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From above relations we can say that

The acceleration produced in a body is directly proportional to the force acting on it and inversely proportional to the
mass of body.

The SI unit of force is Newton or kg.m/s2 .

Definition of 1 Newton force

A Newton is that force which when acting on a body of mass 1 kg produce an acceleration
of 1m/s in it.

Application of Newton’s 2nd law of motion 

Question 1) While catching a fast moving cricket ball, we pull our hand back why?
Answer:- A fast moving cricket ball has a large momentum. In stopping this cricket ball, its momentum has to
be reduced to be zero. Now when a player move back his hand on catching the fast ball , then time taken to
reduce the momentum of ball to zero is increased. Due to more time taken to stop the ball , the rate of
change of momentum of ball is decreased and hence a small force is exerted on the hand of player. So, the
hand of player do not get hurt.
QUESTION 2) In high jump events, why the athlete is made to jump on a cushioned bed ?
ANSWER:- In a high jump athletic event, the athletes are made to fall either on a cushioned bed or sand bed.
This is to increase the time of the athlete’s fall to stop after making the jump. This decreases the rate of
change of momentum and hence, the force.
Question 3) How can seat belt of car prevent injury in case of an accident?
When a car is moving with a high velocity, its momentum is also high and the people in the vehicle are also in
the same momentum. We know that MOMENTUM is INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL TO TIME. So if the
momentum is bought to zero at a short time then force acting on a body is very large. So when a car meets
with an accident, the person falling front with the presence of stretchable seat belts as these elastic seat
belts reduce the momentum in more time to reduce the force

Newton’s 3rd law of motion:-

According to Newton’s 3rd law of motion “whenever one body exerts a force on another body , the second
body exerts an equal and opposite force on the first body.” The force exerted by the first body on the
second body is known as “action” and the force exerted by the second body on the first body is known as “
Another definition of Newton’s 3rd law of motion are : “To every action there is an equal and opposite

Application of Newton’s 3rd law

Question 1) Why is it difficult to walk on a slippery road?

Answer:- On the slippery ground, the friction is much less and we cannot exert a backward action force on it
which would produce a forward reaction force on us. Hence, it becomes difficult to walk on a slippery road.
Question 2) Why does a gunman get jerk on firing a bullet?
Answer:- when a gun is shot ( here the action force ) , the bullet is fired out (released) from the gun with a
high force . As a result the gun has to produce equal and opposite reaction . As a result , the gun jerks back.
In order to reduce the “ recoil “ of the gun ,the mass of the gun is increased .

Question 3) To take the boat away from the bank of a river, the boatman pushes the bank with an oar.
Answer:- when the boat man exerts a force on the bank with his oar the bank exert an equal and opposite
force of reaction on the boat. So the boat move away from the bank.
Question 4) explain why, when a fireman directs a powerful stream of water on a fire from a hose pipe, the
hose pipe tend to go backward.
Answer:- the backward movement of hose pipe is due to the backward reaction of water rushing through it
in the forward direction at a greater speed.

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