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= Controller For Precision Converter

Evaluation/Demonstration Boards
Evaluation Board Controller
The Evaluation Board Controller is the main component
Full-Featured DSP based Controller for Analog Devices
in a complete self-contained evaluation and demonstration
Evaluation/Demonstration Boards
system for Analog Devices Precision Converters. The
Compatible with 3V and 5V Systems block diagram shown below indicates the major blocks of
the Evaluation Board Controller. It is a complete unit
On-Board ADSP-2189M Digital Signal Processor allowing the PC to communicate with a range of evalua-
High Speed Data Transfer Rates tion boards supplied by Analog Devices via a high-speed
6Msps Evaluation Board to DSP parallel data link. Software is provided to allow the user to
32Kbytes/sec Controller to PC send commands to the evaluation board and read data
samples or on-board registers for the device being evalu-
Compatible with Parallel and Serial Interface ated. The Evaluation Board Controller connects to the
Evaluation Boards evaluation board via a 96 way edge connector. The pinout
112Kwords Data Ram of the connector is a standard format which is consistant
(64Kwords External between evaluation boards.
48Kwords Internal)
Fully Controllable/Programmable Power Supplies


±1 2 V /± 15 V


D V D D = 5V

96 W AY C O N N E C T O R
12 V A C
IN P U T D V D D = 3V



AD S P -
21 8 9 M



Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and
reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its
use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties
which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or
otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood. MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 617/329-4700 Fax: 617/326-8703
Evaluation Board Controller
The Evaluation Board Controller and other components 64Kwords of external data RAM. The DSP also provides
can be ordered from Analog Devices with the following two Serial Ports (SPORTs) which have a maximum ouput
order numbers. serial clock rate of 20MHz. Both SPORTs are available
Order No. Description on the 96way edge connector as is a section of the parallel
Data and Address bus.
Eval-Control Brd2 Evaluation Board Controller To facilate operation of both 3V and 5V evaluation
Eval-110VAC-US 110VAC Transformer (US pinout) boards all logic signal are equiped with level translators.
Eval-220VAC-EU 220VAC Transformer (European For 3V devices no level translation is required (since the
pinout) DSP operates from 3V) so the level translators act as
Eval-220VAC-UK 220VAC Tranformer (UK pinout) closed switches. For 5V devices all logic 1 signals coming
from the DSP are level translated to 5V. 5V logic signals
coming from the device under test are translated to 3V by
The system allows speedy demonstration and evaluation of the translators before reaching the DSP.
Analog Devices Precision Converter Products, allowing Communications
the user to directly test the device in question and to
shorten the time required to develope their own software The Evaluation Board Controller allows a user to gather a
and hence speed up their design process. large number of samples from an evaluation board and
upload them the a PC for analysis. The Evaluation Board
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Controller uses a high-speed interface based around the
PCs Printer Port. As the port is used both for sending and
A Pentium 90 or greater PC with 1Bidirectional Printer receiving data it must have bidirectional capability. Most
Port PCs (particularly the Pentium class) have this facility as
Evaluation Board Controller standard but it is possible to check in the PCs BIOS. How
A standard 12VAC, 1A mains transformer the BIOS is viewed depends on the make of PC being
used but typical methods are pressing CTRL, ALT and
An Evaluation Board (with software) for the device under ENTER during power up. The user should consult the
consideration. operating manual of their PC for further details. Suitable
A Standard Centronics Printer Cable printer port types may be described as Bidirectional,PS/2,
The type of printer port available on the PC in question can be determined by Power Supplies
examining the BIOS. Exactly how this is done is dependant on the make/model The Evaluation Board Controller has its own on-board
of PC. The user should refer to the computers user manual for further informa-
power supplies which are derived from a 12VAC power
tion. Acceptable printer ports can be described as Bidirectional, PS/2, ECP or
EPP. supply with a 1A current capability. These supplies are
used to supply the current for the Evaluation Board Con-
troller itself as well as that required for the evaluation
board and are available from Analog Devices using the
order numbers given above. The power supplies which go
EVALUATION BOARD CONTROLLER TECHNICAL to the evaluation board via the edge connector are fully
SPECIFICATIONS 1 controllable by the software supplied. The Evaluation
40MIPs Processing Speed Board Controller can provide ±3V or ±5V analog supplies
112Kwords Data RAM as well as a +3V or +5V digital supply. There is also a
(48Kwords Internal Data Ram, ±12V / ±15V supply for powering op-amps etc. The value
64Kwords External Data Ram) of the supplies are selected by jumpers LK1 and LK2.
3V/5V Logic Level Translators Table I below lists the power supplies available while
Fast Parallel PC Link Table II shows the jumper setting for the ±12V / ±15V
Fully Controllable Power Supply Unit supplies.
Digital Supply: 3V/5V/On/Off
Analog Supplies: 3V/5V/On/Off TABLE I. Evaluation Board Controller POWER SUP-
Additional Supplies: ±12V/±15V/On/Off PLIES
EZ-ICE Compatible
Power Supply Voltages ON/OFF Capability
Analog Devices reserves the right to change any of the specifications without prior
notice. AVDD +3V/+5V 1 Yes
AVSS -3V/-5V 1 Yes
DVDD +3V/5V 1 Yes
HARDWARE DESCRIPTION Additional +12V/+15V 2 Yes
The Evaluation Board Controller is based around an -12V/-15V 2 Yes
ADSP-2189M Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The DSP
1. The voltage these supplies produce is programmed under software control.
runs from a 20MHz crystal and an on-chip clock doubler 2. The ±12V/±15V supplies are set by a hardware link on the Evaluation Board
gives an instruction speed of 40MIPs. The DSP features Controller. The supplies should be set for ±12V operation by default unless the
32Kwords of Internal Program Ram and 48Kwords of specific evaluation board requires that they be set for ±15V operation.
internal Data RAM. The Data RAM is supplemented with

–2– REV. A
Evaluation Board Controller
the CD is in Adobe's Portable Document Format
Table II Power Supply Jumper Settings (PDF) and will require Acrobat Reader™ to be
viewed or printed.
Jumper Position Supply For the purposes of explanation the following text
LK1 - IN +12V and figures refer to the software of a typical evaluation
LK1 - OUT +15V board.
LK2 - IN -12V
Output Connector 1 DT1 FL1 DR1
The 96 way edge connector provides connection to all the
2 TFS1 D0 RFS1
available power supplies, serial ports and data/address
buses required to operate the range of Analog Devices 3 SCLK1 D1 SCLK1
evaluation boards which are compatible with this system.
The pinout of the 96 way connector is shown in Table III
below. 5 DT0 D2 DR0
Hardware 7 SCLK0 D4 SCLK0
The Evaluation Board Controller is part of a self-con- 8 DVDD DVDD DVDD
tained system which allows a user to quickly and easily
evaluate/demonstrate the functions and performance of a 9 /RD D5 /WR
particular Analog Devices Precision Converter. All evalu- 10 A7 D6 /CS
ation boards which are compatible with the Evaluation
11 A5 D7 A6
Board Controller have the designation CB in their order
code. For example the order code for an evaluation board 12 DGND DGND DGND
based around the AD7476 would be EVAL-AD7476CB.
13 A3 D8 A4
The evaluation board plugs directly into the 96 way
connector on the Evaluation Board Controller. The 14 A1 D9 A2
Evaluation Board Controller is powered from a standard
15 N/C D10 A0
12VAC power supply. The power supply is available from
Analog Devices as an accessory. The power supplies are 16 DGND DGND DGND
also available for other suppliers such as Digikey (US)
17 FL0 D11 /IRQ2
and Campbel Collins (UK).
A Centronics printer port cable is supplied with the 18 D12 D13 D14
Evaluation Board Controller kit enabling communication
19 CLKOUT I/O1 D15
between the Evaluation Board Controller and the PC.
The Evaluation Board Controller come supplied with a 21 AGND AGND AGND
CD which contains software for previously released evalu-
ation boards. Therefore if the user has an evaluation board
which was compatible with the previous version of the 23 AGND AGND AGND
Controller (Eval Control Board) they will be able to use
the Evaluation Board Controller as well.
When the user purchases an new evaluation board kit it 25 AGND AGND AGND
will contain all the software necessary to operate that par-
ticular evaluation board. The most up-to-date evaluation
software is always available on the Analog Devices web 27 I/02 AGND I/O3
site ( The documentation which is sup-
plied with the evaluation board also contains information
about installing the software as well as a detailed descrip- 29 AGND AGND AGND
tion of the evaluation board and a data sheet for the device
30 -12V/-15V AGND +12V/+15V
in question.
All software supplied for the Evaluation Board Controller 31 AVSS AVSS AVSS
and evaluation boards comes on a CD ROM. When the 32 AVDD AVDD AVDD
CD is inserted into the PC an installation program will
automatically begin. This program will install the evalua-
tion software onto the users machineand will also install
the Technical Note for the evaluation board as well as the
Data Sheet for the device in questions. All literature on

REV. A –3–
Evaluation Board Controller

Figure 1. Evaluation Board Controller Main Screen

SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION question). Once samples have been displayed clicking at
The software which controls the Evaluation Board Con- any point in the graph will display the sample number and
troller and hence the evaluation board has three main value of the point directly beneath the cursor. Along the
screens. The screen shown in Figure 1 shows the screen axis of the graph are the "zoom handles". These allow the
which appears when the software is run. The main func- user to zoom in and out to get a closer look at a particular
tion of this screen is to allow the user to read a predeter- sample if required. When another set of samples is taken
mined number of samples from the evaluation board and the graph will attempt to display all values collected unless
display them in both the time and frequency domain. The the Hold Zoom check box is ticked. In this case the graph
screen can be divided into 3 sections. The upper third of will keep the same axis settings as for the previous set of
the screen contains the control buttons, the menu bar and data samples. Additional check boxes are provided to give
various status windows. The control buttons allow the user the user control over the vertical and horizontal grids and
to enter the setup menu, take samples and get information data points.
about the software. The menu bar allows the user to select The lower third of the screen will show either a Fast
which printer port is to be used to control the Evaluation Fourier Transform (FFT) of the data or a Histogram
Board Controller, load and save data etc. The status win- which shows the number of occurrances of each particular
dows indicate the setup of the evaluation board/device, code read back. The FFT (the default option) is typically
number of samples taken and any information/error mes- used when the user is concerned with examining an ADC's
sages that are generated. performance in the frequency domain while the Histogram
The middle third of the screen is a Digital Storage Os- will give an indication of the ADC's performance to DC
cilloscope (DSO). When samples are uploaded from the signals. The option displayed can be toggled by clicking
Evaluation Board Controller they are displayed here. The on the FFT Mode/Histogram Mode button in the top
samples can be displayed either as integer values or as right of the screen. Figure 2 shows how the main screen
voltages (determined by the input range of the device in looks when the Histogram Option is selected.

–4– REV. A
Evaluation Board Controller

Figure 2. Evaluation Board Controller Main Screen -

Histogram Mode

Evaluation Board Controller and evaluation board should

Setup Screen
be connected together (via the 96 way connector). The
The Setup Screen is responsible for allowing the user to
power should be applied to the Evaluation Board Control-
load a configuration file for the evaluation board. The
ler. At this stage the red LED should be flashing which
configuration file will give the software detailed informa-
indicates that the Evaluation Board Controller is func-
tion about the evaluation board and part connected to the
tional and ready to receive instructions. The software
Evaluation Board Controller such as number of bits,
which should have been installed should be loaded before
maximum sampling rate, power supply requirements etc.
the printer port cable is connected between the Evaluation
The configuration file also tells the software the name of
Board Controller and the PC. This will ensure that the
the DSP program file which it should download to the
printer port has been initialized properly. The printer port
Evaluation Board Controller. These files are supplied by
cable can then be connected between the PC and the
Analog Devices with the evaluation board. Figure 3 shows
Evaluation Board Controller.
the Setup Screen.
Running the Software
SETTING UP THE EVALUATION BOARD With the hardware setup the user is now in a position to
CONTROLLER use the software to control the Evaluation Board Control-
The following text describes how the evaluation board ler and evaluation board. In the software the user should
Evaluation Board Controller and software should be set up select the File menu and click on Setup. This will display
for the user to begin using the complete system. The

REV. A –5–
Evaluation Board Controller

Figure 3. The Setup Screen

the setup form. A window on the left of the setup form list MENU BAR ITEMS
all the available configuration files. The configuration The main screen of the Evaluation Board Controller con-
files are text based files which contain information about tains a number of options available as pull-down menu
the particular evaluation board to be tested. The informa- items. The functions of these are listed below.
tion will cover such things as the part name, number of File Menu:
samples to be taken, default and maximum sampling fre- Setup Menu: Selecting this option displays the Setup
quency power supply settings etc. The configuration file Screen as shown in Figure 3.
also contains the name of the DSP program file which is Load Raw Data: Selecting this option allows the user to
to be downloaded to the Evaluation Board Controller. load data which had been saved by the software during a
The user should select the relevant configuration file and previous session.
click Load. The Evaluation Board Controller will be reset Save Raw Data: Selecting this option allows the user to
and the DSP program will be downloaded. When the save the current set of sample data points. The data can be
download has been completed the power supply settings reloaded to the Evaluation Board Controller software at a
indicated in the configuration file are set and the user may later date or can be used by other programs for further
hear some of the relays clicking. The pull-down menus analysis
items such as number of samples and sampling frequency Save Binary Data: Selecting this option allows the user to
will have been set to the default values specified by the save the current set of sample data points. The data is
configuration file. The user is free to change these at will. saved in binary format as a text file. This method can be
Once all the settings had been decided the user can click useful for examining code flicker, looking for stuck bits
Close to return to the main form. etc.
Taking Samples Save FFT Data: Selecting this option allows the user to
When the user clicks Sample the software will instruct the save the current set of FFT data points. FFT data cannot
Evaluation Board Controller to take the required number be reloaded into the Evaluation Board Controller software
of samples at the required frequency from the evaluation but can be loaded into other software packages for further
board. These samples are then uploaded and displayed. An analysis.
FFT and Histogram are also calculated and displayed. If Exit: Quits the program.
the user clicks Cont Samp the software will repeat the
process indefinitely until the user clicks the button again.
While the software is continuously sampling data the other
control buttons are disabled.
Other Buttons
The Reset button will cause the Evaluation Board Con-
troller to perform a reset function. When this happens the
power supplies are turned off and the program in DSP
memory is lost. The user should repeat the setup instruc-
tions to download another program if required.
The Quit button will exit the software, the program run-
ning on the Evaluation Board Controller is not termi-

–6– REV. A
Evaluation Board Controller
This menu item allows the user to select which printer partname:AD7894
port should be used for communication with the Evalua- programname:ad7894.PRG
tion Board Controller.
LPT1: This option selects 0x378 as the printer port samplefrequency:100000
address. This is the default option. maxsamplefrequency:1000000
LPT2: This option selects 0x278 as the printer port samples:2048
PRN: This option selects 0x3BC as the printer port
address. dvdd:5:on
Help: bus:on
;options 2scomp, binary
This menu item gives information about the current revi-
sion of software for the particular evaluation board being
used. numberofbits:14
Software Configuration Files give the Evaluation Board [endofconfig]
Controller software information on how the software and Listing 1. Software Configuration File.
hardware should perform . They contain information such
as the name of the DSP program to download, the default
and maximum sample frequencies, the number of samples
to take and the power supply settings to use. A typical
Software Configuration File (*.cfg) is shown in Listing 1.

REV. A –7–
Evaluation Board Controller
Table IV. Troubleshooting guide
Symptom Possible Cause
LED Not Flashing No power is applied to the evaluation board. The evaluation board requires a 12V
AC supply.

No Communication between There are a number of possible causes for a communications failure. These are listed
PC and Evaluation Board. below.
1. Cable not connected or incorrect cable type. The cable should be a fully-populated
Centronics printer port cable.
2. Incorrect printer port. The evaluation board requires that the printer port has bi-
directional capability. Acceptable types are PS/2, EPP and ECP.
3. Correct Printer Port but bidirectional capability not enabled. It is possible that a
bidirectional printer port can be set to be unidirectional mode in the PC BIOS.
The user should consult the PC manual for instructions on examining the BIOS
4. Incorrect Printer Port Address. There are three possible addresses for a printer
ports and the one fitted to a users PC may not be the same as the default address.
This can be changed using the Printer Port menu item.
Programs Timeout The evaluation board being used with the Evaluation Board Controller may have the
links incorrectly set.

–8– REV. A
EVAL-CONTROL BRD2 Bill of Materials

Quantity RefDes PartType Disti / Part Number PartDecal SMD
2 C1 C2 22pF Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (0603 case size) FEC 498-543 0603 TRUE
12 C3 C5 C9 C10 C16-18 C29-30 C32 C40 C42 0.1uF Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (0805 case size) FEC 317-676 0805 TRUE
3 C4 C7 C8 2200uF 25V Radial Electrolytic Capacitor FEC 286-424 BIGCAP FALSE
7 C6 C11-15 C31 47uF 16V Radial Electrolytic Capacitor FEC 921-129 DCAP\SR21 FALSE
15 C19-28 C33-37 0.1uF Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (0603 case size) FEC 317-287 0603 TRUE
1 C38 10uF 16V Radial Electrolytic Capacitor FEC 921-099 DCAP\SR21 FALSE
2 C39 C41 100uF 16V Radial Electrolytic Capacitor FEC 921-130 DCAP\SR21 FALSE
1 C43 1000uF 10V Radial Electrolytic Capacitor FEC 921-051 BIGCAP1 FALSE

Quantity RefDes PartType Disti / Part Number PartDecal SMD
49 R1-4 R15 R42-46 R56-94 100KΩ ±1% 0.063W Resistor (0603 Case) FEC 911-471 0603 TRUE
1 R5 560Ω ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 911-823 0805 TRUE
3 R34 R37 R48 100KΩ ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 912-098 0805 TRUE
8 R6-13 10KΩ ±1% 0.063W Resistor (0603 Case) FEC 911-355 0603 TRUE
8 R14 R49-55 0Ω ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 772-239 0805 TRUE
11 R18-19 R25 R31-R33 R35 R36 R38-R40 R47 1KΩ ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 911-859 0805 TRUE
1 R41 (Not Used with ADSP2189 Model) not used FEC 772-239 0805 TRUE
1 R16 820Ω ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 911-847 0805 TRUE
1 R17 1.3KΩ ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 554-110 0805 TRUE
1 R20 42K8Ω ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 554-431 0805 TRUE
1 R21 255Ω ±0.1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 553-438 0805
1 R22 620Ω ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 771-314 0805 TRUE
1 R23 2KΩ ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 554-297 0805 TRUE
1 R24 4.32KΩ ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 554-613 0805 TRUE
1 R26 1.6KΩ ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 771-363 0805 TRUE
1 R27 18KΩ ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 912-001 0805 TRUE
1 R28 1.2KΩ ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 911-860 0805 TRUE
1 R29 2.7KΩ ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 911-902 0805 TRUE
1 R30 3.9KΩ ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 911-926 0805 TRUE
1 R95 10KΩ ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 911-975 0805
1 R96 69KΩ ±1% 0.1W Resistor (0805 Case) FEC 555-770 0805

Ferrite Beads
Quantity RefDes PartType Disti / Part Number PartDecal SMD
1 CH1 BEAD FEC 108-267 28C0236-OBS FALSE

Quantity RefDes PartType Disti / Part Number PartDecal SMD
1 D1 LED (3mm Red) FEC 472-281 LED FALSE
10 D2-D11 DIODE,1N4001 FEC 251-677 DO35 FALSE

Quantity RefDes PartType Disti / Part Number PartDecal SMD
1 J1 36 Pin 90º Centronics connector FEC 147-753 36WAY FALSE
1 J2 20 Pin (10x2) Header Depopulate pins 7,15,16,17,18 FEC 511-833 HEADER14-POL FALSE
1 J3 90º 2.5mm PCB Mount DC Power Socket FEC 224-960 CON\BARREL FALSE
1 J3 2.5mm DC Power Plug (Fit into power socket, J3) FEC 224-935
1 J4 96 Pin 90º DIN 41612 Socket FEC 316-830 DIN41612-96-FEM FALSE
1 J5 12 Pin (6x2) Extension Header FEC 511-810 HEADER10 FALSE
1 J6 20 Pin (10x2) Extension Header FEC 511-833 SIP-7P FALSE
2 LK1 LK2 2 Pin SIL Header FEC 511-705 JUMPER FALSE
2 LK1 LK2 Shorting Terminal FEC 148-029 JUMPER FALSE

Quantity RefDes PartType Disti / Part Number PartDecal SMD
1 Q1 MMUN2216LT1 FEC 473-637 SOT23 TRUE
5 Q2 Q3 Q6 Q7 Q8 PZT2222AT1 FEC 932-875 SOT223 TRUE
2 Q4 Q5 BC818 FEC 934-197 SOT23-3 TRUE

Quantity RefDes PartType Disti / Part Number PartDecal SMD
1 REG1 LM7805CT FEC 412-776 TO/220 FALSE
3 REG2-4 MIC29152BT FEC 640-591 TO-220/5 FALSE
2 REG5-6 LM2991T FEC 205-461 TO-220/5 FALSE
1 REG7 LM7812CT FEC 413-215 TO/220 FALSE
1 REG8 LM78L82ACZ FEC 413-010 TO-92 FALSE
1 REG9 ZMR250C FEC 791-441 TO-92 FALSE

Quantity RefDes PartType Disti / Part Number PartDecal SMD

Integrated Circuits
Quantity RefDes PartType Disti / Part Number PartDecal SMD
1 U3 K6R1016CIC FEC 335-4921 SOJ44LM TRUE
1 U4 74LCX138M FEC 111-910 SO16NB TRUE
1 U5 74LCX32M FEC 111-983 SO14 TRUE
1 U2 U6 74LV273D FEC 568-983 SO20WB TRUE
1 U7 74VHC574M FEC 676-238 SO20WB TRUE
2 U8 74LCX574WM FEC 112-045 SO20WB TRUE
1 U10 74LCX02M FEC 111-879 SO14NB TRUE
1 U11 AM29LV004BB-150EC (-120EC) Macro Marketing Ltd TSOP-40-3 TRUE
4 U12-15 PI5C3861Q DigiKey (PI5C3861Q-ND) QSOP24 TRUE
1 U16 U19 NC7S32M5 FEC 685-940 SOT23-5 TRUE
2 U17-18 OPTO-COUPLER (SFH610A-2) FEC 212-556 DIP4 FALSE
1 Y1 XTAL1 (20MHz) FEC 177-408 HC49/4 FALSE

Board Hardware
Quantity RefDes PartType Disti / Part Number PartDecal SMD
2 X1 X2 H'SINK_SW25-4 FEC 175-650 SW25-4_H'SINK FALSE
4 for Reg3-Reg6 Mica Washer for TO220 FEC 520-214 FALSE
4 for Reg3-Reg6 Sil Pad FEC 936-741
1 Bare Board Evaluation Control Board (Rev. C)

Misc Hardware
4 Rubber stick-on feet Fixed to underside of board at each corner. FEC 148-922
1 Centronics Printer Cables 1 printer cable included in each box. FEC 960-524
1 Anti-Static Bag Place tested board in anti-static bag. FEC 522-788
1 Bar Code Box Label Fix label to front of box. ADI Supplied
1 Eval Control Board Tech Note Loose in box. ADI Supplied
1 Evaluation Board Box (Small Size) Europacks K-645/1

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