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Guide 1

SIMATIC Product overview

Installing 3
S7-PLCSIM Advanced 4
Communication paths

Simulation 5
Function Manual

Virtual time response 6

User interfaces (API) 7

Restrictions, messages and
solution 8

List of abbreviations A

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
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We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
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Siemens AG A5E37039512-AD Copyright © Siemens AG 2016 - 2021.

Digital Industries Ⓟ 03/2021 Subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48

Purpose of the documentation

This function manual describes the simulation software, SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0.
You can use this software to simulate and test your SIMATIC STEP 7 programs on a virtual

This function manual is valid for the following order versions
• 6ES7823-1FA03-0YA5 SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0
• 6ES7823-1FE03-0YA5 SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 (Download)
• 6ES7823-1FA03-0YE5 SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 Upgrade V1.0 to V4.0
• 6ES7823-1FE03-0YE5 SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 Upgrade V1.0 to V4.0
The articles each contain one license for two instances.

Basic knowledge required

The software must only be used by qualified staff.
The following knowledge is required:
• Industrial Automation and Automation Technology
• Programming with STEP 7 (TIA Portal)
• SIMATIC CPUs and CPU programming
• PC-based automation using S7-1500 and WinCC Runtime Advanced
• Knowledge of programming with C++ or C#
• PC technology
• Windows operating system

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 3

Conventions STEP 7: In this documentation, "STEP 7" is used as a synonym for all versions of
the configuration and programming software "STEP 7 (TIA Portal)".
We also abbreviate SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 as "PLCSIM Advanced".

Also observe notes marked as follows:

A note contains important information on the product described in the documentation, on
the handling of the product or on the section of the documentation to which particular
attention should be paid.

Special information

You can obtain updates to the function manual as downloads on the Internet

Application examples
You can find the following application examples for S7-PLCSIM Advanced on the Internet:
• SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced: Co-Simulation via API (1
• Digitalization with TIA Portal: Virtual commissioning with SIMATIC and Simulink (2

Security information
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,
machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected
to an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary
and only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network segmentation)
are in place.
For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please
visit (
Siemens' products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more
secure. Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are
available and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no
longer supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customers' exposure to
cyber threats.

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4 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD

To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 5
Table of contents

Preface ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Guide ................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.1 S7-PLCSIM products ........................................................................................................... 14
2 Product overview ................................................................................................................................. 16
2.1 What is S7-PLCSIM Advanced? ............................................................................................ 16
2.2 Compatibility during upgrade............................................................................................. 17
2.3 Security for S7-PLCSIM Advanced ....................................................................................... 18
2.4 Simulations support ........................................................................................................... 19
2.5 Supported CPUs ................................................................................................................. 20
2.6 Differences between a simulated and a real CPU ................................................................ 21
2.6.1 Restrictions for all supported CPUs ..................................................................................... 22
2.6.2 Notes ................................................................................................................................ 23
2.7 Password to protect confidential configuration data ........................................................... 25
3 Installing .............................................................................................................................................. 27
3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 27
3.1.1 System requirements ......................................................................................................... 27
3.1.2 Restrictions due to antivirus programs................................................................................ 29
3.1.3 Licenses............................................................................................................................. 30
3.1.4 Trial License....................................................................................................................... 30
3.1.5 Installation log ................................................................................................................... 32
3.2 S7-PLCSIM Advanced ......................................................................................................... 33
3.3 Installing S7-PLCSIM Advanced........................................................................................... 34
3.4 Changing S7-PLCSIM Advanced .......................................................................................... 36
3.5 Repairing S7-PLCSIM Advanced .......................................................................................... 37
3.6 Uninstalling S7-PLCSIM Advanced ...................................................................................... 37
4 Communication paths ......................................................................................................................... 39
4.1 Local communication......................................................................................................... 41
4.2 Communication via TCP / IP ................................................................................................ 42
4.3 Enable distributed communication ..................................................................................... 45

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Table of contents

5 Simulation............................................................................................................................................ 47
5.1 Simulate CPU ..................................................................................................................... 47
5.1.1 Basic procedure for the simulation ..................................................................................... 47
5.1.2 Control Panel - User interface ............................................................................................. 48 S7-PLCSIM Advanced Symbol ............................................................................................. 48 Graphical interface............................................................................................................. 49 S7-PLCSIM Advanced Control Panel .................................................................................... 50 Importing instances ........................................................................................................... 53
5.1.3 Download .......................................................................................................................... 55
5.1.4 Network addresses in the simulation .................................................................................. 57 Siemens PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter ........................................................................... 57 PLCSIM Advanced instances ............................................................................................... 58
5.1.5 Simulate peripheral I/O ...................................................................................................... 59
5.1.6 Simulate communication ................................................................................................... 60 Communication services that can be simulated .................................................................. 60 Communication between instances .................................................................................... 61
5.1.7 Provide project data offline for simulation .......................................................................... 62
5.2 Simulate CPU with ODK functionality.................................................................................. 64
5.2.1 Special features of ODK...................................................................................................... 64
5.2.2 Loading functions .............................................................................................................. 67
5.2.3 Calling functions ................................................................................................................ 68
5.2.4 Unloading functions .......................................................................................................... 68
5.3 Simulating Motion Control ................................................................................................. 69
5.4 Simulating the SIMATIC Drive Controller ............................................................................. 71
5.5 Simulating a redundant S7-1500R/H system ....................................................................... 73
6 Virtual time response .......................................................................................................................... 75
6.1 Speed up and slow down simulation .................................................................................. 77
6.2 Stop simulation ................................................................................................................. 78
6.3 Synchronize simulation partner .......................................................................................... 80
6.3.1 Synchronize simulation partner cycle-controlled ................................................................. 80
6.3.2 Synchronize simulation partner time-controlled ................................................................. 82
7 User interfaces (API) ............................................................................................................................ 84
7.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 84
7.1.1 Access to instances ............................................................................................................ 86
7.1.2 User interfaces (API) .......................................................................................................... 87
7.1.3 Overview of user interfaces for native C++ ......................................................................... 88
7.1.4 Overview of user interfaces for managed code ................................................................... 93
7.1.5 Overview of data types for native C++ ................................................................................ 96
7.1.6 Overview of data types for managed code .......................................................................... 98
7.2 Initialize API ....................................................................................................................... 99
7.2.1 Load API library .................................................................................................................. 99
7.2.2 Native C++....................................................................................................................... 100 InitializeApi() ................................................................................................................... 100 RuntimeApiEntry_Initialize ............................................................................................... 102
7.2.3 .NET (C#) ......................................................................................................................... 104 Initialize........................................................................................................................... 104

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Table of contents

7.3 Shut down API ................................................................................................................. 104

7.3.1 Native C++....................................................................................................................... 104 DestroyInterface()............................................................................................................ 105 RuntimeApiEntry_DestroyInterface................................................................................... 106 FreeApi() ......................................................................................................................... 107 ShutdownAndFreeApi() ................................................................................................... 108
7.3.2 .NET (C#) ......................................................................................................................... 109 Shut down API ................................................................................................................. 109
7.4 Global functions (Native C++) .......................................................................................... 109
7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager ...................................................................................... 114
7.5.1 Interfaces - Information and settings ................................................................................ 114
7.5.2 Simulation Runtime instances .......................................................................................... 118
7.5.3 Remote connections ........................................................................................................ 124 RunAutodiscover() ........................................................................................................... 130
7.5.4 Events for ISimulationRuntimeManager ........................................................................... 131 OnConfigurationChanged events ..................................................................................... 132 OnRuntimeManagerLost events ....................................................................................... 134 OnAutodiscoverData events ............................................................................................. 137
7.6 API IInstances .................................................................................................................. 138
7.6.1 Interfaces - Information and settings ................................................................................ 138
7.6.2 Controller - Information and settings................................................................................ 144
7.6.3 Operating state................................................................................................................ 156
7.6.4 Tag list ............................................................................................................................ 167
7.6.5 I/O access ........................................................................................................................ 174 Synchronizing inputs and outputs .................................................................................... 174 I/O access via address - Reading ....................................................................................... 174 I/O access via address - Writing ......................................................................................... 183 I/O access via tag name - Reading ..................................................................................... 189 I/O access via tag name - Writing ...................................................................................... 220
7.6.6 Settings for the virtual time ............................................................................................. 249
7.6.7 Cycle control.................................................................................................................... 252
7.6.8 Acyclic services ................................................................................................................ 261 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 261 ReadRecordDone / WriteRecordDone ................................................................................ 263 AlarmNotification ............................................................................................................ 266 ProcessEvent ................................................................................................................... 269 PullOrPlugEvent ............................................................................................................... 271 StatusEvent ..................................................................................................................... 273 ProfileEvent ..................................................................................................................... 275 UpdateEvent .................................................................................................................... 277 GetConfiguredProcessEvent ............................................................................................. 278 RackOrStationFaultEvent.................................................................................................. 279
7.6.9 Events for IInstances ........................................................................................................ 281 Events for operating state and cycle control ..................................................................... 281 Events for acyclic services ................................................................................................ 295

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7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager ........................................................................................... 304

7.7.1 Interfaces - Information and settings ................................................................................ 304
7.7.2 Simulation Runtime instances .......................................................................................... 309 Simulation Runtime instances (remote) ............................................................................ 309
7.7.3 Events for IRemoteRuntimeManager ................................................................................ 317 OnConnectionLost events ................................................................................................ 317
7.8 Data types ....................................................................................................................... 320
7.8.1 DLL import functions (Native C++) ................................................................................... 321 ApiEntry_Initialize ............................................................................................................ 321 ApiEntry_DestroyInterface ............................................................................................... 321
7.8.2 Event callback functions (Native C++)............................................................................... 322 EventCallback_VOID ......................................................................................................... 322 EventCallback_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32.................................................................... 322 EventCallback_SRRSI_AD .................................................................................................. 323 EventCallback_IRRTM ....................................................................................................... 323 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SROS_SROS............................................................................. 324 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32 ................................................ 325 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST ................................................................................................ 326 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SRICC_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32 ................................. 327 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SRLT_SRLM ............................................................................. 328 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI ....................................................................................... 329 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI_BYTE .............................................................................. 330 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32 ...................................................................... 331 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32 ................................................ 332 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_EPPET_UINT32 ........................................................... 333 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET ...................................................................... 334 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32 ................................................................................... 335
7.8.3 Delegate definitions (managed code) ............................................................................... 335 Delegate_Void ................................................................................................................. 335 Delegate_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32 ........................................................................... 336 Delegate_SRRSI_AD.......................................................................................................... 337 Delegate_II_EREC_DT ....................................................................................................... 337 Delegate_II_EREC_DT_EOS_EOS ....................................................................................... 338 Delegate_II_EREC_DT_ELT_ELM ........................................................................................ 339 Delegate_II_EREC_DT_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32 ....................................................... 340 Delegate_IRRTM............................................................................................................... 341 Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SRICC_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32 ........................................ 341 Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDRI............................................................................................... 342 Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDR ............................................................................................... 343 Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_EPPET_UINT32 ...................................................................... 344 Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32 ........................................................... 345 Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32 .............................................................................................. 346 Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32 ................................................................................. 347 Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET ................................................................................. 348
7.8.4 Definitions and constants ................................................................................................. 349
7.8.5 Unions (Native C++)......................................................................................................... 350 UIP .................................................................................................................................. 350 UDataValue ..................................................................................................................... 351
7.8.6 Structures ........................................................................................................................ 353 SDataValue ...................................................................................................................... 353 SDVBNI ............................................................................................................................ 356 SDataValueByAddress ...................................................................................................... 356

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Table of contents SDataValueByAddressWithCheck ...................................................................................... 357 SDataValueByName ......................................................................................................... 358 SDataValueByNameWithCheck ......................................................................................... 359 SConnectionInfo .............................................................................................................. 359 SInstanceInfo................................................................................................................... 360 SDimension ..................................................................................................................... 360 STagInfo .......................................................................................................................... 361 SIP ................................................................................................................................... 364 SIPSuite4 ......................................................................................................................... 364 SOnSyncPointReachedResult ............................................................................................ 366 SDataRecordInfo .............................................................................................................. 368 SDataRecord .................................................................................................................... 369 SConfiguredProcessEvents ............................................................................................... 369 SDiagExtChannelDescription ............................................................................................ 371 SAutodiscoverData .......................................................................................................... 373
7.8.7 Enumerations .................................................................................................................. 374 ERuntimeErrorCode ......................................................................................................... 375 EArea .............................................................................................................................. 379 EOperatingState .............................................................................................................. 380 EOperatingMode ............................................................................................................. 381 ECPUType ........................................................................................................................ 382 ECommunicationInterface................................................................................................ 384 ELEDType ........................................................................................................................ 384 ELEDMode ....................................................................................................................... 385 EPrimitiveDataType .......................................................................................................... 385 EDataType ....................................................................................................................... 388 ETagListDetails ................................................................................................................ 392 ERuntimeConfigChanged ................................................................................................. 393 EInstanceConfigChanged ................................................................................................. 393 EPullOrPlugEventType ...................................................................................................... 394 EProcessEventType .......................................................................................................... 394 EDirection........................................................................................................................ 395 EDiagProperty .................................................................................................................. 396 EDiagSeverity .................................................................................................................. 396 ERackOrStationFaultType ................................................................................................. 397 ECycleTimeMonitoringMode ............................................................................................ 397 EAutodiscoverType .......................................................................................................... 398
8 Restrictions, messages and solution ................................................................................................. 399
8.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 399
8.2 OPC UA server ................................................................................................................. 400
8.3 Web server ...................................................................................................................... 400
8.4 Backing up and restoring the configuration of a PLCSIM Advanced instance ...................... 401
8.5 Restrictions for file paths.................................................................................................. 402
8.6 Restrictions for communications services ......................................................................... 402
8.7 Restrictions for instructions .............................................................................................. 402
8.8 Restrictions to local communication via Softbus ............................................................... 403
8.9 Messages for communication via TCP/IP ........................................................................... 404

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8.10 Restrictions of security with VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi)........................................ 405

8.11 Restrictions for Hyper-V.................................................................................................... 407
8.12 Monitoring overflow ........................................................................................................ 407
8.13 Deviating I/O values in the STEP 7 user program ............................................................... 408
8.14 Multiple simulations and possible collision of IP addresses ................................................ 408
8.15 Lacking access to an IP address ........................................................................................ 408
8.16 Simulation in standby mode............................................................................................. 408
8.17 ET 200SP CPUs: Use of BusAdapters with fiber-optic interface ........................................... 409
8.18 Installing SIMATIC NET ..................................................................................................... 409
A List of abbreviations .......................................................................................................................... 410

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Guide 1
The documentation for the SIMATIC S7-1500 automation system and the SIMATIC
ET 200MP distributed I/O system is arranged into three areas.
This arrangement enables you to access the specific content you require.

Basic information
The System Manual and Getting Started describe in detail the configuration, installation,
wiring and commissioning of the SIMATIC S7-1500 and ET 200MP systems. The STEP 7 online
help supports you in the configuration and programming.

Device information
Product manuals contain a compact description of the module-specific information, such as
properties, wiring diagrams, characteristics and technical specifications.

General information
The function manuals contain detailed descriptions on general topics regarding the SIMATIC
S7-1500 and ET 200MP systems, e.g. diagnostics, communication, motion control, Web
server, OPC UA.
You can download the documentation free of charge from the Internet
Changes and supplements to the manuals are documented in a Product Information.
You can download the product information free of charge from the Internet

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
12 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
1.1 S7-PLCSIM products

Manual Collection S7-1500/ET 200MP

The Manual Collection contains the complete documentation on the SIMATIC S7-1500
automation system and the ET 200MP distributed I/O system gathered together in one file.
You can find the Manual Collection on the Internet

SIMATIC S7-1500 comparison list for programming languages

The comparison list contains an overview of which instructions and functions you can use for
which controller families.
You can find the comparison list on the Internet

With "mySupport", your personal workspace, you make the best out of your Industry Online
In "mySupport", you can save filters, favorites and tags, request CAx data and compile your
personal library in the Documentation area. In addition, your data is already filled out in
support requests and you can get an overview of your current requests at any time.
You must register once to use the full functionality of "mySupport".
You can find "mySupport" on the Internet (

Application examples
The application examples support you with various tools and examples for solving your
automation tasks. Solutions are shown in interplay with multiple components in the system -
separated from the focus on individual products.
You will find the application examples on the Internet

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1.1 S7-PLCSIM products

1.1 S7-PLCSIM products

PLCSIM Advanced V4.0, PLCSIM V16 and PLCSIM V5.x

Table 1- 1 Comparison of S7-PLCSIM products

Function PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 PLCSIM V17 PLCSIM V5.x

Runtime Independent Programming with STEP 7 Programming with STEP 7
User interface Control Panel Look&Feel of TIA Portal Look&Feel of STEP 7 V5.x
Communication Softbus, TCP/IP Softbus Softbus
Supported CPU families S7-1500 (C, T, F), S7-1200 (F), S7-300, S7-300F,
S7-1500R/H, S7-1500 (C, T, F), S7-400, S7-400F
SIMATIC Drive Controller, S7-1500R/H,
ET 200SP, ET 200SP F, SIMATIC Drive Controller,
ET 200pro, ET 200pro F, ET 200SP, ET 200SP F
SIPLUS CPUs (S7-1500,
S7-1500R/H and ET 200SP)
API for co-simulation1 ✓ - -
Web server ✓, via TCP/IP - -
ODK ✓ - -
OPC UA ✓, via TCP/IP - -
Process diagnostics ✓ ✓ -
S7 communication ✓ Softbus Softbus
Open user communication ✓, UDP via TCP/IP Softbus -
Secure Communication ✓, via TCP/IP - -
Traces2 ✓ (✓) -
Motion3 ✓ (✓) -
Protected blocks (KHP) ✓ ✓, for S7-1500 CPUs only -
Multiple instances Up to 16 Up to 2 -
Support of distributed in- ✓, via TCP/IP - -
Virtual time ✓ - -
Connection of real ✓, via TCP/IP - -
DNS usage ✓ - -
Virtual memory card ✓ - -

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1.1 S7-PLCSIM products

Function PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 PLCSIM V17 PLCSIM V5.x

Communication between the - PLCSIM as of V12 and PLCSIM V5.x can be installed and oper-
instances ated on the same PC or the same virtual machine.
- Instances of PLCSIM as of V12 can communicate via Softbus
with PLCSIM V5.x.
PLCSIM Advanced V3.0 and higher and PLCSIM V15 and -
higher can be installed and operated on the same PC or the
same virtual machine. The communication between the two
applications cannot be simulated.
PLCSIM V5.4 SP8 is automatically installed with PLCSIM Advanced. The communication be-
tween the two applications can be simulated. Instances of PLCSIM Advanced can communi-
cate via Softbus with PLCSIM V5.4 SP8.
1 Via C++ and C# programs and simulation software
2 Can be monitored with PLCSIM V16 and higher in the TIA Portal; can also be monitored with PLCSIM Advanced V3.0 and
higher on the Web server.
3 With PLCSIM V16 and higher, the axes are always in simulation mode irrespective of the axis configuration.
With PLCSIM Advanced V3.0 and higher, the axes can also be operated in "Real" mode over the API.

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Product overview 2
2.1 What is S7-PLCSIM Advanced?
Using S7-PLCSIM Advanced, you can simulate your CPU programs on a virtual controller. You
do not need any real controllers for this. You can configure your CPU with STEP 7 in the
TIA Portal, program your application logic and then load the hardware configuration and the
program into the virtual controller. From there you can run your program logic, observe the
effects of simulated inputs and outputs and adapt your programs.
In addition to communicating via Softbus, S7-PLCSIM Advanced provides a full Ethernet
connection and can thus also communicate distributed.
S7-PLCSIM Advanced enables interaction with native C++/C# programs or simulation software
over the user interface (API).

Application areas
• Verification of the user program (TIA Portal)
• Automatic testing of the STEP 7 program
• Software in the loop simulation for the virtual commissioning of machine tools/production
machines, production cells and production lines in a plant.

The use of S7-PLCSIM Advanced offers numerous advantages:
• Improve quality of automation projects by early error detection
• Avoid costs for hardware in simulation environments
• Reduced response times
• Reduce risk for commissioning
• Earlier training of operator is possible
• Increase production efficiency by optimizing program components
• Increase efficiency during replacement of machine components
• Increase efficiency during expansion of existing plants

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Product overview
2.2 Compatibility during upgrade

2.2 Compatibility during upgrade

Compatibility of API and Runtime Manager versions

S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 contains the Runtime Manager version V4.0 and the API versions
V1.0 (SP1) to V4.0.
The installation of S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 leads to an upgrade of an existing earlier
version. The Runtime Manager of S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 is compatible with projects that
were created with earlier API versions. You can therefore continue to use already created

An API with a higher version number (e.g. V4.0) cannot connect to an earlier Runtime
Manager version (e.g. V1.0).

Introductory information on the components of the Runtime simulation can be found in the
section User interfaces (API) (Page 84).

Compatibility to TIA Portal and to CPU firmware versions

The firmware used in S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 corresponds to that of a CPU S7-15xx V2.9.
The firmware is compatible to the TIA Portal versions V14 to V17.

Table 2- 1 Compatibility with CPU firmware versions

S7-PLCSIM Advanced Supported CPU firmware version

V1.0 SP1 V1.8, V2.0
V2.0 V1.8 to V2.5
V2.0 SP1 V1.8 to V2.6
V3.0 V1.8 to V2.8
V4.0 V1.8 to V2.9

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Product overview
2.3 Security for S7-PLCSIM Advanced

2.3 Security for S7-PLCSIM Advanced

Restrictions for security

Note the following restrictions when using S7-PLCSIM Advanced:

• The user interfaces (API) do not have options for authentication and authorization. There
is no protection using user accounts and passwords.
• The Runtime Manager communication is not protected by authentication.

• The multi-computer simulation communication is not encrypted.
• A TCP/IP port is opened on the PC for cross-network communication.
• The installed Npcap program library provides access to TCP/IP network communication.

For cross-computer communication, it is recommended to use a closed simulation network
that is not connected to a production network.

Know-how protection

Know-how protected blocks
If know-how-protected blocks for the simulation support are enabled, the know-how
protection is limited.

CPU function libraries for ODK
The SO files for ODK are not know-how-protected. The customer is responsible for the SO
files and its know-how protection.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
18 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
Product overview
2.4 Simulations support

2.4 Simulations support

Requirement for simulation

Enable simulation capability
To use a STEP 7 project with simulation, you must select the "Support simulation during block
compilation" option in the "Protection" tab in the properties of the project and confirm with

Figure 2-1 Enable simulation capability

Know-how protection
If a know-how-protected block is to be used for the simulation, it must be unlocked by
entering a password. Only through unlocking can the "Simulation with SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM
Advanced" option in the tab "General > Compilation" in the properties of the block be
activated. Additional information can be found on the Internet

Global libraries
You cannot use know-how protection with global libraries, because the libraries are write-
The "Simulation with SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced" option must be set when generating the
blocks (source of the blocks).

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Product overview
2.5 Supported CPUs

2.5 Supported CPUs

Supported CPUs from the S7-1500 family

S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 supports the simulation of the following CPUs:

Table 2- 2 Supported CPUs

Type Firmware version V1.8 to V2.9

Standard CPUs / CPU 1511-1 PN CPU 1511F-1 PN
Fail-safe CPUs1 CPU 1513-1 PN CPU 1513F-1 PN
CPU 1515-2 PN CPU 1515F-2 PN
CPU 1516-3 PN/DP CPU 1516F-3 PN/DP
CPU 1517-3 PN/DP CPU 1517F-3 PN/DP
CPU 1518-4 PN/DP CPU 1518F-4 PN/DP
CPU 1518-4 PN/DP ODK CPU 1518F-4 PN/DP ODK
CPU 1518-4 PN/DP MFP CPU 1518F-4 PN/DP MFP
Compact CPUs2 CPU 1511C-1 PN -
CPU 1512C-1 PN
ET 200SP CPUs1 CPU 1510SP-1 PN CPU 1510SP F-1 PN
CPU 1512SP-1 PN CPU 1512SP F-1 PN
Technology CPUs CPU 1511T-1 PN CPU 1511TF-1 PN
CPU 1515T-2 PN CPU 1515TF-2 PN
CPU 1516T-3 PN/DP CPU 1516TF-3 PN/DP
CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP CPU 1517TF-3 PN/DP
CPU 1518T-4 PN/DP CPU 1518TF-4 PN/DP
R/H CPUs1 CPU 1513R-1 PN CPU 1518HF-4 PN
CPU 1515R-2 PN
CPU 1517H-3 PN
ET 200pro CPUs CPU 1513pro-2 PN CPU 1513pro F-2 PN
CPU 1516pro-2 PN CPU 1516pro F-2 PN
SIMATIC Drive Controller - CPU 1504D TF
CPU 1507D TF
1 SIPLUS CPUs are supported. They are of the same design as the standard and fail-safe CPUs listed
here with their own article numbers.
2 The on-board I/O of the CPUs is not simulated. The simulation interface corresponds to the process

Unsupported CPUs
S7-PLCSIM Advanced does not support the simulation of the following CPUs:
• S7-1200 CPUs
• ET 200SP Open Controller CPU 1515SP PC
• Software Controller

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Product overview
2.6 Differences between a simulated and a real CPU

2.6 Differences between a simulated and a real CPU

The virtual controller cannot fully simulate a real CPU down to the individual details. Even if a
program is downloaded without errors to the CPU and running successfully, this does not
necessarily mean that the virtual controller in the simulation behaves exactly like a real CPU.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced runs on a PC with the Windows operating system. Therefore, the scan
cycle time and the exact time of actions in S7-PLCSIM Advanced are not the same as when
these actions run on physical hardware. This is because that several programs share the
processing resources on your PC.
To provide the best possible deterministic behavior under these conditions, S7-
PLCSIM Advanced as of V2.0 requires one free Core (CPU core) per instance. Information on
the minimum requirements for the computer hardware or a virtual machine can be found in
the section System Requirements (Page 27).
If your program depends heavily on the time required to execute actions, then make sure that
you do not evaluate your program based only on the results of the simulation time.

Know-how protection
Projects with know-how protection for blocks can only be simulated if they are enabled for
simulation. You need the block password for this purpose.

Instructions are simulated with a few exceptions, see Restrictions for instructions (Page 402).
Programs that are based on the instructions behave different than real CPUs in the

Display of the quantity structure

In STEP 7 the maximum quantity structure that is based on the CPU 1518-4 PN/DP is shown in
the project navigation under "Program info" for all the CPUs.
The maximum quantity structure of the currently simulated CPU is displayed under "Online &

For communication with other devices, you may have configured system IP addresses in
STEP 7 for a redundant S7-1500R/H system. System IP addresses are not supported by S7-
PLCSIM Advanced.

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Product overview
2.6 Differences between a simulated and a real CPU

2.6.1 Restrictions for all supported CPUs

Bus systems
S7-PLCSIM Advanced does not simulate bus systems (PROFINET IO, PROFIBUS DP, backplane

Intelligent IO devices (I-devices)

You can load a hardware configuration with configured I-devices on the PROFINET IO into the
virtual controller. However, the I-device functionality is not supported by S7-PLCSIM

S7-PLCSIM Advanced simulates the real CPU, but not configured I/O modules and the on-
board I/O of the compact CPUs.

Communication modules
S7-PLCSIM Advanced does not support communication modules and the associated features
such as "Access to PLC via communication module".

Diagnostics / diagnostic alarms

With S7-PLCSIM Advanced, simple diagnostics buffer entries can be simulated according to
the PROFINET standard.
PROFIBUS-specific diagnostics (e.g. via DS0, DS1) and user-specific text lists are not

Online and diagnostic functions

Some online and diagnostic functions are not very useful in the simulation and are therefore
not supported. This includes the "Firmware update" function, for example.

Data logging
S7-PLCSIM Advanced does not simulate data logging.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced does not simulate the use of recipes.

Copy protection
S7-PLCSIM Advanced does not simulate copy protection.

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Product overview
2.6 Differences between a simulated and a real CPU

Limited support
S7-PLCSIM Advanced simulates some functions to a limited extent. You can find an overview
in the section Restrictions, messages and solution (Page 399).

2.6.2 Notes

Password transfer when module is replaced (S7-1500)

Depending on the firmware version of the CPUs affected (the CPU to be replaced and the
replacement CPU), you are either offered an update to the latest algorithm or prompted to
assign a new password because the replacement CPU cannot use the existing password
If the CPU to be replaced and the replacement CPU are identical in terms of the algorithm
used, no action is required: the password configuration and the other parameter settings are
S7-PLCSIM Advanced does not support any password encryption for CPU versions with
firmware less than V2.0.
In order to use protection levels, the Web server and the access protection of the F-CPU in the
simulation, click on the "Update password encryption" button. The button is located in the
CPU properties in the "Protection & Security" tab under "Access level".

HMI devices and CPU protection levels

• S7-PLCSIM Advanced supports HMI devices as of version 14. Connections to HMI devices
prior to V14 are not supported.
• S7-PLCSIM Advanced supports protection levels if the virtual S7-1500 controller is
configured with a firmware version V2.0 or higher.
• It is possible to connect HMI devices as of V14 to virtual S7-1500 controllers that are
configured with a firmware version V2.0 or higher, with or without protection levels.
• It is possible to connect HMI devices as of V14 to virtual S7-1500 controllers which are
configured with a firmware version lower than V2.0 without protection levels.

To establish a connection to the HMI device V13 or earlier, you have to update this HMI
device to version V14.
To establish a connection from the virtual controller that is configured with a firmware
version lower than V2.0 to the HMI device, you have to remove existing protection levels
from the project.

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Product overview
2.6 Differences between a simulated and a real CPU

Safety system version V1.6 or V2.0 for fail-safe I/O

To successfully simulate and test a project with fail-safe input and output modules, you need
to use safety system version V1.6 or V2.0 for the project. Simulation of the fail-safe input and
output modules does not work correctly with an older version.

Priority for hardware interrupt OB

The hardware interrupts triggered via the S7-PLCSIM Advanced API are transmitted in
sequence to the user program.
The priority of the assigned hardware interrupt OB determines the sequence of execution
only if events occur simultaneously.

Technology module TM Count - Error message of instruction High_Speed_Counter

When you are using S7-PLCSIM Advanced for the simulation of a high-speed counter in a
TM Count technology module, the instruction High_Speed_Counter signals an error
The instruction High_Speed_Counter expects that the module has set a bit for "Status ready"
(STS_READY). Because S7-PLCSIM Advanced does not simulate the module behavior, the
instruction signals an error.
The STS_READY bit is located in the input area of the module at offset 13.4. When the input
area of your TM Count module starts at %I32, for example, the STS_READY bit is located at
To prevent this error message of the High_Speed_Counter instruction, set the STS_READY bit

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Product overview
2.7 Password to protect confidential configuration data

2.7 Password to protect confidential configuration data

As of STEP 7 V17, you have the option of assigning a password to protect confidential
configuration data of the respective CPU as of FW version V2.9. This refers to data such as
private keys that are required for the proper functioning of certificate-based protocols.

Assign a password to protect confidential configuration data

You assign the password in STEP 7, in the CPU properties, in the area "Protection & Security >
Protection of the PLC configuration data".
You can use the same password for a PLCSIM Advanced instance as for the real CPU. This
makes it easier for you to assign it uniquely.
PLCSIM Advanced stores the password encrypted in a file on the virtual memory card. The
handling of the password is the same as with the real CPU.
Only the current, active Windows user and no other user is allowed to read the password for
the protection of confidential configuration data on the computer.

Note that your Windows password protects the password used to protect confidential
configuration data. Therefore, you are not allowed to share the Windows password with
other, untrustworthy users.

Additional information
Detailed information on the protection of confidential configuration data and on secure
communication can be found in the Communication function manual

Special use cases

Move the virtual SIMATIC memory card to another virtual machine (e.g. SIMIT)
If you have not set a password to protect confidential configuration data, there are no
restrictions on move operations.
If you have specified the password to protect confidential configuration data, the following
restriction applies:
When you move the virtual memory card from one computer to another, you cannot start the
PLCSIM Advanced instance on the new system.

To ensure maximum security on your systems, the password for protecting confidential
configuration data is not available on a new system. You must reset the password again in
the new system.

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Product overview
2.7 Password to protect confidential configuration data

The computer is part of an Active Directory.
The password encryption is linked to the Windows user. When you use the same Active
Directory user in your domain on another computer, you can start PLCSIM Advanced
instances there.

SIMIT archives the virtual SIMATIC memory card as a ZIP file. and another user/computer
is trying to restart this simulation

1. Remove the password for protecting confidential configuration data from the STEP 7 project.
2. Load the project to the virtual controller.
You can move the virtual memory card to other computers without any restrictions.

Switching on the PLCSIM Advanced instance without valid password

When you switch on an instance and the password for the protection of confidential
configuration data is incorrect, the instance restarts automatically and switches to the STOP
operating state. ERROR LED flashes red.

1. Enter the password to protect the confidential configuration data in STEP 7 or via the
SIMATIC Automation Tool.
2. Restart the instance.

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Installing 3
3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 System requirements

You should preferably install PLCSIM Advanced on a SIMATIC Field PG M5 Advanced or
comparable PC.
For PLCSIM Advanced to operate efficiently, the following minimum requirements for
computer hardware or for a virtual machine must be met.

Table 3- 1 System requirements

Hardware Virtual machine

Processor • At least one Intel® Core™ i7 6th • One virtual CPU per started in-
Generation core per started in- stance has to be assigned to the
stance VM
• At least one additional core for • A corresponding number of
the operating system processors has to be physically
• At least one additional core for available on the host
the additional active applications • At least one additional core for
the operating system
• At least one additional core for
the additional active applications
• At least two cores, if STEP 7
(TIA Portal) is installed on the VM
RAM • 1 GB per started instance • 1 GB per started instance
• At least 4 GB for the Windows • At least 4 GB for the Windows
operating system operating system
• Additional RAM corresponding to • Additional RAM corresponding to
the requirements of the remain- the requirements of the remain-
ing active applications ing active applications
• At least 8 GB, if STEP 7
(TIA Portal) is installed on the VM
Free hard disk space 5 GB 5 GB
Screen resolution Minimum 1024 x 768 Minimum 1024 x 768

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3.1 Introduction

Operating systems (64-bit versions)

PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 supports the following operating systems:
• Windows 10 Home Version 1909
• Windows 10 Home Version 2004
• Windows 10 Home Version 2009/20H2
• Windows 10 Professional Version 1909
• Windows 10 Professional Version 2004
• Windows 10 Professional Version 2009/20H2
• Windows 10 Enterprise Version 1909
• Windows 10 Enterprise Version 2004
• Windows 10 Enterprise Version 2009/20H2
• Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB
• Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC
• Windows Server 2016 Standard (full installation)
• Windows Server 2019 Standard (full installation)
For more detailed information on operating systems, refer to the help on Microsoft Windows
or the Microsoft homepage.
Some protocols might also support additional Windows versions. You can find more
information in the product-specific requirements or check the compatibility with the
compatibility tool. The compatibility tool is available on the Internet

Make sure that the Windows operating system you are using is up to date.

Virtualization platforms
You can install STEP 7 and PLCSIM Advanced on a virtual machine. For this purpose, use one
of the following virtualization platforms in the specified version or a newer version:
• VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7
• VMware Workstation Pro 15.5.0
• VMware Player 15.5.0
• Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019
The information that you need to install STEP 7 (TIA Portal) on a virtual machine is available
on the Internet (

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3.1 Introduction

3.1.2 Restrictions due to antivirus programs

Restrictions due to antivirus programs
Virus scanners that monitor the behavior of processes and communication can have a
significant impact on the performance of the runtime and communication of PLCSIM

You can decrease restrictions during installation and runtime of PLCSIM Advanced. Also
define exceptions for the virus scanner for secure files and directories.

Add the following directories to the exceptions:
• "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Siemens\PLCSIMADV\Drivers"
• "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Siemens\PLCSIMADV"
• "C:\Program Files (x86)\SIEMENS\Automation\PLCSIMADV\bin"
If the virus scanner only allows files as exceptions, add all files from the listed directories to
the exceptions. The procedure is described in the instructions of the respective manufacturer.

You can obtain updates to the topic as downloads on the Internet

Supported antivirus programs

PLCSIM Advanced supports Trend Micro Office Scan 12.0.

Known problems and limitations

When using the Anti-Virus virus scanner from Kaspersky, the network settings may not be set
correctly during the installation of PLCSIM Advanced. The result is that communication via
TCP/IP cannot be used (error code -50).

Check your network settings as described in the section Activating distributed communication
(Page 45).

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3.1 Introduction

3.1.3 Licenses

Floating license
PLCSIM Advanced is supplied with a floating type license which is version and/or time-
dependent. The license can be stored locally and shared for a network.

A license is valid for two instances within a PLCSIM Advanced installation.
PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 can only be used with a V4.0 license.

Handling of licenses is described in the Help for SIMATIC Automation License Manager (ALM).

3.1.4 Trial License

A license is available for the limited period of 21 days for S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0. After this
Trial License has elapsed, the instance is no longer started.

Activating the Trial License

As soon as you start an instance in the Control Panel, the Automation License Manager (ALM)
searches the network for a valid license. If a Floating License is available for
S7-PLCSIM Advanced, the ALM offers the Trial License for activation.

Figure 3-1 Activating the Trial License

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3.1 Introduction

A message at the start of the instances shows the remaining number of days.

Figure 3-2 Trial License message

Remote access
With remote access, the message must be confirmed on the PC on which the instance was

Timeout alarm
If you do not confirm the message for the license in a certain amount of time, the instance is
not started and the following message appears:

Figure 3-3 Timeout alarm

Start the instance again and confirm the message for the license.

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3.1 Introduction

API functions for licenses

PLCSIM Advanced regularly checks whether a license is available. The following return values
provide information about the status (for example, for C++):
• Return values for API function PowerOn() and callback function
– SREC_OK when a floating license is available.
– SREC_WARNING_TRIAL_MODE_ACTIVE when an instance is started with the Trial
PLCSIM Advanced is available, but a "TIA Portal Test Suite" license.
PLCSIM Advanced starts with this license. A download from the TIA Portal is possible,
but the instance terminates without feedback if the download was not made from the
TIA Portal Test Suite.
– SREC_NOT_EMPTY, if no valid license for PLCSIM Advanced is available, but a
"TIA Portal Test Suite" license is available. If this is the case, power-up from the Virtual
SIMATIC Memory Card is not supported.
• Return value for callback function OnOperatingStateChanged
– SREC_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND when the instance is automatically shut down after
21 days.

3.1.5 Installation log

The log files contains automatically recorded information on the following installation
• Installation of S7-PLCSIM Advanced
• Change or update of installation of S7-PLCSIM Advanced
• Repair of an existing installation of S7-PLCSIM Advanced
• Uninstallation of S7-PLCSIM Advanced
You can evaluate installation errors and warnings using the log files. You can troubleshoot
the installation yourself or contact Siemens Technical Support. Product Support personnel
need information from the installation log to analyze the problem. Send the folder with the
log files as a ZIP file to Support.

Memory location of the installation log

The memory location of the log file depends on the operating system. To open the folder
with the log files, enter the environment variable "%autinstlog%" in the address bar in
Windows Explorer. Alternatively, you reach the appropriate directory by entering
"cd %autinstlog%" in the command line.
The log files are named as follows:
• "SIA_S7-PLCSIM_Advanced_V04@<DATE_TIME>.log"
• "SIA_S7-PLCSIM_Advanced_V04@<DATE_TIME>_summary.log"

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3.2 S7-PLCSIM Advanced

Setup_Report (CAB file)

The installation log and other required files are stored in a log file. This file can be found at
A separate CAB file with a date ID is saved for each installation.
If you need help during installation, send this CAB file to Siemens Technical Support for

3.2 S7-PLCSIM Advanced

The S7-PLCSIM Advanced package contains the following software:
• S7-PLCSIM Advanced
• Automation License Manager
• S7-PLCSIM V5.4
• .NET Framework
• Npcap

The package is available as download and on DVD.

• SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 Floating License
• Upgrade SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced V3.0 → V4.0
After installing PLCSIM Advanced, keep the DVD in a secure, easily accessible place.

Setup program
You can use the Setup program to change, repair or uninstall your installation, if necessary.

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3.3 Installing S7-PLCSIM Advanced

3.3 Installing S7-PLCSIM Advanced

Installation requirements
The Setup program starts automatically with a double-click on the download package or
when you insert the DVD in the drive. Make sure that the following conditions are met before
you begin the installation process:
• The hardware and software of the computer meet the system requirements.
• You have administrator rights on the installation computer.
• No other programs are active. This also applies to the Siemens Automation License
Manager and other Siemens applications.
• All S7-PLCSIM versions prior or equal to V14 are uninstalled.

Security settings
For licensing via the ALM, you must agree during installation that port 4410 for TCP can be
entered as an exception in the Windows Firewall (procedure step 5).

Use of virus scanners
Note the information provided in section Restrictions due to antivirus programs (Page 29).

Installing S7-PLCSIM Advanced

To install, follow these steps:
1. Double-click the download package or insert the installation medium into the DVD drive of
your computer. The setup program starts up automatically, provided you have not disabled
the Autostart function on the computer. If the setup program does not start up
automatically, start it manually by double-clicking the "Start.exe" file. The "General settings"
window is displayed.
2. Click the "Read installation notes" button. After you have read the notes, close the file.
3. Click the "Read product information" button. After you have read the information, close the
4. Click "Next". The window with the products to be installed is displayed.
5. Select the products to be installed.
6. Click the "Browse" button if you want to change the default installation path. The installation
path must not exceed 89 characters. The path name must not contain any UNICODE
characters. If you select a different installation path than the default installation path, the
desktop icon may not be displayed correctly.

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3.3 Installing S7-PLCSIM Advanced

7. Click "Next". The window with the security settings is displayed. To continue the installation,
select the check box at the bottom of the screen to accept changes to the security and
permissions settings of your system.
8. Click "Next". The window with the installation settings is displayed. You can save or print a
report of the settings by clicking "Save report" or "Print report". Check the settings for
correctness. If you want to make any changes, click "Back" until you reach the point in the
installation process where you want to make changes. Once you have completed your
changes, click "Next".
9. The overview screen shows your installation details. Click the "Install" button. The
installation then starts.
10.After completion of the setup program, you must restart your computer. Select "Yes, I want
to restart the computer now" to restart the computer immediately or select "No, I will restart
computer later" to restart the computer later.
11.Click "Restart". If the computer is not restarted, click "Finish".

Error during installation of S7-PLCSIM Advanced

When PLCSIM Advanced is installed, any existing installation of S7-PLCSIM is displayed.
A requirement for installation of S7-PLCSIM Advanced is that no other S7-PLCSIM installation
prior or equal to V14 is located on the same computer.
Even though no installation of S7-PLCSIM is displayed in the "Programs and Features" list, it is
still possible that the computer has an existing installation.

Run the setup for S7-PLCSIM prior or equal to V14 and uninstall the program.
When the setup is not available, download the setup files for S7-PLCSIM via Siemens Mall

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3.4 Changing S7-PLCSIM Advanced

3.4 Changing S7-PLCSIM Advanced

The following conditions must be met before you can start changing the installation:
• The hardware and software of the computer meet the system requirements.
• You have administrator rights on the installation computer.
• No other programs are active.

To change your S7-PLCSIM Advanced installation, follow these steps:
1. Double-click the download package or insert the installation medium into the drive. The
setup program starts up automatically, provided you have not disabled the Autostart
function on the computer. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it
manually by double-clicking the "Start.exe" file.
2. Follow the prompts until you reach the "Configuration" window.
3. Select the "Change upgrade" check box.
4. Follow the remaining prompts to change your installation.
5. Complete the installation operation by restarting your computer.

Target directory
You cannot change the target directory because you are changing an existing installation.

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3.5 Repairing S7-PLCSIM Advanced

3.5 Repairing S7-PLCSIM Advanced

The following conditions must be met before you can start repairing the installation:
• The hardware and software meet the system requirements.
• You have administrator rights on the installation computer.
• No other programs are active.

To repair your installation, follow these steps:
1. Double-click the download package or insert the installation medium into the drive. The
setup program starts up automatically, provided you have not disabled the Autostart
function on the computer. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it
manually by double-clicking the "Start.exe" file.
2. Follow the prompts until you reach the "Configuration" window. Select the "Repair" check
3. Follow the remaining prompts to repair your installation.
4. Complete the repair operation by restarting your computer.

3.6 Uninstalling S7-PLCSIM Advanced

You have two options for uninstalling S7-PLCSIM Advanced:
• You uninstall the program using the Windows Control Panel.
• You uninstall the entire product using the Setup program.

Uninstalling S7-PLCSIM Advanced using the Windows Control Panel

Proceed as follows:
1. Double-click the "Programs and Features" option in the Windows Control Panel.
2. Right-click on "SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0" and select "Uninstall".
3. Follow the prompts for uninstallation.
4. Complete the uninstallation operation by restarting your computer.
If you do not perform a restart, the Runtime Manager continues running.
If problems occur when uninstalling PLCSIM Advanced using the Windows Control Panel, use
the installation medium for uninstalling.

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3.6 Uninstalling S7-PLCSIM Advanced

Uninstalling S7-PLCSIM Advanced using the Setup program

Proceed as follows:
1. Double-click the download package or insert the installation medium into the drive. The
setup program starts up automatically, provided you have not disabled the Autostart
function on the computer. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it
manually by double-clicking the "Start.exe" file.
If you do not perform a restart, the Runtime Manager continues running.
2. Follow the prompts until you reach the "Configuration" window. Your previous installation is
detected. Select the "Uninstall" check box.
3. Follow the prompts for uninstallation.
4. Complete the uninstallation operation by restarting your computer.
If you do not perform a restart, the Runtime Manager continues running.

Uninstalling additional software

During uninstalling the following software from the S7-PLCSIM Advanced package remains
• Automation License Manager
• S7-PLCSIM V5.4
• .NET Framework
If you also want to uninstall this software, use the Windows Control Panel.

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Communication paths 4
Local and distributed communication
The following paths are open for communication between STEP 7 V15 or higher and the
instances of PLCSIM Advanced user interfaces:

Table 4- 1 Local and distributed communication

Communication paths Local Local Distributed

Protocol Softbus TCP/IP TCP/IP
Communication interface in PLCSIM PLCSIM Virtual PLCSIM Virtual
PLCSIM Advanced Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
STEP 7 and instances On a PC / VM On a PC / VM Distributed
between STEP 7 and instances Yes Yes Yes
among instances Yes Yes Yes
via OPC UA server and Web server No Yes Yes
between an instance and a real hardware No No Yes
between an instance and a real HMI V14 No No Yes
and higher
between an instance and a simulated HMI Yes Yes Yes
V14 and higher
Secure communication...
via Secure Open User Communication (se- No Yes Yes
cure TCP communication) V17 and higher
via OPC UA Server V17 and higher No Yes Yes
via HTTPS connections to the Web server No Yes Yes
V17 and higher

Softbus is a communication path via a virtual software interface.
The communication is limited to a local PC or a virtual machine. The advantage here is that
no data can be accidentally downloaded to a hardware CPU or communicate with real

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Communication paths

Selecting a communication interface

You program the communication interface via the user interfaces (API) or select them in the
Control Panel under "Online Access". The setting is valid for all generated instances. The
default setting is the communication via "PLCSIM" (Softbus).
Additional network settings are necessary for the distributed communication via the "PLCSIM
Virtual Ethernet Adapter" (TCP/IP), see Network addresses in the simulation (Page 57).

API functions for selecting the communication interface

• GetCommunicationInterface() (Page 141)
• SetCommunicationInterface() (Page 141)
• CommunicationInterface { get; set; } (Page 142)

See also
Interfaces - Information and settings (Page 138)

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Communication paths
4.1 Local communication

4.1 Local communication

Local communication can be performed via the Softbus protocol or TCP/IP.
For local communication, the PLCSIM Advanced instance is on the same PC or on the same
virtualization platform such as STEP 7 or another communication partner.

Local communication via Softbus

Local communication is performed via Softbus in PLCSIM Advanced by default.
This ensures that no data can be accidentally downloaded to a hardware CPU or that there is
communication with real hardware.

Figure 4-1 Local communication via Softbus

Local communication via TCP/IP

Communication is performed via the PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter, a virtual network
interface that behaves like a real network interface.

Local communication via TCP/IP
Make sure that communication is only local and cannot be downloaded to real hardware. For
this, there must be no other adapters of your Windows PC configured in the physical network
and in the subnet protocol of the PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet adapter. Microsoft KB 175767
provides background.

Figure 4-2 Local communication via TCP/IP

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Communication paths
4.2 Communication via TCP / IP

Additional information
PowerOn() in the section Operating state (Page 156).

4.2 Communication via TCP / IP

Distributed communication
Distributed communication via TCP/IP means that the PLCSIM Advanced instances
communicate with the other devices via the Virtual Switch . Communication is possible with
real or simulated CPUs, real or simulated HMIs.
The PLCSIM Virtual Switch must be activated on the PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter for
instances on the network to be visible.
Each CPU interface can be reached from the PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter and requires a
unique IP address.
The PLCSIM Virtual Ehternet Adapter must be in the same IP number range (subnet mask) as
the IP address of the controller.
The IP address of the controller must be unique throughout the entire, accessible network.

Example 1: Distributed communication

In the following example, STEP 7 is on a PC and the PLCSIM Advanced instances are on
another PC or a virtual machine. The PCs are connected via their real Ethernet adapter.

Figure 4-3 Distributed communication via Ethernet

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Communication paths
4.2 Communication via TCP / IP

Example 2: Distributed communication on a PC

In the following example, STEP 7 is on a PC and the PLCSIM Advanced instances are on a
virtual machine on the same PC. PC and virtual machine are connected via the (virtual)
network adapters.

Figure 4-4 Distributed communication via network adapters

Required settings in the "Virtual Machine Settings" dialog using the VMware
visualization platform as an example
If you have opened STEP 7 (TIA Portal) and your project within the virtual machine, enable
the following options for your online connection as follows:
1. Right-click on the VM and select "Settings" or select the menu "VM > Settings".
2. Open the "Virtual Machine Settings" dialog via the menu command "Player > Manage >
Virtual Machine Settings".
3. Then click "Network Adapter" in the "Hardware" tab and activate the following options in the
right window:
– Connected
– Connect at power on
– Bridged: Connected directly to the physical network
– Replicate physical network connection state
4. Click the "Configure Adapters" button and activate your network connection, for example
"Intel(R)82574L LM Gigabit Network Connection".
5. Confirm the setting with OK and exit the "Virtual Machine Settings" dialog with OK.

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Communication paths
4.2 Communication via TCP / IP

Example 3: Distributed communication

The following example shows a structure with PCs on which distributed STEP 7,
PLCSIM Advanced instances and virtual machines with PLCSIM Advanced instances are

Figure 4-5 Distributed communications with PCs and virtual machines

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Communication paths
4.3 Enable distributed communication

4.3 Enable distributed communication

By default, the PLCSIM Virtual Switch can only communicate locally. For a distributed, i.e.
multi-computer, communication to be possible, you must activate the PLCSIM Virtual Switch
for a real network adapter.

Network adapter
Make sure that only one network adapter of the PLCSIM Virtual Switch is activated. The
Control Panel of PLCSIM Advanced checks the activation and may report an incorrect
configuration (error code -50).

Activate PLCSIM Virtual Switch

To make the PLCSIM instances visible on the network and to reach other devices, activate the
PLCSIM Virtual Switch in the Control Panel of PLCSIM Advanced or under Windows:
1. To do this, open the "Network and Sharing Center" in the Windows Control Panel.
2. Open the properties of the desired network adapter, for example, for the "Local Area
3. Select the check box for the "Siemens PLCSIM Virtual Switch" and confirm with OK.

Figure 4-6 Activate PLCSIM Virtual Switch

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Communication paths
4.3 Enable distributed communication

Accessible devices
When the PLCSIM Virtual Switch is activated, STEP 7 shows the devices available on the
Virtual Ethernet Adapter in the project tree.

Figure 4-7 Accessible devices on the Virtual Ethernet Adapter

Distributed communication via WLAN

When using distributed communication via WLAN, it may happen that the NPcap program
library installed by PLCSIM Advanced does not work with the integrated WLAN adapter of the
PC. In this case, no WLAN connection can be established.

Use the wired network adapter of the PC/notebook and connect a WLAN adapter upstream.

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Simulation 5
5.1 Simulate CPU

5.1.1 Basic procedure for the simulation

The following overview shows the basic steps to perform simulation with an instance of a
virtual controller.

The following requirements must be met for starting simulation via local communication:
• STEP 7 as of V14 and S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 are installed on the same PC.
• The CPU hardware is configured in STEP 7.

Enable simulation support
In the "Protection" tab in the properties of the project in STEP 7, select the check box "Support
simulation during block compilation"; see Simulations support (Page 19).

Create and activate an instance via the Control Panel

• Open PLCSIM Advanced Control Panel (see section Control Panel - User interface
(Page 48))
• Open the "Start Virtual S7-1500 PLC" options
• Enter a name for an instance
• Selecting the CPU family
• Create an instance using the "Start" button

In STEP 7, perform the download and start the simulation

• Download the program to the virtual controller (see section Download (Page 55))
• Switch the virtual controller to RUN to start the simulation
• Perform diagnostics

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5.1 Simulate CPU

5.1.2 Control Panel - User interface S7-PLCSIM Advanced Symbol

After installing PLCSIM Advanced, the following icons are on the Windows desktop:

Figure 5-1 PLCSIM Advanced Symbol

A double-click on the symbol opens the Control Panel for PLCSIM Advanced. If the Control
Panel is in the background, it is moved to the foreground with another double-click.
You can use Windows functions to permanently display the icon in the system tray of the

Opening a graphical interface

Right-clicking the icon in the taskbar opens the Control Panel with the quick view. Double-
click to start the Control Panel as a window.

Figure 5-2 Opening a graphical interface

You can use the mouse-over function to display messages about the current status of the

Figure 5-3 Example: Message in the taskbar

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5.1 Simulate CPU Graphical interface

The graphical interfaces synchronize by means of API commands. They are optional and are
not needed to operate PLCSIM Advanced via the API.
S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 provides the Control Panel with two views.
• Control Panel as quick view
Right-clicking on the icon in the taskbar opens the quick view.
Clicking on an empty area on the desktop minimizes the quick view. The instances are not
• Control Panel as window
Double-clicking the icon on the desktop or in the taskbar opens the Control Panel as a

Control Panel as window

Unlike the quick view, you can operate the Control Panel with the buttons in the title bar.
You can close this window without exiting the simulation Runtime process.

① Stores the Control Panel as icon in the taskbar.

② No function. The window size cannot be changed.
③ Closes the Control Panel and stores it in the system tray of the taskbar.
The instances and the simulation Runtime process remain active.
This function therefore differs from the Exit function .
The Exit function switches off the local instances, logs them off and closes the Control Panel.
④ Pins the Control Panel on the screen so that it remains in the foreground.

Figure 5-4 Control Panel: Title bar

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5.1 Simulate CPU S7-PLCSIM Advanced Control Panel

The Control Panel is available in English in version V4.0.


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5.1 Simulate CPU

① Online access Switch to select the communication interface

② TCP/IP communication Selection of network adapter for distributed communication
③ Virtual time Slider to adjust the scaling factor
④ Strict Motion Timing Here you disable the overrun detection for Motion Control (OB MC-
Servo [OB91]).
When the check box is selected (default), overruns are detected.
However, you can only change the setting of the overrun detection
in the Control Panel for as long as no instance has been registered
yet. The set behavior then applies to all subsequent registered
You can adapt the behavior for individual instances via the API.
⑤ Start Virtual S7-1500 PLC Opens and closes the input boxes for creating the instance (virtu-
al controller).
• Name of the instance Here you enter a unique name for the instance. Enter a minimum
of 3, a maximum of 64 characters. If the name is unique in the
network, the button "Start" is enabled.
• IP address The input boxes are visible when you switch the communication
• Subnet mask interface to "PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter". The IP address is
entered automatically.
• Standard gateway

• CPU family Here you select the CPU family to be simulated.

• "Start" button Create with the button and start the instance.

⑥ Buttons Buttons for operating the selected instances.

⑦ Instance list The list shows the available local instances. The instances can be
resorted using the mouse cursor.
⑧ LED displays The meaning of the LED is displayed when you move the mouse
over it.
⑨ Icons Icons for operating the instance
⑩ Runtime Manager Port Here you open a port on the local PC.
⑪ Virtual SIMATIC Memory You open the storage location of the virtual memory card with a
Card double-click to the left of "...".
You can change the path to the virtual memory card with a double-
click on "...".
⑫ Display messages Here you disable the PLCSIM Advanced messages in the Windows
task bar for the duration of the operation.
⑬ Function manual This is where you open the S7-PLCSIM Advanced Function Manual
in a standard PDF viewer.
⑭ Exit Exit logs off all instances and closes the Control Panel.

Figure 5-5 Control Panel V4.0

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5.1 Simulate CPU

Switch for communication interface

Use the switch to select the communication interface for all instances to be created:
• "PLCSIM" corresponds to the local communication via softbus (default).
• "PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter" corresponds to the communication via TCP/IP.
The setting applies to all other instances. The selected communication interface for starting
an instance is maintained until all instances are shut down.
When an instance is already started, it sets "its" communication interface as the default for
other instances.
To change the communication interface, switch off all instances and enable the other

TCP/IP communication
You can select a real network adapter from the drop-down list during operation. You thus
activate the PLCSIM Virtual Switch and establish TCP/IP communication between the
instances and the real network.
The <Local> setting disables the PLCSIM Virtual Switch and disconnects the instances from
the real network. Only local TCP/IP communication over virtual adapter is possible in this case.

Virtual time
You must enable the virtual time for each instance using the icon . Use the slider or the
mouse wheel to select the scaling factor for the virtual time.
The selected scaling factor applies to the instances for which the virtual time is enabled.
Clicking on "Off" restores the default (1) again. For further information see Virtual and Real
Time (Page 75).

Creating an instance (locally) and starting it

To create an instance, enter a unique name under "Instance Name". If the name already exists
in the directory of the Virtual SIMATIC Memory Card, the existing instance is started.
In the "PLC family" drop-down list, you select a CPU family:
• S7-1500
• S7-1500R/H
• ET 200SP
• ET 200pro
Create the instance with the "Start" button and start this instance.
The instance/virtual controller is initialized with the first download from the TIA Portal.

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5.1 Simulate CPU

Instance list
The list contains the instances that are available locally on the PC or virtualization platform.
Instances that have already been started on the runtime API are detected and displayed in the
Select the operating mode of the instance with the "RUN" and "STOP" buttons. Select one or
more instances for this purpose. Perform a memory reset with the "MRES" button.
The LED displays show the status of the instance that corresponds to those of the hardware
RUN and STOP are displayed depending on the current operating state of the instance.
You can "operate" the instance with icons:

Enable virtual time, apply scaling factor for the virtual time, disable virtual time,

Switch on instance ("PowerOn"), Switch off instance ("PowerOff"),

Switch off instance and log off from Runtime Manager ("Unregister")

Runtime Manager Port

A remote connection can be established to another Runtime Manager via the specified port.
The value must be greater than 1024.
If you select the check box, the port remains stored. You can use the remote connection
without having to make this setting every time you start the Control Panel. To use this
functionality, the Control Panel must be started and running in the background.

Virtual SIMATIC Memory Card

The user program, the hardware configuration and the retentive data is stored on the Virtual
SIMATIC Memory Card. Use the buttons to adapt the path to the virtual memory card or open
the previously saved path in an Explorer window.

Display messages
Each time the Panel starts, help information and messages relating to the Control Panel are
displayed, for example, when changing the IP address or when a license is missing. Disable
the display if you do not need the messages.

Exit - Log off all instances

• The command switches off all local instances on the PC or the VM and logs them off from
the Runtime Manager and closes the Control Panel.
• This command closes the Runtime Manager if there are no remote connections to other
Runtime Managers.
• If the Runtime Manager has remote connections to instances on additional PCs, these
instances and the Runtime Manager continue to run. Importing instances

This function is only available if you do not start the Control Panel with admin rights.

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5.1 Simulate CPU

Importing instances
You can use the drag-and-drop function to import instances from a folder directly into the
instance list of the Control Panel.
1. Open a folder with instances, for example, using the "Virtual SIMATIC Memory Card" button.
2. Select one or more instances and drag them into the highlighted area.

Figure 5-6 Control Panel: Importing instances

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5.1 Simulate CPU

5.1.3 Download

You can download the STEP 7 project to the virtual controller when the following conditions
are met:
• The instance is created via the Control Panel.
• The check box "Support simulation during block compilation" is selected.

Selecting the communication interface

In the Download dialog box, select the PG/PC interface:
• "PLCSIM" for download via Softbus
• "Siemens PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter" for download via TCP/IP
• For distributed communication the real adapter that is connected to the network

Display in the download dialog

The dialog in STEP 7 at the first download of the CPU shows the compatible PLCSIM Advanced
If the instance has not yet been configured after the first download only one interface is
visible and it appears with the device type "CPU-1500 Simulation".
If the instance has been configured, the number of interfaces visible is determined my the
number the CPU type has.
The lifelist shows the interfaces of an instance with their IP addresses.

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5.1 Simulate CPU

Perform download
1. Select the PG/PC interface.
2. Click "Download".
→ In the "Load preview" window, STEP 7 shows the message "The downloads are
performed on a simulated CPU".
→ After the first download, the PLCSIM Advanced instance displays the CPU type.

Figure 5-7 Example: Download via the "PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter" (TCP/IP) after naming

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5.1 Simulate CPU

5.1.4 Network addresses in the simulation Siemens PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter

IP address
At the PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter you assign a static IP address or obtain an IP address
via DHCP (default).

MAC address
A randomly generated MAC address is assigned to the PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter during
its installation.
PLCSIM Advanced only uses MAC addresses that are designated as "locally administered"
(bit 2 in LSB).
The Siemens-specific prefix is: 02-1B-1B
Three bytes follow, which are determined at random.

Storage location
This MAC address is stored in the registry key "PlcsimvminiMacAddress".
You can overwrite this value.

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5.1 Simulate CPU PLCSIM Advanced instances

Detect CPUs and instances

If Ethernet interfaces of CPUs and PLCSIM Advanced instances are mixed in a network, the
instances can be recognized by the "PLCSIM" suffix on the station type.

Structure of the MAC address for an instance

The following figure shows the structure of the dynamically generated, locally managed MAC

Figure 5-8 Structure of the MAC address for an instance

The MAC address tells you the PC on which a PLCSIM Advanced instance has been started.

Assignment of the Ethernet interfaces

Port configurations of the Ethernet interfaces cannot be simulated in PLCSIM Advanced V4.0.
Topological interconnection is not supported. A MAC address for a port is reserved internally
for each Ethernet interface.

Table 5- 1 Assignment of the Ethernet interfaces, for example, for a CPU 1518-4 PN/DP

Ethernet interface Last digit of the MAC Address

IE 1 ...........0
IE 1 / Port 1 ...........1
IE 2 ...........2
IE 2 / Port 1 ...........3
IE 3 ...........4
IE 3 / Port 1 ...........5

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5.1 Simulate CPU

02-C0-A8-00-83-10 means:
02 → locally managed MAC address of a PLCSIM Advanced instance
C0-A8-00-83 → IP of the Siemens PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet adapter =
1 → Instance 1
0 → Ethernet interface IE 1
If no Virtual SIMATIC Memory Card is loaded during startup of PLCSIM Advanced, the
interfaces of PLCSIM Advanced display instances with their locally managed MAC address.

5.1.5 Simulate peripheral I/O

The Runtime API writes to and reads from a memory area. This memory is synchronized with
the internal process image of the virtual S7-1500 controller at the cycle control point and
when calling cyclic and acyclic OBs (process image partitions, interrupts, events). The direct
I/O accesses are made to this memory area. Only one process can access this memory at a
given time.
The virtual controller must be in RUN to apply changes made by the API.

Dominance of the API when synchronizing
The API dominates when synchronizing. If the user program writes to the same address range
as the API, the changes of the API overwrite those of the virtual controller.

See also
Deviating I/O values in the STEP 7 user program (Page 408)

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5.1 Simulate CPU

5.1.6 Simulate communication Communication services that can be simulated

PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 supports the following communication options:

Table 5- 2 Supported communication options

Communications options Functionality / instructions

PG communication On commissioning, testing, diagnostics
Open communication using TCP/IP • TSEND_C / TRCV_C
Secure Open user communication (secure • TSEND_C / TRCV_C
TCP communication)
Open communication using ISO-on-TCP • TSEND_C / TRCV_C
Open communication via UDP2 • TUSEND / TURCV
Communication via Modbus TCP3 • MB_CLIENT
E-mail2, 3 • TMAIL_C
S7 communication • PUT / GET
OPC UA server2, 3 Secure data exchange with OPC UA clients
Web server2, 3 Data exchange via HTTP, HTTPS
1 When the "PLCSIM" interface (Softbus) is set, communication is performed internally via ISO-on-
2 Only via the communication interface "PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter" (TCP/IP).
3 "Access to PLC via communication module" is not supported.

Special conditions apply when communicating with TUSEND/TURCV, see Restrictions for
communications services (Page 402).

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5.1 Simulate CPU

Restrictions for MODBUS communication via Softbus

For communication via Softbus, use the supported Modbus versions shown in the following
table or, alternatively, communication via TCP/IP.

Table 5- 3 Modbus communication via Softbus


V6.0 V6.0 V5.3 ✓
V5.2 V5.2 V5.2 x
V5.1 V5.1 x
V5.0 V5.0 x
V4.2 V4.1 V4.2 x
V4.1 V4.1 x
V4.0 V4.0 ✓

✓ = Communication possible
x = Communication not possible

When the TMAIL_C instruction is used, the mail server might not be located on the same PC
as the PLCSIM Advanced instance.

Make the mail server available via a different PC in the network. Communication between instances

PLCSIM Advanced supports communication between instances. An instance may be a
simulation in PLCSIM Advanced V2.0 or a simulation in WinCC Runtime as of V14.
You can run two instances of PLCSIM Advanced, which then communicate with each other.
To enable instances to communicate with each other, they must have a unique IP address.

Each simulated CPU requires a unique IP address

If the CPUs have the same IP address, you cannot run multiple simulations. Each simulated
CPU requires a unique IP address.
Make sure that the IP addresses in STEP 7 are unique before you start your simulations.

T-block instructions and UDP

PLCSIM Advanced simulates T-block connections for which the UDP protocol is configured
only via the communication interface "PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter" (TCP/IP).

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5.1 Simulate CPU

T-block instructions and data segmentation

PLCSIM Advanced implements T-block instructions with a data segmentation of 4 KB. A real
CPU has data segmentation of 8192 bytes.
If you send more than 4 KB in a single TSEND instruction and receive data in ad hoc mode
with a TRCV instruction, the TRCV instruction generates new data with only 4 KB. You must
perform the TRCV instruction several times to receive additional bytes.

5.1.7 Provide project data offline for simulation

Simulations regardless of STEP 7

To perform simulations independent of STEP 7, you can save the user program and the
hardware configuration in STEP 7 in a directory.

Saving retentive data securely

The retentive data is automatically saved when the virtual controllers are shut down.
To save the retentive data safely in the virtual SIMATIC Memory Card, the instances must be
correctly logged off. Use one of the following functions for this:
• The PowerOff() API function

• In the Control Panel, the function "Shutdown instance" , "Log off instance" or the
Exit function "Log off all instances"

Provide project data offline

1. Create a "User-defined Card Reader" for your project data in the "Card Reader/USB storage"
folder in the project tree of STEP 7 for the CPU.
2. In the "Load preview" dialog for the target device, select "PLC Simulation Advanced" as an
action, click in the selection field for this.
→ The project is saved to the <Virtual Memory Card>\SIMATIC.S7S\OMSSTORE directory.
3. Save the folder "\SIMATIC.S7S" with the project data to a medium of your choice.

Figure 5-9 Add card reader

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5.1 Simulate CPU

Figure 5-10 Preview of download dialog

Provide project data for simulation

1. On the PC on which PLCSIM Advanced is installed, create the directory "\SIMATIC_MC" in the
directory in which the instance saves its data.
2. Move the "\SIMATIC.S7S" folder to the directory you have created.
→ The instances can be started with the project data.

API functions
The project data can be used for an instance via the user interface. Use of the following
functions for this:

API functions
• GetStoragePath() (Page 148)
• StoragePath { get; set; } (Page 149)
• ArchiveStorage() (Page 150)
• RetrieveStorage() (Page 152)

See also
Controller - Information and settings (Page 144)

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5.2 Simulate CPU with ODK functionality

5.2 Simulate CPU with ODK functionality

The ODK is an engineering tool that allows the creation of high-level language applications
for S7-1500 CPUs. You use it to generate function libraries that are used in the STEP 7 user
The ODK for PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 supports the programming language C ++.
You can find the description of the ODK in the Programming and Operating Manual "S7-1500
Open Development Kit 1500S", as of V2.5 Edition 12/2017: SIMATIC STEP 7 (TIA Portal)
Options ODK 1500S (
Section 6 "Development of a CPU function library for the real-time environment" is relevant
for ODK applications under PLCSIM Advanced.

Supported CPUs
PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 supports the ODK functionality of the following controllers:
• CPU 1518(F)-4 PN/DP ODK
• CPU 1518(F)-4 PN/DP MFP

5.2.1 Special features of ODK

Simulating CPU with ODK functionality with PLCSIM Advanced

The simulation of a CPU with ODK functionality requires a special start procedure.
You have the following options:
• Start the instances of a Virtual SIMATIC memory card that contains the project data for the
CPU with ODK functionality.
• Before starting the instances, select the CPU type via the API, for example, "CPU1518MFP".

• After the first download, select the functions "Switch off instance" and "Shutdown
instance" in the Control Panel.

When you perform the first download to a CPU of the "S7-1500" family, for example, via
the PLCSIM Advanced Control Panel, no ODK1500S directory is created on the virtual
SIMATIC Memory Card. The CPU cannot be switched to RUN. In this case, you will find
messages about missing ODK blocks (e.g. SFC 2013) in the diagnostics buffer.

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5.2 Simulate CPU with ODK functionality

Supported function libraries

PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 supports the following function libraries for the real-time
• CPU function library: Original Shared Object, SO file as for the hardware CPUs
• PLCSIM Advanced function library (Windows Sync):
– a 32-bit Windows DLL for ODK Runtime
– a 64-bit Windows DLL for ODK Runtime

Do not mix function libraries
When simulating with PLCSIM Advanced, only function libraries with the same binary format
can be loaded at a time.
If you want to use function libraries with a different binary format, all others must be
unloaded first.

Limitations for the execution of CPU function libraries (Windows Sync) with an infinite
loop in the class constructor
When the CPU function library (DLL file) contains an object of a class in whose constructor an
infinite loop is programmed, the corresponding "ODK client" process gets permanently stuck
in this loop when instantiating the object.
Even after reaching the timeout, the infinite loop cannot be interrupted automatically. The
PLCSIM Advanced instance remains in RUN even though the entry "Time error - CPU changes
to STOP mode" is displayed in the diagnostics buffer.

Limitations for traces in the execution of CPU function libraries (Windows Sync)
Avoid using traces when developing a CPU function library (DLL file) in the class constructor
(call of the "ODK_TRACE()" function) to prevent trace messages with faulty parameter values.

No know-how protection for SO files
The SO files for ODK are not know-how-protected.

Debugging a PLCSIM Advanced function library (DLL file)

To debug a function library, attach the Visual Studio Debugger to the corresponding ODK
client process which has loaded the respective function library.
PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 supports Visual Studio 2017 and 2019.

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5.2 Simulate CPU with ODK functionality

Simulation of the ODK with PLCSIM Advanced

If you have loaded the TIA project on the PLCSIM Advanced and the instruction
"<STEP7Prefix>_Load" was called for the first time, each PLCSIM Advanced instance starts
another Windows process ("ODK client") in which the ODK application is executed
synchronously with the STEP 7 user program.
Which ODK client is started depends on the function library to be loaded:
• "" for an original Shared Object
• "Siemens.Simatic.PlcSim.Vplc1500.ODKClient.x86.exe" for a 32-bit application
• "Siemens.Simatic.PlcSim.Vplc1500.ODKClient.x64.exe" for a 64-bit application
The executable files of these processes are in the same directory as those of the
PLCSIM Advanced Instances ("Siemens.SIMATIC.Simulation.Runtime.Instance.exe").

PLCSIM Advanced does not support asynchronous ODK functions.

Error codes
The same error codes as described in the Programming and Operating Manual
"S7-1500 Open Development Kit 1500S" apply to the instructions in the real-time
environment. Error codes are also available for PLCSIM Advanced, because the ODK client
processes can be closed unexpectedly and therefore an error handling is required.

Restrictions for stack processing

Limitations for stack processing in the version of CPU function libraries for real-time-
PLCSIM Advanced ignores the stack size for a CPU function library that is adjusted via the
parameter <SyncCallStackSize>. PLCSIM Advanced always provides the maximum stack size of
1 MB.
See Programming and Operating Manual "S7-1500 Open Development Kit 1500S" V2.5,
section 5.1.4 Defining the runtime properties of a CPU function library.

PLCSIM Advanced cannot catch any Exceptions of the type "Stack Overflow" while
CPU function libraries for the real-time environment (SO files) are being executed.

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5.2 Simulate CPU with ODK functionality

When developing a CPU function library (SO file), make sure that the maximum stack size of
1 MB is not exceeded. An overflow of the stack leads to an undefined behavior and can lead
to the termination of the ODK client process.

Limitations for heap processing in the version of CPU function libraries (Windows Sync)
If a heap corruption occurs when executing a C/C++ function from a CPU function library (DLL
file), then this program error is first ignored and execution of the function continues. Only
after fully processing the function is the corresponding error code returned (0x8090).
When developing a CPU function library (DLL file), make sure to avoid heap corruption. This
way you ensure that after fully processing a C/C++ function no error code is returned.

5.2.2 Loading functions

Loading functions - Instruction "<STEP7Prefix>_Load"

If you have loaded the TIA project on the PLCSIM Advanced and the instruction
"<STEP7Prefix>_Load" was called for the first time, each PLCSIM Advanced instance starts
another Windows process. The ODK client then attempts to load the function library which is
specified in the SCL file. This is in the directory
"<storage path of the instance> \SIMATIC_MC\ODK1500S". See GetStoragePath(),
SetStoragePath() in the section Controller - Information and settings (Page 148).
The ODK client process continues until the instruction "<STEP7Prefix>_Unload" is called to
unload the last loaded function library or until the process of the PLCSIM Advanced instance
The function call is synchronous and returns after completion of the operation. The output
parameter provides information on the progress status.

ODK error code for PLCSIM Advanced

The following table lists the error codes that apply in addition to the error codes that apply to
the CPU specifically for ODK applications with PLCSIM Advanced:

Table 5- 4 ODK: Output parameter - Load functions


0 0 1 0x80A4 • The ODK client process cannot be started.
= -32604
• A connection to the ODK client cannot be estab-
lished or has been interrupted.
0 0 1 0x8095 • The ODK client process that is currently running
= -32619 expects a function library with a different binary

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 67
5.2 Simulate CPU with ODK functionality

5.2.3 Calling functions

Call functions - Instruction "<STEP7Prefix>SampleFunction"

When calling ODK functions, data is exchanged between the virtual controller and the
function library.
The execution of a single function can be interrupted by the execution of higher prioritized
Technically, the execution of a function is an asynchronous instruction because it is executed
in another process. However, the processes are synchronized via the virtual controller. This
means that the function call does not return before either the function returns or the ODK
client process is closed during the execution.

ODK error code for PLCSIM Advanced

The following table lists the error codes that apply in addition to the error codes that apply to
the CPU specifically for ODK applications with PLCSIM Advanced:

Table 5- 5 ODK: Output parameter - Call functions


0 0 1 0x80A4 • The connection to the ODK client was interrupt-
= -32604 ed.

5.2.4 Unloading functions

Unload functions - Instruction "<STEP7Prefix>_Unload"

The CPU function library is unloaded by calling the instruction "<STEP7Prefix>_Unload". If no
other function library is loaded or if the process of the PLCSIM Advanced instance is closed,
then the ODK client process is shut down.
The function call is asynchronous, the call returns immediately. The output parameter
informs about the progress status.

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5.3 Simulating Motion Control

5.3 Simulating Motion Control

PLCSIM Advanced simulates the real CPU, but not configured, connected technology modules
or other I/O devices.
It is possible to download a STEP 7 project with technology modules for operation of motion
control. However, the built-in logic of the technology modules is not part of the simulation.
Therefore, the corresponding motion control instructions are not supported.
In contrast to a real CPU, S7-PLCSIM Advanced does not support isochronous mode for
centralized I/O in S7-1500 with local send clock.

OB 91 and OB 92
If you convert a Motion Control project which contains the OB 91 and OB 92 from
STEP 7 V13, then you cannot load this project to a PLCSIM Advanced.

Delete OB 91 and OB 92 in the project and recompile the project.
The OBs are thus created again with the simulation support required for PLCSIM Advanced.
Compilation resets the properties of the blocks to the default values.
Restore the required settings in the properties.

Why is the "Overflow" message for the OB MC-Servo [OB91] displayed in the diagnostic buffer of
the virtual controller S7-PLCSIM Advanced?
S7-PLCSIM Advanced provides you with the virtual controller of the S7-1500 hardware CPU.
The virtual controller allows you to run the firmware of the S7-1500 under the Windows
operating system.
The wide-ranging communication options and the functions of the API offer you integration
into existing simulation landscapes or co-simulation with other tools. The virtual controller
runs in the Windows environment with the following restrictions. The real hardware CPUs, on
the other hand, are designed for the maximum possible performance without the
compromises required by a general PC operating system.
If there are overflows of the OB MC-Servo [OB91] in the diagnostic buffer, the time for the
application cycle (ms) has been exceeded, because the calculation of this application cycle
could not be completed within the required time.

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5.3 Simulating Motion Control

The overflows of OB MC-Servo [OB91] in the diagnostic buffer decrease:
• When fewer additional Windows processes are executed
• When the computing power of the CPU is higher
Overflow detection is activated for S7-PLCSIM Advanced as of V3.0 for exact simulation of the
technology objects. If diagnostic buffer overflows occur on your PC for OB MC-Servo [OB91]
and your instance goes into the STOP mode, the following remedies are available to you:
1. Use the virtual time of S7-PLCSIM Advanced and start with the lowest possible scaling factor
for the virtual clock. Increase the value step-by-step until the first overflows occur in the
diagnostic buffer. Repeat this procedure until you have determined the maximum scaling
factor for which you do not yet get any overflows in the diagnostic buffer.
Information on the scaling factor can be found in section Speed up and slow down
simulation (Page 77).
2. Set a longer application cycle (ms) for the OB MC-Servo [OB91] in STEP 7.

Simulation with external simulation software

In a virtual S7-1500 controller, the technology objects are connected to the process image.
Simulation software can thus access the process image via the user interfaces (API) of
PLCSIM Advanced and simulate the behavior of the other connected axes.

Simulation mode in STEP 7

The simulation mode in STEP 7 is a standard function of the technology objects and is
independent of PLCSIM Advanced.
If you want to move an axis in simulation mode, select the "Activate simulation" check box in
STEP 7 under "Technology Object > Configuration> Basic Parameters > Simulation". No
additional setting is required for a virtual axis.

Feedback of the axis position

The speed setpoint of the simulated drive is integrated into the actual position value with a
time delay (PT1). The result of this calculation is returned to the technology object as position
actual value of the axis.

Reference point approach of the axis

If you selected "Use zero mark via PROFIdrive frame" in STEP 7 for the reference point
approach, PLCSIM Advanced responds immediately to any active (mode 2, 3, 8) or passive
(mode 4, 5) reference point approach command (MC_Home). The actual position is
predefined as the reference point.

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5.4 Simulating the SIMATIC Drive Controller

Additional information
You can find information on the technology functions of the CPU in the
S7-1500/S7-1500T Motion Control
( function manuals.
For more information, refer to the manuals of the supported SIMATIC controllers.

5.4 Simulating the SIMATIC Drive Controller

The SIMATIC Drive Controller is a drive-based controller in the SIMATIC S7-1500 range.
A SIMATIC Drive Controller combines the following functionalities in a SINAMICS S120
Booksize Compact housing:
• Fail-safe SIMATIC S7-1500 technology CPU with integrated technology I/Os
• SINAMICS S120 drive control
Both components are called "CPU" and "SINAMICS Integrated" in the documentation.
The SIMATIC Drive Controller supports PROFINET and PROFIBUS DP communication.

Supported SIMATIC Drive Controllers

S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 supports the SIMATIC Drive Controllers as of firmware version
• CPU 1504D TF (6ES7615-4DF10-0AB0)
• CPU 1507D TF (6ES7615-7DF10-0AB0)

Special features
Unlike other SIMATIC S7-1500 technology CPUs, the SIMATIC Drive Controllers also have:
• Integrated inputs/outputs (onboard I/O)
• Integrated drive control SINAMICS Integrated

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5.4 Simulating the SIMATIC Drive Controller

S7-PLCSIM Advanced only simulates the standard CPU functionality of the
SIMATIC Drive Controller.
Not simulated are:
• the technology functions of the onboard I/O
• the SINAMICS Integrated
The integrated inputs/outputs of the X122, X132 and X142 interfaces can only be simulated
as binary inputs/outputs.
Technological functions are not simulated, for example, Timer DI/DQ, Oversampling DI/DQ.
Channel parameter assignments, such as signal inversion, input delay and edge detection are
not possible.
The functionality of the SINAMICS Integrated is not simulated – but the SINAMICS Integrated
is shown as a valid node.
Simulations are possible as with SINAMICS S120 CU320-2 based on the drive telegrams (e.g.
by reading and forcing the telegram addresses).

Coupled isochronous mode

In coupled isochronous mode, the relevant clock systems use a shared system clock, for
example, from PROFINET IO or the local send clock of the technology I/Os. The leading clock
system provides its own system clock to the other clock systems.

Leading clock system
Clock synchronization with technology I/Os X142 (local send clock) as leading clock system is
not possible with S7-PLCSIM Advanced. In this case, you configure the PROFINET IO interface
X150 as leading clock system.

The information provided in the section Simulation of Motion Control (Page 69) still applies.

Additional information
The SIMATIC Drive Controller system manual
( describes in detail the
configuration, installation, wiring and commissioning of the SIMATIC Drive Controller. The
STEP 7 online help supports you in the configuration and programming.
The SIMATIC Drive Controller equipment manual
( contains a compact
description of the module-specific information, such as properties, wiring diagrams,
characteristics and technical specifications.

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5.5 Simulating a redundant S7-1500R/H system

5.5 Simulating a redundant S7-1500R/H system

In a redundant S7-1500R/H system, the CPUs are duplicated, in other words, redundant. The
two CPUs process the same project data and the same user program in parallel. The two CPUs
are synchronized over two redundancy connections. If one CPU fails, the other CPU maintains
control of the process.

Supported CPUs
PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 supports the R/H CPUs of the redundant S7-1500R/H system as of
firmware version V2.9 with the following functional restrictions:
• CPU 1513R-1 PN (6ES7513-1RL00-0AB0)
• CPU 1515R-2 PN (6ES7515-2RM00-0AB0)
• CPU 1515R-2 PN SIPLUS RAIL (6AG2 515-2RM00-4AB0)
• CPU 1515R-2 PN SIPLUS (6AG1 515-2RM00-7AB0)
• CPU 1517H-3 PN (6ES7517-3HP00-0AB0)
• CPU 1517H-3 PN SIPLUS (6AG1 517-3HP00-4AB0)
• CPU 1518HF-4 PN (6ES7518-4JP00-0AB0)

Supported operating and system states

Like standard S7-1500 CPUs, the S7-1500R/H CPUs have the operating states STOP, STARTUP
and RUN. For operation as a redundant system, one of the two CPUs can take on an
additional operating state, SYNCUP, for synchronizing the two subsystems. The RUN
operating state is divided into the following states for redundant systems:
• RUN-Syncup
• RUN-Redundant
The system states of the redundant S7-1500R/H system result from the combination of the
operating states of the individual CPUs as follows:
• RUN-Solo
• RUN-Redundant

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5.5 Simulating a redundant S7-1500R/H system

RUN-Solo system state is supported by PLCSIM Advanced
The simulation of a redundant S7-1500R/H system is possible in the RUN-Solo system state
(RUN operating state of the CPU). In the RUN operating state, the (leading) primary CPU
behaves just like an S7-1500 standard CPU. The MAINT LED on the CPU is always yellow
(maintenance request) because no partner CPU was found for redundant operation.
No simulation is possible with PLCSIM Advanced in redundant system operation.

Additional information
The Redundant system S7-1500R/H System Manual
( describes in detail the
configuration, installation, wiring and commissioning of the redundant S7-1500R/H system.
The STEP 7 online help supports you in the configuration and programming.
The equipment manuals of the R-, H- and HF-CPUs contain a compact description of the
module-specific information, such as properties, wiring diagrams, characteristics and
technical specifications of the CPUs.

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Virtual time response 6
The virtual controller uses internally two types of clocks for simulation: A virtual clock and a
real clock. The virtual clock is always the basis for the user program. It is used by components
that are relevant for running the STEP 7 user program, such as cyclic OBs, cycle time
monitoring, minimum cycle time, virtual system time and time calculations. Also, the time
between two cycle control points is measured in virtual time.
The virtual time can be accelerated or slowed for test purposes.
The real clock always runs unchanged. It is used by components that are not subject to
control processes, for example, communication with STEP 7.

Interruption of the process

Since PLCSIM Advanced runs in a Windows environment, Windows might temporarily
suspend the virtual controller process. In such a case, both the virtual and the real clock stop
in the virtual controller. They only continue to run when Windows resumes processing.

Virtual system time

When you start PLCSIM Advanced, the virtual system time of the virtual controller starts with
the system time of Windows.
The virtual system time is based on the virtual clock, i.e. if a scaling factor is used, the system
time runs correspondingly faster or slower.
All events that the virtual controller sends to the API provides a time stamp based on the
system time.

Difference between system time and local time
• System time: UTC ± 0 with daylight saving / standard time
• Local time: UTC ± time zone with daylight saving time / winter time

API functions
• GetSystemTime() (Page 249)
• SetSystemTime() (Page 250)
• SystemTime { get; set; } (Page 250)

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Virtual time response

Time offset

Keep in mind that the time information of virtual system time and real local time differs by
the time offset that is formed in addition to the selected scaling factor from the time zone
offset and the daylight saving time/standard time offset.

Scaling factor
Using a scaling factor, you can speed up or slow down the virtual clock of the virtual
controller for simulations.

To set the required scaling factor, enable the grayed out icon on the control panel to the
right of your PLCSIM Advanced instance. The symbol then becomes active and you can
use the scaling function.
• The default is 1, i.e. the course of the virtual time corresponds to the course of real time.
• Fast forward: A scaling factor greater than 1 accelerates the virtual clock.
Example: Scaling factor 2.0 → The virtual time is running twice as fast.
• Slow motion: A scaling factor less than 1 decelerates the virtual clock.
Example: Scaling factor 0.5 → The progress of the virtual time slows down to 50%.

API functions
• GetScaleFactor() (Page 250)
• SetScaleFactor() (Page 251)
• ScaleFactor { get; set; } (Page 252)

See also
Settings for the virtual time (Page 249)

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Virtual time response
6.1 Speed up and slow down simulation

6.1 Speed up and slow down simulation

Influence of fast forward and slow motion

Simulations can be accelerated and slowed down. Fast forward and slow motion only affects
time-based components, for example, cyclic OBs. Compared to the real time, they are
performed more frequently with fast forward and less frequently with slow motion.
Fast forward and slow motion do not change the execution speed of the CPU machine codes.
For example, the speed at which all operations of an OB1 cycle are executed does not
change. The execution speed depends on the processor of the PC on which the virtual
controller running. If you change the scaling factor, more or fewer cycle control points are
reached in a given period of virtual time.

The performance depends on the size of your project, among other things.
If the scaling factor is too high and the cycle-time monitoring indicates that the PC was
incapable of calculating the OB1 or cyclic OBs in the specified time, the virtual controller goes
to STOP.
Recommendation: To avoid this, start with a small scaling factor and gradually increase it
step-by-step while keeping the virtual controller in RUN.

If an overflow of events occurs, slow down the speed of the simulation. See Monitoring
overflow (Page 407) and Cycle control (Page 252).

Fast forward
To speed up the virtual time, select a scaling factor greater than 1 in the Control Panel or in
the API.

Slow motion
To slow down the virtual time, select a scaling factor less than 1 in the Control Panel or in the

API functions
• GetScaleFactor() (Page 250)
• SetScaleFactor() (Page 251)
• ScaleFactor { get; set; } (Page 252)

See also
Settings for the virtual time (Page 249)

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Virtual time response
6.2 Stop simulation

6.2 Stop simulation

Freeze state of the virtual controller

To stop a simulation and to synchronize a simulation partner, a virtual controller can be set to
a freeze state via the API. When the virtual controller has reached a synchronization point, it
sends the event OnSyncPointReached to the API clients.

Figure 6-1 Freeze state of the virtual controller

The following occurs in the freeze state:

• The virtual time is stopped.
• No OBs and no timers are running.
• The user program is no longer executed.
• The virtual controller is still accessible from the TIA Portal.
• The input and output data of the virtual controller are in a consistent state.

Freeze state during downloading
To complete a download in freeze state, the virtual controller must pass a cycle control point
at the end of the download.

Freeze-state ≠ operating state
The freeze state is an internal operating state of the virtual controller. It does not correspond
to RUN/STOP mode of a CPU. In the freeze state, the virtual controller maintains the last
operating state.
• The LED display on the Control Panel and on the Web server accordingly shows RUN or
STOP for instance.
• The instance shows the operating state SROS_FREEZE / Freeze, see EOperatingState
(Page 380).

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Virtual time response
6.2 Stop simulation

Synchronization points
A synchronization point always exists before inputs are read in, for example at the cycle
control point or at the beginning of a cyclic OB.

Figure 6-2 Overview of the synchronization points

Trigger freeze state

To trigger the freeze state, following modes are available for the virtual controller:
• SingleStep operating modes
See Synchronize simulation partner cycle-controlled (Page 80).
• TimespanSynchronized operating modes
See Synchronize simulation partner time-controlled (Page 82).
In Default operating mode, the virtual controller does not change into a freeze state.

API functions
• Settings for the cycle control (Page 252)
• GetOperatingMode() (Page 252)
• SetOperatingMode() (Page 253)
• OperatingMode { get; set; } (Page 253)
• EOperatingMode (Page 381)

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Virtual time response
6.3 Synchronize simulation partner

6.3 Synchronize simulation partner

6.3.1 Synchronize simulation partner cycle-controlled

SingleStep operating modes

Several simulation partners (clients) are synchronized cycle-controlled with the SingleStep
operating modes of the virtual controller. The operating modes define the synchronization
point at which the virtual controller changes to the freeze state and sends the
OnSyncPointReached event.

Table 6- 1 Cycle-controlled operating modes (SingleStep)

Operating mode Synchronization point Minimum cycle Send clock

Cycle control Before reading in time1 "Bus"2
point the process image
"C" "P" "T"
SingleStep_C ✓
SingleStep_P ✓
SingleStep_CP ✓ ✓
SingleStep_CT ✓ ✓
SingleStep_CPT ✓ ✓ ✓
SingleStep_Bus ✓
1 In addition, the minimum cycle time of the OB 1 is overwritten in this operating mode. When you
define a minimum cycle time of 200 ms via the API, the minimum distance between two cycle con-
trol points is 200 virtual milliseconds. The default setting is 100 ms.
2 Send clock that you can set in STEP 7 in the properties of the PROFINET interface of the CPU (Ad-
vanced options > Realtime settings > IO communication > Send clock)

API functions / events

• GetOverwrittenMinimalCycleTime_ns() (Page 254)
• SetOverwrittenMinimalCycleTime_ns() (Page 255)
• OverwrittenMinimalCycleTime_ns { get; set; } (Page 255)
• RunToNextSyncPoint() (Page 256)
• OnSyncPointReached (Page 292)
• EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32 (Page 325) /
Delegate_II_EREC_DT_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32 (Page 340)

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Virtual time response
6.3 Synchronize simulation partner

Terminating the freeze state

The RunToNextSyncPoint() function cancels the freeze state and induces the virtual
controller to continue running until the next synchronization point.
Switching to the Default operating mode also terminates the freeze state.

The figure schematically shows the sequence in the SingleStep_CP operating mode.
In addition to the OnSyncPointReached event the virtual controller also sends the virtual
time since the last synchronization point of the same process image partition ID or of any
process image partition ID has been reached (TimeSinceSameSyncPoint_ns /
The RunToNextSyncPoint() function cancels the freeze state.

Figure 6-3 Example: Sequence in the SingleStep_CP operating mode

Changing the settings in the watch table

Selecting triggers for monitoring of tags in the SingleStep operating modes
In TIA Portal the watch table in basic mode shows the values for outputs and bit memories
before the processing.
In order to display the tag values after the processing, select the extended mode for the
watch table and then select "Permanently, at end of scan cycle" in the "Monitor with trigger"

See also
Cycle control (Page 252)

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Virtual time response
6.3 Synchronize simulation partner

6.3.2 Synchronize simulation partner time-controlled

TimespanSynchronized operating modes

Several simulation partners (clients) are synchronized time-controlled with the
TimespanSynchronized operating modes of the virtual controller. The operating modes define
the synchronization point at which the virtual controller changes to the freeze state and
sends the OnSyncPointReached event.

Table 6- 2 Time-controlled operating modes (TimespanSynchronized)

Operating mode Synchronization point

Cycle control point Before reading in the process
image partition
"C" "P"
TimespanSynchronized_C ✓
TimespanSynchronized_CP ✓ ✓
TimespanSynchronized_P ✓

API functions / events

• Settings for cycle control (Page 252)
• StartProcessing() (Page 257)
• OnSyncPointReached (Page 292)

Terminating the freeze state

The StartProcessing(t) function cancels the freeze state and induces the virtual
controller to continue running at least as long as required (on the basis of the virtual time)
before it changes back to the freeze state at the next synchronization point.
Switching to the Default operating mode also terminates the freeze state.

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Virtual time response
6.3 Synchronize simulation partner

The figure schematically shows the sequence in the TimespanSynchronized_CP
operating mode.
In addition to the OnSyncPointReached event the virtual controller also sends the runtime
since the last call of the StartProcessing(t) (TimeSinceSameSyncPoint_ns /
TimeSinceAnySyncPoint_ns) function.
The StartProcessing() function cancels the freeze state.

Figure 6-4 Example: Sequence in the TimespanSynchronized_CP operating mode

At least two clients are synchronized on the basis of a virtual period for the time-controlled
operating modes. A client can be an instance of a virtual controller or an application that uses
the Runtime API (API client). The synchronization must be performed by a synchronization
The synchronization master instructs a client to run for a specific period. The time period is
specified by the master in nanoseconds. The client then runs for the expected period before
he goes into the freeze state at the next synchronization point. Before switching to the freeze
state, the client sends the master the exact amount of time that he currently needed.
Thereafter, the master signals the next client to catch up.

API client as master

The API client as master signals each client when it should start. The master receives events
from every client when they occur.
An API client can only "time manage" instances of a virtual controller. The API client does not
receive events from other API clients. It cannot send messages to other API clients.

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User interfaces (API) 7
7.1 Introduction

Components of the Simulation Runtime

The following components are relevant for handling the Simulation Runtime of PLCSIM

Table 7- 1 Components of the Simulation Runtime

Components Description
• "Siemens.Simatic.Simulation. A Windows process that runs in the background.
Main component of Runtime that manages all other
Runtime components.
The process is started automatically as soon as an applica-
tion attempts to initialize the Runtime API. It is ended auto-
matically as soon as there is no longer any application
running that initialized the Runtime API.
• "Siemens.Simatic.Simulation. The process of the instance that loads a DLL of a virtual
controller. Each virtual controller generates its own process.

• "Siemens.Simatic.Simulation. API libraries that must load an application to use the Simula-
tion Runtime. The libraries contain interfaces for native code
and managed code.
• "Siemens.Simatic.Simulation. The "Runtime.Api.x86.dll" is loaded exclusively by 32-bit
Runtime.Api.x64.dll" applications, and the "Runtime.Api.x64.dll" by 64-bit appli-
• "SimulationRuntimeApi.h" Header file that describes all data types that require a native
C++ application to use the API library.
• "Siemens.Simatic.PlcSim.Vplc1500. ODK client process for a CPU function library (original
Shared Object)"

• "Siemens.Simatic.PlcSim.Vplc1500. ODK client process for a 32-bit application


• "Siemens.Simatic.PlcSim.Vplc1500. ODK client process for a 64-bit application


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84 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

External applications and Simulation Runtime

The following figure schematically presents the access of external applications to Simulation
Runtime via the Runtime API. The Simulation Runtime Manager manages the Runtime
instances. These load the libraries of the virtual controllers.
An external application can be, for example, another simulation software or a graphical user
interface (GUI).

Figure 7-1 External applications and Simulation Runtime

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User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

7.1.1 Access to instances

Access via the Control Panel and the API

You can access only one instance that is available locally on the PC via the Control Panel. It
does not matter on which PC an instance was created and started. With distributed
communication, the Runtime API accesses the instance of the other PCs via the Simulation
Runtime Manager.

① Access to a local instance via the Control Panel

② Access to a remote instance on the Runtime API

Figure 7-2 Access to instances with distributed communication

API functions
• Table 7-6 Overview of IInstances functions - Native C++ (Page 90)
• Table 7-13 Overview of IInstances functions - .NET (C#) (Page 94)
• Table 7-8 Overview of IRemoteRuntimeManager functions - Native C++ (Page 92)
• Table 7-15 Overview of IRemoteRuntimeManager functions - .NET (C#) (Page 95)

See also
Overview of user interfaces for managed code (Page 93)

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User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

7.1.2 User interfaces (API)

The user interfaces of Simulation Runtime include functions you use, for example, to create
instances, to change the operating state of a virtual controller, or to exchange I/O data.
Simulation Runtime has the following user interfaces:
• ISimulationRuntimeManager
• IInstances
• IRemoteRuntimeManager

API and external applications

The Runtime API makes the interfaces available to an external application.

① ISimulationRuntimeManager
Interface of the Runtime Manager. It is used to register new Runtime instances, to search
through existing Runtime instances, and to receive an interface of a registered instance. Up to
16 instances can be registered in one Runtime Manager.
② IInstances
Interface of a Runtime instance. It is used to change the operating state of a virtual controller
and to exchange I/O data. Each instance has a unique name and an ID.

Figure 7-3 API and external applications

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User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

Access to API functions and data types

Required functions and data types are available for native C++ and .NET (C#).
• Overview of user interfaces for native C++ (Page 88)
• Overview of data types for native C++ (Page 96)
• Overview of user interfaces for managed code (Page 93)
• Overview of data types for managed code (Page 98)

The list of tables in this manual gives you direct access to the description of the individual
functions and data types.

Transfer parameters for API functions

All API functions that return a value using the function parameters expect a user-allocated
memory area as a transfer parameter. Zero pointers are not permitted. Exceptions to this are
the functions that return an interface of a virtual controller:
• An ISimulationRuntimeManager interface
• An IRemoteRuntimeManager interface
• An IInstance interface

7.1.3 Overview of user interfaces for native C++

Initializing and shutting down API

Table 7- 2 Overview of initializing and shutting down API - Native C++

Actions Functions
Initialize API InitializeApi (Page 100)
RuntimeApiEntry_Initialize (Page 102)
Shut down API (Page 104) DestroyInterface
RuntimeApiEntry DestroyInterface
Logging off API library FreeApi
(Page 107) ShutdownAndFreeApi

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88 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

Global functions

Table 7- 3 Overview of global functions - Native C++

Actions Functions
Global functions (Page 109) GetNameOfAreaSection()

API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Table 7- 4 Overview of API ISimulationRuntimeManager functions - Native C++

Settings Functions
Interface (Page 114) GetVersion()
Simulation Runtime instances GetRegisteredInstancesCount()
(Page 118) GetRegisteredInstanceInfoAt()
Remote connections OpenPort()
(Page 124) ClosePort()

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 89
User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

Table 7- 5 Overview of API ISimulationRuntimeManager events - Native C++

Events Functions
OnConfigurationChanged RegisterOnConfigurationChangedCallback()
(Page 132) UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedCallback()
OnRuntimeManagerLost RegisterOnRuntimeManagerLostCallback()
(Page 134) UnregisterOnRuntimeManagerLostCallback()
OnAutodiscover (Page 137) RegisterOnAutodiscoverCallback()

API IInstances

Table 7- 6 Overview of IInstances functions - Native C++

Settings Functions
Interface (Page 138) GetID()
Controller (Page 144) GetControllerName()
Operating state (Page 156) PowerOn()
Tag list (Page 167) UpdateTagList()
I/O access via address - Reading GetAreaSize()
(Page 174) ReadBit()

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90 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

Settings Functions
I/O access via address - Writing WriteBit()
(Page 183) WriteByte()
I/O access via tag name - Read- Read()
ing (Page 189) ReadBool()
ReadChar(), ReadWChar()
ReadInt8(), ReadInt16(), ReadInt32(), ReadInt64()
ReadUInt8(), ReadUInt16(), ReadUInt32(), Rea-
I/O access via tag name - Writ- Write()
ing (Page 220) WriteBool()
WriteChar(), WriteWChar()
WriteInt8(), WriteInt16(), WriteInt32(),
WriteUInt8(), WriteUInt16(), WriteUInt32(),
Virtual time (Page 249) GetSystemTime()
Cycle control (Page 252) GetOperatingMode()
Acyclic services (Page 261)

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 91
User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

Table 7- 7 Overview of IInstances events - Native C++

Events Functions
OnOperatingStateChanged RegisterOnOperatingStateChangedCallback()
(Page 281) UnregisterOnOperatingStateChangedCallback()
OnLedChanged (Page 285) RegisterOnLedChangedCallback()
OnConfigurationChanging RegisterOnConfigurationChangingCallback()
(Page 287) UnregisterOnConfigurationChangingCallback()
OnConfigurationChanged RegisterOnConfigurationChangedCallback()
(Page 290) UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedCallback()
OnSyncPointReached RegisterOnSyncPoin-
(Page 292) back()RegisterOnSyncPointReachedEvent()UnregisterO

API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Table 7- 8 Overview of IRemoteRuntimeManager functions - Native C++

Settings Functions
Interface (Page 304) GetVersion()
Simulation Runtime instances GetRegisteredInstancesCount()
(Page 309) GetRegisteredInstanceInfoAt()

Table 7- 9 Overview of IRemoteRuntimeManager events - Native C++

Events Functions
OnConnectionLost (Page 317) RegisterOnConnectionLostCallback()

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92 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

7.1.4 Overview of user interfaces for managed code

Initializing and shutting down API

Table 7- 10 Overview of initializing and shutting down API - .NET (C#)

Actions Functions
Initialize API (Page 104) Sie-
Shut down API (Page 109)

API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Table 7- 11 Overview of ISimulationRuntimeManager functions - .NET (C#)

Settings Functions
Interface (Page 114) Version { get; }
IsInitialized { get; }
IsRuntimeManagerAvailable { get; }
StrictMotionTiming { get; set; }
Simulation Runtime instances RegisterInstanceInfo { get; }
(Page 118) RegisterInstance()
Remote connections OpenPort()
(Page 124) ClosePort()
Port { get; }
RemoteConnectionInfo { get; }

Table 7- 12 Overview of ISimulationRuntimeManager events - .NET (C#)

Events Functions
OnConfigurationChanged OnConfigurationChanged
(Page 132) RegisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent()
OnRuntimeManagerLost OnRuntimeManagerLost()
(Page 134) RegisterOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent()
OnAutodiscover (Page 137) OnAutodiscoverData

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 93
User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

API IInstances

Table 7- 13 Overview of IInstances functions - .NET (C#)

Settings Functions
Interface (Page 138) Dispose ()
ID { get; }
Name { get; }
CPUType { get; set; }
CommunicationInterface { get; }
Info { get; }
StrictMotionTiming { get; set; }
Controller - Information and ControllerName { get; }
settings (Page 144) ControllerShortDesignation { get; }
ControllerIPSuite4 { get; }
StoragePath { get; set; }
Operating state (Page 156) PowerOn()
OperatingState { get; }
Tag list (Page 167) UpdateTagList()
TagInfos { get; }
I/O access via address - Reading InputArea | MarkerArea | OutputArea { get; }
(Page 174) AreaSize { get; }
I/O access via address - Writing WriteBit()
(Page 183) WriteByte()
I/O access via tag name - Read- Read()
ing (Page 189) ReadBool()
ReadChar(), ReadWChar()
ReadInt8(), ReadInt16(), ReadInt32(), ReadInt64()
ReadUInt8(), ReadUInt16(), ReadUInt32(), Rea-
I/O access via tag name - Writ- Write()
ing (Page 220) WriteBool()
WriteChar(), WriteWChar()
WriteInt8(), WriteInt16(), WriteInt32(),
WriteUInt8(), WriteUInt16(), WriteUInt32(),

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94 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

Settings Functions
Virtual time (Page 249) SystemTime { get; set; }
ScaleFactor { get; set; }
Cycle control (Page 252) OperatingMode { get; set; }
IsSendSyncEventInDefaultModeEnabled { get; set; }
OverwrittenMinimalCycleTime_ns { get; set; }
Acyclic services (Page 261)

Table 7- 14 Overview of IInstances events - .NET (C#)

Events Functions
OnOperatingStateChanged OnOperatingStateChanged
(Page 281) RegisterOnOperatingStateChangedEvent()
OnLedChanged (Page 285) OnLedChanged
OnConfigurationChanging OnConfigurationChanging
(Page 287) RegisterOnConfigurationChangingEvent()
OnConfigurationChanged OnConfigurationChanged
(Page 290) RegisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent()
OnSyncPointReached OnSyncPointReached
(Page 292) RegisterOnSyncPointReachedEvent()

API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Table 7- 15 Overview of IRemoteRuntimeManager functions - .NET (C#)

Settings Functions
Interface (Page 304) Dispose()
Version { get; }
IP { get; }
Port { get; }
RemoteComputerName { get; }
StrictMotionTiming { get; set; }
Simulation Runtime instances RegisterInstanceInfo { get; }
(Page 118) RegisterInstance()

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 95
User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

Table 7- 16 Overview IRemoteRuntimeManager events - .NET (C#)

Events Functions
OnConnectionLost() OnConnectionLost()
(Page 317) RegisterOnConnectionLostEvent()

7.1.5 Overview of data types for native C++

The following table shows which data types are available for the simulation in Runtime

Table 7- 17 Overview of data types - Native C++

Data type
DLL import functions ApiEntry_Initialize
(Page 321) ApiEntry_DestroyInterface
Event callback functions EventCallback_VOID
(Page 322) EventCallback_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32
Definitions and constants (Page 349)
Unions (Page 350) UIP

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96 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

Data type
Structures (Page 353) SDataValue
Enumerations (Page 375) ERuntimeErrorCode

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 97
User interfaces (API)
7.1 Introduction

7.1.6 Overview of data types for managed code

The following table shows which data types are available for the simulation in Runtime

Table 7- 18 Overview of data types - .NET (C#)

Data type
Delegate definitions Delegate_Void
(Page 335) Delegate_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32
- Event handler methods Delegate_SRRSI_AD
Delegate SREC ST UINT32
Definitions and constants (Page 349)
Structures (Page 353) SDataValue

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User interfaces (API)
7.2 Initialize API

Data type
Enumerations (Page 374) ERuntimeErrorCode

7.2 Initialize API

7.2.1 Load API library

For PLCSIM Advanced, the interfaces of the API V4.0 are not compatible with the interfaces of
previous API versions. However, the Runtime Manager of PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 is
compatible with the API of previous PLCSIM Advanced versions.
Earlier versions of the API are also installed during the installation of PLCSIM Advanced V4.0.
The default path is:
• C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Siemens\PLCSIMADV\API\1.0
• C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Siemens\PLCSIMADV\API\2.0
• C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Siemens\PLCSIMADV\API\2.1
• C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Siemens\PLCSIMADV\API\3.0
• C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Siemens\PLCSIMADV\API\4.0
The installation path of PLCSIM Advanced is contained in the registry:
• Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Siemens\Shared
• Value: "Path"
To maintain the path to the API, add the character string of the following subdirectory at the
end: "API\<API version>" (e.g. "API\4.0").
When you use this path the API library (DLL) is loaded directly from the installation directory.

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 99
User interfaces (API)
7.2 Initialize API

Additional information can be found in:
• For Native C++ in section InitializeApi() (Page 100).
• For .NET via the call of the function "System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(string)" in the
online documentation for MSDN.

7.2.2 Native C++ InitializeApi()

The InitializeApi function loads the API library (DLL) and initializes the API. The function
loads the version of the DLL that is compatible with the architecture of your application and
which is also compatible with the header file of the API ("SimulationRuntimeApi.h").
To load the DLL, the function InitializeApi searches in the following directories one after
the other:
• In the directory to which the parameter of the function leads
• In the directory of your application that calls this function.
• In the installation directory of PLCSIM Advanced
If no DLL is available, the function accesses the next directory.

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User interfaces (API)
7.2 Initialize API

The function returns an interface to the Simulation Runtime Manager. Use this interface to
create a new instance of the virtual controller or to obtain access to an existing instance.

Table 7- 19 InitializeApi() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode InitializeApi(

ERuntimeErrorCode InitializeApi(
WCHAR* in_SimulationRuntimeApiDllPath,
ISimulationRuntimeManager** in-
Parameters • ISimulationRuntimeManager**

Pointer to a Runtime Manager interface pointer. The pointer must be initial-

ized with NULL. The interface is created within the function. See Data types
(Page 320).
• WCHAR* in_SimulationRuntimeApiDllPath:

The path to the Runtime API library.

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The pointer to the Runtime Manager interface
does not equal NULL.
SREC_WRONG_VERSION • The required version of the interface is
incompatible with the version used to
compile the API.

The version of the API is not compatible
with Runtime.
See Compatibility during upgrade (Page 17).
SREC_CONNECTION_ERROR Unable to establish a connection to the
Runtime Manager.
SREC_ERROR_LOADING_DLL The API library cannot be loaded.
SREC_RUNTIME_NOT_AVAILAB No Runtime Manager runs in this Windows
user session.
SREC_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR Operation regarding the configuration file
"UserInterfaceConfiguration.xml" has failed,
for example, create, read, write.
Example C++ // Include The Headerfile Of The API
#include "SimulationRuntimeApi.h"

// Prepare The Variables

ERuntimeErrorCode result = SREC_INVALID_ERROR_CODE;
ISimulationRuntimeManager* api = NULL;

// Initialize The API And Get The RuntimeManager Interface

result = InitializeApi(&api);

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 101
User interfaces (API)
7.2 Initialize API

If you no longer require the interface, delete it.
See DestroyInterface() (Page 105). RuntimeApiEntry_Initialize

Use the function RuntimeApiEntry_Initialize only if the API library (DLL) is to be
loaded from a different directory than the directory of your application that calls this
When the API is initialized, the API library is first loaded and the Initialize function is then
imported and called.
The function returns an interface to the Simulation Runtime Manager. Use this interface to
create a new instance of the virtual controller or to obtain access to an existing instance.
Table 7- 20 RuntimeApiEntry_Initialize - Native C++

Syntax __declspec(dllexport) ERuntimeErrorCode RuntimeA-

UINT32 in_InterfaceVersion
Parameters • ISimulationRuntimeManager**

Pointer to a Runtime Manager interface pointer. The pointer must be initial-

ized with NULL. The interface is created within the function. See Data types
(Page 320).
• UINT32 in_InterfaceVersion:

Version of the API interface to be downloaded:

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The pointer to the Runtime Manager interface
does not equal NULL.
SREC_WRONG_VERSION • The required version of the interface is
incompatible with the version used to
compile the API.
• The version of the API is not compatible
with Runtime.
See Compatibility during upgrade (Page 17).
SREC_CONNECTION_ERROR Unable to establish a connection to the
Runtime Manager.
SREC_RUNTIME_NOT_AVAILAB No Runtime Manager runs in this Windows
user session.
SREC_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR Operation regarding the configuration file
"UserInterfaceConfiguration.xml" has failed,
for example, create, read, write.

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User interfaces (API)
7.2 Initialize API

Example C++ // Include The Headerfile Of The API

#include "SimulationRuntimeApi.h"

// Prepare The Variables

ERuntimeErrorCode result = SREC_INVALID_ERROR_CODE;
HMODULE dllHandle = NULL;
ApiEntry_Initialize Initialize = NULL;
ISimulationRuntimeManager* api = NULL;

// Load The DLL And Import The "Initialize" Function (using

the Win32 API)
dllHandle = LoadLibrary(DAPI_DLL_NAME_X86);
if (dllHandle != NULL)
Initialize = (ApiEntry_Initialize)GetProcAddress(dllHandle,

// Initialize The API And Get The RuntimeManager Interface

if ( Initialize != NULL )
result = Initialize(&api, DAPI_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION);

If you no longer require the interface, delete it.
See DestroyInterface() (Page 105).

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User interfaces (API)
7.3 Shut down API

7.2.3 .NET (C#) Initialize

The entry point to the API is the static class
The API is initialized when a function of this class is used the first time.

Table 7- 21 Initialize - .NET (C#)

Exceptions Sie-
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- Unable to establish a connection to the Runtime
ERuntimeError- The version of the API is not compatible with
See Compatibility during upgrade (Page 17).
ERuntimeError- No Runtime Manager runs in this Windows user
e session.
ERuntimeError- Operation regarding the configuration file
"UserInterfaceConfiguration.xml" has failed, for
example, create, read, write.

7.3 Shut down API

7.3.1 Native C++

Basic procedure for deleting the user interfaces

To delete all user interfaces, generally follow these steps:
1. Delete the interfaces IInstances and IRemoteRuntimeManager.
2. Call the Shutdown() function of the ISimulationRuntimeManager interface.
3. Delete the ISimulationRuntimeManager interface.
4. Unload the API library (DLL) with the Win32 API-Funktion FreeLibrary().

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User interfaces (API)
7.3 Shut down API

Deleting the user interfaces via functions

Deleting the user interfaces is also possible via functions.
If the API was initialized using the InitializeApi() function, you delete the user
interfaces using the following functions:
• FreeApi() (Page 107)
• ShutdownAndFreeApi() (Page 108) DestroyInterface()

A function pointer to the RuntimeApiEntry_DestroyInterface function. The function
pointer DestoyInterface() is only valid if the InitializeApi function has been
successfully called.
The function unloads the memory of an ISimulationRuntimeManager,
IRemoteRuntimeManager or IInstance interface.

Table 7- 22 DestroyInterface() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode DestroyInterface(

IBaseInterface* in_Interface
Parameters • IBaseInterface* in_Interface:

The interface to be deleted.

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The pointer to the interface is NULL.
Example C++ // Include The Headerfile Of The API
#include "SimulationRuntimeApi.h"

// The Interfaces
ERuntimeErrorCode result;
ISimulationRuntimeManager* api = NULL;
IInstance* instance = NULL;

// Init the DLL and create an instance

result = InitializeApi(&api);
result = api->RegisterInstance(&instance);

// Destroy Instance Interfaces

result = DestroyInterface(instance);
instance = NULL;

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 105
User interfaces (API)
7.3 Shut down API RuntimeApiEntry_DestroyInterface

Use the RuntimeApiEntry_DestroyInterface function only if the API library (DLL) is to
be loaded from a different directory than the Startup directory of the application that calls
this function.
If the API was initialized using the InitializeApi function, you select the
DestroyInterface() (Page 105) function.
The function unloads the memory of an ISimulationRuntimeManager,
IRemoteRuntimeManager or IInstance interface.

Table 7- 23 RuntimeApiEntry_DestroyInterface() - Native C++

Syntax __declspec(dllexport) ERuntimeErrorCode RuntimeA-

IBaseInterface* in_Interface
Parameters • IBaseInterface* in_Interface:

The interface to be deleted.

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The pointer to the interface is NULL.
Example C++ // Include The Headerfile Of The API
#include "SimulationRuntimeApi.h"

// Prepare The Variables

ERuntimeErrorCode result = SREC_INVALID_ERROR_CODE;
HMODULE dllHandle = NULL;
ApiEntry_DestroyInterface Destroy = NULL;
IInstance* instance = NULL;

// Load The DLL And Import The “DestroyInterface” Function

(using the Win32 API)
dllHandle = LoadLibraryA(DAPI_DLL_NAME_X86);
if ( dllHandle != NULL )
Destroy = (ApiEntry_ DestroyInter-

// Frees the memory of an IInstance interface
result = Destroy(instance);

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106 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.3 Shut down API FreeApi()

The FreeApi() function unloads the library of the Runtime API.
This function can only be called after the successful call of the InitializeApi function. If
the InitializeApi function was not called, the library must be unloaded using the
Win32 API function FreeLibrary().

Table 7- 24 FreeApi() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode FreeApi();

Parameters None
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_API_NOT_INITIALIZED The InitializeApi function was not called
Example C++ // Include The Headerfile Of The API
#include "SimulationRuntimeApi.h"

// The Interfaces
ERuntimeErrorCode result;
ISimulationRuntimeManager* api = NULL;
IInstance* instance = NULL;

// Init the API

result = InitializeApi(&api);

// Shutdown The API

result = DestroyInterface(api);
api = NULL;
result = FreeApi();

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User interfaces (API)
7.3 Shut down API ShutdownAndFreeApi()

The ShutdownAndFreeApi() function shuts down the Runtime API, deletes the
IRuntimeManager interface and unloads the library of the Runtime API.
This function can only be called after the successful call of the InitializeApi function. If
the InitializeApi function was not called, the library must be unloaded using the
Win32 API-Funktion FreeLibrary().

Table 7- 25 ShutdownAndFreeApi() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ShutdownAndFreeApi(

Parameters • ISimulationRuntimeManager*

The interface of the Runtime Manager to be deleted.

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_API_NOT_INITIALIZED The InitializeApi function was not called
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The pointer to the interface is NULL.
Example C++ // Include The Headerfile Of The API
#include "SimulationRuntimeApi.h"

// The Interfaces
ERuntimeErrorCode result;
ISimulationRuntimeManager* api = NULL;
IInstance* instance = NULL;

// Init the API

result = InitializeApi(&api);

// Shutdown The API

result = ShutdownAndFreeApi(api);
api = NULL;

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User interfaces (API)
7.4 Global functions (Native C++)

7.3.2 .NET (C#) Shut down API

You can terminate the .NET components of the API for the IInstance and
IRemoteRuntimeManager interfaces by calling the Dispose (Page 138) function.
In addition these interfaces can also be cleared automatically by the .NET Garbage Collector.

Manually clearing the API

To manually clear the API, follow these steps:
1. Delete all interfaces. Interfaces - Information and settings (Page 138)
2. Call the Shutdown() (Page 114) function of the ISimulationRuntimeManager interface.

7.4 Global functions (Native C++)

The global functions GetNameOf... return the name of the enumeration entry
(const WCHAR*).


Table 7- 26 GetNameOfAreaSection() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfAreaSection(

EArea in_AreaSection
Parameters EArea in_AreaSection: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 27 GetNameOfCPUType() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfCPUType(

ECPUType in_CPUType
Parameters ECPUType in_CPUType: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
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User interfaces (API)
7.4 Global functions (Native C++)


Table 7- 28 GetNameOfCommunicationInterface() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfCommunicationInterface(

ECommunicationInterface in_CommunicationInterface
Parameters ECommunicationInterface in_CommunicationInterface:
Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 29 GetNameOfDataType() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfDataType(

EDataType in_DataType
Parameters EDataType in_DataType: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 30 GetNameOfErrorCode() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfErrorCode(

ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode
Parameters ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 31 GetNameOfLEDMode() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfLEDMode(

ELEDMode in_LEDMode
Parameters ELEDMode in_LEDMode: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 32 GetNameOfLEDType() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfLEDType(

ELEDType in_LEDType
Parameters ELEDType in_LEDType: Enumeration entry.
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry

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User interfaces (API)
7.4 Global functions (Native C++)


Table 7- 33 GetNameOfOperatingMode() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfOperatingMode(

EOperatingMode in_OperatingMode
Parameters EOperatingMode in_OperatingMode: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 34 GetNameOfErrorCode() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfErrorCode(

ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode
Parameters ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 35 GetNameOfOperatingState() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfOperatingState(

EOperatingState in_OperatingState
Parameters EOperatingState in_OperatingState: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 36 GetNameOfPrimitiveDataType() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfPrimitiveDataType(

EPrimitiveDataType in_DataType
Parameters EPrimitiveDataType in_DataType: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 37 GetNameOfTagListDetails() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfTagListDetails(

ETagListDetails in_TagListDetails
Parameters ETagListDetails in_TagListDetails: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry

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User interfaces (API)
7.4 Global functions (Native C++)


Table 7- 38 GetNameOfRuntimeConfigChanged() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfRuntimeConfigChanged(

ERuntimeConfigChanged in_RuntimeConfigChanged);
Parameters ERuntimeConfigChanged in_RuntimeConfigChanged:
Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 39 GetNameOfInstanceConfigChanged() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfInstanceConfigChanged(

EInstanceConfigChanged in_InstanceConfigChanged);
Parameters EInstanceConfigChanged in_InstanceConfigChanged:
Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 40 GetNameOfDirection() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfDirection(

EDirection in_Direction
Parameter EDirection in_Direction: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 41 GetNameOfDiagSeverity() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfDiagSeverity(

EDiagSeverity in_DiagSeverity
Parameter EDiagSeverity in_DiagSeverity: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 42 GetNameOfRackOrStationFaultType() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfRackOrStationFaultType(

ERackOrStationFaultType in_RackOrStationFaultType
Parameter ERackOrStationFaultType in_RackOrStationFaultType:
Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry

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User interfaces (API)
7.4 Global functions (Native C++)


Table 7- 43 GetNameOfProcessEventType() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR*(GetNameOfProcessEventType(

EProcessEventType in_ProcessEventType
Parameters EProcessEventType in_ProcessEventType: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 44 GetNameOfPullOrPlugEventType() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfPullOrPlugEventType(

EPullOrPlugEventType in_PullOrPlugEventType
Parameters EPullOrPlugEventType in_PullOrPlugEventType:
Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 45 GetNameOfCycleTimeMonitoringMode() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfCycleTimeMonitoringMode(

ECycleTimeMonitoringMode in_CycleTimeMonitoringMode
Parameters ECycleTimeMonitoringMode in_CycleTimeMonitoringMode:
Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 46 GetNameOfDiagProperty() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfDiagProperty(

EDiagProperty in_DiagProperty
Parameters EDiagProperty in_DiagProperty: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry


Table 7- 47 GetNameOfAutodiscoverType() - Native C++

Syntax const WCHAR* GetNameOfAutodiscoverType(

EAutodiscoverType in_AutodiscoverType
Parameters EAutodiscoverType in_AutodiscoverType: Enumeration entry
Return values const WCHAR*: Name of the enumeration entry

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User interfaces (API)
7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

See also
EPrimitiveDataType (Page 385)
EDataType (Page 388)
Enumerations (Page 374)

7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

7.5.1 Interfaces - Information and settings

GetVersion() / Version { get; }

Returns the version of Runtime Manager. If the function fails, version 0.0 is returned.

Table 7- 48 GetVersion() - Native C++

Syntax UINT32 GetVersion();

Parameters None
Return values UINT32: Runtime Manager Version (HIWORD = Major, LOWORD = Minor)

Table 7- 49 Version { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax UInt32 Version { get; }

Parameters None
Return values Uint32: Runtime Manager Version (HIWORD = Major, LOWORD = Minor)

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

IsInitialized() / IsInitialized { get; }

Returns a value that indicates whether the API was successfully initialized.

Table 7- 50 IsInitialized() - Native C++

Syntax bool IsInitialized();

Parameters None
Return values • false: If the API was not initialized.
• true: If the API was initialized.

Table 7- 51 IsInitialized { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool IsInitialized { get; }

Parameters None
Return values • false: If the API was not initialized.
• true: If the API was initialized.

IsRuntimeManagerAvailable() / IsRuntimeManagerAvailable { get; }

The function returns false when the connection to Runtime Manager is interrupted. This
happens only when the Runtime Manager process is closed.
Subscribe to the OnRuntimeManagerLost() event to find out whether the connection is
interrupted. See Events (Page 131).

Table 7- 52 IsRuntimeManagerAvailable() - Native C++

Syntax bool IsRuntimeManagerAvailable();

Parameters None
Return values • false: If the connection is interrupted.
• true: If the connection is active.

Table 7- 53 IsRuntimeManagerAvailable { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool IsRuntimeManagerAvailable{ get; }

Parameters None
Return values • false: If the connection is interrupted.
• true: If the connection is active.

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User interfaces (API)
7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Ends communication with Runtime Manager and clears the interfaces.
Call this function in the following cases:
• Immediately before the API library (DLL) is unregistered (native C++).
• When your application is no longer using Runtime Manager.

Table 7- 54 Shutdown() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode Shutdown()

Parameters None
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.

Table 7- 55 Shutdown() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void Shutdown()

Parameters None
Return values None

GetStrictMotionTiming() / StrictMotionTiming { get; }

Returns the current global setting for the "Strict Motion Timing" feature that has an effect on
newly created instances.

Table 7- 56 GetStrictMotionTiming() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetStrictMotionTiming(bool* enabled);

Parameters bool* enabled:
Receives the current setting.
true: Active
false: Inactive
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR The setting could not be read from the
configuration file UserInterfaceConfigura-

Table 7- 57 StrictMotionTiming { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool StrictMotionTiming { get; }

Parameters None
Return values Sie-
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The setting could not be read from the
configuration file UserInterfaceConfigu-

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

SetStrictMotionTiming() / StrictMotionTiming { set; }

Sets the global setting for the "Strict Motion Timing" feature that has an effect on newly
created instances.

Table 7- 58 SetStrictMotionTiming() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode SetStrictMotionTiming(bool enable);

Parameters bool enable:
The value to be set.
true: Active
false: Inactive
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_ALREADY_EXISTS An instance is registered. No instance must
be registered to change the setting.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_ACCESS_DENIED No write rights for the configuration file.
SREC_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR The setting could not be written to the
configuration file UserInterfaceConfigura-

Table 7- 59 StrictMotionTiming { set; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool StrictMotionTiming { set; }

Parameters None
Return values Sie-
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- An instance is registered. No instance
must be registered to change the set-
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- No write rights for the configuration
ERuntimeError- The setting could not be written to the
configuration file UserInterfaceConfigu-

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User interfaces (API)
7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

7.5.2 Simulation Runtime instances

Returns the number of instances that are registered in Runtime Manager. If the function fails,
the return value is 0.

Table 7- 60 GetRegisteredInstancesCount() - Native C++

Syntax UINT32 GetRegisteredInstancesCount();

Parameters None
Return values UINT32: Number of available instances.

Returns information about an already registered instance. You can use the ID or name to
create an interface of this instance, see CreateInterface().

Table 7- 61 GetRegisteredInstanceInfoAt() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetRegisteredInstanceInfoAt(

UINT32 in_Index,
SInstanceInfo* out_InstanceInfo
Parameters • UINT32 in_Index:

Index of the created instance from which you want to receive the information.
The index must be less than the value you receive when you call GetRegis-
• SInstanceInfo* out_InstanceInfo:

The information with name and ID of the instance. See Data types (Page 349).
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST There is no instance information for this
SREC_INDEX OUT_OF_RANGE The index is greater than 15.

RegisteredInstanceInfo { get; }
Returns information about all already registered instances. Use the ID or name of this
instance to create an interface of this instance, see CreateInterface().

Table 7- 62 RegisteredInstanceInfo { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax SInstanceInfo[] RegisteredInstanceInfo { get; }

Parameters None
Return values SInstanceInfo[]: An array of information about all registered instances.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

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User interfaces (API)
7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Registers a new instance of a virtual controller in Runtime Manager. Creates and returns an
interface of this instance.

Table 7- 63 RegisterInstance() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode RegisterInstance(

IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
ERuntimeErrorCode RegisterInstance(
WCHAR* in_InstanceName,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
ERuntimeErrorCode RegisterInstance(
ECPUType in_CPUType,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
ERuntimeErrorCode RegisterInstance(
ECPUType in_CPUType,
WCHAR* in_InstanceName,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
Parameters • ECPUType in_CPUType:

Defines which CPU type is simulated at the start of the instance. The default set-
ting is "SRCT_1500_Unspecified".

When a different CPU type is loaded via STEP 7 or from the Virtual SIMATIC
Memory Card, this CPU type applies.
• WCHAR* in_InstanceName:

Name to be assigned to the instance. Every instance must have a unique name.
If no name is assigned when registering a new instance, the instance is given
the name "Instance_#" (# is the ID of the instance). If this name already ex-
ists, the name "Instance_#.#" is used, in which the second # is a counter
that is incremented until the name is unique. The length of the name must be
less than DINSTANCE_NAME_LENGTH. See Data types (Page 349).
• IInstance** out_InstanceInterface:

Pointer to a Simulation Runtime interface pointer. The pointer must be initial-

ized with ZERO. The interface is created within the function.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The name or the IInstance pointer is inva-
SREC_LIMIT_REACHED There are already 16 instances registered
in Runtime Manager.
SREC_ALREADY_EXISTS An instance with this name already exists.
Example C++ ISimulationRuntimeManager * api = ZERO;
ERuntimeErrorCode result = Initialize(&api);
// Example: How To Create And Register An Instance
IInstance* psa = ZERO;
if (result == SREC_OK)
result = api->RegisterInstance(&psa);

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User interfaces (API)
7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Native C++
If you no longer require the interface, delete it.
See DestroyInterface() (Page 105).

Table 7- 64 RegisterInstance() - .NET (C#)

Syntax IInstance RegisterInstance();

IInstance RegisterInstance(
string in_InstanceName
IInstance RegisterInstance(
ECPUType in_CPUType
IInstance RegisterInstance(
ECPUType in_CPUType
string in_InstanceName
Parameters • ECPUType in_CPUType:

Defines which CPU type is simulated at the start of the instance. The default set-
ting is "ECPUType.Unspecified".

When a different CPU type is loaded via STEP 7 or from the Virtual SIMATIC
Memory Card, this CPU type applies.
• string in_InstanceName:

Name to be assigned to the instance. Every instance must have a unique name.
If no name is assigned when registering a new instance, the instance is given
the name "Instance_#" (# is the ID of the instance). If this name already ex-
ists, the name "Instance_#.#" is used, in which the second # is a counter
that is incremented until the name is unique. The length of the name must be
less than DINSTANCE_NAME_LENGTH. See Data types (Page 349).
Return values If the function is successful, an interface of a virtual controller, otherwise a null
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The name is invalid.
ERuntimeError- There are already 16 instances registered
in Runtime Manager.
ERuntimeError- An instance with this name already exists.

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120 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Registers a new instance of a virtual controller in Runtime Manager. Creates and returns an
interface of this instance.

Table 7- 65 RegisterCustomInstance() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode RegisterCustomInstance(

WCHAR* in_VplcDll,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
ERuntimeErrorCode RegisterCustomInstance(
WCHAR* in_VplcDll,
WCHAR* in_InstanceName,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
Parameters • WCHAR* in_VplcDll:

The complete path to the DLL of the virtual controller that "Sie-
mens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.Instance.exe" loads at PowerOn.
• WCHAR* in_InstanceName:

Name to be assigned to the instance. Every instance must have a unique name.
If no name is assigned when registering a new instance, the instance is given
the name "Instance_#" (# is the ID of the instance). If this name already ex-
ists, the name "Instance_#.#" is used, in which the second # is a counter
that is incremented until the name is unique. The length of the name must be
less than DINSTANCE_NAME_LENGTH. See Data types (Page 349).
• IInstance** out_InstanceInterface:

Pointer to a Simulation Runtime interface pointer. The pointer must be initial-

ized with ZERO. The interface is created within the function.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The DLL name, the instance name or the
IInstance pointer is invalid.
SREC_LIMIT_REACHED There are already 16 instances registered
in Runtime Manager.
SREC_ALREADY_EXISTS An instance with this name already exists.
Example C++ ISimulationRuntimeManager * api = ZERO;
ERuntimeErrorCode result = Initialize(&api);
// Example: How To Create And Register An Instance
IInstance* psa = ZERO;
if (result == SREC_OK)
result = api->RegisterCustomInstance(L"C:\\Temp\\vplc.dll");

Native C++
If you no longer require the interface, delete it.
See DestroyInterface() (Page 105).

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User interfaces (API)
7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Table 7- 66 RegisterCustomInstance() - .NET (C#)

Syntax IInstance RegisterCustomInstance(

string in_VplcDll
IInstance RegisterCustomInstance(
string in_VplcDll,
string in_InstanceName
Parameters • string in_VplcDll:

The complete path to the DLL of the virtual controller that "Sie-
mens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.Instance.exe" loads at PowerOn.
• string in_InstanceName:

Name to be assigned to the instance. Every instance must have a unique name.
If no name is assigned when registering a new instance, the instance is given
the name "Instance_#" (# is the ID of the instance). If this name already ex-
ists, the name "Instance_#.#" is used, in which the second # is a counter
that is incremented until the name is unique. The length of the name must be
less than DINSTANCE_NAME_LENGTH. See Data types (Page 349).
Return values If the function is successful, an interface of a virtual controller; otherwise a Null
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The name or the ID is invalid.
ERuntimeError- There are already 16 instances registered
in Runtime Manager.
ERuntimeError- An instance with this name already exists.

Creates and returns an interface of an already registered instance of a virtual controller.

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

The instance could have been registered via the application or another application that uses
the Simulation Runtime API.

Table 7- 67 CreateInterface() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode CreateInterface(

WCHAR* in_InstanceName,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
ERuntimeErrorCode CreateInterface(
INT32 in_InstanceID,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
Parameters • INT32 in_InstanceID:

The ID of the registered instance from which you want to receive the interface.
• WCHAR* in_InstanceName:

The name of the registered instance from which you want to receive the inter-
• IInstance** out_InstanceInterface:

Pointer to a Simulation Runtime interface pointer. The pointer must be initial-

ized with ZERO. The interface is created within the function.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The name, the ID or the IInstance pointer
is invalid.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The instance is not registered in Runtime
Example C++ ISimulationRuntimeManager * api = ZERO;
ERuntimeErrorCode result = Initialize(&api);

IInstance* psa1 = ZERO;

IInstance* psa2 = ZERO;
if (result == SREC_OK)
result = api->CreateInterface(0, &psa1);
result = api->CreateInterface(0, &psa2); // psa2 will be the
same as psa1
Example C++ ISimulationRuntimeManager * api = ZERO;
ERuntimeErrorCode result = Initialize(&api);

IInstance* psa = ZERO;

if (result == SREC_OK)
result = api->CreateInterface(L"My SimulationRuntime Instance",

Native C++
If you no longer require the interface, delete it.
See DestroyInterface() (Page 105).

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Table 7- 68 CreateInterface() - .NET (C#)

Syntax IInstance CreateInterface(

string in_InstanceName
IInstance CreateInterface(
INT32 in_InstanceID
Parameters • INT32 in_InstanceID:

The ID of the registered instance from which you want to receive the interface.
• string in_InstanceName:

The name of the registered instance from which you want to receive the inter-
Return values If the function is successful, an interface of a virtual controller; otherwise a Null
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The name or the ID is invalid.
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime

7.5.3 Remote connections

Opens a port to which another Runtime Manager can connect.

Table 7- 69 OpenPort() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode OpenPort(

UINT16 in_Port
Parameters • UINT16 in_Port:

The port. The value must be greater than 1024.

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_ALREADY_EXISTS A port is already open.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The port is invalid.
SREC_CONNECTION_ERROR The port cannot be opened.

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Table 7- 70 OpenPort() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void OpenPort(

UInt16 in_Port
Parameters • UInt16 in_Port:

The port. The value must be greater than 1024.

Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- A port is already open.
ERuntimeError- The port is invalid.
ERuntimeError- The port cannot be opened.

Closes an open port and all open connections that another Runtime Manager has created to
this open port.

Table 7- 71 ClosePort() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ClosePort();

Parameters None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

Table 7- 72 ClosePort() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void ClosePort(

UInt16 in_Port
Parameters None
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

GetPort() / Port { get; }

Returns the open port. If no port is open or the function fails, the return value is 0.

Table 7- 73 GetPort() - Native C++

Syntax UINT16 GetPort();

Parameters None
Return values UINT16: The open port. 0, if no port is open.

Table 7- 74 Port { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax UInt16 Port { get; }

Parameters None
Return values UInt16: The open port. 0, if no port is open.
Exceptions None

Supplies the number of open remote connections.

Table 7- 75 GetRemoteConnectionsCount() - Native C++

Syntax UINT32 GetRemoteConnectionsCount();

Parameters None
Return values UINT32: Number of open remote connections.

Returns information about an open connection.

Table 7- 76 GetRemoteConnectionInfoAt()- Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetRemoteConnectionInfoAt(

UINT32 in_Index,
SConnectionInfo* out_ConnectionInfo
Parameters • UINT32 in_Index:

Index of the connection information that is expected.

• SConnectionInfo* out_ConnectionInfo:
The connection information for this index.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE Connection information for this index
does not exist.

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

RemoteConnectionInfo { get; }
Returns an array of information about all open connections.

Table 7- 77 RemoteConnectionInfo { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax SConnectionInfo[] RemoteConnectionInfo { get; }

Parameters None
Return values SConnectionInfo[]: An array of information about all open connections.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

Creates a new connection to a remote Runtime Manager or uses an existing connection to
create an IRemoteRuntimeManager interface.

Table 7- 78 RemoteConnect() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode RemoteConnect(

UINT8 in_IP3,
UINT8 in_IP2,
UINT8 in_IP1,
UINT8 in_IP0,
UINT16 in_Port,
IRemoteRuntimeManager** out_RemoteRuntimeManagerInterface
ERuntimeErrorCode RemoteConnect(
UIP in_IP,
UINT16 in_Port,
IRemoteRuntimeManager** out_RunTimeManagerInterface
Parameters • UINT8 in_IP3:

First part of the IP address of the remote PC.

• UINT8 in_IP2:

Second part of the IP address of the remote PC.

• UINT8 in_IP1:

Third part of the IP address of the remote PC.

UINT8 in_IP0:

Last part of the IP address of the remote PC.

• UIP in_IP:

IP address of the remote PC.

• UINT16 in_Port:

The port that is open on the remote PC.

• IRemoteRuntimeManager** out_RemoteRuntimeManagerInterface:

Pointer to a remote Runtime Manager interface pointer. The pointer must be in-
itialized with ZERO. The interface is created in the function.

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Return values Runtime error code Condition

SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_CONNECTION_ERROR The connection to the remote Runtime
Manager cannot be established.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT IP, port or IInstance pointer is invalid.
SREC_WRONG_VERSION The version of the API is not compatible
with Runtime.
See Compatibility during upgrade
(Page 17).
Example C++ ISimulationRuntimeManager* api = ZERO;
ERuntimeErrorCode result = Initialize(&api);

IRemoteRuntimeManager * client = ZERO;

if (result == SREC_OK)
result = api->RemoteConnect(192,203,145,144, 4444, &client);

Native C++
If you no longer require the interface, delete it.
See DestroyInterface() (Page 105).

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Table 7- 79 RemoteConnect() - .NET (C#)

Syntax IRemoteRuntimeManager RemoteConnect(

string in_ConnectionString
IRemoteRuntimeManager RemoteConnect(
SIP in_IP,
UInt16 in_Port
IRemoteRuntimeManager RemoteConnect(
Byte in_IP3,
Byte in_IP2,
Byte in_IP1,
Byte in_IP0,
UInt16 in_Port
Parameters • Byte in_IP3:

First part of the IP address of the remote PC.

• Byte in_IP2:

Second part of the IP address of the remote PC.

• Byte in_IP1:

Third part of the IP address of the remote PC.

• Byte in_IP0:

Last part of the IP address of the remote PC.

• string in_ConnectionString:

A string in the form of "<IP3>.<IP2>.<IP1>.<IP0>:<Port>"

Example: "".
• SIP in_IP:

IP address of the remote PC.

• UInt16 in_Port:
The port that is open on the remote PC.
Return values IRemoteRuntimeManager: Interface to the remote Runtime Manager.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- Connection to the remote Runtime Man-
ager cannot be established.
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- IP or port is invalid.
ERuntimeError- The version of the API is not compatible
with Runtime.
See Compatibility during upgrade
(Page 17).

See also
Tag list (Page 167)
Data types (Page 320)

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User interfaces (API)
7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager RunAutodiscover()

This function identifies all Runtime Managers that are on the network and that are ready to
establish a remote connection.

The function identifies Runtime Managers as of PLCSIM Advanced V4.0.

• The Runtime Manager must be running and allowing remote connections.
• The firewall of the remote PC must not block traffic on the selected UDP port.
• Devices in the local network (such as routers, switches, firewalls) must not block multicast
packets of the selected class.

The function starts the identification of the Runtime Manager in the network.

Table 7- 80 RunAutodiscover() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode RunAutodiscover(

UINT32 in_Timeout = 2000
Parameters • UINT32 in_Timeout

A timeout value in milliseconds that defines how long the local Runtime Man-
ager waits for responses from the Remote Manager.

A value between 500 ms and 30000 ms is valid.

Default: 2000 ms.

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The timeout value is outside the permis-
sible range.
SREC_AUTODISCOVER_ALREADY_RUN A RunAutodiscover() call is already
running in the background. Wait for the
in the callback function.
See EAutodiscoverType (Page 398).
SREC_TIMEOUT Communication errors in the local
Runtime Manager.

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Table 7- 81 RunAutodiscover() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void RunAutodiscover(

UInt32 in_Timeout = 2000
Parameters • UInt32 in_Timeout

A timeout value in milliseconds that defines how long the local Runtime Man-
ager waits for responses from the Remote Manager.

A value between 500 ms and 30000 ms is valid.

Default: 2000 ms.

Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The timeout value is outside the permis-
sible range.
ERuntimeError- A RunAutodiscover() call is already
ng running in the background. Wait for the
message AutodiscoverFinished in
the callback function.
See EAutodiscoverType (Page 398).
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout Communication errors in the local
Runtime Manager.

7.5.4 Events for ISimulationRuntimeManager

Events for runtime instances and remote connections

The following events are triggered for the ISimulationRuntimeManager interface:

Table 7- 82 Events for ISimulationRuntimeManager

Event Cause
OnConfigurationChanged The Runtime Manager configuration has changed:
(Page 132)
• A new instance is registered.
• An instance is removed.
• A connection to a client is established.
The Control Panel uses such an event to update the list of available
OnRuntimeManagerLost The connection to the Runtime Manager is interrupted.
(Page 134)
RunAutodiscover (Page 137) The network searches for Runtime Managers which are ready to estab-
lish a remote connection.

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User interfaces (API)
7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager OnConfigurationChanged events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 83 OnConfigurationChanged - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32 OnConfiguration-

Parameters None. See Delegate_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32 (Page 336).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. The registration of a new callback function causes the
previous callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 84 RegisterOnConfigurationChangedCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnConfigurationChangedCallback(

EventCallback_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32 in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32

A callback function to subscribe to an event.

See EventCallback_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32 (Page 322).
Return values None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered event object is set to the signaled state. Only one
event object can be registered for the event. Registration of a new event object causes the
previous event object to be deleted.

Table 7- 85 RegisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent();

void RegisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent(
HANDLE* in_Event
Parameters • None:

An internal event object is registered.

• HANDLE* in_Event:
A handle for a user-specific event object. The event object is registered.
Return values None

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Table 7- 86 RegisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void RegisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 87 UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedCallback();

Parameters None
Return values None

Unregisters the event object.

Table 7- 88 UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

Table 7- 89 UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

The function blocks the program until the registered event object is set to the signaled state
or the timeout interval is exceeded.

Table 7- 90 WaitForOnConfigurationChangedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax bool WaitForOnConfigurationChangedEvent();

bool WaitForOnConfigurationChangedEvent(
UINT32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UINT32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined time limit.

Table 7- 91 WaitForOnConfigurationChangedEvent - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool WaitForOnConfigurationChangedEvent();

bool WaitForOnConfigurationChangedEvent(
UInt32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UInt32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined time limit. OnRuntimeManagerLost events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 92 OnRuntimeManagerLost - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_Void OnRuntimeManagerLost;

Parameters None. See Delegate_Void (Page 335).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. The registration of a new callback function causes the
previous callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 93 RegisterOnRuntimeManagerLostCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnRuntimeManagerLostCallback(

EventCallback_VOID in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_VOID in_CallbackFunction:

A callback function that subscribes to the event.

See EventCallback_VOID (Page 322).
Return values None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered event object is set to the signaled state. Only one
event object can be registered for the event. Registration of a new event object causes the
previous event object to be deleted.

Table 7- 94 RegisterOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent();

void RegisterOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent(
HANDLE* in_Event
Parameters • None:

An internal event handle is registered.

• HANDLE* in_Event:
A user-specific event handle is registered.
Return values None

Table 7- 95 RegisterOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void RegisterOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 96 UnregisterOnRuntimeManagerLostCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnRuntimeManagerLostCallback();

Parameters None
Return values None

Unregisters the event object.

Table 7- 97 UnregisterOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

Table 7- 98 UnregisterOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void UnregisterOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

The function will block the program until the registered event object is set to the signaled
state or the timeout interval is exceeded.

Table 7- 99 WaitForOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent() - Native C++

Syntax bool WaitForOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent();

bool WaitForOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent(
UINT32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UINT32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined timeout interval.

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7.5 API ISimulationRuntimeManager

Table 7- 100 WaitForOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool WaitForOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent();

bool WaitForOnRuntimeManagerLostEvent(
UInt32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UInt32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined timeout interval. OnAutodiscoverData events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 101 OnAutodiscoverData - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_SRRSI_AD OnAutodiscoverData

Parameters None. See Delegate_SRRSI_AD (Page 337).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. The registration of a new callback function causes the
previous callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 102 RegisterOnAutodiscoverCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnAutodiscoverCallback(

EventCallback_SRRSI_AD in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_SRRSI_AD in_CallbackFunction:

Pointer to a user-defined callback function.

See EventCallback_SRRSI_AD (Page 323).

Return values None

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Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 103 UnregisterOnAutodiscoverCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnAutodiscoverCallback(

Parameters None
Return values None

7.6 API IInstances

7.6.1 Interfaces - Information and settings

Deletes the managed interface and unloads the native components of the user interfaces.

Table 7- 104 Dispose() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void Dispose()

Parameters None
Return values None

GetID() / ID { get; }
Returns the instance ID. The ID is assigned by Runtime Manager when the instance is

Table 7- 105 GetID() - Native C++

Syntax INT32 GetID();

Parameters None
Return values INT32: Instance ID

Table 7- 106 ID { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax UInt32 ID { get; }

Parameters None
Return values Uint32: Instance ID
Exceptions None

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GetName() / Name { get; }

Returns the name of the instance.

Table 7- 107 GetName() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetName(

WCHAR inout_Name[],
UINT32 in_ArrayLength
Parameters • WCHAR inout_Name[]:

A user-allocated storage for the name of the instance. The field length should
be at least as long as DINSTANCE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH.
See Definitions and constants (Page 349).
• UINT32 in_ArrayLength:

Field length (Wide character)

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The name does not fit in the storage.
Example C++ ISimulationRuntimeManager * api = NULL;
ERuntimeErrorCode result = Initialize(&api);
IInstance* psa = NULL;
if (result == SREC_OK)
result = api->RegisterInstance(&psa);

if (result == SREC_OK)
result = psa->GetName(name, DINSTANCE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH);

Table 7- 108 Name { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax string Name { get; }

Parameters None
Return values Name of the instance.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime

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Returns the CPU type of the virtual controller.

Table 7- 109 GetCPUType() - Native C++

Syntax ECPUType GetCPUType();

Parameters None
Return values An enumeration element that defines the CPU type.
See ECPUType (Page 382).

Sets the CPU type of the virtual controller. A change of CPU type occurs only when the
controller is restarted.

Table 7- 110 SetCPUType() - Native C++

Syntax void SetCPUType(ECPUType in_Value);

Parameters • ECPUType in_Value:

Defines which CPU type is simulated at the start of the instance.

When a different CPU type is loaded via STEP 7 or from the Virtual Memory
Card, this CPU type applies.
Return values None

CPUType { get; set; }

Returns or sets the CPU type of the virtual controller. A change of CPU type occurs only when
the controller is restarted.
When a different CPU type is loaded via STEP 7 or from the Virtual Memory Card, this CPU
type applies.

Table 7- 111 CPUType { get; set; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax ECPUType CPUType { get; set; }

Parameters None
Return values An enumeration element that defines the CPU type.
Exceptions None

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Returns the communication interface of the virtual controller: Local communication (Softbus)
or TCPIP. A change of communication interface occurs only when the controller is restarted.
All instances that are started must use the same communication interface.
PowerOn is prevented if a communication interface that is not used by the started instances
is selected.

Table 7- 112 GetCommunicationInterface() - Native C++

Syntax ECommunicationInterface GetCommunicationInterface();

Parameters None
Return values • SRCI_NONE

Cannot be selected. Is returned if the instance interface is no longer valid.

Is returned if the virtual controller uses the Softbus.
Is returned if the virtual controller communicates over the virtual adapter.

Sets the communication interface of the virtual controller: Local communication (Softbus) or
TCPIP. A change of communication interface occurs only when the controller is restarted. All
instances that are started must use the same communication interface.
PowerOn is prevented if a communication interface that is not used by the started instances
is selected.

Table 7- 113 SetCommunicationInterface() - Native C++

Syntax void SetCommunicationInterface(ECommunicationInterface

in Value);
Parameters • SRCI_NONE

Cannot be selected.

Is set to activate communication via Softbus.

Is set to activate communication over the virtual adapter.
Return values None

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CommunicationInterface { get; set; }

Sets or returns the communication interface of the virtual controller: Local communication
(Softbus) or TCPIP. A change of communication interface occurs only when the controller is
restarted. All instances that are started must use the same communication interface.
PowerOn is prevented if a communication interface that is not used by the started instances
is selected.

Table 7- 114 CommunicationInterface { get; set; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax ECommunicationInterface CommunicationInterface { get; set;

Parameters None
Return values • ECommunicationInterface.None

Cannot be selected. Is returned if the instance interface is no longer valid.

• ECommunicationInterface.Softbus

Is returned if the virtual controller uses the Softbus.

• ECommunicationInterface.TCPIP
Is returned if the virtual controller communicates over the virtual adapter.
Exceptions None

GetInfo() / Info { get; }

Returns a structure that provides information about the instance.

Table 7- 115 GetInfo() - Native C++

Syntax SInstanceInfo GetInfo();

Parameters None
Return values SInstanceInfo: A structure that provides information about the instance.
See SInstanceInfo (Page 360).

Table 7- 116 Info { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax SInstanceInfo Info { get; }

Parameters None
Return values SInstanceInfo: A structure that provides information about the instance.
Exceptions None

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Unregisters this instance from Runtime Manager.

Loss of the interfaces
Other applications that are connected to this instance will lose their interface to this instance.

Table 7- 117 UnregisterInstance() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode UnregisterInstance();

Parameters None
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

Table 7- 118 UnregisterInstance() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void UnregisterInstance();

Parameters None
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

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7.6.2 Controller - Information and settings

GetControllerName() / ControllerName { get; }

Returns the downloaded name of the virtual controller.

Table 7- 119 GetControllerName() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetControllerName(

WCHAR inout_Name[],
UINT32 in_ArrayLength
Parameters • WCHAR inout_Name[]:

A user-allocated storage for the name.

• UINT32 in_ArrayLength:
The length of the storage.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The name does not fit in the storage.

Table 7- 120 ControllerName { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax string ControllerName { get; }

Parameters None
Return values string:
The downloaded name of the virtual controller.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

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GetControllerShortDesignation() / ControllerShortDesignation { get; }

Returns the downloaded short designation of the virtual controller.

Table 7- 121 GetControllerShortDesignation() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetControllerShortDesignation(

WCHAR inout_ShortDesignation[],
UINT32 in_ArrayLength
Parameters • WCHAR inout_ShortDesignation[]:

A user-allocated storage for the short designation.

• UINT32 in_ArrayLength:
The length of the storage.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The name does not fit in the storage.

Table 7- 122 ControllerShortDesignation { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax string ControllerShortDesignation { get; }

Parameters None
Return values string:
The downloaded short designation of the virtual controller.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

Returns the number of configured IP addresses of the virtual controller. If the function fails,
the return value is 0.

Table 7- 123 GetControllerIPCount() - Native C++

Syntax UINT32 GetControllerIPCount();

Parameters None
Return values INT32: Number of configured IP addresses of the virtual controller.

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GetControllerIP() / ControllerIP { get; }

Returns a configured IP address of the instance.

Table 7- 124 GetControllerIP() - Native C++

Syntax UIP GetControllerIP();

UIP GetControllerIP(
UINT32 in_Index
Parameters • WCHAR in_Index:

The index of the IP address you want to receive. The index must be less than
the value you receive from GetControllerIPCount(). The default setting
is 0.
Return values UIP: IP address of the virtual controller. If the function fails, the return value is

Table 7- 125 ControllerIP { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax string[] ControllerIP { get; }

Parameters None
Return values string: All downloaded IP addresses of the virtual controller. If the function
fails, the field is empty.
Exceptions None

GetControllerIPSuite4() / ControllerIPSuite4 { get; }

Returns the IP suite instance. If the "Softbus" communication interface is used, the subnet
mask and default gateway are 0.

Table 7- 126 GetControllerIPSuite4() Native C++

Syntax SIPSuite4 GetControllerIPSuite4();

SIPSuite4 GetControllerIPSuite4(
UINT32 in_Index
Parameters • WCHAR in_Index:

The index of the IP address you want to receive. The index must be less than
the value you receive from GetControllerIPCount(). The default setting is
Return values SIPSuite4: The IP suite of the virtual controller. If the function fails, the return
values are 0.

Table 7- 127 ControllerIPSuite4 { get; } - .NET (#)

Syntax SIPSuite4[] ControllerIPSuite4 { get; };

Parameters None
Return values SIPSuite4[]: All downloaded IP suites of the virtual controller. If the function
fails, the field is empty.
Exceptions None

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7.6 API IInstances

Sets the IP suite of the network interface of a virtual controller.

Table 7- 128 SetIPSuite() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode SetIPSuite(

UINT32 in_InterfaceID,
SIPSuite4 in_IPSuite,
bool in_IsRemanent
Parameters • UINT32 in_InterfaceID:

The ID of the network interface.

• SIPSuite4 in_IPSuite:

The IP suite that is to be assigned to the network interface. The IP suite contains
the IP address, the subnet mask and the standard gateway.

If the communication interface is "Softbus", the subnet mask and standard

gateway are ignored.
• bool in_IsRemanent:

If true, the IP suite is saved after restart of the virtual controller.

If the communication interface is "Softbus", this flag is ignored.

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST There is no network interface with this ID.
SREC_INVALID_OPERATING_STATE The virtual controller has not yet com-
pleted the boot process or is already in
the shutdown phase.

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Table 7- 129 SetIPSuite() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void SetIPSuite(

UInt32 in_InterfaceID,
SIPSuite4 in_IPSuite,
bool in_IsRemanent );
Parameters • UInt32 in_InterfaceID:

The ID of the network interface.

• SIPSuite4 in_IPSuite:

If the communication interface is "Softbus", the subnet mask and standard

gateway are ignored.
• bool in_IsRemanent:

If true, the IP suite is saved after restart of the virtual controller.

If the communication interface is "Softbus", this flag is ignored.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- There is no network interface with this ID.
ERuntimeError- The virtual controller has not yet com-
pleted the boot process or is already in
the shutdown phase.

Returns the full directory in which the instance stores its data.

Table 7- 130 GetStoragePath() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetStoragePath(

WCHAR inout_StoragePath[],
UINT32 in_ArrayLength
Parameters • WCHAR inout_StoragePath[]:

A user-allocated storage for the storage path. The length of the array should be
at least as long as DSTORAGE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH. See Data types (Page 320).
• UINT32 in_ArrayLength:

Length of the array (Wide character)

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The path does not fit in the storage.

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7.6 API IInstances

Sets the full path of the directory in which the instance stores its data. This can also be a
network share.
Set the path before you start the instance. A change to the path takes effect only when the
controller is restarted.
If no path is set, the default setting:
<My Documents>\Siemens\Simatic\Simulation\Runtime\Persistence\<Instance Name> is used.

Table 7- 131 SetStoragePath() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode SetStoragePath(

WCHAR* in_StoragePath
Parameters • WCHAR* in_StoragePath:

Full name of the storage path. The length of the name must be less than
DSTORAGE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH. See Data types (Page 320).
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The length of the path exceeds the limit.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The path contains invalid characters.

StoragePath { get; set; }

Returns or sets the full path of the directory in which the instance stores its retentive data.
This can also be a network share.
Set the path before you start the instance. A change to the path takes effect only when the
controller is restarted.
If no path is set, the default setting:
<My Documents>\Siemens\Simatic\Simulation\Runtime\Persistence\<Instance Name> is used.

Table 7- 132 StoragePath { get; set; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax string StoragePath { get; set; }

Parameters None
Return values string: The configured storage path.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The length of the path exceeds the limit.
ERuntimeError- The path contains invalid characters.

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7.6 API IInstances

The user program, the hardware configuration and the retentive data is stored in a file, the
Virtual SIMATIC Memory Card. ArchiveStorage() stores this file as a ZIP file. The instance
of the virtual controller must be in OFF operating state for this.

Table 7- 133 ArchiveStorage() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ArchiveStorage(

WCHAR* in_FullFileName
Parameters • WCHAR in_FullFileName:

The full path to the ZIP file. The path relates to directories of the computer
where the API is being called.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INVALID_OPERATING_STATE The instance is not in OFF operating
SREC_INVALID_ARCHIVE_PATH The archive path is invalid.
SREC_CREATE_DIRECTORIES_FAILE The directory for the ZIP file could not be
SREC_ARCHIVE_STORAGE_FAILED The ZIP file could not be created.
SREC_STORAGE_TRANSFER_ERROR Error during network data transfer.
Memory data between client and server
computers do not match.
SREC_NO_STORAGE_PATH_SET No storage path is set. The user has to
execute the SetStoragePath() function

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7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 134 ArchiveStorage() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void ArchiveStorage(

string in_FullFileName
Parameters • string in_FullFileName:

The full path to the ZIP file. The path relates to directories of the computer
where the API is being called.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_NO_STORAGE_PATH_SET No storage path is set. The user has to
execute the SetStoragePath() function
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The instance is not in OFF operating
ERuntimeError- The archive path is invalid.
ERuntimeError- The directory for the ZIP file could not be
ERuntimeError- The ZIP file could not be created.
ERuntimeError- Error during network data transfer.
Memory data between client and server
computers do not match.

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RetrieveStorage() creates a Virtual SIMATIC Memory Card from the archived ZIP file. The
virtual controller must be in OFF operating state for this.

Table 7- 135 RetrieveStorage() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode RetrieveStorage(

WCHAR* in_FullFileName
Parameters • WCHAR* in_FullFileName:

The full path to the ZIP file. The path relates to directories of the computer
where the API is being called.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INVALID_OPERATING_STATE The instance is not in OFF operating
SREC_INVALID_ARCHIVE_PATH The archive path is invalid.
SREC_DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE_ The old storage cannot be deleted.
SREC_RETRIEVE_STORAGE_FAILURE The ZIP file cannot be unzipped.
SREC_STORAGE_TRANSFER_ERROR Error during network data transfer.
Memory data between client and server
computers do not match.
SREC_NO_STORAGE_PATH_SET No storage path is set. The user has to
execute the SetStoragePath() function

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Table 7- 136 RetrieveStorage() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void RetrieveStorage(

string in_FullFileName
Parameters • string in_FullFileName:

The full path to the ZIP file. The path relates to directories of the computer
where the API is being called.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_NO_STORAGE_PATH_SET No storage path is set. The user has to
execute the SetStoragePath() function
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The instance is not in OFF operating
ERuntimeError- The archive path is invalid.
ERuntimeError- The old storage cannot be deleted.
ERuntimeError- The ZIP file cannot be unzipped.
ERuntimeError- Error during network data transfer.
Memory data between client and server
computers do not match.

The function deletes the directory with the Virtual SIMATIC Memory Card of a local instance
or a remote instance. To do this, the function checks whether required and invalid files are
available. Even if the directory is missing, the function is considered successful.
To make sure that the correct directory is deleted, the function checks if there are any files
that need to be present in the Virtual SIMATIC Memory Card:
• ".\sim_hwdb.ini"
• ".\SIMATIC_MC\RData\"
To permanently delete the directory, only the following directories with files are also allowed:
• ".\CrashDump\"
• ".\Traces\"
• ".\retain.pms"

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The instance must be in OFF operating state ("PowerOff").

Table 7- 137 CleanupStoragePath() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode CleanupStoragePath(

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INVALID_OPERATING_STATE The instance is not in OFF operating
SREC_DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE_ The directory with the memory cannot be
SREC_INVALID_STORAGE The memory is invalid. It contains files or
directories that are not permitted.

Table 7- 138 CleanupStoragePath() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void CleanupStoragePath(

Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The instance is not in OFF operating
ERuntimeError- The directory with the memory cannot be
led deleted.
SREC_INVALID_STORAGE The memory is invalid. It contains files or
directories that are not permitted.

GetStrictMotionTiming() / StrictMotionTiming { get; }

Returns the current instance setting for the "Strict Motion Timing" feature.

Table 7- 139 GetStrictMotionTiming() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetStrictMotionTiming(bool* enabled);

Parameters bool* enabled:
Receives the current setting.
true: Active
false: Inactive
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

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Table 7- 140 StrictMotionTiming { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool StrictMotionTiming { get; }

Parameters None
Return values Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The instance is in Power On. The instance
must not be in Power On to change the

SetStrictMotionTiming() / StrictMotionTiming { set; }

Sets the instance setting for the "Strict Motion Timing" feature.

Table 7- 141 SetStrictMotionTiming() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetStrictMotionTiming(bool* enabled);

Parameters bool enabled:
The value to be set.
true: Active
false: Inactive
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INVALID_OPERATING_STATE The instance is in Power On. The instance
must not be in Power On to change the

Table 7- 142 StrictMotionTiming { set; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool StrictMotionTiming { set; }

Parameters None
Return values Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The instance is in Power On. The instance
must not be in Power On to change the

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7.6.3 Operating state

The function creates the process for the Simulation Runtime instance and starts the firmware
of the virtual controller.

Table 7- 143 PowerOn() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode PowerOn();

ERuntimeErrorCode PowerOn(
UINT32 in_Timeout_ms
Parameters • UINT32 in_Timeout_ms:

A timeout value in milliseconds.

– If no timeout value is set, the function returns immediately. Subscribe to the
OnOperatingStateChanged() event to find out when the operation has
been completed.
– If the value is greater than 0 (a value of 60000 is recommended), the func-
tion returns when the operation has been completed or after a timeout.
– Expected operating states if this function is successful:
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The expected operating state does not
occur on time.
e.exe" cannot load the "Sie-
SREC_STORAGE_PATH_ALREADY_IN_ The selected path for this instance is
already being used by another instance.
SREC_NO_STORAGE_PATH_SET No storage path is set. The user has to
execute the SetStoragePath() function
SREC_WARNING_ALREADY_EXISTS Warning: The instance is started.
SREC_VIRTUAL_SWITCH_MISCONFIG The virtual switch is configured incorrect-
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is no
longer running.
SREC_UNSUPPORTED_PCAP_DRIVER The PCAP driver used is not supported.
PLCSIM Advanced supports Npcap as of
TCP/IP communication is not possible.
SREC_WARNING_TRIAL_MODE_ACTIV Warning: No license available. You can
use the instance without restrictions with
the Trial License. Afterwards, the instance
is shut down.

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SREC_WARNING_RUNNING_ON_TIA_P Warning: No valid license is available, but

a "TIA Portal Test Suite" license.
PLCSIM Advanced starts with this license.
A download from the TIA Portal is possi-
ble, but the instance terminates without
feedback if the download was not made
from the TIA Portal Test Suite.
SREC_NOT_EMPTY Warning: No valid license for
PLCSIM Advanced is available, but a
"TIA Portal Test Suite" license.
If this is the case, power-up from the
Virtual SIMATIC Memory Card is not sup-
SREC_COMMUNICATION_INTERFACE_ For local communication via Softbus
PLCSIM Advanced cannot connect to the
• Try again to establish the connection.
• Close PLCSIM Advanced and the
TIA Portal and restart the applications.
• Reboot the PC.
• Repair the PLCSIM Advanced installa-
For TCP/IP communication
Another application is connected to the
Softbus on your PC.
• Close all SIMATIC applications, e.g.
TIA Portal, WinCC, PLCSIM.
• Reboot the PC.
• Repair the PLCSIM Advanced installa-
SREC_ACCESS_DENIED No write access in the Storage Directory.
SREC_PCAP_DRIVER_NOT_RUNNING The Nmap Packet Capture Driver (Npcap)
is not active on the system.
1. Start the command line in administra-
tor mode.
2. Execute the command "net start
SREC_WRONG_COMMUNICATION_INTE You have tried to supply the second in-
stance with the communication interface
that differs from the first instance that is
already active.
1. PowerOn() 1. instance with Softbus is
2. PowerOn() 2. instance with TCP/IP,
the error code is returned.

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SREC_WARNING_PASSWORD_PROTECT The password protection prevented the

memory from being opened. View the
restrictions with activated password pro-

Table 7- 144 PowerOn() - .NET (C#)

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode PowerOn();

ERuntimeErrorCode PowerOn(
UInt32 in_Timeout_ms
Parameters • UInt32 in_Timeout_ms:

A timeout value in milliseconds.

– If no timeout value is set, the function returns immediately. Subscribe to the
OnOperatingStateChanged() event to find out when the operation has
been completed.
– If the value is greater than 0 (a value of 60000 is recommended), the func-
tion returns when the operation has been completed or after a timeout.
Expected operating states when this function is successful:
{ EOperatingState.Run, EOperatingState.Stop }
Return values Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.OK The function is successful.
ERuntimeError- Warning: The instance is started.
ERuntimeError- The PCAP driver used is not supported.
PLCSIM Advanced supports Npcap as of
TCP/IP communication is not possible.
ERuntimeError- Warning: No license available. You can
use the instance without restrictions with
the Trial License. Afterwards, the instance
is shut down.
ERuntimeError- Warning: No valid license is available, but
lTestSuite a "TIA Portal Test Suite" license.
PLCSIM Advanced starts with this license.
A download from the TIA Portal is possi-
ble, but the instance terminates without
feedback if the download was not made
from the TIA Portal Test Suite.
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotEmpty Warning: No valid license for
PLCSIM Advanced is available, but a
"TIA Portal Test Suite" license.
If this is the case, power-up from the
Virtual SIMATIC Memory Card is not sup-

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ERuntimeError- For local communication via Softbus

tAvailable PLCSIM Advanced cannot connect to the
• Try again to establish the connection.
• Close PLCSIM Advanced and the
TIA Portal and restart the applications.
• Reboot the PC.
• Repair the PLCSIM Advanced installa-
For TCP/IP communication
Another application is connected to the
Softbus on your PC.
• Close all SIMATIC applications, e.g.
TIA Portal, WinCC, PLCSIM.
• Reboot the PC.
• Repair the PLCSIM Advanced installa-
ERuntimeError- No write access in the Storage Directory.
ERuntimeError- The Nmap Packet Capture Driver (Npcap)
Code.PCAPDriverNotRunning is not active on the system.
1. Start the command line in administra-
tor mode.
2. Execute the command "net start
ERuntimeError- You have tried to supply the second in-
ace stance with the communication interface
that differs from the first instance that is
already active.
1. PowerOn() 1. instance with Softbus is
2. PowerOn() 2. instance with TCP/IP,
the error code is returned.
ERuntimeError- The password protection prevented the
Code.WarningPasswordForProtec memory from being opened. View the
tionError restrictions with activated password pro-

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Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The expected operating state does not
occur on time.
ERuntimeError- The "Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.
Runtime.Instance.exe" cannot load the
ERuntimeError- The selected path for this instance is
already being used by another instance.
ERuntimeError- The path could not be created. The length
characters might be exceeded.
ERuntimeError- The virtual switch is configured incorrect-
ed ly.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is no
longer running.

Shuts down the Simulation Runtime and closes its process.

Table 7- 145 PowerOff() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode PowerOff();

ERuntimeErrorCode PowerOff(
UINT32 in_Timeout_ms
Parameters • UINT32 in_Timeout_ms:

A timeout value in milliseconds.

– If no timeout value is set, the function returns immediately. Subscribe to the
OnOperatingStateChanged() event to find out when the operation has
been completed.
– If the value is greater than 0 (a value of 60000 is recommended), the func-
tion returns when the operation has been completed or after a timeout.
Expected operating state when this function is successful:
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The expected operating state does not
occur on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not

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Table 7- 146 PowerOff() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void PowerOff();

void PowerOff(
UInt32 in_Timeout_ms
Parameters • UInt32 in_Timeout_ms:

A timeout value in milliseconds.

– If no timeout value is set, the function returns immediately. Subscribe to the
OnOperatingStateChanged() event to find out when the operation has
been completed.
– If the value is greater than 0 (a value of 60000 is recommended), the func-
tion returns when the operation has been completed or after a timeout.
Expected operating state when this function is successful:
{ EOperatingState.Stop }
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The expected operating state does not
occur on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not

Calls on the virtual controller to change to RUN operating state.

Table 7- 147 Run() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode Run();

ERuntimeErrorCode Run(
UINT32 in_Timeout_ms
Parameters • UINT32 in_Timeout_ms:
A timeout value in milliseconds.
– If no timeout value is set, the function returns immediately. Subscribe to the
OnOperatingStateChanged() event to find out when the operation has
been completed.
– If the value is greater than 0 (a value of 60000 is recommended), the func-
tion returns when the operation has been completed or after a timeout.
Expected operating states if this function is successful:
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The expected operating state does not
occur on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not

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Table 7- 148 Run() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void Run();

void Run(
Uint32 in_Timeout_ms
Parameters • UInt32 in_Timeout_ms:

A timeout value in milliseconds.

– If no timeout value is set, the function returns immediately. Subscribe to the
OnOperatingStateChanged() event to find out when the operation has
been completed.
– If the value is greater than 0 (a value of 60000 is recommended), the func-
tion returns when the operation has been completed or after a timeout.
Expected operating states when this function is successful:
{ EOperatingState.Run }
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The expected operating state does not
occur on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not

Calls on the virtual controller to change to STOP operating state.

Table 7- 149 Stop() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode Stop();

ERuntimeErrorCode Stop(
UINT32 in_Timeout_ms
Parameters • UINT32 in_Timeout_ms:
A timeout value in milliseconds.
– If no timeout value is set, the function returns immediately. Subscribe to the
OnOperatingStateChanged() event to find out when the operation has
been completed.
– If the value is greater than 0 (a value of 60000 is recommended), the func-
tion returns when the operation has been completed or after a timeout.
Expected operating state when this function is successful:
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The expected operating state does not
occur on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not

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Table 7- 150 Stop() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void Stop();

void Stop(
bool in_IsSynchronous
Parameters • UInt32 in_Timeout_ms:

A timeout value in milliseconds.

– If no timeout value is set, the function returns immediately. Subscribe to the
OnOperatingStateChanged() event to find out when the operation has
been completed.
– If the value is greater than 0 (a value of 60000 is recommended), the func-
tion returns when the operation has been completed or after a timeout.
Expected operating state if this function is successful:
{ EOperatingState.Stop }
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The expected operating state does not
occur on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not

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GetOperatingState() / OperatingState { get; }

Returns the operating state of the virtual controller. When the operating state changes, the
OnOperatingStateChanged() (Page 281) event is triggered. For details about the operating
state, see Data types (Page 380).

Table 7- 151 GetOperatingState() - Native C++

Syntax EOperatingState GetOperatingState();

Parameters None
If the function fails.
If the Simulation Runtime instance is not running.
If PowerOn() was called while in this state and the virtual controller is not yet
ready to start the user program.
If the virtual controller is in STOP state.
If the user program is currently changing from STOP to RUN.
If the user program is running.

If the user program is being stopped (Freeze status).

If the user program is set to HOLD when the breakpoint is reached.
If PowerOff() was called but the virtual controller is still in the Shutdown

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Table 7- 152 OperatingState { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax EOperatingState OperatingState { get; }

Parameters None
Return values • EOperatingState.InvalidOperatingState:
If the function fails.
• EOperatingState.Off:
If the Simulation Runtime instance is not running.
• EOperatingState.Booting:
If PowerOn() was called while in this state and the virtual controller is not yet
ready to start the user program.
• EOperatingState.Stop:
If the virtual controller is in STOP state.
• EOperatingState.Startup:
If the user program is currently changing from STOP to RUN.
• EOperatingState.Run:
If the user program is running.
• EOperatingState.Freeze:
If the user program is being stopped (Freeze status).
• EOperatingState.Hold:
If the user program is set to HOLD when the breakpoint is reached.
• EOperatingState.ShuttingDown:
If PowerOff() was called but the virtual controller is still in the Shutdown

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Shuts down the virtual controller, closes its processes and performs a restart.

Table 7- 153 MemoryReset() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode MemoryReset();

ERuntimeErrorCode MemoryReset(
UINT32 in_Timeout_ms
Parameters • UINT32 in_Timeout_ms:

A timeout value in milliseconds.

– If no timeout value is set, the function returns immediately. Subscribe to the
OnOperatingStateChanged() event to find out when the operation has
been completed.
– If the value is greater than 0 (a value of 60000 is recommended), the func-
tion returns when the operation has been completed or after a timeout.
Expected operating states if this function is successful:
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The expected operating state does not
occur on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not

Table 7- 154 MemoryReset() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void MemoryReset();

void MemoryReset(
UInt32 in_Timeout_ms
Parameters • UInt32 in_Timeout_ms:

A timeout value in milliseconds.

– If no timeout value is set, the function returns immediately. Subscribe to the
OnOperatingStateChanged() event to find out when the operation has
been completed.
– If the value is greater than 0 (a value of 60000 is recommended), the func-
tion returns when the operation has been completed or after a timeout.
Expected operating states when this function is successful:
{ EOperatingState.Run, EOperatingState.Stop }
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The expected operating state does not
occur on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not

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7.6.4 Tag list

Elements with data types not known to the API (EDataType.Unknown) are not included in
the tag list.

The function reads the tags from the virtual controller and writes them to the shared storage
arranged by name.
If the tag is an array or a structure, there are multiple entries.
In the case of a structure, there is an entry for the structure itself and an additional entry for
each structure element.
Entry_1: "StructName"
Entry_2: "StructName.ElementName_1"
Entry_N: "StructName.ElementName_n"

In the case of an array, in this example a two-dimensional array, there is an entry for the array
itself and an additional entry for each array element.
Entry_1: "ArrayName"
Entry_2: "ArrayName[a,b]", {a} and {b} correspond to the first index of the respective
Entry_N: "ArrayName[x,y]", {x} and {y} correspond to the last index of the respective

Memory for up to 500000 entries (not PLC tags) is reserved for the list. If the list becomes too
large, the function returns the error/exception "NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY".

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If there are problems with the maximum number of entries and not all tags are needed, two
filters can be used when refreshing the tag table.

Table 7- 155 UpdateTagList() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode UpdateTagList();

ERuntimeErrorCode UpdateTagList(
ETagListDetails in_TagListDetails
ERuntimeErrorCode UpdateTagList(
ETagListDetails in_TagListDetails,
bool in_IsHMIVisibleOnly
ERuntimeErrorCode UpdateTagList(
ETagListDetails in_TagListDetails,
bool in_IsHMIVisibleOnly,
WCHAR* in_DataBlockFilterList
Parameters • ETagListDetails in_TagListDetails:

Every combination of the following four areas:

IO: Inputs and Outputs

M: Bit memory
CT: Counters and Timers
DB: Data Blocks

The default setting is IOMCTDB.

Example: IOM reads only the tags from the area Inputs / Outputs and Bit
• bool in_IsHMIVisibleOnly:

If true, only tags marked with "HMI Visible" are read. The default setting is
• WCHAR* in_DataBlockFilterList:

A string that includes the name of all data blocks that are supposed to be avail-
able in the tag table. The string must be in quotation marks.

Example: ""\"DB_1\", \"DB_2\" \"DB_3\"|\"DB_4\"\"DB_5\""

All characters within the quotation marks are interpreted as a DB name. If the
data block does not exist in the PLC program, it is not added to the tag table
memory. No error is triggered in the process.

For this list to be taken into consideration, in_DataBlockFilterList has to

be unequal to NULL and in_TagListDetails has to contain "DB".

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Return values Runtime error code Condition

SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY More than 500000 entries are requested.
SREC_WARNING_ALREADY_EXISTS The tag table is current.
in_DataBlockFilterList is invalid.
The list has to be 3 characters long; the
first and last character have to be a quo-
tation mark.

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Table 7- 156 UpdateTagList() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void UpdateTagList();

void UpdateTagList(
ETagListDetails in_TagListDetails
void UpdateTagList(
ETagListDetails in_TagListDetails,
bool in_IsHMIVisibleOnly
ERuntimeErrorCode UpdateTagList(
ETagListDetails in_TagListDetails,
bool in_IsHMIVisibleOnly,
string in_DataBlockFilterList
Parameters • ETagListDetails in_TagListDetails:

Every combination of the following four areas:

IO: Inputs and Outputs

M: Bit memory
CT: Counters and Timers
DB: Data Blocks

The default setting is IOMCTDB.

Example: IOM reads only the tags from the area Inputs / Outputs and Bit
• bool in_IsHMIVisibleOnly:

If true, only tags marked with "HMI Visible" are read. The default setting is
• string in_DataBlockFilterList:

A string that includes the name of all data blocks that are supposed to be avail-
able in the tag table. The string must be in quotation marks.

Example: ""\"DB_1\", \"DB_2\" \"DB_3\"|\"DB_4\"\"DB_5\""

All characters within the quotation marks are interpreted as a DB name. If the
data block does not exist in the PLC program, it is not added to the tag table
memory. No error is triggered in the process.

For this list to be taken into consideration, in_DataBlockFilterList has to

be unequal to NULL and in_TagListDetails has to contain "DB".
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- More than 500000 entries are requested.
ERuntimeError- The syntax of
in_DataBlockFilterList is invalid.
The list has to be 3 characters long; the
first and last character have to be a quo-
tation mark.

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Returns the current update status of the tag list storage.
"inout_TagListDetails" is NONE, if the list needs to be updated.

Table 7- 157 GetTagListStatus() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetTagListStatus(

ETagListDetails* out_TagListDetails,
bool* out_IsHMIVisibleOnly
Parameters • ETagListDetails out_TagListDetails:

Status of the tag list details. SRTLD_NONE when an update of the list is re-
• bool out_IsHMIVisibleOnly:

If true, only tags marked with "HMI Visible" are available in the list.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

Table 7- 158 GetTagListStatus() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void GetTagListStatus(

out ETagListDetails out_TagListDetails,
out bool out_IsHMIVisibleOnly
Parameters • out ETagListDetails out_TagListDetails:

Status of the tag list details. ETagListDetails.None when an update of the

list is required.
• out bool out_IsHMIVisibleOnly:

If true, only tags marked with "HMI Visible" are available in the list.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

Returns the number of entries in the tag list storage. If the function fails, the return value is 0.

Table 7- 159 GetTagInfoCount() - Native C++

Syntax UINT32 GetTagInfoCount();

Parameters None
Return values Number of entries in the tag list storage.

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GetTagInfos() / TagInfos { get; }

Returns a list of all tags.

Table 7- 160 GetTagInfos() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetTagInfos(

UINT32 in_BufferLength,
STagInfo* inout_TagInfos,
UINT32* out_TagCount
Parameters • UINT32 in_BufferLength:

The number of elements that the storage can accommodate.

• STagInfo* inout_TagInfos:

The user-allocated storage that accommodates the tags.

• UINT32* out_TagCount:
Returns the number of tags that were written to the storage.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The elements do not fit in the storage.

Table 7- 161 TagInfos { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax STagInfo[] TagInfos { get; }

Parameters None
Return values An array that contains all available entries of the storage.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not

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Writes all entries from the tag list to an XML file.

Table 7- 162 CreateConfigurationFile() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode CreateConfigurationFile(

WCHAR* in_FullFileName
Parameters • WCHAR* in_FullFileName:

Full file name of the XML file:

<Path> + <File name> + <File extension>.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The file name is invalid.

Table 7- 163 CreateConfigurationFile() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void CreateConfigurationFile(

string in_FullFileName
Parameters None
Return values • string in_FullFileName:

File name of the XML file that is to be written to:

<Path> + <File name> + <File extension>.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The file name is invalid.

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7.6.5 I/O access Synchronizing inputs and outputs

In PLCSIM Advanced the complete scope of the input and output area is used (see
GetAreaSize/AreaSize (Page 174)). This is also possible when no IO module is configured.
Inputs and outputs that are defined via configured IO modules are synchronized to the
defined update of the process image partition (PIP).
Inputs and outputs that are not assigned to an IO module are synchronized in the cycle
control point.
Note the following when synchronizing these inputs and outputs:
• Inputs can only be used as inputs.
You can write the values via the API, but values which are written via the user program
(TIA Portal) are not visible in the API.
• Outputs can be used as output and as input.
You can write the values via the API and via the CPU / the user program (TIA Portal). If API
and user program write to the same area, the values from the API will overwrite the values
from the user program. I/O access via address - Reading

InputArea { get; }, MarkerArea { get; }, OutputArea { get; }

Returns an interface that you use to call the .NET functions in this section.

Table 7- 164 InputArea { get; } MarkerArea { get; } OutputArea { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax IIOArea InputArea { get; }

IIOArea MarkerArea { get; }
IIOArea OutputArea { get; }
Parameters None
Return values IIOArea: The interface is used to call the "I/O access via address" functions.

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GetAreaSize() / AreaSize { get; }

Returns the size of the area in bytes.

Table 7- 165 GetAreaSize() - Native C++

Syntax UINT32 GetAreaSize(

EArea in_Area
Parameters • EArea in_Area:

The area whose size you want to receive. Permissible values:

Return values UINT32: Size of the area in bytes. If the function was successful, the value is
not equal to 0.

Table 7- 166 AreaSize { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax UInt32 InputArea.AreaSize { get; }

UInt32 MarkerArea.AreaSize { get; }
UInt32 OutputArea.AreaSize { get; }
Parameters None
Return values Uint32: Size of the area in bytes. If the function was successful, the value is
not equal to 0.

Reads an individual bit from the area.

The function allows access to the entire storage area of the virtual controller.
Therefore, use access via the tag name (Page 189) and not via the address areas.

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Table 7- 167 ReadBit() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadBit(

EArea in_Area,
UINT32 in_Offset,
UINT8 in_Bit,
bool* out_Value
Parameters • EArea in_Area:

The area from which you want to read. Permissible values:

• UINT32 in_Offset:

The byte offset within the area. The value must be between 0 and the value
that GetAreaSize() returns.
• UINT8 in_Bit:

The bit offset within the byte. The value must be between 0 and 7.
• bool* out_Value:
Returns the bit value.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE Offset or bits are invaid.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The area is invalid.

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Table 7- 168 ReadBit() - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool InputArea.ReadBit(

UInt32 in_Offset,
Byte in_Bit
bool MarkerArea.ReadBit(
UInt32 in_Offset,
Byte in_Bit
bool OutputArea.ReadBit(
UInt32 in_Offset,
Byte in_Bit
Parameters • UInt32 in_Offset:

The byte offset within the area. The value must be between 0 and the value
that AreaSize returns.
• Byte in_Bit:

The bit offset within the byte. The value must be between 0 and 7.
Return values bool: Bit value
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- Offset or bits are invaid.

Reads an individual bit from the area.

The function allows access to the entire storage area of the virtual controller.
Therefore, use access via the tag name and not via the address areas.

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Table 7- 169 ReadByte() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadByte(

EArea in_Area,
UINT32 in_Offset,
BYTE* out_Value);
Parameters • EArea in_Area:

The area from which you want to read. Permissible values:

• UINT32 in_Offset:

The byte offset within the area. The value must be between 0 and the value
that GetAreaSize() returns.
• BYTE* out_Value:

Returns the byte value.

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE Offset is invalid.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The area is invalid.

Table 7- 170 ReadByte() - .NET (C#)

Syntax Byte InputArea.ReadByte(

UInt32 in_Offset
Byte MarkerArea.ReadByte(
UInt32 in_Offset
Byte OutputArea.ReadByte(
UInt32 in_Offset
Parameters • UInt32 in_Offset:

The byte offset within the area. The value must be between 0 and the value
that AreaSize returns.
Return values Byte: Byte value.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- Offset is invalid.

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Reads a byte array from the area.

The function allows access to the entire storage area of the virtual controller.
Therefore, use access via the tag name and not via the address areas.

Table 7- 171 ReadByte() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadBytes(

EArea in_Area,
UINT32 in_Offset,
UINT32 in_BytesToRead,
UINT32* out_BytesRead,
BYTE inout_Values[]
Parameters • EArea in_Area:

The area from which you want to read. Permissible values:

• UINT32 in_Offset:

The byte offset within the area. The value must be between 0 and the value
that GetAreaSize() returns.
• UINT32 in_BytesToRead:

Contains the size of the value storage.

• UINT32* out_BytesRead:

Returns the number of bytes that were just written to the value storage.
• BYTE inout_Values[]:
The storage for the bytes that are read from the area.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset is outside the area size. No
byte could be read.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The area is invalid.

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Table 7- 172 ReadBytes() - .NET (C#)

Syntax Byte[] InputArea.ReadBytes(

UInt32 in_Offset,
UInt32 in_BytesToRead
Byte[] MarkerArea.ReadBytes(
UInt32 in_Offset,
UInt32 in_BytesToRead
Byte[] OutputArea.ReadBytes(
UInt32 in_Offset,
UInt32 in_BytesToRead
Parameters • UInt32 in_Offset:

The byte offset within the area. The value must be between 0 and the value
that AreaSize returns.
• UInt32 in_BytesToRead:

The number of bytes to be read.

Return values Byte[]: The read bytes.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset is outside the area size. No
byte could be read.

Structures and fields can be emulated through signal lists and be read by using the
ReadSignals() function.
The function also takes into consideration the byte order (Endianness).
Only primitive data type signals are supported, but the function is not type-safe.

The function allows access to the entire storage area of the virtual controller.
Therefore, use access via the tag name (Page 189) and not via the address areas.

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Table 7- 173 ReadSignals() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadSignals(

EArea in_Area,
SDataValueByAddress* inout_Signals,
UINT32 in_SignalCount
ERuntimeErrorCode ReadSignals(
EArea in_Area,
SDataValueByAddressWithCheck* inout_Signals,
UINT32 in_SignalCount,
bool* out_SignalsHaveChanged
Parameters • EArea in_Area:

The area from which you want to read. Permissible values:

• SDataValueByAddress* inout_Signals:

The signal list to be read. The result is stored in the structure.

• SDataValueByAddressWithCheck* inout_Signals:

The signal list that is read. The result is stored in the structure. "Value-
HasChanged" is set to true if the value of the signal has changed since the
preceding call.
• UINT32 in_SignalCount:

Number of signals in the list.

• bool* out_SignalsHaveChanged:

Returns true if the value of at least one signal has changed since the preced-
ing call.
Signal error Error code Condition
SREC_OK The signal operation is successful.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the stored
type. See Compatible primitive data types
(Page 385).
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The area is invalid.
SREC_SIGNAL_CONFIGURATION At least one signal error is in the list.

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Table 7- 174 ReadSignals() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void ReadSignals(

ref SDataValueByAddress[] inout_Signals
void ReadSignals(
ref SDataValueByAddressWithCheck[] inout_Signals
out bool out_SignalsHaveChanged);
Parameters • ref SDataValueByAddress[] inout_Signals:

The signal list to be read.

• ref SDataValueByAddressWithCheck[] inout_Signals:

The signal list that is read. The result is stored in the structure. "Value-
HasChanged" is set to true if the value of the signal has changed since the
preceding call.
• out bool out_SignalsHaveChanged:

Returns true if the value of at least one signal has changed since the preceding
Return values None
Signal error Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.OK The signal operation is successful.
ERuntimeError- Offset or bits are invalid.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- At least one signal error is in the list.

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182 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances I/O access via address - Writing

Writes an individual bit to the area.

Data can be overwritten
The function allows access to the entire storage area of the virtual controller.
Therefore, use access via the tag name (Page 220) and not via the address areas.

Table 7- 175 WriteBit() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteBit(

EArea in_Area,
UINT32 in_Offset,
UINT8 in_Bit,
bool in_Value
Parameters • EArea in_Area:

The area that is to be written.

Permissible values: {SRA_INPUT, SRA_MARKER, SRA_OUTPUT}.
See EArea (Page 379).
• UINT32 in_Offset:

The byte offset within the area. The value must be between 0 and the value
that GetAreaSize() returns.
• UINT8 in_Bit:

The bit offset within the byte. The value must be between 0 and 7.
• bool in_Value:

Bit value.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE Offset or bits are invaid.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT Area is invalid.

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Table 7- 176 WriteBit() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void InputArea WriteBit(

UInt32 in_Offset,
Byte in_Bit,
bool in_Value
void MarkerArea WriteBit(
UInt32 in_Offset,
Byte in_Bit,
bool in_Value
void OutputArea WriteBit(
UInt32 in_Offset,
Byte in_Bit,
bool in_Value
Parameters • UInt32 in_Offset:

The byte offset within the area. The value must be between 0 and the value
that AreaSize returns.
• Byte in_Bit:

The bit offset within the byte. The value must be between 0 and 7.
• bool in_Value:
Bit value.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- Offset or bits are invaid.

Writes an individual byte to the area.

Data can be overwritten
The function allows access to the entire storage area of the virtual controller.
Therefore, use access via the tag name (Page 220) and not via the address areas.

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Table 7- 177 WriteByte() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteByte(

EArea in_Area,
UINT32 in_Offset,
BYTE in_Value);
Parameters • EArea in_Area:

The area that is to be written.

Permissible values: {SRA_INPUT, SRA_MARKER, SRA_OUTPUT}.
See EArea (Page 379).
• UINT32 in_Offset:

The byte offset within the area. The value must be between 0 and the value
that GetAreaSize() returns.
• BYTE in_Value:

Byte value.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE Offset is invalid.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT Area is invalid.

Table 7- 178 WriteByte() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void InputArea.WriteByte(

UInt32 in_Offset,
Byte in_Value
void MarkerArea.WriteByte(
UInt32 in_Offset,
Byte in_Value
void OutputArea.WriteByte(
UInt32 in_Offset,
Byte in_Value
Parameters • UINT32 in_Offset:

The byte offset within the area. The value must be between 0 and the value
that AreaSize returns.
• BYTE in_Value:

Byte value.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- Offset is invalid.

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Writes a byte array to the area.

Data can be overwritten
The function allows access to the entire storage area of the virtual controller.
In particular, do not write to bytes that belong to other applications or contain internal data,
for example, qualifier bits for fail-safe I/O modules.
Therefore, use access via the tag name (Page 220) and not via the address areas.

Table 7- 179 WriteBytes() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteBytes(

EArea in_Area,
UINT32 in_Offset,
UINT32 in_BytesToWrite,
UINT32* out_BytesWritten,
BYTE in_Values[])
Parameters • EArea in_Area:

The area that is to be written.

Permissible values: {SRA_INPUT, SRA_MARKER, SRA_OUTPUT}.
See EArea (Page 379).
• UINT32 in_Offset:

The byte offset within the area. The value must be between 0 and the value
that GetAreaSize() returns.
• UINT32 in_BytesToWrite:

Contains the size of the array value to be written.

• UINT32* out_BytesWritten:

Contains the number of bytes that were just written.

• BYTE in_Values[]:
Byte array that is to be written to the area.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset is outside the area size. No
byte could be written.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The area is invalid.

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Table 7- 180 WriteBytes() - .NET (C#)

Syntax UInt32 InputArea.WriteBytes(

UInt32 in_Offset,
Byte[] in_Values
UInt32 InputArea.WriteBytes(
UInt32 in_Offset,
UInt32 in_BytesToWrite,
Byte[] in_Values
UInt32 MarkerArea.WriteBytes(
UInt32 in_Offset,
Byte[] in_Values
UInt32 MarkerArea.WriteBytes(
UInt32 in_Offset,
UInt32 in_BytesToWrite,
Byte[] in_Values
UInt32 OutputArea.WriteBytes(
UInt32 in_Offset,
Byte[] in_Values
UInt32 OutputArea.WriteBytes(
UInt32 in_Offset,
UInt32 in_BytesToWrite,
Byte[] in_Values
Parameters • UINT32 in_Offset:

The byte offset within the area. The value must be between 0 and the value
that AreaSize returns.
• UInt32 in_BytesToWrite:

Contains the number of bytes to be written. The value must be between 1 and
the size of the array value.
• BYTE in_Value:

Byte value.
Return values Uint32: Contains the number of bytes that were just written.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset is outside the area size. No
byte could be written.

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Writes multiple signals within an API call. The function also takes into consideration the byte
order (Endianness).
The function supports only primitive data type signals, but it is not typical.

Data can be overwritten
The function allows access to the entire storage area of the virtual controller.
Therefore, use access via the tag name (Page 220) and not via the address areas.

Table 7- 181 WriteSignals() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteSignals(

EArea in_Area,
SDataValueByAddress* in_Signals,
UINT32 in_SignalCount
Parameters • EArea in_Area:

The area that is to be written.

Permissible values: {SRA_INPUT, SRA_MARKER, SRA_OUTPUT}.
See EArea (Page 379).
• SDataValueByAddress* inout_Signals:

The signal list to be written.

• UINT32 in_SignalCount:

Number of signals in the list.

Signal error Error code Condition
SREC_OK The signal operation is successful.
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE Offset or bits are invalid.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_SIGNAL_CONFIGURATION_ERR At least one signal error is in the list.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The area is invalid.

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Table 7- 182 WriteSignals() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void InputArea.WriteSignals(

SDataValueByAddress[] in_Signals
void MarkerArea.WriteSignals(
SDataValueByAddress[] in_Signals
void OutputArea.WriteSignals(
SDataValueByAddress[] in_Signals
Parameters • SDataValueByAddress[] in_Signals:

The signal list to be written.

Return values None
Signal error Error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.OK The signal operation is successful.
ERuntimeError- Offset or bits are invalid.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- At least one signal error is in the list.
Code.SignalConfigurationError I/O access via tag name - Reading

Individual access to IO data is used for displaying and writing values that are not refreshed
regularly in a graphical user interface (GUI).

To simulate a regular exchange of signals, create a signal list for each set of signals. Use this
signal list for all further accesses. Create a new list as soon as the set of signals changes.
For the signal lists use the functions ReadSignals() and WriteSignals().

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Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 183 Read() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode Read(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
SDataValue* inout_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• SDataValue* inout_Value:

Contains the value and the expected type of the PLC tag. If the expected type is
UNSPECIFIC, it is set to the stored type when the function was successful. The
STRUCT type is not supported.

Structures and fields can be emulated through signal lists and be read by using
the ReadSignals() function.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

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Table 7- 184 Read() - .NET (C#)

Syntax SDataValue Read(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values SDataValue: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 386).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

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Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 185 ReadBool() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadBool(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
bool* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• bool* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

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Table 7- 186 ReadBool() - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool ReadBool(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values bool: Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 193
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 187 ReadInt8() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadInt8(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
INT8* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• INT8* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
194 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 188 ReadInt8() - .NET (C#)

Syntax Int8 ReadInt8(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values Int8: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 195
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 189 ReadInt16() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadInt16(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
INT16* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• INT16* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
196 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 190 ReadInt16() - .NET (C#)

Syntax Int16 ReadInt16(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values Int16: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 197
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 191 ReadInt32() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadInt32(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
INT32* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• INT32* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
198 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 192 ReadInt32() - .NET (C#)

Syntax Int32 ReadInt32(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values Int32: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 199
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 193 ReadInt64() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadInt64(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
INT64* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• INT64* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
200 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 194 ReadInt64() - .NET (C#)

Syntax Int64 ReadInt64(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values Int64: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 201
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 195 ReadUInt8() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadUInt8(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
UINT8* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• UINT8* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
202 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 196 ReadUInt8() - .NET (C#)

Syntax UInt8 ReadUInt8(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values UInt8: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 203
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 197 ReadUInt16() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadUInt16(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
UINT16* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• UINT16* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
204 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 198 ReadUInt16() - .NET (C#)

Syntax UInt16 ReadUInt16(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values UInt16: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 205
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 199 ReadUInt32() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadUInt32(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
UINT32* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• UINT32* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
206 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 200 ReadUInt32() - .NET (C#)

Syntax UInt32 ReadUInt32(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values Uint32: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 207
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 201 ReadInt64() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadUInt64(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
UINT64* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• UINT64* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
208 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 202 ReadUInt64() - .NET (C#)

Syntax UInt64 ReadUInt64(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values UInt64: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 209
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 203 ReadFloat() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadFloat(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
float* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• float* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
210 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 204 ReadFloat() - .NET (C#)

Syntax float ReadFloat(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values float: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 211
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 205 ReadDouble() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadDouble(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
double* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• double* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
212 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 206 ReadDouble() - .NET (C#)

Syntax double ReadDouble(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values double: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 213
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 207 ReadChar() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadChar(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
char* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• char* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
214 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
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7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 208 ReadChar() - .NET (C#)

Syntax sbyte ReadChar(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values sbyte: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 215
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 209 ReadWChar() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadWChar(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
WCHAR* out_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.

• WCHAR* out_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
216 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
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7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 210 ReadWChar() - .NET (C#)

Syntax char ReadWChar(

string in_Tag
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be read.
Return values char: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be read.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

Reads multiple signals within an API call. When the function is called for the first time, it
stores internal information in the structures SDataValueByName* to improve the
performance of the subsequent calls.

To simulate a regular exchange of signals, create a signal list for each set of signals. Use this
signal list for all further accesses. Create a new list as soon as the set of signals changes.

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7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 211 ReadSignals() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadSignals(

SDataValueByName* inout_Signals,
UINT32 in_SignalCount
ERuntimeErrorCode ReadSignals(
SDataValueByNameWithCheck* inout_Signals,
UINT32 in_SignalCount
bool* out_SignalsHaveChanged
Parameters • SDataValueByName* inout_Signals:

Contains the name, the value and the expected type of the PLC tag. If the ex-
pected type is UNSPECIFIC, it is set to the stored type when the function was
successful. The STRUCT type is not supported.
• SDataValueByNameWithCheck* inout_Signals:

Contains the name, the value and the expected type of the PLC tag. If the ex-
pected type is UNSPECIFIC, it is set to the stored type when the function was
successful. The STRUCT type is not supported. "ValueHasChanged" is set to
true if the value of the signal has changed since the preceding call.
• UINT32 in_SignalCount:

The number of signals to be read.

• bool* out_SignalsHaveChanged:

Returns true if the value of at least one signal has changed since the preceding
Signal error Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The signal operation is successful.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE Offset or bits are invalid.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.
SREC_SIGNAL_CONFIGURATION_ERR At least one signal error is in the list.

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218 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 212 ReadSignals() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void ReadSignals(

ref SDataValueByName[] inout_Signals
void ReadSignals(
ref SDataValueByNameWithCheck[] inout_Signals
out bool out_SignalsHaveChanged
Parameters • ref SDataValueByName[] inout_Signals:

Contains the name, the value and the expected type of the PLC tag. If the ex-
pected type is UNSPECIFIC, it is set to the stored type when the function was
successful. The STRUCT type is not supported.
• ref SDataValueByNameWithCheck[] inout_Signals:

Contains the name, the value and the expected type of the PLC tag. If the ex-
pected type is UNSPECIFIC, it is set to the stored type when the function was
successful. The STRUCT type is not supported. "ValueHasChanged" is set to
true if the value of the signal has changed since the preceding call.
• out bool out_SignalsHaveChanged:

Returns true if the value of at least one signal has changed since the preceding
Return values SDataValue: Contains the value and the type of the PLC tag.
Signal error Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.OK The signal operation is successful.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeError- Offset or bits are invalid.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 219
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances I/O access via tag name - Writing

Individual access to IO data is used for displaying and writing values that are not refreshed
regularly in a graphical user interface (GUI).

To simulate a regular exchange of signals, create a signal list for each set of signals. Use this
signal list for all further accesses. Create a new list as soon as the set of signals changes.
For the signal lists use the functions ReadSignals() and WriteSignals().

Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 213 Write() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode Write(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
SDataValue* in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• SDataValue* in_Value:

Contains the value and the expected type of the PLC tag. The UNSPECIFIC and
STRUCT types are not supported.

Structures and fields can be emulated through signal lists and then be read by
using the ReadSignals() function and written by using the WriteSig-
nals() function.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
220 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 214 Write() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void Write(

string in_Tag
SDataValue in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• SDataValue in_Value:

Contains the value and the expected type of the PLC tag. The UNSPECIFIC and
STRUCT types are not supported.

Structures and fields can be emulated through signal lists and then be written
by using the WriteSignals() function.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.
ERuntimeError- The expected type is UNSPECIFIC.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
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User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 215 WriteBool() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteBool(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
bool in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• bool in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
222 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 216 WriteBool() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteBool(

string in_Tag
bool in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• bool in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 387).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 223
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 217 WriteInt8() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteInt8(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
INT8 in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• INT8 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
224 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 218 WriteInt8() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteInt8(

string in_Tag
Int8 in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• Int8 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 225
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 219 WriteInt16() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteInt16(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
INT16 in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• INT16 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
226 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 220 WriteInt16() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteInt16(

string in_Tag
Int16 in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.
• Int16 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
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User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 221 WriteInt32() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteInt32(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
INT32 in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• INT32 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
228 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 222 WriteInt32() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteInt32(

string in_Tag
Int32 in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.
• Int32 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 229
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 223 WriteInt64() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteInt64(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
INT64 in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• INT64 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
230 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 224 WriteInt64() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteInt64(

string in_Tag
Int64 in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.
• Int64 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 231
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 225 WriteUInt8() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteUInt8(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
UINT8 in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• UINT8 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
232 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 226 WriteUInt8() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteUInt8(

string in_Tag
UInt8 in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.
• UInt8 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 233
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Reads the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 227 WriteUInt16() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteUInt16(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
UINT16 in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• UINT16 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
234 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 228 WriteUInt16() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteUInt16(

string in_Tag
UInt16 in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:
The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.
• UInt16 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 235
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 229 WriteUInt32() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteUInt32(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
UINT32 in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• UINT32 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
236 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 230 WriteUInt32() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteUInt32(

string in_Tag
UInt32 in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• UInt32 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 237
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 231 WriteUInt64() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteUInt64(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
UINT64 in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• UINT64 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
238 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 232 WriteUInt64() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteUInt64(

string in_Tag
UInt64 in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• UInt64 in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 239
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7.6 API IInstances

Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 233 WriteFloat() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteFloat(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
float in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• float in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
240 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 234 WriteFloat() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteFloat(

string in_Tag
float in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• float in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 241
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7.6 API IInstances

Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 235 WriteDouble() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteDouble(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
double in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• double in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
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Table 7- 236 WriteDouble() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteDouble(

string in_Tag
double in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• double in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

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Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 237 WriteChar() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteChar(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
char in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• char in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

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Table 7- 238 WriteChar() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteChar(

string in_Tag
sbyte in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• sbyte in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

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Writes the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 239 WriteWChar() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteWChar(

WCHAR* in_Tag,
WCHAR in_Value
Parameters • WCHAR* in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• WCHAR in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

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Table 7- 240 WriteWChar() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteWChar(

string in_Tag
char in_Value
Parameters • string in_Tag:

The name of the PLC tag that is to be written.

• char in_Value:
Contains the value of the PLC tag.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The offset lies outside the area range. No
value could be written.
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.

Writes multiple signals within an API call. When the function is called for the first time, it
stores internal information in the structures SDataValueByName* to improve the
performance of the subsequent calls.

To simulate a regular exchange of signals, create a signal list for each set of signals. Use this
signal list for all further accesses. Create a new list as soon as the set of signals changes.

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Table 7- 241 WriteSignals() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteSignals(

SDataValueByName* inout_Signals,
UINT32 in_SignalCount
Parameters • SDataValueByName* inout_Signals:

Contains the name, the value and the expected type of the PLC tag. The
UNSPECIFIC and STRUCT types are not supported.
• UINT32 in_SignalCount:

Number of signals.
Signal error Error code Condition
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE Offset or bits are invalid.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The entry does not exist in the stored tag
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED Access to entire structures or arrays is not
SREC_TYPE_MISMATCH The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 385).
SREC_NOT_UP_TO_DATE The stored tag list must be updated.

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Table 7- 242 WriteSignals() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteSignals(

SDataValueByName[] in_Signals
Parameters • SDataValueByName:

Contains the name, the value and the expected type of the PLC tag. The
UNSPECIFIC and STRUCT types are not supported.
Return values None
Signal error Error code Condition
ERuntimeError- Offset or bits are invalid.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The entry does not exist in the stored tag
ERuntimeError- Access to entire structures or arrays is not
ERuntimeError- The expected type does not match the
stored type. See Compatible primitive
data types (Page 387).
ERuntimeErrorCode.NotUpToData The stored tag list must be updated.
ERuntimeError- The expected type is UNSPECIFIC.

7.6.6 Settings for the virtual time

Returns the virtual system time of the virtual controller. Returns an empty structure when the
function fails.

Table 7- 243 GetSystemTime() - Native C++

Syntax SYSTEMTIME GetSystemTime();

Parameters None
Return values SYSTEMTIME: System time of the virtual controller.

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Sets the virtual system time of the virtual controller. A system time between
"Jan 1 1970 00:00:00:000" and "Dec 31 2200 23:59:59:999" is valid.

Table 7- 244 SetSystemTime() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode SetSystemTime(

SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime
Parameters • SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime:

System time that is to be set for the virtual controller.

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The value is outside the limits.

SystemTime { get; set; }

Sets or returns the virtual system time of the virtual controller. A system time between
"Jan 1 1970 00:00:00:000" and "Dec 31 2200 23:59:59:999" is valid.

Table 7- 245 SystemTime { get; set; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax DateTime SystemTime { get; set; }

Parameters None
Return values Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The value is outside the limits.

Returns the scaling factor with which the virtual time advances.

Table 7- 246 GetScaleFactor() - Native C++

Syntax double GetScaleFactor();

Parameters None
Return values double: Scaling factor of the virtual time.

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Sets the scaling factor with which the virtual time advances.
Start with a small scaling factor and incrementally approach a scaling factor at which the
virtual controller remains in RUN.
A value between 0.01 and 100 is valid. The default setting is 1.
• If the value is less than 1, the virtual time of the virtual controller runs X-times slower than
the real time.
• If the value is greater than 1, the virtual time of the virtual controller runs X-times faster
than the real time.
A change in the value during runtime only takes effect at the cycle control point.

Table 7- 247 SetScaleFactor() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode SetScaleFactor (

double in_Value
Parameters • double in_Value:

Scaling factor of the virtual time.

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The value is outside the limits.

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ScaleFactor { get; set; }

Sets or returns the scaling factor with which the virtual time advances.
Start with a small scaling factor and incrementally approach a scaling factor at which the
virtual controller remains in RUN.
A value between 0.01 and 100 is valid. The default setting is 1.
• If the value is less than 1, the virtual time of the virtual controller runs X-times slower than
the real time.
• If the value is greater than 1, the virtual time of the virtual controller runs X-times faster
than the real time.
A change in the value during runtime only takes effect at the cycle control point.

Table 7- 248 ScaleFactor { get; set; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax double ScaleFactor { get; set; }

Parameters None
Return values double: Scaling factor of the virtual time.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The value is outside the limits.

7.6.7 Cycle control

Returns the operating mode (Page 381) of the virtual controller.

Table 7- 249 GetOperatingMode() - Native C++

Syntax EOperatingMode GetOperatingMode();

Parameters None
Return values EOperatingMode: Operating mode of the virtual controller

Sets the operating mode of the virtual controller.

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A change in the value during runtime only takes effect at the synchronization point.

Table 7- 250 SetOperatingMode() - Native C++

Syntax void SetOperatingMode(

EOperatingMode in_OperatingMode
Parameters • EOperatingMode in_OperatingMode:

Operating mode of the virtual controller

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

OperatingMode { get; set; }

Returns or sets the operating mode of the virtual controller.
A change in the value during runtime only takes effect at the synchronization point.

Table 7- 251 OperatingMode { get; set; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax EOperatingMode OperatingMode { get; set; }

Parameters None
Return values EOperatingMode: Operating mode of the virtual controller
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

Sets the SendSyncEventInDefault mode. In this mode the OnSyncPointReached
event is triggered after each cycle end in the Default operating mode. See
OnSyncPointReached (Page 292).

Table 7- 252 SetSendSyncEventInDefaultModeEnabled() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode SetSendSyncEventInDefaultModeEnabled(

bool in_Enable
Parameters • bool in_Enable:

If true, the OnSyncPointReached event is triggered after each cycle in the

Default operating mode.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

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Returns the SendSyncEventInDefaultMode mode. When the function fails, the return
value is false.

Table 7- 253 IsSendSyncEventInDefaultModeEnabled() - Native C++

Syntax bool IsSendSyncEventInDefaultModeEnabled();

Parameters None
Return values • false: The event is not triggered (unless the Sync-Freeze mode is active).
• true: The event is triggered after every cycle.

IsSendSyncEventInDefaultModeEnabled { get; set; }

Returns or sets the SendSyncEventInDefaultMode mode. In this mode the
OnSyncPointReached event is triggered after each cycle end for every operating mode. If
the event is also to be received in the Default operating mode, set the return value to true.
See OnSyncPointReached (Page 292).

Table 7- 254 IsSendSyncEventInDefaultModeEnabled { get; set; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool IsSendSyncEventInDefaultModeEnabled { get; set;}

Parameters None
Return values • false: The event is not triggered (unless the Sync-Freeze mode is active).
• true: The event is triggered after every cycle.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

Returns the overwritten minimum cycle time (in nanoseconds) that is used in the
SingleStep_CT and SingleStep_CPT operating modes.

Table 7- 255 GetOverwrittenMinimalCycleTime_ns() - Native C++

Syntax INT64 GetOverwrittenMinimalCycleTime_ns();

Parameters None
Return values INT64: The overwritten minimum cycle time in nanoseconds.

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Sets the overwritten minimum cycle time (in nanoseconds) that is used in the
SingleStep_CT and SingleStep_CPT operating modes.
A value between 0 and 6000000000 is valid. The default setting is 100 ms.
A change in the value during runtime only takes effect at the cycle control point.

Table 7- 256 SetOverwrittenMinimalCycleTime_ns() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode SetOverwrittenMinimalCycleTime_ns(

INT64 in_CycleTime_ns
Parameters • INT64 in_CycleTime_ns:

The overwritten minimum cycle time in nanoseconds.

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The value is outside the limits.

OverwrittenMinimalCycleTime_ns { get; set; }

Returns or sets the overwritten minimum cycle time in nanoseconds that is used in the
SingleStep_CT and SingleStep_CPT operating modes.
A value between 0 and 6000000000 is valid. The default setting is 100 ms.
A change in the value during runtime only takes effect at the cycle control point.

Table 7- 257 OverwrittenMinimalCycleTime_ns { get; set; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax Int64 OverwrittenMinimalCycleTime_ns { get; set; }

Parameters None
Return values Int64: The overwritten minimum cycle time in nanoseconds.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The value is outside the limits.

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If the virtual controller is running in a SingleStep operating mode, it is stopped at the
synchronization point (Freeze state). The RunToNextSyncPoint() function cancels the
freeze state. The virtual controller continues to run until the next synchronization point.

Table 7- 258 RunToNextSyncPoint() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode RunToNextSyncPoint();

Parameters None
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not

Table 7- 259 RunToNextSyncPoint() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void RunToNextSyncPoint();

Parameters None
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not

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If the virtual controller is running in a TimespanSynchronized operating mode, it is stopped at
the synchronization point (Freeze state). The StartProcessing() function cancels the
freeze state. The virtual controller will now run for at least the requested time before it
changes to Freeze state at the next synchronization point.

Table 7- 260 StartProcessing() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode StartProcessing(

INT64 in_MinimalTimeToRun_ns
Parameters • INT64 in_MinimalTimeToRun_ns:

The minimum virtual time (in nanoseconds) that the virtual controller runs be-
fore it changes to Freeze state.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING The process of the virtual controller is not
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The value is less than 0.

Table 7- 261 StartProcessing() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void StartProcessing(

Int64 in_MinimalTimeToRun_ns
Parameters • Int64 in_MinimalTimeToRun_ns:

The minimum virtual time (in nanoseconds) that the virtual controller runs be-
fore it changes to Freeze state.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The process of the virtual controller is not
ERuntimeError- The value is less than 0.

Additional information
For further information, see sections Virtual time response (Page 75), Stop simulation
(Page 78).

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With this function the source of the timer for the maximum cycle time monitoring can be

Table 7- 262 SetCycleTimeMonitoringMode() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode SetCycleTimeMonitoringMode(

ECycleTimeMonitoringMode in_CycleTimeMonitoringMode
ERuntimeErrorCode SetCycleTimeMonitoringMode(
ECycleTimeMonitoringMode in_CycleTimeMonitoringMode,
INT64 in_MaxCycleTime_ns
Parameters • ECycleTimeMonitoringMode in_CycleTimeMonitoringMode:

Select one of the following options for the maximum cycle time monitoring:
The maximum cycle time from the project that was downloaded from
STEP 7 is used as maximum cycle time monitoring.
– SRCTMM_IGNORED (default):
A timer value of one minute is used as maximum cycle time monitoring to
prevent a potential error in case of an overflow of cyclic events.
See Monitoring overflow (Page 407).
A value that is specified with the in_MaxCycleTime_ns parameter is used
as maximum cycle time monitoring.

Default: 150 ms.

• INT64 in_MaxCycleTime_ns:

The user-specific value for the maximum cycle time monitoring.

A value between 1000000 and 60000000000 ns (1 millisecond to 1 minute) is

valid. If no value is specified in the API, the default value of 150 ms applies.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The cycle time monitoring mode is inva-
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The user-specific value for the maximum
cycle time monitoring is outside the lim-

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Table 7- 263 SetCycleTimeMonitoringMode() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void SetCycleTimeMonitoringMode(

ECycleTimeMonitoringMode in_CycleTimeMonitoringMode

void SetCycleTimeMonitoringMode(
ECycleTimeMonitoringMode in_CycleTimeMonitoringMode,
Int64 in_MaxCycleTime_ns
Parameters • ECycleTimeMonitoringMode in_CycleTimeMonitoringMode:

Select one of the following options for the maximum cycle time monitoring:
– ECycleTimeMonitoringMode.Downloaded:
The maximum cycle time from the project that was downloaded from
STEP 7 is used as maximum cycle time monitoring.
– ECycleTimeMonitoringMode.Ignored (default):
A timer value of one minute is used as maximum cycle time monitoring to
prevent a potential error in case of an overflow of cyclic events.
See Monitoring overflow (Page 407).
– ECycleTimeMonitoringMode.Specified:
A value that is specified with the in_MaxCycleTime_ns parameter is used
as maximum cycle time monitoring.

Default: 150 ms.

• Int64 in_MaxCycleTime_ns:

The user-specific value for the maximum cycle time monitoring.

A value between 1000000 and 60000000000 ns (1 millisecond to 1 minute) is

valid. If no value is specified in the API, the default value of 150 ms applies.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The cycle time monitoring mode is inva-
ERuntimeError- The user-specific value for the maximum
cycle time monitoring is outside the lim-

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This function returns information on the source of the timer for the maximum cycle time

Table 7- 264 GetCycleTimeMonitoringMode() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetCycleTimeMonitoringMode(

ECycleTimeMonitoringMode* out_CycleTimeMonitoringMode,
INT64* out_MaxCycleTime_ns
Parameters • ECycleTimeMonitoringMode* out_CycleTimeMonitoringMode:

The configured mode for cycle time monitoring. The default setting is
• INT64 in_MaxCycleTime_ns:

The user-specific value for the maximum cycle time monitoring. If no value is
specified in the API, the default value of 150 ms is returned.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

Table 7- 265 GetCycleTimeMonitoringMode() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void GetCycleTimeMonitoringMode(

out ECycleTimeMonitoringMode out_CycleTimeMonitoringMode,
out Int64 out_MaxCycleTime_ns
Parameters • ECycleTimeMonitoringMode out_CycleTimeMonitoringMode:

The configured mode for cycle time monitoring. The default setting is ECy-
• Int64 in_MaxCycleTime_ns:

The user-specific value for the maximum cycle time monitoring. If no value is
specified in the API, the default value of 150 ms is returned.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

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7.6.8 Acyclic services Overview
The acyclic services of PLCSIM Advanced include:
• Read and write processes of parameter and status data from the user program of the PLC
to the I/O modules
• Interrupt and event information which the I/O modules send to the CPU.

Read and write operations

Events triggered by the user program (TIA Portal), which have logged on for the notification:

Table 7- 266 Events: Read and write operations

SFB Name API method (alarm) API event for triggering the SFB
52 RDREC ReadRecordDone (Page 263) OnDataRecordRead (Page 295)
53 WRREC WriteRecordDone (Page 263) OnDataRecordWrite (Page 295)


Figure 7-4 Read and write operations flowchart

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API methods and associated events

Events which are triggered by the I/O modules and associated API methods:

Table 7- 267 API methods and associated events

OB Name API methods for triggering the API event after OB execution
OB (query) (alarm)
82 Diagnostic error Inter- AlarmNotification (Page 266) OnAlarmNotificationDone
rupt (Page 297)
4x Hardware Interrupt ProcessEvent (Page 269) OnProcessEventDone (Page 298)
83 Pull or Plug of module PullOrPlugEvent (Page 271) OnPullOrPlugEventDone
(Page 299)
55 Status StatusEvent (Page 273) OnStatusEventDone (Page 300)
57 Profile ProfileEvent (Page 275) OnProfileEventDone (Page 301)
56 Update UpdateEvent (Page 277) OnUpdateEventDone (Page 302)
86 Rack or station failure RackOrStationFaultEvent OnRackOrStationFaultEventDone
(Page 279) (Page 303)

Flowchart for the simulation of events which are triggered by the I/O modules.

Figure 7-5 Flowchart for the simulation of events

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
262 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
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7.6 API IInstances ReadRecordDone / WriteRecordDone

With this API method, the simulation of an I/O module signals to the CPU that the
asynchronous reading of a data record has been completed. The simulation hereby makes the
read information available.

Table 7- 268 ReadRecordDone() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ReadRecordDone(

SDataRecordInfo in_RecordInfo,
BYTE* in_Data,
UINT32 in_Status
Parameters • SDataRecordInfo in_RecordInfo:

Structure which contains the data record information.

See SDataRecordInfo (Page 368).
• BYTE* in_Data:

Byte array of the read data record with the length defined by DataSize in the
structure SDataRecordInfo.
• UINT32 in_Status:
Status of the job execution
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST No hardware identifier of the module.
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The byte array of the read data record
exceeds the length
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

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Table 7- 269 ReadRecordDone() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void ReadRecordDone(

SDataRecordInfo in_RecordInfo,
BYTE[] in_Data,
UInt32 in_Status
Parameters • SDataRecordInfo in_RecordInfo:

Structure which contains the data record information.

See SDataRecordInfo (Page 368).
• BYTE[] in_Data:

Byte array of the read data record with the length defined by DataSize in the
structure SDataRecordInfo.
• UInt32 in_Status:

Status of the job execution

Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeError- No hardware identifier of the module.
ERuntimeError- The byte array of the read data record
exceeds the length DataRecord-
MaxSize = 64000.
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

With this API method, the simulation of an I/O module signals to the CPU that the
asynchronous writing of a data record has been completed.

Table 7- 270 WriteRecordDone() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode WriteRecordDone(

SDataRecordInfo in_RecordInfo,
UINT32 in_Status
Parameters • SDataRecordInfo in_RecordInfo:

Structure which contains the data record information.

See SDataRecordInfo (Page 368).
• UINT32 in_Status:

Status of the job execution

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST No hardware identifier of the module.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
264 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 271 WriteRecordDone() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void WriteRecordDone(

SDataRecordInfo in_RecordInfo,
UInt32 in_Status
Parameters • SDataRecordInfo in_RecordInfo:

Structure which contains the data record information.

See SDataRecordInfo (Page 368).
• UInt32 in_Status:

Status of the job execution

Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeError- No hardware identifier of the module.
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 265
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances AlarmNotification

This function triggers diagnostic alarms according to the PROFINET standard.
Each call of this function calls the OB 82 once, regardless of the number and the severity level
of the transferred diagnostic entries.

Table 7- 272 AlarmNotification() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode AlarmNotification(

UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier,
UINT16 in_ModuleState,
UINT16 in_NumberOfDiagnosisEvents,
SDiagExtChannelDescription* in_ArrayOfDiagnosisEvents,
UINT16* out_SequenceNumber
Parameters • UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which sends the diagnos-
tics entry.

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

• UINT16 in_ModuleState:

Module status. The following statuses are valid:


The in_ModuleState parameter is derived from the sum (ORed) of the severi-
ty level in the SDiagExtChannelDescription field. If a diagnostic interrupt
should be generated for both "Maintenance demanded" as well as "Mainte-
nance required", select "6" as the module status.
• UINT16 in_NumberOfDiagnosisEvents:

Multiple diagnostic entries can be sent to the CPU with a single API call.

Valid range: 0 to 16. 0 means that no diagnostics entry should appear for the
submodule or the channel.
• SDiagExtChannelDescription* in_ArrayOfDiagnosisEvents:

Pointer to a field with diagnostic entries. The field must match the number of
diagnostic entries. It can also be a zero pointer. For definitions, see SDi-
agExtChannelDescription (Page 371).
• UINT16* out_SequenceNumber:

PLCSIM Advanced assigns a unique consecutive number to each interrupt event.

According to PROFINET standard the sequence number is 10 bits wide (1 to

7FFH). When the highest number is reached the numbering starts again at 1.

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266 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
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7.6 API IInstances

Return values Runtime error code Condition

SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_WRONG_MODULE_STATE The module is currently unplugged.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST No hardware identifier of the module.
SREC_WRONG_MODULE_TYPE The channel number does not exist for
the module.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The value for the module status is invalid.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 267
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 273 AlarmNotification() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void AlarmNotification(

ushort in_HardwareIdentifier,
ushort in_ModuleState,
ushort in_NumberOfDiagnosisEvents,
SDiagExtChannelDescription [] in_ArrayOfDiagnosisEvents,
Out ushort out_SequenceNumber
Parameters • ushort in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which sends the diagnos-
tics entry.

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

• ushort in_ModuleState:

Module status. The following statuses are valid:

ModuleState.Ok = 0,
ModuleState.Error = 1,
ModuleState.MaintenanceDemanded = 2,
ModuleState.MaintenanceRequired = 4

The in_ModuleState parameter is derived from the sum (ORed) of the severi-
ty level in the SDiagExtChannelDescription field.

If a diagnostic interrupt should be generated for both "Maintenance demanded"

as well as "Maintenance required", select "6" as the module status.
• ushort in_NumberOfDiagnosisEvents

Multiple diagnostic entries can be sent to the CPU with a single API call.

Valid range: 0 to 16. 0 means that no diagnostics entry should appear for the
submodule or the channel.
• SDiagExtChannelDescription [] in_ArrayOfDiagnosisEvents:

Pointer to a field with diagnostic entries. The field must match the number of
diagnostic entries. It can also be a zero pointer. For definitions, see SDi-
agExtChannelDescription (Page 371).
• Out ushort out_SequenceNumber:

PLCSIM Advanced assigns a unique consecutive number to each alarm event.

According to PROFINET standard the sequence number is 10 bits wide (1 to

7FFH). When the highest number is reached the numbering starts again at 1.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeError- The module is currently unplugged.
ERuntimeError- No hardware identifier of the module.
ERuntimeError- The value for the module status is invalid.
ERuntimeError- The channel number does not exist for
the module.
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

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268 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Example ushort seqNumber;

var In_ArrayOfDiagnosisEvent = new SDiagExtChannelDescrip-
tion[] {
new SDiagExtChannelDescription() {ChannelNumber = 0x8000,
ErrorType = 0x0001,
ExtErrorType = 0, Direction = EDiagProperty.Appear,Severity

new SDiagExtChannelDescription() {ChannelNumber = 0x8000,

ErrorType = 0x0002,
ExtErrorType = 0, Direction = EDiagProperty.Appear,Severity

new SDiagExtChannelDescription() {ChannelNumber = 0x8000,

ErrorType = 0x0003,
ExtErrorType = 0, Direction = EDiagProperty.Appear,Severity

Instance.AlarmNotification(269, 7, 3,
In_ArrayOfDiagnosisEvent, out seqNumber);
//ModuleState parameter is sum of the severities in the SDi-
agExtChannelDescription array above: 4+2+1 ProcessEvent

Process events from central and distributed input modules can be simulated with this

Table 7- 274 ProcessEvent() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ProcessEvent(

UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier,
UINT16 in_Channel,
EProcessEventType in_ProcessEventType,
UINT16* out SequenceNumber);
Parameters • UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which sends the process

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

• UINT16 in_Channel:

The channel of the IO module which sends the process event.

• EProcessEventType in_ProcessEventType:

A value from the list of predefined types of events for S7 modules, see EProces-
sEventType (Page 394).
• UINT16* out_SequenceNumber:

PLCSIM Advanced assigns a unique consecutive number to each interrupt event.

According to PROFINET standard the sequence number is 10 bits wide (1 to

7FFH). When the highest number is reached the numbering starts again at 1.

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Return values Runtime error code Condition

SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_WRONG_MODULE_STATE The module is currently unplugged.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST No hardware identifier of the module.
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_MODULE The module is not supported by this user
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

Table 7- 275 ProcessEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void ProcessEvent(

ushort in_HardwareIdentifier,
ushort in_Channel,
EProcessEventType in_ProcessEventType,
Out ushort out_SequenceNumber
Parameters • ushort in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which generates the pro-
cess event.

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

• ushort in_Channel:

The channel of the IO module which generates the process event.

• EProcessEventType in_ProcessEventType:

A value from the list of predefined types of events for S7 modules, see EProces-
sEventType (Page 394).
• Out ushort out_SequenceNumber:

PLCSIM Advanced assigns a unique consecutive number to each interrupt event.

According to PROFINET standard the sequence number is 10 bits wide (1 to

7FFH). When the highest number is reached the numbering starts again at 1.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeError- The module is currently unplugged.
ERuntimeError- No hardware identifier of the module.
ERuntimeError- The module is not supported by this user
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

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270 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances PullOrPlugEvent

This function triggers pull/plug events. The interrupt OB (OB 83) "Pull or plug of modules" is
executed for these events.

Table 7- 276 PullOrPlugEvent() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode PullOrPlugEvent(

UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier,
EPullOrPlugEventType in_PullOrPlugEventType,
UINT16* out_SequenceNumber
Parameters • UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which generates the

pull/plug event.

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

• EPullOrPlugEventType in_PullOrPlugEventType:

A value from the list of predefined types of pull/plug events, see EPullOr-
PlugEventType (Page 394).
• UINT16* out_SequenceNumber:

PLCSIM Advanced assigns a unique consecutive number to each interrupt event.

According to PROFINET standard the sequence number is 10 bits wide (1 to

7FFH). When the highest number is reached the numbering starts again at 1.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_WRONG_MODULE_STATE The module is currently unplugged.
SREC_WRONG_MODULE_TYPE The wrong module type was selected.
For example, if an onboard IO of a com-
pact CPU is to be pulled.
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_MODULE The module is not supported by this user
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST No hardware identifier of the module.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

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7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 277 PullOrPlugEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void PullOrPlugEvent(

ushort in_HardwareIdentifier,
EPullOrPlugEventType in_PullOrPlugEventType,
Out ushort out_SequenceNumber
Parameters • ushort in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which generates the

pull/plug event.

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

• EPullOrPlugEventType in_PullOrPlugEventType:

A value from the list of predefined types of pull/plug events, see EPullOr-
PlugEventType (Page 394).
• Out ushort out_SequenceNumber

PLCSIM Advanced assigns a unique consecutive number to each interrupt event.

According to PROFINET standard the sequence number is 10 bits wide (1 to

7FFH). When the highest number is reached the numbering starts again at 1.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeError- The module is currently unplugged.
ERuntimeError- The wrong module type was selected.
For example, if an onboard IO of a com-
pact CPU is to be pulled.
ERuntimeError- No hardware identifier of the module.
ERuntimeError- The module is not supported by this user
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
272 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances StatusEvent

This function is used to trigger the status event OB (OB 55). Status events are only supported
for modules in a distributed IO system.

Table 7- 278 StatusEvent() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode StatusEvent(

UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier,
UINT16 in_Specifier
Parameters • UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module that generates the status event.

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

• UINT16 in_Specifier:

The parameter is transferred to the interrupt frame as interrupt specifier. It is

available as input parameter of the OB 55 call.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_WRONG_MODULE_STATE The module is currently unplugged.
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_MODULE The module is not supported by this user
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST No hardware identifier of the module.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

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7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 279 StatusEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void StatusEvent(

ushort in_HardwareIdentifier,
ushort in_Specifier
Parameters • ushort in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module that generates the status event.

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

• ushort in_Specifier:

The parameter is transferred to the interrupt frame as interrupt specifier. It is

available as input parameter of the OB 55 call.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeError- The module is currently unplugged.
ERuntimeError- No hardware identifier of the module.
ERuntimeError- The module is not supported by this user
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

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274 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances ProfileEvent

This function is used to trigger the Profile event OB (OB 57). Profile events are only supported
for modules in a distributed IO system.

Table 7- 280 ProfileEvent() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode ProfileEvent(

UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier,
UINT16 in_Specifier
Parameters • UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module that generates the profile event.

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

• UINT16 in_Specifier:

The parameter is transferred to the interrupt frame as interrupt specifier. It is

available as input parameter of the OB 57 call.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_WRONG_MODULE_STATE The module is currently unplugged.
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_MODULE The module is not supported by this user
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST No hardware identifier of the module.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

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7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 281 ProfileEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void ProfileEvent(

ushort in_HardwareIdentifier,
ushort in_Specifier
Parameters • ushort in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module that generates the profile event.

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

• ushort in_Specifier:

The parameter is transferred to the interrupt frame as interrupt specifier. It is

available as input parameter of the OB 57 call.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeError- The module is currently unplugged.
ERuntimeError- No hardware identifier of the module.
ERuntimeError- The module is not supported by this user
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
276 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances UpdateEvent

This function is used to trigger the Update event OB (OB 56). Update events are only
supported for modules in a distributed IO system.

Table 7- 282 UpdateEvent() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode UpdateEvent(

UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier,
UINT16 in_Specifier
Parameters • UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module that triggers the update event.

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

• UINT16 in_Specifier:

The parameter is transferred to the interrupt frame as interrupt specifier. It is

available as input parameter of the OB 56 call.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_WRONG_MODULE_STATE The module is currently unplugged.
SREC_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_MODULE The module is not supported by this user
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST No hardware identifier of the module.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

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7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 283 UpdateEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void UpdateEvent(

ushort in_HardwareIdentifier,
ushort in_Specifier
Parameters • ushort in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module that triggers the update event.

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

• ushort in_Specifier:

The parameter is transferred to the interrupt frame as interrupt specifier. It is

available as input parameter of the OB 56 call.
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeError- The module is currently unplugged.
ERuntimeError- No hardware identifier of the module.
ERuntimeError- The module is not supported by this user
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time. GetConfiguredProcessEvent

With this API method, the process events configured in the TIA Portal can be read out during
If no process events are present, SREC_OK is returned. The value for EventsCount is then 0.

Table 7- 284 GetConfiguredProcessEvents() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetConfiguredProcessEvents(

UINT16* out_EventsCount,
Parameters • SConfiguredProcessEvents* inout_ProcessEvents:

Pointer or reference to a user-defined memory which contains the field with the
downloaded configured process events. The structure SConfiguredProcessEv-
ents (Page 369) contains information about these process events.
• UINT16* out_EventsCount:

Pointer or reference to a tag which contains the number of configured process

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

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7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 285 GetConfiguredProcessEvents() - .NET (C#)

Syntax SConfiguredProcessEvents [] GetConfiguredProcessEvents(

Parameters None
Return values Field with configured process events and field size provide the number of config-
ured process events.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time. RackOrStationFaultEvent

This function is used to trigger the RackOrStationFault event OB (OB 86). These events are
only supported for distributed devices.

Table 7- 286 RackOrStationFaultEvent() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode RackOrStationFaultEvent(

UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier,
ERackOrStationFaultType in_EventType
Parameter • UINT16 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the device that sends the event. Use the hardware
identifier of the Hw_Device type.
• ERackOrStationFaultType in_EventType:

A value from the list of predefined types of events, see ERackOrStation-

FaultType (Page 397).
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The instance is not registered in Runtime
SREC_WRONG_MODULE_TYPE The specified HW identifier is not that of a
distributed device.
SREC_WRONG_MODULE_STATE The device with the specified HW identifi-
er already reports the status Fault/Return.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The specified HW identifier of the device
does not exist.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

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7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 287 RackOrStationFaultEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void RackOrStationFaultEvent(

ushort in_HardwareIdentifier,

ERackOrStationFaultType in_EventType
Parameter • ushort in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the device that sends the event. Use the hardware
identifier of the Hw_Device type.
• ERackOrStationFaultType in_EventType:

A value from the list of predefined types of events, see ERackOrStation-

FaultType (Page 397).
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime
ERuntimeError- The specified HW identifier of the device
does not exist.
ERuntimeError- The specified HW identifier is not that of a
distributed device.
ERuntimeError- The device with the specified HW identifi-
er already reports the status Fault/Return.
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

Additional information
You can find additional information on the HW identifier in the STEP 7 online help.

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7.6 API IInstances

7.6.9 Events for IInstances Events for operating state and cycle control

Events for operating state and cycle control

The following events are triggered for the IInstances interface:

Table 7- 288 Events for IInstances

Event Cause
OnOperatingStateChanged The operating state of the virtual controller has changed.
(Page 281)
OnLedChanged (Page 285) The LED display of the virtual controller has changed.
OnConfigurationChanging The configuration of the virtual controller changes:
(Page 287)
• During power up from the Virtual SIMATIC Memory Card
• At the start of a download
When this event is triggered, the stored tag list is reset.
OnConfigurationChanged The configuration of the virtual controller has changed:
(Page 290)
• After power up from the Virtual SIMATIC Memory Card
• At the end of a download
• When the IP address changes
OnSyncPointReached The virtual controller has reached a synchronization point.
(Page 292) If the virtual controller is being operated in Default mode, the
SendSyncEventInDefaultMode flag must be set to receive the
event. See SendSyncEventInDefaultMode (Page 252).

OnOperatingStateChanged events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 289 OnOperatingStateChanged - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_II_EREC_DT_EOS_EOS OnOperatingStateChanged;

Parameters None. See Delegate_II_EREC_DT_EOS_EOS (Page 338).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

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7.6 API IInstances

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 290 RegisterOnOperatingStateChangedCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnOperatingStateChangedCallback(

EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SROS_SROS in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SROS_SROS in_CallbackFunction:

A callback function that subscribes to the event.

See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SROS_SROS (Page 324).
Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered event object is set to the signaled state. Only one
event object can be registered for the event. Registering a new event object causes the
previous event object to be deleted.

Table 7- 291 RegisterOnOperatingStateChangedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnOperatingStateChangedEvent();

void RegisterOnOperatingStateChangedEvent(
HANDLE* in_Event
Parameters • None:

An internal event object is registered.

• HANDLE* in_Event:
A handle for a user-specific event object. The event object is registered.
Return values None

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7.6 API IInstances

Example C++ // Thread 1 -----------------------------------------------

ISimulationRuntimeManager * api = NULL;
ERuntimeErrorCode result = Initialize(&api);
IInstance* psa = NULL;
if (result == SREC_OK)
result = api->RegisterInstance(&psa);

// Register the internal event object

// Thread 2 -----------------------------------------------
while (condition)
// Wait for the event to be set (timeout after 10s)
bool isEventSet = psa-
if (isEventSet)
// Do Something

Example C++ // Thread 1 -----------------------------------------------
ISimulationRuntimeManager * api = NULL;
ERuntimeErrorCode result = Initialize(&api);
IInstance* psa = NULL;
if (result == SREC_OK)
result = api->RegisterInstance(&psa);

// Create an event object

HANDLE eventHandle = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);

// Register the user created event object


// Do Something

// Clean up the handle

// Thread 2 -----------------------------------------------
while (condition)
// Wait for the event to be set //OR:
WaitForSingleObject(eventHandle, INFINITE); //psa-

// Do Something


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7.6 API IInstances

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 292 UnregisterOnOperatingStateChangedCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnOperatingStateChangedCallback();

Parameters None
Return values None

Unregisters the event object.

Table 7- 293 UnregisterOnOperatingStateChangedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnOperatingStateChangedEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

Table 7- 294 UnregisterOnOperatingStateChangedEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void UnregisterOnOperatingStateChangedEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

The function blocks the program until the registered event object is in the signaled state or
the timeout interval is exceeded.

Table 7- 295 WaitForOnOperatingStateChangedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax bool WaitForOnOperatingStateChangedEvent();

bool WaitForOnOperatingStateChangedEvent(
UINT32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UINT32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined time limit.

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7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 296 WaitForOnOperatingStateChangedEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool WaitForOnOperatingStateChangedEvent();

bool WaitForOnOperatingStateChangedEvent(
UInt32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UInt32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined time limit.

OnLedChanged events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 297 OnLedChanged - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_II_EREC_DT_ELT_ELM OnLedChanged;

Parameters None. See Delegate_II_EREC_DT_ELT_ELM (Page 339).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 298 RegisterOnLedChangedCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnLedChangedCallback(

EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SRLT_SRLM in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SRLT_SRLM in_CallbackFunction:

A callback function that subscribes to an event.

See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SRLT_SRLM (Page 328).
Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 285
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

When the event occurs, the registered event object is set to the signaled state. Only one
event object can be registered for the event. Registering a new event object causes the
previous event object to be deleted.

Table 7- 299 RegisterOnLedChangedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnLedChangedEvent();

void RegisterOnLedChangedEvent(
HANDLE* in_Event
Parameters • None:

An internal event object is registered.

• HANDLE* in_Event:
A handle for a user-specific event object. The event object is registered.
Return values None

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 300 UnregisterOnLedChangedCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnLedChangedCallback();

Parameters None
Return values None

Unregisters the event object.

Table 7- 301 UnregisterOnLedChangedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnLedChangedEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

Table 7- 302 UnregisterOnLedChangedEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void UnregisterOnLedChangedEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
286 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

The function blocks the program until the registered event object is in the signaled state or
the timeout interval is exceeded.

Table 7- 303 WaitForOnLedChangedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax bool WaitForOnLedChangedEvent();

bool WaitForOnLedChangedEvent(
UINT32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UINT32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined time limit.

Table 7- 304 WaitForOnLedChangedEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool WaitForOnLedChangedEvent();

bool WaitForOnLedChangedEvent(
UInt32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UInt32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined time limit.

OnConfigurationChanging events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 305 OnConfigurationChanging - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_II_EREC_DT OnConfigurationChanging;

Parameters None. See Delegate_II_EREC_DT (Page 337).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 287
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 306 RegisterOnConfigurationChangingCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnConfigurationChangingCallback(

EventCallback_II_SREC_ST in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_II_SREC_ST in_CallbackFunction:

A callback function that subscribes to an event.

See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST (Page 326).
Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered event object is set to the signaled state. Only one
event object can be registered for the event. Registration of a new event object causes the
previous event object to be deleted.

Table 7- 307 RegisterOnConfigurationChangingEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnConfigurationChangingEvent();

void RegisterOnConfigurationChangingEvent(
HANDLE* in_Event
Parameters • None:

An internal event object is registered.

• HANDLE* in_Event:
A handle for a user-specific event object. The event object is registered.
Return values None

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 308 UnregisterOnConfigurationChangingCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnConfigurationChangingCallback();

Parameters None
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
288 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Unregisters the event object.

Table 7- 309 UnregisterOnConfigurationChangingEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnConfigurationChangingEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

Table 7- 310 UnregisterOnConfigurationChangingEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void UnregisterOnConfigurationChangingEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

The function blocks the program until the registered event object is in the signaled state or
the timeout interval is exceeded.

Table 7- 311 WaitForOnConfigurationChangingEvent() - Native C++

Syntax bool WaitForOnConfigurationChangingEvent();

bool WaitForOnConfigurationChangingEvent(
UINT32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UINT32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined time limit.

Table 7- 312 WaitForOnConfigurationChangingEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool WaitForOnConfigurationChangingEvent();

bool WaitForOnConfigurationChangingEvent(
UInt32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UInt32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined time limit.

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User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

OnConfigurationChanged events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 313 OnConfigurationChanged - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SRICC_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32

Parameters None. See Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SRICC_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32
(Page 341).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 314 RegisterOnConfigurationChangedCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnConfigurationChangedCallback(

Parameters • Event-

A callback function that subscribes to an event. See Event-

Callback_II_SREC_ST_SRICC_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32 (Page 327).
Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
290 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

When the event occurs, the registered event object is set to the signaled state. Only one
event object can be registered for the event. Registering a new event object causes the
previous event object to be deleted.

Table 7- 315 RegisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent();

void RegisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent(
HANDLE* in_Event
Parameters • None:

An internal event object is registered.

• HANDLE* in_Event:
A handle for a user-specific event object. The event object is registered.
Return values None

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 316 UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedCallback();

Parameters None
Return values None

Unregisters the event object.

Table 7- 317 UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

Table 7- 318 UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void UnregisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
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User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

The function blocks the program until the registered event object is in the signaled state or
the timeout interval is exceeded.

Table 7- 319 WaitForOnConfigurationChangedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax bool WaitForOnConfigurationChangedEvent();

bool WaitForOnConfigurationChangedEvent(
UINT32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UINT32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined time limit.

Table 7- 320 WaitForOnConfigurationChangedEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool WaitForOnConfigurationChangedEvent();

bool WaitForOnConfigurationChangedEvent(
UInt32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UInt32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined time limit.

OnSyncPointReached events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 321 OnSyncPointReached - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_II_EREC_DT_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32 On-

Parameters None. See Delegate_II_EREC_DT_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32 (Page 340).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
292 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 322 RegisterOnSyncPointReachedCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnSyncPointReachedCallback(

Parameters • EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32

A callback function that subscribes to an event.

See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32 (Page 325).
Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered event object is set to the signaled state. Only one
event object can be registered for the event. Registering a new event object causes the
previous event object to be deleted.

Table 7- 323 RegisterOnSyncPointReachedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnSyncPointReachedEvent();

void RegisterOnSyncPointReachedEvent(
HANDLE* in_Event
Parameters • None:

An internal event object is registered.

• HANDLE* in_Event:
A handle for a user-specific event object. The event object is registered.
Return values None

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 324 UnregisterOnSyncPointReachedCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnSyncPointReachedCallback();

Parameters None
Return values None

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User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Unregisters the event object.

Table 7- 325 UnregisterOnSyncPointReachedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnSyncPointReachedEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

Table 7- 326 UnregisterOnSyncPointReachedEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void UnregisterOnSyncPointReachedEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

The function blocks the program until the registered event object is in the signaled state or
the timeout interval is exceeded.

Table 7- 327 WaitForOnSyncPointReachedEvent() - Native C++

Syntax SOnSyncPointReachedResult WaitForOnSyncPointReachedEvent();

SOnSyncPontReachedResult WaitForOnEndOfCycleOnSyncPoin-
UINT32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UINT32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • SOnSyncPointReachedResult:
A structure that supplies information about the event.
See SOnSyncPointReachedResult (Page 366).

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294 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Table 7- 328 WaitForOnSyncPointReachedEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax SOnSyncPointReachedResult WaitForOnSyncPointReachedEvent();

SOnSyncPointReachedResult WaitForOnSyncPointReachedEvent(
UInt32 in_Time_ms
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UInt32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • SOnSyncPointReachedResult:

A structure that supplies information about the event.

See SOnSyncPointReachedResult (Page 366). Events for acyclic services

OnDataRecordRead / OnDataRecordWrite events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 329 OnDataRecordRead - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDRI OnDataRecordRead;

Parameter None. See Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDRI (Page 343).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The Event-Handler Methode runs in a separate thread.

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 330 OnDataRecordWrite - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDR OnDataRecordWrite;

Parameter None. See Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDR (Page 342).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

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User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 331 RegisterOnDataRecordReadCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnDataRecordReadCallback (

Event Callback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI in_CallbackFunction:

A callback function that subscribes to the event.

See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI.
Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 332 UnregisterOnDataRecordReadCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnDataRecordReadCallback();

Parameters None
Return values None

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 333 RegisterOnDataRecordWriteCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnDataRecordWriteCallback (

EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI_BYTE in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI_BYTE in_CallbackFunction:
A callback function that subscribes to the event.
See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI_BYTE.
Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

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296 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 334 UnregisterOnDataRecordWriteCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnDataRecordWriteCallback();

Parameters None
Return values None

OnAlarmNotification events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 335 OnAlarmNotificationDone() - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32 OnAlarmNotifica-

Parameters None. See Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32 (Page 347).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 336 RegisterOnAlarmNotificationDoneCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnAlarmNotificationDoneCallback (

Event Callback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32

A callback function that subscribes to the event.

See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32 (Page 331).

Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

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7.6 API IInstances

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 337 UnregisterOnAlarmNotificationDoneCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnAlarmNotificationDoneCallback ();

Parameters None
Return values None

OnProcessEvent events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 338 OnProcessEventDone() - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32 OnProces-

Parameters None. See Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32. (Page 345)
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 339 RegisterOnProcessEventDoneCallback() - Native C++

Syntax • void RegisterOnProcessEventDoneCallback (

Parameters • EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32

A callback function that subscribes to the event.

See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32 (Page 332)
Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

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298 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 340 UnregisterOnProcessEventDoneCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnProcessEventDoneCallback ();

Parameters None
Return values None

OnPullOrPlugEvent events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 341 OnPullOrPlugEventDone() - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_EPPET_UINT32 OnPullOr-

Parameters None. See Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_EPPET_UINT32 (Page 344).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 342 RegisterOnPullOrPlugEventDoneCallback() - Native C++

Syntax • void RegisterOnPullOrPlugEventDoneCallback (

Parameters • EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_EPPET_UINT32

A callback function that subscribes to the event.

See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_EPPET_UINT32 (Page 333).
Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

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7.6 API IInstances

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 343 UnregisterOnPullOrPlugEventDoneCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnPullOrPlugEventDoneCallback ();

Parameters None
Return values None

OnStatusEvent events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 344 OnStatusEventDone() - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32 OnStatusEventDone;

Parameters None. See Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32 (Page 346).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 345 RegisterOnStatusEventDoneCallback() - Native C++

Syntax • void RegisterOnStatusEventDoneCallback (

EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32 in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32 in_CallbackFunction:

A callback function that subscribes to the event.

See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32 (Page 335).

Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
300 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 346 UnregisterOnStatusEventDoneCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnStatusEventDoneCallback ();

Parameters None
Return values None

OnProfileEvent events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 347 OnProfileEventDone() - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32 OnProfileEventDone;

Parameters None. See Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32 (Page 346).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 348 RegisterOnProfileEventDoneCallback() - Native C++

Syntax • void RegisterOnProfileEventDoneCallback (

EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32 in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32 in_CallbackFunction:

A callback function that subscribes to the event.

See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32 (Page 335).

Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

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7.6 API IInstances

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 349 UnregisterOnProfileEventDoneCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnProfileEventDoneCallback ();

Parameters None
Return values None

OnUpdateEvent events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 350 OnUpdateEventDone() - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32 OnUpdateEventDone;

Parameters None. See Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32 (Page 346).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 351 RegisterOnUpdateEventDoneCallback() - Native C++

Syntax • void RegisterOnUpdateEventDoneCallback (

EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32 in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32 in_CallbackFunction:

A callback function that subscribes to the event.

See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32 (Page 335).

Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
302 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.6 API IInstances

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 352 UnregisterOnUpdateEventDoneCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnUpdateEventDoneCallback ();

Parameters None
Return values None

RackOrStationFault events

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 353 OnRackOrStationFaultEvent - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET OnRackOrStationFault;

Parameter None. See Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET (Page 348).
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be deleted.

Table 7- 354 RegisterOnRackOrStationFaultEventCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnRackOrStationFaultEventCallback (

EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET in_CallbackFunction
Parameter • EventCallback_II_ SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET

A callback function that subscribes to the event.

See EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET (Page 334)

Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

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User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 355 UnregisterOnRackOrStationFaultEventCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnRackOrStationFaultEventCallback ();

Parameter None
Return values None

7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

7.7.1 Interfaces - Information and settings

Deletes the managed interface and unloads the native components of the user interfaces.

When the interface of the Remote Runtime Manager is deleted, no IInstance interface which
was generated by the IRemoteRuntimeManager interface can be used.
The .NET Garbage Collector clears its IRemoteRuntimeManager interface when no active
references are present.

Table 7- 356 Dispose() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void Dispose()

Parameters None
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
304 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Returns the version of the remote Runtime Manager. If the function fails, version 0.0 is

Table 7- 357 GetVersion() - Native C++

Syntax UINT32 GetVersion();

Parameters None
Return values UINT32: Remote Runtime Manager Version (HIWORD = Major, LOWORD = Minor)

Table 7- 358 Version { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax UInt32 Version { get; }

Parameters None
Return values Uint32: Remote Runtime Manager Version (HIWORD = Major, LOWORD = Minor)

GetIP() / IP { get; }
Returns the IP address of the PC on which the remote Runtime Manager is running. If the
function fails, the return value is 0.

Table 7- 359 GetIP() - Native C++

Syntax UIP GetIP();

Parameters None
Return values UIP: Returns the IP address of the PC on which the Runtime Manager is running.

Table 7- 360 IP { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax SIP IP { get; }

Parameters None
Return values SIP: Returns the IP address of the PC on which the Runtime Manager is running.

GetPort() / Port { get; }

Returns the open port of the PC on which the remote Runtime Manager is running. If the
function fails, the return value is 0.

Table 7- 361 GetPort() - Native C++

Syntax UINT16 GetPort();

Parameters None
Return values UINT16: Open port of the PC on which the remote Runtime Manager is running.

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7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Table 7- 362 Port { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax UInt16 Port { get; }

Parameters None
Return values UInt16: Open port of the PC on which the remote Runtime Manager is running.

GetRemoteComputerName() / RemoteComputerName { get; }

Returns the name of the PC on which the remote Runtime Manager is running.
When the name of the PC on which the remote Runtime Manager is running cannot be
identified on the local PC, the IP address is returned.

Table 7- 363 GetRemoteComputerName() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetRemoteComputerName(

WCHAR* inout_Name,
UINT32 in_ArrayLength
Parameters • WCHAR* inout_Name:

A user-allocated array for the computer name.

• UINT32 in_ArrayLength:

The array length. The array should be longer than

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The interface is disconnected from the
remote Runtime Manager.
SREC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The array is too small to accommodate
the computer name.

Table 7- 364 RemoteComputerName { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax string RemoteComputerName { get; }

Parameters None
Return values string: Name of the PC on which the remote Runtime Manager is running.
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The interface is disconnected from the
remote Runtime Manager.
ERuntimeError- The array is too small to accommodate
the computer name.

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306 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Closes the connection to the remote Runtime Manager.

All applications that are connected to the remote Runtime Manager lose this connection.

Table 7- 365 Disconnect() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode Disconnect();

Parameters None
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The interface is disconnected from the
remote Runtime Manager.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.

Table 7- 366 Disconnect() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void Disconnect();

Parameters None
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The interface is disconnected from the
remote Runtime Manager.
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

GetStrictMotionTiming() / StrictMotionTiming { get; }

Returns the current global setting for the "Strict Motion Timing" feature that has an effect on
newly created instances.

Table 7- 367 GetStrictMotionTiming() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetStrictMotionTiming(bool* enabled);

Parameters bool* enabled:
Receives the current setting.
true: Active
false: Inactive
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR The setting could not be read from the
configuration file UserInterfaceConfigura-

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 307
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Table 7- 368 StrictMotionTiming { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool StrictMotionTiming { get; }

Parameters None
Return values Sie-
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The setting could not be read from the
configuration file UserInterfaceConfigu-

SetStrictMotionTiming() / StrictMotionTiming { set; }

Sets the global setting for the "Strict Motion Timing" feature that has an effect on newly
created instances.

Table 7- 369 SetStrictMotionTiming() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode SetStrictMotionTiming(bool enable);

Parameters bool enable:
The value to be set.
true: Active
false: Inactive
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_ALREADY_EXISTS An instance is registered. No instance must
be registered to change the setting.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_ACCESS_DENIED No write rights for the configuration file.
SREC_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR The setting could not be written to the
configuration file UserInterfaceConfigura-

Table 7- 370 StrictMotionTiming { set; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool StrictMotionTiming { set; }

Parameters None
Return values Sie-
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- An instance is registered. No instance
must be registered to change the set-
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- No write rights for the configuration
ERuntimeError- The setting could not be written to the
configuration file UserInterfaceConfigu-

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308 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

7.7.2 Simulation Runtime instances Simulation Runtime instances (remote)

Returns the number of instances that are registered in Runtime Manager. If the function fails,
the return value is 0.

Table 7- 371 GetRegisteredInstancesCount() - Native C++

Syntax UINT32 GetRegisteredInstancesCount();

Parameters None
Return values UINT32: Number of available instances.

Returns information about an already registered instance.
You can use the ID or name to create an interface of this instance (see

Table 7- 372 GetRegisteredInstanceInfoAt() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode GetRegisteredInstanceInfoAt(

UINT32 in_Index,
SInstanceInfo* out_InstanceInfo
Parameters • UINT32 in_Index:

Index of the created instance from which you want to receive the information.
The index must be less than the value you receive when you call GetRegis-
• SInstanceInfo* out_InstanceInfo:

The information with name and ID of the instance. See SInstanceInfo

(Page 360).
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The interface is disconnected from the
remote Runtime Manager.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_INDEX OUT_OF_RANGE There is no instance information for this

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 309
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

RegisteredInstanceInfo { get; }
Returns information about an already registered instance. You can use the ID or name of this
instance to create an interface of this instance, see CreateInterface().

Table 7- 373 RegisterInstanceInfo { get; } - .NET (C#)

Syntax SInstanceInfo[] RegisteredInstanceInfo { get; }

Parameters None
Return values None
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The interface is disconnected from the
remote Runtime Manager.
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.

Registers a new instance of a virtual controller in Runtime Manager. Creates and returns an
interface of this instance.

Table 7- 374 RegisterInstance() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode RegisterInstance(

IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
ERuntimeErrorCode RegisterInstance(
WCHAR* in_InstanceName,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
ERuntimeErrorCode RegisterInstance(
ECPUType in_CPUType,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
ERuntimeErrorCode RegisterInstance(
ECPUType in_CPUType,
WCHAR* in_InstanceName,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
Parameters • ECPUType in_CPUType:

Defines which CPU type is simulated at the start of the instance. The default set-
ting is "SRCT_1500_Unspecified".

When a different CPU type is loaded via STEP 7 or from the Virtual SIMATIC
Memory Card, this CPU type applies.
• WCHAR* in_InstanceName:

Name to be assigned to the instance. Every instance must have a unique name.
If no name is assigned when registering a new instance, the instance is given
the name "Instance_#" (# is the ID of the instance). If this name already ex-
ists, the name "Instance_#.#" is used, in which the second # is a counter
that is incremented until the name is unique. The length of the name must be
less than DINSTANCE_NAME_LENGTH. See Data types (Page 349).
• IInstance** out_InstanceInterface:

Pointer to a Simulation Runtime interface pointer. The pointer must be initial-

ized with NULL. The interface is created within the function.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
310 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Return values Runtime error code Condition

SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The interface is disconnected from the
remote Runtime Manager.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The name or the IInstance pointer is inva-
SREC_LIMIT_REACHED There are already 16 instances registered
in Runtime Manager.
SREC_ALREADY_EXISTS An instance with this name already exists.
Example C++ ISimulationRuntimeManager * api = NULL;
ERuntimeErrorCode result = Initialize(&api);
// Example: How To Create And Register An Instance
// And To Get An Interface Of The Instance The Same Time
IInstance* psa = NULL;
if (result == SREC_OK)
result = api->RegisterInstance(&psa);

Native C++
If you no longer require the interface, delete it.
See DestroyInterface() (Page 105).

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 311
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Table 7- 375 RegisterInstance() - .NET (C#)

Syntax IInstance RegisterInstance();

IInstance RegisterInstance(
string in_InstanceName
IInstance RegisterInstance(
ECPUType in_CPUType
IInstance RegisterInstance(
ECPUType in_CPUType
string in_InstanceName
Parameters • ECPUType in_CPUType:

Defines which CPU type is simulated at the start of the instance. The default set-
ting is "ECPUType.Unspecified".

When a different CPU type is loaded via STEP 7 or from the Virtual SIMATIC
Memory Card, this CPU type applies.
• string in_InstanceName:

Name to be assigned to the instance. Every instance must have a unique name.
If no name is assigned when registering a new instance, the instance is given
the name "Instance_#" (# is the ID of the instance). If this name already ex-
ists, the name "Instance_#.#" is used, in which the second # is a counter
that is incremented until the name is unique. The length of the name must be
less than DINSTANCE_NAME_LENGTH. See Data types (Page 349).
Return values If the function is successful, an interface of a virtual controller. Otherwise, a Null
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The interface is disconnected from the
remote Runtime Manager.
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The name is invalid.
ERuntimeError- There are already 16 instances registered
in Runtime Manager.
ERuntimeError- An instance with this name already exists.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
312 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Registers a new instance of a virtual controller in Runtime Manager. Creates and returns an
interface of this instance.

Table 7- 376 RegisterCustomInstance() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode RegisterCustomInstance(

WCHAR* in_VplcDll,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
ERuntimeErrorCode RegisterCustomInstance(
WCHAR* in_VplcDll,
WCHAR* in_InstanceName,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
Parameters • WCHAR* in_VplcDll:

The complete path to the DLL of the virtual controller that Sie-
mens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.Instance.exe loads at PowerOn.
• WCHAR* in_InstanceName:

Name to be assigned to the instance. Every instance must have a unique name.
If no name is assigned when registering a new instance, the instance is given
the name "Instance_#" (# is the ID of the instance). If this name already ex-
ists, the name "Instance_#.#" is used, in which the second # is a counter
that is incremented until the name is unique. The length of the name must be
less than DINSTANCE_NAME_LENGTH. See Data types (Page 349).
• IInstance** out_InstanceInterface:

Pointer to a Simulation Runtime interface pointer. The pointer must be initial-

ized with NULL. The interface is created within the function.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The interface is disconnected from the
remote Runtime Manager.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The DLL name, the instance name or the
IInstance pointer is invalid.
SREC_LIMIT_REACHED There are already 16 instances registered
in Runtime Manager.
SREC_ALREADY_EXISTS An instance with this name already exists.
Example C++ ISimulationRuntimeManager * api = NULL;
ERuntimeErrorCode result = Initialize(&api);
// Example: How To Create And Register An Instance
// And To Get An Interface Of The Instance The Same Time
IInstance* psa = NULL;
if (result == SREC_OK)
result = api->RegisterCustomInstance("C:\\Temp\\vplc.dll");

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 313
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Native C++
If you no longer require the interface, delete it.
See DestroyInterface() (Page 105).

Table 7- 377 RegisterCustomInstance() - .NET (C#)

Syntax IInstance RegisterCustomInstance(

string in_VplcDll
IInstance RegisterCustomInstance(
string in_VplcDll,
string in_InstanceName
Parameters • string in_VplcDll:

The complete path to the DLL of the virtual controller that Sie-
mens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.Instance.exe loads at PowerOn.
• string in_InstanceName:

Name to be assigned to the instance. Every instance must have a unique name.
If no name is assigned when registering a new instance, the instance is given
the name "Instance_#" (# is the ID of the instance). If this name already ex-
ists, the name "Instance_#.#" is used, in which the second # is a counter
that is incremented until the name is unique. The length of the name must be
less than DINSTANCE_NAME_LENGTH. See Data types (Page 349).
Return values If the function is successful, an interface of a virtual controller; otherwise a Null
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The interface is disconnected from the
remote Runtime Manager.
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The name or the ID is invalid.
ERuntimeError- There are already 16 instances registered
in Runtime Manager.
ERuntimeError- An instance with this name already exists.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
314 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Creates and returns an interface of an already registered instance of a virtual controller.
The instance could have been registered via the application or another application that uses
the Simulation Runtime API.

Table 7- 378 CreateInterface() - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeErrorCode CreateInterface(

WCHAR* in_InstanceName,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
ERuntimeErrorCode CreateInterface(
INT32 in_InstanceID,
IInstance** out_InstanceInterface
Parameters • INT32 in_InstanceID:

The ID of the registered instance from which you want to receive the interface.
• WCHAR* in_InstanceName:

The name of the registered instance from which you want to receive the inter-
• IInstance** out_InstanceInterface:

Pointer to a Simulation Runtime interface pointer. The pointer must be initial-

ized with NULL. The interface is created within the function.
Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_INTERFACE_REMOVED The interface is disconnected from the
remote Runtime Manager.
SREC_TIMEOUT The function does not return on time.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The name, the ID or the IInstance- pointer
is invalid.
SREC_DOES_NOT_EXIST The instance is not registered in Runtime
Example C++ ISimulationRuntimeManager * api = NULL;
ERuntimeErrorCode result = Initialize(&api);

IInstance* psa1 = NULL;

IInstance* psa2 = NULL;
if (result == SREC_OK)
result = api->CreateInterface(0, &psa1);
result = api->CreateInterface(0, &psa2); // psa2 will be the
same as psa1
Example C++ ISimulationRuntimeManager * api = NULL;
ERuntimeErrorCode result = Initialize(&api);

IInstance* psa = NULL;

if (result == SREC_OK)
result = api->CreateInterface(L"My SimulationRuntime Instance",

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 315
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Native C++
If you no longer require the interface, delete it.
See DestroyInterface() (Page 105)

Table 7- 379 CreateInterface() - .NET (C#)

Syntax IInstance CreateInterface(

string in_InstanceName
IInstance CreateInterface(
INT32 in_InstanceID
Parameters • INT32 in_InstanceID:

The ID of the registered instance from which you want to receive the interface.
• string in_InstanceName:

The name of the registered instance from which you want to receive the inter-
Return values If the function is successful, an interface of a virtual controller; otherwise a Null
Exceptions Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.SimulationRuntimeException
Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeError- The interface is disconnected from the
remote Runtime Manager.
ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout The function does not return on time.
ERuntimeError- The name or the ID is invalid.
ERuntimeError- The instance is not registered in Runtime

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316 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

7.7.3 Events for IRemoteRuntimeManager OnConnectionLost events

The event is triggered when the connection to the Remote Runtime Manager has been

Registers or unregisters an event handler method.

Table 7- 380 OnConnectionLost - .NET (C#)

Syntax event Delegate_IRRTM OnConnectionLost;

Parameters None. See Delegate_IRRTM (Page 341)
Return values None
Exceptions None
Note The event handler method runs in a separate thread.

When the event occurs, the registered callback function is called. Only one callback function
can be registered for the event. Registering a new callback function causes the previous
callback function to be unregistered.

Table 7- 381 RegisterOnConnectionLostCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnConnectionLostCallback(

EventCallback_IRRTM in_CallbackFunction
Parameters • EventCallback_IRRTM in_CallbackFunction:

A callback function that subscribes to an event. See EventCallback_IRRTM

(Page 323).
Return values None
Note The callback function runs in a separate thread.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 317
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

When the event occurs, the registered event object is set to the signaled state. Only one
event object can be registered for the event. Registration of a new event object causes the
previous event object to be deleted.

Table 7- 382 RegisterOnConnectionLostEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void RegisterOnConnectionLostEvent();

void RegisterOnConnectionLostEvent(
HANDLE* in_Event
Parameters • None:

An internal event object is registered.

• HANDLE* in_Event:
A handle for a user-specific event object. The event object is registered.
Return values None

Table 7- 383 RegisterOnConnectionLostEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void RegisterOnConnectionLostEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

Unregisters the callback function. When the event occurs, no callback function is called.

Table 7- 384 UnregisterOnConnectionLostCallback() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnConnectionLostCallback();

Parameters None
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
318 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.7 API IRemoteRuntimeManager

Unregisters the event object.

Table 7- 385 UnregisterOnConnectionLostEvent() - Native C++

Syntax void UnregisterOnConnectionLostEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

Table 7- 386 UnregisterOnConnectionLostEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax void UnregisterOnConnectionLostEvent();

Parameters None
Return values None

The function blocks the program until the registered event object is in the signaled state or
the timeout interval is exceeded.

Table 7- 387 WaitForOnConnectionLostEvent() - Native C++

Syntax bool WaitForOnConnectionLostEvent();

bool WaitForOnConnectionLostEvent(
UINT32 in_Time_ms )
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UINT32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined time limit.

Table 7- 388 WaitForOnConnectionLostEvent() - .NET (C#)

Syntax bool WaitForOnConnectionLostEvent();

bool WaitForOnConnectionLostEvent(
UInt32 in_Time_ms )
Parameters • None:

The time limit is set to INFINITE.

• UInt32 in_Time_ms:
Value for the time limit in milliseconds.
Return values • true: If the event object was set to the signaled state.
• false: If no event was received during the defined time limit.

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

7.8 Data types

Unsupported data types
The Runtime API does not support the STRING and WSTRING data types.

Supported data types

In PLCSIM Advanced V4.0, the Runtime API supports the data types of the S7-1500 CPUs.

Converting data types

When writing, data types are not transferred BCD-coded but mapped onto primitive data
The data types Counter, Date and Time must be transferred to the API BDC-coded so that the
values are written to the counter and no incorrect values are returned when reading.
For these data types, you must perform a BCD conversion before writing and a BCD back-
conversion after reading.

If the value 999 is transferred to the API as 2457H, then Write modifies the value 2457H to
999. Without BCD conversion, there is no UInt16 value and Write writes no value at all.

Additional information
For information on data types and conversion, refer to section "Data types" in the SIMATIC
STEP 7 Basic/Professional (
System Manual.

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320 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

7.8.1 DLL import functions (Native C++) ApiEntry_Initialize

Type of the central entry point for the API library (DLL).

Table 7- 389 ApiEntry_Initialize - Native C++

Syntax typedef ERuntimeErrorCode(*ApiEntry_Initialize)(

ISimulationRuntimeManager** out_RuntimeManagerInterface
Parameters • ISimulationRuntimeManager**

Pointer to a Runtime Manager interface pointer. The pointer must be initial-

ized with NULL. The interface is created within the function.
• UINT32 in_InterfaceVersion:

Version of the API interface to be downloaded:

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The pointer to the Runtime Manager
interface is NULL.
SREC_WRONG_VERSION The version of the interface in use does
not match the version of the API library
SREC_CONNECTION_ERROR Unable to establish a connection to the
Runtime Manager.
SREC_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR Operation regarding the configuration
file "UserInterfaceConfiguration.xml"
has failed, for example, create, read,
write. ApiEntry_DestroyInterface

Type of the entry point for DestroyInterface (Page 105).
Table 7- 390 ApiEntry_DestroyInterface - Native C++

Syntax typedef ERuntimeErrorCode(*ApiEntry_DestroyInterface)(

IBaseInterface* in_Interface
Parameters • IBaseInterface* in_Interface:

The interface to be deleted.

Return values Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT The pointer to the interface is NULL.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 321
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

7.8.2 Event callback functions (Native C++) EventCallback_VOID


Table 7- 391 EventCallback_VOID - Native C++

Syntax typedef void (*EventCallback_VOID)();

Parameters None
Return values None EventCallback_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32


Table 7- 392 EventCallback_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32 - Native C++

Syntax ERuntimeConfigChanged in_RuntimeConfigChanged,

UINT32 in_Param1,
UINT32 in_Param2,
INT32 in_Param3
Parameters ERuntimeCon- UInt32 UInt32 Int32
figChanged in_Param1 in_Param2 in_Param3
SRCC_INSTANCE - - ID of the regis-
tered instance
SRCC_INSTANCE - - ID of the unregis-
tered instance
SRCC_CONNECTI IP of the remote Port of the remote -
Runtime Manager Runtime Manager
SRCC_CONNECTI IP of the remote Port of the remote -
Runtime Manager Runtime Manager
SRCC_PORT_OPE The open port - -
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
322 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_SRRSI_AD


Table 7- 393 EventCallback_SRRSI_AD - Native C++

Syntax typedef void (*EventCallback_SRRSI_AD)(

EAutodiscoverType in_AutodiscoverMsg,
SAutodiscoverData in_AutodiscoverData
Parameters • in_AutodiscoverMsg:

A value from the list of predefined types of events, see EAutodiscoverType

(Page 373).
– SRRSI_DISCOVER_STARTED, if the identification process was started by
successfully calling the function RunAutodisover().
– SRRSI_DISCOVER_DATA, if a Runtime Manager in the network was de-
termined by the identification process. For detailed information about the
found Runtime Manager, see parameter in_AutodiscoverData.
– SRRSI_DISCOVER_FINISHED, if the identification process was com-
pleted after the time defined by the "in_Timeout" parameter had elapsed.
always triggered, even if no data is received.
• in_AutodiscoverData:

Data from the Remote Runtime Manager. The parameter contains valid data
only if in_AutodiscoverMsg = SRRSI_DISCOVER_DATA. Otherwise it is
initialized with 0. See SAutodiscoverData (Page 398).
Return values None EventCallback_IRRTM


Table 7- 394 EventCallback_IRRTM - Native C++

Syntax typedef void (*EventCallback_IRRTM)(

IRemoteRuntimeManager* in_Sender
Parameters • IRemoteRuntimeManager* in_Sender:

An interface of the remote Runtime Manager that receives this event.

Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 323
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SROS_SROS


Table 7- 395 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SROS_SROS - Native C++

Syntax typedef void (*EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SROS_SROS)(

IInstance* in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime,
EOperatingState in_PrevState,
EOperatingState in_OperatingState
Parameters • IInstance* in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.
• SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• EOperatingState in_PrevState:

The operating state before the change.

• EOperatingState in_OperatingState:
The current operating state.
Return values None
Error codes Runtime error code Condition
SREC_OK The function is successful.
SREC_WARNING_TRIAL_MODE_ACTIV No license available. You can use the
instance without restrictions with the
Trial License. Afterwards, the instance
is shut down.
SREC_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND Test mode has expired.
SREC_COMMUNICATION_INTERFACE_ A problem has occurred with the se-
lected communication interface. Check
your settings.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
324 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32


Table 7- 396 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32 - Native C++

Syntax typedef void

IInstance* in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime,
UINT32 in_PipId,
INT64 in_TimeSinceSameSyncPoint_ns,
INT64 in_TimeSinceAnySyncPoint_ns,
UINT32 in_SyncPointCount
Parameters • IInstance* in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:

A possible error code.

• SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UINT32 in_PipId:

The ID of the process image partition (PIP) that triggers this event.

0 for the cycle control point (End of cycle).

• INT64 in_TimeSinceSameSyncPoint_ns:

The virtual time (in nanoseconds) since the last synchronization point of the
same process image partition ID was reached.

For the time-controlled operating modes (Page 82):

The runtime since the last call of the StartProcessing() function.
• INT64 in_TimeSinceAnySyncPoint_ns:

The virtual time (in nanoseconds) since the last synchronization point of any
process image partition ID was reached.

For the time-controlled operating modes (Page 82):

The runtime since the last call of the StartProcessing() function.
• UINT32 in_SyncPointCount:

The number of synchronization points since the last event. If the events are
triggered faster than they are received, multiple events are combined into
one event. In this case, this value contains the number of cycles since the last
event was received.
Return values None

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Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 325
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_II_SREC_ST


Table 7- 397 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST - Native C++

Syntax typedef void (*EventCallback_II_SREC_ST)(

IInstance* in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime
Parameters • IInstance* in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:

A possible error code.

• SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
326 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SRICC_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32


Table 7- 398 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SRICC_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32 - Native C++

Syntax typedef void

IInstance* in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode, SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime,
EInstanceConfigChanged in_InstanceConfigChanged,
UINT32 in_Param1,
UINT32 in_Param2,
UINT32 in_Param3,
UINT32 in_Param4
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:

A possible error code.

• SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
stanceCon- in_Param1 in_Param2 in_Param3 in_Param4
SRICC_HARD - - - -
SRICC_IP_C The ID of the The new IP The new sub- The new
interface net mask standard
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 327
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SRLT_SRLM


Table 7- 399 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SRLT_SRLM - Native C++

Syntax typedef void (*EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SRLT_SRLM)(

IInstance* in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime,
ELEDType in_LEDType,
ELEDMode in_LEDMode,
Parameters • IInstance* in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.
• SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• ELEDType in_LEDType:

The LED type that changed its state.

• ELEDMode in_LEDMode:
The new state of the LED display.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
328 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI


Table 7- 400 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI - Native C++

Syntax typedef void (*EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI)(

IInstance* in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime,
SDataRecordInfo in_DataRecordInfo
Parameters • IInstance* in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.
• SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• SDataRecordInfo in_DataRecordInfo:

The structure SDataRecordInfo contains the following information:

– The HW identifier from which the CPU wants to read the data record
– The index of the collected data record
– The maximum size of the data record which the IO device can transfer.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 329
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI_BYTE


Table 7- 401 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI_BYTE - Native C++

Syntax typedef void (*EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI_BYTE)(

IInstance* in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime,
SDataRecordInfo in_DataRecordInfo
const BYTE* in_Data
Parameters • IInstance* in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.
• SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• SDataRecordInfo in_DataRecordInfo:

The structure SDataRecordInfo contains the following information:

– The HW identifier to which the CPU wants to write the data record
– The index of the supplied data record
– Size of data record
• const BYTE* in_Data:

The data record. This pointer becomes invalid after the callback function has
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
330 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32


Table 7- 402 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32 - Native C++

Syntax typedef void (*EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32)(

IInstance* in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime,
UINT32 in_HardwareIdentifier),
UINT32 in_SequenceNumber
Parameters • IInstance* in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UINT32 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which sends the diag-
nostics event.
• UINT32 in_SequenceNumber:

PLCSIM Advanced assigns a unique consecutive number to each interrupt


According to PROFINET standard the sequence number is 10 bits wide (1 to

7FFH). When the highest number is reached the numbering starts again at 1.


In a real hardware system the IO controller uses the sequence number to

check if it has lost a hardware interrupt.
During the simulation, the sequence number creates the relation between in-
terrupt request and the associated acyclic alarm.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 331
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32


Table 7- 403 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32 - Native C++

Syntax typedef void

IInstance* in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime,
UINT32 in_HardwareIdentifier,
UINT32 in_Channel,
EProcessEventType in_ProcessEventType,
UINT32 in_SequenceNumber
Parameters • IInstance* in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:

A possible error code.

• SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UINT32 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the IO module that sends the process event.
• UINT32 in_Channel:

The channel of the IO module which sends the process event.

• EProcessEventType in_ProcessEventType:

A value from the list of predefined types of events for S7 modules, see EPro-
cessEventType (Page 394).
• UINT32 in_SequenceNumber:

PLCSIM Advanced assigns a unique consecutive number to each interrupt


According to PROFINET standard the sequence number is 10 bits wide (1 to

7FFH). When the highest number is reached the numbering starts again at 1.

In a real hardware system the IO controller uses the sequence number to

check if it has lost a hardware interrupt.

During the simulation, the sequence number creates the relation between in-
terrupt request and the associated acyclic alarm.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
332 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_EPPET_UINT32


Table 7- 404 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_EPPET_UINT32 - Native C++

Syntax typedef void

IInstance* in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
UINT32 in_HardwareIdentifier,
EPullOrPlugEventType in_PullOrPlugEventType,
UINT32 in_SequenceNumber
Parameters • IInstance* in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:

A possible error code.


The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UINT32 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which sends the

pull/plug event.
• EPullOrPlugEventType in_PullOrPlugEventType:

A value from the list of predefined types of events for S7 modules, see EPul-
lOrPlugEventType (Page 394).
• UINT32 in_SequenceNumber:

PLCSIM Advanced assigns a unique consecutive number to each interrupt


According to PROFINET standard the sequence number is 10 bits wide (1 to

7FFH). When the highest number is reached the numbering starts again at 1.


In a real hardware system the IO controller uses the sequence number to

check if it has lost a hardware interrupt.

During the simulation, the sequence number creates the relation between in-
terrupt request and the associated acyclic alarm.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 333
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET


Table 7- 405 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET - Native C++

Syntax typedef void (*EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET)(

IInstance* in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime,
UINT32 in_HardwareIdentifier,
ERackOrStationFaultType in_EventType
Parameters • IInstance* in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UINT32 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which sends the diag-
nostics event.
• ERackOrStationFaultType in_EventType:

A value from the list of predefined RackOrStationFault event types.

See ERackOrStationFaultType (Page 397).
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
334 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32


Table 7- 406 EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32 - Native C++

Syntax typedef void (*EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32)(

IInstance* in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
SYSTEMTIME in_SystemTime,
UINT32 in_HardwareIdentifier);
Parameters • IInstance* in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UINT32 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which generates the sta-
tus, update or Profile event.

The identifier must belong to a hardware component in the currently loaded

Return values None

7.8.3 Delegate definitions (managed code) Delegate_Void


Table 7- 407 Delegate_Void - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_Void();

Parameters None
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 335
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32


Table 7- 408 Delegate_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32 - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_SRCC_UINT32_UINT32_INT32(

ERuntimeConfigChanged in_RuntimeConfigChanged,
UInt32 in_Param1,
UInt32 in_Param2,
Int32 in_Param3
Parameters ERuntimeCon- UInt32 UInt32 Int32
figChanged in_Param1 in_Param2 in_Param3
InstanceReg- - - ID of the regis-
tered instance
InstanceUn- - - ID of the unregis-
tered instance
ConnectionO- IP of the Remote Port of the remote -
Runtime Manager Runtime Manager
Connection- IP of the Remote Port of the remote -
Runtime Manager Runtime Manager
PortOpened The open port - -
PortClosed - - -
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
336 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_SRRSI_AD


Table 7- 409 Delegate_SRRSI_AD - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_SRRSI_AD(

EAutodiscoverType in_AutodiscoverType,
SAutodiscoverData in_AutodiscoverData
Parameters • in_AutodiscoverType

A value from the list of predefined types of events, see EAutodiscoverType

(Page 398).
– AutodiscoverStarted, if the identification process was started by
successfully calling the function RunAutodisover().
– AutodiscoverData, if a Runtime Manager in the network was deter-
mined by the identification process. For detailed information about the
found Runtime Manager, see parameter in_AutodiscoverData.
– AutodiscoverFinished, if the identification process is completed af-
ter the time defined by the parameter "in_Timeout" has elapsed.
– AutodiscoverStarted and AutodiscoverFinished are always
triggered, even if no data is received.
• in_AutodiscoverData

Data from the Remote Runtime Manager. The parameter contains valid data
only if in_AutodiscoverType = AutodiscoverData. Otherwise it is ini-
tialized with 0. See SAutodiscoverData (Page 373).
Return values None Delegate_II_EREC_DT


Table 7- 410 Delegate_II_EREC_DT - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_II_EREC_DT (

IInstance in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
DateTime in_DateTime
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:

A possible error code.

• DateTime in_DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 337
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_II_EREC_DT_EOS_EOS


Table 7- 411 Delegate_II_EREC_DT_EOS_EOS - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_II_EREC_DT_EOS_EOS(

IInstance in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
DateTime in_DateTime,
EOperatingState in_PrevState,
EOperatingState in_OperatingState
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.
• DateTime in_DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• EOperatingState in_PrevState:

The operating state before the change.

• EOperatingState in_OperatingState:
The current operating state.
Return values None
Error codes Runtime error code Condition
ERuntimeErrorCode.OK The function is successful.
ERuntimeError- No license available. You can use the
instance without restrictions with the
Trial License. Afterwards, the instance
is shut down.
ERuntimeError- Test mode has expired.
ERuntimeError- A problem has occurred with the se-
tAvailable lected communication interface. Check
your settings.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
338 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_II_EREC_DT_ELT_ELM


Table 7- 412 Delegate_II_EREC_DT_ELT_ELM - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_II_EREC_DT_ELT_ELM(

IInstance in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
DateTime in_DateTime,
ELEDType in_LEDType,
ELEDMode in_LEDMode,
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.
• DateTime in_DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• ELEDType in_LEDType:

The LED type that changed its state.

• ELEDMode in_LEDMode:
The new state of the LED display.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 339
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_II_EREC_DT_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32


Table 7- 413 Delegate_II_EREC_DT_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32 - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_II_EREC_DT_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32

IInstance in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
DateTime in_DateTime,
UInt32 in_PipId,
Int64 in_TimeSinceSameSyncPoint_ns,
Int64 in_TimeSinceAnySyncPoint_ns,
UInt32 in_SyncPointCount
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:

A possible error code.

• DateTime in_DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UInt32 in_PipId:

The ID of the process image partition (PIP) that triggers this event.
0 for the cycle control point (End of cycle).
• Int64 in_TimeSinceSameSyncPoint_ns:

The virtual time (in nanoseconds) since the last synchronization point of the
same process image partition ID was reached.

Or the process time for the time-controlled operating modes (Page 82).
• Int64 in_TimeSinceAnySyncPoint_ns:

The virtual time (in nanoseconds) since the last synchronization point of any
process image partition ID was reached.

Or the process time for the time-controlled operating modes (Page 82).
• UInt32 in_SyncPointCount:

The number of synchronization points since the last event. If the events are
triggered faster than they are received, multiple events are combined into
one event. In this case, this value contains the number of cycles since the last
event was received.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
340 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_IRRTM


Table 7- 414 Delegate_IRRTM - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_IRRTM(

IRemoteRuntimeManager in_Sender,
Parameters • IRemoteRuntimeManager in_Sender:

An interface of the remote Runtime Manager that receives this event.

Return values None Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SRICC_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32


Table 7- 415 Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SRICC_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32 - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Dele-

IInstance in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
DateTime in_DateTime,
EInstanceConfigChanged in_InstanceConfigChanged,
UInt32 in_Param1,
UInt32 in_Param2,
UInt32 in_Param3,
UInt32 in_Param4
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:

A possible error code.

• DateTime in_DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this
event was triggered.
EIn- UInt32 UInt32 UInt32 UInt32
stanceCon- in_Param1 in_Param2 in_Param3 in_Param4
Hard- - - - -
IPChanged The ID of the The new IP The new The new
interface subnet mask standard
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 341
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDRI


Table 7- 416 Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDRI - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDRI (

IInstance in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
DateTime in_DateTime,
SDataRecordInfo in_DataRecordInfo
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.
• DateTime in_DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• SDataRecordInfo in_DataRecordInfo:

The structure SDataRecordInfo contains the following information:

– The HW identifier to which the CPU wants to write the data record
– The index of the supplied data record
– Size of data record
– The data record
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
342 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDR


Table 7- 417 Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDR - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDR (

IInstance in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
DateTime in_DateTime,
SDataRecord in_DataRecord
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.
• DateTime in_DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• SDataRecord in_DataRecord:

The structure SDataRecord contains the following information:

– The HW identifier to which the CPU wants to write the data record
– The index of the supplied data record
– Size of data record
– The data record
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 343
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_EPPET_UINT32


Table 7- 418 Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_EPPET_UINT32 - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32 (

IInstance in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
DateTime in_DateTime,
UInt32 in_HardwareIdentifier,
EPullOrPlugEventType in_PullOrPlugEventType,
UInt32 in_SequenceNumber
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:

A possible error code.

• DateTime in_DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UInt32 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which sends the

pull/plug event.
• EPullOrPlugEventType in_PullOrPlugEventType:

A value from the list of predefined types of events for S7 modules, see EPul-
lOrPlugEventType (Page 394).
• UInt32 in_SequenceNumber:

PLCSIM Advanced assigns a unique consecutive number to each interrupt


According to the PROFINET standard, the sequence number is only 10 bits

wide, from 1 to 0x7FF. When the highest number is reached the numbering
starts again at 1.


In a real hardware system the IO controller uses the sequence number to

check if it has lost a hardware interrupt.

During the simulation, the sequence number creates the relation between in-
terrupt request and the associated acyclic alarm.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
344 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32


Table 7- 419 Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32 - Native C++

Syntax delegate void Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32(

IInstance in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
DateTime in_DateTime,
UInt32 in_HardwareIdentifier
UInt32 in_Channel,
EProcessEventType in_ProcessEventType,
UInt32 in_SequenceNumber
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:

A possible error code.

• DateTime in_DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UInt32 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule that sends the process
• UInt32 in_Channel:

The channel of the IO module which sends the process event.

• EProcessEventType in_ProcessEventType:

A value from the list of predefined types of events for S7 modules, see EPro-
cessEventType (Page 394).
• UInt32 in_SequenceNumber:

PLCSIM Advanced assigns a unique consecutive number to each interrupt


According to PROFINET standard the sequence number is 10 bits wide (1 to

7FFH). When the highest number is reached the numbering starts again at 1.

In a real hardware system the IO controller uses the sequence number to

check if it has lost a hardware interrupt.

During the simulation, the sequence number creates the relation between in-
terrupt request and the associated acyclic alarm.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 345
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32


Table 7- 420 Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32 - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32 (

IInstance in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
DateTime in_DateTime,
UInt32 in_HardwareIdentifier
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.
• DateTime in_DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UInt32 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The ID of the module which generates the status event, update event or pro-
file event.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
346 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32


Table 7- 421 Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32 - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32 (

IInstance in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
DateTime in_DateTime,
UInt32 in_HardwareIdentifier
UInt32 in_SequenceNumber
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.
• DateTime in_DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UInt32 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which sends the diag-
nostics entry.
• UInt32 in_SequenceNumber:

PLCSIM Advanced assigns a unique consecutive number to each interrupt


According to PROFINET standard the sequence number is 10 bits wide (1 to

7FFH). When the highest number is reached the numbering starts again at 1.


In a real hardware system the IO controller uses the sequence number to

check if it has lost a hardware interrupt.
During the simulation, the sequence number creates the relation between in-
terrupt request and the associated acyclic alarm.
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 347
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET


Table 7- 422 Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET - .NET (C#)

Syntax delegate void Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET(

IInstance in_Sender,
ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode,
DateTime in_DateTime,
UInt32 in_HardwareIdentifier,
ERackOrStationFaultType in_EventType
Parameters • IInstance in_Sender:

An interface of the instance that receives this event.

• ERuntimeErrorCode in_ErrorCode:
A possible error code.
• DateTime in_DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UInt32 in_HardwareIdentifier:

The hardware identifier of the module or submodule which sends the diag-
nostics entry.
• ERackOrStationFaultType in_EventType:

A value from the list of predefined RackOrStationFault event types.

See ERackOrStationFaultType (Page 397).
Return values None

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
348 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

7.8.4 Definitions and constants

The following identifiers are used in the API:

Table 7- 423 Definitions - Native C++

Identifier Value Description

DINSTANCE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 64 The unique name of an instance must be less than
this value.
DSTORAGE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH 130 The maximum path length to the virtual memory
card. Including ZERO termination.
DTAG_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 300 The maximum length of the name of a PLC tag.
Including ZERO termination.
DTAG_ARRAY_DIMENSION 6 The maximum number of dimension for a multi-
dimensional field.
DCONTROLLER_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 128 The maximum length of the controller name. In-
cluding ZERO termination.
DCONTROLLER_SHORT_DESIGNATION 32 The maximum length of the abbreviation of the
controller (CPU type). Including ZERO termination.
DALARM_NOTIFICATION_MAX_DIAG_ 100 The maximum number of diagnostic events that
are sent in a diagnostic alarm.
DPROCESS_EVENT_NAME_MAX_LENGT 123 The maximum length of the name for the process
event. Including NULL termination.
DPROCESS_EVENTS_MAX_ITEMS 256 The maximum number of configurable process
DMODULE_STATE_OK 0 AlarmNotification: Module status OK
DMODULE_STATE_ERROR 1 AlarmNotification: Module status faulty
DMODULE_STATE_MAINT_DEMANDED 2 AlarmNotification: Maintenance demanded
DMODULE_STATE_MAINT_REQUIRED 4 AlarmNotification: Maintenance required

Table 7- 424 Constants - .NET (C#)

Identifier Value Description

RuntimeCon- 64 The unique name of an instance must be less than
this value.
RuntimeCon- 130 The maximum path length to the virtual memory
card. Including ZERO termination.
RuntimeCon- 300 The maximum length of the name of a PLC tag.
Including ZERO termination.
RuntimeCon- 6 The maximum number of dimension for a multi-
dimensional field.
RuntimeCon- 128 The maximum length of the controller name. In-
h cluding ZERO termination.
RuntimeCon- 32 The maximum length of the abbreviation of the
tionMaxLength controller (CPU type). Including ZERO termination.
ModuleState.Ok 0 AlarmNotification: Module status OK
ModuleState.Error 1 AlarmNotification: Module status faulty
ModuleState. MaintenanceDe- 2 AlarmNotification: Maintenance demanded
ModuleState. Mainte- 4 AlarmNotification: Maintenance required

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 349
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

7.8.5 Unions (Native C++) UIP

Contains an IPv4 address.

Table 7- 425 UIP - Native C++

Syntax union UIP

BYTE IPs[4];
Member • DWORD IP:

The IP address in a single DWORD

• BYTE IPs[4]:
The four elements of IP in descending order
Example Example for an IP address:
UIP.IP = 0xC0A80001
UIP.IPs[3] = 192, UIP.IPs[2] = 168, UIP.IPs[1] = 0, UIP.IPs[0] = 1

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types UDataValue

Contains the value of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 426 UDataValue - Native C++

Syntax union UDataValue

bool Bool;
INT8 Int8;
INT16 Int16;
INT32 Int32;
INT64 Int64;
UINT8 UInt8;
UINT16 UInt16;
UINT32 UInt32;
UINT64 UInt64;
float Float;
double Double;
CHAR Char;

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7.8 Data types

Member • bool Bool:

1 byte boolean value

• INT8 Int8:

1 byte integer with sign

• INT16 Int16:

2 byte integer with sign

• INT32 Int32:

4 byte integer with sign

• INT64 Int64:

8 byte integer with sign

• UINT8 UInt8:

1 byte integer without sign

• UINT16 UInt16:

2 byte integer without sign

• UINT32 UInt32:

4 byte integer without sign

• UINT64 UInt64:

8 byte integer without sign

• float Float:

4 byte floating-point value

• double Double:

8 byte floating-point value

• CHAR Char:

1 byte value character

• WCHAR WChar:
2 byte value character

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7.8 Data types

7.8.6 Structures
The following structures are available:
• SDataValue (Page 353)
• SDVBNI (Page 356)
• SDataValueByAddress (Page 356)
• SDataValueByAddressWithCheck (Page 357)
• SDataValueByName (Page 358)
• SDataValueByNameWithCheck (Page 359)
• SConnectionInfo (Page 359)
• SInstanceInfo (Page 360)
• SDimension (Page 360)
• STagInfo (Page 361)
• SIP (Page 364)
• SIPSuite4 (Page 364)
• SOnSyncPointReachedResult (Page 366)
• SDataRecordInfo (Page 368)
• SDataRecord (Page 369)
• SConfiguredProcessEvents (Page 369)
• SDiagExtChannelDescription (Page 371)
• SAutodiscoverData (Page 373) SDataValue

The structure contains the value and type of a PLC tag.

Table 7- 427 SDataValue - Native C++

Syntax struct SDataValue

UDataValue Value;
EPrimitiveDataType Type;
Member • UDataValue Value:

The value of the PLC tags

• EPrimitiveDataType Type:
Type of PLC tag

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7.8 Data types

Table 7- 428 SDataValue - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SDataValue

bool Bool { get; set; }
Int8 Int8 { get; set; }
Int16 Int16 { get; set; }
Int32 Int32 { get; set; }
Int64 Int64 { get; set; }
UInt8 UInt8 { get; set; }
UInt16 UInt16 { get; set; }
UInt32 UInt32 { get; set; }
UInt64 UInt64 { get; set; }
float Float { get; set; }
double Double { get; set; }
sbyte Char { get; set; }
char WChar { get; set; }
EPrimitiveDataType Type { get; set; }

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7.8 Data types

Member • bool Bool:

1 byte boolean value

• Int8 Int8:

1 byte integer with sign

• Int16 Int16:

2 byte integer with sign

• Int32 Int32:

4 byte integer with sign

• Int64 Int64:

8 byte integer with sign

• UntT8 UInt8:

1 byte integer without sign

• UInt16 UInt16:

2 byte integer without sign

• UInt32 UInt32:

4 byte integer without sign

• UInt64 UInt64:

8 byte integer without sign

• float Float:

4 byte floating-point value

• double Double:

8 byte floating-point value

• sbyte Char:

1 byte value character

• char WChar:
2 byte value character
• EPrimitiveDataType Type:
Type of PLC tag

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types SDVBNI

This structure is for internal use only. Do not change this structure.

Table 7- 429 SDVBNI - Native C++

Syntax struct SDVBNI

Table 7- 430 SDVBNI - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SDVBNI SDataValueByAddress

This structure represents a PLC tag that is accessed via its address.

Table 7- 431 SDataValueByAddress - Native C++

Syntax struct SDataValueByAddress

UINT32 Offset;
UINT8 Bit;
SDataValue DataValue;
ERuntimeErrorCode ErrorCode;

Table 7- 432 SDataValueByAddress - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SDataValueByAddress

UInt32 Offset;
UInt8 Bit;
SDataValue DataValue;
ERuntimeErrorCode ErrorCode;

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types SDataValueByAddressWithCheck

This structure represents a PLC tag that is accessed via its address.

Table 7- 433 SDataValueByAddressWithCheck - Native C++

Syntax struct SDataValueByAddressWithCheck

UINT32 Offset;
UINT8 Bit;
SDataValue DataValue;
ERuntimeErrorCode ErrorCode;
bool ValueHasChanged;

Table 7- 434 SDataValueByAddressWithCheck - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SDataValueByAddressWithCheck

UInt32 Offset;
UInt8 Bit;
SDataValue DataValue;
ERuntimeErrorCode ErrorCode;
bool ValueHasChanged;

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types SDataValueByName

This structure represents a PLC tag that is called by its name.

Table 7- 435 SDataValueByName - Native C++

Syntax struct SDataValueByName

SDataValue DataValue;
ERuntimeErrorCode ErrorCode;
SDVBNI Internal;

Table 7- 436 SDataValueByName - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SDataValueByName

String Name;
SDataValue DataValue;
ERuntimeErrorCode ErrorCode;
SDVBNI Internal;

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types SDataValueByNameWithCheck

This structure represents a PLC tag that is called by its name.

Table 7- 437 SDataValueByNameWithCheck - Native C++

Syntax struct SDataValueByNameWithCheck

SDataValue DataValue;
ERuntimeErrorCode ErrorCode;
SDVBNI Internal;
bool ValueHasChanged;

Table 7- 438 SDataValueByNameWithCheck - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SDataValueByNameWithCheck

String Name;
SDataValue DataValue;
ERuntimeErrorCode ErrorCode;
SDVBNI Internal;
bool ValueHasChanged;
} SConnectionInfo

This structure contains the IP address and port of a TCP/IP connection.

Table 7- 439 SConnectionInfo - Native C++

Syntax struct SConnectionInfo

UINT16 Port;

Table 7- 440 SConnectionInfo - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SConnectionInfo

UInt16 Port;

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types SInstanceInfo

This structure contains an IPv4 address.

Table 7- 441 SInstanceInfo - Native C++

Syntax struct SInstanceInfo

Member • INT32 ID:

The ID of the instance

The name of the instance

Table 7- 442 SInstanceInfo - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SInstanceInfo

Int32 ID;
String Name;
Member • Int32 ID:

The ID of the instance

• String name:
The name of the instance SDimension

This structure contains information about the dimension of a field.
Table 7- 443 SDimension - Native C++

Syntax struct SDimension

INT32 StartIndex;
UINT32 Count;

Table 7- 444 SDimension - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SDimension

Int32 StartIndex;
UInt32 Count;

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types STagInfo

This structure contains information about a PLC tag.

Table 7- 445 STagInfo - Native C++

Syntax struct STagInfo

EArea Area;
EDataType DataType;
EPrimitiveDataType PrimitiveDataType;
UINT16 Size;
UINT32 Offset;
UINT8 Bit;
UINT8 DimensionCount;
UINT32 Index;
UINT32 ParentIndex;
SDimension Dimension[DTAG_ARRAY_DIMENSION];

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7.8 Data types


The name of the tag

• EArea area:

The CPU area where the tag is located.

• EDataType DataType:

The CPU data type of the tag

• EPrimitiveDataType PrimitiveDataType:

The primitive data type of the tag

• UINT16 size:

The size of the tag in bytes

• UINT32 offset:

The byte offset of the tag if it is not located in a data block.

• UINT8 bit:

The bit offset of the tag if it is not located in a data block.

• UINT8 DimensionCount:

The number of dimensions of the array. 0 if the tag is not a field.

• UINT32 index:

The index of the tag

• UINT32 ParentIndex:

If this tag is embedded in another tag (for example, an element of a structure),

this value then displays the index of the parent tag. The value is 0 if the tag has
no parent tag.
• SDimension Dimension[DTAG_ARRAY_DIMENSION]:
Information about each dimension of the field

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7.8 Data types

Table 7- 446 STagInfo - .NET (C#)

Syntax public struct STagInfo

String Name;
EArea Area;
EDataType DataType;
EPrimitiveDataType PrimitiveDataType;
UInt16 Size;
UInt32 Offset;
UInt8 Bit;
UInt32 Index;
UInt32 ParentIndex;
SDimension[] Dimension;
Member • String name:

The name of the tag

• EArea area:

The CPU area where the tag is located.

• EDataType DataType:

The CPU data type of the tag

• EPrimitiveDataType PrimitiveDataType:

The primitive data type of the tag

• UInt16 size:

The size of the tag in bytes.

• UInt32 offset:

The byte offset of the tag if it is not located in a data block.

• UInt8 bit:

The bit offset of the tag if it is not located in a data block.

• UInt32 index:

The index of the tag

• UInt32 ParentIndex:

If this tag is embedded in another tag (for example, an element of a structure),

this value then displays the index of the parent tag. The value is 0 if the tag has
no parent tag.
• SDimension[] Dimension:
Information about each dimension of the field. Empty, if the tag is not an array.

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types SIP

This structure contains an IPv4 address.

Table 7- 447 SIP - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SIP

byte[] IPArray { get; set; }
UInt32 IPDWord { get; set; }
string IPString { get; set; }
Member • UInt32 IPDWord:

The IP address in a single DWORD

• byte[] IPArray:

The four elements of IP in descending order

• string IPString:
The IPv4 address as a string
Example Example for an IP address:
SIP.IPDWord = 0xC0A80001
SIP.IPArray[3] = 192, SIP.IPArray[2] = 168, SIP.IPArray[1] = 0, SIP.IPArray[0] = 1
SIP.IPString = "" SIPSuite4

This structure contains an IPv4 suite.

Table 7- 448 SIPSuite4 - Native C++

Syntax struct SIPSuite4

UIP IPAddress;
UIP SubnetMask;
UIP DefaultGateway;
Member • UIP IPAddress:

The IP address
• UIP SubnetMask:

The subnet mask

• UIP DefaultGateway:
The standard gateway

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7.8 Data types

Table 7- 449 SIPSuite4 - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SIPSuite4

SIP IPAddress;
SIP SubnetMask;
SIP DefaultGateway;
Member • SIP IPAddress:

The IP address
• SIP SubnetMask:

The subnet mask

• SIP DefaultGateway:
The standard gateway

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types SOnSyncPointReachedResult

This structure contains the results of the OnSyncPointReached event.

Table 7- 450 SOnSyncPointReachedResult - Native C++

Syntax struct SOnSyncPointReachedResult

ERuntimeErrorCode ErrorCode;
UINT32 PipId;
INT64 TimeSinceSameSyncPoint_ns;
INT64 TimeSinceAnySyncPoint_ns;
UINT32 SyncPointCount;
Member • ERuntimeErrorCode ErrorCode:
– SREC_TIMEOUT, if no event was triggered during the defined time inter-
– SREC_WARNING_INVALID_CALL, if no function Register-
OnSyncPointReachedEvent was called before.
See ERuntimeErrorCode (Page 375).
• SYSTEMTIME SystemTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UINT32 PipId:

The ID of the process image partition (PIP) that triggers this event.

0 for the cycle control point (End of cycle).

• INT64 TimeSinceSameSyncPoint_ns:

The virtual time (in nanoseconds) since the last synchronization point of the
same process image partition ID was reached.

For the time-controlled operating modes (Page 82):

The runtime since the last call of the StartProcessing() function.
• INT64 TimeSinceAnySyncPoint_ns:

The virtual time (in nanoseconds) since the last synchronization point of any
process image partition ID was reached.

For the time-controlled operating modes (Page 82):

The runtime since the last call of the StartProcessing() function.
• UINT32 SyncPointCount:

The number of synchronization points since the last event. If the events are
triggered faster than they are received, multiple events are combined into
one event. In this case, this value contains the number of cycles since the last
event was received.

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

Table 7- 451 SOnSyncPointReachedResult - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SOnSyncPointReachedResult

ERuntimeErrorCode ErrorCode;
DateTime SystemTime;
UInt32 PipId;
Int64 TimeSinceSameSyncPoint_ns;
Int64 TimeSinceAnySyncPoint_ns;
UInt32 SyncPointCount;
Member • ERuntimeErrorCode ErrorCode:
– ERuntimeErrorCode.Timeout, if no event was triggered during the
defined time interval.
– WarningInvalidCall, if no function RegisterOnSyncPoin-
tReachedEvent was called before.
See ERuntimeErrorCode.
• DateTime DateTime:

The virtual system time of the virtual controller at the time when this event
was triggered.
• UInt32 PipId:

The ID of the process image partition (PIP) that triggers this event.

0 for the cycle control point (End of cycle).

• Int64 TimeSinceSameSyncPoint_ns:

The virtual time (in nanoseconds) since the last synchronization point of the
same process image partition ID was reached.

For the time-controlled operating modes:

The runtime since the last call of the StartProcessing() function.
• Int64 TimeSinceAnySyncPoint_ns:

The virtual time (in nanoseconds) since the last synchronization point of any
process image partition ID was reached.

For the time-controlled operating modes:

The runtime since the last call of the StartProcessing() function.
• UInt32 SyncPointCount:

The number of synchronization points since the last event. If the events are
triggered faster than they are received, multiple events are combined into
one event. In this case, this value contains the number of cycles since the last
event was received.

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types SDataRecordInfo

This structure contains read/write data record information.

Table 7- 452 SDataRecordInfo - Native C++

Syntax struct SDataRecordInfo

UINT32 HardwareId;
UINT32 RecordIdx;
UINT32 DataSize;
Member • UINT32 HardwareId:

The ID of the hardware module (hardware identifier)

• UINT32 RecordIdx:

The data record number

• UINT32 DataSize:
The data record size

Table 7- 453 SDataRecordInfo - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SDataRecordInfo

UInt32 HardwareId;
UInt32 RecordIdx;
UInt32 DataSize;
Member • UInt32 ID:

The ID of the hardware module

• UInt32 RecordIdx:

The data record number

• UInt32 DataSize:
The data record size

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types SDataRecord

This structure contains read/write data record information and data records.

Table 7- 454 SDataRecord - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SDataRecord

UInt32 HardwareId;
byte[] Data
Member • SDataRecordInfo Info:

The data record information, see SDataRecordInfo (Page 368)

• byte[] Data:
The array length SConfiguredProcessEvents

This structure contains information about the configured process events.

Table 7- 455 SConfiguredProcessEvents - Native C++

Syntax struct SConfiguredProcessEvents

UINT16 HardwareIdentifier;
UINT16 Channel;
EProcessEventType ProcessEventType;
Member • UINT16 HardwareIdentifier:

The HW identifier
• UINT16 Channel:

The channel of the IO module which generates the process event.

• EProcessEventType ProcessEventType:

The type of the configured process event

The name of the process event

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7.8 Data types

Table 7- 456 SConfiguredProcessEvents - .NET (C#)

Syntax public struct SConfiguredProcessEvents

ushort HardwareIdentifier;
ushort Channel;
EProcessEventType ProcessEventType;
string Name;
Member • ushort HardwareIdentifier:

The HW identifier
• ushort Channel:

The channel of the IO module which generates the process event.

• EProcessEventType ProcessEventType:

The type of the configured process event

• String name:
The name of the process event

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types SDiagExtChannelDescription

This structure contains read/write data record information and data records.

Table 7- 457 SDiagExtChannelDescription - Native C++

Syntax struct SDiagExtChannelDescription

UINT16 ChannelNumber;
UINT16 ErrorType;
UINT16 ExtErrorType;
EDiagSeverity Severity;
EDiagProperty Direction;
Member • UINT16 ChannelNumber:

If the interrupt relates to a specific channel of the IO device (e.g. short circuit),
this parameter must contain the number of the faulty channel.

If the interrupt was generated by a module or submodule, the number of the

channel must be set to 0x8000.
• UINT16 ErrorType:

The parameter defines error types according to PROFINET standard, see "Error
types" section.
• EDiagSeverity Severity:

The value of the severity for the diagnostics, see EDiagSeverity (Page 396).
• EDiagProperty Direction:

The value for the incoming/outgoing information, see EDiagProperty

(Page 396).
• UINT16 ExtErrorType:

This parameter provides the option of defining more details for the diagnostic
interrupt. This is helpful in combination with PDEV error types which are gener-
ated for CPU-internal modules. Should be 0 by default.

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7.8 Data types

Table 7- 458 SDiagExtChannelDescription - .NET (C#)

Syntax struct SDiagExtChannelDescription

UInt16 ChannelNumber;
UInt16 ErrorType;
UInt16 ExtErrorType;
EDiagSeverity Severity;
EDiagProperty Direction;
Member • UInt16 ChannelNumber:

If the interrupt relates to a specific channel of the IO device (e.g. short circuit),
this parameter must contain the number of the faulty channel.

If the interrupt was generated by a module or submodule, the number of the

channel must be set to 0x8000.
• UInt16 ErrorType:

The parameter defines error types according to PROFINET standard, see "Error
types" section.
• EDiagSeverity Severity:

The value of the severity for the diagnostics, see EDiagSeverity (Page 396).
• EDiagProperty Direction:

The value for the incoming/outgoing information, see EDiagProperty

(Page 396).
• UInt16 ExtErrorType:

This parameter provides the option of defining more details for the diagnostic
interrupt. This is helpful in combination with PDEV error types which are gener-
ated for CPU-internal modules. Should be 0 by default.

Error types
The following table contains important error types (ErrorType) according to PROFINET

Table 7- 459 Error types according to PROFINET standard

Value Meaning
0x0000 Reserved / unknown error
0x0001 Short-circuit
0x0002 Undervoltage
0x0003 Overvoltage
0x0004 Overload
0x0005 Overtemperature
0x0006 Wire break
0x0007 High limit violated
0x0008: Low limit violated
0x0009 Error

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7.8 Data types

The following table contains error types ExtChannelErrorType for ChannelErrorType

"Remote mismatch":

Table 7- 460 ExtChannelErrType error types

Value Meaning Use

0x0000 Reserved -
0x0001 to 0x7FFF Manufacturer ID Interrupt/diagnostics
0x8000 Peer name of station mismatch Interrupt/diagnostics
0x8001 Peer name of port mismatch Interrupt/diagnostics
0x8002 Peer RT_CLASS_3 mismatch Interrupt/diagnostics
0x8003 Peer MAU Type mismatch Interrupt/diagnostics SAutodiscoverData

This structure contains the IP address, the port, the Runtime version, and the name of the
computer that has a Runtime Manager ready to make a remote connection.

Table 7- 461 SAutodiscoverData - Native C++

Syntax public struct SAutodiscoverData

UINT16 Port;
DWORD RuntimeVersion;

Table 7- 462 SAutodiscoverData - .NET (C#)

Syntax public struct SAutodiscoverData

public SIP IP;
public ushort Port;
public uint RuntimeVersion;
public string ComputerName;

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7.8 Data types

7.8.7 Enumerations
The following enumerations are available:
• ERuntimeErrorCode (Page 375)
• EArea (Page 379)
• EOperatingState (Page 380)
• EOperatingMode (Page 381)
• ECPUType (Page 382)
• ECommunicationInterface (Page 384)
• ELEDType (Page 384)
• ELEDMode (Page 385)
• EPrimitiveDataType (Page 385)
• EDataType (Page 388)
• ETagListDetails (Page 392)
• ERuntimeConfigChanged (Page 393)
• EInstanceConfigChanged (Page 393)
• EPullOrPlugEventType (Page 394)
• EProcessEventType (Page 394)
• EDirection (Page 395)
• EDiagProperty (Page 396)
• EDiagSeverity (Page 396)
• ERackOrStationFaultType (Page 397)
• ECycleTimeMonitoringMode (Page 397)
• EAutodiscoverType (Page 398)

See also
Global functions (Native C++) (Page 109)

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374 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types ERuntimeErrorCode

This enumeration contains all error codes that are used by the Simulation Runtime API. Most
API functions return one of these error codes. If the function is successful, the return value is
always SREC_OK / OK. Errors are returned with negative values, warnings with positive
Table 7- 463 ERuntimeErrorCode - Native C++
Syntax enum ERuntimeErrorCode
SREC_OK = 0,

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7.8 Data types


(Deprecated since V4)

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7.8 Data types

Table 7- 464 ERuntimeErrorCode - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum ERuntimeErrorCode
OK = 0,
InvalidErrorCode = -1,
NotImplemented = -2,
IndexOutOfRange = -3,
DoesNotExist = -4,
AlreadyExists = -5,
UnknownMessageType = -6,
InvalidMessageId = -7,
WrongArgument = -8,
WrongPipe = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
Timeout = -11,
MessageCorrupt = -12,
WrongVersion = -13,
InstanceNotRunning = -14,
InterfaceRemoved = -15,
SharedMemoryNotInitialized = -16,
ApiNotInitialized = -17,
WarningAlreadyExists = 18,
NotSupported = -19,
WarningInvalidCall = 20,
ErrorLoadingDll = -21,
SignalNameDoesNotExist = -22,
SignalTypeMismatch = -23,
SignalConfigurationError = -24,
NoSignalConfigurationLoaded = -25,
ConfiguredConnectionNotFound = -26,
ConfiguredDeviceNotFound = -27,
InvalidConfiguration = -28,
TypeMismatch = -29,
LicenseNotFound = -30,
NoLicenseAvailable = -31,
WrongCommunicationInterface = -32,
LimitReached = -33,
NoStartupPathSet = -34,
StartupPathAlreadyInUse = -35,

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7.8 Data types

Syntax MessageIncomplete = -36,

ArchiveStorageNotCreated = -37,
RetrieveStorageFailure = -38,
InvalidOperatingState = -39,
InvalidArchivePath = -40,
DeleteExistingStorageFailed = -41,
CreateDirectoriesFailed = -42,
NotEnoughMemory = -43,
WarningTrialModeActive = 44,
NotRunning = -45,
NotEmpty = -46,
NotUpToDate = -47,
CommunicationInterfaceNotAvailable = -48,
WarningNotComplete = 49,
RuntimeNotAvailable = -51,
IsEmpty = -52,
WrongModuleState = -53,
WrongModuleType = -54,
NotSupportedByModule = -55,
InternalError = -56,
StorageTransferError = -57,
AnotherVariantOfPlcsimRunning = -58,
AccessDenied = -59,
NotAllowedDuringDownload = -60,
AutodiscoverAlreadyRunning = -61,
InvalidStorage = -62,
WarningUnsupportedPcapDriver = 63, //
(Deprecated since V4)
WarningRunningOnTiaPortalTestSuite = 64,
PCAPDriverNotRunning = -65,
UnsupportedPcapDriver = -66,
ConfigFileError = -67,
WarningPasswordForProtectionError = 68

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7.8 Data types EArea

This enumeration contains all PLC areas that contain the available PLC tags.

Table 7- 465 EArea - Native C++

Syntax enum EArea


Table 7- 466 EArea - .NET (C#)

Syntax public enum EArea

InvalidArea = 0,
Input = 1,
Marker = 2,
Output = 3,
Counter = 4,
Timer = 5,
DataBlock = 6,

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EOperatingState

This enumeration contains all the operating states of a virtual controller.

Table 7- 467 EOperatingState - Native C++

Syntax enum EOperatingState



Table 7- 468 EOperatingState - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum EOperatingState

InvalidOperatingState = 0,
Off = 1,
Booting = 2,
Stop = 3,
Startup = 4,
Run = 5,
Freeze = 6,
ShuttingDown = 7,
Hold = 8

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User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EOperatingMode

This enumeration contains all the operating modes of a virtual controller.

Table 7- 469 EOperatingMode - Native C++

Syntax enum EOperatingMode


Table 7- 470 EOperatingMode - .NET (C#)

Syntax public enum EOperatingMode

Default = 0,
SingleStep_C = 1,
SingleStep_CT = 2,
TimespanSynchronized_C = 3,
SingleStep_P = 4,
TimespanSynchronized_P = 5,
SingleStep_CP = 6,
SingleStep_CPT = 7,
TimespanSynchronized_CP = 8
SingleStep_BUS = 9

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 381
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types ECPUType

This enumeration contains all CPU types that can be loaded in a virtual controller.

Table 7- 471 ECPUType - Native C++

Syntax enum ECPUType
SRCT_1500_Unspecified = 0x000005DC,
SRCT_1511 = 0x000005E7,
SRCT_1513 = 0x000005E9,
SRCT_1515 = 0x000005EB,
SRCT_1516 = 0x000005EC,
SRCT_1517 = 0x000005ED,
SRCT_1518 = 0x000005EE,
SRCT_1511C = 0x000405E7,
SRCT_1512C = 0x000405E8,
SRCT_1511F = 0x000105E7,
SRCT_1513F = 0x000105E9,
SRCT_1515F = 0x000105EB,
SRCT_1516F = 0x000105EC,
SRCT_1517F = 0x000105ED,
SRCT_1518F = 0x000105EE,
SRCT_1511T = 0x000805E7,
SRCT_1515T = 0x000805EB,
SRCT_1516T = 0x000805EC,
SRCT_1517T = 0x000805ED,
SRCT_1511TF = 0x000905E7,
SRCT_1515TF = 0x000905EB,
SRCT_1516TF = 0x000905EC,
SRCT_1517TF = 0x000905ED,
SRCT_1518ODK = 0x001005EE,
SRCT_1518FODK = 0x001105EE,
SRCT_1518MFP = 0x004005EE,
SRCT_1518FMFP = 0x004105EE,
SRCT_1518T = 0x000805EE,
SRCT_1518TF = 0x000905EE,
SRCT_1504DTF = 0x000905E0,
SRCT_1507DTF = 0x000905E3,
SRCT_ET200SP_Unspecified = 0x000205DC,
SRCT_1510SP = 0x000205E6,
SRCT_1512SP = 0x000205E8,
SRCT_1510SPF = 0x000305E6,
SRCT_1512SPF = 0x000305E8,
SRCT_1500_RH_Unspecified = 0x008005DC,
SRCT_1513R = 0x008005E9,
SRCT_1515R = 0x008005EB,
SRCT_1517H = 0x008005ED,
SRCT_1518HF = 0x008105EE,
SRCT_ET200PRO_Unspecified = 0x002005DC,
SRCT_1513PRO = 0x002005E9,
SRCT_1513PROF = 0x002105E9,
SRCT_1516PRO = 0x002005EC,
SRCT_1516PROF = 0x002105EC

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
382 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

Table 7- 472 ECPUType - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum ECPUType
CPU1500_Unspecified = 0x000005DC,
CPU1511 = 0x000005E7,
CPU1513 = 0x000005E9,
CPU1515 = 0x000005EB,
CPU1516 = 0x000005EC,
CPU1517 = 0x000005ED,
CPU1518 = 0x000005EE,
CPU1511C = 0x000405E7,
CPU1512C = 0x000405E8,
CPU1511F = 0x000105E7,
CPU1513F = 0x000105E9,
CPU1515F = 0x000105EB,
CPU1516F = 0x000105EC,
CPU1517F = 0x000105ED,
CPU1518F = 0x000105EE,
CPU1511T = 0x000805E7,
CPU1515T = 0x000805EB,
CPU1516T = 0x000805EC,
CPU1517T = 0x000805ED,
CPU1511TF = 0x000905E7,
CPU1515TF = 0x000905EB,
CPU1516TF = 0x000905EC,
CPU1517TF = 0x000905ED,
CPU1518ODK = 0x001005EE,
CPU1518FODK = 0x001105EE,
CPU1518MFP = 0x004005EE,
CPU1518FMFP = 0x004105EE,
CPU1518T = 0x000805EE,
CPU1518TF = 0x000905EE,
CPU1504DTF = 0x000905E0,
CPU1507DTF = 0x000905E3,
CPUET200SP_Unspecified = 0x000205DC,
CPU1510SP = 0x000205E6,
CPU1512SP = 0x000205E8,
CPU1510SPF = 0x000305E6,
CPU1512SPF = 0x000305E8,
CPU1500_RH_Unspecified = 0x008005DC,
CPU1513R = 0x008005E9,
CPU1515R = 0x008005EB,
CPU1517H = 0x008005ED,
CPU1518HF = 0x008105EE,
CPUET200PRO_Unspecified = 0x002005DC,
CPU1513PRO = 0x002005E9,
CPU1513PROF = 0x002105E9,
CPU1516PRO = 0x002005EC,
CPU1516PROF = 0x002105EC

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 383
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types ECommunicationInterface

This enumeration contains the available communication interfaces of a virtual controller.

Table 7- 473 ECommunicationInterface - Native C++

Syntax enum ECommunicationInterface


Table 7- 474 ECommunicationInterface - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum ECommunicationInterface

None = 0,
Softbus = 1,
TCPIP = 2,
} ELEDType

This list includes all types of LEDs of a virtual controller.
Table 7- 475 ELEDType - Native C++

Syntax enum ELEDType


Table 7- 476 ELEDType - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum ELEDType

Stop = 0,
Run = 1,
Error = 2
Maint = 3,
Redund = 4,
Force = 5,
Busf1 = 6,
Busf2 = 7,
Busf3 = 8,
Busf4 = 9

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
384 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types ELEDMode

This list contains all the LED states of a virtual controller.

Table 7- 477 ELEDMode - Native C++

Syntax enum ELEDMode

SRLM_ON = 1,

Table 7- 478 ELEDMode - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum ELEDMode

Off = 0,
On = 1,
FlashFast = 2,
FlashSlow = 3,
Invalid = 4
} EPrimitiveDataType

This list contains all the primitive data types that are used by the I/O access functions.

Table 7- 479 EPrimitiveDataType - Native C++

Syntax enum EPrimitiveDataType

SRPDT_INT16 = 4,
SRPDT_INT32 = 5,
SRPDT_INT64 = 6,
SRPDT_UINT64 = 10,

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 385
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

Table 7- 480 EPrimitiveDataType - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum EPrimitiveDataType

Unspecific = 0,
Struct = 1,
Bool = 2,
Int8 = 3,
Int16 = 4,
Int32 = 5,
Int64 = 6,
UInt8 = 7,
UInt16 = 8,
UInt32 = 9,
UInt64 = 10,
Float = 11,
Double = 12,
Char = 13,
WChar = 14

Compatible primitive data types

The following tables shows the primitive data types of the user interface (API) and the data
types of the PLCSIM Advanced instance that are configured in the stored tag list. The data
types that can be used as compatible are marked with "X".

Table 7- 481 Compatible primitive data types - Reading

API PLCSIM Advanced instance

Bool INT UINT Float Double Char WChar
8 16 32 64 8 16 32 64
Bool X
Float X
Double X
Char X
WChar X

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
386 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

Table 7- 482 Compatible primitive data types - Write

API PLCSIM Advanced instance

Bool INT UINT Float Double Char WChar
8 16 32 64 8 16 32 64
Bool X
Float X
Double X
Char X
WChar X

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 387
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EDataType

This enumeration contains all the PLC data types (STEP 7).

Table 7- 483 EDataType - Native C++

Syntax enum EDataType

SRDT_IEC_Counter = 30,
SRDT_IEC_Timer = 31,
SRDT_LDT = 66,
SRDT_DTL = 67,
SRDT_IEC_LTimer = 68,
SRDT_IEC_SCounter = 69,
SRDT_IEC_DCounter = 70,
SRDT_IEC_LCounter = 71,
SRDT_IEC_UCounter = 72,
SRDT_IEC_USCounter = 73,
SRDT_IEC_UDCounter = 74,
SRDT_IEC_ULCounter = 75,

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
388 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

Syntax SRDT_NREF = 98,

SRDT_CREF = 101,
SRDT_HW_ANY = 144,
SRDT_HW_IO = 149,
SRDT_HW_HSC = 152,
SRDT_HW_PWM = 153,
SRDT_HW_PTO = 154,
SRDT_OB_ANY = 160,
SRDT_OB_TOD = 162,
SRDT_OB_ATT = 164,
SRDT_PORT = 173,
SRDT_RTM = 174,
SRDT_PIP = 175,
SRDT_DB_ANY = 208,
SRDT_DB_WWW = 209,
SRDT_DB_DYN = 210,
SRDT_DB = 257

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 389
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

Table 7- 484 EDataType - .NET (C#)

Syntax public enum EDataType

Unknown = 0,
Bool = 1,
Byte = 2,
Char = 3,
Word = 4,
Int = 5,
DWord = 6,
DInt = 7,
Real = 8,
Date = 9,
TimeOfDay = 10,
Time = 11,
S5Time = 12,
DateAndTime = 14,
Struct = 17,
String = 19,
Counter = 28,
Timer = 29,
IEC_Counter = 30,
IEC_Timer = 31,
LReal = 48,
ULInt = 49,
LInt = 50,
LWord = 51,
USInt = 52,
UInt = 53,
UDInt = 54,
SInt = 55,
WChar = 61,
WString = 62,
LTime = 64,
LTimeOfDay = 65,
LDT = 66,
DTL = 67,
IEC_LTimer = 68,

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
390 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

Syntax IEC_SCounter = 69,

IEC_DCounter = 70,
IEC_LCounter = 71,
IEC_UCounter = 72,
IEC_USCounter = 73,
IEC_UDCounte = 74,
IEC_ULCounter = 75,
ErrorStruct = 97,
NREF = 98,
CREF = 101,
Aom_Ident = 128,
Event_Any = 129,
Event_Att = 130,
Event_HwInt = 131,
Hw_Any = 144,
Hw_IoSystem = 145,
Hw_DpMaster = 146,
Hw_Device = 147,
Hw_DpSlave = 148,
Hw_Io = 149,
Hw_Module = 150,
Hw_SubModule = 151,
Hw_Hsc = 152,
Hw_Pwm = 153,
Hw_Pto = 154,
Hw_Interface = 155,
Hw_IEPort = 156,
OB_Any = 160,
OB_Delay = 161,
OB_Tod = 162,
OB_Cyclic = 163,
OB_Att = 164,
Conn_Any = 168,
Conn_Prg = 169,
Conn_Ouc = 170,
Conn_R_ID = 171,
Port = 173,
Rtm = 174,
Pip = 175,
OB_PCycle = 192,
OB_HwInt = 193,
OB_Diag = 195,
OB_TimeError = 196,
OB_Startup = 197,
DB_Any = 208,
DB_WWW = 209,
DB_Dyn = 210,
DB = 257

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 391
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types ETagListDetails

This list contains all PLC areas that can be used as a filter to update the tag table.

Table 7- 485 ETagListDetails - Native C++

Syntax enum ETagListDetails

SRTLD_M = 2,

Table 7- 486 ETagListDetails - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum ETagListDetails

None = 0,
IO = 1,
M = 2,
IOM = 3,
CT = 4,
IOCT = 5,
MCT = 6,
IOMCT = 7,
DB = 8,
IODB = 9,
MDB = 10,
IOMDB = 11,
CTDB = 12,
IOCTDB = 13,
MCTDB = 14,

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
392 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types ERuntimeConfigChanged

This list contains all possible causes of a OnConfigurationChanged event that the Runtime
Manager sends.

Table 7- 487 ERuntimeConfigChanged - Native C++

Syntax enum ERuntimeConfigChanged


Table 7- 488 ERuntimeConfigChanged - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum ERuntimeConfigChanged

InstanceRegistered = 0,
InstanceUnregistered = 1,
ConnectionOpened = 2,
ConnectionClosed = 3,
PortOpened = 4,
PortClosed = 5
} EInstanceConfigChanged

This list contains all possible causes for a OnConfigurationChanged event that the virtual
controller sends.
Table 7- 489 EInstanceConfigChanged - Native C++

Syntax enum EInstanceConfigChanged


Table 7- 490 EInstanceConfigChanged - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum EInstanceConfigChanged

HardwareSoftwareChanged = 0,
IPChanged = 1

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 393
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EPullOrPlugEventType

This enumeration contains predefined types of pull/plug events for S7 modules.

Table 7- 491 EPullOrPlugEventType - Native C++

Syntax enum EPullOrPlugEventType


Table 7- 492 EPullOrPlugEventType - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum EPullOrPlugEventType

Undefined = 0,
Pull = 1,
Plug = 2,
PlugErrorRemains = 3,
PlugWrongModule = 4
} EProcessEventType

This enumeration contains predefined types of process events for S7 modules.

Table 7- 493 EProcessEventType - Native C++

Syntax enum EProcessEventType


S7-PLCSIM Advanced
394 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types

Table 7- 494 EProcessEventType - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum EProcessEventType

Undefined = 0,
RisingEdge = 1,
FallingEdge = 2,
Limit_1_Underrun = 3,
Limit_1_Overrun = 4,
Limit_2_Underrun = 5,
Limit_2_Overrun = 6
} EDirection

This enumeration contains properties of the diagnostic alarm.

Table 7- 495 EDirection - Native C++

Syntax enum EDirection


Table 7- 496 EDirection - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum EDirection

Input = 0,
Output = 1

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 395
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EDiagProperty

This enumeration contains the incoming/outgoing information of the diagnostic alarm.

Table 7- 497 EDiagProperty - Native C++

Syntax enum EDiagProperty


Table 7- 498 EDiagProperty - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum EDiagProperty

Appear = 1,
Disappear = 2
} EDiagSeverity

This enumeration contains the severity of the diagnostic alarm (error, maintenance
demanded, maintenance required).

Table 7- 499 EDiagSeverity - Native C++

Syntax enum EDiagSeverity


Table 7- 500 EDiagSeverity - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum EDiagSeverity

Failure = 0,
MaintDemanded = 1,
MaintRequired = 2

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
396 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types ERackOrStationFaultType

This enumeration contains the types of the RackOrStationFault event.

Table 7- 501 ERackOrStationFaultType - Native C++

Syntax enum ERackOrStationFaultType


Table 7- 502 ERackOrStationFaultType - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum ERackOrStationFaultType

Fault = 0,
Return = 1
} ECycleTimeMonitoringMode

This enumeration contains the sources of the timer for the maximum cycle time monitoring.

Table 7- 503 ECycleTimeMonitoringMode - Native C++

Syntax enum ECycleTimeMonitoringMode


Table 7- 504 ECycleTimeMonitoringMode - .NET (C#)

Syntax enum ECycleTimeMonitoringMode

Downloaded = 0,
Ignored = 1,
Specified = 2

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 397
User interfaces (API)
7.8 Data types EAutodiscoverType

This enumeration is used in the Autodiscover Callback function.

Table 7- 505 EAutodiscoverType - Native C++

Syntax enum EAutodiscoverType


Table 7- 506 EAutodiscoverType - .NET (C#)

Syntax public enum EAutodiscoverType

AutodiscoverStarted = 0,
AutodiscoverData = 1,
AutodiscoverFinished = 2

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
398 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
Restrictions, messages and solution 8
8.1 Overview
Certain actions or events can lead to behavior in PLCSIM Advanced or in STEP 7 which
deviates from that of a hardware CPU. Messages and possible solutions can be found in the
following sections:
• OPC UA server (Page 400)
• Web server (Page 400)
• Backing up and restoring the configuration of a PLCSIM Advanced instance (Page 401)
• Restrictions for file paths (Page 402)
• Restrictions for communications services (Page 402)
• Restrictions for instructions (Page 402)
• Restrictions to local communication via Softbus (Page 403)
• Messages for communication via TCP/IP (Page 404)
• Restrictions of security with VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) (Page 405)
• Restrictions for Hyper-V (Page 407)
• Monitoring overflow (Page 407)
• Deviating I/O values in the STEP 7 user program (Page 408)
• Multiple simulations and possible collision of IP addresses (Page 408)
• Lacking access to an IP address (Page 408)
• Simulation in standby mode (Page 408)
• ET 200SP CPUs: Use of BusAdapters with fiber-optic interface (Page 409)
• Installing SIMATIC NET (Page 409)

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
399 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
8.2 OPC UA server
With OPC UA, data exchange is performed through an open, standardized and manufacturer-
independent communication protocol. The CPU as OPC UA server can communicate with OPC
UA clients, for example, with HMI panels and SCADA systems.

Configuring OPC UA server

Start the instances via the communication interface "PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter"
(TCP/IP) to use the OPC UA server.
The OPC UA server functionality is not available if communication takes place via the Softbus.

User authorization for OPC UA

The PLCSIM Advanced license also contains the user authorization for OPC UA.
The user authorization applies for two instances.

8.3 Web server

The Web server integrated in a CPU enables monitoring and administering of the CPU by
authorized users over a network. This permits evaluation and diagnostics over long distances.
Each PLCSIM Advanced instance can simulate its own Web server.
The simulation of the Web server is restricted under S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0:
• It is not possible to back up and restore a configuration via the Web server.
• The freeze state of a virtual controller is not shown as an internal operating state.

Configuring the Web server

S7 PLCSIM Advanced
Start the instances via the communication interface "PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter"
(TCP/IP) to use the Web server.
The Web server functionality is not available if the communication is performed via the

Configure the Web server in STEP 7 in the CPU properties.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
400 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
Restricted Web server functionality
• The information may not be fully displayed on some websites due to different data
• There is no topology information.
• "Online Backup&Restore" is not available.
• FW updates are not supported.

8.4 Backing up and restoring the configuration of a

PLCSIM Advanced instance

Backing up and restoring the configuration

As of PLCSIM Advanced V2.0 it is possible to back up and restore a PLCSIM Advanced
You can create as many backups as you want and store a variety of configurations for a
PLCSIM Advanced instance.
You perform the backup and restore in the TIA Portal as you would in a real CPU.
Backup and restore via the Web server and (simulated) display are not supported.
A backup that was created with PLCSIM Advanced can only be used with PLCSIM Advanced.
It is not possible to restore the configuration of a real CPU with a backup from
PLCSIM Advanced.

• The configuration of a PLCSIM Advanced instance is backed up and restored over the
TCP/IP protocol, Softbus is not supported.
• It is only possible to restore the configuration of a PLCSIM Advanced instance with the
corresponding backup from PLCSIM Advanced.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 401
8.5 Restrictions for file paths
The following restrictions apply for user interfaces which expect a path or a complete file
name as the transfer parameter:

Restrictions for local Write permissions to system-critical directories such as the Windows directo-
paths ry (%Windows%) or the program directories (%Program Files%, %Program
Files (x86)%) are not allowed.
In this case the C++ user interface returns the error code
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT. In this case the managed user interface returns
an exception with the error code RuntimeErrorCode.WrongArgument.
Restrictions for net- In order to be able to use network paths, you must incorporate them as a
work paths network drive.
Otherwise, the C++ user interface returns the error code
SREC_WRONG_ARGUMENT. The managed user interface returns an exception
with the error code RuntimeErrorCode.WrongArgument.

8.6 Restrictions for communications services

When you run the UDP blocks TUSEND and TURCV via the "PLCSIM" communication interface
(Softbus), you get error code 0x80C4 at the transmission end and receiving end:
Temporary communications error. The specified connection is temporarily down.

Set "PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter" (TCP/IP) as the communication interface in PLCSIM

8.7 Restrictions for instructions

PLCSIM Advanced simulates instructions for CPUs S7-1500 and ET 200SP as close to reality as
possible. PLCSIM Advanced checks the input parameters for validity and returns outputs that
are valid but do not necessarily correspond to those that a real CPU with physical
inputs/outputs would return.

Instructions not supported

Unsupported instructions are handled as not ready, their value is always "OK". PLCSIM
Advanced does not support the following instructions:

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
402 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
8.8 Restrictions to local communication via Softbus

Identical IP addresses for instances

If the "PLCSIM" communication interface (Softbus) is set, then identical IP addresses are
created automatically for all instances when creating the instances through the Control
In STEP 7, only one instance is therefore displayed in the lifelist.

Use the API function SetIPSuite() to assign a unique address for each instance, then all
instances are displayed in STEP 7 with their IP addresses.

API function
• SetIPSuite() (Page 147)

Working with multiple instances

When you are working with instances without unique IP addresses, note the following
procedure for downloading from TIA Portal via "PLCSIM" (Softbus):

1. Start only one instance with the symbol in the Control Panel.
2. In TIA Portal, download the program to this instance.
3. Repeat the steps until you have created all instances and downloaded all projects.

Online and diagnostics

If the "PLCSIM" (Softbus) communication interface is set, no details are displayed for the
"Online and Diagnostics" function under the PROFINET interface (IP address, MAC address,

See also
Controller - Information and settings (Page 144)

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 403
8.9 Messages for communication via TCP/IP

Error codes
If an ID with error designation appears in the taskbar, you will find the description in section 7
User interfaces (API) (Page 84).

Figure 8-1 Example: Error code -66

Messages and remedy

The settings for TCP/IP communication are checked in the S7-PLCSIM Advanced Control Panel.
The messages and the corresponding remedies are listed below:

"Siemens PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter was not found. Please reinstall PLCSIM Advanced."

The PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter cannot be found on the system.
Run PLCSIM Advanced Setup again:
1. Double-click the download package or insert the installation medium into the drive. The
setup program starts up automatically, provided you have not disabled the Autostart
function on the computer. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it
manually by double-clicking the "Start.exe" file.
2. Follow the prompts until you reach the "Configuration" window. Select the "Repair" check
3. Follow the remaining prompts to repair your installation.
4. Complete the repair operation by restarting your computer.

"Siemens PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter is disabled. Please enable it."

The PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter is deactivated on the system. In the Control Panel, under
"Network and Sharing Center" > "Change Adapter Settings" and activate the network adapter.

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
404 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
"Npcap service is not running. When installed start it from elevated command prompt with
'net start npcap'."

The Npcap is not active on the system. Open a command line in administrator mode and
enter the command "net start npcap".

"You have to set a valid IP address for the Siemens PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter."

Assign a static IP address to the Siemens PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter or obtain an IP
address via DHCP (default setting).

8.10 Restrictions of security with VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi)

The following information is only important if you want to communicate with the "outside
world". This means when you access from a visualization platform on which an instance is
being executed to another VM on which the TIA Portal is being executed. When you are using
TCP/IP on the local PC, the following changes are not necessary.
When you use the virtualization platform VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi), you must
change the policy exception to communicate over TCP/IP.
Accept the "Promiscuous mode and "Forged transmit" options for the Virtual Switch of the

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD 405
Promiscuous Mode
In Promiscuous mode, the network adapter reads all incoming telegrams, including those
that are not intended for the network adapter, and forwards the data to the operating system
for processing.
The Promiscuous mode is necessary for the simulation with PLCSIM Advanced so that
telegrams can be forwarded by the Ethernet adapter to the PC or the VM for processing, for
example, data for additional PLCSIM Advanced instances in the network.

Restrictions of security
For security reasons, Promiscuous mode is disabled by default.
If you accept the Promiscuousmode, the real Ethernet adapter even receives telegrams that
are not addressed to it.

Figure 8-2 Policy exceptions for VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi)

S7-PLCSIM Advanced
406 Function Manual, 05/2021, A5E37039512-AD
8.11 Restrictions for Hyper-V
The following information is only important if you want to communicate with the "outside
world". This means when you access from a visualization platform on which an instance is
being executed to another VM on which the TIA Portal is being executed. When you are using
TCP/IP on the local PC, the following settings are not necessary.
When you use the virtualization platform Hyper-V, you must change the following setting to
be able to use the communication over TCP/IP.
1. In the Hyper-V Manager, select the Hyper-V server.
2. Select the VM and its settings via "Settings...".
3. In the "Extended Functions", select "MAC Address Spoofing".
This setting is necessary for the simulation with PLCSIM Advanced so that telegrams can be
forwarded by the Ethernet adapter to the PC or the VM for processing, for example, data for
additional PLCSIM Advanced instances in the network.

Restrictions of security
For security reasons, Promiscuous mode is disabled by default.
If you accept the Promiscuousmode, the real Ethernet adapter even receives telegrams that
are not addressed to it.

8.12 Monitoring overflow

Monitoring of main cycle

The maximum cycle time monitoring for PLCSIM Advanced is one minute.
If you want to use the values that are configured in the TIA Portal, set them using the
following API function: SetCycleTimeMonitoringMode().
See Cycle control (Page 252)

Monitoring of cyclical events

If your simulation contains cyclic interrupts, the queue of PLCSIM Advanced may overflow for
cyclic events. Due to the execution speed of PLCSIM Advanced compared to real hardware,
the time required to create the diagnostics buffer entry may be longer than the time until the
next cyclic interrupt.
In this case, an additional entry is placed in the queue, causing another overflow. In the event
of an overflow, PLCSIM Advanced provides visual information in the form of diagnostics
buffer messages and a red error icon in the project tree.

See also
Speed up and slow down simulation (Page 77)

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8.13 Deviating I/O values in the STEP 7 user program
Updated values
Each value change made by a STEP 7 user program in the I/O address areas is overwritten in
the cycle control point with the updated value that was written via the API functions
Write...(). The API functions Read...() only return this updated value and not the
value from STEP 7 for the input range.

Non-updated values
If the value was not updated via the API functions Write...(), the API functions
Read...() return the value from STEP 7 for the output range.

See also
Simulate peripheral I/O (Page 59)

8.14 Multiple simulations and possible collision of IP addresses

You can simultaneously simulate multiple CPUs, but each simulated CPU interface requires a
unique IP address.
Make sure your CPUs have different IP addresses before starting the simulation.

8.15 Lacking access to an IP address

Special feature of distributed communication

If you use multiple network nodes on the same subnet through different virtual or real
adapters, the operating system may search for the node on the wrong adapter.

Repeat your requests or enter "arp -d <IP address>" in the command line editor of Windows.

8.16 Simulation in standby mode

If your computer or programming device goes into standby or hibernation mode, the
simulation may be stopped. In this case, the communication between STEP 7 and PLCSIM
Advanced is stopped. When your computer or programming device starts up again, the
communication may need to be reestablished. In some cases, it may also be necessary to
open the simulation project again.
To prevent this situation, disable the standby mode on your computer or programming

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8.17 ET 200SP CPUs: Use of BusAdapters with fiber-optic interface

ET 200SP CPUs: Use of BusAdapters with fiber-optic interface

If you use BusAdapters with fiber-optic interface for connecting fiber-optic cables (e.g. BA
2xLC), then download via TCP/IP is not possible.

Use the communication interface "PLCSIM" (Softbus) in PLCSIM Advanced.

8.18 Installing SIMATIC NET

Problems after installing SIMATIC NET PC software products

If you are using one of the following operating systems with S7-PLCSIM Advanced on your PC,
problems may arise with the PLCSIM Advanced instances via TCP/IP as soon as you have
installed SIMATIC NET PC software products on your PC:
• Windows 10 Pro, Version 1809
• Windows Server 2019
After installing the SIMATIC NET PC software products, you may no longer be able to start the
PLCSIM Advanced instances via TCP/IP.

Update the operating system on your PC:
• Windows 10, Version ≥ 1903 or
• Windows Server version > 2019

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List of abbreviations A
Abbreviation Term
ALM Automation License Manager
Tool for managing license keys in STEP 7
API Application Programming Interface user interface
arp Address resolution protocol
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
CPU Central Processing Unit (Synonym for PLC)
DLL Dynamic Link Library
HMI Human Machine Interface user interface
I-device Intelligent IO device
IE Industrial Ethernet
GUI Graphical User Interface
LAN Local Area Network
Computer network that is limited to a local area.
MFP Multifunctional platform
OB Organization Block
ODK Open Development Kit
OPC UA Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture
PA Process image output (PIQ)
PE Process image input (PII)
PG Programming device
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
RAM Random Access Memory
RT Runtime
SO Shared Object
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TIA Totally Integrated Automation
PIP Process Image Partition
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
VM Virtual Machine
VPLC Virtual Programmable Logic Controller
WinCC Windows Control Center

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