LA400UL - Install and Manual

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LA400PKGUL Single Arm Package

Model LA400UL

LA400DC Primary 24 VDC Actuator Arm

for single swing gate applications

LA400DCS Secondary 24 VDC Actuator Arm

for dual swing gate applications


THIS PRODUCT IS TO BE INSTALLED AND Access installation and technical support
SERVICED BY A TRAINED GATE SYSTEMS guides or register this product
Take a photo of the camera
This model is for use on vehicular passage 1. icon including the points ( ).
gates ONLY and not intended for use on
pedestrian passage gates.
2. Send it in by texting the
This model is intended for use in Class I, II, photo to 71403.
and III vehicular swing gate applications.
Visit to locate a professional
installing dealer in your area. LA400PKGULTECH
This gate operator is compatible with myQ®
and Security+ 2.0® accessories.

300 Windsor Drive
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Safety Symbol and Signal Word Review....................................................2
Control Board Overview...........................................................................28
Usage Class...............................................................................................3
Manual Release........................................................................................29
UL325 Entrapment Protection Requirements............................................3
Reset Button............................................................................................29
Safety Installation Information...................................................................4
Party Mode..............................................................................................29
Gate Construction Information...................................................................5
Operator Alarm .......................................................................................30
INTRODUCTION 6 Remote Control........................................................................................30
Carton Inventory........................................................................................6
Operator Specifications..............................................................................7
External Control Devices..........................................................................31
Site Preparation.........................................................................................8
Check your gate.........................................................................................8
Miscellaneous Wiring...............................................................................32
Installation Tips.........................................................................................9
Important Safety Instructions..................................................................33
Step 1 Attach Brackets to Operator.........................................................10
Maintenance Chart...................................................................................33
Step 2 Determine Mounting Location......................................................11
Step 3 Position the Operator...................................................................12
Step 4 Secure the Brackets......................................................................13 TROUBLESHOOTING 34
Step 5 Install the Control Box..................................................................14 Diagnostic Codes.....................................................................................34
Step 6 Earth Ground Rod.........................................................................16 Diagnostic Codes Table...........................................................................35
Step 7 Wire the Operator Arm to the Control Board................................16 Control Board LEDs.................................................................................37
Step 8 Dual Gate Setup............................................................................17 Troubleshooting Chart.............................................................................38
Step 9 Install Entrapment Protection.......................................................20 APPENDIX 41
Step 10 Power Wiring..............................................................................22
Bracket Types..........................................................................................41
Step 11 Finish Installation.......................................................................23
Step 10 Solar Panels...............................................................................42
ADJUSTMENT 23 Limit Setup with a Remote Control..........................................................46
Limit and Force Adjustment.....................................................................23 REPAIR PARTS 47
Obstruction Test......................................................................................25
Standard Control Box...............................................................................47
PROGRAMMING 26 Gate Operator Arm...................................................................................47
Remote Controls (Not Provided).............................................................26 WIRING DIAGRAM 48
LiftMaster Internet Gateway (not provided).............................................27
Standard Control Box...............................................................................48
Erase All Codes........................................................................................27
Erase Limits.............................................................................................27 ACCESSORIES 49
Constant Pressure Override (CPO)..........................................................27 WARRANTY 51
To Remove and Erase Monitored Entrapment Protection Devices...........27

Safety Symbol and Signal Word Review
When you see these Safety Symbols and Signal Words on the following pages, they will alert
you to the possibility of Serious Injury or Death if you do not comply with the warnings that
accompany them. The hazard may come from something mechanical or from electric shock. MECHANICAL
Read the warnings carefully.
When you see this Signal Word on the following pages, it will alert you to the possibility of
damage to your gate and/or the gate operator if you do not comply with the cautionary
statements that accompany it. Read them carefully.
• BEFORE attempting to install, operate or maintain the operator, you must read and fully
understand this manual and follow all safety instructions.
• DO NOT attempt repair or service of your gate operator unless you are an Authorized
Service Technician.

WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including lead, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more
information go to


Usage Class
Class I - Residential Vehicular Gate Operator
A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in garages or
parking areas associated with a residence of one-to four single families.
Class II - Commercial/General Access Vehicular
A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in a commercial
location or building such as a multi-family housing unit (five or more
single family units), hotel, garages, retail store, or other buildings
accessible by or servicing the general public.
Class III - Industrial/Limited Access Vehicular
A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in an industrial
location or building such as a factory or loading dock area or other
locations not accessible by or intended to service the general public.
Class IV - Restricted Access Vehicular Gate
A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in a guarded
industrial location or building such as an airport security area or other
restricted access locations not servicing the general public, in which
unauthorized access is prevented via supervision by security personnel.

UL325 Entrapment Protection Requirements

l A minimum of two independent* monitored entrapment protection

devices are required to be installed at each entrapment zone IMPORTANT SAFETY
Every installation is unique. It is the responsibility of the installer to

install external monitored entrapment protection devices in each INSTRUCTIONS

entrapment zone
l This vehicular swing gate operator will operate only after installation
of a minimum of two independent* monitored entrapment protection
To reduce the risk of INJURY or DEATH:
devices in either the open or close direction. If no entrapment zone
exists in the other direction of gate travel, then the inherent (built into l READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS.
the operator) is all that is required in that direction. l NEVER let children operate or play with gate controls. Keep the
l Entrapment protection device types include inherent (built into the remote control away from children.
operator), monitored external photoelectric sensors or monitored l ALWAYS keep people and objects away from the gate. NO ONE
l This operator is provided with an inherent entrapment protection l Test the gate operator monthly. The gate MUST reverse on contact
device built into the operator that serves as one of the two with an object or reverse when an object activates the noncontact
independent devices sensors. After adjusting the force or the limit of travel, retest the
gate operator. Failure to adjust and retest the gate operator properly
can increase the risk of INJURY or DEATH.
* Independent - the same type of device shall NOT be used for both
entrapment protection devices. l Use the emergency release ONLY when the gate is not moving.
l KEEP GATES PROPERLY MAINTAINED. Read the owner’s manual.
Have a qualified service person make repairs to gate hardware.
l The entrance is for vehicles ONLY. Pedestrians MUST use separate



Safety Installation Information

1. Vehicular gate systems provide convenience and security. Gate systems 9. The Stop and/or Reset (if provided separately) must be located in the
are comprised of many component parts. The gate operator is only one line-of-sight of the gate. Activation of the reset control shall not cause
component. Each gate system is specifically designed for an individual the operator to start.
application. 10. A minimum of two (2) WARNING SIGNS shall be installed in the area
2. Gate operating system designers, installers and users must take into of the gate. Each placard is to be visible by persons located on the side
account the possible hazards associated with each individual of the gate on which the placard is installed.
application. Improperly designed, installed or maintained systems can 11. For a gate operator utilizing a non-contact sensor:
create risks for the user as well as the bystander. Gate systems design a. Reference owner’s manual regarding placement of non-contact
and installation must reduce public exposure to potential hazards. sensor for each type of application. See Install Entrapment
3. A gate operator can create high levels of force in its function as a Protection section.
component part of a gate system. Therefore, safety features must be b. Care shall be exercised to reduce the risk of nuisance tripping,
incorporated into every design. Specific safety features include: such as when a vehicle trips the sensor while the gate is still
l Edges Sensors (contact) moving.
l Photoelectric Sensors c. One or more non-contact sensors shall be located where the risk of
l Vertical Posts entrapment or obstruction exists, such as the perimeter reachable
l Instructional and Precautionary Signage by a moving gate or barrier.
4. Install the gate operator only when: 12. For a gate operator utilizing a contact sensor such as an edge sensor:
a. The operator is appropriate for the construction and the usage a. One or more contact sensors shall be located where the risk of
class of the gate. entrapment or obstruction exists.
b. All exposed pinch points are eliminated or guarded, and guarding b. A hard wired contact sensor shall be located and its wiring
is supplied for exposed rollers. arranged so the communication between the sensor and the gate
5. The operator is intended for installation only on gates used for operator is not subject to mechanical damage.
vehicles. Pedestrians must be supplied with a separate access opening. c. A wireless device such as one that transmits radio frequency (RF)
The pedestrian access opening shall be designed to promote pedestrian signals to the gate operator for entrapment protection functions
usage. Locate the gate such that persons will not come in contact with shall be located where the transmission of the signals are not
the vehicular gate during the entire path of travel of the vehicular gate. obstructed or impeded by building structures, natural landscaping
6. The gate must be installed in a location so that enough clearance is or similar obstruction. A wireless device shall function under the
supplied between the gate and adjacent structures when opening and intended end-use conditions.
closing to reduce the risk of entrapment. Swinging gates shall not open d. One or more contact sensors shall be located on the inside and
into public access areas. outside leading edge of a swing gate. Additionally, if the bottom
7. The gate must be properly installed and work freely in both directions edge of a swing gate is greater than 4 inches (10.1 cm) but less
prior to the installation of the gate operator. than 16 inches (406 mm) above the ground at any point in its arc
of travel, one or more contact sensors shall be located on the
8. Permanently mounted access controls intended for users to activate, bottom edge.
must be located at least 6 feet (1.8 m) away from any moving part of
the gate and where the user is prevented from reaching over, under,
around or through the gate to operate the controls. Outdoor or easily
accessible controls shall have a security feature to prevent unauthorized
use. Exception: Emergency access controls only accessible by
authorized personnel (e.g. fire, police) may be placed at any location in
the line-of-sight of the gate.


Gate Construction Information

Vehicular gates should be installed in accordance with ASTM F2200: Standard Specification for Automated Vehicular Gate Construction. For a copy,
contact ASTM directly at 610-832-9585 or

1. General Requirements
3. Vehicular Horizontal Swing Gate
1.1 Gates shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions
given for the appropriate gate type listed, refer to ASTM F2200 3.1 The following provisions shall apply to Class I, Class II and Class III
for additional gate types. vehicular horizontal swing gates:

1.2 Gates shall be designed, constructed and installed to not fall 3.1.1 Gates shall be designed, constructed and installed so as not to
over more than 45 degrees from the vertical plane, when a create an entrapment area between the gate and the supporting
gate is detached from the supporting hardware. structure or other fixed object when the gate moves toward the fully
open position, subject to the provisions in and
1.3 Gates shall have smooth bottom edges, with vertical bottom
edged protrusions not exceeding 0.50 inches (12.7 mm) when The width of an object (such as a wall, pillar or column) covered by
other than the exceptions listed in ASTM F2200. a swing gate when in the open position shall not exceed 4 inches
(102 mm), measured from the center line of the pivot point of the
1.4 The minimum height for barbed tape shall not be less than 8 gate. Exception: For a gate not in compliance with this provision,
feet (2.44 m) above grade and for barbed wire shall not be the defined area must be provided with entrapment protection per
less than 6 feet (1.83 m) above grade. UL 325.
1.5 An existing gate latch shall be disabled when a manually Except for the zone specified in Section, the distance
operated gate is retrofitted with a powered gate operator. between a fixed object such as a wall, pillar or column, and a swing
1.6 A gate latch shall not be installed on an automatically operated gate when in the open position shall not be less than 16 inches
gate. (406 mm). Exception: For a gate not in compliance with this
provision, the defined area must be provided with entrapment
1.7 Protrusions shall not be permitted on any gate, refer to ASTM protection per UL 325.
F2200 for Exceptions.
3.2 Class IV vehicular horizontal swing gates shall be designed,
1.8 Gates shall be designed, constructed and installed such that constructed and installed in accordance with security related
their movement shall not be initiated by gravity when an parameters specific to the application in question.
automatic operator is disconnected, in accordance with the
1.8.1 Vehicular horizontal swing gate. Shall not result in
continuous, unimpeded movement in either direction along
the arc of its path of travel.
1.9 For pedestrian access in the vicinity of an automated vehicular
gate, a separate pedestrian gate shall be provided. The
pedestrian gate shall be installed in a location such that a
pedestrian shall not come in contact with a moving vehicular
access gate. A pedestrian gate shall not be incorporated into
an automated vehicular gate panel.

2. Specific Applications
2.1 Any non-automated gate that is to be automated shall be
upgraded to conform to the provisions of this specification.
2.2 This specification shall not apply to gates generally used for
pedestrian access and to vehicular gates not to be automated.
2.3 When the gate operator requires replacement, the existing gate
shall be upgraded to conform to the provisions of this
2.4 When the gate of an automated gate system requires
replacement, the new gate shall conform to the provisions of
this specification.


Carton Inventory
NOT SHOWN: Documentation packet and hardware bag

Hardware Inventory
NOTE: Hardware quantities shown below are for LA412DC. Quantities are doubled for LA412DCS.

Flat Washer 5/16" (1) Hex Nut 5/16"-18 (1) Key (2)
Keylock Cap

Flat Washer 3/8" (3)

Lock Washer 5/16" (1)

Hex Bolt 5/16"-18 x 1-1/2" (1) Hex Bolt 3/8"-16 x 1-1/2" (1) Pin (2)

Hairpin Clip (2) Lock Washer 3/8" (3)

Hex Nut 3/8"-16 (3) Carriage Bolt 3/8" x 5-15/16" (2)

Optional Accessories
Push-to-Open Bracket (Model 50-19503)
If your application requires the gate to be pushed open, a push-to-open
bracket is required, see Accessories.
Expansion Board (Model K1D8387-1CC)
Large Metal Control Box for Solar Applications
Required for solar installations (batteries not included). Requires two
33AH batteries, battery tray, and solar battery harness, see Accessories.


Operator Specifications
Usage Classification Class I, II, & III
Main AC Supply 120 Vac, .5 Amps (6.5 Amps including Accessory Outlets)
System Operating Voltage 24 Vdc Battery Run / Direct Plug-in Transformer Charge
Accessory Power 24 Vdc, 500mA max. for ON + SW (switched)
Solar Power Max 24 Vdc at 60 watts max.
Maximum Gate Weight/Length 850 lbs. (385.6 kg) / 10 ft (3.0 m)
750 lbs. (340.2 kg) / 12 ft (3.7 m)
650 lbs. (294.8 kg) / 14 ft (4.3 m)
550 lbs. (249.5 kg) / 16 ft (4.9 m)
90 Degree Travel Time* 15-18 seconds
Maximum Travel Range* 115 degrees
Maximum Daily Cycle Rate 100 cycles / day
Maximum Duty Cycle 4 min on
Operating Temperature -20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F)
Expansion Board Optional
External Entrapment Protection Device Inputs (non- Main board - up to 2 close entrapment protection devices and 1 open entrapment
contact and/or contact) protection device.
Expansion board - up to 3 entrapment protection devices configurable to either close or
open direction and up to 4 edge sensors using wireless edge sensor kit model LMWEKITU.

*Travel time and range are affected by A and B mounting dimensions, see INSTALLATION.


Site Preparation
Check the national and local building codes BEFORE installation.

Trench Additional Accessories

Trench and install conduit. Before trenching, contact underground utility The vehicle loops allow the gate to stay open when vehicles are
locating companies. Conduit must be UL approved for low and high obstructing the gate path. Suggested for vehicles 14 feet (4.27 m) or
voltage. longer. Vehicle loops are not required but are recommended. Before
installing your Access Control Device(s) be sure to complete a site
survey and determine the best device for your site needs.

Safety Gate
Entrapment protection devices are required to protect against any Gate must be constructed and installed according to ASTM F2200
entrapment or safety conditions encountered in your gate application. standards (refer to page 4). Gate must fit specifications of operator (refer
Install a warning sign (two provided) on the inside and outside of the to specifications).
property, where easily visible.

Check your gate

Gate MUST be level. Gate and gate Remove ANY/ALL wheels from the Gate MUST NOT hit or drag across Gate MUST swing freely and be
post MUST be plumb. Gate MUST bottom of gate. ground supported entirely by its hinges.
have a smooth bottom edge, no
protrusions should exist.


l To AVOID damaging gas, power or other underground utility lines, l ALWAYS wear protective gloves and eye protection when changing
contact underground utility locating companies BEFORE digging more the battery or working around the battery compartment.
than 18 inches (46 cm) deep.

Installation Tips
l Weld a horizontal bar across entire gate on any installation for l The operator can be mounted on top of the gate frame.
strength. Make sure that the operator is mounted level or it will not l The operator must be installed at least 12" (30 cm) from the ground.
function properly.
l Make sure there is slack in the operator cable.

l DO NOT install upside down. l DO NOT install on ANY pedestrian passageways, doorways, or gates.
l DO NOT install next to sprinklers or any area that may expose the l DO NOT over-bend the operator cable. Doing this will cause the wires to
bottom of operator to water. eventually break.
l DO NOT install on uphill or downhill gates. l DO NOT weld the crossbar on just a few pickets, or they could bend.


Step 1 Attach Brackets to Operator

1. Insert the key into the lock on the release lever and turn it 180° counterclockwise.
2. Turn the release lever 180° counterclockwise. The operator is now in manual mode.
3. Assemble gate post bracket by placing pull-to-open bracket on top of post bracket.
4. Insert the bolt through both brackets and secure with washer, lock washer and nut.
5. Attach post bracket assembly to operator using pins and hairpin clips.
6. Attach gate bracket to operator using pins and hairpin clips.


Step 2 Determine Mounting Location

Measuring and Marking for the Gate Bracket
Before proceeding, begin with the gate in the fully closed position. There are two methods for determining the proper location of the post brackets. Either
method will work depending on preference:
l Paper template (Located on the back page of this manual. Must be cut out.)
l Tape measure.
NOTE: There should only be a maximum of 4" (10.2 cm) from the center of the hinge to the edge of the post or column. If the distance is greater than 4"
(10.2 cm) entrapment protection for this area is required.

Template Method
1. Close the gate.
2. Place the template (provided on the back page of this manual) under
the center of the gate hinge point.
3. Use a screwdriver or dowel rod to temporarily mark the location in
front of the gate post.
Tape Measure Method
1. Close the gate.
2. Place the measuring tape under the center of the gate hinge point
and measure out 7 inches (17.8 cm).
3. Use a screwdriver or dowel rod to temporarily mark the location of
the first measurement.
4. Measure 7 inches (17.8 cm) from the previous mark.
5. Use the screwdriver or dowel rod to mark the location of the second

Alternate Dimensions
The ideal installation measurements are A = 7" (17.8 cm) and B = 7"
(17.8 cm). If different measurements are used, the sum of A and B
cannot be greater than 15" (38.1 cm).
7" (17.8 cm) 7" (17.8 cm)
8" (20.3 cm) 6" (15.2 cm)
7-1/2" (19.1 cm) 7-1/2" (19.1 cm)
6-1/2" (16.5 cm) 6-1/2" (16.5 cm)
6" (15.2 cm) 6" (15.2 cm)


Step 3 Position the Operator

NOTE: The post bracket assembly can be mounted several places on the
gate post.
1. Open the gate to desired open position (no greater than 100°) and
hold operator against gate.
2. Place the operator arm against gate post at the desired position.
Temporarily secure gate post bracket with clamp. The gate operator
(arm) must be level.
3. Mark mounting holes on gate for reference. Temporarily secure the
gate bracket using a clamp.
4. Align the pull-to-open bracket to a position as CLOSE AS POSSIBLE
above the screwdriver or dowel rod.
5. Insert hex bolt through pull-to-open bracket and post bracket and
secure with washer, lock washer and nut.

Test Gate Travel

NOTE: If gate does not open and close completely adjust the position of
the gate bracket and mark new mounting holes.
1. Manually open and close the gate.
2. Ensure that the operator does not bind against the pull-to-open
3. Ensure that the piston does not bottom out.


Step 4 Secure the Brackets

Post Bracket
The gate operator (arm) must be level.
1. Mark holes for the post bracket. Remove the clamp and the operator, set aside.
2. Drill adequate holes in the gate post.
3. Secure the post bracket to the gate post using hardware.
Gate Bracket
The gate operator (arm) must be level.
Some installations may require additional reinforcement be installed on the gate.
1. Drill holes in gate (or reinforcement, if necessary) that are large enough for the gate bracket mounting hardware.
2. Secure the gate operator to the gate using hardware (not provided).
3. Manually move the gate to verify that it opens and closes fully.


Step 5 Install the Control Box

Standard Control Box

The control box MUST be mounted within 5 feet (1.52 m) of the gate
operator. Mount the control box as high as possible for best radio
reception. Make sure the control box is level.
1. Remove the screws and open the control box.
2. Select the mounting holes (according to your application) and
remove the knockouts using a screwdriver and hammer.
3. Secure the control box to mounting surface.
A. Wall or Column: Use the provided screws (4).
B. Post: Use U-bolts and rubber washers (not provided) to ensure
a watertight seal. Make sure the U-bolts do not protrude more
than 3/4 inch from the control box because this can short the
control board.


Large Metal Control Box (XLSOLARCONTUL)

The control box MUST be mounted within 5 feet (1.52 m) of the gate operator. Mount the control box as high as possible for best radio reception. Make
sure the control box is level.

Wall or Column Mount

1. Open the control box. The control box door may be removed by
opening the door 90°. Lift the door from the hinges and set aside
until the installation is complete.
2. Use knock outs located at the 4 corners of the control box and knock
out using a screwdriver and hammer.
3. Secure the control box to mounting surface using the provided
screws (4).

Post Mount
NOTE: The post mount option is not recommended for the 33AH battery
1. Open the control box. The control box door may be removed by
opening the door 90°. Lift the door from the hinges and set aside
until the installation is complete.
2. The control box can be mounted to a post with 'U' bolts (refer to
chart). The knock out will accommodate a 3/8" diameter 'U' bolt.
Select center mounting holes (top and bottom) and knock out using
a screwdriver and hammer.
3. Secure the control box to mounting surface with U-bolts and rubber
washers (not provided) to ensure a watertight seal.


Standard 3" Round Pipe 3-1/2"
Standard 4" Square Post 4"
Standard 6" Square Post 6"


To reduce the risk of SEVERE INJURY or DEATH:

l ANY maintenance to the operator or in the area near the operator l ALL electrical connections MUST be made by a qualified individual.
MUST NOT be performed until disconnecting the electrical power (AC l DO NOT install ANY wiring or attempt to run the operator without
or solar and battery) and locking-out the power via the operator power consulting the wiring diagram.
switch. Upon completion of maintenance the area MUST be cleared l ALL power wiring should be on a dedicated circuit and well protected.
and secured, at that time the unit may be returned to service. The location of the power disconnect should be visible and clearly
l Disconnect power at the fuse box BEFORE proceeding. Operator labeled.
MUST be properly grounded and connected in accordance with l ALL power and control wiring MUST be run in separate conduit.
national and local electrical codes. NOTE: The operator should be on a
separate fused line of adequate capacity.

Step 6 Earth Ground Rod

Use the proper earth ground rod for your local area. The ground wire
must be a single, whole piece of wire. Never splice two wires for the
ground wire. If you should cut the ground wire too short, break it, or
destroy its integrity, replace it with a single wire length.
1. Install the earth ground rod within 3 feet (.9 m) of the operator.
2. Run wire from the earth ground rod to the operator. The earth
ground wire will be connected later, see Step 10 Power Wiring
NOTE: If the operator is not grounded properly the range of the remote
controls will be reduced.

Step 7 Wire the Operator Arm to

the Control Board
1. Choose a knockout in the bottom of the control box.
2. Insert the operator cable through the provided watertight connector.
3. Insert the operator cable and watertight connector into the knockout.
4. Slide the connector nut onto the operator cable.
5. Connect the operator cable wires to the connector according to the
colored label on the connector (white to white, red to red, etc.).
6. Plug the connector into the GATE 1 terminal on the control board as
7. Tighten the connector nut.

If installing one operator, proceed to page 18. If installing two

operators, go to the following page.


Step 8 Dual Gate Setup

There are two options for dual gate communication: wired or wireless. Follow the directions according to your application. Do not use wired and
wireless communication simultaneously. Wired dual gate applications will have a longer battery standby time than wireless applications. Wireless dual
gates will require the installation of two control boxes, one for each operator arm.
Wireless Setup

Install a second operator arm and control box:

Install a second operator arm and control box by following installation
steps 1-7.

To activate the wireless feature:

1. Choose an operator to be the network primary operator. All wireless
accessories will need to be programmed to the primary operator.
NOTE: We recommend that all accessories and board configurations
are set on the primary operator.
2. Press and release the LEARN button on the primary operator. The
green XMITTER LED will light. NOTE: The operator will time out of
programming mode after 180 seconds.
3. Press and release the LEARN button again on the primary operator.
The yellow NETWORK LED will light.
4. Press and release the OPEN test button to assign this operator as
network primary.
5. Press and release the LEARN button on the second operator. The
green XMITTER LED will light.
6. Press and release the LEARN button again on the second operator.
The yellow NETWORK LED will light.
7. Press and release the CLOSE test button to assign this operator as
network second.
Both operators will beep and the yellow NETWORK LEDs will turn off
indicating programming is successful.

To deactivate the wireless feature:

1. Press and release the LEARN button on either operator. The green
XMITTER LED will light.
2. Press and release the LEARN button again on the same operator. The
yellow NETWORK LED will light.
3. Press and hold the LEARN button for 5 seconds. The yellow
NETWORK LED will blink (operator will beep) then turn off
indicating successful deactivation.
4. Repeat the steps for the other operator.


Wired Setup

Install a second operator arm:

Install a second operator arm by following installation steps 1-4.

Install the extension cable and junction box:

Before digging, contact local underground utility locating companies.
1. Trench across driveway to bury the extension cable. Use PVC
conduit to prevent damage to cables.
2. Open the junction box by removing screws (4) and set aside.
3. Select holes to be used for mounting and knock out using a
screwdriver and hammer. Drill two holes in the junction box large
enough for the watertight connectors.
4. Mount the junction box within 3 feet (0.9 m) of second operator.
5. Route operator cable and extension cable through watertight
connector nut and watertight connector.
6. Insert the cables and watertight connectors into the holes in the
junction box.
7. Slide the connector nut onto the operator cable and extension cable.
8. Remove terminals from operator cable. Connect the wires from
extension cable to the operator cable with wire nuts (strip wires and
twist like colored wires together).
9. Put wires inside of junction box.
10. Secure operator and extension cables by tightening the connector
11. Reinstall cover.


Wire the secondary operator arm to the control board:

1. Choose a knockout in the bottom of the control box.
2. Insert the extension cable through the watertight connector.
3. Insert the extension cable and watertight connector into the
4. Slide the connector nut onto the operator cable.
5. Connect the extension cable wires to the connector according to the
colored label on the connector (white to white, red to red, etc.).
6. Plug the connector into the GATE 2 terminal on the control board as
7. Tighten the connector nut.

Set the bipart delay (single control box):

Occasionally in dual gate installations, one gate will need to open first
and close second. This would happen if there was an ornamental
overhang on one gate or if using a solenoid lock, for example. This gate
is called the Primary gate and needs to be connected to Gate 1
connections on the control board. Thus, it is preferred that the control
box be installed on the same side as this gate. If there is no appropriate
location on that side for the control box, then mount the control box on
the opposite side, but connect the operator closest to the control box to
the Gate 2 connector and the operator on the opposite side to the Gate 1
1. The BIPART DELAY switch on the control board needs to be set to
the ON position.
The illustration shows a dual gate configuration with a decorative
overlapping piece on the outside of the gate.

Set the bipart delay (dual control box)

The BIPART DELAY switch is used with dual control box applications
and serves two functions:
l BIPART DELAY: The BIPART DELAY is used in applications where a
mag-lock, solenoid lock, or decorative overlay would require one
gate to close before the other. The control box with the BIPART
DELAY switch ON will delay from the close limit when opening and
be the first to close from the open limit.
applications where one gate travels a longer distance than the other.
To synchronize the closing of the gates, set the BIPART DELAY
switch to ON for both control boxes.


To prevent SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH from a moving gate:

l ALL gate operator systems REQUIRE two independent entrapment l Locate entrapment protection devices to protect in BOTH the open and
protection systems for each entrapment zone. close gate cycles.
l Entrapment protection devices MUST be installed to protect anyone l Locate entrapment protection devices to protect between moving gate
who may come near a moving gate. and RIGID objects, such as posts, walls, pillars, columns, or operator

Step 9 Install Entrapment Protection

Entrapment protection MUST be installed according to the following UL Definitions
325 requirements:
ENTRAPMENT: The condition when a person is caught or held in a
l Swing gate operators require the installation of the first external position that increases the risk of injury.
monitored entrapment protection device to function.
SWING GATE ENTRAPMENT ZONE: Locations between a moving gate or
l Every installation is unique. It is the responsibility of the installer to moving, exposed operator components and a counter opposing edge or
ensure that ALL entrapment zones are protected with an external surface where entrapment is possible up to 1.8 m (6 ft) above grade. Such
monitored entrapment protection device, protecting both the open locations occur if during any point in travel:
and close gate cycles.
a. The gap between the bottom of a moving gate and the ground is
l LiftMaster monitored external entrapment protection devices MUST greater than 101.6 mm (4 in) and less than 406 mm (16 in); or
be used with LiftMaster operators to meet UL325 requirements,
b. The distance between the center line of the pivot and the end of the
see Accessories.
wall, pillar, or column to which it is mounted when in the open or
l Test ALL entrapment protection devices after completing installation closed position exceeds 101.6 mm (4 in). Any other gap between a
of the operator. For testing instructions, refer to the manual provided moving gate and fixed counter opposing edges or surfaces or other
with your entrapment protection device. fixed objects is less than 406 mm (16 in) (examples are walls, curbs,
berms or other immovable objects).
Illustrations provided by DASMA Gate Systems Safety Guide


Wire Entrapment Protection Devices

There are three options for wiring the entrapment protection devices depending on the specific device and how the device will function. Refer to the specific
entrapment protection device manual for more information. These entrapment protection device inputs are for monitored devices, which include pulsed
photoelectric sensors, resistive edge sensors, and pulsed edge sensors. Only one monitored entrapment protection device may be wired to each input.
Additional entrapment protection devices may be wired to the expansion board.

Control Board
(2 Terminals) The CLOSE EYES/INTERRUPT input is for photoelectric
sensor entrapment protection for the close direction. When an
obstruction is sensed during gate closing the gate will open to the full
open position and resets the Timer-to-Close. This input will be
disregarded during gate opening.
(2 Terminals) The CLOSE EDGE input is for edge sensor entrapment
protection for the close direction. When an obstruction is sensed during
gate closing the gate will reverse to the full open position, disengaging
the Timer-to-Close. This input will be disregarded during gate opening.
(2 Terminals) The OPEN EYES/EDGE input is for photoelectric sensor or
edge sensor entrapment protection for the open direction. When an
obstruction is sensed during gate opening the gate will reverse for 4
seconds then stop. This input will be disregarded during gate closing.


Open or Close Direction Photoelectric Sensors, the functionality is based
on the switch settings (located next to the terminals)
Switch set to CLOSE: gate reverses fully when an obstruction is sensed
Switch set to OPEN: gate reverses 4 seconds when an obstruction is
Open or Close Direction Photoelectric Sensors or Edge Sensor, the
functionality is based on the switch settings (located next to the
Switch set to CLOSE: gate reverses fully when an obstruction is sensed
Switch set to OPEN: gate reverses 4 seconds when an obstruction is


Step 10 Power Wiring

SOLAR APPLICATIONS: For solar applications refer to Solar Panels OPERATOR POWER SOURCE
section in the Appendix. Follow the directions according to your
NOTE: All power wiring should be on a dedicated circuit, calculated Wire Gauge 14 350 feet (107 m)
using NEC guidelines. Local codes and conditions must be reviewed for Wire Gauge 12 525 feet (160 m)
suitability of wire installation.
1. Turn off the AC power from the main power source circuit breaker. Wire Gauge 10 850 feet (259 m)
2. Run the AC power wires to the control box. OR
3. Remove the junction box cover. EXTERNAL PLUG-IN TRANSFORMER (24 VAC)
4. Connect the green wire to the earth ground rod wire using a wire Wire Gauge 18 150 feet (46 m)
Wire Gauge 16 250 feet (76 m)
5. Connect the white wire to NEUTRAL using a wire nut.
6. Connect the black wire to HOT using a wire nut. Wire Gauge 14 400 feet (122 m)
7. Replace the junction box cover. Ensure the wires are not pinched. Wire Gauge 12 600 feet (183 m)
8. Plug the J15 plug into the control board. The control board will Wire Gauge 10 1,000 feet (305 m)
power up. NOTE: You may see a small spark when plugging the J15
plug into the board. NOTE: Use copper conductors ONLY.
9. Turn ON AC power to the operator.

All control wiring used to connect external devices to Class 2 circuits of the operator must be (QPTZ) Power-Limited Circuit Cables, Type CL2, CL2P,
CL2R, or CL2X or other cable with equivalent or better electrical, mechanical, and flammability ratings.


Step 11 Finish Installation

1. Turn the release lever clockwise 180° back to the engaged position.
This engages the motor. The illustration shows the release lever in
the engaged position.
2. Turn the key clockwise 180°. This locks the release lever. The
operator is now engaged.
3. Fasten warning signs to the gate with cable ties. Warning signs
MUST be installed on both sides of the gate and in plain view.

Limit and Force Adjustment

To reduce the risk of SEVERE INJURY or DEATH:

l Without a properly installed safety reversal system, persons l NEVER use force adjustments to compensate for a binding or sticking
(particularly small children) could be SERIOUSLY INJURED or gate.
KILLED by a moving gate. l If one control (force or travel limits) is adjusted, the other control
l Too much force on gate will interfere with proper operation of safety may also need adjustment.
reversal system. l After ANY adjustments are made, the safety reversal system MUST be
l NEVER increase force beyond minimum amount required to move tested. Gate MUST reverse on contact with an object.

Your operator is designed with electronic controls to make travel limit
and force adjustments easy. The adjustments allow you to program
where the gate will stop in the open and close position. The electronic SET SET CLOSE OPERATOR MODE EXPLANATION
controls sense the amount of force required to open and close the gate. OPEN LED
The force is adjusted automatically when you program the limits but LED
should be fine tuned using the REVERSAL FORCE dial on the control OFF OFF NORMAL MODE Limits are set
board (refer to Fine Tune the Force section) to compensate for
environmental changes. The limit setup LEDs (located next to the SET BLINKING BLINKING LIMIT SETTING Limits are not set
OPEN and SET CLOSE buttons) indicate the status of the limits, refer to MODE
the table to the right. BLINKING ON LIMIT SETTING Open limit is not set
The limits can be set using the control board (below) or a remote control MODE
(refer to Limit Setup with a Remote Control in the Appendix). Setting the
limits with a remote control requires a 3-button remote control ON BLINKING LIMIT SETTING Close limit is not set
programmed to OPEN, CLOSE, and STOP. MODE
NOTE: The TEST buttons on the control board will not work until the ON ON LIMIT SETTING Limits are set
limits have been set and the required entrapment protection devices are MODE


Initial Limits and Force Adjustments

For dual gate applications the limits will have to be set for each
operator. The gate MUST be attached to the operator before setting
the limits and force.
If a mistake is made while programming the limits press the reset button
to start over.
1. Set the GATE switch to the 1 position.
2. Press and release the SET OPEN and SET CLOSE buttons
simultaneously to enter limit setting mode.
3. Press and hold the MOVE GATE buttons to move the gate to the
open or close limit.
4. Press and release the SET CLOSE or SET OPEN button depending
on which limit is being set.
5. Press and hold the MOVE GATE button to move the gate to the other
6. Press and release the SET CLOSE or SET OPEN button depending
on which limit is being set. The operator will exit limit setting
7. Cycle the gate open and close using the TEST BUTTONS. This
automatically sets the force.
8. For dual gates set the Gate switch to the 2 position and repeat steps
When limits are set properly the operator will automatically exit limit
setting mode.
* Dual Gates ONLY: When the limits are set on the secondary gate first
the control board will not exit the limit setting mode until the limits are
set on the primary gate.


Fine Tune the Force

Once the initial limits have been set, the REVERSAL FORCE DIAL on the
control board is used for fine tuning the force where wind or
environmental changes may affect the gate travel. The REVERSAL FORCE
DIAL is set to minimum at the factory.
Based on the length and weight of the gate it may be necessary to make
additional force adjustments. The force setting should be high enough
that the gate will not reverse by itself nor cause nuisance interruptions,
but low enough to prevent serious injury to a person. The force setting is
the same for both the open and close gate directions.
1. Open and close the gate with the TEST BUTTONS.
2. If the gate stops or reverses before reaching the fully open or closed
position, increase the force by turning the force control slightly
3. Perform the “Obstruction Test” after every limit and force setting
adjustment (see below).

Adjust the Limits

After both limits are set and the operator is ready to run, one limit can be
adjusted independently from the other by following steps 1-3 of the
Initial Limit and Force Adjustment section.

Obstruction Test
The operator is equipped with an inherent (built in to the operator)
obstruction sensing device. If the gate encounters an obstruction during
motion, the operator will reverse direction of the gate and then stop. The
following procedure will test ONLY the inherent (built in to the operator)
obstruction sensing device:
1. Open and close the gate with the TEST BUTTONS, ensuring that the
gate is stopping at the proper open and close limit positions.
2. Place an object between the open gate and a rigid structure. Make
sure that any external entrapment protection devices will NOT be
activated by the object.
3. Run the gate in the close direction. The gate should stop and reverse
upon contact with the object. If the gate does not reverse off the
object, reduce the force setting by turning the force control slightly
counter-clockwise. The gate should have enough force to reach both
the open and close limits, but MUST reverse after contact with an
4. Repeat the test for the open direction.
Test the operator after any adjustments are made.


Remote Controls (Not Provided)

A total of 50 Security+ 2.0® remote controls or KPW250 keypads and 2
keyless entries (1 PIN for each keyless entry) can be programmed to the
operator. When programming a third keyless entry to the operator, the
first keyless entry will be erased to allow the third keyless entry to be
programmed. When the operator’s memory is full it will exit the
programming mode and the remote control will not be programmed. The
memory will need to be erased before programming any additional
remote controls. NOTE: If installing an 86LM to extend the range of the
remote controls DO NOT straighten the antenna.

There are 3 different options for programming the remote control depending on how you would like the remote control to function. Choose a
programming option:
Single button as OPEN Program a single button on the remote 1. Press and release the LEARN button (operator will beep and green
only control for open only. The Timer-to-Close XMITTER LED will light). NOTE: The operator will time out of
can be set to close the gate. programming mode after 30 seconds.
2. Press the OPEN button.
3. Press the remote control button that you would like to program.
Single button (SBC) as Program one remote control button as an 1. Press and release the LEARN button (operator will beep and green
OPEN, CLOSE, and STOP open, close, and stop. XMITTER LED will light). NOTE: The operator will time out of
programming mode after 30 seconds.
2. Press the remote control button that you would like to program.
Three separate buttons as Program each remote control button as an 1. Press and release the LEARN button (operator will beep and green
OPEN, CLOSE, and STOP open, close, and stop. XMITTER LED will light). NOTE: The operator will time out of
programming mode after 30 seconds.
2. Press the OPEN, CLOSE, or STOP button, depending on the desired
3. Press the remote control button that you would like to program.

The operator will automatically exit learn mode (operator will beep and green XMITTER LED will go out) if programming is successful. To program
additional Security+ 2.0® remote controls or remote control buttons, repeat the programming steps above.

NOTICE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This device must be installed to ensure a minimum 20 cm (8 in.) distance is maintained between users/bystanders and device.
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules and Industry Canada ICES standard. These limits are designed
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.


LiftMaster Internet Gateway (not Constant Pressure Override (CPO)

provided) Constant Pressure Override is for use with KPW5 and KPW250 keypads
To program the operator to the LiftMaster Internet Gateway: (not provided). The KPW5/KPW250 wireless commercial keypads are
security keypads and can only be programmed to ONE gate operator (see
Using the learn button on the opertaor's control the KPW5/KPW250 manual for complete programming instructions).
board The Constant Pressure Override feature is intended to temporarily override a
1. Connect the ethernet cable to the LiftMaster Internet Gateway and the fault in the entrapment protection system, in order to operate the gate until
router. the external entrapment protection device is realigned or repaired. Use the
feature only in line of sight of the gate when no obstructions to travel are
2. Connect power to the LiftMaster Internet Gateway. present. External entrapment protection devices include LiftMaster
3. Create an online account by visiting monitored photoelectric sensors and LiftMaster monitored wired and
4. Register the LiftMaster Internet Gateway. wireless edge sensors. Be sure to repair or replace these devices promptly if
5. Use an internet enabled computer or smartphone to add devices. The they are not working properly.
LiftMaster Internet Gateway will stay in learn mode for three minutes. To use Constant Pressure Override:
6. Press the Learn button twice on the primary operator (the operator will 1. Enter a valid 4-digit PIN.
beep as it enters learn mode). The LiftMaster Internet Gateway will pair 2. Press and hold # for 5 seconds to enter CPO. Continue to hold # to
to the operator if it is within range and the operator will beep if keep the operator in motion. A continuous tone will sound until limit is
programming is successful. met and/or # is released.
Using the reset button on the operator 3. The operator will stop when either the operator reaches a limit or the
user releases #.
1. Connect the ethernet cable to the LiftMaster Internet Gateway and the
2. Connect power to the LiftMaster Internet Gateway. To Remove and Erase Monitored
3. Create an online account by visiting Entrapment Protection Devices
4. Register the LiftMaster Internet Gateway. 1. Remove the entrapment protection device wires from the terminal
5. Use an internet enabled computer or smartphone to add devices. The block.
LiftMaster Internet Gateway will stay in learn mode for three minutes. 2. Press and release the SET OPEN and SET CLOSE buttons
6. Ensure gate is closed. simultaneously. The SET OPEN and SET CLOSE LEDs will turn on
7. Give the operator an OPEN command. (entering learn limit mode).
8. Within 30 seconds, when the gate is at the open limit press and release 3. Press and release both SET OPEN and SET CLOSE buttons again to
the reset button 3 times (on primary gate) to put primary operator into turn off the SET OPEN and SET CLOSE LEDs (exiting learn limit
High Band Learn Mode (the operator will beep as it enters learn mode). mode).
The LiftMaster Internet Gateway will pair to the operator if it is within
range and the operator will beep if programming is successful.
The status as shown by the LiftMaster Internet Gateway app will be either
“open” or “closed”. The gate operator can then be controlled through the
LiftMaster Internet Gateway app.

Erase All Codes

1. Press and release the LEARN button (operator will beep and green
XMITTER LED will light).
2. Press and hold the LEARN button again until the green XMITTER LED
flashes and then release the button (approximately 6 seconds). All
remote control codes are now erased.

Erase Limits
1. To erase the limits, press and hold the SET OPEN and SET CLOSE
buttons simultaneously (5 seconds) until both the SET OPEN and SET
CLOSE LEDs blink rapidly and the operator beeps.
2. Release the buttons and the SET OPEN and SET CLOSE LEDs will blink
slowly indicating the limits will need to be set.


Control Board Overview

1 SET OPEN Button: The SET OPEN button sets the OPEN limit. See Adjust Limits section.
2 SET CLOSE Button: The SET CLOSE button sets the CLOSE limit. See Adjust Limits section.
3 MOVE GATE Buttons: The MOVE GATE buttons will either open or close the gate when the operator is in Limit setting mode. See Adjust Limits section.
l When AC power is OFF and battery voltage is critically low the gate will latch at a limit until AC power is restored or batteries voltage increases.
l Option select switch set to OPEN forces gate to automatically open and then latch at the OPEN limit until AC power is restored or battery voltage
l Option select switch set to CLOSE forces gate to latch at CLOSE limit if at CLOSE limit or on next CLOSE command until AC power restored or battery
voltage increases.
l Constant pressure on a hard command input overrides to open or close the gate.
l Critically low battery is less than 23 V
5 BIPART DELAY Switch: The LOCK/BIPART DELAY switch is used only for dual gates. See Bipart Delay section.
6 LEARN Button: The LEARN button is for programming remote controls and the network.
7 TIMER-TO-CLOSE dial: The TIMER-TO-CLOSE (TTC) dial can be set to automatically close the gate after a specified time period. The TTC is factory set to
OFF. If the TTC is set to the OFF position, then the gate will remain open until the operator receives another command from a control. Rotate the TIMER-TO-
CLOSE dial to the desired setting. The range is 0 to 180 seconds, 0 seconds is OFF. NOTE: Any radio command, single button control, or CLOSE command
on the control board prior to the TTC expiring will close the gate. The TTC is reset by any signals from the open controls, loops, close edges, and close
photoelectric sensors (IR’s).
8 REVERSAL FORCE dial: The REVERSAL FORCE dial fine tunes the force. See Force Adjustment section.
9 TEST BUTTONS: The TEST BUTTONS will operate the gate (OPEN, STOP and CLOSE).
10 STATUS LEDs: The STATUS LEDs indicate the status of the operator. See Status LED Chart in the Troubleshooting section.
DIAGNOSTICS Display: The diagnostics display will show the operator type, firmware version, and codes. The operator type will display as "LA" followed
by a "40" which indicates the operator type as LA400DC. The firmware version will show after the operator type, example "1.2".


Manual Release
In case of a power failure, the operator can be disengaged from the gate.
With an operator, the release action may sometimes feel stiff/jerky, which
is normal and has no effect on function. NOTE: It is normal for the
operator to run slow right after a disconnect or complete loss of AC/
battery power (the operator will need to run a complete open and close
1. Insert the key into the lock.
2. Turn the key counter-clockwise 180°.
3. Turn the release lever counter-clockwise 180°.
Operator is in manual mode and the gate can be opened and closed
manually. The lock relay will activate then turn off after 2 minutes to
conserve power.
1. Turn the release lever clockwise 180°. This engages the motor.
2. Turn the key clockwise 180°. This locks the release lever.
3. Remove the key and store in a safe place. The operator is now

Reset Button
The reset button is located on the side of the control box and serves
several functions:
l Press the reset button to stop a moving gate during a normal
open/close cycle, like a stop button.
l Press the reset button once while the gate is in open position to
disable the Timer-to-Close. The gate will stay in the open position.
To restart the Timer-to-Close either press the reset button or activate
the gate with a programmed remote control.
l Press the reset button to shut off the alarm and reset the operator.

Party Mode
Press the reset button once while the gate is in open position to disable the Timer-to-Close. The gate will stay in the open position. To restart the Timer-to-
Close either press the reset button or activate the gate with a programmed remote control.
Party Mode can also be enabled from a KPW5 or KPW250 keypad (not provided). To use the Party Mode Feature:
1. Enter a valid 4-digit PIN when the gate is at the Open Limit and the timer is running.
2. The operator will chirp indicating the timer is canceled.
Perform one of the following to restart the gate:
1. Re-enter the 4-digit PIN.
2. Activate a Hard input or a programmed remote.


Operator Alarm
If a contact sensor detects an obstruction twice consecutively the alarm
will sound (up to 5 minutes) and the operator will need to be reset.
When the inherent force of the operator (RPM/current sensor) detects the
following (twice consecutively) the alarm will sound (up to 5 minutes)
and the operator will need to be reset.
A. The operator arm or gate is incorrectly installed.
B. The gate does not meet specifications.
C. Gate hinges are too tight or broken and the gate is not moving freely.
D. The gate is moving and a car pushes the gate.
E. A foreign object is on the gate frame while the gate is moving.
F. The gate hits the driveway or curb and gets stuck or bent in an
awkward position.
Remove any obstructions. Press the reset button to shut off the alarm and
reset the operator. After the operator is reset, normal functions will
The operator alarm will beep 3 times with a command if the battery is

Remote control
Single Button Control (SBC) Functionality
Once the remote control has been programmed the operator will operate
as follows:
When gate is in the closed position, activation of the remote control
button will open the gate. During the open cycle another activation of the
remote control will stop the gate and the next activation of the remote
control will close the gate.
When the gate is in the open position, activation of the remote control
button will close the gate. If the remote control is activated while the gate
is closing, the gate will stop and the next activation will open the gate.


All control wiring used to connect external devices to Class 2 circuits of the operator must be (QPTZ) Power-Limited Circuit Cables, Type CL2, CL2P,
CL2R, or CL2X or other cable with equivalent or better electrical, mechanical, and flammability ratings.

External control devices

EXIT (2 Terminals)
This input is a soft open command (maintained switch does not override
external safeties and does not reset alarm condition). Used for exit probe,
telephone entry, external exit loop detector, or any device that would
command the gate to open.
l Opens a closing gate and holds open an open gate, if maintained,
pauses Timer-to-Close at OPEN limit.
SHADOW (2 Terminals)
This input is used for external shadow loop detector when loop is
positioned under the swing of the gate.
l Holds open gate at open limit
l Only active when the gate is at the OPEN limit, disregarded at all
other times
l Pauses Timer-to-Close at OPEN limit
INTERRUPT (2 Terminals)
This input is used for photoelectric sensors and external interrupt loop
detector when loop is on the outside of the gate.
l Holds open gate at open limit
l Stops and reverses a closing gate to open limit
l Pauses Timer-to-Close at OPEN limit, activates quick close and anti-
tailgate features when enabled on the expansion board


LOCK (2 Terminals, N.C. and COM)
Relay contact output, Normally - closed (N.C.) output for maglocks.
Relay activates prior to motor activation and during motor run. Relay is
off when motor is off.

Miscellaneous wiring
Single button control (SBC) (2 Terminals)
Gate command sequence - Open, Stop, Close, Stop,...
Soft open (maintained switch does not override external safeties and
does not reset alarm condition).
Fire department open input (2 Terminals)
Acts as hard open.
Maintained input overrides (ignores) external safeties (photoelectric
sensor and edge), pauses Timer-to-Close momentary input logic as
single button control and safeties remain active, re-enables Timer-to-
Accessory power 24 VDC, MAX 500 mA (4
l SWITCHED: Switched ON with gate motion and at the open limit
when Timer-to-Close is active. Turns off 5 seconds after motion.
l UNSWITCHED: 24 Vdc voltage out to power accessories, always ON.



To reduce the risk of SEVERE INJURY or DEATH:

l READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS. l Test the gate operator monthly. The gate MUST reverse on contact
l ANY maintenance to the operator or in the area near the operator with an object or reverse when an object activates the noncontact
MUST NOT be performed until disconnecting the electrical power sensors. After adjusting the force or the limit of travel, retest the gate
(AC or solar and battery) and locking-out the power via the operator operator. Failure to adjust and retest the gate operator properly can
power switch. Upon completion of maintenance the area MUST be increase the risk of INJURY or DEATH.
cleared and secured, at that time the unit may be returned to service. l Use the manual disconnect release ONLY when the gate is NOT
l Disconnect power at the fuse box BEFORE proceeding. Operator moving.
MUST be properly grounded and connected in accordance with l KEEP GATES PROPERLY MAINTAINED. Read the owner’s manual.
national and local electrical codes. NOTE: The operator should be on Have a qualified service person make repairs to gate hardware.
a separate fused line of adequate capacity. l ALL maintenance MUST be performed by a LiftMaster professional.
l NEVER let children operate or play with gate controls. Keep the l Activate gate ONLY when it can be seen clearly, is properly adjusted
remote control away from children. and there are no obstructions to gate travel.
l ALWAYS keep people and objects away from the gate. NO ONE l To reduce the risk of FIRE or INJURY to persons use ONLY LiftMaster
SHOULD CROSS THE PATH OF THE MOVING GATE. part 29-NP712 for replacement batteries.
The entrance is for vehicles ONLY. Pedestrians MUST use separate


l ALWAYS wear protective gloves and eye protection when changing the battery or working around the battery compartment.

Maintenance Chart
Disconnect all power (AC, solar, battery) to the operator before servicing. The operator's AC Power switch ONLY turns off AC power to the control
board and DOES NOT turn off battery power. ALWAYS disconnect the batteries to service the operator.
Entrapment Protection Devices Check and test for proper operation X
Warning Signs Make sure they are present and replace if worn or broken X
Manual Release Check and test for proper operation X
Gate Inspect for wear or damage; ensure it still complies with
ASTM F2200, see page 5
Accessories Check all for proper operation X
Electrical Inspect all wire connections X
Mounting Hardware Check for tightness X
Operator Inspect for wear or damage X
Batteries Replace X
l Severe or high cycle usage will require more frequent maintenance checks.
l It is suggested that while at the site voltage readings be taken at the operator. Using a digital voltmeter, verify that the incoming voltage to the operator
is within ten percent of the operator’s rating.
Batteries will degrade over time depending on temperature and usage. The operator alarm will beep 3 times with a command if the battery is low. Batteries
do not perform well in extremely cold temperatures. For best performance, the batteries should be replaced every 3 years. Use only LiftMaster part
29-NP712 for replacement batteries. The batteries contain lead and need to be disposed of properly.
The standard control box comes with two 7AH batteries.


To protect against fire and electrocution: For continued protection against fire:
l DISCONNECT power (AC or solar and battery) BEFORE installing or l Replace ONLY with fuse of same type and rating.
servicing operator.

Diagnostic Codes
NOTE: When cycling or disconnecting power (ac/dc) to the control board, it is recommended that you unplug the J15 plug.

To View the Codes

The codes will show on the diagnostic display.

The operator will show the code sequence number followed by the code

To Exit
Press and release the STOP button to exit. The display will also time out
after two minutes of inactivity.

To Scroll Through the Saved Codes To Reset the Code History

1. Press and hold the STOP button for six seconds. The display will
show "Er" then "CL" alternately for six seconds.
2. Release the STOP button. The code history has now been reset and the
display will show "- -" until a new code occurs.
3. Press and release the STOP button to exit.

The operator will only keep track of up to 20 codes, then will start saving
over the oldest codes as new codes occur.


Diagnostic Codes Table

Some codes are saved in the code history and some are not. If a code is not saved it will briefly appear on the display as it occurs, then disappear.
External Entrapment Inherent Entrapment
LiftMaster System Installed System Informational
Protection Protection

Code Meaning Solution Saved

31 Main control board has experienced an internal Disconnect all power, wait 15 seconds, then reconnect power (reboot). If NO
failure. issue continues, replace main control board.
32 Linear Drive Disengaged (Arm 1) Disengage then re-engage arm. Check wiring and connections. YES
33 Linear Drive Disengaged (Arm 2)
35 Max-Run-Time Exceeded Error Check for an obstruction, then reprogram the limits. YES
36 Product ID Error Was the control board just replaced? If so, erase limits, enter limit setup YES
mode and set limits. If not, disconnect all power, wait 15 seconds, then
reconnect power before changing product ID harness.
37 Product ID Failure Unplug product ID harness then plug back in. Disconnect all power, wait YES
15 seconds, then reconnect power before replacing product ID harness.
38 Hard Stop Limit (Arm 1) Limit may be set too tightly against a non-resilient hard stop (re-adjust NO
39 Hard Stop Limit (Arm 2) limit). Operator may be at end of travel (re-adjust mounting).
40 Battery overvoltage Too much voltage on the battery. Check harness. Make sure there is NOT a YES
24V battery on a 12V system.
41 Battery overcurrent Possible short of the battery charge harness. Check harness. Make sure YES
you do NOT have a 12V battery on a 24V system.
42 No battery at boot up Check battery connections and installation. Replace batteries if depleted to YES
less than 20V on a 24V system or less than 10V on a 12V system. Make
sure there is NOT a single 12V battery on a 24V system.
43 Exit Loop Error Failure or missing loop (SHORT or OPEN - LiftMaster Plug-in Loop YES
44 Shadow Loop Error Detector only) Check loop wiring throughout connection. May be a short
in the loop, or an open connection in the loop.
45 Interrupt Loop Error
46 Wireless edge battery low Replace batteries in wireless edge. YES
51 Pass-point not detected (Arm 1)
Check yellow pass-point wiring. If limits are not accurate, reprogram. NO
52 Pass-point not detected (Arm 2)
AC/DC board supply dipped below allowable level. Review power supply
53 Brownout occurred and wiring. If rebooting, ensure enough time for discharge of power to YES
force a fresh boot.
Check the second operator for power. If OFF, restore power and try to run
54 Wireless Second Operator Communication Error the system. If powered, deactivate the wireless feature and then re-learn YES
the second operator.
Review monitored entrapment protection device connections. This swing
Minimum number of monitored entrapment
60 gate operator will operate only after installation of a minimum of one NO
protection devices not installed.
external safety device in either the open or close direction.
61 CLOSE EYE/INTERRUPT held more than 3 minutes
Check wired input on main control board; check for alignment or
62 CLOSE EDGE held more than 3 minutes YES
63 OPEN EYE/EDGE held more than 3 minutes
64 CLOSE EYE/INTERRUPT held more than 3 minutes
Check wired input on expansion board; check for alignment or
65 CLOSE EYE/EDGE held more than 3 minutes YES
66 OPEN EYE/EDGE held more than 3 minutes
67 Wireless edge triggered more than 3 minutes Check wired input for wiring issue or obstruction. YES
68 Wireless edge loss of monitoring Check wireless edge inputs. YES


Code Meaning Solution Saved

IF an obstruction occurred, no action required. If an obstruction did NOT
69 Wireless edge triggered NO
occur, check inputs and wiring.
CLOSE EYE/INTERRUPT triggered, causing
reversal, preventing close, or resetting TTC
CLOSE EDGE triggered, causing reversal, NO IF an obstruction occurred, no action required. If an obstruction did NOT
71 NO
preventing close, or canceling TTC occur, check alignment, inputs, and wiring on main control board
OPEN EYE/EDGE triggered, causing reversal or
preventing opening
CLOSE EYE/INTERRUPT triggered, causing
reversal, preventing close, or resetting TTC
CLOSE EYE/EDGE triggered, causing reversal and IF an obstruction occurred, no action required. If an obstruction did NOT
74 NO
preventing close or canceling TTC occur, check alignment, inputs, and wiring on expansion board.
OPEN EYE/EDGE triggered, causing reversal or
preventing opening
Close input (EYE/EDGE) communication fault from
80 Check inputs and communication method between operators, either wired
other operator
bus or radio. Ensure operator is powered. May have to erase the wireless YES
Open input (EYE/EDGE) communication fault from communication and reprogram the two operators.
other operator
Close input (EYE/EDGE) communication fault
(expansion board)
Check the connections between the main board and the expansion board. YES
Open input (EYE/EDGE) communication fault
(expansion board)
Non-monitored contact closure devices are not supported. Make sure
Non-monitored device detected on the wireless
84 connected devices are monitored. Check edges for proper orientation and YES
safety system
resistive end cap connection.
91 Force Reversal (Operator 1) Check for obstruction. If no obstruction, check that the mechanical
assembly is engaged and free to move. See section on Limit and Force YES
92 Force Reversal (Operator 2) Adjustment, and Obstruction Test.
93 RPM / STALL Reversal (Operator 1) Check for obstruction. If no obstruction, check the operator wiring and
that the mechanical assembly is engaged and free to move. Replace APE YES
94 RPM / STALL Reversal (Operator 2) assembly.
99 Normal Operation No action required YES


Control Board LEDs

INPUT OFF OFF state SBC INPUT OFF Input inactive
ON AC charger or Solar power ON Input active
BLINK Input active on other operator
BATT OFF Not charging
FIRE DEPT INPUT OFF Input inactive
ON Three stage battery charging
ON Input active
TIMER OFF The timer is disabled
BLINK Input active on other operator
ON The timer is enabled
EXIT OFF Input inactive
MEDIUM BLINK (1 The timer is running
ON Input active
blink per second)
BLINK Input active on other operator
FAST BLINK (2 The timer is paused
blinks per second) SHADOW OFF Input inactive
FASTEST BLINK (8 The timer is canceled ON Input active
blinks per second) BLINK Input active on other operator
GATE OFF The gate is stopped CLOSE OFF Input inactive
ON The gate is opening or closing ON Input active
MEDIUM BLINK (1 Operator is in E1 (single BLINK Input active on other operator
blink per second) entrapment)
CLOSE EDGE OFF Input inactive
FASTEST BLINK (8 The operator is in E2 (double
blinks per second) entrapment) ON Input active
BATT LOW OFF No battery error BLINK Input active on other operator
ON Battery low OPEN EYES/EDGE OFF Input inactive
MEDIUM BLINK (1 Battery critically low ON Input active
blink per second) BLINK Input active on other operator
ACC PWR OFF OFF state LOCK OFF Maglock relay inactive
ON Accessory overload protector ON Maglock relay active


Troubleshooting Chart
Operator does not a. No power to control board a. Check AC and battery power
run and diagnostic b. Open fuse b. Check fuses
display not on. c. If on battery power only, low or dead c. Charge batteries by AC or solar power or replace batteries
batteries d. Replace defective control board
d. Defective control board
Control board a. Reset switch is stuck a. Check reset switch
powers up, but b. Stop button active or jumper not in place b. Check Stop button is not “stuck on”, or verify that the stop button is a
motor does not for stop circuit normally closed circuit, or put a jumper on the stop circuit.
run. c. If on battery power only, low or dead c. Charges batteries by AC or solar power or replace batteries
batteries d. Check all Open and Close inputs for a “stuck on” input
d. Open or Close input active e. Check all Entrapment Protection Device inputs for a “stuck on” sensor
e. Entrapment Protection Device active f. Check all vehicle detector inputs for a “stuck on” detector
f. Vehicle loop detector or probe active g. Replace defective control board
g. Defective control board
Arm moves, but a. Arm does not extend or retract enough a. Disengage the arm and ensure arm moves freely
cannot set correct during travel b. Examine the hinge point where the arm mounts to the gate post. Make
limits. b. Arm is interfering with mounting bracket sure that the arm housing does not hit or interfere with the gate post or
c. Gate is too difficult to move mounting bracket. Correct as necessary.
c. Disconnect arm from gate and move gate manually. Gate must move
easily and freely through its entire range, limit-to-limit. Repair gate as
Gate does not fully a. Arm does not extend or retract enough a. Disengage the arm and ensure arm moves freely
open or fully close during travel b. Examine the hinge point where the arm mounts to the gate post. Make
when setting b. Arm is interfering with mounting bracket sure that the arm housing does not hit or interfere with the gate post or
limits. c. Gate is too difficult to move mounting bracket. Correct as necessary.
c. Remove arm from gate and move gate manually. Gate must move easily
and freely through its entire range, limit-to-limit. Repair gate as needed.
Operator does not a. Check Open and Close command input a. Check all Open and Close inputs for a “stuck on” input
respond to a wired LEDs b. Check Stop button is not “stuck on”
control/command b. Stop button is active c. Check Reset button
(example: Open, c. Reset button is stuck d. Charges batteries by AC or solar power or replace batteries
Close, SBC, etc.) d. If on battery power only, low or dead e. Check all Entrapment Protection Device inputs for a “stuck on” sensor
batteries f. Check all vehicle detector inputs for a “stuck on” detector
e. Entrapment Protection Device active
f. Vehicle loop detector or vehicle probe
Operator does not a. Check XMITTER LED when wireless a. Activate wireless control and check XMITTER LED is on. Re-learn
respond to a control is active wireless control/transmitter to control board. Replace wireless control as
wireless control or b. Stop button is active needed.
transmitter c. Reset button is stuck b. Check Stop button is not “stuck on”
d. Poor radio reception c. Check Reset button
d. Check if similar wired control operates correctly. Check if wireless
controls works properly when within a few feet of operator. Check
operator’s antenna and antenna wire. Check other wireless controls or
Gate stops during a. Control (Open, Close) becoming active a. Check all Open and Close inputs for an active input
travel and reverses b. Vehicle loop detector active b. Check all vehicle detector inputs for an active detector
immediately. c. Low battery voltage c. Battery voltage must be 23.0 Vdc or higher. Charge batteries by AC or
solar power or replace batteries



Gate opens, but a. Open control active a. Check all Open inputs for an active input
will not close with b. Vehicle loop detector active b. Check all vehicle detector inputs for an active detector
transmitter or c. Fire Dept input active c. Check AC power and AC Fail option setting
Timer-to-Close. d. Timer-to-Close not set d. Check if AC power is available. If no AC power, then running on
e. Close Entrapment Protection Device active batteries and battery voltage must be 23.0 Vdc or higher. Charge
batteries by AC or solar power or replace batteries.
e. Check Fire Dept input
f. Check Timer-to-Close (TTC) setting
g. Check all Entrapment Protection Device inputs for an active sensor
Gate closes, but a. Vehicle loop detector active a. Check all vehicle detector inputs for an active detector
will not open. b. Low battery with LOW BATT option set to b. Check if AC power is available. If no AC power, then running on
CLOSE batteries and battery voltage must be 23.0 Vdc or higher. Charge
batteries by AC or solar power or replace batteries.
Exit loop activation a. Exit vehicle detector setup incorrectly a. Review Exit loop detector settings. Adjust settings as needed.
does not cause b. Defective Exit loop detector b. Replace defective Exit loop detector.
gate to open. c. Low battery with LOW BATT option set to c. Check if AC power is available. If no AC power, then running on
CLOSE batteries and battery voltage must be 23.0 Vdc or higher. Charge
batteries by AC or solar power or replace batteries.
Interrupt loop does a. Vehicle detector setup incorrectly a. Review Interrupt loop detector settings. Adjust settings as needed.
not cause gate to b. Defective vehicle loop detector b. Replace defective Interrupt loop detector.
stop and reverse.
Shadow loop does a. Vehicle detector setup incorrectly a. Review Shadow loop detector settings. Adjust settings as needed.
not keep gate at b. Defective vehicle loop detector b. Replace defective Shadow loop detector.
open limit.
Obstruction in a. Force adjustment needed a. Refer to the Adjustment section to conduct the obstruction test and
gate's path does perform the proper force adjustment that is needed.
not cause gate to
stop and reverse.
Photoelectric a. Incorrect photoelectric sensor wiring a. Check photoelectric sensor wiring. Retest that obstructing photoelectric
sensor does not b. Defective photoelectric sensor sensor causes moving gate to stop, and may reverse direction.
stop or reverse b. Replace defective photoelectric sensor. Retest that obstructing
gate. photoelectric sensor causes moving gate to stop, and may reverse
Edge Sensor does a. Incorrect edge sensor wiring a. Check edge sensor wiring. Retest that activating edge sensor causes
not stop or reverse b. Defective edge sensor moving gate to stop and reverse direction.
gate. b. Replace defective edge sensor. Retest that activating edge sensor causes
moving gate to stop and reverse direction.
Alarm sounds for 5 a. Double entrapment occurred (two a. Check for cause of entrapment (obstruction) detection and correct. Press
minutes or alarm obstructions within a single activation) the reset button to shut off alarm and reset the operator.
sounds with a
Alarm beeps three a. Low battery a. Check if AC power is available. If no AC power, then running on
times with a batteries and battery voltage must be 23.0 Vdc or higher. Charge
command. batteries by AC or solar power or replace batteries
On dual-gate a. Incorrect Bipart switch setting a. Change setting of both operator’s Bipart switch settings. One operator
system, incorrect should have Bipart switch ON (operator that opens second) and the other
gate opens first or operator should have Bipart switch OFF (operator that opens first).
closes first.
Alarm beeps when a. Expansion board setting a. Pre-warning is set to "ON"
running. b. Constant pressure to open or close is given b. Constant pressure to open or closed is given



Expansion board a. Defective main board to expansionboard a. Check main board to expansion board wiring. If required, replace wire
function not wiring cable.
controlling gate. b. Incorrect input wiring to expansion board b. Check wiring to all inputs on expansion board.
c. Defective expansion board or defective c. Replace defective expansion board or defective main board
main board
Maglock not a. Maglock wired incorrectly a. Check that Maglock is wired to N.C. and COM terminals. Check that
working correctly. Maglock has power (do not power maglock from control board
accessory power terminals). If shorting lock’s NO and COM wires does
not activate Maglock, then replace Maglock or Maglock wiring (refer to
Wiring Diagrams).
Solenoid lock not a. Solenoid wired incorrectly a. Check that Solenoid is wired to N.O. and COM terminals. Check that
working correctly. Solenoid has power (do not power solenoid from control board
accessory power terminals). If shorting lock’s NC and COM wires does
not activate Solenoid, then replace Solenoid lock or Solenoid wiring
(refer to Wiring Diagrams).
Switched (SW) a. In limit setup mode a. Learn the limits
Accessory power
remaining on.
Accessories a. Normal behavior a. Move accessory to accessory power "ON"
connected to
Switch (SW)
Accessory power
not working
correctly, turning
off, or resetting.
Accessories a. Accessory power protector active a. Disconnect all accessory powered devices and measure accessory power
connected to b. Defective control board voltage (should be 23 – 30 Vdc). If voltage is correct, connect
Accessory power accessories one at a time, measuring accessory voltage after every new
not working connection.
correctly, turning b. Replace defective control board
off, or resetting.
Quick Close not a. Quick Close setting incorrect a. Check that Quick Close setting is ON
working correctly. b. Interrupt loop detector b. Check operation of Interrupt Loop detector
c. Defective Expansion board c. Replace defective Expansion board
Anti-Tailgating not a. Anti-Tail setting incorrect a. Check that Anti-Tail setting is ON
working correctly. b. Interrupt loop detector b. Check operation of Interrupt Loop detector
c. Defective Expansion board c. Replace defective Expansion board
AUX Relay not a. AUX Relay setting incorrect a. Check AUX Relay switches settings
working correctly. b. AUX Relay wiring incorrect b. Check that wiring is connected to either N.O. and COM or to N.C. and
c. Defective Expansion board COM.
c. Set AUX Relay to another setting and test. Replace defective expansion
Solar operator not a. Insufficient panel wattage a. Add more solar panels
getting enough b. Excessive accessory power draw b. Reduce the accessory power draw by using LiftMaster low power
cycles per day. c. Old batteries accessories
d. Solar panels are not getting enough c. Replace batteries
sunlight d. Relocate the solar panels away from obstructions (trees, buildings, etc.)
Solar operator, a. Insufficient panel wattage a. Add more solar panels
insufficient standby b. Excessive accessory power draw b. Reduce the accessory power draw by using LiftMaster low power
time. c. Battery capacity too low accessories
c. Use batteries with higher amp hour (AH) rating


Bracket Types




Step 10 Solar Panels

Solar Application Requirements
33AH Battery Requirements: 7AH Battery Requirements:
l Large Metal Control Box for Solar Applications (Model l Standard Control Box for Solar Applications (Model LA400CONTUL)
XLSOLARCONTUL) l A minimum of two 10W solar panels in series (Model SP10W12V)
l A minimum of two 10W solar panels in series (Model SP10W12V) l A maximum of six 10W solar panels (Model SP10W12V).
l A maximum of six 10W solar panels (Model SP10W12V). Configuration of three sets of two 10W paralleled panels put in series.
Configuration of three sets of two 10W paralleled panels put in series. l Two 7AH batteries (29-NP712)
l Two 33AH Batteries (Model A12330SGLPK) l Solar Battery Harness (Model K94-37236)
l Solar Battery Harness (Model K94-37236)
l Battery Tray (Model K10-36183)

Solar Zones
Solar panel recommendations are based upon the average solar radiation and the temperature effects on batteries in the given zones as shown on the map
below. Local geography and weather conditions may require additional solar panels. Solar powered gate operator installations are not supported in
northern climates due to cold weather and a reduced number of hours of sunlight during the winter months. The cycles/day ratings are approximations.
Ratings vary based on gate construction, installation, and temperature. Solar panels cannot be installed in areas that experience long periods of heavy fog,
lake effect snow, or rain.


Solar usage guide

Typical System Standby Battery Current Consumption (mA)
System voltage 24V
Main board with no radios programmed 2.7 mA
One or more LiftMaster® remote controls programmed +1 mA
myQ® device or wireless dual gate programmed +2.4 mA
Expansion board +11.1 mA
Per loop detector LOOPDETLM (up to 3 loop detectors can be plugged in to the expansion board) +3.8 mA
Add up current draw by feature and accessory to determine total current draw
NOTE: The use of photoelectric sensor heaters (models LMRRUL and LMTBUL) is NOT recommended in solar applications.


DRAW (mA) 7AH batteries 33AH batteries 7AH batteries 33AH batteries 7AH batteries 33AH batteries
5 81 87 47 51 18 19
15 68 74 36 39
10W SOLAR PANEL (Must use
20 61 68 30 34
24V solar panel)
40 37 43 13
60 16 21
5 100 100 100 100 42 50
15 100 100 92 100 31 38
20 100 100 85 100 25 33
12V panels in series)
50 100 100 47 63
100 46 70
5 100 100 100 100 83 100
15 100 100 100 100 70 100
20 100 100 100 100 63 97
12V panels in series)
100 100 100 65 100
200 42 100 11
5 263 300 159 286 66 120
15 252 300 149 275 57 111
60W SOLAR PANEL 20 246 300 143 269 53 106
100 160 300 67 181 35
250 24 187 39
DRAW (mA) 7AH batteries 33AH batteries 7AH batteries 33AH batteries 7AH batteries 33AH batteries
5 35 37 20 22
15 29 32 15 17
10W SOLAR PANEL (Must use
20 26 29 13 14
24V solar panel)
40 16 18
5 76 89 45 53 18 21
15 69 82 39 47 13 16
20 66 79 36 44 11 14
12V panels in series)
50 48 59 20 27
100 20 30
5 100 100 86 100 35 51
15 100 100 79 100 30 45
20 100 100 76 100 27 42
12V panels in series)
100 77 100 28 58
200 18 63
5 113 203 68 123 28 52
15 108 197 64 118 25 48
60W SOLAR PANEL 20 106 195 62 115 23 45
100 69 153 29 78 15
200 10 80 17
All numbers are estimates. Actual results may vary.


The location of the panel(s) is critical to the success of the installation. In general, the panel(s) should be mounted using the provided angle bracket facing
due south. The solar panel(s) should be mounted in an area clear of all obstructions and shade from buildings and trees. If the panel(s) is not casting a
shadow, the battery is not being charged.
NOTE: Tall trees or buildings that do not shade the solar panel(s) in the summer could shade the solar panel(s) during the winter months when the sun sits
lower in the sky.

Solar panel(s) MUST be installed facing south. Use a compass to determine direction. Below are general instructions for installing the solar panel(s). Your
installation may vary slightly depending on the solar panel purchased.
1. Position the mounting bracket on the mounting surface. Mark and drill holes.
2. Secure the solar panel to the mounting bracket using the hex bolts, hex nuts and washers provided.
3. Secure the solar panel to the mounting surface using lag screws provided.


Wire the Batteries

Solar panel applications require the Solar Harness Kit model K94-37236 (see Accessories).

Wire the solar panels


Limit Setup with a Remote Control

To set the limits using a remote control, first you will need a 3-button remote control that has been programmed for OPEN, CLOSE, and STOP. Refer to the
Programming section.

Initial Limits and Force Adjustment Adjust the limits

For dual gate applications the limits will have to be set for each If the limits have already been set the operator will exit the limit setting
operator. The gate MUST be attached to the operator before setting mode after resetting each limit.
the limits and force. Set the Close Limit Only
Ensure the gate is closed. 1. Press and release the SET OPEN and SET CLOSE buttons
1. Press and release the SET OPEN and SET CLOSE buttons simultaneously to enter limit setting mode.
simultaneously to enter limit setting mode. 2. Press and hold the CLOSE button on the remote control until the gate
2. Press and hold the OPEN or CLOSE button on the remote control reaches the desired close position. The gate can be jogged back and
until the gate reaches the desired open position. The gate can be forth using the OPEN and CLOSE buttons on the remote control.
jogged back and forth using the OPEN and CLOSE buttons on the 3. Once the gate is in the desired close position, press and release the
remote control. STOP button on the remote control.
3. Once the gate is in the desired open position, press and release the 4. Press and release the CLOSE button on the remote control again to set
STOP button on the remote control. the close limit.
4. Press and release the OPEN button on the remote control again to When the close limit is set properly the operator will automatically exit limit
set the open limit. setting mode.
5. Press and hold the CLOSE or OPEN button on the remote control Set the Open Limit Only
until the gate reaches the desired close position. The gate can be
jogged back and forth using the OPEN and CLOSE buttons on the 1. Press and release the SET OPEN and SET CLOSE buttons
remote control. simultaneously to enter limit setting mode.
6. Once the gate is in the desired close position, press and release the 2. Press and hold the OPEN button on the remote control until the gate
STOP button on the remote control. reaches the desired open position. The gate can be jogged back and
forth using the OPEN and CLOSE buttons on the remote control.
7. Press and release the CLOSE button on the remote control again to
set the close limit. 3. Once the gate is in the desired open position, press and release the
STOP button on the remote control.
8. Cycle the gate open and close. This automatically sets the force.
4. Press and release the OPEN button on the remote control again to set
When limits are set properly the operator will automatically exit limit the open limit.
setting mode.
When the open limit is set properly the operator will automatically exit limit
Refer to the Adjustment section and follow the instructions for Fine Tune setting mode.
the Force and Obstruction Test . Perform the "Obstruction Test" after every
limit and force setting adjustment.



1 K74-39307-2 Standard Plastic Control Box Only
2 K94-36408-2 Reset Switch with Product ID
3 K94-36411 Piezo Alarm
4 K75-36635 Control Board Bracket
5 K1D8388-1CC Control Board
6 K76-36296-1 Outlet
7 APOW3 Transformer
8 K74-30762 Batteries (2)
K94-36274-1 7AH Battery Harness
K77-36541 Antenna
LA400CONTUL Standard Plastic Control Box with
Control Board
K74-30941 ATC Fuse Kit Includes 20 Amp (1), 15
Amp (2)


1 LA400DC Primary Arm
2 41ASWG-442SA Release Lever
3 41ASWG-438SA Motor with Limit Switch Harness
4 41ASWG-0014SA Rear Connector5
5 41ASWG-489 Cable 24 V with Connector
041ASWG-0119 Release Key
K77-19130 Hardware Bag Complete with:
Gate bracket, post bracket, pull-to-open
bracket and hardware


Standard Control Box

To protect against fire and electrocution:

l DISCONNECT power (AC or solar and battery) BEFORE installing
or servicing operator.
For continued protection against fire:
l Replace ONLY with fuse of same type and rating.


Entrapment Protection
Remote controls
LiftMaster monitored through beam LiftMaster offers a variety of LiftMaster remote controls to satisfy your
photoelectric sensor application needs. Single-button to 4-button, visor or key chain. The following
Models LMTBUL and LMTBU remote controls are compatible with operators manufactured by LiftMaster after
1993. Contact your authorized LiftMaster dealer for additional details and
3-button remote control
LiftMaster monitored retro-reflective
The 3-button remote control can be programmed to
photoelectric sensor
control the operator. Includes visor clip.
Model 893MAX

3-button mini-remote control

LiftMaster Monitered Commercial Protector The 3-button remote control can be programmed to
System® control the operator. Includes key ring and fastening
Models CPS-UN4 and CPSUN4G strip.
Model 890MAX
Security+ 2.0® learning remote controls
One button can control a gate operator and the other
LiftMaster monitored wireless edge kit (s) can control garage door(s). It can also be
(transmitter and receiver) programmed to Security+® or Security+ 2.0® code
Model LMWEKITU format.
Models 892LT and 894LT
Keyless entry
LiftMaster monitored wireless edge transmitter
Enables homeowner to operate gate operator from
Model LMWETXU outside by entering a 4-digit code on a specially
designed keypad.
Large profile monitored edge (82 ft. roll) Model 877MAX
Model L50
Large profile ends kit (10 pair)
Model L50E
Small profile monitored edge (82 ft. roll)
Model S50
Small profile ends kit (10 pair)
Model S50E

Plastic channel
8 ft. (2.4 m) for both small and large profile edges (pack of 10).
Model L50CHP
Aluminum channel
10 ft. (3.1 m) for both small and large edge profiles (pack of 8).
Model L50CHAL
LiftMaster large profile monitored edges (4ft.,5ft., 6ft.)
Model L504AL, L505AL, L506AL
LiftMaster small profile monitored edges (4ft.,5ft., 6ft.)
Model S504AL, S505AL, S506AL
Edge cutting tool


Miscellaneous LiftMaster Cloud™ connected access protocol - high

Remote antenna extension kit capacity
The remote antenna extension kit allows the Model CAPXL
antenna to be remotely installed.
Model 86LM

Solar panel kit

Commercial access control receiver
This kit is to replace or add a solar panel to the operator
Access control receiver for up to 1,000 devices application. 60W maximum for 24 Vdc operators and
(any combination of remote controls and wireless 30W maximum for 12 Vdc operators. Requires a 33AH
keyless entries). battery harness.
Model STAR1000 Models SP10W12V (10 Watt, 12V) and SP20W12V
(20 Watt, 12V)
Plug-in loop detector Expansion board
Low power. Conveniently plugs into existing Additional programming features including external
control board. loops, plug-in loops, auxiliary relays, and inputs for
Model LOOPDETLM additional controls and entrapment protection devices.
Model K1D8387-1CC
Loop Detector
Warning sign
Low power loop detectors mounted and wired
separately inside control box. LiftMaster low Model 40-39235
power accessory.
Model LD7LP
Vehicle sensing probe
The vehicle sensing probe is buried in the ground
and can detect a car as it approaches and will
then open the gate.
Model CP3 Gate access system batteries replace or upgrade the gate operator batteries. Two
identical 12 Vdc batteries are required for each gate operator. Do not mix 7AH
PUSH-TO-OPEN BRACKET and 33AH batteries within a gate operator.
Used to allow the gate operator to push the gate 7AH batteries
open. Standard 7 AMP-Hour Battery, 12 Vdc, to replace
Model 50-19503 original batteries provided with operator. Reuse existing
Magnetic gate lock
Model 29-NP712
Outdoor magnetic lock, transformer, junction
box, mounting plate and hardware. Not for use 33AH batteries
with Solar Applications. Must be powered Upgrade 33 AMP-Hour Battery, 12 Vdc. Ideal for solar
separately. applications and extended battery backup. For use with
Model MG1300 Large Metal Control Box ONLY.
Transformer Model A12330SGLPK
Model APOW3 Battery tray
Required for 33AH applications.
Model K10-36183
Wireless commercial keypad
Durable wireless keypad with blue LED backlight
metal keypad, zinc-alloy metal front cover and 5 Universal solar wire harness kit
year 9V lithium battery. Security+ 2.0® For 7AH and 33AH applications.
Model K94-37236
Model KPW250

Wire harness
Between main control board and expansion board.
Model K94- 34778


LiftMaster Two Year Limited Warranty

LiftMaster warrants to the first purchaser of this product, for the structure in which this product is originally installed, that it is free from defect in materials
and/or workmanship for a period of TWO years from the date of purchase. The proper operation of this product is dependent on your compliance with the
instructions regarding installation, operation, maintenance and testing. Failure to comply strictly with those instructions will void this limited warranty in
its entirety.
If, during the limited warranty period, this product appears to contain a defect covered by this limited warranty, call 1-800-528-2806, toll free, before
dismantling this product. Then send this product, pre-paid and insured, to our service center for warranty repair. You will be advised of shipping
instructions when you call. Please include a brief description of the problem and a dated proof-of purchase receipt with any product returned for warranty
repair. Products returned to Seller for warranty repair, which upon receipt by Seller are confirmed to be defective and covered by this limited warranty, will
be repaired or replaced (at Seller’s sole option) at no cost to you and returned pre-paid. Defective parts will be repaired or replaced with new or factory-
rebuilt parts at Seller’s sole option.
WARRANTIES WILL EXIST OR APPLY AFTER SUCH PERIOD. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential, incidental or special damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to
you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.



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