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Kisi-Kisi Soal
June 15, 2023

Zuliana Lestari, M.Pd.

Dosen Bahasa Inggris
Politeknik Akamigas Palembang


Teungku Syukri 08126969590 teungku.syukri


Homophones Adverb Clause

Word Forms – Affixes Connectives
Adjective Clause Noun Clause
Spatial Conjunctive Noun Phrase
Adjective Phrase Conditional Sentences
Post Modifiers Subjunctives
Passive Texts
Homophones >> (same pronunciation,
different spelling and meaning)
sun-son, blue-blew, flu-flew, week-weak,
tale-tail, see-sea, heel-heal, mail-male.

Find the homophones below:


1.bare – bear 6. sew - so

2.maid – made 7. grate - great
3.would – wood 8. hair - hare – bee 9. stair - stare
5.knight – night 10. flower - flour
Choose the correct homophone words for
each sentence.

Moose, mousse
Find the homophone
 browse-brewers
 ripe-rape
 noun-known
 decease-disease
 time – tame
List of words : wait, sight, son, there,
too, white, site, son, they're, two.
Based on the list of words, the word
pairs are homophonous except ...
A. son, sun
B. there, they’re
C. too, two
D. wait, white Discussion
E. sight, site
List of words : wait, sight, son, there,
too, white, site, son, they're, two.
Based on the list of words, the word
pairs are homophonous except ...
A. son, sun
B. there, they’re
C. too, two
D. wait, white Answer
E. sight, site
Word Forms
Affixes commonly consist of prefix and

Phillips, 2001:588

Phillips, 2001:589
Phillips, 2001:589

Phillips, 2001:590

Phillips, 2001:590
Affixes: Exercise 1 Form

1. The party turned out to be a huge ___.

A. disappointing D. disappointment
B. disappoint E. disappointed
C. disappoints

Teungku Syukri 08126969590 teungku.syukri


1. The party turned out to be a huge

A. disappointing (present participle/adj)
B. Disappoint (v)
C. Disappoints (v)
D. Disappointment (n)
E. Disappointed (past participle/adj.)

2. He reacted to the crime in shock and ___.

A. believe D. disbelief
B. unbelievable E. Disbelieve
C. Belief

3. Here is the data of three ___ houses for

sale in your neighborhood.
A. compare D. comparison
B. comparable E. comparably
C. comparing

2. He reacted to the crime in shock (n) and _(n)_.

A. believe (v) D. disbelief (n)
B. unbelievable (adj.) E. disbelieve (v)
C. belief (n)
3. Here is the data of three _Adj_ houses (n) for
sale in
your neighborhood.
A. compare (v) D. comparison (n)
B. comparable (adj.) E. comparably (adv)
C. comparing (present participle/adj.)
 Different from our previous fun trips, this
exploration would be a .... journey.
a. Surprise difficulty
b. Surprised difficulty
c. Surprising difficult
d. Surprising difficulty
e. Surprised difficult

Journey : Noun
Adverb + Adj + Noun
Answer: a surprisingly difficult journey.
 A very diligent boy.
 A really good grammar book.

Creative will help us mastering English soon.

The sentence can revised into:
A. Being creative will help us to master English
B. Creativity will help us to master English soon
C. Being creative will help us mastering English
D. To be creative will help us to master English
E. Be creative will help mastering English sooner

A. Being creative will help us to master English

B. Creativity (N/S) will help us to master English soon.
C. Being creative will help us mastering English
D. To be creative will help us to master English
E. Be creative will help mastering English sooner

Good media .......... in order to

facilitate students to learn.
The phrase that best completes
the gap is...
A. should be utilized
B. are utilizing
C. have been utilizing
D. Utilize
E. Utilized
Good media (Subject) + (Verb) in
order to facilitate students to
The phrase that best completes
the gap is...
A. should be utilized
B. are utilizing
C. have been utilizing Subject +
D. Utilize Verb
E. Utilized

 Adjective + Noun
 Medicinal alcohol
Answer: E. Providing
>> Gerund as a Noun/Subject
Providing (S/Gerund) assistance to the needy
will reduce (Verb) the burden of their life.
An Adjective Clause describes a noun.
It is placed after the noun it refers.
Relative Pronouns Who
as Subject Which

(Azar, 2009:286)
Relative Pronouns
as Object

(Azar, 2009:289)

Relative Pronouns as
Possessive Adjective


(Azar, 2009:292)
 The workers expect the manager’s decision very
soon. This decision will help them solve the
 “The workers expect the manager’s decision very
soon, …. will help them solve the problem.”
 An appropriate relative pronoun to fill in the gap
to make one sentence from the two sentences is….
A. of which D. which
B. Whom E. who
C. of whom
Adjective Clause: Exercise1

 The boy __ lost his bike reported to the police.

A. who C. which
B. whom D. that he
 We went to the restaurant ___ you recommended.
A. whom C. that it
B. Whose D. which
 The woman ___ baby is crying loud feels worried.
A. who C. whose
B. whom D. which
Exercise1 - Answer
 The boy _S_ lost (V) his bike reported to the
A. who (S) C. which
B. whom D. that he
 We went to the restaurant _O_ you (S)
A. whom C. that it
B. Whose D. which (O)
 The woman _Comp._ baby is crying (S+V)
loud feels worried.
A. who C. whose (Possessive)
B. whom D. which
Adjective Clause: Exercise2
 The job __ started yesterday was rather
A. when C. after
B. was D. that he
 ___ is on the table has four sections.
A. The notebook C. Because the
B. The notebook which D. in the notebook
 __ just dropped off a package for you is my
A. The woman C. Because the woman
B. The woman who D. With the woman
Exercise 2 - Answers
 The job __ started yesterday was rather difficult.
A. when C. after
B. was D. that he (Rel.Pron + S)
 ___ is on the table has four sections.
A. The notebook C. Because the
B. The notebook which D. in the notebook
 __ just dropped off a package for you is my sister.
A. The woman C. Because the woman
B. The woman who D. With the woman
Spatial Conjunctive:
Prep + which/whom
 The death of his son was an experience .......
he never fully recovered.
a. which c. for which
b. In which d. from which

 I will ask him a question.....he has no answer.

a. in which c. on which
b. for which d. at which
Spatial Conjunctive: Discussion
 The death of his son was an experience
___ he never fully recovered.
a. which c. for which
b. In which d. from which

Key: Recover + from + object.

E.g.: He has recovered from his cough.
Kalimat awal dari kalimat soal adalah:
(A) The death of his son was an experience.
(B) He never fully recovered from that experience/it.
Spatial Conjunctive: Discussion
 I will ask him a question.....he has no answer.
a. in which c. on which
b. for which d. at which

Key: Answer + for + object

E.g.: I don’t have an answer for your questions. Sorry..
Kalimat awal soal tsb. Adalah:
(A) I will ask him a question.
(B) He has no answer for that question/it.
Spatial Conjunctive: Exercise 1
1. He won the speech competition ___ he
participated last week.
a. for which c. at which
b. in which d. on which
2. The man ___ Mia’s been engaged for two years
finally made a proposal.
a. to whom c. with whom
b. on which d. of which
3. Peter, … I play tennis every weekend, is taller
than me.
a. for whom c. with whom
b. from whom d. with who
Spatial Conjunctive: Discussion
 He won the speech competition.
 He participated in it last week.
>> He won the speech competition in which he
participated last week.

 The man finally made a proposal.

 Mia’s been engaged to him for two years.
>> The man to whom Mia’s been engaged for two years
finally made a proposal.

 Peter is taller than me.

 I play tennis with him every weekend,
>> Peter, with whom I play tennis every weekend, is
taller than me
Spatial Conjunctive: Exercise 2
 His house…..he paid $10,000 is now worth
a. from which c. for which
b. at which d. in which
 Ashdown Forest……we’ll be driving isn’t a
forest anymore.
a. through which c. at which
b. for which d. in which
 The man….I spoke is my professor.
a. on whom c. to whom
b. for whom d. at whom
Spatial Conjunction: Discussion
 His house is now worth $50,000..
 He paid $10,000 for it.
>> His house for which he paid $10,000 is now worth

 Ashdown Forest isn’t a forest anymore.

 We’ll be driving through it.
>> Ashdown Forest through which we’ll be driving isn’t
a forest anymore.

 The man is my professor.

 I spoke to him.
>> The man to whom I spoke is my professor.
Spatial conjunctive
 Therobbery ___ he has been accused
was not proven.
a. of which c. for which
b. off which d. from which

 Theholiday destination ___ we’re

arguing is not yet decided.
a. of which c. about which
b. for which d. at which
Spatial Conjunctive
 The robbery for which he has been accused
was not proven.
 The robbery was not proven.
 He has been accused for it (the robbery).

 The holiday destination about which we’re

arguing is not yet decided.
 The holiday destination is not decided yet.
 We’re arguing about it.
Spatial conjunctive: Exercise 3
 The ladder ____ I was standing began to slip.
a. in which c. at which
b. on which d. by which
 We know the hotel ___ they’re staying.
a. on which c. where which
b. at which d. of which
 The date ___ we’ve promised to meet was July the 13th.
a. on which c. in which
b. at which d. by which
 The plane ___ we’ll be flying to Surabaya gets cancelled.
a. at which c. by which
b. of which d. with which
Spatial conjunctive: Answers
 The ladder ____ I was standing began to slip.
a. in which c. at which
b. on which d. by which
 We know the hotel ___ they’re staying.
a. on which c. where which
b. at which d. of which
 The date ___ we’ve promised to meet was July the 13th.
a. on which c. in which
b. at which d. by which
 The plane ___ we’ll be flying to Surabaya gets cancelled.
a. at which c. by which
b. of which d. with which
to Discuss
Speak + indirect object (people) >> to
Speak + direct object (things) >> of, about

E.g.: He spoke to me of his difficulties at his

new workplace.

Answer: B
Reduced Adjective Clause > Adjective
Phrase (Frasa Ajektiva)

Phillips, 2001:245
Reduced Adjective Clause
>> Adjective Phrase

Phillips, 2001:246

Teungku Syukri 08126969590 teungku.syukri

Reduced Adj. Clause: Exercise 1
 The novel which was written by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy was sold-out.
Change the adj. clause in the sentence above into adjective phrase!
A. The novel was sold out which was written by Habiburrahman El-
B. The novel was written by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy was sold out.
C. The novel was writing by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy was sold out.
D. The novel written by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy was sold out.

 Any student who doesn’t have Students ID should inform the office. This
sentence can be rewritten ___
A. Any students not having Students ID should inform the office
B. Any students having not Students ID should inform the office
C. Any students not have Students ID should inform the office
D. Any students who not having Students ID should inform the office
Reduced Adj. Clause: Answers
 The novel which was written by
Habiburrahman El-Shirazy was sold-out.
D. The novel written by Habiburrahman El-
Shirazy was sold out.

 Any student who doesn’t have Students ID

should inform the office. This sentence can be
rewritten ___
A. Any students not having Students ID should
inform the office.
Reduced Adj. Clause: Exercise 2

Reduce the adjective clause in the sentence below!

 English has an alphabet that consists of twenty-six
A. English has an alphabet consists of twenty six
B. English has an alphabet consisting of twenty six-
C. English has an alphabet consisted of twenty six-
D. English has an alphabet which consisting of twenty
Reduced Adj. Clause: Answers
Reduce the adjective clause in the sentence below!
 English has an alphabet that consists of twenty-six
A. English has an alphabet consists of twenty six
B. English has an alphabet consisting of twenty six-
C. English has an alphabet consisted of twenty six-
D. English has an alphabet which consisting of twenty

...other projects, which included a
production deal with A+E Networks’
nonfiction series A&E Investigates,
stated for 2018.
Answer: C
A post modifier > additional
information which comes after the
word it describes or modifies.

1. The weapon used in the murder had

been found.
Phrase/clause serving as a post
modifier is..
> Used in the murder

Postmodifiers can be:

Prepositional phrases:
 a man with a gun
the boy in the blue shirt
the house on the corner
2 –ing phrases :
 the man standing over there
the boy talking to Angela
-ed phrases :
3 • The movie premiered at CGV last night is
directed by James Cameron.
• The bike stolen from the boy yesterday
was found.
 Relative clauses/Adjective Clauses :
4  the man we met yesterday
 the house that Jack built
 the woman who discovered radium
 an eight-year-old boy who attempted to rob a sweet

 ‘That’ clauses. Introduces idea, fact, belief,

5  He's still very fit, in spite of the fact that he's over
 She got the idea that people didn't like her.
 There was a suggestion that the children should be
sent home.

 To infinitives :
• I've got no decent shoes to wear.
 To infinitives after indefinite pronouns and
• You should take something to read.
• I need somewhere to sleep.
8  There may be more than one postmodifier:
• An eight-year old boy with a gun who tried
to rob a sweet shop
• that girl over there in a green dress
drinking a Coke
Post Modifier
Questions to discuss:
1. The book published last week is his first
writing product for children.
The phrase/clause serving as the post
modifier in the sentence is …
A. last week
B. written for children
C. his first writing
D. the book published last week
E. published last week
Post Modifier
1. The book published last week is his first writing
product for children.
The phrase/clause serving as the post modifier in
the sentence is …
A. last week
B. written for children
C. his first writing
D. the book published last week
E. published last week
The instruction printed on the label say it
should only take a view minutes to cook.
The phrase/clauses serving as the post
modifier in this sentence is…
A. On the label
B. Printed on the label
C. The instruction printed on the label
D. It should only take
E. A view minutes to cook

The instruction printed on the label say it

should only take a view minutes to cook.
The phrase/clauses serving as the post
modifier in this sentence is…
A. On the label
B. Printed on the label
C. The instruction printed on the label
D. It should only take
E. A view minutes to cook
The Passive

Azar, 2002:208
Let’s Discuss…
"A Hard Day's Night" The Beatles in 1960’s.
A. Had written D. Has been written
B. To be written E. Is being written
C. Was written
The previous helper was very careless. Last
night, I notice that the front windows….open.
A. Had been left D. Were leaving
B. Had left E. Left
C. Were being left
"A Hard Day's Night" The Beatles in 1960’s.
A. Had written D. Has been written
B. To be written E. Is being written
C. Was written
The previous helper was very careless. Last
night, I notice that the front windows….open.
A. Had been left D. Were leaving
B. Had left E. Left
C. Were being left
The Passive: Exercise 1
Choose the correct passive sentence
for each number.

1. A. Have you informed about the meeting yet?

B. Have you been informed about the meeting yet?
C. Have you being informed about the meeting yet?
D. Have you be informed about the meeting yet?

2. A. My house be painted now.

B. My house being painted now.
C. My house is being painted now.
D. My house has been painted now.
1. A. Have you informed about the meeting yet?
B. Have you been informed about the meeting yet?
C. Have you being informed about the meeting yet?
D. Have you be informed about the meeting yet?
(Present perfect)

2. A. My house be painted now.

B. My house being painted now.
C. My house is being painted now.
D. My house has been painted now.
(Present progressive)
Exercise 2: Choose the correct passive:
1. Waiters and waitresses serve customers. (A)
Customers ___ by waiters and waitresses. (P)
A. served C. are served
B. is served D. were served
2. Aaliya didn’t make the pie. (A)
The pie ___ by Aaliya. (P)
A. isn’t made C. wasn’t made
B. weren’t made D. wasn’t being made
3. Someone has to return these books to the library. (A)
These books ___ to the library. (P)
A. has to be returned C. has been returned
B. have been returned D. have to be returned
1. Waiters and waitresses serve customers. (A)
Customers ___ by waiters and waitresses. (P)
A. served C. are served
B. is served D. were served
2. Aliya didn’t make the pie. (A) The pie ___ by Aliya. (P)
A. isn’t made C. wasn’t made
B. weren’t made D. wasn’t being made
3. Someone has to return these books to the library. (A)
These books ___ to the library. (P)
A. has to be returned C. has been returned
B. have been returned D. have to be returned
Adverb Clause > serves as an

Phillips, 2001:212
Phillips, 2001:214
Adverb Clause: Exercise 1
 __ arrived at the library, he started to work
A. The student C. He
B. When D. After the student
 If you don’t turn on the lights, __ in the dark.
A. you will trip C. so you will trip
B. you will D. so you will
 A spacecraft is freed from friction__ launched into
A. it C. after is
B. it is D. after it is
Adverb Clause: Answers
 __ arrived at the library, he started to work
A. The student C. He
B. When D. After the student
 If you don’t turn on the lights, __ in the dark.
A. you will trip C. so you will trip
B. you will D. so you will
 A spacecraft is freed from friction__ launched
into space.
A. it C. after is
B. it is D. after it is
Adverb Clause: Exercise 2

 ___ heat from the Sun is trapped near the Earth’s

surface, the greenhouse effect occurs.
a. No c. What
b. When d. That
 Woodrow Wilson served as president of Princeton
___ was elected president of the United States.
a. before c. before he
b. to him d. he
 Sound waves are produced when ___ quickly.
a. Objects vibrate c. The vibration of objects
b. Vibrating objects d. Objects to vibrate
Adverb Clause: Answers
 ___ heat from the Sun is trapped near the Earth’s
surface, the greenhouse effect occurs.
A. No C. What
B. When D. That

 Woodrow Wilson served as president of Princeton ___

was elected president of the United States.
A. Before C. Before he (Con.+S)
B. To him D. He

 Sound waves are produced when ___ quickly.

A. Objects vibrate (s+v) C. The vibration of
B. Vibrating objects D. Objects to vibrate
Summary of Connectives: Cause and
Effect, Contrast, and Condition.

Azar, 2002: 402

Let’s discuss
Please remember that you have to lock the gate and
A. before D. Until
B. As soon as E. Since
C. Because

They are gossiping about other people's business anytime I see

them. “They are gossiping about other people's business........I
see them.”
An option that best completes the sentence is...
A. Whatever D. Whatever time
B. However E. Whichever
C. Whenever
Please remember that you have to lock the gate and
A. before D. Until
B. As soon as E. Since
C. Because

They are gossiping about other people's business anytime I see

them. “They are gossiping about other people's business........I
see them.”
An option that best completes the sentence is...
A. Whatever D. Whatever time
B. However E. Whichever
C. Whenever
Connectives: Exercise 1
 A lot of people stand in line … they want to get the ticket
for the final game.
A. because C. and
B. so D. therefore
 I forgot my coat, __ I got very cold.
A. then C. later
B. so D. as a result
 A lot of students come to class __ the rain.
A. because C. despite
B. because of D. although
 Salim didn’t study. __, he failed the exam.
A. so C. Therefore
B. because D. However
Connectives: Answer
 A lot of people stand in line … they want to get the
ticket for the final game.
A. because (cause and effect, Adv. Cl. Connector)
B. so (use comma) C. and (meaning)
D. therefore (use semicolon(;)/period(.) and a comma)
 I forgot my coat, __ I got very cold.
A. then (use semicolon(;)/period(.) and a comma)
B. so (use comma, result)
C. later (Not a connective/connector)
D. as a result (use semicolon(;)/period(.) and a comma)

Teungku Syukri 08126969590 teungku.syukri

Connectives: Answer
 A lot of students come to class __ the heavy rain. (NP)
A. because (Connector + S + V)
B. because of (Preposition + Noun/NP, wrong meaning)
C. despite ((Preposition + Noun/NP, shows contrast)
D. although (Connector + S + V, shows contrast)
 Salim didn’t study. __, he failed the exam.
A. so (use comma, shows result)
B. because (shows the cause not result, no punctuation
C. Therefore (use semicolon or period and a comma,
shows result)
D. However (use semicolon or period and comma, shows
Question to

They had taken some of his land so that

they could extend the school yard.
The type of adverb clause in the sentence
A. Time
B. Comparison So that >
C. Purpose Purpose
D. Condition
E. Reason

The principal will not allow you to go

back to campus for further will benefit your school.
A. Even though
B. Whenever
C. As much as
D. Supposing
E. While

The principal will not allow you to go

back to campus for further will benefit your school.
A. Even though (Contrast meaning)
B. Whenever
C. As much as
D. Suppossing
E. While
 A: It's a beautiful day!
 B: yes, ....
A. It is C. It was
B. It must be D. It should be
 After having a discussion with the people at the
branch office, the driver decided to delay
trip.........the very heavy rain.
 A. in the name of
 B. on account of (because of)
 C. as a matter of (ungkapan yg commonly used
adalah “as a matter of fact” atau “a matter of”)
 D. on the contrary of
 E. for the sake of
Question: Error Analysis
They worry that the rise prices threaten to ignite an
inflationary spiral in the cost of live.
The sentence can be revised into
A. They worry that the rise prices threatened to ignite an
inflationary spiral in the cost of living
B. They worry that the rising prices threaten to ignite an
inflationary spiral in the cost of living
C. They worry that the rising prices threatening to ignite an
inflationary spiral in the cost of living
D. They worry that the rising prices threaten to ignite an
inflationary spiral in the cost of life
E. They worry that the risen prices threaten to ignite an
inflation spiral in the cost of living
They worry that the rise prices threaten to ignite an
inflationary spiral in the cost of live.
The sentence can be revised into
A. They worry that the rise prices threatened to ignite an
inflationary spiral in the cost of living
B. They worry that the rising prices threaten to ignite an
inflationary spiral in the cost of living
C. They worry that the rising prices threatening to ignite an
inflationary spiral in the cost of living
D. They worry that the rising prices threaten to ignite an
inflationary spiral in the cost of life
E. They worry that the risen prices threaten to ignite an
inflation spiral in the cost of living

Answer: B
Noun Clause
A clause functions as a Noun
(Subject and Object)

Phillips, 2001:236
Noun Clause

Phillips, 2001:238
Exercise on Noun Clause
1. No single factor explains why ___ vary so greatly
among individuals.
A. aging affects. D. aging has an effect
B. the effects of aging E. aging effect
C. the effect of aging
2. Do you know how long ___ for Sony Corporation?
A. has he been working
B. he has been working
C. that he has been working
D. that has he been working
E. is he been working
1. No single factor explains why _S_ vary(V) so
greatly among individuals.
A. aging affects (V)
B. the effects of aging (Plural Noun/S)
C. the effect of aging (singular Noun/S)
D. aging has(V) an effect
E. aging effect (singular Noun/S)
2. Do you know how long _S+V_ for Sony Corporation?
A. has he been working (V+S)
B. he has been working (S+V)
C. that he has been working (Connector)
D. that has he been working (Connector)
E. is he been working (salah tobe)
Noun Clause: Exercise
3. Nobody cares ___ or leave.
A. do we stay D. would we stay
B. if not we would stay E. will we stay
C. whether we stay

4. I don’t understand why ___ properly.

A. the car is not running D. not the car running
B. is the car not running E. is it the car not
C. isn’t the car running running
Noun Clause: Answer
3. Nobody cares ___ or leave.
A. do we stay D. would we stay
B. if not we would stay E. will we stay
C. whether we stay (Con+S+V)
4. I don’t understand why _S+V_ properly.
A. the car is not running (S+V)
B. is the car not running
C. isn’t the car running
D. not the car running
E. is it the car not running
Noun Clause Exercise:
5. Every learner has target to get success. What ….
defines their future life.
A. are they doing D. will they do
B. they have done E. have they done
C. did they do
6. Most parents understand well about what …..
A. Is their children feeling
B. Have their children felt
C. Did their children feel Additional
D. Their children feel questions
E. Do their children feel
5. Every learner has target to get success. What
(Con.)..S+V..defines their future life.
A. are they doing D. will they do
B. they have done E. have they done
C. did they do
6. Most parents understand well about what ..S+V..
A. Is their children feeling
B. Have their children felt
C. Did their children feel Answers
D. Their children feel
E. Do their children feel
Noun Phrase
 A phrase: a group of two or more words that
expresses a single idea but do not form a
complete sentence.

 A friendly girl (NP) ► very diligent (Adj.P)

 A thousand miles(NP) ► out of nowhere (Adv.P)
 The man, my friend (NP) ► is singing (VP)

 A noun phrase serves the same purpose as a noun;

>> the subject or object of the verb. It can also be
the object of a preposition or a complement.
Noun Phrase can appear in forms of:
To infinitive/ Gerund/ Prepositional phrase
1. He wished to talk to his manager (Gerund> Object).
2. The wicked man (S) loves getting poor people into trouble.
3. The poor man (S) wanted to pay back every penny he
owed. (Infinitive>Object).
4. He hates having to punish his servants (Gerund>Object).
5. Horses prefer living in dark stables (G > Obj.).
6. I will never do such a thing (Obj.).
7. Your doing such a thing (G > Subj.) surprises me.
8. To write such rubbish (Infinitive > S) is disgraceful.
9. Hating people for no reason (G > S) sounds unfair.
10. You are being very jealous to me now (Gerund >
11. We are looking forward to hearing from you (G > Obj.).
Question to discuss:

We just remembered attending the party that

our friend celebrate last night because the
music to which we listened last night was

The noun phrase is.....

A. Infinite D. Object
B. Subject E. Participle
C. Preposition

We just remembered attending the party (that) our

friend celebrate last night (because) the music to
which we listened last night was good.
1. Attending the party (NP > Gerund, Object)
2. The party (NP > object)
3. Our friend (NP > subject)
4. The music (NP > subject )
5. To which we listened last night (Adj. Clause >
using Spatial Conjunctive)

The noun phrase is.....

A. Infinitive D. Object
B. Subject E. Participle
C. Preposition
Conditional Sentence:
Overview of Basic Verb Forms

Azar, 2002:413
1st Conditional: Exercise
1. If it ___, the streets get wet.
A. is rain C. rains
B. be rain D. will rain
2. If I have enough time, I ___ to my parents
A. am going to write C. would write
B. writing D. would have written
3. Should you need my assistance, please … me
on this number.
A. to contact C. contact
B. contacting D. you contact
1st Conditional: Answers
1. If it ___, the streets get wet.
A. is rain C. rains
B. be rain D. will rain
2. If I have enough time, I ___ to my parents
A. am going to write C. would write
B. writing D. would have written

3. (If you) Should you need my assistance,

please … me on this number.
A. to contact C. contact
B. contacting D. you contact
It is already late night, and you need to start early
tomorrow. I think you need to take a rest now.
Otherwise, you will not be fresh tomorrow.
Based on the situation, the most appropriate
conditional sentence is...
A. Should you take a rest now, you will be fresher
B. If you start early, you will feel fresher.
C. Have you had started earlier, you would have
been fresher.
D. If you have started earlier, I would have been late
E. You would have been fresher if you went to bed.
It is already late night, and you need to start early
tomorrow. I think you need to take a rest now.
Otherwise, you will not be fresh tomorrow.
Based on the situation, the most appropriate
conditional sentence is...
A. Should you take a rest now, you will be fresher
B. If you start early, you will feel fresher.
C. Have you had started earlier, you would have
been fresher.
D. If you have started earlier, I would have been late
E. You would have been fresher if you went to bed.
(C,D,E are for past. B type 1, not accurate)

My friend asked me to return her book, but I forgot

where I put it, so I need more time to return it.
Based on the condition, the most appropriate
conditional sentence is…
A. If I had found her book, I would have returned it
B. If I find her book, I will give it to her soon.
C. If I found her book, I would return it soon.
D. Have I had found her book, I would have
returned it.
E. I would have returned her book if I have found it.
My friend asked me to return her book, but I forgot
where I put it, so I need more time to return it.
Based on the condition, the most appropriate
conditional sentence is…
A. If I had found her book, I would have returned it
soon. (Adverbs “soon” (future) membuat Type 3
B. If I find her book, I will give it to her soon.
C. If I found her book, I would return it soon (salah).
D. Have I had found her book, I would have returned
E. I would have returned her book if I have found it.
Conditional Sentence Type 2: Present
Unreal/Unfulfilled in the present

Azar, 2002:415
2nd Conditional: Exercise
 Maryam would answer the phone if she ___ in her
office now.
A. is C. were
B. was D. had been
 If there were no oxygen on Earth, the world as we
know it ___.
A. will not exist C. would not existed
B. would not exist D. would not have existed
 ___ the teacher not sick, we would have a quiz
A. If C. Had
B. If were D. Were
2nd Conditional: Answers
 Maryam would answer the phone if she ___ in her
office now.
A. is C. were
B. was D. had been
 If there were no oxygen on Earth, the world as we
know it ___.
A. will not exist C. would not existed
B. would not exist D. would not have existed
 ___ the teacher not sick, we would have a quiz today.
A. If C. Had
B. If were D. Were
(If the teacher were not sick)
2nd Conditional: Exercise
 If Aisyah were here, she could help us. The sentence means __
A. Aisyah is not here, so she can’t help us
B. Aisyah can’t help us because she is here
C. Aisyah can help us because she is here
D. Though Aisyah is here, she can’t help us

 Umar would be happy if he got the bike he wanted. The sentence

means __
A. Umar will be happy because he will get the bike he wants.
B. Umar gets the bike he wants. Therefore, he’s extremely
C. Umar is not happy because he doesn’t get the bike he wants.
D. Umar is not happy even though he gets the bike he wants.
 If Aisyah were here, she could help us. The sentence means __
A. Aisyah is not here, so she can’t help us
B. Aisyah can’t help us because she is here
C. Aisyah can help us because she is here
D. Though Aisyah is here, she can’t help us

 Umar would be happy if he got the bike he wanted. The sentence

means __
A. Umar will be happy because he will get the bike he wants.
B. Umar gets the bike he wants. Therefore, he’s extremely
C. Umar is not happy because he doesn’t get the bike he wants.
D. Umar is not happy even though he gets the bike he wants.
Conditional Sentence Type 3:
Past Unreal/Unfulfilled in the past

Azar, 2002:418
3rd Conditional: Exercise
 If Mia ___ home last night, I would have visited her.
A. were C. had been
B. had D. would have been

 If I ___ my camera with me yesterday, I could have taken

the picture of the scenery.
A. had C. have had
B. had had d. had been

 Had I told her earlier about the problem, she ___ angry.
A. would have C. wouldn’t have
B. wouldn’t be D. wouldn’t have been
3rd Conditional: Answers
 If Mia ___ home last night, I would have visited her.
A. were C. had been
B. had D. would have been

 If I ___ my camera with me yesterday, I could have taken

the picture of the scenery.
A. had C. have had
B. had had d. had been

 (If I) Had I told her earlier about the problem, she ___
A. would have C. wouldn’t have
B. wouldn’t be D. wouldn’t have been
Type 3

Had If we had been informed of the decision, we

might/would/ could have had something to say
about it.
B. makna dan main clause salah
C. main clause salah
D. Salah type (1)
E. Salah type (2)

John .. Money from his friends, including

Joseph, … to buy the Sydney Herald right now.
The words/phrases that best complete the
blank spaces are…
A. Would not borrow – if he aimed
B. Would borrow – unless me aimed
C. Will borrow – unless he aims
D. Won’t borrow – unless he aims
E. Won’t borrow – if he aims

John .. Money from his friends, including

Joseph, … to buy the Sydney Herald right
now. The words/phrases that best complete
the blank spaces are…
A. Would not borrow – if he aimed
B. Would borrow – unless me aimed
C. Will borrow – unless he aims
D. Won’t borrow – unless he aims
E. Won’t borrow – if he aims
Her grandfather wasn't immediately taken to the
hospital, so he wasn't saved. The correct conditional
sentence for this context is "...".
A. If her grandfather has been immediately taken to
the hospital, he will have been saved
B. If her grandfather had been immediately taken to
the hospital , he would have been saved
C. If her grandfather is being immediately taken to
the hospital , he can be saved
D. If her grandfather was not immediately taken to
the hospital, he would have been saved
E. If her grandfather is immediately taken to the
hospital, he will be saved
Her grandfather wasn't immediately taken to the
hospital, so he wasn't saved. (Fakta Past Tense >
Conditional Type 3).
A. If her grandfather has been immediately taken to
the hospital, he will have been saved
B. If her grandfather had been immediately taken
to the hospital , he would have been saved
C. If her grandfather is being immediately taken to
the hospital , he can be saved
D. If her grandfather was not immediately taken to
the hospital, he would have been saved
E. If her grandfather is immediately taken to the
hospital, he will be saved
Mixed Conditionals
Mixed times in conditionals, Type 2 and Type 3.
Bisa terjadi selama makes sense.

(Azar, 2002:424)
Another example:
Mr. and Mrs. Khan divorced last month, so
they don’t live together now.
> If Mr. and Mrs. Khan hadn’t divorced last
month, they would live together now.
Mixed Conditionals

1. I didn’t finish my report yesterday, so I can’t start a

new project today. The correct conditional is “If I … my
report yesterday, I … start a new project today.”
A. finished-can start
B. finished – would t start
C. had finished – would start
D. hadn’t finished - wouldn’t have started
1. Anita is sick because she didn’t follow the doctor’s
order. The conditionals can be written as “If Anita …
the doctor’s order, she … sick.”
A. hadn’t followed – would be
B. had followed – wouldn’t be
C. had followed – wouldn’t have been
D. followed – would be
Mixed Conditionals - Answer

1. I didn’t finish my report yesterday, so I can’t start a

new project today. The correct conditional is “If I … my
report yesterday, I … start a new project today.”
A. finished-can start
B. finished – would t start
C. had finished – would start
D. hadn’t finished - wouldn’t have started
1. Anita is sick because she didn’t follow the doctor’s
order. The conditionals can be written as “If Anita …
the doctor’s order, she … sick.”
A. hadn’t followed – would be
B. had followed – wouldn’t be
C. had followed – wouldn’t have been
D. followed – would be
Subjunctive Mood
1. Present Subjunctive > expresses demands,
suggestions or requests.

Subject Insist
Propose Verb1
that S +
Important Not + V1
Not + Be
It is/was/ Imperative
will be Advisable
Examples of Present Subjunctive
 The doctor suggested that I sleep more.
 It is important that he sleep more in order
to recover soon.
 The teacher requires that we be quiet
during the class.
 The teacher requested that Ali have his
project finished before Friday.
 I recommend that you not exercise until
you feel better.
 Dad insisted that my brother not be late for
dinner tonight.
Question: (Soal UP)
It is necessary to the happiness of
man that he.....mentally faithful to
A. is D. was
B. will be E. be
C. were
Question: (Soal UP)
It is necessary to the happiness of
man that he.....mentally faithful to
A. is. D. was
B. will be E. be
C. were
Present Subjunctive: Exercise
 My mother insists that my father ___
a. exercise c. exercises
b. be exercise d. exercising
 He suggested that a petition ___ soon.
a. must be drawn up c. be drawn up
b. is drawn up d. was drawn up
 The government demanded that the new
stadium ___ by the end of the year.
a. is completed c. will be completed
b. be completed d. being completed
Present Subjunctive: Answers
 My mother insists that my father ___ regularly.
a. exercise c. exercises
b. be exercise d. exercising

 He suggested that a petition ___ soon.

a. must be drawn up c. be drawn up
b. is drawn up d. was drawn up

 The government demanded that the new stadium ___

by the end of the year.
a. is completed c. will be completed
b. be completed d. being completed
2. Past Subjunctive > talks about
hypothetical or imaginary situations.

on the “WISH”
If (2nd and 3rd Suppose
Conditional) Imagine

If only
As if
As though
Examples of Past Subjunctive
 I wish Nur were here to help us. (present wish)
 He wishes he could run faster. (present/future
 He wishes he had won the game. (past wish)
 If I were taller, I could reach the top shelf.
 Suppose you met the president. What would
you say?
 Imagine you were rich. What could you do?
 She acts as though she were rich, bust she’s
 He drives as if he were a Formula1 racer.
Past Subjunctive: Exercise 1
 Abdul plays soccer as though he ___ Cristiano
A. is C. were
B. be D. had been
 We wish it ___ today, so we can have a picnic.
A. doesn’t rain C. rained
B. rains D. didn’t rain
 We wish it ___ yesterday, so we could have a
A. doesn’t rain C. had rained
B. didn’t rain D. hadn’t rained
Past Subjunctive: Answers
 Abdul plays soccer as though he ___ Cristiano
A. is C. were
B. be D. had been
 We wish it ___ today, so we could have a picnic.
A. doesn’t rain C. rained
B. rains D. didn’t rain
 We wish it ___ yesterday, so we could have a
A. doesn’t rain C. had rained
B. didn’t rain D. hadn’t rained
Past Subjunctive: Exercise 2
 I wish the house……more affordable, so my
husband and I can buy it.
a. is c. were
b. was d. had been
 Billie ate all the whole cake as if he ___ hungry.
a. is c. were
b. was d. had been
 Sonia runs as if she ___ by a cheetah.
A. was chased C. chased
B. were chased D. be chased
Present Subjunctive: Answers
 I wish the house……more affordable, so my
husband and I can buy it.
a. is c. were
b. was d. had been
 Billie ate all the whole cake as if he ___ hungry.
a. is c. were
b. was d. had been
 Sonia runs as if she ___ by a cheetah.
A. was chased C. chased
B. were chased D. be chased
Past Subjunctive: Exercise 3
 “That trip was a nightmare!”
“Yes. I wish we ___.”
A. went C. hadn’t gone
B. haven’t gone D. didn’t go

 If only I ___ the bill. The electricity wouldn’t

have been cut off.
A. paid C. had been paid
B. have paid D. had paid
Past Subjunctive: Answers
 “That trip was a nightmare!”
“Yes. I wish we ___.”
A. went C. hadn’t gone
B. haven’t gone D. didn’t go

 If only I ___ the bill. The electricity

wouldn’t have been cut off.
A. paid C. had been paid
B. have paid D. had paid
 See the sentences below
o Laura is very busy girl (1)
o she studies photography at university (2)
o her photos have won few prices and last year one of her
photos was in an exhibition at an art gallery in London. (4)
o she’s a really good photographer and has taken lots of
amazing photos of me and my family. (3)
o Laura is also trying to learn German because she wants to go
to Germany next year to do a photography course. (5)
 What is the best arrangement?
 A. 2-3-5-1-4
 B. 3-5-1-4-2
 C. 2-5-1-3-4
 D. 4-2-3-5-1
 E. 4-3-5-1-2
Alexa : Congratulations on your baby boy! (1)
Lisa : Thank you. Alex! You’re an aunty now. (2)
Alexa : Yeah, who is his name? (3)
Lisa : We named him Brian. (4)
Alexa : Beautiful name. is it because you love Brian Kang? (5)
Lisa : Yeah!
The expression number in the dialog which doesn’t sound English is …….
A. 4 B. 1 C. 3 D. 2 E.5

Tom : “This corner is too crowded, maybe these bags can be moved
there”. Anne : “Colors seem brighter when you are around”.
By saying that, Anne ……. Tom.
A. Tries to corner D. Wants to move
B. Compliments E. Gives colors to
C. Disagrees with
Ann agrees with Tom. Tom’s idea is brilliant, so Anne compliments Tom)
(1) Reasons for dropping out are varied
(2) A recent study conducted by the East West Center has shown the
attrition rate for Ph.D. candidates at 24 colleges to be 31 percent
(3) Among others are lack of motivation, uncompleted research,
financial pressure, and inability to pass qualifying exams
(4) However, an interesting sidelight of the study revealed that dropouts
earn higher salaries than those who completed their Ph. D’s.
(5) It is a much lower rate than was previously thought
(6) Of the latter, 90 percent are employed in the academic world, and
figures suggest that university and college lag behind those in non-
academic fields.
The best order of the sentences to compose a paragraph is …
A. (1), (2), (5), (3), (4), (6)
B. (2), (1), (4), (6), (5), (3)
C. (2), (5), (1), (3), (4), (6)
D. (1), (3), (4), (6), (2), (5)
E. (2), (5), (3), (4), (1), (6)
Excessive consumption of fast food is a modern-day
phenomenon that is rapidly spreading across every section
of our society, and we need some urgently effective
solutions to curb this practice. (contextual meaning:
kebiasaan buruk konsumsi fast food secara berlebihan)
The sentence below which contains a words with the same
meaning as the underlined word in the above text is ...
A. As students, we need to do a lot of exercise in our
B. People always remind us that drills make perfect
C. Smoking is a bad behavior we see in our community
D. When we have a job interview, our attitude should be
E. Good habits of parents are role models for their children
Andi : I really need the book
Librarian: You’re going to have to look everywhere for it.
Andi : Can’t you just make an announcement asking whoever has
the book to come forward?
Librarian: You are not that special. When it comes to books. It’s first
come, first served.
Andi : But I need it for school.
Librarian: I’m sorry, but I can’t do anything for you.
It can be concluded from the conversation that …
A. Andi really needs the book, and the librarian will help him
B. you cannot borrow the book unless you are a special person
C. the book that Andi wants to borrow is not provided by the library
D. you can borrow the book if you come early to library
E. the book is available in the library, but it is not on the shelf
It has been noted that, traditionally, courts have granted
divorces on fault grounds: One spouse is deemed to be at fault in
causing the divorce. More and more today, however, divorces are
being granted on a no-fault basis. Proponents of no-fault
divorce argue that when a marriage fails, it is rarely the case
that one marriage partner is completely to blame and the other
blameless. A failed fault in court, in a public area , is a
destructive process that only serves to lengthen the divorce
process, and that dramatically increases the negative feelings
present in divorces.
The passages state that a public trial to prove the fault of one
spouse can …
A. reduce negative feelings
B. Give positive impact to both parties
C. Be a harmful process
D. Lead to a shorter divorce process
E. Be satisfying to the wronged spouse
It has been noted that, traditionally, courts have granted
divorces on fault grounds: One spouse is deemed to be at fault in
causing the divorce. More and more today, however, divorces are
being granted on a no-fault basis. Proponents of no-fault
divorce argue that when a marriage fails, it is rarely the case
that one marriage partner is completely to blame and the other
blameless. that only serves to lengthen the divorce process, and
A failed fault in court, in a public area , is a destructive process
that dramatically increases the negative feelings present in
The passages state that a public trial to prove the fault of one
spouse can …
A. reduce negative feelings
B. Give positive impact to both parties
C. Be a harmful process
D. Lead to a shorter divorce process Answer: C
E. Be satisfying to the wronged spouse
(clue: A,B,D,E = semua positif. Hanya C negatif)
To Whom It May Concern
I have known Ben Brown for over five years. I know him to be a
young man of strong moral character. His ability to
communicate effectively and establish definite rapport with
people has resulted in a large group of loyal friends. Ben is
always willing to help other students with their works and has
organized study groups to work or hard assignment. Ben plays
for our local football team where his dedication and
enthusiasm are well recognized. I recommend him without
reservation. If you require any further information please
don’t hesitate to contact me.
Joe Jones
From this email, we may conclude that…
A. Ben Brown is in fact a diligent student
B. It is an offer for the receiver to accept Ben to work there
C. Joe is recommending Dr. Brown to admit Ben to study there
D. Joe reserves a place in Ben Brown’s school
E. It is a recommendation for Ben to be admitted as a
prospective student
To Whom It May Concern
I have known Ben Brown for over five years. I know him to be a
young man of strong moral character. His ability to
communicate effectively and establish definite rapport with
people has resulted in a large group of loyal friends. Ben is
always willing to help other students with their works and has
organized study groups to work or hard assignment. Ben plays
for our local football team where his dedication and
enthusiasm are well recognized. I recommend him without
reservation. If you require any further information please
don’t hesitate to contact me.
Joe Jones Answer: E
From this email, we may conclude that…
A. Ben Brown is in fact a diligent student
B. It is an offer for the receiver to accept Ben to work there
C. Joe is recommending Dr. Brown to admit Ben to study there
D. Joe reserves a place in Ben Brown’s school
E. It is a recommendation for Ben to be admitted as a
prospective student
Elephant is a herbivore animal and eat almost all of the vegetations and
fruits. They have almost hairless skin, wide ears, four legs, and long
trunk. Elephant is known as the largest mammals. The elephants also
have very sharp auditory because they have big and wide ears. By these
ears, they can hear sound from a distance about ten kilometers. At the
back of the ears, they have one of the softest parts of their body which is
called the knuckle. In a zoo Mahouts (elephant trainer) use their feet to
steer or give comments to the animal via the knuckle. Now, they are a
kind of protected animal because their population remains little in their
habitat. Their population began to decline year by year.
The purpose of the text is ....
a. to explain about elephant
b. to explain how elephant live in the zoo
c. to describe elephant’s ability to hear
d. to describe elephant in detail
e. to describe elephants food
Elephant is a herbivore animal and eat almost all of the vegetations and
fruits. They have almost hairless skin, wide ears, four legs, and long
trunk. Elephant is known as the largest mammals. The elephants also
have very sharp auditory because they have big and wide ears. By these
ears, they can hear sound from a distance about ten kilometers. At the
back of the ears, they have one of the softest parts of their body which is
called the knuckle. In a zoo Mahouts (elephant trainer) use their feet to
steer or give comments to the animal via the knuckle. Now, they are a
kind of protected animal because their population remains little in their
habitat. Their population began to decline year by year.
The purpose of the text is ....
a. to explain about elephant
b. to explain how elephant live in the zoo
c. to describe elephant’s ability to hear
d. to describe elephant in detail
e. to describe elephants food
The deer is a distinctive animal easily recognized by the
antler that adorn most species of male deer. These
antler are used by males primarily to fight, either for
mates or for the leadership of the herd Dear generally
lost their antlers each winter and begin growing New
ones in late spring. The New antlers are soft knobs
covered with velvety hair. Later in the year, as the
sensor progress, the antlers grow and harden into solid
branches. In the middle of winter, the full-grown antlers
fall off and decay on the ground. In the following spring,
the process begins again.
Based on the passage, the male antlers in winter...
A. Are soft knobs D. Are covered with velvety hair
B. Grow harden E. Come off
C. Begin again
Answer: E
The deer is a distinctive animal easily recognized by the
antler that adorn most species of male deer. These
antler are used by males primarily to fight, either for
mates or for the leadership of the herd Dear generally
lost their antlers each winter and begin growing New
ones in late spring. The New antlers are soft knobs
covered with velvety hair. Later in the year, as the
sensor progress, the antlers grow and harden into solid
branches. In the middle of winter, the full-grown antlers
fall off and decay on the ground. In the following spring,
the process begins again.
Based on the passage, the male antlers in winter...
A. Are soft knobs D. Are covered with velvety hair
B. Grow harden E. Come off
C. Begin again
Texts: Determine the correct clause to best
complete the sentences.
1. ___, which has a wonderful view of the harbour.
A. The restaurant on Galata Tower serves
specialities of Turkish cuisine
B. My friend, Jason, lived in the same house for
more than ten years
C. I'll show you Molly's new car as we drive past
it on our way home
D. Whenever I have a little time, I love climbing
up Shooter Hill
E. Most of the flats in this block are a little cold
as they face north
1. ___, which has a wonderful view of the
A. The restaurant on Galata Tower serves
specialities of Turkish cuisine
B. My friend, Jason, lived in the same house for
more than ten years
C. I'll show you Molly's new car as we drive past
it on our way home
D. Whenever I have a little time, I love climbing
up Shooter Hill
E. Most of the flats in this block are a little cold
as they face north
2. Despite abundant rain throughout the
A. the city is still suffering from a shortage of
water this summer
B. when there were severe floods destroying a
large part of the region
C. the local fruit growers no longer complain
about the drought
D. it was after a long period, without a drop of
rain for many months
E. irrigation is only necessary for a few farms
where they grow vegetables
2. Despite abundant rain throughout
the winter, ____.
A. the city is still suffering from a
shortage of water this summer

(showing contrast meaning)

Teungku Syukri 08126969590 teungku.syukri

Thank you for your great attention
and enthusiasm…
Good luck on your PPG test..

Teungku Syukri 08126969590 teungku.syukri

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