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I, OYEDELE BARAKAT OLAWUMI hereby declares that this project titled “POVERTY


research work. It has neither been presented nor accepted in any previous application for a higher

degree. All sources of information have been specifically acknowledged. In addition, the

research work has been ethically approved by the University ethical review committee.

………………………………. …………………………..

Signature Date


This is to certify that this project was carried out by OYEDELE BARAKAT OLAWUMI

with matriculation number 18/10AC 474, under my supervision in the department of

Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of

Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.

____________________________ _____________________
DR. MRS G.O Akinsola Date
B. Agric, M.Sc., Ph.D., (Agric Economics)
Project Supervisor

____________________________ _____________________
DR. S.O. Akanbi Date
B. Agric, M.Sc., Ph.D., (Agric Economics)
Head of Department

____________________________ _____________________
External Examiner Date


This work is dedicated to Almighty Allah, who sustained me, provided for me and gave me the

wisdom, knowledge and understanding to fully comprehend my courses and for granting me the

grace, strength to complete this project work.


My sincere gratitude goes to God Almighty, for His divine guidance, love, protection and

strength to complete this study.

To my supervisor, Dr. Mrs G.O Akinsola and assistant supervisor Mr Bello Muhammad for your

guidance, expertise, and trust in me have been invaluable. Your feedback and support have

helped me grow professionally and personally, and I appreciate the opportunity to work under

your guidance. All lecturers in the department of Agricultural economics and farm management,

who in one way or the other contributed to my success in university of Ilorin, all lecturers in

faculty of Agriculture thank you for all you do.

My sincere appreciation goes to my parents Mr and Mrs Oyedele for your care, support,

unwavering belief in me and constant encouragement have been a source of strength and

inspiration. Your sacrifices and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am

forever grateful.

To my husband, Mr A.I Mukaila your love, patience, support and your encouragement to push

through the challenges and doubts that came my way throughout my university days and

especially during my final year project, you have been my rock, my confidant, and my biggest

cheerleader. Your guidance, feedback, and constructive criticism have helped me to grow and

improve, and I appreciate the time and effort you invested in me and your love has been a

constant reminder that I am not alone.

I'm grateful to my amazing siblings, sis. Tosin, bro. Mubarak, sis. Kareemat and our baby of the

house Rasheedat, for their love, support, and encouragement. You've been my my confidants.

Thank you for being my partner in every sense. I couldn't have done this without you.

My beautiful daughter Mazeedatul-Khair and her Jolly friend Abdulmuqeet thanks for bringing

joy and light into my life.

To My dear friends, Shiyanbola Badirat my mathematics guru ,Badmus Rasheedat , Chiamaka

my project partner and many more for their kindness, laughter, and presence. To my fellow

supervisee and all my course mate from 100-500l , God bless you all.

Thank you all for being my rock, my inspiration, and my biggest blessings. I'm so grateful for

your love, support, and belief in me. May God bless and reward you all abundantly.


DECLARATION............................................................................................................ i




TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………………….vi


CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................1

1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of Problem......................................................................................2

1.3 Research Questions......................................................................................... 3

1.4 Research Objectives........................................................................................ 3

1.5 Justification ..................................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER TWO........................................................................................................... 5

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................5

2.1 poverty analysis ..................................................................................................... 5

2.2 women participation in oil palm processing ........................................................... 7

2.3 origin and geographical distribution of oil palm......................................................9

2.4 Botany................................................................................................................... 11

2.5 Cultivar and classification of oil palm...................................................................12

2.6 fruiting and classification of oil palm ................................................................... 13

2.7. method of extraction ..................................................…………………………..13

2.8. Level of women participation ……………………………………………..……………15

2.9 uses of palm oil ................................................................................................................16

2.10 Economics and production…………………………………………………..…………18

2.11 Constraints of palm oil production ………………………………………….………19

2.12. Empirical Review……………………………………………………………..….…20

2.13 poverty status of women oil palm producer ………………………………….…….21

2.14 Determinants of poverty among women processor…………………………………21

2.15. impact of poverty among women ………………………………………………....21

2.16. Theoretical Framework ………………………………………................................22

2.16.1 feminist economics and gender theory ……………………………………22

2.16.2. woman capital theory and human development …………………………22

2.16.3 Social exclusion and inclusive growth ……………………….………….23

2.16.4 poverty dynamics and pathway …………………………………………23

2.16.5. poverty reduction strategies……………………………………………..23

CHAPTER 3................................................................................................................ 25

3.0 METHODOLOGY................................................................................................ 25

3.1 The Study Area................................................................................................... 25

3.2 sampling techniques...........................................................................................27

3.3 Data collection................................................................................................... 27

3.4 Data analysis ..................................................................................................... 27

3.5 Variables and measurements ............................................................................28

3.6 Analytical technique ..........................................................................................28

3.6.1 FGT approach …………………………………………………….……………28

3.6.2 logistic regression ………………………………………………………………30

3.6.3 Henry garret techniques ………………………………………………………….31

CHAPTER FOUR……………………………………………………………………………..33

4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION…………………………………………………..………33

4.1 Demographics and socio- economic Status…………………………………………….….33

4.2 The poverty status of women producing palm oil………………………………………..41

4.3 Factors determining the poverty status of women producing palm oil..................44

4.4 To identify the constraints and their coping strategies..........................................44

4.5 Coping Strategy of Oil palm production ranked by respondents

CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................... 67

5.0 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION............................... 67

5.1 Summary....................................................................................................... 67

5.2 Conclusion.....................................................................................................67

5.3 Recommendation...........................................................................................68

REFERENCES............................................................................................................ 70


Table 1: Demographics characteristics of the respondents
Table 2: Socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents
Table 3: Analysis of expenditure of respondents and determination of poverty line
Table 4: Poverty status of the respondents
Table 5: Poverty status of respondents according to product been processed
Table 6: Logit regression on factors determining poverty status of the respondents
Table 7: Constraints faced by the respondents
Table 8: Coping strategies for cassava processors
Figure 1: Map of Osun state


Poverty is a critical factor affecting subsistence of farmers in Nigeria, especially in rural areas.
The study examined determinants of poverty among women producing palm oil in Osun State
Nigeria. Specifically, the research objectives were to: describe the socio-economic characteristics
of the respondents, determine the poverty status of the respondents, and examine the challenges
faced among the respondents. Primary data used for the studies were generated from 120
respondents, who were selected using a snowballing sampling technique. The analytical tools
used were descriptive, Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT), and Logit regression models and Henry
garret ranking. The findings of the study revealed that 91 of the respondent were married
(75.8%) with a mean age of 53.37% years, the respondent have at least primary level of
education and mean household size of 5 people and average total household income of #483,112.
The study further revealed that respondents’ distributions by poverty status were 0.292, 0.065
and 0.024 for poverty incidence (Po), poverty depth (P1), and poverty severity (P2), respectively.
The result of the Logit regression model revealed that Age, household income, number of years
spent in school , secondary income and land size had a positive influence on poverty status,
while household size had a negative influence on poverty status among the women producers
households and were statistically significant at various levels. Hence the study recommends that
poverty are not prevalent among women producing palm oil.

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