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Micro- project Report On

Concrete Mix Design Grade M-35

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the 3rd semester

Diploma in Civil Engineering

Academic year:2023-24
By :
Neha vivekanand Patil (2200610010)
Aachal pravin salve(200610012)
Bhumika purushottam patil (200610022)
Mohini Bhaidas Mali (22006100)
Under Guidance of
Mr. Nikesh Jadhav sir

Smt. Sharadchandrika Suresh Patil

Institute Of Technology
Chopda Page | 1

Sr.No Content

1 Acknowledgment

2 Abstract

3 Introduction

4 Design mix concrete

5 Testing of cement

6 Testing of aggregate

7 Concrete mix design of grade M-35

8 Testing mix design concrete

9 Quality monitoring at site

10 Experimental result

11 Personal comments: Mistake, which affect the quality of


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In the accomplishment of this project successfully, many people have

best owned upon me their blessings and the heart pledged support,
this time I am utilizing to thank all the people who have been
concerned with this project.

Primarily I would thank god for being able to complete this project
with success. Then I would like to thank my principal Mr. V.N.Borse
and CET Mr. Nikesh Jadhav Sir whose valuable guidance has been the
ones that helped me patch this project and make it full proof success.
His suggestions and his instructions have served as the major
contributor towards the completion of the project.

Then I would like to thank my parents and friends who have helpe me
with their valuable suggestions and guidance has been very helpful in
various phases of the completion of the project.

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The method of concrete mix design consists of selection of optimum

proportions of ingredients, i.e., water, cement, fine and coarse
aggregate and admixture if needed to produce concrete of specified
properties such as strength, workability, durability, etc. as
economically as possible. The compressive strength of hardened
concrete which is generally considered to be an index of its other
properties, depends upon many factors, e.g. quality and quantity of
cement, water and aggregates; batching and mixing; placing
compaction and curing. The cost of concrete is made up of the cost of
materials, plant and labour. The variations in the cost of materials
arise from the fact that the cement is several times costly than the
aggregate, thus the aim is to produce as lean mix.

The proportions of concrete mix are obtained by experimentally

evolved relationship between the factors in the choice of mix design. It
provides reasonably accurate guidelines to arrive at an optimum
proportion of ingredients. The preliminary trail mixes are made and
checked. Further, suitable adjustments are made and process is
repeated until the satisfactory proportions of ingredients are
achieved, which possess specified properties both in fresh and
hardened states with maximum overall economy. The final mix
proportions are obtained on the basis of trial mixes. The results of
sieve analysis of aggregates are given in table 1, 2, 3 & 4. The fine and
coarse aggregates are mixed in suitable proportion to obtain
recommended grading of combine coarse aggregate.

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Concrete mix design may be defines as the art of selecting suitable
ingredients of concrete and determining their relative proportions
with the object of producing concrete of certain minimum strength
and durability as economically as possible.
Objectives of Mix Design
▪ To achieve the designed/ desired workability in the plastic stage.
To achieve the desired minimum strength in the hardened stage.
▪ To achieve the desired durability in the given environment
▪ To product concrete as economically as possible

Basic Considerations
▪ The following point must be considered while designing concrete
▪ Cost
▪ Specification
▪ Workability
▪ Strength and Durability

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▪ The cost of concrete is made up of
▪ Material Cost
▪ Equipment Cost
▪ Labour Cost

▪ The following point may be kept in mind while designing concrete
▪ Minimum Compressive Strength required
▪ Minimum water/ cement ratio
▪ Maximum cement content to avoid shrinkage cracks
▪ Maximum aggregate / cement ratio
▪ The following points related to workability
shall be kept in mind while designing
concrete mixes.
▪ The consistency of concrete should no more
than that necessary for placing, compacting
and finishing.
▪ For concrete mixes required high consistency at the time of
placing, the use of water-reducing and set-retarding
admixtures should be used rather than the addition of more
▪ Wherever possible, the cohesiveness and finishibility of
concrete should be improved by increasing sand/ aggregate
ratio than by increasing the proportion of the fine particles in the

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Strength and Durability
Strength and durability require lower w/c ratio. It is usually achieved
not by increasing the cement content, but by lowering the water at
given cement content. Water demand can by lowered by throughout
control of the aggregate grading and by using water reducing


Group Grade designation Compressive

Strength of concrete
Ordinary M10,M15,M20 10,15,20
Standard M25,M30,M35,M40,M45,M50, 25,30,35,40,45,50,55
Concrete M55
High strength M60,M65,M70,M75,M80 60,65,70,75,80

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4.Design Mix Concrete
The concrete mix produced under quality control keeping in view the
strength, durability, and workability is called the design Mix.
Others factors like compaction equipment's available,curing
method adopted, type of cement, quality of fine and coarse aggregate
etc. have to be kept in mind before arriving at the mix proportion.
The design mix or controlled mix is being used more and more in
variety of important structures, because of better strength,
reducedvariability, leaner mixed with consequent economy, as well
as greater assurance of the resultant quality.

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IS Method of Mix Design
• The Bureau of Indian Standards, recommended a set of
procedure for design of concrete mix. The procedure is based on
the research work carried out at national laboratories.

Data for mix design

• The following basic data are required to be specified for design a
concrete mix
• Characteristic Compressive strength only a few specified
proportions of test results are expected to fall of concrete at 28
days (fck); Degree of workability desired.
• Limitation on water/Cement Ratio with the minimum cement to
ensure adequate durability
• Type and maximum size of aggregate to be used.
• Standard deviations of compressive strength of concrete.

Target Strength for Mix Design

• The target average compressive strength (fck) of concrete at 28

days is given by
• Fck= fck + ts
• Fck= target average compressive strength at 28 days
• Fck= characteristics compressive strength at 28 days
• s= Standard deviation
• t=a stastical value, depending upon the accepted proportion of
low results and the number of tests.
• According to is 456: 2000 and IS 1343:1980 te characteristic
strength is defined as the value below which not more than 5
percent of results are expected to fall.In such cases the above
equation reduced to Fck= fck +1.65 s
• The value of standard deviation is obtained from the table

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Step-ll : Selection of Water -Cement Ratio

Since different cements and aggregates of different maximum sizes,
grading, surface texture shape and other characteristics may
produce concrete of different compressive strength for the same free
water cement ratio, the relationship between strength and free water
cement ratio should preferable be established for the material
actually to be used. In the absence of such data, the preliminary free
water-cement ratio corresponding to the target strength at 28 days
may be selected from.

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Step III: Estimation of Air Content

Step IV: Selection of Water Content and fine to total aggregate

• For the desired workability the quantity of mixing water per unit
volume of concrete and the ratio of fine aggregate (sand) to total
aggregate by absolute volume are to be estimated from table
below as applicable. Depending upon the nominal maximum size
and type of aggregate. Approximate Sand and water Content per
Cubic Metre of Concrete for Grades up to M 35 W/C=0.6

Step V: Calculation of Cement Content

The cement content per unit volume of concrete may be
calculated from the free water-cement ratio obtained in step- 2,
and the quantity of water per unit volume of concrete obtained in
•The cement content so obtained should be checked against the
minimum cement content for the requirement of durability as
per table 5 IS 456:2000 and the greater of the two value is
Step VI: Calculation of Aggregate Content With the
quantities of water and cement per unit volume of concrete and
the ratio of fine to total aggregate already determined, the total
aggregate content per unit volume of concrete may be
calculated using following values Where,
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• V=Absolute volume of fresh concrete (m3) •W= Mass of Water
(kg) per m3 of concrete

• C=Mass of Cement (Kg) per m3 of concrete

• Sc=Specific gravity of cement say 3.15

• P= ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate by absolute volume

• Fa and Ca = Total masses of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate

(kg)/m3 of concrete mass respectively

• Sfa, Sca=Specific gravities of saturated surface dry fine

aggregate and coarse aggregate respectively

Normally Sfa= 2.6 and Sca= 2.7

5.Testing of Cement
1. Field testing
2. Standard consistency test
3. Fineness test
4. Soundness test
5. Strength test

Field Testing

• Open the bag and take a good look at the cement, then it should
not contain visible lumps.
• Colour of cement should be greenish grey.
• Should get cool feeling when thrusted
• When we touch the cement, it should give a smooth &not a gritty

• When we throw the cement on a bucket full of water before it

sinks the particles should flow.
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• When we make a stiff paste of cement & cut it with sharp edges &
kept on a glass plate under water there wont be any disturbance
to the shape & should get strength after 24hours.

Standard Consistency Test

Used to find out the percentage of water required to produce a
cement paste of standard consistency. This is also called normal
consistency (CPNC).
The standard consistency of a cement paste is defined as that
consistency which will permit a Vicat plunger having 10 mm diameter
and 50 mm length to penetrate to a depth of 33-35 mm from the top of
the mould.


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• For first trial, take about 500gms of cement & water of 24% by
weight of cement.
• Fill it in Vicat's mould with in 3-5min.
• A standard plunger, 10 mm diameter, 50 mm long is attached and
brought down to touch the surface of the paste and quickly
• Note the reading according to depth of penetration of the plunger.
• Conduct trials continuously by taking different water cement
ratios till the plunger penetrates for a depth of 33-35mm from top.
• This particular percentage is known as percentage of water
required to produce cement paste of standard consistency.
• This is usually denoted as 'P'.

• Conducted in a constant temperature of 270+20C.
• Constant Humidity 90%.

Setting Time Test

• An arbitrary setting time division has been made for the of
• Initial setting time & Final setting time.


• The time elapsed between the moment that the water is added to
the cement, to the time that the paste starts losing its plasticity.
• Normally a minimum of 30min has maintained for mixing &
handling operations.

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• The time elapsed between the moment the water is added to the
cement, and the time when the paste has completely lost its
plasticity and has attained sufficient firmness to resist certain
definite pressure.
• It should not exceed 10hours.
• So that it is avoided from least vulnerable to damages from
external activities.

• The fineness of cement has an important bearing on the rate of
hydration, rate of gain of strength, evolution of heat.
• Finer cement offers greater surface area.
• Disadvantage of fine grinding is that it is susceptible to air set &
early deterioration.
• Maximum no. of particles in a sample of cement<100microns.
• The smallest particle should have a size if 1.5microns.
• Large particle should have a size of 10microns. • Fineness of
cement is tested in two ways.

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• By sieving.
• By determination specific surface by air permeability method.

• It is very important that the cement after setting shall not undergo
any appreciable change of volume.
• This test is to ensure that the cement does not show any
subsequent expansions.
• The unsoundness in cement is due to the presence of excess of
lime combined with acidic oxide at kiln.
• This is due to high proportion of magnesia & calcium sulphate.
• Therefore magnesia content in cement is limited to 6%.
• Gypsum 3-5.


• It consists of a small split cylinder of spring brass.

• It is 30mm diameter & 30mm high.
• Cement is gauged with 0.78 times & filled into the mould & kept
on a glass plate & covered with another glass plate.
• This is immersed in water at a temperature 270c-320c for 24
• Measure the distance between indicators.
• Heat the water & bring to boiling point of about 25-30min.
Remove the mould from the water after 3 hours.
• Measure the distance between the indicators.
• This must not exceed 10min for ordinary, rapid hardening, low
heat Portland cements.
• If this expansion is more than 10mm the cement is said to be

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• This is the most important of all properties of hardened cement.
• Due to excessive shrinkage and cracking the strength tests are
not made on heat cement paste.
• Standard sand is used for finding the strength of cement


• Take 555gms of standard sand. 185gms of cement (i.e., 1:3 ratio of

cement and sand)
• Mix them for 1min, then add water of quantity (P/4)+3.0%.
• Mix three ingredients thoroughly until the mixture is of uniform
• The time of mixing should not be<3min and >4min.
• Then the mortar is filled into a cube mould of 7.06cm, Compact the
• Keep the compacted cube in the mould at a temperature of 27°C ±
2°C and at least 90 per cent relative humidity for 24 hours.
• After 24hours the cubes are removed & immersed in clean fresh
water until taken for testing.

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6.Test of aggregate
To determine surface moisture in fine aggregates.
Theory :
Fine aggregate i.e. sand received from river bed or when exposed to
rain retain some amount of moisture for a considerable time. Also
when the clay and silt content in aggregates is more than 6%, fine
aggregates have to washed, where by some moisture retaines in this
aggregats, which when mixed with cementincrease effectivewater
cement ratio and if no allowance is made for that resultmin weak
concrete. in order to determine the net w/c ratio for a batch of
concrete, the amount of this retained water of this fine aggregate
has to be calculated. these are the two method of calculating this:

1. by displacement method
2. by drying (frying pan method)
Materials: sample of fine aggregate containing moisture.
1. Fill the container with water up to the mark and note the weight.
2. Empty the container.
3. Now fill aggregate sample to be tested (not less than 200gms) in
container full of water.
4. Top up water up to the mark, remove entrained air and weigh it

Recording of Observations:
1. Weight of moist sample W= 2500gms
2. Weight of container full of water Wa= 2700 gms
3. Weight of container, aggregate and water Wb
so, weight of water displaced= W+Wa-Wb

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specific gravity of surface dry aggregate = 2.65 moisture surface %
i.e. = weight of water displaced-weight of sample. ×100
Weight of sample

2. Drying (Frying Pan method)

Apparatus: Weighing balance, tray for heating sample,

thermostatically controlled heater.

Procedure: place about one Kg of aggregates containing moisture

in the heating tray and weight it.
-now place the tray on the heater and heat the sample till dry
-weigh the dried aggregate with tray.
-empty the tray of dried aggregates and weight the tray.

Recording of observation: (1) Weight of tray and moist sample

W1 = 1254 gms
(i) Weight of tray and dry sample W2 = 1233 gms
(ii) Weight of tray W3 = 254 gms

Calculations: Weight of dry aggregate (W2-W3)=979 gms

- moisture (by difference) (W1-W2) = 21 gms
- moisture content % = (W-W2) /(W2-W3) x100 (in terms of weight of
surface dry aggregate) =(21/979) x 100 = 2.1 %

1. Heat should be applied gradually.

2. aggregate should be turned over during drying period in order to

prevent over heating of a portion of the aggregate.
3. aggregate should dried and weighted until there is no further loss
of weight in order to ensure complete drying of aggregates.

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3. Bulking of Fine Aggregate
To study Phenomenon of bulking of fine aggregates and to draw a
curve between water content and bulking.
- to determine bulking of fine aggregate in the field.

: Theory
Fine aggregate i.e. sand has the tandency to increase in volume
(Bulk) depending upon the amount of moisture present in it.
Specially when bitching is done by volume the quantity od sand in
each batch has to be related to the volume od cement otherwise the
batch shall be richer than specified. therefore it is necessary to
increase the amount of sand used by percentage bulking which is
=Bulk volume – Dry volume. × 100
Dry volume
Materials: Sample of oven dry sand.

Apparatus: A container, graduated cylinder, Beaker, Metal tray,

Steel rod, Weighing balance.

Procedures:-Sufficient quantity of oven dry sand was taken and it

was filled in the graduated cylinder to a certain fixed mark.
-empty the sand into the container and weight it.
-calculate the weight of sand after deducting the weight of container.
-add 1% water by weight od sand and mix it thoroughly.
-fill the graduate cylinder now with this sand (moist) and note its
- increase the percentage of water every time by 1% and note its
volume after filling in the graduate scale. -go on increasing the % of
water by the same increment till the volume of sand starts
decreasing and the sand comes back to original volume i.e. volume
of dry sample.

Recording of observations: 1. weight of oven dry sand= 300 gms

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3. Draw a graph between moisture content and % increase in
volume. from the graph it shall be seen that bulking increases with
the increase in moisture content upto a certain point (maximum)
then it decreases to practically nil when sand is fully saturated (
mandated by water).


OBJECTIVE: To detremine Flakiness Index and elongation Index of
coarse aggregate.

THEORY: Flakiness index os an aggregate is the % by weight of

particle in it whose least dimensions (thickness) is less than 3/5th of
its mean dimension passing through50mm and retained an 40mm is
(50+40)=45.5mm. if the least dimension is less than.
2 3 /5×45.4 = 136.5/5 = 27.3mm
the material is classifies as flaky.
On account of large number of flaky particles in aggregate more
voids are 1 in the concrete, which requires large amount of sand,
cement and water as for balance sizes, durability of concrete is also
affected by the partcles tend to orient in one plane and cause

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The elongation index of an aggregate is the percentage by weight of
particles whose greatest dimension (length) is greater than one and
four fifth (13) times their mean dimension. On account of large
elongated particles more voids are formed in the concrete, which
requires large amount of sand, cement and water for same
workability as for balanced sizes.

MATERIAL: Sample of coarse aggregates of known weight and size.

Balance,thickness guage, length guage, set of IS Sieves 63mm to
10mm(set of 10 sieves).

-Take sufficient quantities of aggregate to be tested so as to provide
200 pieces. (minimum) of any fraction. -sieve the sample through I.S.
Sieves as specified below.

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-seperate the aggregate as reatined on the sieves.
pass each aggregate particle through corresponding slot in the
thickness guage e.g. material passing through 25mm guage but
retained on 20mm guage is passed through X = 13.5mm slot
- if the material pass through the slot, it is flaky.
-weight the material which has passed through the slot.

% Flakiness index =
weight of the aggregate passing through the slot of the thickness page ×100
total weight of same

After sieving the aggregate through corresponding sieves and
seperating the aggregate on each sieve

% Elongation index =
weight of the aggregate retained on length guage ×100
total weight of the aggregate

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• The maximum size of the given sample of coarse aggregate
must be noted and corresponding sieves of lesser dimensions
be used for sieving.
• for calculation flakiness index use weight of aggregate pieces
through thick guage while for calculating elongation index
weight of aggregate retained on length guage be used.

To determine Specific Gravity and Water Absorption of aggregates

OBJECTIVE: To determine specific gravity and water absorption of


Information regarding specific gravity of aggregates is necessary for
design of concrete mixes. If the specific gravity is above or below
normal for a particular type of aggregate, it is an indicator of change
odd shape and grading. The specific gravity of most of the aggregate
is between 2.6 to 2.9 and is useful in calculating void content.

Water absorption: The water absorption value is the diffence in

weight between the saturated surface dry aggregate and very dry
sample expressed as percentage of dry weight of aggregate. It is of
great importance to know the water absorption value of aggregates
for calculating total water be to added to the mixes.


1. Thoroughly wash the 20 mm aggregates to remove any dust. Oven

dry and cool the aggregates for 1 to 3 hours and then immerse in
water for 24 hours.
2. Remove the specimen from water and roll it in a large absorbent
cloth until all visible films of water are removed. Weight the
specimen in saturated surface dry conditions
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3. Place the saturated surface dry specimen in wire mesh bucket and
weight it in water. Shake the bucket to remove all entrapped air
before weighing
• Dry the sample to constant weight in oven, cool and weigh.

Weight of oven dried aggregate in air (gm) = A=2493
Weight of saturated surface dry aggregate in air (gm) = B=2502
Weight of saturated aggregate and bucket in water (gm) = W₁ =
3197 Weight of bucket in water (gm)= W1= 1572
Weight of saturated aggregate in water = C(gm) = (W1-W2) = 1625

Oven Dried Bulk Specific Gravity=5,A/(B-C)=2493/(2502-1625) =
Saturated Surface Dry Bulk Specific Gravity=Sd=A/(B-C) =2502/(2502-
(3197-1572))=2.853 Apparent Specific Gravity=Sd A/ (A-
Water Absorption, = WA= [(B-A)/A) x 100 = [(2502-2493)/2493) x
100 = 0.361


#Characteristic strength of concrete (fck) = 35 N/mm2
# Maximum size of Coarse Aggregate = 25-20 mm,
#Shape of aggregate = Angular (crushed) # Degree of quality control =
good as per IS 456
# Workability / Slump: 100-125mm for Pile Foundation works
# Type of exposure = Very sever as defined in IS 456, Page-20

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a. Cement: Portland Pozzolana Cement conforming to the Indian IS

specification mentioned in IS 1489 (part 1) 1991.
b. SP Gravity of cement =3.15
c. Initial setting time of cement: 130 minutes, Final setting time: 203
minutes as method described in IS 4031 Part 5).
d. Fineness Value of cement: 3% (as per IS 4031 (part 1) e. Soundness of
cement: 1.00 mm (as per IS 4031 (part 3)
f. Compressive Strength of cement after 3 days - 25.0 Mpa. g. Compressive
Strength of cement after 7 days -34.0 Mpa.
h. Compressive Strength of Cement after 28 days -51.00 Mpa.
i. Standard Consistency (P) =30.0 percent water required for producing
cement past of standard consistency (IS 4031, Part 4-1988). It should be
workable as mentioned in IS-8112): 1989


#SP Gravity of fine aggregates (Sand)= 2.64 (IS 2386,Part 3)
# Silt Content : 0.2%
#Water absorption -1.42% # Free moisture available in sand =0.8%

Variation in the quality of constituent materials used; variation in the mix

proportions due to batching process; variation in the quality of batching
and mixing equipment available; the quality of supervisions and
workmanship and variation due to sampling and testing of concrete
Good Quality Control means "Proper storage of cement weigh botching of
all materials, controlled addition of water, regular checking of all materials
aggregate grading and moisture content and periodical checking of
workability of strength.

Table 1: Sieve Analysis: Fine Aggregate (natural river sand)

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➢ Sp Gravity of aggregates (20mm graded)= 2.77 (IS 2386, Part 3)

➢ Flakiness Index of coarse aggregates (20 mm Graded)= 21.5%

➢ Aggregate Impact Value :20mm down =16.5%

➢ Crushing Strength Value: 20mm down =15.5%

➢ Water absorption by coarse aggregates =0.45%

➢ Free surface moisture available in coarse aggregates =Nil.

Table 2: Test Results of Sieve Analysis: Coarse Aggregate 20
mm: Amount = 5.00 kg

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The mix design has been carried out as per the stipulation of Indian
Standard (IS 10262-1982)
Keeping in view the recommended standard deviation and target mean

5.1 Target Mean strength:

Considering the inherent variability of concrete strength during
production, its necessary to design the mix to have a Target Mean
Strength which is greater than the characteristic strength by a suitable
margin. In order to avoid the likely fall of test results below the
characteristic strength, the concrete mix has to be designed for somewhat
higher target average compressive strength.

The target mean Strength of Concrete

f=fck+k.5=35+5* 1.65* =43.25 N/mm² (where f_{a} = 35 Mpa (stipulated),
K = 1.65(from clause 3.2 of IS: 10262: 2009), s = 5(from table 1, IS 10262:
2009 & Table 8 of 15456, Page 23 for good quality control)
The combined mass of cement, sand and water obtained in the manner
described in IS 4031 (part 6) 1988 for calculating the strength of cement
mortar cubes. For the other condition of workability. W/C ratio grading of
fine aggregates, certain adjustment in the quantity of mixing water and
fine to total aggregates ratio have been made. W/C ratio is adopted equal
to 0.45 for very severe exposure (Table 5, IS 456, and Page 20). The total
aggregate content per unit volume of concrete has been calculated from
the Table 3 and clause 4.4nIS 10262: 2009. The correction Table -3 is made
as follows:

Table-2: Correction in water Content for more workable concrete

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5.2 Maximum water Content = 186liter (Table 2, 15 10262: 2009, Page 3).
The content of concrete is influence by a number of factors, therefore it is
adopted as 1.09 186-192liters for 1st trail.

5.3. Cement Content = 202.74/0.45 = 450Kg / (m³) (From Table 5 of 15

456,minimum cement content for severe exposure condition I = 340Kg /
m³and450Kg / m³ > 340Kg / m³ hence OK.)

5.4. Aggregate Proportion = 0.62; from Table 3-15 10262: 2009, Page
3,volume of coarse Aggregate corresponding to 20 mm size aggregate and
fine aggregate zonal] for w / c = 0.45

5.5. Estimation of Fine Aggregate Proportion=1-0.62=0.38

5.6. Mix ingredients proportions of concrete for 1st Trail

➢ Volume of Concrete = 1 m³
➢ Volume of Cement = 450/3.15*1000 0.143 m³Volume of water =
203/1000 = 0.203m³
➢ Volume of all in Aggregate=1-0.143-0.203 = 0.654m³
➢ Volume of Coarse Aggregate e = 0.406m³ Volume of Fine Aggregate =

On the basis of 4th trial. Concrete Mix casted with the materials supplied
by the client and test results for workability and 28 days strength
obtained, the mix proportions for concrete with Super plasticizer as given
in Table 4 & 5 are recommended for construction

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Table 3: Mix ingredients proportions of concrete by volume

Total Volume Concrete = 1.0005=1 m³/m³ Hence OK

Table 4: Mix ingredients proportions of Concrete by weight


Slump: 100-125 mm
Ratio: Cement: Sand: Aggregate by Weight (1:1.48:2.53)


8.1 Concrete Slump Test
➢ Slump is a measurement of concrete's workability, or fluidity.
➢ It's an indirect measurement of concrete consistency or stiffness.

A slump test is a method used to determine the consistency of concrete.

The consistency, or stiffness, indicates how much water has been used in

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the mix. The stiffness of the concrete mix should be matched to the
requirements for the finished product quality

Concrete Slump Test

The concrete slump test is used for the measurement of a property of
fresh concrete. The test is an empirical test that measures the workability
of fresh concrete. More specifically, it measures consistency between
batches. The test is popular due to the simplicity of apparatus used and
simple procedure.

The slump test result is a measure of the behavior of a compacted
inverted cone of concrete under the action of gravity. It measures the
consistency or the wetness of concrete.

Types Of Slump
The slumped concrete takes various shapes, and according to the profile of
slumped concrete, the slump is termed as;
1. Collapse Slump
2. Shear Slump
3. True Slump

Collapse Slump
In a collapse slump the concrete collapses completely. A collapse slump
will generally mean that the mix is too wet or that it is a high workability
mix, for which slump test is not appropriate.

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Shear Slump
In a shear slump the top portion of the concrete shears off and slips
sideways. OR If one-half of the cone slides down an inclined plane, the
slump is said to be a shear slump.

1. If a shear or collapse slump is achieved, a fresh sample should be taken

and the test is repeated.
2. If the shear slump persists, as may the case with harsh mixes, this is an
indication of lack of cohesion of the mix.

True Slump
In a true slump the concrete simply subsides, keeping more or less to
1. This is the only slump which is used in various test
2. Mixes of stiff consistence have a Zero slump, so that in the rather dry
range no variation can be detected between mixes of different workability.
However, in a lean mix with a tendency to harshness, a true slump can
easily change to the shear slump type or even to collapse, and widely
different values of slump can be obtained in different samples from the
same mix; thus, the slump test is unreliable for lean mixes.

Applications of Slump Test

1. The slump test is used to ensure uniformity for different batches of

similar concrete under field conditions and to ascertain the effects of
plasticizers on their introduction.
2. This test is very useful on site as a check on the day-to-day or hour- to-
hour variation in the materials being fed into the mixer. An increase in
slump may mean, for instance, that the moisture content of aggregate has
unexpectedly increases.
3. Other cause would be a change in the grading of the aggregate, such as
a deficiency of sand.
4. Too high or too low a slump gives immediate warning and enables the
mixer operator to remedy the situation. This application of slump test as
well as its simplicity, is responsible for its widespread use.
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➢ Slump cone,
➢ Scale for measurement,
➢ Temping rod (steel)

Procedure of Concrete Slump test:

1. The mould for the slump test is a frustum of a cone, 300 mm (12 in)
of height. The base is 200 mm (8in) in diameter and it has a smaller
opening at the top of 100 mm (4 in).
2. The base is placed on a smooth surface and the container is filled
with concrete in three layers, whose workability is to be tested.
3. Each layer is temped 25 times with a standard 16 mm (5/8 in)
diameter steel rod, rounded at the end.
4. When the mould is completely filled with concrete, the top surface is
struck off (levelled with mould top opening) by means of screening
and rolling motion of the temping rod.
5. The mould must be firmly held against its base during the entire
operation so that it could not move due to the pouring of concrete
and this can be done by means of handles or foot-rests brazed to the
6. Immediately after filling is completed and the concrete is levelled,
the cone is slowly and carefully lifted vertically, an unsupported
concrete will now slump.
7. The decrease in the height of the centre of the slumped concrete is
called slump.
8. The slump is measured by placing the cone just besides the slump
concrete and the temping rod is placed over the cone so that it
should also come over the area of slumped concrete.
9. The decrease in height of concrete to that of mould is noted with
(Usually measured to the nearest 5 mm (1/4 in).

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In order to reduce the influence on slump of the variation in the surface
friction, the inside of the mould and its base should be moistened at the
beginning of every test, and prior to lifting of the mould the area
immediately around the base of the cone should be cleaned from concrete
which may have dropped accidentally


➢ Quantity of water may be depending upon the weather conditions to
get the desired workability. The recommended quantity of water is
for the saturated surface dry condition.
➢ Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from
injurious amounts of oils. Acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, organic materials
or other substances. It is good to use potable quality of water. This is
the least expensive, but most important ingredients of concrete.
Water fit for drinking is also fit for concrete. PH value of water
should not be less than 6.
➢ For variation in the grading of aggregate of the order of ± 10%, the
mix design holds good.
➢ Use fresh cement for concrete mix. (Cement after 3 months storage,
strength reduced by 20%)
➢ In order to make the concrete impervious & attain its maximum
strength, it is required to remove the entrapped air from the
concrete mass when it is still in plastic state.
➢ If the air is not removed completely, the concrete loses strength
considerably. It has; been observed that 5% voids reduce the
strength by about 30% and 10% voids! Reduce the strength by over
50%. There IS inverse relationship between strength and porosity.
Concrete will be compacted according to the requirements given inIS
➢ Compaction eliminates air bubbles and brings enough fine material
both to the surface and against the forms to produce the desired
finish Mechanical vibrators are best to reach the bottom of the form
and be small enough to pass between reinforcing bars. 1
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➢ From Quality control point of view implement appropriate mixing,
proper compaction correct placement of concrete within 30 minutes
and adequate curing¹³ at site.
➢ The recommended quantity of cement as per Design Mix is for a
given workability of concrete. Extra cement is not required to
achieve the desired strength.
➢ The site Engineer deputed by b the Agency is required to make
concrete at site closely following the parameters suggested above.
➢ The Executing Agency is required to cast sufficient numbers of cubes
at site for strength testing
➢ Slump of fresh concrete should be measured at site in presence of
site Engineer to check the consistency and workability of the
➢ In case of any discrepancy/inconsistency in recommended strength,
the agency should report it to undersigned for another trail mix.

Table 5: 7 day's strength of Concrete

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Table 6: 28 day's strength of Concrete

a. 7 Days strength = 32.44 N/mm² > 70% of Target Strength

b. 28 Days strength = 43.26 N/mm² > 100% of Target Strength (43.25
c. Individual Strength Variation from average value = within ± 15%

11. Personal comments: Mistake, which affect the quality of

▪ Use of too much or too little water for mixing, or water carelessly
added during mixing.
▪ Incomplete mixing of aggregate with cement Improper grading of
aggregates resulting in segregation or bleeding of concrete.
▪ Inadequate compaction of Concrete. Using concrete which has
already begun to set.
▪ Leaving the finished concrete surface exposed to sun and wind
during the first ten days after placing without protecting it and
keeping it damp by proper methods of curing.

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