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Presented by:

Prof. Raflyn Manuel-Guillermo, CCSN, LPT, PhD

Project Proposal Elements of

01 02 Designing a Project

Parts of a Project Writing a Project

03 Proposal 04 Proposal
Project Proposal Elements of
01 02 Designing a Project

Parts of a Project Writing a Project

03 Proposal 04 Proposal

-Is a request for financial assistance to

implement a project.

-It outlines the plan of the implementing

organization about the project, giving
extensive information about the intention,
for implementing it, the ways to manage it
and the results to be delivered from it
Is a document which you present to
potential sponsors or clients to
receive funding or get your project

Is a detailed description of a series of

activities aimed at solving a certain
What are the different project proposal types?

1. Formally Solicited. A formally solicited project proposal is established in

response to an official request for a new proposal.
2. Informally Solicited. An informally solicited proposal does not require an
3. Unsolicited. Unsolicited project proposals can be compared to a cold call —
no one asked for or expected to receive one, but if the audience can relate to
the proposal, it can prove extremely valuable.
4. Continuation. Continuation project proposals are essentially an update or
reminder for ongoing and already approved projects.
5. Renewal. A renewal project proposal is required when an ongoing project has
been terminated or the resources and support behind such project can no
longer be used.
6. Supplemental. A supplemental project proposal is required when more
resources are required to complete a project than were originally proposed.
What a Project Proposal is NOT

A project proposal is not a contract. It’s easy to confuse it with

a Business Proposal (a document in which legal terms are
outlined). Clients or sponsors merely sign the project proposal
to approve its contents. After signing and approving the project
proposal, a department or agency starts drafting a contract in
addition to items such as a project charter and a project plan.
In order to be successful,
the document should:

•articulate the activities for

the proposed project

•show the idea's relationship to

past actions

• illustrate the significance of the idea


•provide a logical presentation of a

research idea
Project Proposal Elements of
01 02 Designing a Project

Parts of a Project Writing a Project

03 Proposal 04 Proposal
Elements of Designing a Project
1. Project planning

 formulation of 2. Proposal writing

project elements
 converting
the plan
into a
Project Proposal Elements of
01 02 Designing a Project

Parts of a Project Writing a Project

03 Proposal 04 Proposal
Getting Ready to Start a Project

1.From vision to proposal

- Decide what the problem is
and develop a rough idea
(vision) of how this could
be solved.
Getting Ready to Start a Project

2. Identify potential
funding options
Getting Ready to Start a Project

3. Build a project proposal

Getting Ready to Start a Project

4. Hold a kick-off meeting

Project Proposal Elements of
01 02 Designing a Project

Parts of a Project Writing a Project

03 Proposal 04 Proposal
Proposal Writing You can simply impress your audience and
add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors,
photos and Text. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. Easy to
change colors, photos and Text. Get a
modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed.
Parts of Full Project Proposal
• 1. Title page
The title page should indicate the following
 project title,
 the name of the lead organization or department
(and potential partners, if any),
 the place and date of project preparation
 name of the donor agency to whom the proposal is
Parts of Project
3. Abstract/
2. Project Summary
Refer to a  the problem statement,
certain key  the project’s objectives,
project result  implementing
or the leading organizations;
project activity.  key project activities;
 potentially the total
project budget.
Parts of Project Proposal
4. Context
This part of the project describes
the social, economic, political and Social
cultural background from which
the project is initiated.

Parts of Project Proposal
5. Project justification

01 02 03 04

Statement Priority Implementing Proposed

of Needs agencies Approach
Problems and/or
and departments
7. Project implementations
6. Target group 2 Elements
-define the target a.Activity plan should
group and show include specific
how it will benefit information and
from the project. explanations of each of
the planned project
b.Resource plan should
provide information on the
means necessary to
undertake the project.
8. Budget
An itemized summary of an organization's
expected income and expenses over a specified
period of time.

9. Monitoring and evaluation

o The basis for monitoring is set when the indicators for results
are set.
o The project proposal should indicate: how and when the
project management team will conduct activities to monitor
the project’s progress; which methods will be used to
monitor and evaluate; and who will do the evaluation.
10. Management and personnel

- A brief description should be given of the project

personnel, the individual roles each one has
assumed, and the communication mechanisms
that exist between them.

- Establishes Project Viability. Clear proposals prove the

viability of a project or program.
- Clarifies Expectations. Increase clarity regarding
requirements and project roadmap.
- Creates Structure. Structure and organization is established
up front, reducing the chance for misalignment.
- Increases Budget. Successful proposals lead to approved
budgets and financial support for organizational growth and
project replication.

• Fuels Growth. Proposals play an integral part in organizational

growth, helping in budget approval and new client adoption.
- Exposes the Brand. Reaching out to stakeholders and
building alliances increases credibility and exposure in the
community at large.
- Ensures Future Success. Having detailed your project’s
methods and measurement tools in advance builds
accountability into every step of your work.
- Establishes How to Plan for Success. Integrating grant
writing into day-to-day work turns proposals
1.Planning problems: Although a good idea
exists, yet when we try to plan it out
extensively, we face many unexpected
2.There are often tight deadlines, and
proposals may be rejected
Your turn

To make one
project proposal

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