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The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor


Tonight we will talk about the Christmas' symbolism. It is clear that it is necessary to
meditate about this marvellous event.

The Sun, each year does an elliptical travel that begins on December 25th. Then it returns
once again to the South Pole, to the Antarctic. So, this is why it is necessary to reflect
about the profound meaning of it.

At this time, here in the North the cold begins, because the Sun is moving away in
direction to the austral regions, and on December 24th , it will have reached the maximum
point of its travel in direction to South.

Except for its moveme nt into the North, from the 25th of December, we would die of
cold, the entire earth would become a huge mass of ice and any living creature would die.
So it is worth to reflect about the Christmas event.

The Christ-Sun has to advance in order to give us life and in the Spring's equinox he
crucifies himself on the earth; then the grape and the wheat ripen. Ant it is precisely in
Spring when the Lord has to pass through his life, passion and death, so he can later
resurrect in the Holy Week (Spring).

The physical Sun is just the symbol of the Spiritual Sun, of the Christ-Sun. When the
ancient people adored the Sun, when they worshipped him, they were not worshipping
the physical Sun. No, the cult was to the Spiritual Sun, to the Midnight Sun, the Christ-

Undoubtedly, it is the Christ-Sun who has to lead us in the superior worlds of

Consciousness. Every mystic that learns to work out of his physical body voluntarily, is
guided by the Midnight Sun, by the Cosmic Christ.

It is necessary to learn to know the symbolic movements of the Midnight Sun. He is the
one that always lead the initiate, he is the one that orientate us, that indicates what we
have and not have to do. I am talking, in the most profound esoteric sense, taking in
account that every initiate has to get out of his physical body voluntarily (not knowing
how to get out is for the beginners or people that are giving the first steps in these

So, since the moment that one is in the Path, has to be guided by the Midnight Sun, by the
Christ-Sun, one have to learn to recognise its signals, its movements. For example, if one
see the Sun submerging itself into the sunset, what it would have been signalizing? That
something has to die within ourselves. If one see the Sun raising on the Orient, what that
it means? That something has to born in us.

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

When we are successful in the esoteric tests, he shines extraordinarily in the horizon. The
Lord orientate us in the superior worlds and one has to learn to recognise his signals.

Dubois and many others have studied the marvellous event of Christmas. There is not
doubt (and this is recognised by Dubois) that all religions of the ancient times celebrated

As the physical Sun advances to the North in order to give life to the entire creation, in
the same form the Midnight Sun, the Sun of the Spirit, the Christ-Sun, give us life if we
learn to obey his commandments.

Obviously, the Bible talks about the solar event, and it is necessary to understand its
occult meaning. Each year the Cosmic Drama of the Christ-Sun is lived in the
Macrocosms (each year I repeat). Let us take in account that each year the Christ-Sun has
to crucify himself in the world, to live his drama of life, passion and death, and resurrect
later in all which has been and will be, that is to say, in the whole creation. In this form is
how everybody receive the life of the Christ-Sun.

It is also truth that each year the Sun, when moving away in direction of the austral
regions, leaves (here in the North) us sad, because he goes to give the life to other
regions. The long nights of winter are hard; in times of Christmas, the days are short and
the nights longer.

Let us reflect in all of this; it is convenient to understand what the Cosmic Drama really
is. It is necessary that the Christ-Sun also born in us (he has to born in us).

The Bible talks about Bethlehem and a stable in where he was born. The stable of
Bethlehem is inside of us, here and now. Precisely, in that inner stable live the animals of
desire, all of those lustful "I's" that we carry in our psyche, that is obvious.

Bethlehem itself, is an esoteric name. In the times when the Great Kabir Jesus came to
the world, the hamlet of Bethlehem did not exists. So all of that is absolutely symbolic.
Bel is a Chaldean root that means Tower of Fire. So, bethlehem means Tower of Fire...
Who could ignore that Bel is a term that is related with the tower of Bel, the Tower of
Fire? So, Bethlehem is completely symbolic.

When the initiate works with the sacred fire, when the initiate eliminates from his inner
nature the psychic aggregates, when in truth is doing the Great Work, undoubtedly will
have to pass through the Venustic Initiation. The descend of the Christ to the heart of the
man, is a cosmic-human event of great connotation. That event in truth is the Venustic

Unfortunately, it has not been understood what the Christ really is. Many believe that the
Christ was exclusively Jesus of Nazareth and are mistaken. Jesus of Nazareth as a man,
or better to say, Jeshua Ben Pandira as a man, received the Venustic Initiation, he

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

incarnated him; but is not the only one that has received that initiation. Hermes
Trismegistus, the three times great God Ibis of Thot, also incarnated the Christ.

John the Baptist, that many believed was the Christus, the anointed, undoubtedly received
the Venustic initiation, he incarnated the Christ.

The Baptist Gnostics asserted in the Holy la nd, that the true Messiah was John and that
Jesus was just an initiate that had wanted to follow John. In those days there were
discussions between the Baptists the Gnostics Essenes and others.

So we have to understand the Christ as he is: not as a person or as a subject. The Christ is
much beyond the personality, the "I" and the individuality; the Christ, in the authentic
esotericism, is the Logos, the Solar Logos, represented by the Sun. Now we will
understand why the Incas adored the Sun; the Nahuatls worshipped the Sun as well as the
Mayans, the Egyptians, etc.

It was not an adoration to the physical Sun, no, but to what was occult behind that
physical symbol. Obviously, what was adored was the Solar Logos, the Second Logos.
That Solar Logos is the Multiple Perfect unity (the variety is the unity). In the world of
the Cosmic Christ, the separated individuality does not exists; in the Lord all of us are

In these moments comes to my memory an esoteric experiment that I made many years
ago. Then, sub merged in profound meditation, I attained the Samadhi, the state of
Manteia or ecstasy, as is called in the western esotericism. I wanted in that epoch to know
something about the baptism of Jesus the Christ, that as we well know was baptized by

The state of abstraction was profound, and I reached the perfect Dharana, that is to say,
concentration, the Dhayana, the meditation. Finally I attained the Samadhi, I would dare
to say that it was a Maha-Samadhi because I perfectly left the Physical, Astral, Mental,
Causal, Buddhic and even the Atmic one. So, I could project in integral form my
Consciousness into the Logos.

Therefore, I made the investigation been in that Logoic state, been a Dragon of Wisdom.
Immediately, I saw myself in the Holy Land, inside of a Temple; but something
extraordinary: I saw myself transformed in John the Baptist, wearing a sacred cloth. I saw
when Jesus was brought with his white tunic. Talking to him, I said: "Jesus, undress
yourself because I am going to baptize you..."

Then, I took a bit of oil from a container, (of olives), I lead him to the Sanctuary and
anointed him with oil, I spilled water on him and I recited the mantras or rites. After that,
the Master took seat apart, in a chair. I took everything once again, I put it in its place and
with this I concluded the ceremony.

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

But I saw myself transformed in John. Of course, once the ecstasy or Samadhi was gone I
said to myself: "How come that I can be John the Baptist? I am not John the Baptist, not
even remotely!" I was really perplexed, so I said: "I will do now, another concentration;
but now I am not going to do the concentration on John, but Jesus of Nazareth." I selected
as a subject of concentration, the great Master Jesus.

The work was long and costly, the concentration became more and more profound. Then
I passed to the Dharana (concentration), to the Dhayana (meditation); from the Dhayana I
passed to the Samadhi, that is to say, the ecstasy. I made a supreme effort that allowed me
to freed myself from the Physical, Astral, Mental, Causal, Buddhic and Atmic bodies, to
finally re-bring my Consciousness, to introduce it into the world of the Solar Logos.

And in that state, wanting to know about the Christ Jesus, I saw myself transformed in the
Christ Jesus, doing miracles and wonders in the Holy land, healing sick people, giving
life to the blinds, etc., etc., etc., and finally I saw myself dressing the holy clothing, in
that Temple, walking in direction of John. John talked to me and said: "Jesus, undress
yourself because I am going to baptise you..." The roles had been changed: I did not see
myself transformed in John, but Jesus, and I received the baptism of John, as I already
told you.

When the Samadhi was passed, once in my physical body, I could verify perfectly that in
the world of the Cosmic Christ all of us is one. If I would had wanted to meditate in any
of you, over there, in the world of the Logos I would had seen myself transformed in any
of you, living your life. And it happens that up there individuality does not exists, there is
not personality nor "I." There, all of us are one; in the world of the Logos, there not exists
the separated individuality. The Logos is the Perfect Multiple Unity, is an energy that
flows and palpitates in all what exists, that is in the depth of every atom, of every
electron, of every proton, and that expresses itself in any man that is properly prepared.

Well, I have done this clarification synthesis with the intension to clarify in better form
the event of Bethlehem.

When a man is properly prepared, passes through the Venustic Initiation (but he has to be
duly prepared), and in the Venustic Initiation attains the incarnation of the Cosmic Christ,
in himself, inside of his own nature.

The birth of the Christ in Bethlehem would be useless if he does not born in our hart also.
His death and resurrection would be useless if he does not die and resurrects in our hearts
also. That is the nature of the Saviour Salvandus. The Inner Christ has to save us from
inside, to all of us.

Those that wait the return of Jesus of Nazareth in a remote future, are mistaken. The
Christ has to come now, from within; the second return of the Lord is from within, from
the depth of our Consciousness. That is why it is written: "Then if any man shall say you
unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe is not..." The Christ will not come from

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

outside this time but from within; will come from the very depth of our heart, if we
prepare ourselves.

Paul clarifies this point saying: "...That being justified by his grace, we should be made
heirs according to the hope of eternal life." (so there is documentation). If one study Paul
of Tarsus carefully, one see that he in rare occasions allude to the historic Christ. Each
time when Paul of Tarsus talks about Jesus Christ, he is talking about the Inner Jesus
Christ, the Inner Jesus Christ, that has to appear in the depth of our spirit, of our soul.

Meanwhile a man does not incarnate him, it cannot be said that he has the eternal life.
Only he can take our Souls from the Hades, only he can in truth give us life, an abundant
life. So, we have to be less dogmatics and to learn to think in the Inner Christ.

All the symbolism related with the birth of Jesus, is alchemist and cabbalist. It is said that
Three Wise Men came to adore him, leaded by a star. That fragment could not be
understood if we do not know the alchemy, because that symbolism is alchemist... What
is the star and who are those Three Wise Men? I say you that that star it is the Seal of
Solomon, the Star of six points, the symbol of the Solar Logos.

Obviously, the superior triangle represents the Sulphur, that is to say, the Fire. And what
does the inferior triangle represents in alchemy? The mercury, the Water. But what is the
kind of water that the alchemists talk about? They talk about "the water that does not wet,
about the radical metallic number," or in other words, about the Exhiohehari, the sacred
sperm. Undoubtedly through the transmutation of the sexual secretions that extraordinary
water, the "pure waters of Amrita," the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy is made.

It is really worth to meditate in the Seal of Solomon. There you have the superior
triangle, living representation of the Sulphur and the inferior one, living representation of
the Mercury. It means that the Sacred Fire, the Fire of the Holy Spirit, has to fecundate
the Chaotic Matter, so the life can appear; it has to fecundate the Mercury of the Secret
Philosophy. Undoubtedly, it is a bit difficult to understand the Star of Bethlehem if we do
not use the Seal of Solomon and the Alchemy.

I repeat, the Mercury is the Metallic Soul of the Sacred Sperm; the Sulphur is the Sacred
Fire of Kundalini. Once we understand this, we can clarify something else: the Sulphur
has to fecundate the Mercury. With the Mercury fecundated by the Sulphur, we can
create the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being. So, if we would not understand this,
we could not understand the Seal of Solomon, nor the Star that appeared to the Three
Wise Men.

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

For a better explanation, here we have the Three mercuries:

1. Is what the alchemists call the Raw Mercury, that is to say, the Sacred Sperm.

2. This second Mercury is the Metallic Soul of the first one. Through the transmutation
the Sperm is transformed in energy. That sexual energy is called Metallic Soul of the

3. The third one is the most important. It is the famous Mercury fertilized by the

This is a bit difficult and hard to understand, but if you pay attention, at list you will get
an idea. If you want me to explain the Christmas, I have to explain it as it is, or not to
explain at all...

Undoubtedly, the first thing we have is the Raw Mercury, the sacred Sperm. Second, the
sexual energy, the result of the sperm's transmutation. Third, the Mercury already
fecundated by the Sulphur, or in other words, the sexual energy already fecundated by the
sacred fire, a mixture of energy and fire that ascends through the spinal column, to lead
us to the Inner Self- Realization of the Being. This third Mercury is the Arche of the
Greeks. So in the Arche there is Salt, there is Sulphur and Mercury, that is obvious.

Over there, in the Macrocosms, the Nebula is composed by Salt, Sulphur and Mercury. In
this Nebula there is Arche, the Arche of the Greeks; from the Nebula emanate the cosmic
unities. Here below, we need to create the Arche. How? Through the sexual
transmutation. From that Arche which is composed by Salt, Sulphur and Mercury will
born the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being.

If somebody has the Astral, Mental and Causal bodies, obviously becomes a Solar man
and receives his psychic and spiritual principles. Of course, at the beginning we only
have the Raw Mercury and is necessary to transmute it, that is to say, the sexual
secretions have to be transmuted, transformed in energy.

That energy is called the Metallic Soul of the Sperm, that energy ascends through the
spermatic channels to the brain. Later, that energy fuse its positive and negative poles in
the coccyx, near the triveni and then the fire appears. The fire fecundates that energy; the
fire mixed with that energy ascends through the spinal marrow to the brain.

The surplus of that Mercury fecundated by the Sulphur, crystallizes in the Superior
Existential Bodies of the Being. First, it will be formed the Astral body; second, it will be
formed the body of the Mind and third, it will be formed the Causal body. When
somebody has the Astral, Mental and Causal bodies, receives his psychic and spiritual
principles, that is to say, he becomes a man, a true man. So that is indispensable. But to
create the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being and to perfect them is another thing.

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

Undoubtedly, the Salt, the Sulphur and the Mercury are the base of everything. Wherever
there is matter, there is Salt; every matter in its last element is Salt and the Salt can be
transformed in gold. So, the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being, are a mixture of
Salt, Sulphur and Mercury. The Salt in any of those bodies, through the combined action
of the sulphur and the Mercury, is transformed in gold.

To transform those bodies in gold, in Fine Vehicles of Gold, it would be the correct and
that is the Great Work. But this wonder could not be done, if we would not receive an
extra help. That marvellous help is the Nativity of the Heart: the Christ has to born in the
heart of the man, so the gigantic work of transforming the Existential Superior Bodies of
the Being in pure gold can be done.

Let us place ourselves in any of these bodies: the Astral body. Let us imagine a person
who has an Astral body. One knows that has an Astral body when can use it, can travel
with it consciously and positively; when one can travel from one planet to another with
this body... Let us imagine a person who has that Astral body but that is working in order
to transform it in a vehicle of pure gold, that is to say, that wants to perfect it. How he
could do that if he does not eliminate the Dry Mercury (the "I's") and the Arsenic-
Sulphur, that is to say, the sanguinolent atoms of the lust?

Obviously he will need help and if he attains the elimination of the dry Mercury and the
Arsenic-Sulphur or Poisonous Sulphur, then his Astral body will be transformed in a
vehicle of gold. But this work is difficult. Fortunately, the Inner Christ intervenes and
helps eliminating all that Dry Mercury and that Poisonous Mercury or Arsenic-Sulphur.
And finally as a result of these works, that vehicle is transformed in a body of gold.

The salt that transforms that Astral body in a vehicle of precious gold, necessarily will
have to pass through successive stages. The first one is symbolized by the Black Raven,
by Saturn. Why?
Because the initiate will have to start working with the Death: will have to eliminate, to
destroy, to disintegrate all the inhuman elements that has in his Astral body (and that
means death, rottenness), to finally reach the White Colour that is fundamental.

Obviously, that White Colour is represented by the white dove. The initiates of Egypt
used to receive the Ba, that is to say, the wearing of white linen, to represent the chastity,
the pureness. The third symbol is the Yellow Eagle, the initiate has the right to wear the
yellow tunic. The fourth, is the fourth stage of the work, the initiate receives the purple,
his Astral body has been already transformed in a vehicle of pure gold of the finest
quality. The chief of all of this alchemist work is the Inner Christ.

The wise men say that "the Salt, the Sulphur and the Mercury, are passive instruments of
the Great Work." They say "the most important is the Inner Magnes." That Magnes cited
by Paracelsus, is the inner Christ, the Lord. He has to do, in truth, all the Great Work.

I used as example the Astral body, but an identical work has to be done with each one of
the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being. That work without the Inner Magnes of

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

Alchemy, it would be impossible. For this reason, when one begins the Great Work, has
to incarnate the Inner Christ.

He born in the stable of our own body, there inside we have the animals of the inferior
passions; he has to grow up, to unfolds through the ascensions, of the grades, to become a
Man among the Men, to take charge of all our mental, volitive, sexual, emotional
processes, etc., etc., etc., to be like anybody else.

Been the Christ a so perfect Being, however he has to live as a sinner among the sinners,
unknown among the unknowns; that is the crude reality of the facts. But he grows up,
unfolds, according he is eliminating in himself the undesirable elements that we carry

His integration with us is so great, that he puts all the responsibilities on his shoulders: he
has transformed himself in a sinner like us (and he is not a sinner), feeling in flesh and
bone, the temptations, living as everybody, and in this form, little by little he eliminates
the undesirable elements of our psyche, not as something strange to him, but as
something which are part of him. He unfolds and develops within ourselves, and that is
really wonderful. If it were not in this form, it would be impossible to do the Great work.

He is the one that has to eliminate all that Dry Mercury and all of that Poisonous Sulphur,
so the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being can be transformed in vehicles of pure
gold (in gold of the best quality).

The Three Wise Men that coming to adore the child, represent the colours of the Great
Work. The first colour is the black. When we are perfecting a body, I repeat, that work is
symbolized by the Black raven of death: it is the work of Saturn, symbolized by that
Magician of black colour. Then we are passing through a death: the death of all out
desires, passions, etc., etc., etc., in the Astral world.

The white dove comes after, that is to say, in the moment that we already have
disintegrated all the "I's" of the Astral world, we have the right to wear the tunic of white
linen, the tunic of the egyptian Ba, the tunic of Jesus.

That is the second king, the white king. And if one has advanced enough in the perfection
of the Astral body and the yellow colour appears on it, one has then the right to wear the
yellow tunic. Is then when the yellow eagle appears and this remind us the third of the
kings, the one of the yellow race.

Finally, the crown of the work is the purple. When a body is of pure gold, one receives
the purple of the kings (because one has been successful) and that is the purple that the
kings carry on their shoulders.

So, here you can see that the Three Wise Men are not as many believe three persons. Not
sir: are the fundamental colours of the Great Work and the Jesus Christ is internal, lives
within ourselves!

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

Jesus in Hebrew is Jeshua, and Jeshua means Saviour. As a saviour, our particular Jeshua
has to born in the stable that we carry inside, in order to do the Great Work. He is the
Inner Magnes of the alchemist laboratory. The great master has to appear in the depth of
our soul, of our spirit.

The hardest part to the Inner Christ, when he has born in the heart of a man, is precisely
the Cosmic Drama, his Via Crucis. In the gospel we can see the multitudes asking for the
crucifixion of the Lord. Those multitudes are not from yesterday or from a remote past as
many believe, of something that happened 1.975 years ago. No, those multitudes are
inside of ourselves, are our famous "I's"!

Inside of each person lives thousands of persons: the "I" hate, the "I" feel jealousy, the "I"
feel envy, the "I" am covetous, etc., etc., etc. It is clear that the inner multitudes are our
famous "I's" that shout: Crucifixia! Crucifixia! Crucifixia!

And about the three traitors, we already know that in the Christic gospel they are Judas,
Pilates and Caiaphas. Who is Judas? the demon of desire. Who is Pilates? The demon of
the mind. Who is Caiaphas? The demon of the Ill Will. But it is necessary to clarify it, so
it can be possible to understand this.

Judas, the demon of desire, changes the Inner Christ for 30 coins of silver. 3 = 0 = 3. That
is the cabbalistic allusion. That is to say, he changes him for the material things: for the
money, the liquors, the luxury, the animal placers, etc., etc., etc.

And about Pilates, he is the demon of the mind. That demon always washes his hands, he
is never guilty, he always find an excuse for everything, a justification, he never feels
guilty. Really, we live justifying every psychological defect that we have within
ourselves, we never think that we are guilty.

There are those that have said to me: "Sir, I think that I am a good person. I do not kill, I
do not steal, I am charitable, I am not envious;" that is to say, "a virtuous man," in their
opinion they are perfects. "Well, -I say to myself- what can I do. In front of so much
perfection: Good bye!"

Therefore, let us observe the things as they are, in their crude realism. That Pilates always
washes his hands, never feels guilty. And about Caiaphas, I frankly believe that is the
most perverse of all of them. Think in what Caiaphas is: the Inner Christ many times
appoints a Priest or a Master, an Initiate, to lead his lambs, to take care of them; he gives
him the authority to lead the congregation and that Priest, that Master or initiate, instead
of leading his people wisely, sells the sacraments, prostitutes the altar, fornicates with the
devotees, etc., etc., etc.

Conclusion: it betrays the Inner Christ. Is it that action painful? Of course, it is horrible,
is the dirtiest treason that can exists! And there is not doubt: are many the religions that
have prostituted themselves; are many the priests that have betrayed the Inner Christ.

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

I am not pointing a determined sect, no, I am talking about the whole religions of world.
It have happened that some esoteric groups, directed by true initiates have been betrayed
many times by these initiates: they have betrayed the Inner Christ and this is painful,
infinitely painful... So, Caiaphas is the dirties of them.

Think for a moment in the Inner Christ, in the depths of each one of you, in the owner of
all your mental and emotional processes fighting in order to save any one of you,
suffering horribly, and his own "I's" (yours "I's") protesting against him, blaspheming,
putting on him the crown of thorns, flagellating him... well, that is the crude reality of the
facts: it is the Cosmic drama lived innerly.

Finally, that Inner Christ will have to ascend to the Calvary and to descend to the
sepulchre (with his dead, he kills the death. That is the last thing he does). Later, he
resurrects in the initiate and the initiate resurrects with him; then the Great Work has
been done. Consumatum Est!

In that form have come forth through the centuries the Resurrect Masters. Let us think in
Hermes Trismegistus, in Moria (great Master of the Jinn Forces); let us think in the Count
Cagliostro, that still lives or in St. Germain, that in the year 1.939 visited Europe again.
St. Germain worked actively during the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries and however, he still
exists physically, he is a Resurrect Master. Why are they Resurrects? Because thanks to
the Inner Christ, they attained the Resurrection.

Therefore, without the Inner Christ the Resurrection would not be possible. Those that
believe that with the mere physical death, they already have access to the Dead's
Resurrection, in truth are people worth of compassion, that not only ignore (talking in
Socratic style), but what is worst: they ignore that ignore. The Resurrection is something
that has to be worked here and now. And one has to resurrect in flesh and bones. The
immortality has to be attained here and now, personally. In this form has to be understood
the mystery of the Christ. The entire Cosmic Drama is extraordinary, marvellous, and in
truth begins with the Nativity of the heart.

What continues afterwards is formidable: he had to escape to Egypt, because Herod

ordered to kill all the children and he had to escape (but this is symbolic, absolutely

It is said that Jesus, that Mary (in an apocryphal gospel) had to escape to Egypt and that
the they stayed several days living under one fig tree, and that from that fig tree emanated
a spring of pure water (all of that has to be und erstood); that fig tree always represents the
sex. Do they nourished themselves with the fruits of the fig tree? They are the fruits of
the Life of Knowledge of Good and Evil and that pure water that emanated from the fig
tree, is just the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy.

A lot has been written about the Decollation of the Innocents. Nicholas Flamel left
engraved on the doors of Paris' cemetery, scenes of the Decollation of the Innocents. But

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

what is the real meaning of the Decollation of the Innocents? It is symbolic and alchemist
also! Every initiate has to pass through the decollation.

But, what thing must be decollated by the Inner Christ? He has to decollate the Ego, the
"I," the myself. What does the blood which is spilled with the decollation means? It is the
fire, it is the Sacred Fire, which is used by the initiate to purify, to clean and to whiten
himself. All of that is esoteric; nothing can be taken as dead letter.

Then, it come the miraculous phenomena of the great Master. Did he walk over the
waters? Yes, the Inner Christ has to walk over the Waters of Life, to give the sight to
those that do not have it, so they can see the light; to open the ears to those that do not
have ears, so they can listen the word. When the Lord has grown in the initiate, he has to
take the word and to explain to others what the Path is. To clean the leprosies (everybody
is leprous, there is not one that is not leprous; that leprosy is the Ego, the pluralized "I;"
the infection that everybody carries inside: the leprosy from the one we have to be
cleaned). Everybody is paralytic, do not walk yet through the Self-Realization's Path. The
Son of Man has to cure the paralytic ones, so they can walk in direction of the Being's

It is necessary to understand the gospel in a more profound an intimate form, it is not

related with a remote past, it has to be lived within ourselves here and now. If we begin to
maturate a bit, we will understand in a better form the message the Great Kabir Jesus
brought to Earth. Anyway, we need to pass through the Three Purifications that the Iron
and Fire must do.

The Three Nails of the Cross symbolize those three purifications and the word INRI says
a lot (we already know that INRI esoterically is the Fire). We need to pass through the
Three Purifications that the Iron and the Fire must do, before the attaining of the
Resurrection. Otherwise, it would not be possible to attain the Resurrection. The one that
resurrects is transformed radically, is transformed in a God-Man, in a Hierophant of the
size of one Buddha or an Hermes or a Quetzalcoatl, etc.

Really, the Four Gospels could not be understood, if one does not study Alchemy and
Cabbala, because they are alchemists and cabbalists; that is obvious.

The Jewish have three sacred books. The first one is the Body of the Doctrine, that is to
say, the Bible. The second is the Soul of the Doctrine: the Talmud, in where is the
national jewish soul; and the third is the Spirit of the Doctrine, the Zohar, in which is the
Cabbala of rabbis.

The Bible, the Body of the Doctrine, is in code. If we want to study the Bible versicle by
versicle, we are acting in an ignorant, empiric and absurd manner. A verification of this
are all the Dead Sects that have appear until now, with empirical interpretations of Bible,
and they do not agree with the interpretations until now. If there exists thousands of sects
based on the Bible, this means that any of them has comprehended the Bible.

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

Only with the third book, the Zohar, written by Simeon Berjorchail, the Great Illuminated
Rabbi, we can find the key to interpret the Bible. So, is necessary to study the Zohar if we
want to know something about the Son of Man; in this book we have to study the Tree of
Knowledge. How could we know something about the Son of Man, if we do not study the
Tree of Life in the Zohar? It is not possible! When one study the Tree of Life, has to
investigate the Ten Sephiroths of the Hebrew Cabbala.

This time I will speak about the Ten Sephiroths, not upwards to downwards, but I will do
it from the bottom, because as the Count St. Germain was saying to me in certain
occasion: "Now, in these times, we have to work from down upwards" (and it is truth that
we do not have another choice, because the humanity is so much materialized). So, I will
start talking about the Tree of Life, from down upwards, not from up downwards...

The first Sephiroth is Malkuth. This Malkuth is the physical world, this three-dimensional
world of Euclid, that is obvious.

The scientists can know the mechanism of phenomena, but what do they know about the
Vital base? Absolutely nothing, anything! Let us take any body: we see that is composed
by organs. The organs, are composed by cells, the cells by molecules and the molecules
by atoms, and if we fractionate any atom, we liberate energy. The scientists can play with
the bio- mechanic of phenomena, but they cannot create life; Impossible! If we put over
the laboratory's table, the chemical substances that compose the masculine and feminine
gametes, that is to say, sperms and ovules, and we tell them if can fabricate those
gametes, I do not deny that they can do them (it is possible that with the help of powerful
microscopes), but of one thing we are absolutely sure, and it is that they will never
produce life in those gametes, or to create a human organism.

Alfonso Guerra, the great mexican wise, the one that created the Plasma's theory,
fabricated the artificial cell, but it was a cell that never had life, it was a dead cell.

The seeds of coffee can be delivered from one soil to another, the same can be done with
the seeds of a person to another, to do artificial inseminations. All of this is possible, but
in this case they are playing with what nature has already done. Let us observe if the
scientists are able to fabricate those seeds, seeds with possibilities to become something
alive (that never has been done and will never be).

So life is something different; as Immanuel Kant, the philosopher of Konigsberg said one
day, the human organism need of a Nexus Formativus for his survival. That Nexus
Formativus is the Vital body, or Linga-Sarira of Hindustani: the Vital base of the living
cell, the Jesod of the Hebrew Cabbala.

As our physical body has to his conservation and survival, his Vital body, the plants and
any organism that has life (and in general all which palpitates in the planet earth) also
have it. The entire terrestrial world has its vital foundation, its Jesod. In this Jesod of the
terrestrial world, is the life of our world.

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

Going a bit deeper into the subject, we could speak about the Fifth Co-ordinate.
Obviously, much beyond of the Vital world there exists the Astral world. In the Astral
world live the disembodied people, after they have left their physical body; in the Astral
world we find the legions of Angels and demons. Anybody can learn to work in the
Astral world is he wants. We teach systems, that let to penetrate in the Astral world. That
Astral world is precisely, the cabbalistic Jod.

Much more beyond the Astral world, we find the world of the Cosmic Mind, the famous
Hebrew Netsah. The Earth has its limits; the Cosmic Mind or the Planetary Mind, is in all
what it is, has been and will be. Our own mind is a fraction of the Planetary Mind. The
world of the Mind has been profoundly studied by all the Schools of Regeneration.

Continuing with this analysis of the Tree of Life, we enter in the world of the Natural
Causes, the Causal World. Obviously the Causal World is in reality the Temple of the
Inner Light Fraternity, never built by human hands. In the Causal World we find the
different flows of cosmic causes: every effect has a cause, every cause its effect; every
cause is transformed in effect and the effect is transformed in the cause of a new effect.
Therefore, the causes and the effects are related.

The principle of man, known as Human Soul (it has been called Tiphereth and this is
really interesting) is in the Causal World. The Human Soul is masculine; the Spiritual
Soul is feminine. But in the World of Tiphereth we find the Human Soul, what we have
of humans.

When the Christ comes to help us (the Inner Christ), obviously he will have to raise in us
from Tiphereth, that is to say, in the Causal World, because in the Causal World are the
causes of our errors and he has to eliminate those causes.

In order to the Cosmic Christ could born in us, he has to be humanized, because he is a
cosmic, universal force, latent in each atom of the infinite. But in order to be humanized,
he will have to penetrate in the belly of the Divine Mother Kundalini. Ho w could we
understand this? Within ourselves is our Father that is in secret and also our Divine
Mother Kundalini.

When the Eternal Masculine unfolds the Eternal Feminine, it emerges the Divine Mother.
She receives the Logos in her belly (when he descends from his elevated zone); for this
reason it is said that she is virgin before the birth, during the birth, and after the birth.
And from her has to born that Child-Jesus, that Inner Jesus Christ, or particular Jeshua
that has to come to save us.

He emerges in the Human Soul. When somebody receives the Tiphereth's Initiation, he
can express himself in the Human Soul, in the Causal World. As a fact, he appears there,
so he can be able to eliminate the causes of the errors.

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

Much more beyond the World of Tiphereth or World of the Natural Causes, is Geburah,
that is the world of the Spiritual Soul, in rigorous Buddhism, it would be called Buddhic
World or Intuitive World; it is also called world of the Soul-Spirit.

So, what the Buddhi is? In the Buddhi is our Valkyrie, the Queen of the Jinns (Ginebra),
the one that passed the wine to Lancelot, among the delicious cups of Sukra and Manti...
Let us remember Dante, when he speaks about the two souls: the one that works and the
other one who observes herself in the mirror. Geburah is also called the World of Rigour,
of the Law, of the Justice.

Much more beyond of that Sephiroth, we find the seventh one, is Gedulah (it is also
called Chesed). That Chesed is the world of the Intimus, the world of Atman the

The testament of the ancient wisdom says: "Before that the false down would appear over
the Earth, those that survived the hurricane and the storm worshipped the Intimus and the
heralds of the Aurora appear to them..." The Intimus is Atman the ineffable: Chessed.

So, we would say that these seven Sephiroths are the manifestation. Much more beyond
of these seven inferior Sephiroths , it come the superior Sephirots.

Binah: but, what Binah is? Binah is the Holy Spirit, yes, the Holy Spirit in each one of us.
The world of the Holy Spirit is extraordinary, marvellous, wonderful. And much more
beyond of the world of the Holy Spirit, is the world of Chokmah, that is to say, the world
of the Logos, of the Cosmic Christ and really much more beyond is the world of Kether,
that is to say, the world of the Ancient of Days, our Father who is in secret.

Each one of us has his particular and individual Father. There are as many Fathers in the
Sky as people on the Earth (and even more). Each one of us has his own father.
Obviously, nobody could be able to see the Father, neither to speak face to face with him,
without dying.

First, the Ego must die (not the physical body but the Ego), so then later to have the
happiness of seen the Father and to speak with him. Otherwise it would not be possible.
Or at list, if the initiate is not completely dead, he has to have eliminated a 90% of his
Ego, in order to have the blissfulness of seeing the Father and to speak with him, face to
face, personally. He (Kether) is the Goodness of the Goodness, the Occult of the Occult,
the Mercy of the Mercies.

Therefore, this is the Tree of Life, the Ten Sephirots of the Hebrew Cabbala. The Son of
Man is in the region of Tiphereth. If we observe Tiphereth, we can see that is the fifth of
the Sephiroths, that is to say, is between half of the upper Sephiroths and lower ones. He
has (as Son of Man) to express himself in the Human Soul and will have to reunite the
superior and lower Sephiroths, to integrate them in himself, in order to be transformed in
the Adam Kadmon, that is to say, in the Celestial Adam, the Solar Adam.

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

When this is done, we will be perfects and transformed in terribly divine Gods, beyond
good and evil. Without the Christs (that emerges in Tiphereth) it would not be possible to
reach those so tremendous highs. The Lord is fundamental to the Great Work; he is the
Inner Magnes of alchemy.

Understanding what the Tree of Life is, we can know what the Son of man also is, as it
appears on Bible. But we would not know what the Son of Man is, if we do not study the
Tree of Life in the Zohar.

For example, the Bible talks about the Son of Man and says: "He who denies the Father
and the Son is antichrist." That is obvious, because the one that denies the Son of Man (is
in the region of Tiphereth), that is to say, the Human Soul (because that expression points
the Human Soul), the materialistic that deny the Human Soul, that takes away from the
human being the possibility of having Human Soul, like a Karl Marx that deprives
humanity of the eternal values, obviously becomes an Antichrist; because if the Christ
expresses himself through the Tiphereth, the one that speaks against the Human Soul, or
Causal Principle, is an Anti-Christ.

So the Anti-Christ of the false science, lives actually over the face of Earth. All of those
atheists scientists, enemies of the Eternal, are Antichrists in one hundred per cent,
because they deny the Son of Man. Let us reflect about all of this my dear brothers, so we
can understand what the Inner Christ and the Nativity of the Heart are.

Buddha and Jesus or Buddha and the Christ, complement themselves within ourselves...
One day I was telling to you and unusual case, an unusual experience. One day been in a
Buddhist Temple, in Japan, I spoke something about the Christ to the congregation.
Naturally, this generated a murmur in all the monks. I was in the middle of a Buddhist
Monastery; the monks talked to the Master and said to him that a man was speaking in
favour of Christ. I expected to see the monk coming to me with a horrible face, with one
stick or something like that, no? But fortunately nothing happened.

He said to me: "How come that you are here, in a Buddhist Temple, and speak in favour
of the Christ?" I answered: "With the profound respect that this congregation deserve, I
have to say that the Christ and the Buddha complement each other..." I saw with
amazement that the Master assented saying: "It is truth, Christ and Buddha complement
to each other" (he said that in front of all the monks). Then he talk to me with a Koan, in
order to show me that the Christ and the Buddha are two Inner Factors that one carries
inside. He ordered to bring a glass, taking it he first saw my right thumb and then the left
thumb. I understood the Koan, because I am use to the Dialectic of the Consciousness.

He wanted to say me with that, that the Christ and the Buddha are united within
ourselves, that are two aspects of our own Being. And I can explain this to you, at the
light of the Tree of Life. Naturally, the Buddha is formed by two principles: Chesed and
Geburah. In a rigorous philosophic language, we would say: Atman-Buddhi (is the Inner
Buddha). And about the Christ, we can see him here, in Chokmah.

The True Symbolism Of Christmas Samael Aun Weor

So the Christ, through Binah (which is the Sex), is connected with the Buddha, which is
Chesed-Geburah (parts of our own Being: Christ and Buddha). Then, the esoteric and
religious future of tomorrow's humanity, undoubtedly will have the best of the Christic
esotericism and the best of the Buddhist esotericism; that is to say, the Buddhist and
Christic esotericism has to fuse and integrate one to each other (are two parts of our own

Gautama, the Buddha Sakyamuni, came to teach us the Doctrine of Chesed and Geburah,
that is to say, the Doctrine of the Inner Buddha. And about Jeshua Ben Pandira, he came
to teach us the Doctrine of Christ (Chokmah is the Christ), came to teach us the Doctrine
of the Human Soul, the Doctrine of Tiphereth, the Doctrine of the Inner Christ, the
Doctrine of the Inner Crestos. Each one of them brought us a message of the Cosmic

So, the Christ and the Buddha complement one to each other, are within ourselves, that is
obvious. Understanding all of this my dear brothers, it is worthwhile to work, so one day
to receive the Venustic Initiation, that is to say, the Initiation of Tiphereth, the Nativity of
the Heart...


Samael Aun Weor


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