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Alternate Monk

Monk Expanded Adept
In the 5e community, the Monk is widely regarded as falling Fighting Style
short of the fantasy it tries to capture. The Alternate Monk
strives to capture the fantasy of playing a master of martial Prerequisite: 5th level Monk
arts. Included here are more options for the Alternate Monk: You have trained in a specialized style of fighting. You gain a
Additional Techniques. The Techniques included with the Fighting Style of your choice from the list below. As a Monk,
Alternate Monk emulate the most common abilities used by you can only gain one Fighting Style through this Technique.
Monks. The Techniques included here can be more exotic, Archery
specific, or dangerous for those who make use of them. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls with ranged weapons.
Monastic Feats. The feats included here allow all player
characters to share in the abilities of the Alternate Monk. Blind Fighting
Additional Monastic Traditions. Included below are nine Available in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
additional Traditions for a Monk to choose from at 3rd level.
Defensive Fighting
Techniques So long as you are either wearing armor or wielding a shield,
you gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.
Listed below are the Techniques available to the Monk. If a
Technique has a Monk level prerequisite you can learn that Dueling
Technique at the same time you meet its prerequisite. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no
Each time you gain a Monk level, you can replace one other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with it.
Technique you know with a Technique of your choice.
Featherweight Fighting
Improvised Strikes While you are wielding only light weapons, and nothing else,
You are adept at fighting with whatever is at hand. You gain your speed increases by 10 feet. You also gain a +1 bonus to
proficiency with improvised weapons, they count as Martial damage rolls with light weapons, so long as you are not
Arts attacks for you, and you can use your Dexterity, in place wearing medium or heavy armor, or wielding a shield.
of Strength, for improvised weapon attack and damage rolls.
Spiritual Armor When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you
You can reinforce your body with spiritual power. As a bonus that is within 5 feet of you, you can use a reaction to impose
action, you can spend 1 Ki Point to grant yourself temporary disadvantage on the creature's attack roll. You must be
hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). wielding a melee weapon or a shield to use this reaction.
The first time a creature deals damage to these temporary
hit points, you can use your reaction to cause it to take force Thrown Weapon Fighting
damage equal to one roll of your Martial Arts die. Available in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Whirling Strike Wrestler
As an action, you can spend 1 Ki Point to strike out and force When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can
every creature within your reach to make a Dexterity saving attempt to grapple or shove a creature as a bonus action on
throw. On a failed save, they take bludgeoning damage equal that turn, so long as you have a free hand to do so. Also, you
to your Martial Arts die + your Dexterity modifier. can drag grappled creatures up to your full speed.
Crushing Strike Conjure Previous Life
Prerequisite: 5th level Monk Prerequisite: 13th level Monk
When you hit with an unarmed strike, you can spend Ki You summon a specter of your past life to come to your aid.
Points (up to your Wisdom modifier) to empower your strike As an action, you can spend 5 Ki Points and cast summon
with deadly force and deal additional bludgeoning damage celestial (defender) at 5th-level, with the changes below:
equal to one roll of your Martial Arts die per Ki Point spent. It is a Medium creature that resembles a humanoid
Divine Light Monk, though it may not be the same race as you are.
Prerequisite: 5th level Monk Its Radiant Mace attacks resemble unarmed strikes
You learn two cantrips of your choice from the Cleric spell When summoned you can infuse it with a number of Ki
list, and Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for them. Points of your choice, and your Ki Point maximum is
reduced by the same amount while it is summoned. It
Unyielding Perseverance can use the infused Ki to use any Techniques you know,
Prerequisite: 5th level Monk though it cannot use conjure previous life again.
You can draw upon your Ki to find success in times of great Awaken the Third Eye
need. When you make an ability check or saving throw, you
can spend Ki Points (up to your Wisdom modifier) adding a Prerequisite: 18th level Monk
+1 bonus to your roll for each Ki Point spent. You can use You can open your mind to the Ki that flows through all living
this Technique after you roll, but before you know the result. things, allowing you to predict the actions of creatures before
they happen. You can perform a 1-minute meditative ritual
Commune with Self where you expend 8 Ki Points to cast foresight, targeting only
Prerequisite: 9th level Monk yourself. While this effect is active, your Ki Point maximum is
You have gained the ability to contact the Ki of your previous reduced by 8. You can end this effect as an action.
lives to gain information. As an action, you can spend 5 Ki Word of Creation
Points to enter a meditative state, which lasts for 10 minutes,
and consult your previous lives. At the end of the meditation, Prerequisite: 18th level Monk
you gain information as if you had cast the commune spell. You can draw on your intimate knowledge of the Ki that flows
through all things and speak a divine word of creation. As an
Friend of Beast & Leaf action, you can spend 7 Ki Points to cast divine word, using
Prerequisite: 9th level Monk Wisdom as your spellcasting modifier.
You can reach out and mingle your Ki with the latent Ki of the Once you use your Ki to cast divine word, you must finish a
natural world around you. As an action, you can spend 5 Ki short or long rest before you can cast it in this way again.
Points to enter a meditative state, which lasts for 10 minutes.
At the end of your meditation, you gain the same information Monastic Feats
as if you had cast the commune with nature spell. The feats here allow all characters to share in the abilities of
Monastic Fortitude the Alternate Monk and can be selected in place of an ASI.
Prerequisite: 9th level Monk Martial Arts Initiate
As a reaction when you take damage, you can expend 2 Ki You have some basic martial arts training, giving you some
Points to reduce the incoming damage by an amount equal skill in both unarmed combat and unarmed defense.
to two rolls of your Martial Arts die + your Wisdom modifier.
So long as you aren't wearing armor or a shield, your
Banishing Strike Armor Class equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
Prerequisites: 13th level Monk Your unarmed strikes deal bludgeoning damage equal
When you hit a creature with a melee Martial Arts attack, you to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier on hit.
can expend 3 Ki Points to empower your blow with legendary When you take the Attack action on your turn and only
force, and force the target to make a Charisma saving throw. make unarmed strikes, you can make a single unarmed
It takes additional force damage equal to three rolls of your strike as a bonus action on that same turn.
Martial Arts die on a failure, and half as much on a success.
If this attack reduces the target to 50 hit points or fewer, it Ki Warrior
is shunted to a harmless demiplane where it is incapacitated. You have studied and mastered monastic Techniques which
The creature reappears in the unoccupied space nearest to allow you to perform supernatural feats of spiritual power.
the last space it occupied at the end of your next turn. You learn two Techniques from the Alternate Monk class.
If the Technique has a prerequisite or mentions a Martial
Arts die, you can learn it only if you are a Monk and you
Supernatural Techniques meet its prerequisites. If a Technique requires the target
Some of the Techniques included here are mystical to make a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC equals
and more supernatural in nature, and might not be 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
appropriate for the tone of every game world. Make You gain 2 Ki Points to spend on Techniques. You regain
sure to talk to your table and DM before selecting all of your expended Ki Points when you finish a short or
any of the Techniques included in this supplement. long rest. If you have Ki from another feature, these Ki
Points are added to your total pool of Ki Points.
Solid Body
Monastic Traditions 3rd-level Way of the Boulder feature
The following Monastic Traditions can be made available to Your great bulk enhances your offense and defense. When
the Alternate Monk, along with those in the base class: not wearing armor or a shield, your Armor Class is equal to
Boulder Flowing River Sacred Inks
10 + your Constitution modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
You can also use Constitution, in place of your Strength
Brawler Hurricane Vigilante or your Dexterity for Martial Arts attack and damage rolls.
Ferocity Mystic Void Stalwart Strength
3rd-level Way of the Boulder feature
Way of the Boulder You draw strength from the earth beneath you. When you
As ancient as the mountains themselves, this Tradition has make a Strength-based ability check or a Strength saving
been passed down from master to student since the earliest throw while you are touching the ground, you can spend 1
days of civilization. Building their monasteries on mountain Ki Point to add your Constitution modifier to your roll.
peaks and in deep caverns, students of this Tradition focus When you reach 11th level in this class, you can use your
on becoming as large and immovable as the mountains. Stalwart Strength without expending a Ki Point.
Monk Level Feature Rebounding Defense
Boulder Techniques, Solid Body, 6th-level Way of the Boulder feature
Stalwart Strength When a creature you can see hits you with a melee weapon
attack, you can spend 1 Ki Point as a reaction to attempt to
6th Rebounding Defense absorb the blow with your bulk. Reduce the damage by an
10th Ki-Infused Bulk amount equal to your Monk level + one roll of your Martial
17th Mighty Form, Earthshaker
Arts die + your Constitution modifier.
If you reduce the damage of the attack to zero, you can
Boulder Techniques rebound the blow back as part of the same reaction, making
3rd-level Way of the Boulder feature a melee Martial Arts attack against your attacker.
You learn certain Techniques at the levels noted in the table Ki-Infused Bulk
below. They don't count against your number of Techniques 10th-level Way of the Boulder feature
Known and they cannot be switched upon gaining a level. Your dense, Ki-infused, body allows you to resist physical and
Monk Level Technique magical assaults. You gain resistance to one of the following
3rd spiritual armor
damage types: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, acid, cold, fire,
lighting, or thunder. You can replace this resistance with an
5th crushing strike option from the list above at the end of a short or long rest.
9th friend of beast & leaf As a bonus action, you can spend 2 Ki Points to realign
your Ki and replace the damage resistance from this
feature with another option from the list above.
Mighty Form
17th-level Way of the Boulder feature
Your body has surpassed the normal limits of mortal density
and mass. Both your Constitution score, and your maximum
Constitution score, increase by 2 to a maximum of 22.
17th-level Way of the Boulder feature
You can use your supernatural density to
cause the earth to quake. As an action, you
can expend 5 Ki Points to crush the ground,
turning the ground within 30 feet of you into
difficult terrain and forcing creatures of your choice
within that range to make a Strength saving throw. On a
failed save, creatures take bludgeoning damage equal to
two rolls of your Martial Arts die and are knocked prone.
On a successful save, they take half as much damage.
When you use this feature, you can expend additional Ki
Points (up to your Wisdom modifier) to increase the damage
by one roll of your Martial Arts die for each Ki Point spent.
Way of the Brawler
An informal Tradition of warriors who learn to use martial
arts without formal training, Brawlers learn to fight in back
alleys and fighting pits in the underbelly of civilization. Often
underdogs who come from nothing, they do whatever it takes
to win. To these scrapers, every fight is a fight for survival.
Monk Level Feature
3rd Savage Exploits, Streetwise
6th Spiritual Stamina
10th Infamous Reputation
Brawler Exploits
17th Underworld Master Monk Exploits Exploit Exploit High
Level Known Die Dice Degree
Savage Exploits
3rd-level Way of the Brawler feature 3rd 2 d4 2 1st
In your underhanded brawls you have picked up many brutal 4th 2 d4 2 1st
and underhanded exploits. You gain the following features:
Exploit Dice. The Brawler Exploits table shows how many 5th 3 d4 2 1st
Exploit Dice you have to use your Exploits. To use an Exploit 6th 3 d4 2 1st
you know, you expend an Exploit Die, and you regain all your
expended Exploit Dice when you finish a short or long rest. 7th 4 d6 3 2nd
High Degree. Your Monk level limits the technicality of the 8th 4 d6 3 2nd
Exploits you are able to perform. This limit is reflected in the 9th 4 d6 3 2nd
High Degree column of the Brawler Exploits table.
Exploits. You learn two Savage Exploits of your choice 10th 4 d6 3 2nd
from those available to the Alternate Barbarian. You can only 11th 5 d6 3 2nd
use one Exploit per ability check, attack, or saving throw.
When you gain a Monk level, you can replace one Exploit 12th 5 d6 3 2nd
you know with another Martial Exploit of your choice. 13th 5 d6 3 2nd
Saving Throws. If an Exploit requires a creature to make
a saving throw, the saving throw DC is calculated as follows: 14th 5 d6 3 2nd
15th 6 d8 4 3rd
Exploit save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). 16th 6 d8 4 3rd
17th 6 d8 4 3rd
3rd-level Way of the Brawler feature 18th 6 d8 4 3rd
You have learned what is necessary to survive on the streets. 19th 7 d8 4 3rd
You gain proficiency in Intimidation, and learn to speak, read,
and decode Thieves' Cant, the language of criminals. 20th 7 d8 4 3rd
Underworld Master
17th-level Way of the Brawler feature
You are a master of your ruthless combat. Your Martial Arts
attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
In addition, whenever you score a critical hit against a
creature with a Martial Arts attack, your target automatically
fails its saving throw against any Savage Exploit that you use
as part of that Martial Arts attack.
Way of Ferocity
While Monks of every Tradition strive for mastery over their
physical form, honing their bodies into weapons, creatures
born with natural weapons; vicious claws, imposing horns,
sharp teeth, or lashing tails, have natural advantages in the
quest to weaponize their bodies. Monks with these natural
features often become disciples of the Way of Ferocity.
Through the practice of this ancient and savage tradition
they learn to enhance their physical features with secret
Techniques, and combine their mastery of Ki with the
natural ferocity that dwells within all creatures of
wild and bestial heritage.
Monk Level Feature
3rd Ferocity Techniques, Natural Predator
6th Primal Intuition
10th Power of the Wild
17th Master of Ferocity

Ferocity Techniques
3rd-level Way of Ferocity feature
Spiritual Stamina You learn certain Techniques at the levels noted in the table
6th-level Way of the Brawler feature below. They don't count against your number of Techniques
You can draw upon your spiritual power to fuel your martial Known and they cannot be switched upon gaining a level.
abilities. As a bonus action, you can expend 2 Ki Points to Monk Level Technique
regain one of your expended Exploit Dice. 3rd crippling strike
Moreover, when you score a critical hit with a Martial Arts
attack, you can use one Savage Exploit you know as part of 5th stunning strike
that attack without expending an Exploit Die. 9th friend of beast & leaf
Infamous Reputation
10th-level Way of the Brawler feature Natural Predator
Your reputation proceeds you. As a bonus action, you can 3rd-level Way of Ferocity feature
spend 1 Ki Point to force a creature within 30 feet that can Your martial arts enhance your natural abilities with one of
see or hear you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed the disciplines below. Once chosen, this cannot be changed:
save, it is frightened of you until the start of your next turn. Bestial Rend
Any creature that is frightened of you has disadvantage This discipline is most often adopted by Monks with sharp
on its saving throws against your Savage Exploits. claws and savage teeth. Your unarmed strikes deal slashing
Beginning at 11th level, you can use your Ki Adept feature damage and inflict deep wounds. Each time you hit a target
to use Infamous Reputation without expending a Ki Point. with an unarmed strike, its movement speed is reduced by a
cumulative 5 feet until the beginning of your next turn. If this
feature reduces a target's speed to zero, it has disadvantage
Multiclassing & Exploits on Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn.
Your martial skill depends partly on your combined
levels in classes that learn Exploits, and partly on Natural Defenses
your individual levels in each class. If your group This discipline is most often adopted by Monks with armored
uses the optional rule for multiclassing and you hides, like scales or shells. When a creature that you can see
learn Exploits from more than one class, you use hits you with an attack you can use your reaction to add one
the following rules: Alternate Martial Multiclassing. roll of your Martial Arts die to your Armor Class against the
attack, possibly turning a hit into a miss.
Savage Charge
This discipline is most often adopted by Monks with hooves
or horns. If you move at least 15 feet in a straight line toward
a creature, you have advantage on the first Martial Arts attack
against that creature before the end of your current turn.
Primal Intuition
6th-level Way of Ferocity feature
You have honed your primal instincts along with your martial
prowess. Choose two skills from the following list: Athletics,
Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth, or Survival.
You gain proficiency in both skills, and whenever you make
an ability check with either of these skills you gain a bonus to
your roll equal to one roll of your Martial Arts die.
Power of the Wild
10th-level Way of Ferocity feature
You have trained to augment your physical strikes with the
ferocity of your savage Ki. When you hit a creature with an
unarmed strike you can spend 1 Ki Point as part of your
attack to deal an additional 2d6 damage to the target.
Master of Ferocity
17th-level Way of Ferocity feature
You combine your primal instincts with your monastic
training to reach your true savage potential. You gain one
of the disciplines below. Once chosen it cannot be changed:
Bestial Fury
Like the greatest hunters of the wild, you can whip yourself
into a primal fury when your prey is weak. When you score
a critical hit against a creature with an unarmed strike, its
movement speed is reduced to zero, and you have advantage Way of the
on any unarmed strikes that you make against that creature
until the beginning of your next turn. Flowing River
Natural Resilience
Novices who adopt the Way of the Flowing River are taught a
style of martial arts that emphasizes nonviolence and the use
You can draw on your wellspring of mystic power to harden of force only when necessary. Named for the masterful grace
your defenses and shrug off assaults. Whenever a creature and fluidity that these warriors exhibit in battle, practitioners
that you can see hits you with an attack, you can expend Ki of the Flowing River are often known as dancing Monks.
Points (up to your Wisdom modifier) to reduce the damage
by one roll of your Martial Arts die for each Ki Point spent. Monk Level Feature
Flowing River Stance, Flowing Techniques,
Savage Rush 3rd
Monastic Dancer
You can channel a burst of primal speed to trample those in
your path. As an action, you can spend 4 Ki Points and move 6th Enchanting Flow
up to your full walking speed in a straight line, and force any 10th Graceful Step
creature you pass through to make a Dexterity saving throw.
On a failure they take bludgeoning damage equal to four rolls 17th Master of the Flowing River
of your Martial Arts die and are knocked prone. On a success, Flowing River Stance
they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. 3rd-level Way of the Flowing River feature
You have trained to utilize the signature stance of your order.
You can use an action on your turn to enter a Flowing River
Optional Rule: Race Restriction Stance, which lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
The Way of Ferocity is typically practiced only by While you're in this stance you have a second reaction you
creatures of bestial ancestry. Only creatures with can use each round. You gain additional reactions at certain
natural weapons, such as Lizardfolk, Tortles, Tabaxi, Monk levels: at 6th level (3), 10th level (4), and 17th level (5).
Minotaurs, Leonin, or other beastfolk can choose
to follow this Monastic Tradition. Your table may
When a creature that you can see misses you with a melee
lift this restriction to better suit your setting.
attack while you are in your Flowing River Stance, you can
use a reaction to force it to make a Dexterity saving throw.
On a failure, the target is knocked prone and its movement
speed is reduced to 0 until the beginning of your next turn.
Flowing Techniques Way of the Hurricane
3rd-level Way of the Flowing River feature
You learn certain Techniques at the levels noted in the table Where most traditions of martial arts focus on quick strikes
below. They don't count against your number of Techniques and elusive movements, disciples of the Hurricane technique
Known and they cannot be switched upon gaining a level. master mighty weapons. These Hurricane Monks wield their
heavy weapons to great effect. On the battlefield they become
Monk Level Technique tempests of steel, cutting down all who stand against them.
3rd patient defense Monk Level Feature
5th deflect missile Heavy Warrior, Hurricane Techniques
9th heavenly step Tempestuous Strike
6th Crushing Counter
Monastic Acrobat 10th Buffeting Winds
3rd-level Way of the Flowing River feature
Your training allows you to move with a delicate grace not 17th Master of the Hurricane
often found in warriors. You gain proficiency in Acrobatics Heavy Warrior
and Performance, and whenever you make an ability check
with either of these skills you gain a bonus to your roll equal 3rd-level Way of the Hurricane feature
to one roll of your Martial Arts die. You have trained in a style of martial arts that incorporates
Monks of your Tradition are also known for their dancing. heavy weapons. You gain proficiency with all melee weapons
When you would make a Charisma (Performance) check you with the heavy property, and attacks with these heavy melee
can make a make a Dexterity (Performance) check instead. weapons count as Martial Arts attacks for you.
In addition, while you are wielding a melee weapon with
Enchanting Flow the heavy property, you have advantage on saving throws to
6th-level Way of the Flowing River feature resist being grappled or moved against your will.
When you enter your Flowing River Stance you can spend 1 Hurricane Techniques
Ki Point to mystically allure your foes. Until the start of your
next turn, creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you have 3rd-level Way of the Hurricane feature
disadvantage on all attacks against targets other than you. You learn certain Techniques at the levels noted in the table
Beginning at 11th level, you can use your Ki Adept feature below. They don't count against your number of Techniques
to use Enchanting Flow without expending a Ki Point. Known and they cannot be switched upon gaining a level.
Monk Level Technique
Graceful Step
10th-level Way of the Flowing River feature 3rd whirling strike
You move with a supernatural level of grace and poise. When 5th stunning strike
you enter your Flowing River Stance, you gain the benefits of 9th monastic fortitude
patient defense without spending a Ki Point.
Master of the Flowing River Tempestuous Strike
17th-level Way of the Flowing River feature 3rd-level Way of the Hurricane feature
When a creature fails its saving throw against your Flowing You can wield your heavy weapons with the fury of a raging
River Stance reaction you can knock it back in a straight line storm. So long as you are wielding a heavy melee weapon,
in addition to the reaction's normal effects. When you do so, it you use whirling strike without expending any Ki Points.
is knocked back a number of feet depending on its size: Moreover, you can choose to add your
Strength modifier, in place of your
Tiny 60 feet Large 20 feet Dexterity, to the damage roll of
Small 40 feet Huge 15 feet whirling stike.
Medium 30 feet Gargantuan 10 feet
Crushing Counter Mystic Talents
6th-level Way of the Hurricane feature 3rd-level Way of the Mystic feature
You can use the weight of your heavy weapons to rebuke your In your quest for spiritual enlightenment you have unlocked
enemies. When a creature you can see hits you with an attack the true potential hidden within you. You learn two Mystic
while you are wielding a heavy melee weapon, you can use Talents of your choice from those available to the Psion.
your reaction to make a Martial Arts attack against it. On hit, If a Talent has a Psion level prerequisite, you can learn it if
you can choose to reduce the creature's speed to 0 until the your Monk level would meet that prerequisite. Though, you
start of your next turn in addition to the normal damage. must meet any other prerequisites that a Talent may have.
Buffeting Winds
If a Talent you learn uses your Intelligence modifier, you
can choose to use your Wisdom modifier instead.
10th-level Way of the Hurricane feature If a Talent allows you to spend Psi Points to empower its
You empower your strikes with great gusts of wind. When you effects, you can spend Ki Points to achieve that effect.
hit a creature with an attack with a heavy melee weapon, you Finally, at certain levels in this class, you learn additional
can spend 1 Ki Point and force it to make a Strength saving Mystic Talents of your choice: at 6th level (3 Talents), at 10th
throw. On a failed save, you can choose to either knock it level (4 Talents), and finally at 17th level (5 Talents).
prone, or knock it back in a straight line a number of Whenever you gain a level in this class you can replace a
feet equal to five times your Wisdom modifier. Mystic talent you know with another Talent of your choice.
In addition, whenever you use whirling strike, you
can spend 1 additional Ki Point to cause it to deal
bonus thunder damage equal to one roll of your
Martial Arts die on a failed saving throw.
Beginning at 11th level, you can use your Ki Adept
feature to use either feature without expending Ki.
Master of the Hurricane
17th-level Way of the Hurricane feature
Despite their great weight you wield your weapons as a
blur of whirling steel. As an action, you can disappear
and instantly make a single melee weapon attack
against up to five creatures you can see within 60
feet. You then appear next to one of your targets.
You must be wielding a melee weapon with the
heavy property to use this feature.
Once you use this feature you must finish a short
or long rest before you can use it again. If you have no
uses left, you can expend 5 Ki Points to use it again.
Way of the Mystic
Delving fully into the use of their mystical Ki, Monks
known as Mystics will gradually forgo their physical
training to unlock their maximum spiritual potential.
Often misunderstood to be Wizards or Sorcerers,
these mystical sages can draw upon the Ki within
their soul to perform wondrous supernatural feats.
Monk Level Feature
3rd Awakened Mind, Mystic Talents
6th Spiritual Sundering
10th Warded Soul
17th Master Mystic

Awakened Mind
3rd-level Way of the Mystic feature
You can augment your physical abilities with your
spiritual prowess. You can use Wisdom, in place of
your Dexterity, for the attack rolls (but not damage)
of any Martial Arts attacks that you make.
Moreover, when you are not wearing any armor
or wielding a shield, your Armor Class is equal to
13 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
Way of the Sacred Inks
Initiates of the Sacred Inks spend years practicing celestial
calligraphy. Once they are ready, the Monks ceremonially
mark their bodies with increasingly complex celestial
tattoos, granting them access to divine power. As the
Monk's spiritual connection to the divine grows, so
does the beauty of their celestial tattoos.
Monk Level Feature
Celestial Artist, Divine Conduit,
Sacred Ink Techniques
6th Heavenly Protection
10th Light of the Heavens
17th Master of the Sacred Inks

Celestial Artist
3rd-level Way of the Sacred Inks feature
You have been taught the techniques of a celestial
tattoo artist. You learn to speak, read, and write in
Celestial. Though most Monks will refuse to speak
Celestial out loud out of reverence for the divine.
In addition, you gain proficiency with calligrapher's
supplies, and whenever you make a check with calligrapher's
supplies you add double your proficiency bonus to your roll.
Divine Conduit
3rd-level Way of the Sacred Inks feature
Your celestial tattoos allow you to channel the radiant power
of the upper planes. You gain the features listed below:
Whenever you spend a Hit Die to regain your hit points
during a short rest you can spend 1 Ki Point to regain the
maximum amount of hit points, in place of rolling.
When you hit a target with a Martial Arts attack you can
Spiritual Sundering
spend Ki Points (up to your Wisdom modifier) to deal
additional radiant damage to the target equal to one roll
6th-level Way of the Mystic feature of your Martial Arts die per Ki Point spent.
As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Ki Point to strike out with As an action you can touch a creature and spend 2 Ki
pure Ki and force one creature you can see within 15 feet to Points to restore a number of its hit points equal to one
make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, it takes psychic roll of your Martial Arts die + your Wisdom modifier.
damage equal to one roll of your Martial Arts die and it has
disadvantage on the first Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma Sacred Ink Techniques
saving throw it makes before the start of your next turn. 3rd-level Way of the Sacred Inks feature
Beginning at 11th level, you can use your Ki Adept feature You learn certain Techniques at the levels noted in the table
to use Spiritual Sundering without expending a Ki Point. below. They don't count against your number of Techniques
Known and they cannot be switched upon gaining a level.
Warded Soul
10th-level Way of the Mystic feature Monk Level Technique
Your spirit protects you from supernatural assaults. When 3rd spiritual armor
you take necrotic, psychic, or radiant damage you can spend
1 Ki Point to gain resistance to that instance of damage. 5th divine light
9th commune with self
Master Mystic
17th-level Way of the Mystic feature Heavenly Protection
Your spiritual power eclipses that of most living mortals, and 6th-level Way of the Sacred Inks feature
even some immortal beings. You gain the following benefits: Both your connection to the divine and the complexity of your
Whenever you deal psychic damage to a creature you can celestial tattoos has increased, granting you a divine blessing
add your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) to the damage that protects you from death. When you are reduced to 0 hit
roll if you do not do so already. points, you can choose to fall to 1 hit point instead.
At the end of each long rest, you can replace on Mystic Once you use this feature you must finish a long rest before
Talent you know with another Talent of your choice. you can use it again.
Light of the Heavens
10th-level Way of the Sacred Inks feature
As a bonus action, you can unveil the divine light of
your celestial tattoos and cause them to emit bright
sunlight in a 10-foot radius for 1 minute. While your
tattoos are revealed, you add your Wisdom modifier
(minimum of +1) to hit points you restore and radiant
damage you deal with Divine Conduit.
This feature ends early if you are incapacitated or if
you use a bonus action on your turn to end it. Once you
use this feature you must finish a short or long rest before
you can unveil your celestial tattoos in this way again.
Master of the Sacred Inks
17th-level Way of the Sacred Inks feature
You are a sanctified master of the Sacred Inks, and your
tattoos are a direct reflection of divine beauty. As an action,
you can draw out the power of your tattoos to take on an
angelic form for 1 minute, granting you the benefits below:
Your tattoos manifest angelic wings. You gain a flying
speed equal to your walking speed and can hover.
When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike you can
choose to deal radiant damage instead of bludgeoning.
You gain all the benefits of Light of the Heavens.
Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest
before you can use it again. If you have no uses remaining
you can spend 5 Ki Points to use this feature again.
Way of the Vigilante
Monks who practice this Tradition use their martial arts skill Heroic Persona
to fight evil and uphold the virtues of justice, liberty, and fair 3rd-level Way of the Vigilante feature
play. Lauded as heroes by some, and derided as extrajudicial You have created a Heroic Persona, a larger-than-life identity
criminals by others, these Vigilante warriors will often adopt that can include a set of light or medium armor and a shield.
a Heroic Persona, a larger-than-life identity that they take up As a bonus action, so long as you can't be seen, you can don
to fight against the forces of evil and injustice in the world. your Heroic Persona, which grants you temporary hit points
Monk Level Feature equal to your Monk level, and the benefits listed below:
Combat Ready, Heroic Persona, As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Ki Point to gain
Vigilante Techniques temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
6th Valiant Action
When you hit with a Martial Arts attack, you can spend 1
Ki Point to deal an additional 1d10 damage to the target.
10th Inspiring Presence You can use your Wisdom, in place of Dexterity, when
17th Master Vigilante calculating your Armor Class in light or medium armor.
Ability checks and divination spells that would discern
Combat Ready your true identity automatically fail.
3rd-level Way of the Vigilante feature The effects of your Heroic Persona last for 1 hour, and end
You gain proficiency in either Intimidation or Performance, early if you use a bonus action to end it. Once you adopt your
and when you make an ability check with that skill you gain a Heroic Persona you can't do so again until you finish a short
bonus to your roll equal to one roll of your Martial Arts die. or long rest, unless you expend 3 Ki Points to use it again.
You also gain proficiency in light and medium armor and
with shields. When wearing armor or using a shield you still Vigilante Techniques
gain the benefits of Martial Arts and Unarmored Movement. 3rd-level Way of the Vigilante feature
You learn certain Techniques at the levels noted in the table
below. They don't count against your number of Techniques
Variant Rule: Heroic Personality Known and they cannot be switched upon gaining a level.
A Vigilante Monk is meant to evoke the archetypal Monk Level Technique
superhero. For the mechanics to match the heroic
fantasy, talk to your DM about using your Charisma, 3rd slow fall
in place of Wisdom, for your Monk class features. 5th crushing strike
9th heavenly step
Valiant Action
6th-level Way of the Vigilante feature
The mystical power of your Heroic Persona increases your
physical abilities. You gain proficiency in either Acrobatics or
Athletics. You also gain the indomitable spirit Technique and
it doesn't count against your number of Techniques Known.
Moreover, while your Heroic Persona is active, you can use
indomitable spirit once per turn without spending a Ki Point.
Inspiring Presence
10th-level Way of the Vigilante feature
The presence of your Heroic Persona inspires confidence in
those who fight alongside you. While your Heroic Persona is
active, creatures of your choice within 15 feet have advantage
on saving throws to resist being charmed or frightened.
At 17th level, the radius of this ability increases to 30 feet.
Master Vigilante
17th-level Way of the Vigilante feature
Your Heroic Persona is a paragon of absolute
virtue. When you adopt your Heroic Persona
its mystical effects last until you dismiss it.
In addition, when you use crushing strike,
the target must succeed on a Strength saving
throw or it is knocked back 10 feet in a straight
line per Ki Point you spent as part of that Technique.
Way of the Void
While all Monks seek unity with the cosmos as something to
be desired, Monks of the Way of the Void seek unity through Void Strike
annihilation. The nihilistic students of the Tradition use their 3rd-level Way of the Void feature
mystical power to accelerate the natural processes of cosmic When you hit a target with an unarmed strike, you can spend
decay. All will eventually become one in the inescapable Void. 1 Ki Point to deal additional force damage to the target equal
Monk Level Feature to a roll of your Martial Arts die. If it is concentrating, it has
Entropic Techniques, Entropic Touch,
disadvantage on its saving throw to maintain concentration.
Void Strike Beginning at 11th level, you can use your Ki Adept feature
to use Void Strike without expending a Ki Point.
6th Vorpal Step
10th Dispelling Touch
Vorpal Step
6th-level Way of the Void feature
17th Master of Entropy When you use step of the wind, you can channel the Void to
temporarily discorporate. Until the end of your turn, you can
Entropic Techniques move through non-magical objects and creatures as if they
3rd-level Way of the Void feature were difficult terrain. If you stop inside an object or creature,
You learn certain Techniques at the levels noted in the table you are shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and take
below. They don't count against your number of Techniques 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet you are forced to move.
Known and they cannot be switched upon gaining a level.
Monk Level Technique Dispelling Touch
10th-level Way of the Void feature
3rd step of the wind You can channel the power of the Void to disrupt spells. You
5th slowing strike can spend 3 Ki Points to cast counterspell or dispel magic at
3rd-level, using Wisdom as your spellcasting modifier.
9th aura sight
Master of Entropy
Entropic Touch 17th-level Way of the Void feature
3rd-level Way of the Void feature As an action, you can touch a creature and force it to make a
You can channel the entropic power of the Void to destroy. Constitution saving throw against your Technique save DC.
As an action, you spend 2 Ki Points and touch a Tiny non- On a failed save, it suffers the effects of the disintegrate spell
magical object and instantly reduce it to a pile of fine dust. as if it had been cast at 6th-level.
At certain Monk levels you can use this feature to destroy Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest
non-magical objects of greater size: at 6th level (Medium), at before you can use it again. If you have no uses remaining,
10th level (Large), and finally at 17th level (Huge). you can spend 6 Ki Points to use this feature again.
Monk Expanded
A multitude of additional options to be used
with the Alternate Monk: fourteen additional
Techniques, two exclusive Monastic Feats,
and Nine new Monastic Traditions!

Version 3.0.1 - Created by /u/laserllama

Artist Credits:
Covers - M. Villeneuve - Narset Transcendent
Page 1 - Livia Prima - Unquenchable Fury
Page 3 - Dan Scott - Rasaad yn Bashir
Page 4 - A. Kuzinskiy - Dwarven Reinforcements
Page 5 - Rudy Siswanto - Breaker of the Coil
Page 6 - Jason Rainville - Myth Realized
Page 7 - David Galliet - Jeskai Student
Page 8 - Alix Branwyn - Far Traveler
Page 9 - Randy Vargas - Sigiled Contender
Page 10 - Jason Chan - Arena Athlete
Page 11 - L. Mastroianni - Glimpse the Cosmos

The Alternate Monk class can be found Here.

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