Module 6

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Module 6 : IoT Application Design

• Home automation
• Cities
• Environment
• Introduction of I-IoT
• Use cases of I-IoT
• Similarities between I-IoT & IoT
• Differences between I-IoT & IoT
Home Automation :
❖ Smart Lighting :-
• Home automation is constructing automation for a domestic,
mentioned as a sensible home or smart house.
• The purpose of the home automation system is to control the lights in
a typical home remotely using a web application.
• The system includes auto and manual modes. In auto mode, the system
measures the light in a room and switches on the light when it gets
dark. In manual mode, the system provides the option manually and
remotely switching on / off the light.
• Figure (1) shows the deployment design of the home automation
• The system has two REST services (mode and state) and a controller
native service. Figures (2) and (3) show specifications of the mode and
state REST services of the home automation system.
• The Mode service is a RESTful web service that sets mode to auto or
manual (PUT request), or retrieves the current mode (GET request).
The mode is updated to/retrieved from the database.
• The State service is a RESTful web service that sets the light
appliance state to on/off (PUT request), or retrieves the current light
state (GE request). The state is updated to/retrieved from the status
❖ Home intrusion Detection :-
• The purpose of the home intrusion detection system is to detect
intrusions using sensors (such PIR sensors and door sensors) and raise
alerts, if necessary.
• Figure (4) shows the process diagram for the home intrusion detection
system. Each room in the home has a PIR motion sensor and each door
has a door sensor. These sensors can detect motion or opening of
doors. Each sensor is read at regular intervals and the motions
detection or door opening events are stored and alerts are sent.
• The device in this example is a single-board mini computer which has
PIR and door sensors attached to it. The domain model also includes
the services involved in the system.
• `Figure (5) shows the information model for the home intrusion
detection system. The information model defines the attributes of
room and door virtual entities and their possible values.
• Figure (6), (7), (8) show specifications of the web services and the
controller service.
• Figure (9) shows the deployment design of the home automation



Cities :
• Smart Parking :-
• The purpose of a smart parking system is to detect the number of empty
parking slots and send the information over the Internet to smart parking
application backends. These applications can be accessed by drivers from
smartphones, tablets or from in-car navigation systems.
• In smart parking, sensors are used for each parking slot, to detect whether
the slot empty or occupied. This information is aggregated by a local
controller and then sent over the Internet to a server.
• Figure (1) shows the process diagram for the smart parking system. Each
parking slot has an ultrasonic sensor fixed above, which can detect the
presence of a vehicle in the is Each sensor is read at regular intervals and
the state of the parking slot (empty or occupied) is updated in a database.

• Figure (2) shows the information model for the smart parking system.
The information model defines the attribute (state) of the parking slot
virtual entity with two possible values (empty or occupied).
• Figures (3) and (4) show specifications of the controller and state
services of the smart parking system.

• Smart Health Monitoring :-

Statistical analysis of
Cloud the features for
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On board signal and

image processing to
extract features.
• It uses a network of sensors to monitor the vibration levels in the
structures such as bridges and buildings.
• The data collected from these sensors is analysed to assess the health
of the structures.
• By analyzing the data it is possible to detect cracks and mechanical
breakdowns, locate the damages to a structure and also calculate the
remaining life of the structure,
• Using such systems, advance warnings can be given in the case of
imminent failure of the structure
• Weather Monitoring :-
• The purpose of the weather monitoring system is to collect on environmental conditions
such as temperature, pressure, humidity and light in an area using multiple end nodes. The
end nodes send the data to the cloud where the data is aggregated and analyzed.
• Figure 9.26 shows the deployment design for the system. The system consists of multiple
nodes placed in different locations for monitoring temperature, humidity and pressure in
area. The end nodes are equipped with various sensors (such as temperature, pressure.
humidity and light).
• The end nodes send the data to the cloud and the data is stored in a cloud database. The
analysis of data is done in the cloud to aggregate the data and make predictions. A
cloud-based application is used for visualizing the data. The centralized controller can end
control commands to the end nodes, for example, to configure the monitoring interval the
end nodes.
• Figure 9.28 shows the specification of the controller service for the weather monitoring
system. The controller service runs as a native service on the device and monitors
temperature, pressure, humidity and light every 10 seconds.
I-IoT (Industrial Internet of things)
• The industrial internet of things (I-IoT) is the use of smart sensors,
actuators and other devices, such as radio frequency identification
tags, to enhance manufacturing and industrial processes.
• These devices are networked together to provide data collection,
exchange and analysis. Insights gained from this process aid in more
efficiency and reliability. Also known as the industrial internet.
• I-IoT is used in many industries, including manufacturing, energy
management, utilities, oil and gas.
• I-IoT uses the power of smart machines and real-time analytics to take
advantage of the data that dumb machines have produced in industrial
settings for years.
Use Cases of the I-IoT

Use Case 1: Predictive Maintenance

• Predictive maintenance is one of the most popular use cases of I-IoT.
Organizations use wireless I-IoT sensor data to predict and alert
workers when a machine will need maintenance. This prevents costly
breakdowns and unnecessary repairs and improves machine uptime.
• Finding and installing the necessary IoT equipment to collect accurate
information and generate actionable insights can take time and come
with high upfront costs.
Use Case 2: Asset Tracking and Inventory Management
• By deploying IoT-enabled asset tracking sensors, manufacturers can remotely
track equipment and transportation fleets in real-time.
• smart inventory management offers manufacturers intelligent actionable
insights that can improve the allocation of raw materials, scheduling,
transportation logistics, and ordering timelines.

Use Case 3: Workplace Safety and Security

• Accidents and risk management within factories are key concerns for
employers. IoT technologies such as video monitoring and remote monitoring
can help improve employee safety and security.
• Sensors can also accurately monitor temperature, humidity, and other
environmental conditions that may cause harm to employees. Processes can be
implemented to ensure that the data from worksite sensors deliver fast and
accurate messages to emergency services in the case of a disaster.
Use Case 4: Energy Optimization
• The production, delivery, and use of energy are becoming more and
more efficient thanks to IoT.
• IoT sensors can detect peaks and valleys in energy use and
automatically adjust operations to use as little electricity as possible.

Use Case 5: Digital Twins

• Digital twins are realistic digital models that virtually showcase all
features of a product or smart facility through the use of IIoT sensors
and hyper-connectivity.
• These twins update in real-time to illustrate environmental changes
that affect the real thing. Digital twins are widely used in auto
Use Case 6: Quality Improvements
• Environmental sensors can continuously monitor conditions critical
to quality and alert management when quality thresholds are
• By using IoT-connected temperature and humidity sensors, managers
can monitor those variables and be instantly alerted when they
deviate from optimal levels.
Use Case 7: Process Automation
• Automating processes that would otherwise require human
intervention, truck rolls, or inefficient manual labor is another
common reason for deploying IIoT.
• Although a wide variety of processes can be automated using IIoT, the
advantages ultimately boil down to increased efficiency, cost
reduction, and lowered risk. Smart irrigation is an excellent example
of how IIoT drives process automation.
Similarities of IoT and I-IoT
1) Both IoT and IIoT need cloud computing infrastructure.
2) Both IoT and IIoT require AI and ML to ensure smart decision-making.
3) IIoT and IoT use a few common I/O devices like HD cameras,
beamforming microphones, GPS, geofencing technology, temperature
sensors, and water droplet sensors.
4) Use many of the same communication technologies (WiFi, BLE, Cellular
Networks, LoRaWAN, etc.)
5) Use many of the same communication protocols (TCP, UDP, HTTP, MQTT
6) Use similar workflows (sense, process, transmit)
7) Affordable and high-speed internet connection is an essential resource
for both IoT and IIoT.
Differences of I-IoT and IoT
Sr No. I-IoT IoT
1 It focuses on industrial applications such as It focuses on general applications ranging
manufacturing, power plants, oil & gas, etc. from wearables to robots & machines.

2 It deals with large scale networks. It deals with small scale networks.
3 It can be programmed remotely i.e., offers It offers easy off-site programming.
remote on-site programming.

4 It handles data ranging from medium to It handles very high volume of data.

5 It requires robust security to protect the It requires identity and privacy.


6 It needs stringent requirements. It needs moderate requirements.

7 It having very long life cycle. It having short product life cycle.
Sr. No. I-IoT IoT
8 It has high- reliability It is less reliable.
9 Connectivity – Both wired and wireless Connectivity – usually wireless

10 Examples: amazon warehouse, smart robotics, Examples: air conditioners, sensors, smart
Air bus etc. watches, mobile phones etc

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