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Sto. Niño Academy of Bamban, Inc.

Rizal Ave., San Nicolas, Bamban, Tarlac

Contact Numbers : 0948-353-8816 / 0956-690-5740


Grade Level :9

Time Competencies Key concepts Evaluation

Formative Summ
1.1 Know and understand deeper the
truth that human goodness is rooted in 1. The meaning of living in human
God who created us in His divine image goodness to the fullest
and likeness. Quiz
Week 1 / First Essa
Quarter 1.2 Commit to live with one’s inherent 1.Sharing the inherent image Reflectio
goodness as created in God’s image of God to others through service
through loving service to one another, 2. Jesus Christ as the perfect
especially to the poor and the needy image of God’s goodness

Week 2 / First 2.1 Show and explain the implications of Picture A

Quarter the truth that God created the human 2. Developing the Human Person Reflectio
person as relational and loving beings as Relational and loving beings.
2.2 Examine one’s relationships 1.Relationships
according to being truly loving or not,
2.Feelings and Emotions
and commit to becoming a more loving
person in many ways using one’s God-
given talent and resources.
3.Attitudes and Behaviors

3.1 Deepen one’s understanding one

authentic human freedom and explain
3. Development of Human
the essential aspects of freedom of the
children of God

3.2 Commit to use human freedom in a
Week 3 / First responsible and conscientious way in 1.Freedom for and Freedom Essay/ Re
Quarter loving service to one another in different from. Pap
ways according to one’s God given gifts

3.3 Devote oneself to prayers and 2.Authentic Freedom

reading the Scriptures through the
inspirations of the Holy Spirit for wisdom
3.Fundamental Freedom
and guidance to use freedom

Week 4 / First 4.1 Understand deeper the truths about Essay/ Re

Quarter 4. Significance of developing Pap
human conscience and the significance
human conscience
of forming using it in a Christian way Quiz
4.2 Act according to the call of a 1.Christian method in
Christian conscience forming conscience
4.3 Pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance 2. How to act according to
and enlightenment in doing every moral conscience
act 3. Enlightened and Informed
Prepared by: Noted by:
Subject Teacher OIC- Office of the Principal

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