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Item No. 03 Court No.



(By Video Conferencing)

M.A. No. 67/2020

Original Application No. 199/2014

Almitra H. Patel & Anr. Applicant


Union of India & Ors. Respondent(s)

DSIIDC ……………………….Applicant in M.A.

Date of hearing: 27.10.2020



For Applicant in MA : Ms. Richa Dhawan, Advocate


1. This application, in a way, seeks review of order dated 07.10.2020

passed by the Tribunal. By the said order, the Tribunal rejected similar

prayer of the present applicant, the Delhi State Industrial and

Infrastructure Development Corporation (DSIIDC) against earlier order of

the Tribunal dated 14.12.2017 directing that the available land for

commercial buildings with the Delhi Government be not developed

unless the land is provided for solid waste management. The said

direction is as follows:-

“1. The Chief Secretary of NCT Delhi or the Lieutenant Governor, if

the Lieutenant Governor so desire, shall hold a meeting within two
weeks from today and consider the list of the sites submitted by the
Corporation, the site of DSIIDC and the site of NTPC at Badarpur

Thermal Plant as well. The meeting shall be attended by the Senior
most Officers from the Corporation, authorities and local authorities.

2. The sites would be selected while taking a comprehensive

approach and keeping in mind the siting criteria prescribed under
the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016.

3. Till the sites are earmarked and finalized for being

utilized for management of solid municipal waste in Delhi
including setting up of a land fill site, composting, RDF plant
and Waste to Energy Plant, all the authorities including
Delhi Development Authority, DSIIDC, Corporation shall not
place or award work for building up of any commercial
building in the lands which have been referred to for the site.

4. This would also apply to Gram Sabha land, if this is being

utilized for commercial purposes.

We are compelled to pass this direction in view of the above

compelling circumstances and particularly in view of the fact
that the fundamental right to descent and clean environment
should take precedence over a commercial activity, even if
necessary by the State. The Constitutional and Statutory
obligation of the State required them to take all appropriate
steps and any development activity must first take
precautionary measures in regard to management of the
Municipal Solid Waste of the entire city as well as waste that
could be generated by such development activity. Our
experience has revealed the game of shifting blame must be
depreciated and the authorities must be consulted to achieve
the proper management of Municipal Solid Waste which is a
mandate of the Constitution itself. We hope that the
Lieutenant Governor or the Chief Secretary would be able to
expedite the decision of these aspects and submit a report to
the Tribunal so that this case would proceed further and
final orders in that behalf would be passed.

The Ministry of Power and NTPC shall attend the meeting

before the Lieutenant Governor/Chief Secretary.”

2. The Tribunal dealt with the prayer of the applicant vide order dated

7.10.2020 as follows:-

“2. According to the Applicant, the direction needs to be vacated

as the applicant has got layout plan approved for setting up a
multilevel manufacturing hub as per the MPD-2021 on a plot
identified for sanitary landfill site.

3. None appears to press the application. We do not find

any merit in the prayer. There is no explanation why
suddenly there is occasion for such application to seek
review of order which has attained finality. There is no viable
alternative offered. Condition of waste management is in
Delhi is pitiable as mountains of un-remediated garbage is a

hard reality, though citizens of Delhi are facing worst air
pollution. The matter is to be sorted out at the level of Chief
Secretary and the Lieutenant Governor who have to provide
land for waste management before considering use of
available sites for commercial purposes.”

3. In the present application, the applicant has stated that there is a

viable alternative in form of 42.5 acres of the land which needs to be

considered. Learned counsel for the applicant states that the Tribunal

while passing order dated 07.10.2020 proceeded on the footing that there

is no viable alternative.

4. We have considered this submission also. The fact remains that

the problem of tackling accumulated waste still remains unaddressed

and the same has to be sorted out by the Chief Secretary and Lieutenant

Governor, which is not shown to have happened so far.

5. Learned counsel for the DSIIDC has also referred order dated

04.09.2017 as follows:-

“……. The site which is proposed to be used now as a sanitary

landfill site at Ranikhera, has neither been approved nor has
environmental clearance and also does not have sanction from the
Delhi Pollution Control Committee. It has not been prepared for
segregation and dumping of waste that would certainly lead to
leakages polluting the ground water as well as causing serious
prejudice to the environment and health of the people living around
the site, which is stated to be a close to population of 200 meters.
We think that the administration must ponder over these factors
before passing any further directions…..”

6. The above aspect has also to be considered by the Chief Secretary

and the Lieutenant Governor. Till it is done, there is no occasion for

revisiting the order of this Tribunal.

7. In view of above, the issue of availability of suitable land for solid

waste management has to be first sorted out by the Chief Secretary and

the Lieutenant Governor and if the said authorities take a decision on

such issue, it will be open to the DSIIDC to move this Tribunal based on

such decision.

The application is disposed of.

Adarsh Kumar Goel, CP

S.K. Singh, JM

Dr. S.S. Garbyal, EM

Dr. Nagin Nanda, EM

October 27, 2020

M.A. No. 67/2020 in O.A. No. 199/2014

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