The Ramayana Story For Children

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The Ramayana Story For Children

A long time ago, there lived a king named Dasharatha, the ruler of the kingdom of Ayodhya. He had three
wives: Kausalya, Kaikeyi, and Sumitra. The first wife, Kausalya, gave birth to the eldest son, Rama. The
second wife, Kaikeyi, gave birth to Bharata, while the third wife, Sumitra, had twins and named them
Lakshmana and Satrughna.
In no time, the kids grew up into handsome princes and became well-known across the kingdom for their
wisdom and strength. King Dasharatha loved all his kids but had a soft spot in his heart for his eldest son,
One day, sage Vishwamitra took the young princes to the neighbouring kingdom of Mithila, which King
Janaka ruled. He had organised a swayamvar for his daughters, Sita and Urmila.
“Welcome, Princes!” announced King Janaka. “As you all know that I have organised this swayamvar for my
two beautiful daughters, and any of you can get married to them. However, the only condition is that you
have to string this great bow by Lord Shiva.”
Many princes took turns stringing the bow, but none of them succeeded. In the end, Rama went and strung it
in his first attempt to win King Janaka’s elder daughter Sita for marriage. Urmila got married to Lakshmana,
and all of them were welcomed back to the kingdom with great pomp and show.
Things were fine until one day, King Dasharatha expressed his willingness to throne Rama as the king.
“My dear Ayodhya citizens. I have served you all for many years now. Now I am growing old and want to
appoint my eldest son Rama as the king”, announced King Dasharatha, and the entire kingdom danced with
However, Dasharatha’s second wife, Kaikeyi, was unhappy with the decision as she wanted his son, Bharat,
to be the king. She was charmed into thinking so by one of her closest servants Manthara.
She immediately called for the king and asked him to fulfil the two wishes that he had granted him a long
time back.
“My dear King. I guess it’s time for you to fulfil the two boons you had given me”, said Kaikeyi. “I want you
to make my son, Bharat, to be the king and send Rama to the forest for an exile of fourteen years”.
Poor king had no option but to send Rama to exile. He was accompanied by his wife Sita and brother
Lakshmana to the forest.
As soon as Rama left for the forest, Dasharatha could not accept the fact and died within a few days.
Rama, Sita and Lakshmana lived a life full of hardships in the forest. One day, Ravana’s sister, Surpanakha,
saw Rama and was mesmerised by his beauty. She wanted to marry him, but Rama refused. Angrily, she
went to attack Sita, but Lakshmana cut her nose in rage to protect Sita.
She returned to Lanka and narrated the incident to her brother Ravana, who decided to take revenge on them.
One day, Sita saw a beautiful deer in the forest and asked Rama to get it for her. The deer was nothing else
but a trap by Ravana. When Rama did not return after a long time, Sita sent Lakshmana to look for him.
Lakshmana was hesitant to go but eventually left after drawing a magic line on the door.
“I urge you not to cross this line in any circumstances”, said Lakshmana and left.
Meanwhile, Ravana came to Sita dressed as a sage and asked her to offer some fruits. As soon as Sita crossed
the line, he grabbed Sita and took her to Lanka on his rath.
When Rama and Lakshmana came to know about what had happened, they rushed to rescue Sita. On the
way, they met the monkey king Sugreev and Hanuman, who decided to help them to rescue Sita.
Hanuman flew to the kingdom of Lanka in search of Sita and saw her sitting in one of the backyards. She
went to her and said, “Mata Sita. I am a messenger of lord Rama, and I am here to give you this ring. Lord
Rama has sent this ring and said that he will come to rescue you very soon.”
Later, the guards caught Hanuman and set his tail on fire. He burnt Ravana’s entire palace and returned to
After that, Rama and the monkey army started their journey to Lanka to rescue Sita. They reached there after
many days, and finally, the war began.
Kumbhkarna, Ravana’s mighty brother, Indrajith, Ravana’s son, and other great warriors lost their lives in
the battle.
Finally, Lord Rama and Ravana came face to face. Lord Rama killed Ravana, and they took Sita back to the
kingdom of Ayodhya, where he was crowned as the king.

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