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1. Where is Petronas Twin Towers located?

a. Malaysia c. Singapore
b. Thailand d. Indonesia
2. What is the currency of the Philippines?
a. Yen c. Peso
b. Dinar d. Rial
3. What does ASEAN stand for?
a. Association of Southeast Asian Nations c. Association of Southwest Asian Nations
b. Association of South Asian Nations d. Association of Southeast Asia Nations
4. What is the largest country in the ASEAN?
a. Indonesia c. Philippines
b. Thailand d. Singapore
5. What is the currency of Myanmar?
a. Kyat c. Dong
b. Baht d. Rial


6. How many countries belong to ASEAN today?

a. 8 c. 12
b. 10 d. 15
7. The red color of ASEAN flag symbolizes of _____________?
a. Prosperity c. Peace and Stability
b. Purity d. Courage and dynamism
8. Angkor Wat is the landmark of what country in the Southeast Asia?
a. Singapore c. Malaysia
b. Thailand d. Cambodia
9. How many stars does the Singapore’s flag have?
a. 5 c. 4
b. 3 d. 2
10. How many colors are there on the flag of ASEAN?
a. Five c. Three
b. Two d. Four


11. What is the motto of ASEAN?

a. One ASEAN, One Identity, One Unity c. One Identity, One Vision, One Community
b. One Vision, One Identity, One Community d. One Community, One Vision, One Identity
12. Who is the current prime minister of the Philippines?
a. Vicente “Tito” Sotto III c. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
b. Ferdinand Marcos d. Aquilino “Kiko” Pimentel
13. Where is the ASEAN Secretariat located?
a. Jakarta, Indonesia c. Hanoi, Vietnam
b. Bangkok, Thailand d. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
14. What is the name of the anthem of ASEAN?
a. Peace, Harmony, Prosperity c. The ASEAN way
b. My ASEAN d. The ASEAN Dream
15. When is ASEAN Day celebrated annually?
a. August 10th c. August 15th
b. August 8th d. August 20th
16. When was ASEAN established?
a. 1967 c. 1996
b. 1963 d. 1992

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