94 英文

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科目:英 文 (共二頁,第一頁)

考生注意事項:(一)本科目配分 100 分,共 40 題,每題配分 2.5 分,答錯不倒扣。


I. Vocabulary:Questions 1~16. Choose the BEST ANSWER to complete the sentence or to keep the meaning of the underlined word/phrase.
B 1. ____ caused a great deal of damage and killed numerous people in Southeast Asia on Dec. 26, 2004.
A Avalanches B Tsunamis C Tornadoes D Landslides
D 2. George: What is your New Year’s ____? Mary: I decided to give up smoking.
A reparation B regulation C revolution D resolution
A 3. Are you going to meet them at the basketball ____ after school?
A court B course C square D rink
C 4. Jack jotted it down.
A put it down B turned it down C wrote it down D knocked it down
A 5. My parents bought a big ____ and put it in the bathroom, so when we feel tired at night, we can enjoy a comfortable bath in the tub and relax our
bodies by water massage.
A jacuzzi B treadmill C gondola D water tank
B 6. Many people started decorating their houses with lots of beautiful ____ a month before Christmas.
A daffodils B poinsettias C lavenders D chrysanthemums
D 7. The jewel of Taiwan’s national park system, ____ is a marble canyon featuring a rushing whitewater river, towering cliffs, hiking trails and even
the odd hot spring.
A Kuantu Nature Park B Yangmingshan National Park C Kenting National Park D Taroko Gorge
B 8. Deserts are arid land areas where more water is lost through evaporation than is gained through ____.
A predestination B precipitation C prescription D prevention
C 9. The world-famous magician David Copperfield likes to suddenly vanish into the dark when he performs on the stage.
A go B show up C disappear D jump
A 10. My two brothers seldom talk to each other because they are not congenial.
A compatible B civilized C considerate D benevolent
D 11. A policeman camouflaged himself as a bandit, so he could successfully rescue the kidnapped boy from a chaotic gunfight.
A deployed B determined C depicted D disguised
C 12. Taiwan and mainland China reached a landmark agreement to allow non-stop ____flights for next month’s Chinese New Year holidays.
A charity B checker C charter D chariot
D 13. A year ago, there was a terrible fire in my office. Since then, I’ve had the habit of ____important official documents just in case.
A generating B promenading C aggravating D duplicating
C 14. The driver ____his horn at me impatiently to get out of the way.
A whistled B opened C honked D drew
B 15. Mark hit the jackpot last night. He decided to tell nobody.
A found a jack-in-the-box B won the lottery C collided with a jeep D made a music box
A 16. If American people don’t have money to travel, they would like to hitch-hike from one state to another.
A have free rides in other people’s cars B ride a special motorcycle C go roller-blading D go on backpacking

II. Grammar:Questions 17~28. Choose the CORRECT ANSWER to each question.

C 17. A strong swimmer, ____.

A the polar bear eating chiefly fish and seal B that fish and seal are eaten chiefly by the polar bear
C the polar bear eats chiefly fish and seal D eating fish and seal chiefly by the polar bear
A 18. Helicopters can rise or descend vertically, hover, and move forward, backward, ____.
A or laterally B or lateral motion C and are lateral D they move laterally
D 19. Last year if I ____enough money, I ____a big house.
A had---- would buy B have had---- would buy
C have had---- would have bought D had had---- would have bought
A 20. Which of the following sentences is correct?
A I am used to taking a shower in the morning. B I am used to take a shower in the morning.
C I was used to take a shower in the morning. D I used to taking a shower in the morning.
B 21. With age, the mineral content of human bones decreases, ____them more fragile.
A make B thereby making C and to make D which it makes .
C 22. Which of the following sentences is WRONG?
A Were the sun to rise in the west, I would grant your request. B Not until he came back did she go to bed.
C Can you tell me where does he live? D It is said that she is very beautiful and so she is.
D 23. ____ is helping to break new ground in drug research.
A Computers are being used more B Computers are being used more if
C If an increase in the use of the computer D The increasing use of the computer
B 24. Which of the following tag questions is WRONG?
A These are good books, aren’t they? B Let us go, shall we?
C Nobody phoned while I was out, did they? D I don’t think you want me to come here, do you?

科目:英 文 (共二頁,第二頁)

C 25. The currency of the European Union, the euro, has risen in value by 35 percent ____ the dollar in the last three years.
A with B on C against D by
A 26. The onion is characterized by an edible bulb composed of leaves rich in sugar and a pungent oil, ____ the vegetable’s strong taste.
A the source of B of the source is C that the source is D which the source of
B 27. ____ initial recognition while still quite young.
A Most famous scientists who achieved B Most famous scientists achieved
C That most famous scientists achieved D For most famous scientists to achieve
D 28. Salt is manufactured in quantities that exceed those of most, ____, other commercial chemicals.
A of all not B not if all are C are not all D if not all
III. Reading Comprehension:Questions 29~40. Read the two passages and then choose the BEST ANSWER to each question.
I. Questions 29~34
Several hundred million years ago, plants similar to modern ferns covered vast stretches of the land. Some were as large as trees, with giant fronds
bunched at the top of trunks as straight as pillars. Others were the size of bushes and formed thickets of undergrowth. Still others lived in the shade of
giant club mosses and horsetails along the edges of swampy lagoons where giant amphibians swam.
A great number of these plants were true ferns, reproducing themselves without fruits or seeds. Others had only the appearance of ferns. Their
leaves had organs of sexual reproduction and produced seeds. Although their “flowers” did not have corollas, these false ferns (today completely
extinct) ushered in the era of flowering plants. Traces of these flora of the earliest times have been preserved in the form of fossils. Such traces are
most commonly found in shale and sandstone rocks wedged between coal beds.
Today only tropical forests bear living proof of the ancient greatness of ferns. The species that grow there are no longer those of the Carboniferous
period, but their variety and vast numbers, and the great size of some, remind us of the time when ferns ruled the plant kingdom.

A 29. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A An ancient form of plant life B Plant reproduction
C How to locate fossils D Tropical plant life
C 30. The word “others” in line 2 refers to
A trees B fronds C plants D pillars
D 31. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of the plants described in the passage?
A They once spread over large areas of land. B They varied greatly in size.
C They coexisted with amphibians, mosses, and horsetails. D They clung to tree trunks and bushes for support.
B 32. The word “true” in line 4 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A accurate B genuine C straight D dependable
C 33. According to the passage, fossils of early plant life are usually found in rocks located between deposits of
A shale B corollas C coal D sandstone
A 34. The word “bear” in line 8 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A provide B call for C tolerate D suffer

II. Questions 35~40

According to some scientists, migratory birds should be able to withstand the winter. A bird’s feathery coat is good insulation against the cold.
Because a bird is warm-blooded, its body temperature always remains constant, even if the temperature of its surroundings changes.
The factors that trigger migratory behavior in birds are difficult to explain. This behavior seems to be instinctive, not learned. For example, many
northern species leave their summer homes while the weather is still warm and the food supply plentiful. Young arctic terns born at the arctic breeding
grounds will take off with the flock for distant lands they have never seen.
Bird migrations are probably regulated by the glandular system. Scientists suspect that the changing length of the day is the factor that triggers
migratory behavior. In an experiment, migratory birds were kept in artificially lighted rooms. It was found that if periods of darkness were lengthened
proportionately, the glands of the birds became active. These glands secrete hormones, which are chemicals that control numerous body functions.
Shorter periods of daylight seem to change the hormone balance of birds, so that they retain more fat. This stored fat is the fuel that provides the energy
for a long flight. The same experiment revealed that the birds became more excited as the artificial night was lengthened. It is probably no coincidence
that most flocks begin their migratory flights during the night.

B 35. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A Common migratory paths for birds B Why birds migrate
C Species of birds that do not migrate D Migration in cold climates
D 36. According to the passage, which of the following protects birds against cold weather?
A Glands B Hormones C Artificial light D Feathers
B 37. The word “constant” in line 2 is closest in meaning to
A persistent B invariable C predictable D responsive
A 38. In line 4-5, the author mentions young arctic terns as an example of birds that
A migrate instinctively B do not migrate C breed during migration D adapt to the cold
D 39. According to the passage, birds exposed to longer periods of darkness experience all of the following changes EXCEPT
A retention of more fat B activated glands C excited behavior D increased appetite
C 40. In the experiment mentioned in the passage, the scientists adjusted the birds’
A food supply B body temperatures C exposure to light D brain chemistry


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