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Executive Summary

75 Day Review

Housing Authority of Fulton County

The Fulton County Housing Authority Board of Commissioners contracted with a three-
member expert team on an emergency basis to assess the state of the Fulton County
Housing Authority and to provide recommendations for corrective action. The team
consists of Dr. Roslyn Haper, Dr. Charcella Green and Mr. Devetrion Caldwell. The team’s
expertise is human resources development, management and administration (both public
and private). Experience includes a combined, 30 years of federal, state and local
government and grants management experience; 28 years of corporate and non-profit

Authority Chairman Antavius Weems contacted HUD for assistance and guidance. On April
16, 2024, HUD notified the Interim Executive Director that the Section 8 Management
Assessment Program (SEMAP) received a score of 37% out of a possible 100%, resulting
in an overall troubled performance. Of fifteen (15) indicators, nine (9) received a score of
zero (0). A summary report was submitted to the HAFC Board of May 7, 2024, outlining
serious and ongoing reporting and management deficiencies.

The May 7th summary report revealed following:

• Inaccurate Voucher Management Systems (VMS) – ongoing outstanding reports

• Inaccurate Financial Data Systems (FDS) – outstanding reports
• Intercompany borrowing-in and misuse of funds – financial mismanagement
• Portability mismanagement – housing intake
• Errors in procurement process – conflict of interest
• HUD RAD report submitted in Russia

Findings of this report resulted in the Board Chair contacting HUD for updates and proposed
corrective actions. Following that contact with HUD, the Board contracted with the three-
member team to assess the agency’s day-to-day operations, identify critical issues and
begin a corrective plan. Persons with extensive housing experience were identified by the
team to assist with improving overall agency’s performance.

Prior to engaging the management team, HAFC had been delinquent in reporting and had
not been fully compliant since 2017, receiving COVID waivers in 2019, 2020, and 2021.
The former executive directors had not conducted a financial audit for the prior two years.
Financial reports were submitted with major errors. A fee accountant did not properly close
financial books. HUD had been unable to determine the Public Housing Program’s
financials and unable to determine if the HCV program is considered insolvent. There were
improper hiring practices for the positions of: Fee Accountant, HCV Manager and Finance
Consultant. These practices negatively impacted the agency’s overall performance and
service delivery. All infractions took place under past leadership.

Our team determined that the agency was ineffectively operating without leadership in
critical positions including an Executive Director, Finance Director, Human Resource
Director and Grants Manager, each of which directly impacted service delivery and
quality of service. It is also our informed assessment that the HAFC Board has been
misled and not provided accurate financial reports.

The former Executive Assistant was operating as the Human Resource Director,
Executive Director, IT Manager, and all other leadership duties which compromised
the agency’s integrity and exposed the agency to potential legal issues.

It appears that past leadership increased Executive salaries without due process and
Board approval. Employees were assigned more work responsibilities and were told the
agency could not support salary increases and could not replace past employees when
positions became vacant.

Additionally, documentation clearly indicates that all impropriety and mismanagement

occurred on the watch of the past Executive Director, Interim Executive Director, and
Acting Executive Director.

• Since May 2024 a concerted effort has been made to identify qualified persons with
housing experience to begin bringing the HAFC into compliance in accordance with
HUD regulations and to improve service delivery.
• We recommend a fair and livable wages for current and future employees.
• A HUD representative from the Office of Oversight and Accountability and Office of
Housing Counseling made a site visit and has provided information and technical
assistance regarding the need to identify two HUD Certified Housing Counselors to
ensure agency compliance.
• The three-member team witnessed executive offices and file rooms in total disarray.
The departments within the agency are operating in silos with a shortage of trained
HCV staff due to lack of leadership.

Housing Authority Turn Around Fact Sheet
Seventy-Five (75) Day Report

• All landlords’ payments have been completed for June and July.
• Voucher Management System reports submitted for April, May and June 2024.
• Contracted with Financial Director to access agency financials. April and May
completed. June underway.
• Signed contract with CVR Associates for Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)
Management. CVR will work with HAFC management team to provide technical
assistance as requested to begin the process of working to increase the Section 8
Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) scoring and work towards SEMAP high
performance status.
• Identified Interim Executive Director to onboard Monday, July 29, 2024. The Interim
Executive Director has 25 years of housing experience to include: Director of
Operations, HCV Manager, Finance Manager, Housing Director, Housing
Coordinator, and HCV Client Service Advisor. Additionally, the Interim Executive
Director is certified in 15 housing areas and has been a SEMAP high performer for
over 10 years.
• Onboarded critical management positions including Executive Assistant, Human
Resources Director, Finance Director, Grants Manager and an additional Housing
• Four personnel are currently undergoing Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) certificate
training (pre-homeownership).
• Finance Department cross training to include accounts payable, accounts receivable
to ensure timely payments to landlords and tenants.
• Created agency re-organizational chart.
• Personnel files are being created, updated, and completed. None were complete and,
in some cases, did not exist. Position descriptions being written/re-written.
• An external CPA is conducting an internal financial agency audit.
• Met with Financial Inclusion Leaders of Truist Bank in accordance with HUD
regulations, specifically related to homebuyer education, workshops, and financial
• MRI/Tenmast software conversion and update underway.

• Implementing employee time management work schedule for accountability and to
improve quality of service. 9-hour days and two Fridays off a month.
• Consulted with independent IT professional regarding upgrading agency technical
software/ phone systems.
• Strengthening landlord and tenant relationships.

After eleven weeks of assessing the HUD Report and our review of all existing
documentation and interviews with staff, we have made considerable progress toward
undoing three years of ineffective leadership.

Roslyn Harper
Roslyn Harper, MSW, Ph.D.
Acting Executive Director/Consultant,

Charcella Green
Charcella Green, MSW, Ph.D.
Acting Deputy Executive Director/Consultant

Devetrion Caldwell
Devetrion Caldwell, BA
Acting Deputy Executive Director/Consultant

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