Experintial Learning Project - History and GP

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Reflection Sheet – History of Chikankari

Q1. What is the historical and cultural significance of the Chikankari

Q2. How did royal patronage influence the art of Chikankari?
Q3. Why did Chikankari experience a decline and how was it revived?
Reflect and Discuss
Instructions: Respond to the following questions using the reading and your
own knowledge and experiences. Be as thorough as possible.
1. Reflect on the cultural significance of Chikankari embroidery and its relevance in
today’s society. How does this art form connect to your own cultural heritage or

2. Think about the challenges faced by the Chikankari industry and its subsequent
revival. Can you draw any parallels between these challenges and obstacles you have
encountered in your own life? How did you overcome them?

Reflection Sheet – Global Perspective on Chikankari
Fast fashion is defined as "an approach to the design, creation, and marketing of clothing
fashions that emphasizes making fashion trends quickly and cheaply available to consumers."
While traditional fashion processes usually take about 6 months to design, manufacture, and
market products, fast fashion completes these processes in several weeks, allowing the quickly-
changing demands of consumers to be met.
The amount of new garments bought by Americans has tripled since the
1960s. Globalization has encouraged the rapid growth of the fast fashion industry. Global retail
sales of apparel in 2019 reached 1.9 trillion U.S dollars, a new high – this number is expected to
double to three trillion U.S. dollars by the year 2030. The world consumes more than 80 billion
items of clothing annually.
Fast fashion is also referred to as “disposable fashion”, as trend cycles change so quickly that
many consumers will only wear their items once or twice before disposing of them. Clothing is
also often made with poor quality materials, dismissed by the inexpensive price point. This leads
the clothing to tear, pop seams, or wear through faster than a sustainable fashion item.

Q1. Are some fabrics more sustainable than others?

Q2. How can I contribute towards saving the environment with my
fashion choices?


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