have affected the balance between managerial, political, administrative, legal,
professional and social accountability."Analyze. 15
2.(c) çnkrk ds :i esa v[kaM jkT; ds ,dkf/kdkj dks [kRe djds] lkoZtfud p;u –f"Vdks.k jkT; vkSj
ukxfjdksa ds chp 'kfä lehdj.k dks fQj ls ifjHkkf"kr djuk pkgrk gSA ppkZ djsaA
By breaking the monopoly of the monolithic State as the provider, the Public Choice
Approach seeks to redefine the power equation between the State and the
citizens. Discuss. 15
3.(a) 'kklu dh vo/kkj.kk fo'o cSad }kjk 1980 ds n'kd ds nkSjku vf/kdka'k fodkl'khy ns'kksa }kjk lkeuk fd,
x, ^'kklu ds ladV^ ds lanHkZ esa çfrikfnr gSA O;k[;k djsaA
The concept of governance was propounded by the World Bank in the context of
'crisis of governance' faced by the most of the developing countries during 1980s.
Explain. 20
3.(b) jktuhfr vkSj ç'kklu esa ikjLifjd laca/k gSaA djsaA
Politics and administration have reciprocal relationships. Comment. 15
3.(c) ikjaifjd yksd ç'kklu vkSj uo yksd çca/ku ds chp ewY;ksa dk Vdjko çrhr gksrk gSA ijh{k.k djsaA
There seems to be clash of values between Traditional Public Administration and
New Public Management. Examine. 15
4.(a) ppkZ djsa fd dSls dq'ky vkSj çHkkoh ç'kklu dh dYiuk esa lkoZtfud p;u fl)kar ^lapkyu^ dh

vo/kkj.kk dks c<+kok nsrk gS vkSj ^jksbx
a ^ dh vo/kkj.kk dks detksj djrk gSA
Discuss how the Public Choice Theory promotes the concept of 'Steering' and
undermines the concept of 'Rowing' in visualising efficient and effective
administration. 20

4.(b) ^^yksd ç'kklu jktuhfr dk okLrfodrk esa :ikarj.k gS ftls ukxfjd gj fnu ns[krs gSa^^& ¼MksukYM ,Q-
dsVy vkSj tsuht MCY;w½A djsaA

"Public Administration is the translation of politics into reality that citizens see
every day"- (Donald F. Kettl and Janies W). Comment. 15

4.(c) uo yksd ç'kklu] yksd ç'kklu ds 'kklu çfreku ds çHkko ds rgr vuqHko fd, x, ifjorZuksa ds

vk/kkj ij çeq[k fo"k;ksa dks çLrqr djus dk ç;kl djrk gSA O;k[;k djsaA
The New Public Governance tries to present the major themes based on the

changes experienced under the impact of the governance paradigm of public


administration. Explain. 15
‘B’ Section ‘B’

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each:

10 X 5 =50
5.(a) oS'ohdj.k us lkoZtfud p;u fl)kar ds fopkjksa dks vkxs c<+kus esa ,d 'kfä ds :i esa dke fd;kA
lfoLrkj O;k[;k djsaA
Globalization worked as a force to advance the ideas of the public choice theory.
Elaborate. 10
5.(b) ^^feuksC#d&II us is'ksoj ^tkrh;dsafærrk^ ;k ladh.kZrkokn dh ,d etcwr Hkkouk çnf'kZr dh] tks n'kkZrh
gS fd ,d fo"k; ds :i esa yksd ç'kklu dks viuh var%fo"k; tM+kas ls fuiVus esa dfBukbZ dk lkeuk djuk
iM+k^^& ¼xkb ihVlZ½A djsaA
"The Minnowbrook-II exhibited a strong sense of professional 'ethnocentricity'
or parochialism, indicating that Public Administration as a field was having a hard
time dealing with its interdisciplinary roots"- (Guy Peters). Comment. 10
5.(c) ^^yksd ç'kklu dk yxkrkj uohuhdj.k fd;k tk jgk gS D;ksfa d ;g çklafxd gSA^^ lfoLrkj O;k[;k djsAa
"Public Administration is constantly being reinvented because it is contextual."
Elaborate. 10
5.(d) i)frxr O;fäokn ds lkoZtfud p;u –f"Vdks.k dks ekuo fu.kZ; ysus dh vo/kkj.kk esa deh ugha ekuk
tk ldrk gSA lekykspukRed ijh{k.k djsaA
The Public Choice Approach of methodological individualism cannot be considered
deficient in its conceptualization of human decision-making. Critically examine.
5.(e) MsugkVZ vkSj MsugkVZ dk lq>ko gS] çca/kdh; lq/kkjksa vkSj 'kklu pqukSfr;ksa ds chp larqyu cuk, j[kus ds
fy, uoyksd çca/ku dks ubZ lkoZtfud lsok dh rtZ ij fodflr djus dh vko';drk gSA djsaA
Denhardt and Denhardt suggest, NPM needs to evolve along the lines of New
Public Service for maintaining balance between managerial reforms and
governance challenges. Comment. 10
6.(a) oS'ohdj.k bl /kkj.kk ij vk/kkfjr gS fd ^^cktkj tks Hkh djrk gS og vPNk gksrk gS] vkSj ljdkj tks
Hkh djrh gS og cqjk gksrk gS tc rd fd mls cktkj dh lsok ds fy, çnf'kZr ugha fd;k tk
ldrk^^&eSdeqVªhA dFku ds vkyksd esa] fodkl'khy ns'kksa ij oS'ohdj.k ds çHkko dh ppkZ djsaA
Globalization is based on the presumption that "whatever the market does is

good and whatever government does is bad unless it can be shown to serve the
market"-McMurtry. In the light of the statement, discuss the impact of
globalization on developing countries. 20
6.(b) feuksC#d&I dk ldkjkRed&fojks/khokn D;k Fkk\ ijh{k.k djsa fd ldkjkRedrk ij feuksC#d&II vkSj

III dk –f"Vdks.k feuksC#d&I ls fdl çdkj fHkUu Fkk\


What was Anti-Positivism of the Minnowbrook-I? Examine how the view of

Minnowbrook-II & III on positivism was different from Minnowbrook-I? 15

6.(c) D;k uo yksd çca/ku yksdrkaf=d jktuhfr dks c<+kok nsus esa foQy jgk gS\ ,d ukxfjd vkSj ,d xzkgd
ds :i esa O;fä;ksa ds lanHkZ esa fo'ys"k.k djsaA

Has New Public Management failed in promoting a democratic polity? Analyze in


the contexts of individuals as a citizen and individuals as a customer. 15


7.(a) lq'kklu uo yksd çca/ku dh n{krk laca/kh fparkvksa vkSj 'kklu dh tokcnsgh laca/kh fparkvksa dk ,d
la;kstu gSA djsaA

Good governance is a combination of efficiency concerns of New Public

Management and accountability concerns of governance. Comment. 20
7.(b) uo yksd ç'kklu us ckSf)d lksp dks vkxs c<+k;k ysfdu yksd ç'kklu dks iquiZfjHkkf"kr djus T;knk tksj
ugha fn;kA fo'ys"k.k djsaA
The New Public Administration stirred intellectual thinking but made a moderate
impact on redefining public administration. Analyse. 15
7.(c) u, lkoZtfud çca/ku ifjçs{; dk mn; dbZ dkjdksa dh ifj.kfr ds dkj.k gqvkA lfoLrkj O;k[;k djsaA
The rise of the new public management perspective was due to the culmination
of several factors. Elaborate. 15
8.(a) uo yksd çca/ku dks dqN fo}kuksa }kjk ^uo&Vsyjokn^ dk uke fn;k x;k gSA D;k ;g mfpr rqyuk gS\
uo yksd çca/ku mRifÙk ds rqjar ckn blesa fxjkoV ds fy, dkSu ls dkjd ftEesnkj gSa\
New Public Management has been branded by certain scholars as 'Neo - Taylorism.'
Is it a justified comparison? What factors have led to the decline of NPM so soon
after its birth? 20
8.(b) yksdra= vkSj lq'kklu ijLij fojks/kh gSaA mnkgj.k lfgr ppkZ djsaA
Democracy and good governance are contradictions in terms. Discuss with
examples. 15
8.(c) foYlu us jktuhfr&ç'kklu }a} dks cjdjkj j[kk ysfdu dHkh Hkh ,d dks nwljs ls vyx djus dh bPNk
ugha trkbZA og okLro esa jktuhfr vkSj ç'kklu dks ,d gh flDds ds nks igyw ekur FksA djsaA
Wilson did maintain politics-administration dichotomy but never desired to divorce
one from the other. He actually treated politics and administration as two sides
of the same coin. Comment. 15
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