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A Project Report On

“Training and Development”


Solitaire Infosys

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

Under taken by


Under the Guidance of


Faculty In-charge

This is to certify that ………… a bonafide student of …………….and this project report
titled “ A study on the effectiveness of training and development with special reference to
SOLITAIRE INFOSYS is an authentic record of the project work done by him/her under my
supervision in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the …………….

This is to certify that student of ……….Programme ………….has successfully completed

his/her project on the topic “A study on training and development with special reference to
Solitaire Infosys with us during the period from


I, …………….., do hereby declare that the project titled, “Training and development with
special reference to Solitaire infosys” is a bonafide record of work done by me under the
guidance of ……….I further declare that the study has not previously formed the basis for the
award of any study, research or the similar title or recognition.

This project would have been complete without acknowledging my sincere gratitude to all
persons who have helped me in carrying out study and in preparation of this report.

I wish to thank all faculty members who provided expert guidance through out the project.

I express my sincere thanks to all my friends and colleagues for their support in completing
project on time.

I thank my parents, wife and children for helping me and supporting me a lot in completion of
the project on time.

I thank the God, Almighty and most benevolent for giving me the courage and wisdom to
complete this project as per schedule.

In today’s world, organizations that fail to adjust their learning management practices and
solutions often struggle with organizational growth or productivity. As a result, leading
companies are abandoning traditional methods of learning in favor of more effective solutions—
often involving technology innovation—that engages talent and improve performance. This
report highlights key trends affecting the future of enterprise learning and recommendations for
selecting the right provider. This thought made me to work on this project.

I have attempted to live up these requisites while preparing this report. Industrial training is a
part of professional courses. With the help of industrial training we can able to understand the
work undertaken in company.

I have attempted to live up these requisites while preparing this report. Industrial training is a
part of professional courses. With the help of industrial training we can able to understand the
work undertaken in company.

Success of an organization depends largely on successful handling of its human resources.

Training and development is vital part of organization work.

This project report has been prepared keeping in mind the organizational needs pertaining to the
training and development. It describes the principles of job training and development programs
and guidelines adopted in SOLITAIRE INFOSYS info system Ltd, Chandigarh which was
developed, conducted &evaluated for imparting importance and process of job recruitment and

S.NO Page No

1 Introduction To Project

2 Introduction To Topic

3 Company Profile

4 Objectives/Scope of study

5 Research Methodology

6 Introduction To Training And Development

7 Introduction To HRM

8 Nature of training and Development

9 Difference b/w Training & Development

10 Importance of Training & Development

11 Methods of Training & Development

12 Data Analysis & Interpretation

13 Finding

14 Suggestions

15 Recommendation

16 Bibliography

17 Conclusion

18 Annexure

The broad objective of study of training policies in SOLITAIRE INFOSYS- is to study the
impact of training on the overall skill development of workers. The specific objectives of study

1. It supplies skilled workers through scientific selection process.

2. It ensures maximum benefit out of the expenditure on training and development

and appreciates the human assets.

3. To examine the effectiveness of training in overall development of skill of


4. To study the changes in behavioral pattern due to training.

5. To compare the cost effectiveness in implanting training programmers.


The scope of study covers in depth the various training practices, modules, formats being
followed and is limited to the company SOLITAIRE INFOSYS- and its employees. The
different training programmers incorporate/facilitated in SOLITAIRE INFOSYS- through its
faculties, outside agencies or professional groups. It also judges the enhancement of knowledge
& skills of employees and feed back on its effectiveness. Training creates a feeling of
confidence in the minds of workers. It gives a feeling of safety and security to them at work
place. Training develops skill, which serves as valuable personal asset of worker. It remains
permanently with the worker himself. Training provides opportunity for quick promotion and
sells development. Training helps in earnings higher remuneration and other monetary benefits
to the Workers as their productivity increases.

Solitaire Infosys Inc. was a dream came into existence over three years ago with a strong
aspiration of becoming a best IT service provider around the globe. Presently, Solitaire Infosys is
already leading the race with its competitors. Being nurtured by a team of experienced and
sensitive people. We try to bond emotionally with our clients and love to go an extra mile to
satisfy their needs, which is the reason that we hold the edge in the league.

At Solitaire Infosys Inc. we provide the experience, expertise and capabilities that enable
organizations to accelerate their service processes, deliver more service value and realize
breakthrough results in the markets they serve. Now our clients not only appreciate our
comprehensive range of services, our innovative, streamlined and cost effective solutions, but
more importantly, they appreciate our high level of excellent customer service which is
unparalleled in the industry.

SIPL Emphasis On:

The Service: We value our relationships with our consumers and we have embellished
ourselves by rendering above average service.

The Professionalism: A web Application that looks incredible conveys a professional

view of your business and would really exhibit for you.

The Technology: A website that will have good technicality, designing and developing
professional who will make the websites ranging from a simple place holder to dynamic
database driven web sites.
Our Objective

We aim to push our limits and accomplish beyond the definition of success at the same time
redefining excellence with every step and endeavor we undertake. We believe in the power of a
bond that we build with our clients and the power of people that are connected by the wonders of
technology. We are driven by our beliefs and principles that have helped us touch and impact
lives of the people working with us and the people we proudly serve. Our objective is to bring
together people with diverse opinions and point of views to generate new possibilities and
opportunities by turning the potential of technology into evocative solutions.

What we do

At Solitaire Infosys, we work with enhanced and smart strategies to build and deliver the most
robust, flexible and sophisticated solutions and services for our clients. We have over time
extended our expertise to a multitude of IT services with an innovative approach to cater to and
engage with the growing and changing market trends. Our high end services extend from
building your business online from a scratch with the most promising and pioneering
technologies and hands on solutions, to maintaining and upholding your business models for a
long term and ever growing revenue as well as reputation. We function while collaborating with
our clients to generate comprehensive strategies to capitalize on our cutting-edge applications.

The wide band of our services hoists the flagship of many accolades. We serve with par
excellence in the following spheres of technology and business:

Website Design: A website not only represents your business on the digital front but also
operates as a facet for your business to draw clients with a design and interface that speaks of
your take on technology. We at solitaire ensure to create a lasting impact through the website
design. Our expert team of skilled designers understands the link between users and the interface
and the value of branding and its connection with design. We excel in developing the most
efficiently designed websites using flash and 3D animation along with logo and branding design
that engage users at an emotional level.
Web Development: We ascertain to make your business visible and acknowledged on the web
through our efforts and expertise in Web development technologies which include PHP
Development. CMS Development, .Net and E-commerce Development. Our proficient team of
developers strive o provide comprehensive and resourceful web solutions to grow your business
on the web.
Mobile Applications: With almost the whole world operating now through Smart phones and
mobile applications, if you believe Mobile application is the next step to bring your business to
your targeted customers then we have can turn your beliefs into reality. Being an innovation-
driven family of bright minds, we seek and deliver reliable and out-of-the-box ideas for robust
and new age mobile applications. Our flexible mobile application technologies include Unity 3D
gaming Apps, Cross-platform Mobile Development using Phone Gap along with the native
Android, IPhone and Windows Mobile Applications.

Digital Marketing: When your business goes digital and online then the need to market it and
sell services and products online is a major concern which requires unique and cost effective
solutions. Our Digital Marketing services assure an amplified and unparalleled success rate for
your business online. Using the most creative ideologies and technologies to present business in
Digital Media Ecosystems. We promote and enhance branding strategies through streamlined
content generation and its seamless distribution on multiple media channels. Our customized
Digital Marketing solutions include:
o Search Engine Optimization, SEO
o Social Media Optimization, SMO
o Pay per Click, PPC
o Email Marketing
o Maintenance: We not only build and develop but we assure sustainability of your
systems. We leverage our clients to enjoy a solo maintenance account to avoid the
frustration and hassle of handling costly and nerve wrecking crash downs and problems.
We at Solitaire provide you the best possible maintenance solutions using excellent
maintenance tools to update, enhance and repair your digital accounts and websites. We
offer a host of maintenance services including:
o ERP Maintenance
o CMS Maintenance
o App Maintenance
o Web Maintenance
Technologies we use

Role in Education

At Solitaire Infosys we believe to work and strive to make the world a better place by putting in
efforts in every little and major way possible. To achieve our societal goals at large we
conceived a dream to propagate and inculcate knowledge offering the best level of educational
programs to the aspiring youth of nation. With a vision to attain global success we believe and
work hard to reach the heights of success with pioneering and brilliant young ideas with the
potential to bring in the wave of change and advancement. With this secular belief we have
extended our footing into the sphere of education to deliver high quality and substantial
educational and skill enhancement programs for the young entrepreneurs and innovators. At
Solitaire Infosys we value the learning process and so we have been delivering renewed learning
experiences in reputed Educational institutes all across northern India.
The value of Learning Process

Today, with every process going digital the learning process too has advanced and reached new
limits with online study and certification programs providing customized learning solutions. We
as a Professional training center prepare candidates for the corporate society and work
environments to achieve personal as well as organizational goals. We offer unique learning
process which is valued by for their comprehensive approach and relevance to the real world
statistics. We aim and work hard to deliver knowledge at its best in order to encourage individual
skill set that helps the candidate to capitalize technology through the learning process.

Transformed Learning Process

At Solitaire, we provide renewed and transformed learning process through effective utilization
of digital work environments which enhance the learning process through content and virtual
strategies. We let the candidates experience a healthy corporate ecosystem for learning the
relative functionalities of the subject opted for certification. Working on diverse range of
technologies we offer the aspiring candidates a vital opportunity to inculcate and develop an
aptitude for the technologies.

We train and prepare candidates for competent profiles using the most robust and accurate
strategies to assess and evaluate the progress of candidates throughout the propagation of the
respective skill development program.

Enhanced Learning on New System

With the best systems and technologies to be offered for on hands accessibility we promise
enhanced learning opportunities on new systems and technologies which are effectively
embedded in the skill set of the candidates. Our programs are intuitively designed to encourage
collaboration between candidates, instructors as well as the administrators for a resourceful
learning experience. Social learning experiences are best carried out virtual classrooms and cloud
data sharing environments. We assure an enriching learning experience by offering immediate
access to data and content repositories which are cloud-hosted to ensure simultaneous adoption
by several sources.

Our Customers


In everyday life, every human being has to face many problems viz. social, economical,
financial problems.

These problems in life call for acceptable and effective solutions and for this purpose, research
is required and a methodology applied for the solutions can be found out.
Research was carried out at Hindustan Computers Limited Chandigarh, to find out the facts
about Training and Development Programmed at the organization

Research objective

To find out the satisfaction of the employees with the training programmed.

To identify areas of improvement in design of training and development programmed.

Data collection methods

Primary Data

Tool for collecting primary data are as follows:-

· Structured Questionnaire

· Survey and Observation

Sample plan

· The sample plan is a distinct phase of the research process.

· It refers to the technique or the procedure a research would adopt in selecting.

Sample population

· Population consists of the total respondent.

Sampling technique

· In the research random-cum-convenient sampling technique are being used

Sample size

To find out the Designing of Training and Development Programmed of solitaire imfosys,

Certain step has been taken which are as follows:-

A. Initial research

Sample size of 20 employees was selected.

Parameters for Training and Development programmed were listed. B.

Preparing a structured questionnaire

Base don’t he initial research findings, structured questionnaire was prepared.

Data was collected from employees with the help of Questionnaire.

Research design

Having decided on the aims to be achieved the next stage is to design your research: in other
words devise a plan for achieving the aims. Much of the most successful research uses a variety
of different methods. It is best to start without too many preconceptions concerning the best

There are three possible sources of information for research:-

1. Empirical sources: gathering information from the real world. This may be
primarydata that you have gathered yourself, or secondary data gathered by
someone else - eg published statistics or company documents.

2. Literary sources: gathering information from published books and papers, and
from theinternet (see Stein, 1999).

3. Conceptual analysis: analysing the meanings of concepts and their implications.

(Mathematical analysis and model building are conceptual in that they are
concerned with working out the detailed implications of assumptions.)

Training is process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. It is the application of

knowledge. It gives people an awareness of the rules and procedures to guide their behaviors.
It attempts to improve their performance on the current job and prepares them for an intended


This training is concerned with introducing or orienting a new employee to the organization
and its procedure, rules and regulation. It helps a new employee to get acquainted with the
work environment of the organization.

Job training

It relates to specific job, which the worker has to handle. It gives information about machines,
process of production, instruction to be followed method to be used and so on. It helps the
workers developing skill and confidence and enables them to perform the job efficiently.

Apprenticeship training

Apprenticeship training programmed tends more towards education. Under this programmed
both knowledge and skill for doing a jib or series of related jobs are involved. Under this
programmed educational or vocational institute enters into arrangement with an industrial
enterprise for providing practical knowledge to its student. Internship training is usually meant
for such vocations where advanced theoretical knowledge is to be backed by practical
experience on the job.

Refresher training

It is for the old employees of the enterprise. The basic purpose of refreshers training is to
acquaint the existing workforce with the latest methods of performing their jobs and improve
their efficiency further.

The importance of human resource management to a large extent depends on human resource
development. Training is the most important technique of human resource development. No
organization can get candidates who exactly match with the job and the Organizational
requirements. Hence training is important to develop the employees and make him suitable to
the job. Job and organizational requirement are not static they are changed from time to time in
View of technology advancement and change in the awareness of total quality and Productivity
management (TQPM) the objectives of the TQPM can be achieved only Through training as
training develops human skills and efficiency. Trained employees would be value be assets to
an organization. Organization efficiency, productivity, Progress and development to a greater
extent depend on training. Organization objective like viability, stability and growth can also be
achieved through training.


For Organization:

o Leads to improved profitability and or more positive attitude towards profits Improves
the job knowledge and skills at all level of the organization
o Improves the morale of the workforce
o Helps people to identity the organizational goal
o Helps to create a better corporate image
o Faster authenticity, openness and trust
o Improves the relationship between boss and subordinate
o Aids in understanding and carrying out organizational policies
o Benefit to individual:
o Helps the individual in making better decision and effective problem solving
o Through training and development, motivational, variables of recognition,
Achievement, growth, responsibility and advancement and internalized.
o Aids in encouraging and achieving and self development and self confidence

o Helps to handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict

o Increase job satisfaction and recognition
o Move a person towards personnel goal and development of skills.
o Improves communication between groups and individual.
o Aids in orientation for new employee and those taking new job through transfer and
o Improves interpersonal skills.
o Improves morale
o Builds cohesiveness
o Provide a good climate for learning growth and coordination
o Makes organization better place to work and live


1.Training means learning skills 1. Development means growth of an

and knowledge for doing a employees in all respects.
specific job.
2.It seeks to develop competence and skills
2.It is concerned with maintaining and for future performance. Thus, it has a
improving current job performance. long-term perspective.
Thus, it has short-term perspective.
3.It is career-centered in nature.
3.It is job-centered in nature.
4.The executives has to be motivated
4.Role of trainer is very important. internally for self development.

Specifically, the need for training arises due to the following reasons: To match the employee
specifications with the Job requirements and organizational Needs: Management finds
deviations between employee’s present specifications and the job requirements and
organizational needs. Training is needed to fill these gaps by developing and molding the
employee skills, knowledge, attitude, behavior, etc… to the tune of the job requirements and
organizational needs. Organizational Viability and the Transformation Process: The primary
goal of most of the organizations is that their viability is continuously influenced by
environmental pressure. If the organization desires to adapt to these changes, first it has to
train the employees to impart specific skills and knowledge in order to enable them to
contribute to organizational efficiency and to cope with training in order to ensure a smooth
transformation process.

Technological Advance: Every organization to survive and to be effective shouldadopt the

latest technology i.e. mechanization, computerization and automation. So, the organization
should train the employee’s train the employees to enrich them in the areas of changing
technical skills and knowledge from time to time.
Organizational Complexity: With the emergence of increased mechanization andautomation,
manufacturing of multiple products and by-products or dealing in services of diversified lines,
extension of operations to various regions of the country or in overseas countries, organization
of most of the companies has become complex: This creates the complex problems of co-
ordination and integration of activities adaptable for and adaptable to the expanding and
diversifying situations. This situation calls for training in the skills of co-ordination, integration
and adaptability to the requirements of growth, diversification and expansion.

Human relations: Trends in approach towards personnel management has changedfrom the
commodity approach to partnership approach, crossing the human relations besides maintaining
sound industrial relations although hitherto the managers are not accustomed to deal with the
workers accordingly. Training in human relations is necessary to deal with human problems.

Change in the job assignment: Training is also necessary when the existingemployee is
promoted to the higher level in the organization and when there is some new job or occupation
due to transfer. Training is also necessary to equip employees with advanced displaces,
techniques or technology. Training also becomes essential when an organization has plans for

Present scenario of Training and Development

In today’s world, organizations that fail to adjust their learning management practices and
solutions often struggle with organizational growth or productivity. As a result, leading
companies are abandoning traditional methods of learning in favor of more effective solutions—
often involving technology innovation—that engages talent and improve performance. This
report highlights key trends affecting the future of enterprise earning and
recommendations for selecting the right provider.

Key Findings

· One-third of companies are increasing their budget for learning and development.

· 41 percent of companies describe their culture as “Controlling.”

· Only 10 percent of companies are leveraging mobile learning solutions.

· 59 percent of companies are leveraging social learning activities.

Prioritizing the Individual

Organizations are facing several critical pressures, including a short supply of leaders, the need
to develop and engage employees, and issues with turnover. Finding and keeping talent is no
longer an HR challenge but a strategic business priority. Yet, most companies are unable to
build lasting relationships with their employees in an effort to overcome these challenges.
Instead of empowering employees with the tools they need to succeed, many companies feel
threatened by their workforce and fearful of change. In fact, when asked to define their
company culture, 41 percent of companies described it as “controlling,” or a highly structured
and informal place to work with little collaboration. With the emergence of a younger
generation and the rise of the independent worker, companies must rethink their approach to
talent and begin to prioritize the “individual.” They must provide a new mechanism for
learning—one that can adapt to the needs of a changing workforce and align closely with
organizational objectives.

Although learning is one of the most mature areas of talent management, it is also one of the
most innovative. With recent technology advancements and the rapid adoption of social
collaboration, learning and development has come a long way. Yet making a decision to
improve a learning management program and invest in a learning management solution is often
a daunting challenge. Five key trends and best practices that companies should consider include
the use of mobile technology, adoption of social learning tools, alignment with corporate
objectives, use of adaptive learning principles, and the ability to measure effectiveness.

Going Mobile. Mobile has transformed the way companies work, interact, and collaborate.With
global penetration rates skyrocketing, organizations that are not considering mobile in all areas
of HCM will have a difficult time competing for talent. Despite this reality, companies are still
slow to embrace mobile learning solutions. Only 10 percent of companies are using mobile
Web-based learning solutions. Some 8 percent are using mobile learning apps, 5 percent mobile
performance Web-based sites, and 4 percent are using mobile performance apps Most
companies recognize that mobile learning solutions can improve adoption, expand global reach,
and engage users better, but do not understand how to execute a mobile strategy. Additionally,
some organizations find it challenging to determine what options are available and which
providers to consider. Regardless of the barriers they are facing, organizations looking to
improve their learning functions will need to make mobile part of the equation and determine
what requirements they have in order to select a technology partner.

Understanding Social. Companies are quickly embracing social media tools, as well
asinvesting in social collaboration tools to better engage employees and foster a learning
culture. Although social has become mainstream, companies still lack the knowledge and
insight around how to use these tools for learning and development. Of the 59 percent of
companies using social for their learning strategies, only 24 percent say they are effective. One
reason is that companies are limited in the social tools they are using. Companies are using
document sharing, discussion forms, and blogs, but they aren’t generally using video or micro-
blogs—which our research shows are more effective—to improve their learning functions.
Companies must educate themselves on the value of social learning and invest in providers that
offer solutions that drive business outcomes.
Considering Adaptive Learning. Adaptive learning is a methodology that breaks
traditionalmodels and allows employees to learn at their own pace. It has gained popularity with
educational institutions, referred to as “adaptive teaching,” where a teacher will gather
information on individual students to learn what they need to do to improve their learning. In
the workforce, adaptive learning is conducted similarly. Employees can be monitored
individually and in real time to determine what learning approach will best suit their needs. It
has advantages for younger generations entering the workforce that have expectations around
flexibility and interaction. Adaptive learning can be effective at improving efficiency, as well as
employee engagement and retention since it allows employees to build confidence and overall
expertise. Companies may want to consider breaking traditional learning methods by
introducing aspects of adaptive learning.

Aligning with Business Objectives. The learning of the past operated in silos where
learningprofessionals had little interaction or input from other areas of the business. The
learning of the future must be closely aligned to overall corporate strategies in order for
companies to achieve results. Any program or technology investment should involve input from
business leaders to ensure that learning is driving retention, engagement, and performance. For
those companies that did align learning and business priorities (48 percent), more than 70
percent were able to improve company revenue.

Measuring Effectiveness. To determine if the learning strategy in place is driving

businessoutcomes, companies must find a way to consistently measure its effectiveness.
Companies should determine metrics in advance and include both business metrics and
learning/HR metrics. Currently, most companies are considering team encouragement,
employee engagement, and employee satisfaction over more concrete business metrics such as
retention, turnover, and revenue per full-time employee.

Key Factors

Most companies must adapt their learning strategies to meet the demands of today’s workforce.
Traditional models of learning do little to bridge the gap between employer and employee or to
improve engagement and performance. By aligning learning strategies with corporate objectives
and leveraging innovative technology, organizations will be able to significantly improve their
learning functions. Key takeaways:

Select the right provider. In the past, organizations had limited technology choices forlearning
and development, but today there are new solutions emerging every month. Organizations
should consider providers with innovative capabilities such as mobile and social and also
understand the importance of measuring the effectiveness of learning activities.

Collaborate with the business. Learning professionals must work closely with businessleaders
to design the learning program and also to gather input on the right technology providers. With
executive support, organizations can help shift their approach to learning and create new
vehicles for enabling individual success.

Put the individual first. Companies must shift the way they view employees and
considerfocusing on the individual and his or her unique learning needs. For some companies,
this strategy may include aspects of adaptive learning; for other companies, it could mean a
different communication strategy.

Need for training :

Specifically, the need for training arises due to the following reasons: To match the employee
specifications with the Job requirements and organizational Needs: Management finds
deviations between employee’s present specifications and the job requirements and
organizational needs. Training is needed to fill these gaps by developing and molding the
employee skills, knowledge, attitude, behavior, etc… to the tune of the job requirements and
organizational needs .

Organizational Viability and the Transformation Process: The primary goal of most of the
organizations is that their viability is continuously influenced by environmental pressure. If the
organization desires to adapt to these changes, first it has to train the employees to impart
specific skills and knowledge in order to enable them to contribute to organizational efficiency
and to cope with training in order to ensure a smooth transformation process.

Technological Advance: Every organization to survive and to be effective should adopt the
latest technology i.e. mechanization, computerization and automation. So, the organization
should train the employee’s train the employees to enrich them in the areas of changing
technical skills and knowledge from time to time.

Organizational Complexity: With the emergence of increased mechanization and automation,

manufacturing of multiple products and by-products or dealing in services of diversified lines,
extension of operations to various regions of the country or in overseas countries, organization
of most of the companies has become complex: This creates the complex problems of co-
ordination and integration of activities adaptable for and adaptable to the expanding and
diversifying situations. This situation calls for training in the skills of co-ordination, integration
and adaptability to the requirements of growth, diversification and expansion.

Human relations: Trends in approach towards personnel management has changed from the
commodity approach to partnership approach, crossing the human relations besides maintaining
sound industrial relations although hitherto the managers are not accustomed to deal with the
workers accordingly. Training in human relations is necessary to deal with human problems.

Change in the job assignment: Training is also necessary when the existing employee is
promoted to the higher level in the organization and when there is some new job or occupation
due to transfer. Training is also necessary to equip employees with advanced displaces,
techniques or technology. Training also becomes essential when an organization has plans for
modernization. The need for training also arises to:

· Increased Productivity.

· Improved quality of the product/service.

· Help a company to fulfill its future personnel needs.

· Improved organizational climate.

· Improved health and safety.

· Prevent obsolescence.

· Effect personal growth.

· Minimize the resistance to change and

· To act as mentor.

Needs Analysis: How to determine training needs


A successful training needs analysis will identify those who need training and what kind of
training is needed. It is counter-productive to offer training to individuals who do not need it or
to offer the wrong kind of training. A Training Needs Analysis helps to put the training
resources to good use. Types of Needs Analyses

Many needs assessments are available for use in different employment contexts. Sources that
can help you determine which needs analysis is appropriate for your situation are described

Organizational Analysis. An analysis of the business needs or other reasons the training is
desired. An analysis of the organization's strategies, goals, and objectives. What is the
organization overall trying to accomplish? The important questions being answered by this
analysis are who decided that training should be conducted, why a training program is seen as
the recommended solution to a business problem, what the history of the organization has been
with regard to employee training and other management interventions.

Person Analysis. Analysis dealing with potential participants and instructors involved in the
process. The important questions being answered by this analysis are who will receive the
training and their level of existing knowledge on the subject, what is their learning style, and
who will conduct the training. Do the employees have required skills? Are there changes to
policies, procedures, software, or equipment that require or necessitate training?

Work analysis / Task Analysis. Analysis of the tasks being performed. This is an analysis of the
job and the requirements for performing the work. Also known as a task analysis or job analysis,
this analysis seeks to specify the main duties and skill level required. This helps ensure that the
training which is developed will include relevant links to the content of the job.

Performance Analysis are the employees performing up to the established standard? If

performance is below expectations, can training help to improve this performance? Is there a
Performance Gap?
Content Analysis. Analysis of documents, laws, procedures used on the job. This analysis
answers questions about what knowledge or information is used on this job. This information
comes from manuals, documents, or regulations. It is important that the content of the training
does not conflict or contradict job requirements. An experienced worker can assist (as a subject
matter expert) in determining the appropriate content.

Training Suitability Analysis. Analysis of whether training is the desired solution. Training is
one of several solutions to employment problems. However, it may not always be the best
solution. It is important to determine if training will be effective in its usage.

Cost-Benefit Analysis. Analysis of the return on investment (ROI) of training. Effective training
results in a return of value to the organization that is greater than the initial investment to
produce or administer the training.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

Today's workplace often requires employees to be independent thinkers responsible for making
good decisions based on limited information. This kind of work may require training if the
employee does not have these skills. Below is a list of various competencies that employees may
be required to possess in order to perform their jobs well.

a. Adaptability

b. Analytical Skills

c. Action Orientation

d. Business Knowledge/Acumen

e. Coaching/Employee Development

f. Communication

g. Customer Focus

h. Decision Making

i. Fiscal Management
j. Global Perspective

k. Innovation

l. Interpersonal Skills

m. Leadership

n. Establishing Objectives

o. Risk Management

p. Persuasion and Influence

q. Planning

r. Problem Solving

s. Project Management

t. Results Orientation

u. Self-Management

v. Teamwork

w. Technology


Several basic Needs Assessment techniques include:

· direct observation

· questionnaires

· consultation with persons in key positions, and/or with specific knowledge

· review of relevant literature

· interviews
· focus groups

· assessments/surveys

· records & report studies

· work samples

Conducting an Organizational Analyses

Determine what resources are available for training. What are the mission and goals of the
organization in regards to employee development? What support will te senior management and
managers give toward training? Is the organization supportive and on-board with this process?
Are there adequate resources (financial and personnel)?

Conducting a Work / Task Analysis

Interview subject matter experts (SME's) and high performing employees. Interview the
supervisors and managers in charge. Review job descriptions and occupational information.
Develop an understanding of what employees need to know in order to perform their jobs.
Important questions to ask when conducting a Task Analysis:

1. What tasks are performed?

2. How frequently are they performed?

3. How important is each task?

4. What knowledge is needed to perform the task?

5. How difficult is each task?

6. What kinds of training are available?

Observe the employee performing the job. Document the tasks being performed. When
documenting the tasks, make sure each task starts with an action verb. How does this task
analysis compare to existing job descriptions? Did the task analysis miss any important parts of
the job description? Were there tasks performed that were omitted from the job description?
Organize the identified tasks. Develop a sequence of tasks. Or list the tasks by importance. Are
there differences between high and low performing employees on specific work tasks? Are there
differences between Experts and Novices? Would providing training on those tasks improve
employee job performance?

Most employees are required to make decisions based on information. How is

informationgathered by the employee? What does the employee do with the information? Can
this process be trained? Or, can training improve this process?

Cognitive Task Analysis

Develop a model of the task. Show where the decision points are located and what information
is needed to make decisions and actions are taken based on that information. This model should
be a schematic or graphic representation of the task. This model is developed by observing and
interviewing the employees. The objective is to develop a model that can be used to guide the
development of training programs and curriculum.

Since the training is based on specific job tasks, employees may feel more comfortable taking
the effort to participate in training.

Gather information about how the task is performed so that this can be used to form a model of
the task. Review job titles and descriptions to get an idea of the tasks performed. Observe the
employee performing the job. Review existing training related to the job. Make sure you
observe both experts and novices for comparison.

Conducting a Performance Analysis

This technique is used to identify which employees need the training. Review performance
appraisals. Interview managers and supervisors. Look for performance measures such as
benchmarks and goals.

Sources of performance data:

1. Performance Appraisals

2. Quotas met (un-met)

3. Performance Measures

4. Turnover

5. Shrinkage

6. Leakage

7. Spoilage

8. Losses

9. Accidents

10. Safety Incidents

11. Grievances

12. Absenteeism

13. Units per Day

14. Units per Week

15. Returns

16. Customer Complaints

Are there differences between high and low performing employees on specific competencies?
Would providing training on those competencies improve employee job performance?

Checklist for Training Needs Analysis

It is helpful to have an organized method for choosing the right assessment for your needs.
A checklist can help you in this process. Your checklist should summarize the kinds of
information discussed above. For example, is the assessment valid for your intended purpose? Is
it reliable and fair? Is it cost-effective? Is the instrument likely to be viewed as fair and valid by
the participants?
Also consider the ease or difficulty of administration, scoring, and interpretation given
available resources.

Every organization big or small productive or non productive, economic or social, old or Newly
established should provide training to all employees irrespective of their qualification, skills,
suitability for the job etc. thus no organization can choose whether or not train
employees .Training is not something that is done once to new employees it is used continuously
in every well run established. Further technological changes automation require updating the
skills and knowledge. As such an organization has to retrain the old employees. Job and
organizational requirement are not static they are changed from time to time in view of
technology advancement and change in the awareness of total quality and productivity
management (TQPM) the objectives of the TQPM can be achieved only through training as
training develops human skills and efficiency. Trained employees would be valuable assets to an
organization. Organization efficiency, productivity, Progress and development to a greater extent
depend on training.

The need of training arises due to following reasons:

1: organizational Needs

2: For organizational viability and transformation process

3: It is good for technological advancement.

4: Decreases organizational complexity.

5: Improves human relations


There are a number of different types of training we can use to engage an employee. These
types are usually used in all steps in a training process (orientation, in-house, mentorship, and
external training). The training utilized depends on the amount of resources available for
training, the type of company, and the priority the company places on training.

1. Technical or Technology Training

Depending on the type of job, technical training will be required. Technical training is a type of
training meant to teach the new employee the technological aspects of the job. In a retail
environment, technical training might include teaching someone how to use the computer
system to ring up customers. In a sales position, it might include showing someone how to use
the customer relationship management (CRM) system to find new prospects. In a consulting
business, technical training might be used so the consultant knows how to use the system to
input the number of hours that should be charged to a client. In a restaurant, the server needs to
be trained on how to use the system to process orders. Let’s assume your company has decided
to switch to the newest version of Microsoft Office. This might require some technical training
of the entire company to ensure everyone uses the technology effectively. Technical training is
often performed in-house, but it can also be administrered externally.

2. Quality Training

In a production-focused business, quality training is extremely important. Quality training refers

to familiarizing employees with the means of preventing, detecting, and eliminating nonquality
items, usually in an organization that produces a product. In a world where quality can set your
business apart from competitors, this type of training provides employees with the knowledge to
recognize products that are not up to quality standards and teaches them what to do in this
scenario. Numerous organizations, such as the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO), measure quality based on a number of metrics. This organization provides the stamp of
quality approval for companies producing tangible products. ISO has developed quality
standards for almost every field imaginable, not only considering product quality but also
certifying companies in environmental management quality.

3. Skills Training

Skills training, the third type of training, includes proficiencies needed to actually perform the
job. For example, an administrative assistant might be trained in how to answer the phone, while
a salesperson at Best Buy might be trained in assessment of customer needs and on how to offer
the customer information to make a buying decision. Think of skills training as the things you
actually need to know to perform your job. A cashier needs to know not only the technology to
ring someone up but what to do if something is priced wrong. Most of the time, skills training is
given in-house and can include the use of a mentor.

4. Soft Skills Training

Our fourth type of training is called soft skills training. Soft skills refer to personality traits,
social graces, communication, and personal habits that are used to characterize relationships
with other people. Soft skills might include how to answer the phone or how to be friendly and
welcoming to customers. It could include sexual harassment training and ethics training. In
some jobs, necessary soft skills might include how to motivate others, maintain small talk, and
establish rapport.

5. Professional Training and Legal Training

In some jobs, professional training must be done on an ongoing basis. Professional training is a
type of training required to be up to date in one’s own professional field. A personal fitness
trainer will undergo yearly certifications to stay up to date in new fitness and nutrition

6. Team Training

We can define team training as a process that empowers teams to improve decision making,
problem solving, and team-development skills to achieve business results. Often this type of
training can occur after an organization has been restructured and new people are working
together or perhaps after a merger or acquisition.

Some reasons for team training include the following:

· Improving communication

· Making the workplace more enjoyable

· Motivating a team

· Getting to know each other

· Getting everyone “onto the same page,” including goal setting

· Teaching the team self-regulation strategies

· Helping participants to learn more about themselves (strengths and weaknesses)

· Identifying and utilizing the strengths of team members

· Improving team productivity

7. Managerial Training

After someone has spent time with an organization, they might be identified as a candidate for
promotion. When this occurs, managerial training would occur. Topics might include those
from our soft skills section, such as how to motivate and delegate, while others may be technical
in nature. For example, if management uses a particular computer system for scheduling, the
manager candidate might be technically trained. Some managerial training might be performed
in-house while other training, such as leadership skills, might be performed externally.

8. Safety Training

Safety training is a type of training that occurs to ensure employees are protected from injuries
caused by work-related accidents. Safety training is especially important for organizations that
use chemicals or other types of hazardous materials in their production. Safety training can also
include evacuation plans, fire drills, and workplace violence procedures.

Safety Training Can Also Include The Following:

· Eye safety

· First aid

· Food service safety

· Hearing protection

· Asbestos

· Construction safety

· Hazmat safety
The Goals Of An Orientation In Training And Development

To reduce start-up costs. If an orientation is done right, it can help get the employee up
tospeed on various policies and procedures, so the employee can start working right away. It can
also be a way to ensure all hiring paperwork is filled out correctly, so the employee is paid on

To reduce anxiety. Starting a new job can be stressful. One goal of an orientation is toreduce
the stress and anxiety people feel when going into an unknown situation.

To reduce employee turnover. Employee turnover tends to be higher when employeesdon’t

feel valued or are not given the tools to perform. An employee orientation can show that the
organization values the employee and provides tools necessary for a successful entry.

To save time for the supervisor and coworkers. A well-done orientation makes for a better
prepared employee, which means less time having to teach the employee.

To set expectations and attitudes. If employees know from the start what the expectationsare,
they tend to perform better. Likewise, if employees learn the values and attitudes of the
organization from the beginning, there is a higher chance of a successful tenure at the company.

There are various methods of training. The choice of any training methods depend upon
Several factors like cost of training, number of worker, depth of knowledge required
Background of the trainees, purpose of training and so on.

The training methods may be divided into two groups:

 On the job training

 Off the job training


The most important type of training is training on the job. The experience of the actually
doing something makes a lasting impression and has reality that other types cannot provide
this training is for everybody from clerk to company president.

On The Job Training Is Divided Into Different Group

Vestibule training

This method attempts to duplicate on the job situation in ac company classroom. It is

classroom training, which is often imparted with the help of the equipment and machine,
which are identical with those in use in the place of work. It is very efficient method used to
train semiskilled personnel, particularlywhen many of the employees have to be trained for the
same kind of work at same time. It is also save costly machines from being damagedby
mishandling of the untrained workers.

Apprenticeship training

Apprenticeship training programmed tends towards more education than on the job training or
vestibule training here major part of the training time is spent on –the –job productive work.
Each apprentice is given a programmed of assignment according to spree determined
schedule, which provides for efficient training and skills.

It is extension of vestibule training. The trainee works in the closely duplicated real job
condition”. This is essential in cases in which actual on –the –job practice is expensive, might
result in serious injury and a costly error. Demonstration and examples:-Here the trainer
describes and demonstrate show to do a certain work. He performs the activity him self going
through a step-by-step explanation of the „why‟, „how‟ and „what‟ of what he is doing


Coaching is a more intensive method of training that involves a close working relationship
between an experienced employee and the trainee. A senior manager must play an active role in
guiding and teaching skills. He tells him how to do a job and corrects the errors.



It is regarded as one of the simplest ways of imparting knowledge to the trainee, especially
when facts, concepts or principles attitude, theories and problem solving abilities are to be
taught, lectures are supplemented with discussion, film shows, case studies, role playing etc

Case Study

Under this method, a real business problem of the situation demanding solution, is presented to
the group and members who are to be trained to identify the problems present, they must
suggest various alternatives for tackling them, analyze them and find out their comparative
suitability and decide.


 Training creates a feeling of confidence in the minds of workers. It gives a feeling

Of safety and security to them at work place.
 Training develops skill, which serves as valuable personal asset of worker. It
Remains permanently with the worker himself.
 Training provides opportunity for quick promotion and sells development.
 Training helps in earnings higher remuneration and other monetary benefits to the
Workers as their productivity increases.
 Training develops adapt ability among workers. They don’t worry when work
Procedures and methods are changed.
 Trained workers handle machines safely.
 Increases the commitment of employees by encouraging them to identify.

Action on the following lines needs to be initiated to make training practice effective:-

1. Ensure that the management commits itself to allocate major

resources and Adequate time to training.

2. Ensure that training contributes to competitive strategies of the firm.

Different Strategies need different HR skills for implementation. Let
training helps Employees at all levels acquire the needed skills.

3. Ensure that a comprehensive and a systematic approach to training exist,

and Training and retraining are done at all levels on a continuous and
ongoing basis.

4. Make learning one of the fundamental values of the company. Let this
philosophy Percolate down to all employees in the organization.

5. Ensure that there is proper linkage among organizational,

operational and Individual training needs.


Training and Development is an important of HRM, therefore, it is necessity that I discuss

about the Human resources Management. HRM if updated and trained are the need of the hour
and Training and Development is an important function of HRM. Therefore, I feel it necessity
to discuss the HRM.

Evolution of HRM

Personnel functions: Till 1930s, it was not felt necessary to have a separate discipline of
management called “Personnel management”. In fact, this job was assigned as part of the
factory manager.

Adam Smith’s concept of factory was that it consists of three resources, land, labor and
capital. This factory manager is expected to “procure,
Process and peddle” labor as one of the resources. The first time when such a specialist
“person” was used; it was to maintain a “buffer” between employer and employee to meet the
“legitimate need” of employees.

However, it is the employer who decided what “legitimate need” of employees is. In fact, the
specialist “person” was more needed to prevent “unionization” of employees. This was the case
before 1930-s all over the world.

Earlier references: In western countries HRM had its primitive beginning in 1930s. Notmuch
thought was given on this subject in particular and no written records or documents interesting
to note HRM concepts was available, in ancient philosophies of Greek, Indian and Chinese.
This is not to suggest that industrial establishment and factories system, as it is known today,
existed in ancient Greece, India or china.

As per the new approach of Human Resource Management (HRM) People are considered the
key resource in this approach. it is concerned with the people dimension in management of an
organization. Since an organization is a body of people, their acquisition, development of skills,
motivation for higher levels of attainments, as well as ensuring maintenance of their level of
commitment are all significant activities. These activities fall in the domain of HRM.

Human Resource Management is a process, which consists of four main activities, namely,
acquisition, development, motivation, as well as maintenance of human resources.

Scott, Clothier and Spiegel have defined Human Resource Management as that branch of
management which is responsible on a staff basis for concentrating on those aspects of
operations which are primarily concerned with the relationship of management to employees
and employees to employees and with the development of the individual and the group.

Human Resource Management is responsible for maintaining good human relations in he

organization. It is also concerned with development of individuals and achieving integration
of goals of the organization and those of the individuals.

Southcott considers human resource management as an extension of general management, that

of prompting and stimulating every employee to make his fullest contribution to the purpose of
a business. Human resource management is not something that could be separated from the
basic managerial function.

It is a major component of the broader managerial function. French Wendell, defines Human
resource management as the recruitment, selection, development, utilization, compensation
and motivation of human resources by the organization..

According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Human resource management is the planning, organizing,

directing and controlling of the procurement, development, resources to the end that
individual and societal objectives are accomplished.”

This definition reveals that human resource (HR) management is that aspect of management,
which deals with the planning, organizing, directing and controlling the personnel functions of
the enterprise.

The emergence of human resource management can be attributed to the writings of the
human relation who attached great significance to the human factor. Lawrence Appley
remarked, Management is personnel administration. This view is partially true as
management is concerned with the efficient and effective use of both human as well as
non-human resources. Thus human resource management is only a part of the
management process. At the same time, it must be recognized that human resource
management is inherent in the process of management. This function is performed by all
the managers. A manager to get the best of his people, must undertake the basic
responsibility of selecting people who will work under him and to help develop, motivate
and guide them. However, he can take the help of the specialized services of the
personnel department in discharging this responsibility.

The nature of the human resource management has been highlighted in its following


Inherent Part of Management:Human resource management is inherent in the process

ofmanagement. This function is performed by all the managers throughout the organization
rather that by the personnel department only. If a manager is to get the best of his people, he
must undertake the basic responsibility of selecting people who will work under him.

Pervasive Function: Human Resource Management is a pervasive function of management. It

is performed by all managers at various levels in the organization. It is not a responsibility that
manager can leave completely to someone else. However, he may secure advice and help in
managing people from experts who have special competence in personnel management and
industrial relations.

Basic to all Functional Areas: Human Resource Management permeates all the functional area
of management such as production management, financial management, and marketing
management. That is every manager from top to bottom, working in any department has to
perform the personnel functions.
People Centered: Human Resource Management is people centered and is relevant in alltypes
of organizations. It is concerned with all categories of personnel from top to the bottom of the

The broad classification of personnel in an industrial enterprise may be as follows:

Blue-collar workers (i.e. those working on machines and engaged in loading, unloading etc.)
and white-collar workers (i.e. clerical employees),

Managerial and non-managerial personnel,

Professionals (such as Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary, Lawyer, etc.) and

Non-professional personnel.

Personnel Activities or Functions: Human Resource Management involves severalfunctions

concerned with the management of people at work. It includes manpower planning,
employment, placement, training, appraisal and compensation of employees. For the
performance of these activities efficiently, a separate department known as Personnel
Department is created in most of the organizations.

Continuous Process: Human Resource Management is not a .one shooter function. Itmust be
performed continuously if the organizational objectives are to be achieved smoothly.

Based on Human Relations: Human Resource Management is concerned with the

motivation of human resources in the organization. The human beings caned be dealt with
like physical factors of production. Every person has different needs, perceptions and
expectations. The managers should give due attention to these factors. They require human
relations skills to deal with the people at work. Human relations skills are also required in
training performance appraisal, transfer and promotion of subordinates.
In order to achieve the objectives, human resource management undertakes the following

 Human Resource Planning, i.e., determining the number and kinds of personnel
required to fill various positions in the organization.
 Recruitment, selection and placement of personnel, i.e., employment function.
 Training and development of employees for their efficient performance and growth.
 Appraisal of performance of employees and taking corrective steps such as transfer
from one job to another.
 Motivation of workforce by providing financial incentives and avenues of promotion.
 Remuneration of employees. The employees must be given sufficient wages and
fringe benefits to achieve higher standard of living and to motivate them to show
higher productivity. (vii) Social security and welfare of employees.


The main functions of human resource management are classified into two categories:

(a) Managerial Functions and

(b) Operative Functions

Following are the managerial functions of Human Resources Management.

1. Planning: The planning function of human resource department pertains to the

steps taken in determining in advance personnel requirements, personnel
programmed, policies etc. After determining how many and what type of people
are required, a personnel manager has to devise ways and means to motivate them.

2. Organization: Under organization, the human resource manager has to organize the
operative functions by designing structure of relationship among jobs, personnel and
physical factors in such a way so as to have maximum contribution towards
organizational objectives.
In this way a personnel manager performs following functions :

(a) Preparation of task force;

(b) Allocation of work to individuals;

(c) Integration of the efforts of the task force;

(d) Coordination of work of individual with that of the department.

Directing: Directing is concerned with initiation of organized action and stimulating the
people to work. The personnel manager directs the activities of people of the organization to
get its function performed properly. A personnel manager guides and motivates the staff of the
organization to follow the path laid down in advance.

Controlling: It provides basic data for establishing standards, makes job analysis and
performance appraisal, etc. All these techniques assist in effective control of the qualities,
time and efforts of workers.

Following are the Operative Functions of Human Resource Management

Procurement of Personnel: It is concerned with the obtaining of the proper kind and
number of personnel necessary to accomplish organization goals. It deals specifically with
such subjects as the determination of manpower requirements, their recruitment, selecting,
placement and orientation, etc.

Development of Personnel: Development has to do with the increase through training,skill that
is necessary for proper job performance. In this process various techniques of training are used
to develop the employees. Framing a sound promotion policy, determination of the basis of
promotion and making performance appraisal are the elements of personnel development

Compensation to Personnel: Compensation means determination of adequate and

equitable remuneration of personnel for their contribution to organization objectives. To
determine the monetary compensation for various jobs is one of the most difficult and
important function of the personnel management.
Maintaining Good Industrial Relation: Human Resource Management covers a widefield.
It is intended to reduce strafes, promote industrial peace, provide fair deal to workers and
establish industrial democracy. It the personnel manager is unable to make harmonious
relations between management and labor industrial unrest will take place and millions of
man-days will be lost. If labor management relations are not good the moral and physical
condition of the employee will suffer, and it will be a loss to an organization vise-a-visa
nation. Hence, the personnel manager must create harmonious relations with the help of
sufficient communication system and co-partnership.

Record Keeping: In record-keeping the personnel manager collects and maintains information
concerned with the staff of the organization. It is essential for every organization because it
assists the management in decision making such as in promotions.

Personnel Planning and Evaluation: Under this system different type of activities
areevaluated such as evaluation of performance, personnel policy of an organization and its
practices, personnel audit, morale, survey and performance appraisal, etc.

Training needs identified are realistic, useful and based on the business strategy
of the organization?


Strongly Agree 9%

Agree 8%

Disagree 1%


Strongly Agree


According to above 9% strongly agree that the training needs identified are realistic, useful
and based on business strategy of organization. 8% agreed, while 1% strongly disagreed
that the training needs identified are realistic, useful and based on business strategy of
organization. I felt that certain employees wants to keep themselves in their comfort zone
and do not like to get training, which is slightly out of their present role.

Training needs are identified through formal appraisal system?


Strongly Agree 10 %

Agree 7%

Disagree 3%


Strongly Agree
10% Agree


10% respondents strongly agreed that the training needs identified through formal Appraisal
system. 7% agreed that the training needs identified through formal appraisal system, while 3%
disagreed that the training needs identified through formal appraisal system.

My discussion with the employees and superiors revealed that the training need is identified
keeping in view the changes in environment. E.g. if at the demand has now arisen for
AutoCAD courses, they have to provide training after suitable employees. At such a point
they feel their actual need is not identified, whereas, this is the demand of time.

Organization conducts extensive training program in all aspects?


Strongly Agree 8%

Agree 9%

Disagree 3%


Strongly Agree
8% Agree


Out of From above, it cleared that 8% respondents are strongly agreed that the organization
conducts training in all aspects. 9% agreed that the organization conducts training in all
aspects. 3% disagreed that the organization conducts training in all aspects. This factor has
revealed that the employees are mostly satisfied with the training processes and
programmes. However, room for improvement always exists.
Training is used as a tool for an employee placement?


Strongly Agree 10 %

Agree 9%

Disagree 1%


Strongly Agree
9% Disagree


Out of 20% respondents 10% strongly agreed that the training is used as a tool for employee
placement. 9% agreed that the training is used as a tool for employee placement. While 1%
disagreed the training is used as a tool for employee placement.
.Was the training interesting & informative?


Considerably 11 %

Fairly 8%

Not at all 1%


Strongly Agree
11% Disagree


11% said that considerably training was interesting and informative. 8% thinks that
training was interesting and informative.1% of respondents think training was not at all
interesting and informative.
Your opinion about the training evaluation method of the organization?


Very Good 12 %

Good 7%

Fair 1%


Strongly Agree
7% Agree


Almost all respondents agreed that there is very good training evaluation method in the

1. Majority of the respondents i.e. 66.7% have undergone training during the
last two years.

2. Majority of the respondents, 45% agreed that the training needs identified are
realistic, useful and based on business strategy of organization.

3. Majority of the respondents i.e. 50% agreed that the training needs identified
through formal appraisal system.

4. Respondents 40% said that the organization conducts training in all aspects.

5. 50% agreed that the training is used as a tool for employee placement.

6. 80 % respondents agreed that the training given to them is good.


 Though the study has revelaed that there is a satisfactory training system
placed in the organization, but the room for improvement always exists,
particularly, when the business environment changing so rapidly, therefore, it
is suggested that.
 Employees should decide and determine the training programs that they need
so that they can work more effectively and efficiently, employees should
decide the training they would like to undergo. I do agree that employer has to
keep in mind the changing environment and has to mould the training
programmes accordingly, but it will be in the fitness of things, if employees are
taken into confident. It will enable them to put their 100% in the training
process yielding good results.
 Training program should evaluate the abilities, competencies and potentials of
the trainees for a particular job or work skills.
 Categorized training based on individual nature of work in the office should be
provided in orderto enhance his/her interest & efficiency.
 After completion of training seminars should be organized where the trainees
can share their experiences and views about the training.
 Classroom training as well as on site training should be implemented.
 Practical training institutes should be increased in number.
 Training session should be more interactive.

In order to achieve excellence in training and development program, it is advisable to

further improve the quality level of trainers that in term will be beneficial for both
employees and organizations. It is further advisable to make use of video conferencing, so
that trainers from different cities can actually give their inputs to the employees of other
cities. Quality of hand outs distributed can be given more consideration in order to increase
the knowledge and conceptual clarity of employees. If it would be possible that people can
be trained on the job then it should be done so that they could get a practical knowledge of
that and time management could be done. The training programmed should not be too
lengthy as people can lose their interest.

The training programmed devised in such a manner that they match with the changing
technology. The employees are needed to be also provided training on soft skills so that
attitudinal development is made in them. From the questionnaire found that mostly
employees are young. Conclusion is that company should try to utilize workforce through
training and development .it is good factor that work force was young. It clearly indicates
that employees are interested in training &development activities; they feel that such types
of activities are necessary for improving their performance and creating awareness among
the employees. It is clear that both type of method on and off the job are used in company
for training purpose. Conclusion is that company should used new methods for Training and
development. Training and development programmed should be made on actual needs of the
employees and organization. Training and development programmed should be previous
more frequently on timely basis. Training and development should make compulsory for
new employee and old employee.





1. Name :

2. Age :

3. Department :

4. Designation :

5. Length of service :

1. Have you attended any training programmed?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

2. Which type of training have you attended?

[ ] Pre-employment training programmed

[ ] Post-employment training programmed

[ ] Both

[ ] None

3. Process of training of the employees is:-

[ ] Only theoretical

[ ] Only practical

4. The training programmed is conducted:-

[ ] In house

[ ] Outside the organization

[ ] both

5. How many employees are trained at a time:-

[ ] 5 to 10

[ ] 10 to 20

[ ] 20 and above

6. Training environment was?

[ ] Satisfactory

[ ] Unsatisfactory

7. Training programmed for fulfillment of objective was?

[ ] Excellent

[ ] In appropriate

[ ] Appropriate

8. Has the training help to improve your on-the-job performance?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No
9. How do you find the skill of the trainer for giving training?

[ ] Good

[ ] Poor

[ ] Average

10. How did you find the Methodology/Techniques/Training Aids used by the trainer?

[ ] Very Appropriate

[ ] Some What Appropriate

[ ] Not Appropriate

11. Do you accept the training will enhance your competency and knowledge?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

12. Do you think training programmed help you to become more efficient?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

13. During the entire programmed the personal equation between trainee and trainer was?

[ ] Cooperative

[ ] Just workable

[ ] Stressful
14. Would you like to be trained online?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

15. What personality traits did you develops after training?

[ ] Leadership

[ ] Quality Decision making ability

[ ] Team spirit

16. Did higher level officers participated in the training programmed and share their
Experience to make the training effective?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

17. Did you get any opportunity to express your views during training

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

18. Have you got promotion after training?

[ ] Yes

[ ] NO

19. Do you find yourself more relaxed at the time of work after training?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No
20. Are you able to established better understanding with your colleagues, superiors

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

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