Bachelor of Business

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Bachelor of Business (Hons)




DUE DATE: 23 August 2024

VALUE: 30% of total assessment

Mode: Group Assignment (max 4 persons to a group)

Assignment mode: Discussion paper (word limit: 2,000)

Turnitin: submission via HLMS under UFM HRM201 Managing Human Resources (Sem
Jul, 2024). Turnitin similarity %: <15%


Since last ten years, Vietnam has rapidly attracted many multinational companies to establish
their overseas operations. Recruitment and selection of suitable candidates for their
operations are getting competitive and crucial. As the business environment is very dynamic,
sourcing for critical skills and knowledgeable employees is both time consuming and


Conduct an interview with at least THREE (3) multinational companies and identify the top
FIVE (5) skills and knowledge these employers are prioritizing when selecting fresh
university graduates and experienced managerial-level employees. Based on your above
findings, propose and justify how these companies assess the candidates (fresh university
graduates and experienced managerial-level employees) during the selection and interview
process. Discussion should include the challenges encountered and how these challenges can
be effectively overcome. Support your discussion with relevant theories and at least FIVE (5)
referenced articles.


Assessment Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor Marks

Criteria (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) allocation
Introduction Very clear & Clear Adequate Minimum Poor 5
well-defined description description on description description
description on on the the on the on the
the organization organization / organizatio organizatio
organization / / issues issues concerned n / issues n / issues
issues concerned concerned concerned
Content – Most of the Many of the Some of the Only few Lack of 35
analytical important & important & important & of the clarity in
discussion essential issues essential essential issues important the
or matters or issues or or matters or & essential analysis
challenges are matters or challenges are issues or and
clearly & challenges analysed and matters or discussion
precisely are analysed discussed challenges
analysed and and are
critically critically discussed
discussed discussed
Application Critical Theories are Theories are Theories Lack or 20
of theories in discussions are adequately quoted and are only absent of
critical well supported applied in inadequately quoted but application
discussion by the relevant the critical used to support lack of the of theories
theories discussion the overall application in the
discussion of them in discussion
Format - Very well Good Acceptable Written Overall 15
Clarity of written written written discussion poorly
expression, discussion with discussion discussion with & lack of written
use of citations, with citations, citations, discussion
language, references, use citations, references, use references, without
spelling and of headings / references, of headings / headings / supporting
references & sub-headings, use of sub-headings, sub- citations,
citations clarity of headings / clarity of headings, references
expression. sub- expression. expression and having
headings, is unclear numerous
clarity of typos
Conclusion Very well Good Adequate Lack of Poorly 5
written conclusion conclusion clarity in written
conclusion concluding conclusion
(Q3) Very well Good Acceptable Simple Overall, 20
Presentation presented with presentation presentation with presentatio poor
slides with good audio- with good sufficient audio- n with presentatio
voice visual slides audio-visual visual slides simple n with
recording slides slides minimum
Total: 100

The written document/assignment shall be of the following format:

• Font in Times New Roman and of size 12, line spacing of 1.5 with the normal page margin
on A4 paper. All pages must be properly aligned and justified.
• Page numbering shall be placed at centre bottom of page.
• Single sided.
• Appropriately cited references using the APA Referencing System;
• To attached evaluation form and report cover page. A penalty of 10 marks will be
levied if failed to do so.


Given this your assignment will be graded taking into account the extent to which you have:
• To answer the question set, kept to the topic and covered only relevant issues;
• To express other people’s ideas in your own words and gone beyond what they have said
the topic by adding your own ideas, opinions and experiences;
• shown in the content of your essay that you have read and applied the relevant literature;
• structured your essay into a clear flow of argument or reasoning that makes sense and is
• been clear and concise in your expression;
• pay attention to the rules of writing in relation to paragraphing, punctuation, spelling etc.;
• kept to the approximate word limit;
• Delay or postponement of submission is strictly NOT ALLOWED, without acceptable
reasons. A penalty of 10% reduction of the total marks granted to the project report will be
levied for each day of late submission.


To gain a pass in this subject, students must:

 Achieve a passing grade in the final assessment i.e. score a minimum of 25 marks out of
50 marks.

 Attempt ALL areas of assessment; and achieve a total result of 50% or better overall.

** - University reserves the right to make any changes to the above where appropriate.
Assignment No.: __

Assignment Cover Sheet

Student Information (For group assignment, please state names of
all members)
Name ID

Module/Subject Information
Module/Subject Code
Module/Subject Name
Due Date
Assignment Title/Topic
Intake (where applicable)
Word Count Date/Time


. I/We have read and understood the Programme Handbook that explains on plagiarism, and I/we testify that,
unless otherwise acknowledged, the work submitted herein is entirely my/our own.
. I/We declare that no part of this assignment has been written for me/us by any other person(s) except where
such collaboration has been authorized by the lecturer concerned.
. I/We authorize the University to test any work submitted by me/us, using text comparison software, for
instances of plagiarism. I/We understand this will involve the University or its contractors copying my/our work
and storing it on a database to be used in future to test work submitted by others.

Note:1) The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will be deemed to have
the same authority as a signed statement.
2) The Group Leader signs the declaration on behalf of all members.

Signature: Date:

Main Strengths

Main Weaknesses

Suggestions for improvement

Student acknowledge feedback/comments

Grader’s signature Student’s signature:

Date: Date:
1)A soft and hard copy of the assignment shall be submitted.
2)The signed copy of the assignment cover sheet shall be retained by the marker.
3)If the Turnitin report is required, students have to submit it with the assignment. However, departments may allow students
up to THREE (3) working days after submission of the assignment to submit the Turnitin report. The assignment shall only
be marked upon the submission of the Turnitin report.
*Use additional sheets if required.

Honesty and Responsibility

Academic integrity is an important tenet for HELP University (the “University”). In pursuit
of the highest standards of academic integrity, the University holds its students to the highest
ethical standards defined by the Rules and Regulations section of the Academic Handbook.
All students studying a HELP University programme are subjected to and are bound by the
Student Academic Misconduct Rule to assure academic honesty. Students are required to sign
a pledge on the assignment cover sheet before submitting your assignments.

What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is academic dishonesty or academic theft, and it is a serious academic offence.
Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the followings:
1. quote, paraphrase or summarise someone else’s ideas, theories or data, in whole or in
part, without appropriate acknowledgement;
2. borrow ideas, opinion or words, in whole or in part, from other sources without
properly crediting the author(s);
3. use any facts, statistics, diagrams or graphs, in whole or in part, without
acknowledging the source clearly;
4. claim or imply original authorship of someone else’s ideas, theories or data, in whole
or in part, as your own;
5. employ or allow someone to help to revise, amend or write your work and pass off as
your own original work;
6. collaborate with or allow other students to copy your work; and
7. draw on sources more than what you have acknowledged by citations.

While a student is not discouraged to discuss an assignment with his/her friends or

classmates, the work he/she submits must be done by the student alone. If a student shares
his/her assignment with other students and they plagiarise it, the student is as guilty as those
students who plagiarised his/her assignment. All parties to plagiarism are considered equally
guilty. Under no circumstances should a student be involved in collusion with other students
unless he/she is permitted to work on an assignment jointly by the lecturer/tutor. If a student
is unsure what constitutes plagiarism, he/she is obliged to consult the lecturer/tutor on the
matter before submission of his/her assignment.

When and How to Reference?

Knowing when and how to cite is a student’s responsibility. If he/she is in doubt or need
more help on this matter, the student may consult the lecturer/tutor. The following list
comprises some of the sources a student will need to reference. The list is by no means
exhaustive, but simply consists of the most common sources used by students to complete
their work.

1. Books
2. Chapters in books
3. Journal articles
4. Conference papers
5. Newspaper articles
6. Magazines
7. Websites
8. Study guide

Students are advised to cite in the following cases [1]:

1. When he/she quotes two or more words verbatim, or even one word if it is used in a
way that is unique to the source;
2. When he/she introduce facts that he/she have found in a source;
3. When he/she paraphrase or summarise ideas, interpretations, or conclusions that
he/she find in a source;
4. When he/she introduce information that is not common knowledge or that may be
considered common knowledge in your field, but the reader may not know it;
5. When he/she borrow the plan or structure of a larger section of a source’s argument
(for example, using a theory from a source and analysing the same three case studies
that the source uses);
6. When he/she build on another’s method found either in a source or from collaborative
work in a lab;
7. When he/she build on another’s program in writing computer code or on a not-
commonly-known algorithm; and/or
8. When he/she collaborate with others in producing knowledge.

In general, a referencing system requires two parts:

1. In-text citations
This is information about a source within the text of an assignment.
2. List of references
This is a list of all sources a student has used to research his/her assignment. It is
alphabetically arranged by author surname and appears immediately after the last
page of an assignment.

Different faculties or departments may have different requirement on how referencing for an
assignment should be done. The various formats used for in-text citations and list of
references are available in the following websites:
1. Harvard System
2. Chicago Style (
3. American Psychological Association or APA Style (
4. Modern Language Association of America or MLA Style (

Once a student has selected a referencing style for his/her assignment, he/she must follow the
same style consistently throughout the assignment. We strongly suggest that the student
consults the lecturer/tutor about which method to use before submission of his/her
Penalties for Plagiarism

1, accessed May 18, 2008.
The Turnitin Similarity Index for all programmes offered should be not more than 15%.

Penalties for plagiarism ranges from mark reduction for the assignment to expulsion from the
University. If plagiarism has been found to have occurred, the action(s) taken will be
determined by the forms of plagiarism implicated:

1. Complete plagiarism
Verbatim copying another person’s work without acknowledgement
- To be referred to a panel 2 for further investigation. If the student is found to be
guilty, a grade “FL” is to be awarded for the subject.

2. Substantial plagiarism (Turnitin Similarity Index ≥ 30%)

Near-verbatim copying another person’s work by simply altering the order of the
sentences or the format of presentation or by changing a few words or phrases without
- Based on a report submitted by the lecturer in charge of the subject, a Zero
mark will be awarded for the said assessment.

3. Minimal plagiarism (Turnitin Similarity Index ≥ 15%)

Paraphrasing by changing and/or eliminating some words without proper
- Based on a report submitted by the lecturer in charge, a deduction of up to
50% of marks the student is entitled to receive for the said assessment.

Pleading ignorance or unintentional plagiarism does not constitute valid reasons for
plagiarism and will not avoid the penalties from being imposed. Excuses for acts of
plagiarism such as the following, but not limited to, will not be entertained:
1. I don’t have time to do the assignment
2. I have too many assignments due on the same day
3. I don’t know, I really didn’t do it
4. I am not aware
5. I don’t understand what plagiarism means
6. I have no intention to plagiarize
7. I forgot to cite the reference
8. I forgot to include the bibliography
9. My English is not good
10. My lecturer/tutor did not explain to me
11. In my country, it is alright to copy someone else’s work
12. My friend copied my assignment when I let him/her to look at my assignment
13. My friend copied my assignment when I allow him/her to use my laptop
14. I did my assignment in the computer lab, someone must have copied my work
15. I asked my friend to submit my assignment and he/she copied my work
16. I discussed my assignment with my friends, so our answers are the same/similar
17. Even though I do not have in-text citation but I have bibliography/reference list

Students should be reminded that it is their responsibilities to take due care throughout their
written work to effectively reference or cite when they use others’ ideas from any source.

The panel consists of the HoD as the Chair and 2 to 3 senior academic staff.

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