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Yuk Feng Huang (PhD, PEng, MIEM)

Univerisiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)


Flood Mitigation Measures
Natural Disaster
• A natural disaster is a natural process or phenomenon that may
• loss of life, injury or other health impacts;
• property damage;
• loss of livelihoods and services;
• social and economic disruption;
• environmental damage

• Various phenomena:
• floods, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.
Flood Disaster
• Flood is overflow of water, which submerges land that is usually dry;
• Floods can happen in a multitude of ways:
• when rivers overflow their banks due to excessive rain, or
• a ruptured dam upstream, etc.
• typhoon

• Floods often cause damage to homes and businesses, if they are

located within the flood zones or floodplains;
• In Malaysia – monsoon flood and flash floods
Monsoon Floods in Peninsular Malaysia
• Monsoon floods take hours or even days to develop, giving residents
ample time to prepare;

(24 hours)
River Network & Floodplain in River Basin

less 8 hours of travelling time

runoff at

8 hours of travelling time

more 8 hours of travelling time
runoff at
Floodplain downstream
• However, flash floods can be extremely dangerous, which are
generated quickly and with little warning
Flood Mitigation

• The prevention and mitigation of flooding can be studied on three

• individual properties;
• small communities, and
• whole towns or cities

• Flood mitigation involves the management and control of flood water

movement due to a rainfall event
• To mitigate floods, first we must identify the locations of floodplain,
and then design the floodplain (flood frequency)
• A floodplain is an area of land adjacent to a river, which stretches
from the river banks to the base of the enclosing valley walls and
experiences flooding during periods of high river flow due to heavy
(Base Flood)
Floodplain Design (Flood Frequency):
• The 100-year return period of floodplain is the land that is predicted
to flood during a 100-year rainfall, which has 1% chance of occurring
in any given year
• A return period, also known as a recurrence interval, is an estimate
of the likelihood of a flood event to occur
Return Period (year) = 1 / Annual Exceedance Probability (%)

Annual Exceedance Probability (%) = 1 / Return Period (year)

• The 100-year is used since this is the adopted standard design

protection level for flood prevention
Over recent decades, possibly due to global climate change, 100-year floods have been
occurring worldwide with frightening regularity (i.e. the 40-ft flood stage would be seen
more frequent – instead of once in 100-yr, now could be in 10-yr [increased 10 times])
Floodplain : Before and After Developments (both
are 100-year)

Pre Development

Post Development
Qpeak We don’t want
(higher) (20% to 30%)
this !

Flood Volume = Area under the hydrograph

(< 10%) We want this !


Pre Development Post Development

< 10% 20 - 30%

Flood Mitigation - Structural Measures :
• Structural flood mitigation (100-year return period design) is where
physical structures are constructed to reduce the impact of flooding;
• Conventional methods: levees, additional channels, etc.
• Green technologies: retention/detention pond, swales, green roofs, rain
gardens, permeable paving, etc.
hajouttal-0 e_sacramento_next.htm
Detention & Retention Pond

Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia

solution build-a-swale/
Green Roof, Rain Garden,
Permeable Paving guide/permeable-pavement.aspx
YouTube (6 minutes):
What is Floodplains by Design?
What is Floodplains by Design?
Flood Mitigation - Non Structural Measures :
Land use planning controls
• Strategic land use planning will identify the extent of flood impacted land
to limit the construction of urban and rural residential, commercial and
industrial land.
Early warning systems
• Early warning systems are extremely important in flash flooding events to
provide residents with the ability to respond to impending flood waters.
River Basin flood modelling
• Maintaining up-to-date flood models of developing river basins (land use
• To assist the stakeholders to understand the impact of new development
on existing residents in the river basins
Flood Risk Map (Non-structural flood
mitigation measure)
• The most effective way of reducing the risk to people and property is
through the production of flood risk maps;
• Most countries have produced maps, which show areas prone to
flooding based on historical flood and rainfall data;
• Again, the 100-year of return period is used since this is the adopted
standard design protection level for flood prevention;
• The most sustainable way of reducing risk is to prevent further
development in flood prone areas. It is important for those at-risk
communities to develop a comprehensive Floodplain Management
Plan based on the flood risk maps
Flood Risk Map
Dungun River Basin (2017)
Dungun River Basin (2030)
Selangor River Basin (2017)
Selangor River Basin (2030)
YouTube (3 minutes):
Flood Mapping Basics
Flood Mapping Basics
Impact of Climate Change
• The 100-year flood is no longer the 100-year flood; it may become 10-
year flood now;
• While the 500-year flood is no longer the 500-year flood; it may
become 100-year flood now;
• Possible? Why?
The Answer : YES
(Assumed higher rainfall after climate changed):
• Before climate changed, the 100-year flood that was expected to occur
once in 100 years (usually it was due to a very heavy rainfall as it occurred
only once in 100 years), was normal;
• After climate changed, it may occur more frequent (become abnormal),
let’s say 10 years instead of 100 years. So now, the 100-year (1% of
probability to occur) flood has become 10-year (10% of probability to
occur) flood;
• But do not forget, they have the same level of flood (40-ft). Just different
frequencies (100 years vs 10 years) or probabilities (1% vs 10%);
• So what will be the new 100-year flood (after climate changed)? Much
higher? Yes
• This is possible because the new 10-year flood is already equal to the old
100-year flood. Thus, the new 100-year flood now could be equivalent to
the old 500-year (0.2% of probability to occur) flood (48-ft)


AFTER climate changed

BEFORE climate changed



Thank you

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