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Common Materials for Hydrostatic Testing

1. Water:
o Advantages: Water is the most commonly used material for hydrostatic testing
because it is readily available, non-compressible, and poses minimal risk in case
of a leak or rupture.
o Disadvantages: Water can cause corrosion in some materials if not properly dried
out after the test.
2. Glycol-Water Mixtures:
o Advantages: These mixtures can be used in environments where freezing is a
concern, as they lower the freezing point of the testing fluid.
o Disadvantages: They can be more expensive and may require special handling.
3. Oil:
o Advantages: Oil can be used in some specific applications where water is not
suitable, particularly in hydraulic systems.
o Disadvantages: Oil is more expensive than water and poses a higher
environmental risk in case of a leak.
4. Inhibited Water Solutions:
o Advantages: These solutions contain corrosion inhibitors to protect the internal
surfaces of the equipment being tested.
o Disadvantages: They may require proper disposal and handling after the test.

Note: But based on the manual Oil is correct to use

Steps for Hydrostatic Testing (if applicable)

1. Preparation:
o Clean the System: Ensure the system is clean and free of any contaminants.
o Drain Air: Remove all air from the system to prevent false readings or dangerous
2. Filling:
o Fill Slowly: Fill the system slowly with the test fluid to avoid trapping air.
o Vent Air: Open vents to allow air to escape as the system fills.
3. Pressurization:
o Gradual Increase: Gradually increase the pressure to the desired test level,
typically 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure.
o Hold Pressure: Maintain the test pressure for a specified period, usually 10-15
minutes, while inspecting for leaks.
4. Inspection:
o Visual Inspection: Check all joints, connections, and components for leaks.
o Pressure Monitoring: Monitor the pressure gauge to ensure there is no drop in
5. Depressurization:
o Gradual Release: Slowly release the pressure to avoid shock to the system.
Drain Fluid: Drain the test fluid from the system.
6. Drying and Cleaning:
o Remove Residual Fluid: Ensure all residual fluid is removed to prevent
o Dry System: Dry the internal surfaces, especially if water was used.

The following checkpoints are mandatory and are to be made before the initial start or after any repairs.
They are general in nature and applicable to single-stage compressors, vacuum pumps, and boosters.
• Recheck coupling alignment, direction of rotation, all piping connections, water, and air, and adjust as
• Fill the lubricator with oil. Loosen the tubing nuts at the oil line and check the valves. Be sure each oil
line is purged of all entrapped air and retighten the nuts. Follow the instructions in the lubricator manual.

 Fill the oil bath filters with oil to the proper level per the instructions shown on the filter. If filter is
Installed outdoors, use SAE 10.30S in cold weather and SAE 30.50 in not weather.
• Check dry-type filters for any blanks or strapping used for shipment.
• Where a bag-type dust collector intake filter is used on an installation at heavy dust loads such as a
cement plant, be sure to check all features from the special instructions furnished.
• In any event, recheck that no shipping protector or blind flange is blocking the intake line or filter.

 Important-disconnect piping at the intake of the unit and install a16 mesh screen between flanges,
folded twice, and reconnect piping firmly. This dirt-catching screen is temporary and should be
removed after the intake line is clean. Rap the entire intake line thoroughly, at start-up, to dislodge all
loose material. Repeat until a line is clean!
 Where the intake regulator is used, a minimum of 20 psig (1.4 bar) system pressure is required to move
the main valve and unload the regulator. Also, be sure the pilot valve is in the manually unloaded
position. Dismantle the regulator and clean out all foreign material found in the intake piping
 Check all protective devices or controls making sure they are properly connected electrically

NOTE: It’s not recommended the use of kerosene, gasoline, or any other volatile cleaning agent in
the cylinder during operation. Their use can cause a temporary lack of proper lubrication.

Specific hydrostatic pressure and holding time for the FLSmidth FUL-VANE model CU-350 SS,
I would need to refer to the manufacturer's technical documentation or guidelines. This
information is typically detailed in the product manual or engineering specifications.
However, as a general practice for similar equipment, the hydrostatic test pressure is usually 1.5
times the maximum operating pressure. Given the nameplate specifies a maximum pressure of 42
PSIG, the hydrostatic test pressure might be approximately:

The holding time for hydrostatic pressure tests can vary but is often around 30 minutes to ensure
no leaks are present and the system is stable under pressure.

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