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Welcome to an early content of the powerful names and hidden
angels encoded in the Hebrew manuscripts. This content will be passed
on in future new works, for now, you have exclusive and early access to
this Christic knowledge revealed to me by the powerful Archangel
All this work aims at the ascension of the soul, the liberation from
negative chains and the spiritual purification to new levels and planes of
light, peace and love.
The working method is always connected with the Christic and
divine sources. Even when speaking of Hebrew, Jewish or Kabbalistic
culture and magick. This work is not connected with the ancient god of
the Old Testament. Who at this moment, walks towards his spiritual
evolution by the order of the divine creator and perfect couple of the
whole universe. For this reason, all angelic regency, words of power and
angels presented in these files are under the dominion of Christ.
In times of the upheaval of evil forces, we call upon the Beloved
Archangel Camael to protect us from all evil.
All this content is registered and not allowed to be published or
posted by any means possible without my permission.

Many blessings upon you.

Ars Aurora

Activating the Christic Pillar of Light

The Activation of the Christic Pillar of Light is a technique that
naturally flowed for me during my 21-day prayer process to beloved
Archangel Michael. And I am eternally grateful to the divine spirits for
such a powerful revelation. There are many deceptive forces that claim
to act in the name of the divine. Those who are not aligned with the
planetary ruler and the divine sources do not follow the path of
connection with the One. And consequently, they end up bringing
separation from their Higher Selves and universal emanations of growth,
evolution, ascension, and unconditional love.
This technique is a complement of divine manifestation on what
is being done. In this case, the candle and the conjurations. This causes
every entity called, to be and act with the Christic and sacred divine
sources. This brings order and higher law into your rituals.
In combination with the Archangel Michael of the 13th
dimension and the Ascended Masters it becomes a set of practices that
brings security and regency over that which you wish to come into
contact with. All very well supervised.
The technique is very simple, in this case, I will give the example
of the Angel Branalin. The color of the candle associated with them is
white. You will leave the candle prepared in your ritual and light it.
During the process that you light the candle, recite the following
“Activate Christic Pillar of Light, Activate Christic Pillar of
Light, Activate Christic Pillar of Light. In the power and regency of
Christ. To the beloved Angel Branalim. Activate, Activate, Activate.”
Visualize a pillar of white light coming out of the candle and
going up to the highest heavens. And so, the pillar of light is activated.

The Maharic Shield

The Maharic shield is a practice of spiritual protection that aims
to form a tube or pillar of light around the practitioner. We use the
Merkabah star, the hierophant symbol - the six-pointed star in its third-
dimensional form. Being much more than a simple protection technique,
this shield also helps planetary healing with its constant practice. For it
surrounds the Earth in a beautiful system of healing and light.
The Merkabah star, besides having all its spiritual mysticism due
to the Jewish culture. It is a powerful vehicle of light that allows the soul
to move to higher levels of dimension with its daily practice. It is
considered a technology of the 12th Dimension and brings many benefits
to its practitioners.
I came into contact with this technique through an Arcturian
healing course. And I became very interested in the capacities of
energetic and spiritual activation that it proposes. The invocations and
activations of this technique work with the Arcturians and forces of light,
they are called to help in this process. According to Rafael Teixeira, who
is one of the facilitators of this technique, which I learned from him, it
has the following qualities in its daily use
01° It performs the activation process of the eighth to twelfth
chakra. There is not much material available about the descriptions of
the higher chakras, so I will summarize the information I receive from
spirituality about them at this time:
The eighth chakra is called "The Star of the Soul", it is through it
that the individual's consciousness and pure state and spiritual originality
are activated.
The ninth chakra is called "The Stargate", this chakra represents
the connection of the Higher Self and our divine monod.
The tenth chakra is called "The Intergalactic Gate", and is related
to the movement of the cosmos. It is the spiritual force that brings the
connection between all planes of existence.

The eleventh chakra is called "The Christ Consciousness", it is

where we have enlightenment and spiritual ascension in full harmony. It
is a chakra that manifests the purest and truest light on everything and
everyone in our universe. Especially in our inner universe.
The twelfth chakra is called "The Great Central Sun", and as the
name implies, it is the galactic sun that provides life to its entire system
of stars and planets. It is also closely connected to the life movement of
the divine Creator. For through him, the entire universe moves toward
spiritual ascension and the purest and most complete happiness.
02° Helps the opening of the Crystalline Shields in the body and
the activation of the perfect genetic code (Crystalline DNA - Made of
Light). In this activation, the Merkabah becomes full and radiates at its
maximum power.
03° Enables the practitioner the opening his body of light.
Becoming a powerful tool for planetary healing and in their crystalline
04° It enables the anchoring and transmission of energies and
vibrational patterns of healing of the 12th Dimension. Where every
healing vehicle is potentiated, becomes more lasting and permanent in
the anchoring of the higher vibrations and frequencies. Besides the
absence of distortions or disharmonies of the personal magnetic field or
the one receiving this energy.
05° Protects the user against intrusive energies, acting very well
in cases of channeling, healing, and astral projection. It is also very valid
in magical works and spiritual experiences.
06° Amplifies the results of all harmonic spiritual activities.
07° Provides harmonization of the chakras, energies, vibrational,
magnetic, and environmental fields. Both personal and planetary.
08° Brings the realignment with the frequencies of light,
revitalizes and regenerates the injured and subtle fields of the

09° Prepares and equips the practitioner to receive and sustain the
increasing flow of energies of higher frequencies. Which are constantly
being activated by stellar seeds and the planetary crystalline grid.
With these qualities, we can understand that we achieve many
things with the constant spiritual practice of this technique. Done daily,
we can obtain an unlimited amount of planetary energy for harmonic use
in the healing and ascension of our being, our fellow beings, and the
planet itself.
First, we will activate the Maharic shield, and once it is activated,
we can use it constantly and daily. To do this, we follow the instructions
on the next page.
Activation of the Maharic Shield and Merkabah star
01° Play the mantra "Kadosh Adonai Tsebaoth". You can easily
find it on video platforms. I recommend the version of the channel
"Universe IRDIN" available on youtube. Leave this mantra playing
softly over the place until the end of the activation of the shield and the
Merkabah star.
02° Sitting or lying down, relax and breathe deeply for a few
moments. Begin the process of relaxing your feet, legs, trunk, shoulders,
hands, arms, back, neck, and head. Relaxing and releasing the tensions
of each one gently. Always taking deep breaths in the process, until you
feel that your body and spirit are completely relaxed and peaceful during
this process. A feeling of calmness will come over your being, keep
breathing deeply until this feeling comes over you. It is also advisable to
calm your spiritual, emotional, sentimental, mental, and spiritual bodies.
Relaxing all of them completely.
03° Make the following invocation out loud:
"I (Say your full name), invoke the beloved presence of God the
Father and Mother. Of the Cosmic Christ and the Holy Spirit. I invoke
the Ascended Masters of the interplanetary and cosmic hierarchy and the
mighty Archangel Michael. The lord of Arcturus, and the beloved
Arcturians. The Ashtar Command, and Commander Ashtar Sheran, and
my powerful and beloved I AM presence. And in particular, I invoke

now, my Arcturian guide. To assist me here and now in the activation of

my personal Maharic shield."
04° Now mentally perform the following prayer:
"From the point of light of the mind of God. Let the light flow
into the minds of men. And let the light descend to the earth. From the
point of love of the heart of God. May love flow to the hearts of men.
May Christ, return to Earth. From the center where the will of God is
known, may purpose guide the little wills of men. The purpose that the
masters know and serve. From the center, which we call the race of men,
may the plan of love and light be realized. And may the door to evil be
closed. May the light, love, and power, re-establish the divine plan on
Earth today and for all eternity, amen."
05° Visualize a flat Merkabah star (Six-pointed star) made of
white light. Positioned on your pineal gland in the exact center of your
brain. Breathe gently until you can see this star.
06° Visualizing the white Merkabah star. Move it to the left side
of your brain. And hold it at this point.
07° Now do a new visualization of a new flat Merkabah star made
of silver light. Positioned on your pineal gland in the exact center of your
brain. Breathe gently until you can see this star.
08° Visualizing the silver Merkabah star. Move it to the right side
of your brain. And hold it there.
09° Visualize now that you have two bright stars. One on each
side of your brain.
10° Move the two stars slowly towards each other. And visualize
the two stars merging, forming a three-dimensional Merkabah star of
silvery white light. Breathe deeply until you can do this visualization
11° Visualize the Merkabah star going down your spine. Leaving
your base chakra, and going to the center of the Earth.
12° When your star reaches the center of the Earth, visualize it
spinning faster and faster. Producing an enormous amount of silvery

white light which covers the whole Earth in the process. Breathe deeply
until you can do this visualization completely.
13. Take three deep breaths. As you breathe in, pull the energies
of the star Merkabah into your being. As you breathe out, move this
energy back to the star Merkabah which is in the center of the Earth.
14° At this point, pull the energy of the Merkabah again up to
thirty centimeters below your feet. It is okay to pull the energy and it
stays below a floor, ground, or place where you are standing. If you are
doing this practice lying down, visualize it below the ground, as if you
were standing or sitting during this practice.
15° When you can visualize this energy thirty centimeters below
your feet. It forms a powerful silver-white shield.
16° Visualize the star Merkabah that is in the center of the Earth
rising to where your powerful silver-white shield is. Always visualizing
its grandiose light and its faster-than-light spin.
17° With the star thirty centimeters below your feet. Do the
activation conjuration of your Maharic shield three times:
"I activate my Maharic shield at 100% now". 3x
18° Visualize the star Merkabah rising and moving through your
entire body. Creating a tube or pillar of silvery white light that surrounds
your entire being. The star stops five meters above your head.
19° Visualize this all-silver-white light thirty centimeters below
your feet. Five meters above your head. This is your Maharic shield.
20° Repeat the conjuration three times:
"I activate my Maharic shield at 100% now". 3x
21° Say the closing prayer of the activation:
"I (Say your name), give thanks for the beloved presence of God
the Father and Mother. Of the Cosmic Christ and the Holy Spirit. I thank
the Ascended Masters of the interplanetary and cosmic hierarchy and the
beloved Archangel Michael. I thank the Lord of Arcturus and the beloved
Arcturians. I thank the Ashtar Command, and Commander Ashtar

Sheran, and my powerful and beloved I AM presence. And in particular,

I thank my beloved Arcturian guide. For assisting me in the activation of
my Maharic and personal and planetary shield." End.
The Maharic shield lasts about 8 to 10 hours active. This time can
vary more or less in large quantities. It is possible to keep it always active
with the constant practice of this technique.
To reactivate the shield after the first activation, just follow steps
01, 02, and 12 through 19. There is no need to repeat the prayers. To
make it more didactic:
- We do the process of the Kadosh mantra.
- We relax our body
- We visualize the star Merkabah in the center of the Earth.
- We pull its light three times and return this light three times to
the center of the Earth through breathing.
- We pull the energy thirty centimeters below our feet.
- We visualize the creation of a silvery white shield.
- We pull the star until it is thirty centimeters below our feet.
- We activate the shield three times:
"I activate my Maharic shield at 100% now". 3x

- The star rises, making a tube of silver-white shield light, and

stands five meters above

The Golden Pentagram Ritual

The minor ritual of the pentagram is already well known to the
occult community. Here in this work, we have an adaptation so that the
heavenly regencies can work in harmony with what is done in this work.
Called " The Golden Pentagram Ritual", we will use only the name of
Yeshua in the tracing of the pentagram. Visualizing it in the form of
golden yellow fire and settling in place. By performing this ritual, we
bring the light of the heavens to shine over the place, preventing negative
entities from entering your ritual. Those who have an open spiritual
vision will notice that in all rituals in this book one can always see large
amounts of golden-yellow light being manifested in their bodies, and in
the place where the practitioner is. And in the case of this ritual, this is
no different.
You can use this ritual whenever you feel the need. As we already
have a very powerful preparatory system of protection, we will trace the
pentagram as a form of invocation of the Christic forces. If at any time
during the day you feel attacked by some kind of energy, force, or entity,
just perform the same ritual with the pentagram in the form of a
banishment with the name Yeshua. If you are in a public place or with
people around, visualize the tracing of a pentagram of golden - yellow
fire and send it against the flow of negative energy that is manifesting.
Always vibrate strongly in the mental the name of Yeshua, as
exemplified in the previous ascension chapter. This technique can be
used in dreams against nocturnal attacks and nightmares.
On the next page, I leave the exemplified model of how you will
perform this ritual:

The way to trace the pentagrams is as follows:

The steps to perform the ritual are

1° Facing East, have a lit incense in your hands to trace the
pentagrams. If you don't have one, trace it using the index finger of your
right hand.
2. Take a small step with your right foot forward.
2.1. Trace the pentagram of invocation while chanting the name
of Yeshua. Visualizing a pentagram of fire in the color gold - yellow
settling in place and shining a strong golden light.
2.2° Vibrate the name of the Archangel Raphael. Push with your
right hand the pentagram to the wall of the place where you are.
2.3° Return your right foot to your body at the end in a straight
and comfortable position.
3. Turn to the cardinal point of the South.
3.1. Take a small step with your right foot forward.
3.2° Trace the pentagram of invocation while chanting the name
of Yeshua. Visualizing a pentagram of fire in the color gold - yellow
settling in place and shining a strong golden light.

3.3 Vibrate the name of the Archangel Mikael. Push with your
right hand the pentagram to the wall of the place where you are.
3.4° Return your right foot to your body at the end in a straight
and comfortable position.
4. Turn to the cardinal point of the West.
4.1. Take a small step with your right foot forward.
4.2° Trace the pentagram of invocation while chanting the name
of Yeshua. Visualizing a pentagram of fire in the gold - yellow color
settling in place and shining a strong golden light.
4.3 Vibrate the name of the Archangel Gabriel. Push with your
right hand the pentagram to the wall of the place where you are.
4.4° Return your right foot to your body at the end in a straight
and comfortable position.
5. Turn to the cardinal point of the North.
5.1. Take a small step with your right foot forward.
5.2° Trace the pentagram of invocation while chanting the name
of Yeshua. Visualizing a pentagram of fire in the gold - yellow color
settling in place and shining a strong golden light.
5.3° Vibrate the name of the Archangel Uriel. Push with your
right hand the pentagram to the wall of the place where you are.
5.4° Return your right foot to your body at the end in a straight
and comfortable position.
6° Return to the East position.
7° Do the following conjuration:
“In the name of the Divine Creator Father/Mother. In the name
of the Cosmic Christ and in the name of the Planetary Christ. I establish
in this place the golden pentagrams of Christic Light. And I ask and
command that the light of God illuminate all this Earth, and so it is done.”

God = Divine Creator/divine source of all existence in the

universe. We do not connect with earthly "creator" deities of any religion
in this process. Only the divine source in the regency of Christ.
When we ask for the light of God (Divine Creator Father/Mother
of all existence) to illuminate the Earth, we are manifesting the creator
light that frees this planetary sphere from darkness. We then already have
an Ascension practice that helps us in our needs, and helps the planet as
a result of our requests. And so, ends this ritual.

Psalm 91
There are many ways to perform a spiritual banishment at the
place of your practices. This practice is always essential to help the
practitioner spiritually cleanse the place of unwanted presences and
Banishing, as the name implies, serves to banish everything that
is present that does not align with your spiritual intention that will be
done in the magick. If the practitioner is aligned with divine sources
before performing any magical operation, it is much easier to perform
the cleansing and ask for spiritual protection during the process.
Otherwise, the vibrational frequency of the practitioner can always suffer
oscillations that end up attracting negative entities into his presence. It is
like a door that is always open for someone with bad intentions to come
in and accomplish what they wish.
In fact, being aligned with Christic and Sacred Sources makes the
cleansing process much easier. Everything is a matter of vibration.
Spirits of light are always on the side of those who emanate evolved
feelings; we are not asked or commanded perfection in this incarnation.
But rather, the act of persisting, forgiving ourselves, and trying to learn
and improve from our mistakes. Those who act in this way can more
easily ask for the help of the divine forces in desired matters, with more
That said, Psalm 91 is a great tool that can be used to raise your
vibrational field. It not only serves for protection and banishment, but its
work also encompasses alignment with the Divine Creator
Father/Mother. With the Christic and sacred sources and with the
Archangel Michael. And to be clear, I put it in the regency of Christ
always using the name Adonai.
In addition to assisting in banishment and protection, it also
increases spiritual authority, willpower, alignment with the divine,
brings deliverance from crooked paths, assists in combating dark forces,
and provides spiritual elevation if practiced daily. The way you will use
it in your rituals will be explained in the following chapters.

There are many other mysteries hidden in this psalm that have not
yet been revealed to humanity. Just wait for what is to come. I believe
that everyone will be surprised by the knowledge that will be offered to
them in the near future.
Below I leave the psalm that should be used in your practices:
“He who dwells in the covert of the Most High will lodge in the
shadow of the Almighty.”
“I shall say to Adonai; He is my shelter and my fortress, my God
in Whom I trust.”
“For He will save you from the snare that traps from the
devastating pestilence.”
“With His wing He will cover you, and under His wings you will
take refuge; His truth is an encompassing shield.”
“You will not fear the fright of night, the arrow that flies by day;”
“Pestilence that prowls in darkness, destruction that ravages at
“A thousand will be stationed at your side, and ten thousand at
your right hand; but it will not approach you.”
“You will but gaze with your eyes, and you will see the
annihilation of the wicked.”
“For you [said], "Adonai is my refuge"; the Most High you made
your dwelling.”
“No harm will befall you, nor will a plague draw near to your
“For He will command His angels on your behalf to guard you in
all your ways.”
“On [their] hands they will bear you, lest your foot stumble on a
“On a young lion and a cobra you will tread; you will trample the
young lion and the serpent.”

“For he yearns for Me, and I shall rescue him; I shall fortify him
because he knows My name.”
“He will call Me and I shall answer him; I am with him in distress;
I shall rescue him and I shall honor him.”
“With length of days I shall satiate him, and I shall show him My

The Call of the Christ

Beginning with this work, Christ and the planetary forces will
play a great role in your lives.
Christ plays a very important role on our planet today. As a
planetary consciousness, and as a teacher and lord of the world, his
participation and energy in all Angelic Magick rituals, and even in rituals
of other religions aligned with the forces of light, is extremely necessary.
Christ's regency allows a channel of light into the lives of those
who cry for help, and allows the participation of the forces of light in
their lives. Not only is Christ called upon here, for our Earth is also ruled
by other consciousnesses that have already been addressed in this book.
These are Sanat Kumara, Lord Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), Lord
Maitreya, and Jesus Christ Himself - Yeshua. We should also ask for the
intercession of the beloved master Kuthumi, who, next to Christ, is an
instructor of the world. And of Ashtar Sheran, who in his mission, is the
salvation of this Earth and the removal of the dark forces from humanity.
Thus completing the regency of light on Earth.
This is only a base of the vision of planetary regency according
to the teachings of the White Brotherhood. There are many intergalactic
brothers who are also contributing greatly to our ascension and
evolution. The call of these Masters allows these brothers to act quite
frequently in our lives.
The call of the Christ and the planetary forces is something very
simple to do. You can ask for help with just your words and petitions,
and it will be answered. Or you can light a golden or white candle and
perform the conjuration that will be given to you.
In all the methods that are made available to you in this book, you
will be able to perform the conjuration for the intercession of Christ and
his assistants. All the methods contained herein are greatly enriched in
this process.

In any cases, the Ascension Ritual, Psalm 91, and Call of

Archangel Michael will always be essential in all processes. This is for
your own protection and energetic alignment with the heavenly forces.
The conjuration for the Call of Christ is as follows:
“I evoke the divine source of all creation. Divine creator
father/mother of all existence. Be with me in this moment. I call upon
the divine Christ - Yeshua. Beloved divine brother, teacher and Lord of
this world. I invoke as well, the beloved Lord Sanat Kumara, who shone
his crystalline light on this Earth. I evoke the great Sidarda Gautama and
the beloved Lord Maitreya, beloved Buddha and divine avatar, who
elevates our souls to the path of enlightenment. I also ask for the presence
of beloved master Kuthumi. Teacher of this Earth, in great wisdom and
unconditional love. I call and ask for the presence of the beloved star
brother Ashtar Sheran, commander of the star fleets. In divine union with
the brothers of light, that they may establish themselves in my life. And
may they rule this ritual. And so, it is.”
If you are going to perform the activation of the Christic Pillar of
light, do it before the call, conjuring it over the candle that will serve if
steadiness and manifestation of the blessed forces.
The color of the candle will always be white. Or if you can, offer
a golden candle that has the same or similar burning time as the white
candle. I notice that due to the way the golden candle is manufactured in
certain regions, it always burns faster. This is not a problem; however, it
is preferable to have a candle that respects its burning time during the
entire process to be performed.
The place where you will place the candle will be exemplified in
the ritualistic methods.

The Call of Archangel Michael

Before going through the prayers of call and intercession of the
beloved Archangel Michael, it is necessary to enlighten people of the
great power and honor that this Archangel possesses.
The Earth is at this very moment going through the process of
planetary transition. We are leaving the 3D (Third Dimension, a place of
false separation from the divine, wars, lies, hunger, trials and expiations)
for a 5D world (Fifth Dimension, a place of abundance, peace,
regeneration, spiritual elevation, harmony, and connection with the
divine). We are currently in the 4D (Fourth dimension, bridge between
two worlds. Place of many dark entities and false light). Alongside
Christ, who is the world teacher and planetary ruler, Archangel Michael
holds the position of leader and prince of all the Angels and Archangels.
That is, he is the leading divine spirit of all the heavenly hosts at Christ's
side. So, there is a need for his presence and intercession in the rituals of
magick. For Michael represents the divine order, the strength and power
to carry out the greatest will of the Divine Creator Father/Mother.
Beloved Archangel Michael maintains order over everything and
everyone and does not allow wrong actions and decisions to be taken.
And for our good, he does not allow negativity spirits, false angels, and
spirits not aligned with the divine will to remain. His warrior aspect
denotes perseverance, faith, and order over all things. When we have this
beloved and glorious warrior by our side, the powers evoked (or invoked)
will always be in the law and regency of Christ and of Michael.
We can consider Archangel Michael a fragment (a “piece” of a
much larger and higher consciousness). This higher consciousness
vibrates in energies of order, law and justice. We can consider it as a
divine principle of creation. As well as all the beloved spirits that vibrate
in this energy, they are connected to these universal aspects that extend
throughout creation.
There are many ways to ask for help from this beloved being. The
one that will be taught here, is a technique I have named "Activation of

the Christic Pillar of Light" in conjunction with the prayers that countless
devotees perform to him daily.
I have used these prayers daily, and it is amazing how spirituality
acts when we have the commitment to a divine practice that serves our
highest good. Everything starts to flow and happen in the right way. I
said earlier that it is much easier to perform cleansing and banishing
processes when one is aligned with the divine and sacred forces. These
two prayers are ways for this to happen. I particularly pray both prayers
together, and will leave them here for you to perform in all your rituals.
It is always recommended to leave a burning pilar candle to
Beloved Michael, while praying the following prayers every day. The
candle is a portal of connection between you and him. It is a wonderful
practice that brings great changes to our lives. The candle should be dark
blue, which refers to the Divine Ray and the vibrations of the Beloved
The process is very simple: just activate the Christic Pillar of
Light over the candle, and recite the prayers given below. And at the end
of them, perform the conjuration given for the regency of Michael to be
established in the process of your spells.

Archangel Michael Liberation Prayer

Glorious Saint Michael the Archangel, mighty victor of spiritual
battles, come to the aid of my spiritual and temporal needs.
Drive out from my presence every evil and every attack and traps
from the enemy.
With your mighty sword of light, defeat all evil forces. And
illuminate my paths with the light of your protection.
Archangel Michael, from evil: free me; from the enemy: deliver
me; from the storms: rescue me; from dangers: protect me; from
persecutions: save me!
Glorious Saint Michael the Archangel, by the heavenly power
conferred to you, become for me the brave warrior and lead me in the
paths of victory and peace. Amen.
Prayer to Combat the Evil Forces
Archangel Michael, defend us in battle, be our refuge against the
wickedness and snares of the devil.
Command it by the Divine Creator, command it by Christ. We
beseech you, and you, prince of the heavenly militia, by divine virtue,
cast into hell all the evil spirits that walk through the world to lose souls.
Michael's Anchor Conjuration
"Glorious Archangel Michael. Prince of the heavenly militia and
fighter of all evil forces. O Lord of command, of the highest heavenly
militia, I ask you immediately for your help and protection. May your
rule and strength shine over my life. Under your wings, may your law,
order, and justice govern this ritual. And may no evil enter this place.
Through the force of Christ, may it be done, amen".

The Ascended Master's Call

Each ritual in this works will contain the regency of one (or more
than one) Ascended Master. The calling of each one is quite simple, it
can be by a sincere prayer from your heart, or a pre-arranged conjuration
that will be given to you in this chapter.
The presence of the Ascended Master is something that cannot be
put into words. For in truth, they are spirits who truly desire your highest
good. And your evolution as a person and spirit. With absolutely no
exceptions among them. The presence of the beloved Ascended Masters
in your ritual will confer a divine protection and help you in your requests
and wishes for spirituality. Bringing the right guidance and enlightening
the practitioner about the origin of his wishes, desires, and assisting in
the manifestation of what he desires in full harmony with the divine.
Besides these benefits, the Ascended Masters will have the
regency of the ritual preventing negative entities from presenting
themselves, deceiving, and starting their obsessive processes against the
practitioner. In a nutshell, the Masters place the divine order in what is
being done, asked, and commanded.
Calling the Ascended Divine Hierarchy into your life will only
bring you eternal benefits. I mean this not in a way where you use
something desired to win a person over, but in a positive way. After all,
we all desire growth, enlightenment, peace, prosperity, unity, harmony,
protection, healing, light, ascension, understanding, freedom,
unconditional love, strength, upliftment, forgiveness, clarity, purity,
transformation, and all the positive qualities that the Divine Rays, and
the Masters bring to this Earth.
Before we properly call the ascended masters in their rituals, we
must first call the Chohan of the Seven Rays, a key player in the White
Brotherhood who governs the forces of the Divine Rays. He is also
known as Maha Chohan.
His call is as follows:

Maha Chohan
“In the name of my divine presence I Am. I call upon the beloved
Master Maha Chohan of the Great White Brotherhood. May his light
illuminate my life, and his regency shine on my path for the evolution
and growth of my soul.”
Immediately after the call of the Maha Chohan, the regent
Masters of the ritual are called.
The calls of the Ascended Masters are as follows:
El Morya
“In the name of my divine presence I Am. I summon the beloved
Master El Morya, Chohan of the Blue Ray. Force of divine will. For you
to oversee this ritual and manifest your regency in my life.”
“In the name of my divine presence I Am. I summon the beloved
Master Lanto, Chohan of the Golden Yellow ray. Divine wisdom in all
things. For you to oversee this ritual and manifest your regency in my
“In the name of my divine presence I Am. I summon the beloved
Master Rowena, Chohan of the Pink Ray. Unconditional love of the
Divine Creator. For you to oversee this ritual and manifest your regency
in my life.”
Serapis Bey
“In the name of my divine presence I Am. I summon the beloved
Master Serapis Bey, Chohan of the White Crystalline Ray. Force of
divine Ascension and purification of our souls. For you to oversee this
ritual and manifest your regency in my life.”
“In the name of my divine presence I Am. I summon the beloved
Master Hilarion, Chohan of the Emerald Green Ray. Who reveals to us

the truth through his healing flames. For you to oversee this ritual and
manifest his regency in my life.”
“In the name of my divine presence I Am. I summon the beloved
Master Nada, Chohan of the Golden Ruby Ray. Love, forgiveness and
divine devotion that elevates us to the Creator. For you to oversee this
ritual and manifest your regency in my life.”
Saint Germain
“In the name of my divine presence I Am. I summon the beloved
Master Saint Germain, Chohan of the Violet Ray. Transmuting force of
all that is not unconditional love. For you to oversee this ritual and
manifest your regency in my life.”
These simple calls are already enough to add a lot to your lives.
Besides being able to bring regency and strength in the rituals, you can
follow the same example given to ask for their intercession in your life.
Whenever you light candles to call the masters, always perform
the Christic Pillar of Light technique. First calling the Maha Chohan of
the White Brotherhood. And right after, the regent ritual master.
If the ritual has more than one Ascended Master, you can perform
the call of Maha Chohan only once on the first candle to be lit to the
ritual's ruling master. There is no need to make the same call if you have
to summon more than one master. But, if you prefer, you can do it at your

Method 2: Celestial Connection

Thinking of people who don't have the space and material to
perform their rituals in a more ceremonial way, we have this first method
of work baptized "Celestial Connection". Here we connect spiritually
with the angelic seal, make the calls, and ask for the intercession of the
divine spirits.
This method can be used in all situations. Especially, when we
already have a greater and more frequent contact with the angels, the
connection becomes much stronger and we are able to ask for their help
mentally, just by connecting with them. When we intensify our
relationship, an energy of unconditional love is created, and through this
love we can always have divine help in our lives.
The method of calling is quite simple, I will leave the step-by-
step below.
01° Think about what you want to achieve. What you wish to
change, heal, manifest, cleanse, regenerate, etc. Visualize clearly your
current situation with the desire to change that which will be worked on
in the ritual. Let your feelings flow in this step. It is not necessary for
you to create false feelings or wishes, to make the visualization worse or
better. Just feel what will be changed.
02° Activate your Maharic Shield.
03° Pray Psalm 91.
04° Call upon the Christ and the planetary regents.
05º Make the call of the Archangel Michael.
06° On the angelic seal: pass your eyes over the Hebrew letters
contained there, connecting yourself with the divine forces that rule
magick. Just meditate for a few moments on the seal, knowing that the
angels who govern it will answer your call and help you with your

07° Do the sacred mantra calling.

08° Do the pathworking that is given.
09° Call the angel in the regency of the Cosmic Christ and the
Planetary Christ. Always saying the name of the angel at the end.
10° Wait a few moments in case the Mary will manifests and
wishes to guide you about something. She may speak in your mind, show
you visions, or you may feel his presence in the place. You don't have to
see, hear, or feel to get results, or to know that the Mary is present. Make
a short meditation and use this time to talk to her.
11° Make your request.
12° Take deep breaths at the end with calmness and serenity.
Visualize your request being granted and you living the reality you
desire. Always use golden tones in the visualization.
13° Thank all the called spirits with the words of your heart, and
proceed normally with your day.

Method 3: Aurora System

The system or method named Aurora is a ritualistic practice that
can be identified as Ceremonial Magick. In this practice, we have some
steps to follow to perform an experience of invocation/evocation of
celestial forces.
First of all, I know that everyone wants to know if this method
can manifest visible evocations during the practice. And the answer is
yes. The divine manifestations depend a lot on the vibration of the place:
the cleaner, more harmonious and serene it is, the better and more
enriching the contact will be. I also think it's pertinent to mention that the
visible manifestations of spirits in Magick are not like the ones shown in
horror movies or supernatural works that we see around. Spirits are
present and we can see them, hear them, and even feel them depending
on the degree of experience, relationship, and connectivity with it.
“The closer you are to a spirit, the more likely you can have more
enriching, visible, and powerful experiences with it.”
Manifestations occur naturally in this work, even in the first
method. The angels present themselves in the place where you are. And
they will usually guide the practitioner through the process. Don't expect
to see spirits with wings, wheels with eyes, or spirits on fire. Angels are
brothers and sisters from other planets, galaxies, and constellations who
come to Earth to help the spirits here on Earth. In other words, they have
a human form and are just like you and me. Only with different vibratory
and evolutionary levels. I will deal with this subject in more depth in a
future work.
The manifestations are visible to those who have their spiritual
visions open. If you have not developed yours yet, consider doing
meditation practices focusing on your third eye chakra, also known as
the frontal or Ajna chakra. There is a ritual in this book that is specific to
opening spiritual vision, consider practicing it to see the results.
The steps of this ritual are similar to the first method, with just a
few additions that can greatly enrich your work and connections.

The list of materials is:

01° Three or six candles of the color indicated in each ritual.
02° One white candle for the call of Christ.
03° One common dark blue candle. Or preferably pilar candle (or
one that lasts longer, for example, candles that can burn for 14 days or
21 days straight) for the call of the Archangel Michael. In all cases,
Michael will be present. The model of the candle is up to personal
opinion, to be honest. Even without a candle, with just your prayer,
Beloved Archangel Michael will always be there to help you. So don't
worry about spending a lot of money if your financial conditions at the
moment are not stable.
04° One candle of the color indicated for each regent Ascended
Master of the ritual.
05° One incense indicated in each ritual. You can light more than
one stick, or make the smoking with the resins or natural herbs indicated
for each desired aroma.
06° (Optional) one or more crystals indicated in each ritual.
07° Angelic seal of the ritual itself.
08° A cup with the Water of Life (consecration method available
in the chapter "Prayers and Consecrations").
These are the basic materials for the ceremony. The next ones are
to further enrich the ritualistic. They are by no means essential to have a
result. But if you want to have them, I recommend at least the Ars Aurora
invocation/evocation tablet (item exemplified right below).
09° Tablet/Board of invocation/evocation Ars Aurora - At the end
of the book I leave available the model of the Ars Aurora seal for the
intensification and divine potentiation of your rituals. Here in Brazil, we
call it "Tablet", because it is normally made of MDF wood. But you can
have the angelic seal made in fabric, PVC, PS, or you can make your
own in the desired material. If you are ordering, just send the model to a
printer and make your order. The ideal dimensions are 24x24cm,
30x30cm, 32x32cm or 40x40cm (which I use to have more space) with

at least 2mm (Millimeters of thickness). The measurements are up to

your taste and preference. If you can get it in larger sizes like 30cm or
40cm, it is preferable. Below, I leave an example of my seal made in PS
material made in a printer in the dimensions 24x24cm with 5mm
(Millimeters thick). I will use the example of the smallest size given as
an option in this work, precisely because I know it is the most affordable
option for everyone. Always in black and white color as shown in the

Ars Aurora Seal

The divine names inside the star are perfectly visible and legible
on the 24x24cm size. The image above is only for elucidation of the
10° Magick circle of protection on the Ars Aurora Seal model.
The Magick circle of protection is a widely used tool in traditional
methods of Magick. Where the practitioner places himself in its center
to receive the divine protection of the names inscribed therein. The Ars
Aurora seal is excellence in this matter, for it has all the divine names of
protection, strength, authority and power of the Hebrew mysticism.

Likewise, just send the template to a printer and make your order. The
type and model of the fabric are up to you.
11° A white robe.
12° Celestial oil for anoint the candles. Recipe available in the
chapter "Prayers and Consecrations".
Now let's talk about the way you will prepare everything on your
altar. On the next page, I will leave two models according to the shape
that will create your magical space of three or six candles. In triangular
shape or in the shape of the six-pointed divine star. The ideal is to always
have a reserved space to perform your practices, but in case this is not
possible, you can improvise on a table, on a dresser, or on any place
where you will have privacy in the process.
First I will use the images with the example of the Ars Aurora
invocation/evocation board/tablet. But if you choose to do without it,
that's no problem. The example will always be the same in every way.

Setting up an Angelic Magick Altar

01° Place the board on your altar, so that it is centered in the

This is just an example, so don't mind the size of the board shown
in the image above.
02° Three candles will be used first. One for Christ and the regent
Ascension forces of Earth, one for the Archangel Michael, and one (or
more) for the regent Ascended Master of the ritual. As shown in the next

Candle number 1: Christ Candle.

Candle number 2: St. Michael the Archangel Candle.
Candle number 3: Candle of the Ascended Master.
There is no correct way to organize these candles, we are only
using the symbolism of the number three in this case. Forming a magical
triangular space. Always follow your intuition. If you light a long candle
to Archangel Michael, when you finish the ritual and let all the common
candles burn, you can place the Michael candle in the place where the
Christ candle was lit. You can also offer long-life candles to Christ and
the Ascended Master if you feel it in your heart.
Just in the model above, we have already accomplished a
powerful magical work of spiritual protection. For even more potential,
the practitioner can light a white candle in the center of the triangle of
candles when doing the Christ, Michael, and Ascended Master
conjurations in each ritual.

Candle number 1: Christ Candle.

Candle number 2: St. Michael the Archangel Candle.
Candle number 3: Candle of the Ascended Master.
Candle number 4: Candle representing the practitioner.
This creates a magical space and represents you surrounded by
Christic and blessed forces. It has the symbolism of divine protection and
intensification of the celestial forces over those who invoke it and ask for
its help. Just by this simple ritual we will already have a powerful
protective force against all kinds of evil on Earth and on the spiritual
planes. Protecting against attacks, spirits, curses, enchantments, evil eye,
envy, and every kind of dense and negative energy. You can do this ritual
whenever you feel the need for divine protection. You can freely make
your requests for protection and divine help. I recommend performing it
once a week, on Sundays.

03° The previous example is if the ritual has only one ascended
master. If the regency of the ritual has more than one, just call each
Master over the candle number three. You also have the option to light
more than one candle and leave a separate candle for each one. If you
wish to do it this way, follow the example below:

The way the candles of the Masters are arranged is up to each

one's preference. In the rituals of Ancestral Healing and Cleansing
Magick provided in this book, all Ascended Masters are called. So the
way of arranging the candles will vary according to the taste and
possibilities of each one.
Following the example from left to right. From candle number
one to candle number nine:
Candle number 1: Christ Candle.
Candle number 2: St. Michael the Archangel candle.
Candle number 3: Master El Morya candle.
Candle number 4: Master Lanto candle.

Candle number 5: Master Rowena candle.

Candle number 6: Master Serapis Bey candle.
Candle number 7: Master Hilarion candle.
Candle number 8: Master Nada candle.
Candle number 9: Master Saint Germain candle.
Due to the large number of lit candles, this organization model
may not be viable for many people. It is a model given for cases of
extreme need and urgency, where a lot of strength and spiritual firmness
is needed to solve the problem. The more we need help, the more the
spiritual plane manifests itself to our aid. And by no means do we need
so many lit candles to be helped (this applies to the rituals of Ancestral
Healing and Cleansing Magick in this book). A sincere request for help
will always be answered. Just a simple lit candle (Or a sincere request),
will always make the greatest miracles in the lives of those in need. We
leave this example, for the people who feel it in their hearts to realize it.
04° If you use incense in your ritual, just put it on your altar the
way you want. The place where it is located does not interfere in any way
in your ritual. In my practices, I always like to light it on both sides of
the altar, or on its base.

05° Now let's exemplify the way you will organize your candles
inside the Ars Aurora invocation/evocation board. Or in the place where
you will perform your ritual. If the example to be followed is three lit
candles for the ritual, they should be organized in a triangle shape,
because they form a magical space intensifying your center. If you use
the Ars Aurora invocation/evocation board, you should light the candles
on top of the points of the divine star. The way they are arranged is as

Candle number 1: Christ Candle.

Candle number 2: St. Michael the Archangel Candle.
Candle number 3: Candle of the Ascended Master.
Candle number 4: Candle representative of the practitioner.
Candle number 5, 6 and 7: Candles to be used in the ritual.
06° If you use six candles to perform your ritual, just place them
at each end of the triangle, in the same way as in the previous example:

Candle number 1: Christ Candle.

Candle number 2: St. Michael the Archangel Candle.
Candle number 3: Candle of the Ascended Master.
Candle number 4: Candle representative of the practitioner.
Candle number 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10: Candles to be used in the
In all the following examples I will use the form of six candles
for the rituals in this book. But you can always use the three candles
example if you wish.

07° In the center of the ritual, or in the center of your board, place
a cup of Water of Life. On top of the cup, place the angelic seal of the
ritual you are going to perform. Do this in such a way that it stays on top
of the cup, without touching the water.

Candle number 1: Christ Candle.

Candle number 2: St. Michael the Archangel Candle.
Candle number 3: Candle of the Ascended Master.
Candle number 4: Candle representative of the practitioner.
Candle number 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10: Candles to be used in the
Number 11: Cup with the Water of Life with the angelic seal.

08° Now, if you are going to use crystals to potentiate your ritual,
what I always recommend is to place them inside the Ars Aurora board
making a circle of crystals around the ritualistic. In this case, we can have
several ways to do this, I'll leave the one I always use in my practices:

Candle number 1: Christ Candle.

Candle number 2: St. Michael the Archangel Candle.
Candle number 3: Candle of the Ascended Master.
Candle number 4: Candle representative of the practitioner.
Candle number 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10: Candles to be used in the
Number 11: Cup with the Water of Life with the angelic seal.
C: Crystals indicated in the ritual.
The example provided is for those who have a considerable
amount of crystals and can use them in their rituals. And also, it serves
only as an example to enlighten the reader of the ways that one can

further harmonize their rituals. There is no right quantity and way to

organize it, always follow your intuition. Even if you only have one
crystal, you can put it in your ritualistic, and it will do the job
wonderfully well. So don't be attached to quantity, but to quality. And a
tip I give you: organize your crystals on top of the divine names on the
board. So that your forces and powers are amplified.
If you can't afford to get the board, you can do without it, no
problem. This is only a resource for those who wish to do so, and is in
no way essential to achieving results. In this case, your altar setup will
look like this:

Candle number 1: Christ Candle.

Candle number 2: St. Michael the Archangel Candle.
Candle number 3: Candle of the Ascended Master.
Candle number 4: Candle representative of the practitioner.
Candles number 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10: Candles to be used in the
ritual. (You can use the same example for three candles to perform the
ritual, as exemplified before).
Number 11: Cup with the Water of Life with the angelic seal.

C: Crystal indicated in the ritual.

As you can see, there is still plenty of space left on our altar. You
can complement it with statues of Angels and Archangels, crystals,
flowers, sacred symbologies, and everything that aligns with the blessed
forces. Some people also like to line the altar with white tablecloths. If
this is within your financial means, I recommend doing it.
The doubt of setting up an altar is always very pertinent with
practitioners of all aspects, and I believe that this step by step will answer
everyone's doubts about it.
Now, let's go to the step by step of how you will perform the
complete ritual in this method. Just follow the instructions and make the
calls of the angels.

Aurora System Step by Step

01° Organize the place of your ritual. Perform a preventive
cleaning and remove any type of dirt that is in the place. Leave
everything well organized, because this automatically reflects on the
spiritual plan.
02° Organize all the elements that will be used on your altar; the
candles, incense, crystals, cup with water, angelic seal, etc.
03° Take some deep, slow breaths. Connecting with the celestial
forces at this moment.
04° Think about what you wish to obtain. What you wish to
change, heal, manifest, cleanse, regenerate, etc. Visualize clearly your
current situation with the desire to change that which will be worked on
in the ritual. Let your feelings flow in this step. It is not necessary for
you to create false feelings or wishes, to make the visualization worse or
better. Just feel what will be changed.
05° Light an incense and pass it in the place where you are,
making a prayer from your heart, commanding the banishment and
casting out of all forces contrary and your intent. For example:
“In the name of the Christ, by the power of the Archangel
Michael. I banish from this place, all entities and negative forces that
may be here. In the name of the Christ, by the power of Archangel
Michael. I command all to leave and never to return. I ask and command,
the activation of the Christic Pillar of Golden Light over this place and
over my life. Illuminating, harmonizing, and establishing a Christic
channel and portal of light. For the manifestation of the heavenly and
blessed forces.”
Repeat the part about the banishment of the entities while you
pass the incense over the place where you are until you feel a lightness
over the place.
06° Activate your Maharic Shield.
07° Perform the Golden Pentagram Ritual. The incense you can
place in the indicated place as shown in the altar example.

08° Pray Psalm 91.

09° Arrange the four candles in a triangular format as shown in
the example of the altar. Three around, and a white one in the center that
represents you.
10° Anoint the four candles with celestial oil. Just put a few drops
on the candle and anoint it with the oil while reciting the candle
consecration provided in the chapter "Prayers and Consecrations". You
can do one consecration on each candle, or consecrate all four at once.
It's up to you.
11° Light the white candle. Perform the technique of the
activation of the Christic Pillar of Light. And do the call of Christ.
12° Light the dark blue candle. Perform the technique of the
activation of the Christic Pillar of Light. And call upon Saint Archangel
13° Light the candle of the color indicated to the regent Master
of the ritual. Perform the technique of the activation of the Christic Pillar
of Light. And call the Maha Chohan, and the master or masters of the
ritual. If there is more than one, use a white candle.
14° Light the central candle, and make a short sincere prayer to
the called forces. Asking for the help of each one, the protection and the
illumination of your paths.
15º Arrange the three or six candles that will be used in the ritual.
16° Arrange the cup, place it in the center of your altar. Place the
angelic seal to be used on top of it. And perform the consecration of the
Water of Life (Consecration available in the chapter "Prayers and
17° Arrange the crystal or crystals you are going to use in the
18° On the angelic seal. Pass your eyes over the Hebrew letters
there contained. Connecting with the divine forces that govern the
magick there. Just meditate for a few moments on the seal, knowing that

the angels who govern it will answer your call and help you with your
19° Anoint the three or six candles that you will use inside the
board, or in the place where you will perform your sacred ritual.
Performing the candle consecration available in the chapter "Prayers and
Consecrations". You can make a consecration in each candle, or
consecrate all three, or all six candles at once. It is up to you.
20° Light the three, or six candles to be used in this ritual.
21° Make the call of the sacred mantra of the angel.
22º Pray the verse of the angel's psalm.
23° Do the pathworking that is given.
23.1 ° Call the angel in the regency of the Cosmic Christ and the
Planetary Christ. Always saying the name of the angel at the end.
24. Wait a few moments in case the angel manifests and wishes
to guide you about something. He may speak in your mind, show you
visions, or you may feel his presence in the place. You don't have to see,
hear, or feel to get results, or to know that the angel is present. Make a
short meditation and use this time to talk to the angel.
24.1° Make your request to the angel.
26° Take deep breaths at the end with calmness and serenity.
Visualize your request being granted. And you, living the reality you
27º Thank all the spirits called with the words of your heart, and
continue your day as normal.
This concludes this ceremony. For novice practitioners, or those
unfamiliar with this method, simply perform it constantly. Everyone can
see that it is very simple to do when one has the practice and understands
the process to be performed. There is no problem in always consulting
this file during the process, in case you get lost in something. In due
course you can do without it.

Archangel Camael
Action: Victory, protection, fight against evil, justice, helps in cases of
war, love, will, fire and balance.
Verse: “Oh Adonai, my God, I have taken refuge in You; save me from
all my pursuers and deliver me”.
There is not exactly one Bible verse that is associated with
Camael. However, there are verses that can be used to approach this
Archangel and have his work in our lives.
Sacred Mantra: OM – Ah – Ah – Beh – Chah – Heh – Meh – Rah –
Vah – Yeh – Shuh – Ah.
Recommended candle: Red.
Recommended incense: Dragon’s Blood.
Recommended crystals: Red Jasper.
Day of the week: Tuesday.
Planetary hour: Hour of Mars.
Moon phase: Crescent or Full Moon.
Ascended Master: Rowena.

Beloved Archangel Camael is associated as the ruling Archangel

of Mars. And he brings with him all his divine qualities from this planet.
With his intercession, we can fully act within this Martian sphere, which
for many aeons of time is considered a masculine energy focused on war
and worldly impulses.
First of all, it must be made clear that Camael fights constructive
wars for the greater good of all. And we cannot see him as a spirit who
will fulfill baseless and/or evil requests for attacks and destruction of
enemies. The good fight is always done within the greater law, and each

and every type of being that is found guilty, will have the penances of
this beloved spirit.
It is a wonderful spirit to fight spiritual battles and bring an end
to any and all kinds of evil on Earth. We can also consider it an
Archangel of justice, since the methodology presented here amplifies too
much the possibilities of light for its action.
We can also ask for its help in harmonizing us in love affairs,
where we can fill in who is really to add to our life, and who should be
cut off permanently. For a long time Camael was considered an
Archangel of Love, where he was represented by a divine archetype that
"Brings the force of Love to Earth and to all humanity". Thus, it is
wonderful for removing that which is bad for us, and bringing
unconditional love into our lives.
It also helps in relationships and in conquering the beloved one,
if the request is fair and harmonic within the divine law.
As it is connected to the Martian sphere, it deals with matters
related to strength, blood, wars, power, anger, rage, wrath, impetuosity,
burning fire, willpower, resistance, divine protection, domination, and
matters related to weapons and militarism.
We perceive the powerful and unbeatable force of this Archangel
when he asks that “May be all evil be brought to an end and that he
applies divine judgment to all involved according to his law and justice”.
This my beloved souls, is one of the most powerful and pure forces that
we can obtain through him.
At the rise of the darkness and its legions of evil spirits, call for
Camael to end their actions and rid you of all evil from this earth and the
spirit worlds.
Not only limited to the war aspects, Camael is a great guiding
spirit. And he can be consulted for answers to all desired questions and
And a little secret to all of you. Camael instructs that he can be
called upon to help on any desired subject. Do not limit the action of this
powerful Divine warrior.

Archangel Camael – Seal


Archangel Camael – Pathworking and

“The sensation of a burning fire”
“Walking on a red earth”
“A sword stuck in the ground”
“The beating of love in a cry of War”.

Sacred Mantra: OM – Ah – Ah – Beh – Chah – Heh – Meh –
Rah – Vah – Yeh – Shuh – Ah.
Angel Verse:
“Oh Adonai, my God, I have taken refuge in You; save me from
all my pursuers and deliver me”.
Angel's Call:
In the strength of the Divine Creator, in the regency of the Cosmic
Christ and the Planetary Christ, I conjure and summon you, Camael!
Request to the Angel:
Glorious Archangel Camael, I ask that you (Make you request).
And so be it done, from eternity to eternity, past, present and future.
Forever and ever, amen.

Prayers & Consecrations

In this chapter, I will leave the prayers and consecrations with the
elements that are used in the second method of practice, which can
extremely intensify your contacts with any entity.
Recipe for celestial oil:
Creating an oil enshrined to the celestial forces brings a boost to
your rituals. The oil has healing, illuminating, ascension, blessing
properties, and all the divine qualities attributed to it. It becomes very
powerful even when used with only one candle. It enhances its power at
much deeper levels than people realize. It is wonderful in healing works
of all kinds, to enhance requests, to give strength and power to the
candle's fire, to intensify the strength of the spirits that receive from it,
and the like. An infinity of uses and blessed properties when used wisely.
Its recipe is as follows:
01° Myrrh Oil.
02° Oil of Frankincense.
03° Balsam oil.
You can use both essential oils and those that are sold to religious
institutions under the name of anointing oil (which is the most affordable
option and at the same time, powerful).
Just mix the three ingredients in equal amounts. Place in a vessel
and consecrate to the blessed forces. Use the Aurora System with golden,
yellow or white candles for this. Place the vessel with oil in the center
and make the following conjuration:
Conjuration of the oil: "I bless you and give your life, creature
of the oil, by its sacred and divine properties attributed to you, by the
strength and name of Yeshua, by the strength and name of Mikael, prince
of the heavenly militia, by the strength and name of Metatron, prince of
the divine presence, by the strength and power of the stars and of this
universe, by the strength and power of mercy, love, peace and
redemption and illumination of every creature. May everyone who is

touched by you be blessed and enlightened, and have his existence

illuminated and all torment ceased, from eternity to eternity, forever and
ever, amen."
You can also make the mixture in equal amounts of the biblical
oils and make it holy with this method.
Conjuration of the candle: "I bless and consecrate you, creature
of the candle and creature of the fire which is to be formed, by this
blessed and holy oil, by the power and name of the Christ - Yeshua, by
the power and name of Mikael, prince of the heavenly militia, and by the
power and name of Metatron, divine Archangel of the Violet Ray. And
may your light, your fire, and your blessings be manifested in the life of
the one who receives it from you. And so be it done, amen."
Conjuration of incense: "I bless and consecrate you, creature of
the air, by the power and name of the Christ - Yeshua, by the power and
name of Mikael, prince of the celestial militia and by the power and name
of Metatron, divine Archangel of the Violet Ray. May you take my
requests and my will to the celestial forces, and may your aroma perfume
this whole ritual, and everyone who receives it from you. And so be it
done, amen."
Crystal Conjuration: "I bless and consecrate you, creature of
this crystal, by the strength and name of the Christ - Yeshua, by the
strength and name of Mikael, prince of the heavenly militia and by the
strength and name of Metatron, divine Archangel of the Violet Ray. May
your strength and power be intensified and enhanced, and may you
manifest the strength and power of (say the name of the desired action or
property of the crystal you wish to work on and activate for your ritual).
And so be it done, amen."
Conjuration of water: “I bless you, I consecrate you, and I give
your life, creature of water, by the same life that flows in the celestial
rivers, by the power and name of the Christ - Yeshua, by the power and
name of Mikael, prince of the celestial militia and by the power and name
of Metatron, divine Archangel of the Violet Ray. May everyone who
drinks from you have his thirst quenched, and may his body, his spirit,
his life, and his entire existence, in all levels, dimensions, and
interdimensional realities, be healed from all pains, all wounds, all sores,

all torments, and all diseases. By the power and cosmic manifestation of
healing, kindness, love and mercy, and by the forces and actions of the
healing angels, Mahashel who heals every soul, Rehoel who transmutes
every pain, Raphael who heals and illuminates every life. And by the
divine blessings of Archangel Metatron, from eternity to eternity, forever
and ever, amen.”

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