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Full Stack
course guide



1 About us

2 About the course

3 Why you should learn

4 What you'll learn

5 How you'll learn

6 How we teach

7 Funding your bootcamp


1. About us

CodeOp is an international tech school that

teaches women, transgender and nonbinary
students the skills they need to work in
technology. We launched CodeOp as a social
venture in 2018, and have grown to be an
award-winning global team that's passionate
about doing meaningful work at the
intersection of tech and education.

We offer three courses led by senior-level

instructors to support our students across
various stages of their tech journey:

Full Stack Development course for

students looking to transition to tech.

Data Science course for those with a

statistical, technical, or BI background.

Data Analytics for students who are

looking to start careers in the analytics
industry. The course has the option of
switching to the more advanced Data
Science course mid-way through.


2.About our Full Stack

Development Course
The Full Stack Development course at Our approach is holistic. We want you to get
CodeOp will prepare you for a career in the a sense of what it’s like to work as a
tech industry as an entry-level software developer in the tech industry, so in addition
engineer. to teaching you the technical frameworks,
we also cover various subjects like UX and
You’ll receive instruction in group classes, as UI design, product development, data
well as ongoing mentorship and in-depth science, agile project management, as well
career guidance. We focus on making sure as resiliency and community.
that your learning is fast but robust, and that
you can build strong relationships with your In case you're worried, what all of this
instructors. means is that you don’t need to have a
background in tech. You’ll spend the first
part of the course reviewing the foundations
and focusing on programming fundamentals,
before moving on to advanced JavaScript,
data structures, and algorithms.

Later, you’ll learn to develop complete

applications using the latest technologies
including React.js, Vue, Node.js, Express,
MySQL, Git, and Heroku. In the last weeks,
you’ll focus on developing full stack
applications from scratch and doing
activities to prepare you for your new


3. Why you should learn

Reason #1: Because you want to Reason #3: Because it teaches you how to

This is one of the main reasons why anyone Learning to code will give you more than
should learn anything, and one of the technical knowledge—it also gives you a
biggest motivators in getting to where you new outlook and way to approach your
want to go next. As with many new skills, work. Problems become opportunities—
software development has a steep learning you’ll learn skills that provide a logical way
curve. of thinking, allowing you to identify all the
areas where issues may arise in order to
It requires patience and open-mindedness troubleshoot your way out of them or
so that even when you’re finding it preempt them entirely.
frustrating and may feel blocked, your drive
to learn makes you focus and power Learning to code also teaches you
through. attention to detail. When a simple
misplaced hyphen can mess up your entire
code, you become seriously eagle-eyed
when checking your work.

Reason #2: Because you’ll have better Reason #4: Because you’re driven to make
opportunities and a better quality of life a change

Newer, more exciting possibilities open up Tech is driving societal change however, the
once you can add ‘coding skills’ to your people involved in these fields don’t truly
abilities. Learning to code not only helps reflect the make-up of our current society.
to launch or advancing your career as a
developer, but also in getting promoted in We need new, different voices in this area,
the company you work for or taking on and you learning how to code can ensure
new projects. you become one of them, working towards
changing the current culture of tech.
In general, it’s an excellent way to
advance your skill set in a short amount of
time that can have a positive impact on
your future. There’s no shortage of
opportunities for people who know how to


Our three-module system guarantees that

4. What you'll
our graduates are industry-ready.

Module 1 is focused on the fundamentals. In

learn addition to reviewing the foundations, you’ll
learn to develop problem-solving abilities
and enhance your concept retention skills.
We teach through scaffolded lectures and
activities, live-coded reviews, and

Module 2 is focused on projects. You’ll learn

to create user design flows and database
schema, and develop several full stack
applications. We teach through iterative
group work and hands-on learning via

Module 3 is focused on preparing you to

enter the tech industry. We teach through
whiteboarding, technical improvisations,
flash lectures, pitch-coaching and mock
technical interviews.

"If we don't understand

something, we can just go over it
again. Everyone at CodeOp
takes really good care of us and
we can feel it."

Anna Kanska, Student


Part time Part time

Full time (24 weeks) (30 weeks)
Week 1 Week 1 - 4 Week 1 - 4 Introduction to JavaScript

You’ll learn to use primitive data types and

write functions that perform operations on
basic data structures.

Topics: Variables, operators, conditionals,

objects, loops, functions, and arrays.

Week 2 Week 5 - 7 Week 5 - 8 Advanced Functions and Data

You’ll learn advanced JavaScript
algorithms, high order functions and
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), as
well as create tests.

Topics: HOFs, testing, classes, queues,

stacks, recursion, linked list.

Week 3 Week 8 - 9 Week 9 - 10 Advanced Data Structures and DOM

You’ll learn to write common methods for
trees and graphs, as well as use JavaScript
DOM manipulation methods.

Topics: Trees, graphs, recursion, file

structure, event handlers, DOM, CSS.

Week 4 Week 10 - 13 Week 11 - 14 Frontend - Frameworks

You’ll learn to use two common frameworks,
React and Vue, to build a modular frontend
app with components that use state to
manage data.

Topics: Virtual DOM (HTML, CSS and

Javascript) diffing algorithm, two-way data
binding, unidirectional data flow, file structure,
compiling, properties, state.

Week 5 Week 14 - 15 Week 15 - 17 Backend - Servers and Databases

You’ll learn to create and use a server, API

endpoints, and a relational database.

Topics: Fetch, APIs, HTTP protocols,

relational database, schemas,
Node.js/Express, SQL.


Part time Part time

Full time (24 weeks) (30 weeks)
Week 6 Week 16 - 18 Week 18 - 20 MVP
Now more then halfway through the
course, you’ll be able to show
understanding of creating a technical
design and building a fullstack app with
a third party API integration.

Topics: UX design, technical design,

database schema, full stack
development, third party API integration,
task prioritization.

Week 7 Week 19 - 20 Week 21 - 23 Feature Extension

You’ll be able to enter an existing
codebase and add a feature that is aligned
with your personalised goals.

Topics: Technical design, goal setting,

existing codebase.

Week 8 - 10 Week 21 - 24 Week 24 - 28 Collaborative App

By the end of these weeks, students can
demonstrate understanding of
collaborative development, creating a
technical design, building a full stack app,
and deployment.

Topics: Collaboration, deployment,

technical design, advanced Github

Week 11 Week 25 - 26 Week 29 - 30 Career Prep

By the last week of the course, you’ll be
prepared to enter the job market with a
renewed curriculum vitae and strategies
for successful interviewing.

Topics: Building your CV, online portfolio,

whiteboarding, coding challenges,
interview skills.


5. How you'll learn

"There's a lot of
different places you
can learn to code and
a lot of the models are
built to scale. So,
there's a lecture and
then there's an activity,
lecture, activity...that
might not necessarily
be the best way to learn
new material.”
Krista Moroder, CodeOp Curriculum

Fundamentals Phase

Logic & Computational Thinking Warm- Activities

Activities consist of pre-made
Problem-solving challenges are repositories which include different
introduced from the first week at levels of starter code (e.g. unit tests,
CodeOp to help students learn how to finished components, etc.), depending on
approach and break down problems. the learning objectives. Students are
encouraged to work independently and
This also helps students prepare for submit repositories so the instructors can
whiteboarding and be comfortable track each individual's progress. There is
talking through code later in the also the opportunity to work together to
programme. gain experience in paired programming.

Lectures Live Coding Review

Lecture slides focus on fundamentals The instructor live codes the solution to
(e.g. “Loops”, “Recursion”, “API Design”, each problem, either from scratch or in a
etc.) and are shared with students. finished student repository. Time is set
These slides are concise for two reasons: aside to go through each student’s code
in front of the class, giving feedback and
To encourage the lecture to be as offering refactoring suggestions.
interactive as possible
Milestone Activity
To encourage students to use the
Internet as their primary source of The purpose of the activity is to target
information. Instructional strategies student problem-solving and concept
used during lectures include: coding retention, as well as weaknesses in
through examples in the browser teaching and the curriculum. Students
console and making predictions are assigned supplementary work based
together. on their results. This can involve redoing
past assignments, a new assignment,
and fixing/finishing their activity.


Project Phase

Coding Challenges Projects

Daily coding challenges are chosen—in There are three main projects students
increasing difficulty—for students to work on. These are designed to show
solve in preparation for interviews. These that students can build an MVP from
challenges give students a low-stakes scratch, can enter an existing codebase
way to become comfortable with the high and build a new feature, and can work
stress situation they will inevitably be in collaboratively on an app.
when they need to solve timed problems
in future interviews. At the end of the Project 1: MVP
time, the instructor walks through the Project must contain a working frontend,
logic of the solution with students, coding server, database, and a third party API
and refactoring it. integration. Technical designs must
include the database schema, API plan,
One-on-One Meetings and UX mockups.

The instructor meets regularly with Project 2: Feature Extension

students throughout the project phase, Students fork another student’s project
helping them to prioritise tasks, doing and add a major feature. This is chosen
code reviews, and offering technical in collaboration with the instructor,
suggestions. taking into consideration the student’s
current skills gaps and future career
Flash Lectures
Project 3: Collaborative App
While students are working on their Students work together on an app, which
projects, there are a variety of advanced must include a working frontend, server,
topics that instructors will present. Some database, and third party API integration.
of these topics have included FOSS, This app should be polished from a
Docker, MongoDB, Redux, GraphQL, User design perspective, as well as deployed
Authentication & Passport, CRON jobs, to the cloud. Technical designs must
Web Socket & Pusher, React Router. include the database schema, API plan,
and UX mockups.


Career Prep Phase

Example Career coaching & workshops

Post bootcamp options: An interactive discovery workshop to help

students better understand what options are available to them post-

Information session with a tech recruiter: Presentation and Q&A with a

technical recruiter to learn about best practices when searching for a job
and what it takes to stand out from the crowd

Building your job search strategy: An interactive workshop to help you

think outside the box when approaching recruiters

Building your online presence: How to build out your LinkedIn/clean up

your Git repository

Elevator pitch and paired pitching: Interactive session to make sure you
can nail that ‘Tell me about yourself’ question in less than one minute

CV strategy workshop: Presentation on how to make your CV stand out

from the crowd

Strategies for technical interviews: Learn how to approach every step of

the technical interview process

Mock technical interviews: Practice technical interviews with experts


6. How we teach
"There's decades of
research about
instructional strategies
that show things like
scaffolding, modeling,
and reflection are far
more important to
comprehending new
Krista Moroder,
CodeOp Curriculum Developer


We’re serious about giving you access not Formative Feedback Strategies
only to the best resources and instructors, The importance of ongoing, targeted
but also proven teaching practices to ensure feedback for student learning can’t be
you comprehend new concepts. understated. Our model incorporates this
feedback in multiple ways: regular
The instructional design and curriculum for assessments, solution lectures, and code
the Full Stack Development course was built reviews.
in collaboration with the US-based
education consulting agency NonQuixote. Mentoring Strategies
Some of the primary pedagogical choices Several studies have focused exclusively on
are detailed in depth below. women in mentoring relationships.
According to “Women and Mentoring: A
Scaffolding Strategies Review and Research Agenda”, women who
Students entering the workforce will be had one or more mentors reported greater
expected to know and understand how to job success and job satisfaction. Because of
find artefacts, resources, and environments this, CodeOp has created a deliberate focus
in which they can gain new knowledge as on providing mentorship as part of the
the tools and technologies they use educational experience, including career
continue to evolve. Because of this, coaching and guest lectures from senior
CodeOp’s model doesn’t just include professionals
scaffolding of content, but scaffolding of
information literacy skills: being able to Individual Completion of Activities and Pair
identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively Programming
use information to solve a problem. A learner-centred classroom that uses
formative feedback and response to
intervention strategies is considered the
most impactful teaching strategy on student
learning. CodeOp differentiates itself from
other programming courses in this way: the
classes are small, the focus is on the
learner, and the interventions are flexible to
the context of the current learners in the
classroom. As a secondary method, CodeOp
incorporates pair programming to support
the driver and navigator principle, which is
focused on splitting “problem solving” and
“breaking the system” mindsets.



We believe in removing all barriers faced by women, transgender, and nonbinary
individuals who aspire to work in tech. That’s why we offer payment plans for
everyone, no matter your situation.


600€ £600

Payment Options
We offer three different payment options as well as scholarship options

Pay upfront, interest-free

1000 EUR discount when paid upfront

Income Share Agreement

Pay only part of the course now and pay the remaining amount once your bootcamp
is completed and you've started working.

Deferred Tuition Payment

Break up the cost of tuition into smaller monthly payments. You can choose to pay
for your bootcamp in 12, 24 or 36 months, depending on your needs and
geographic location.


There are only a few things you can do in such a

short amount of time that can improve your quality
of life. Learning how to code is one of them.

Apply now

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