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System Simulation Model

Assignments:1. List the application areas/Industry domains of simulation? 2. List 5 typical applications each in manufacturing and transportation systems? 3. List 5 typical applications each in business process simulation & logistics, supply chain and distribution? 4. What is System and System Environment? 5. Explain the terms: (a) entity (b) attribute (c) activity (d) event & (e) state in the system simulation context? 6. Explain and give an example each of continuous and discrete system? 7. What is Model and Component of the system? 8. Explain Discrete-event System simulation and Steps in a Simulation Study 9. Explain the following queuing system characteristics: (a) calling population (b ) system capacity (c) Arrival process (d) Queue behavior and discipline (e) service time and service mechanism 10. Describe Kendal-Lee notation for a queuing system 11. Explain the Inventory System in simulation. 12 Explain the concept of Discrete-Event Simulation. 13. What are the techniques for verification of simulation model? 14. Describe in detail the three step approach for model validation? 15 Explain Exponential Distribution. 16. Briefly describe Uniform Distribution

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System Simulation Model

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE: The objective of this topic is to understand the

When Simulation is the appropriate tool and not appropriate. Advantages And Disadvantages of Simulation Areas of Application; System and System Environment Components of a System. Discrete and Continuous System. Model of a system; Types of Models. Discrete-event System simulation; Steps in a Simulation Study.

1. When Simulation is the appropriate tool? 2. When Simulation is not appropriate tool? 3. What are advantages And Disadvantages of Simulation? 4. How can we offset the disadvantages of simulation? 5. List the application areas/Industry domains of simulation? 6. List 5 typical applications each in manufacturing and transportation systems? 7. List 5 typical applications each in business process simulation & logistics, supply chain and distribution? 8. What is System and System Environment? 9. Explain the terms: (a) entity (b) attribute (c) activity (d) event & (e) state in the system simulation context? 10. Explain and give an example each of continuous and discrete system? 11. What is Model and Component of the system? 12. Explain Discrete-event System simulation and Steps in a Simulation Study. 13. Name several entities, attributes, activities, events & state variables of a typical automatic teller machine (ATM)? CHAPTER 2: SIMULATION EXAMPLE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this topic is to understand the

Characteristics of Queuing Systems. Queuing Notation. Simulation of queuing Systems. Simulation of Inventory Systems.

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System Simulation Model

14. Explain the queuing system in simulation. 15. Explain the following queuing system characteristics: (a) calling population (b ) system capacity (c) Arrival process (d) Queue behavior and discipline (e) service time and service mechanism 16. Describe Kendal-Lee notation for a queuing system 17. Explain the Inventory System in simulation. 18. Explain with suitable examples : (a) Inter-arrival time (b) Service time (c) Utility Time (d) Idle time of a queuing system 19. With a suitable flow chart describe two server queue system 20. A problem on reliability. 21. A problem on News Paper Sellers. 22. A problem on Simulation of a (M,N) inventory system. 23. A problem on Single-Channel Queue. 24. A problem on Able Bakers carhop. 25. A problem on Random normal numbers. 26. A problem on Lead Time demand. CHAPTER 3: GENERAL PRINCIPLES OBJECTIVE: The objective of this topic is to understand the

Concepts in Discrete-Event Simulation The Event-Scheduling/Time Advance Algorithm World Views Manual Simulation Using Event Scheduling.

27. Explain the concept of Discrete-Event Simulation. 28. Explain in detail the event scheduling/time advance algorithm 29. Describe with examples the various world views 30. Prepare a simulation table for a single channel queue system until the clock reaches time 20. The stopping event will be at time 30.

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System Simulation Model

Inter-arrival times 4 5 2 8 3 6 Service times 3 5 4 6 1 5 31. Explain manual simulation using event scheduling with the help of a suitable example. 32. Provide the detailed flow chart of a typical arrival event and a departure event in a single channel queuing system 33. What is list processing? Explain.

CHAPTER 4: RANDOM-NUMBER GENERATION OBJECTIVE: The objective of this topic is to understand the

Properties of Random Numbers. Generation of Pseudo-random Numbers Techniques For Generating random Numbers Tests for random Numbers.

34. Explain the properties of random number & its consequences. 35. Explain the generation of Pseudo-random Numbers. 36. Explain the linear congruential method for random number generation? 37. Explain the combined linear congruential random number generation method? 38. What is the role of maximum density and maximum period in random number generation? 39. Generate a sequence of 15 random numbers for which seed is 342, constant multiplier is 20, increment is 45 and modulus is 30 40. Explain with an example the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for random numbers. 41. Explain with an example the chi-square test for random numbers? 42. Explain auto correlation Test for random numbers. 43. Using the principles learnt, develop your own combined linear congruential Random number generator

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System Simulation Model

CHAPTER 5: RANDOM-VARIATE GENERATION OBJECTIVE: The objective of this topic is to understand the

Inverse Transform Technique: Exponential Distribution Uniform Distribution Discrete Distributions Acceptance-rejection Technique; Poisson Distribution

44. What is inverse transform technique? Explain how it is used for producing random variants for exponential distribution and uniform distribution. 45. Explain Exponential Distribution. 46. Briefly describe Uniform Distribution. 47. With example explain the various types of discrete distributions. 48. What are all the different acceptance rejection techniques? 49. What is convolution method? Explain.

CHAPTER 6: INPUT MODELING OBJECTIVE: The objective of this topic is to understand the

Data Collection Identifying the Distribution with data. Parameter Estimation Goodness of Fit Tests Selecting Input Multivariate and time series input models.

50. State the four steps involved in the development of an input model? 51. Explain data collection with example. 52. Explain identifying the distribution with data with example. 53. Explain parameter estimation with examples. 54. Explain goodness of fit tests with examples.

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System Simulation Model

55. How can you select input model without data? Explain with example. 56. Define co variance & correlation? 57. Explain AR-1 model? 58. Explain EAR1 model?


Model Building Verification and Validation. Verification of Simulation Models Calibration and Validation of Models

59. How model can be build verification and validate? Explain with diagram. 60. What are the techniques for verification of simulation model? 61. Describe in detail the three step approach for model validation? 62. What is model reasonable ness & explain how current contents and total count can verify it?

63. Briefly explain the validation of input-output transformations of the model and the various techniques used?

CHAPTER 8: OUTPUT ANALYSIS FOR A SINGLE MODEL OBJECTIVE: The objective of this topic is to understand the

Types of Simulations With Respect to Output Analysis Stochastic Nature of Output Data Measure Of Performance and their Estimation Output Analysis for Terminating Simulations. Output Analysis for Steady-stat Simulations.

64. What are the types of simulations with respect to output analysis? 65. Explain stochastic nature of output data with example. 66. Explain measure of performance and their estimation.

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System Simulation Model

67. Explain output analysis of terminating simulations with examples. 68. With illustrative examples explain output analysis of steady-state simulations. 69. Explain how probabilities and quantiles can be estimated from summary data? 70. Describe initialization bias in steady state simulation 71. Explain batch means for interval estimation in steady state simulation

CHAPTER 9: SIMULATION OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS OBJECTIVE: The objective of this topic is to understand the

Introduction Simulation Tools Model input High-Level Computer System Simulation CPU Simulation Memory Simulation

72. Which are all the simulation tools present? 73. What are the different labels of different computer systems? 74. Explain the run time stack in threaded simulation. 75. Explain model input. 76. Briefly describe high-level computer system simulation. With example. 77. Explain memory and CPU simulation.

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