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Listening Section

Fill the blanks of this passage, and then translate it!

What kinds of food do you (1)……..? I am lucky because in (2)………… there are many foods to choose
from. I like to eat (3)…... (4)………………., and (5)…………. These are all (6)……… products. I also like
(7)…………, (8)…………………., and (9) ………….. These are all dairy products. I like (10)
……………... My favorite vegetables are (11)……………, (12) …... (13)…... and (14)………. I eat a lot of
fruit. I eat whichever (15).............. is in season. In (16).................... season, I eat a lot of strawberries. In (17)
……….. season, I eat a lot of (18)…………. Sometimes, my mother will make a (19)………………….
Many different crops grow in Canada. We have many orchards and farms. Fresh fruit and (20)................ are
plentiful in Canada. (21)………. and (22)……… are also plentiful here. In Canada, we (23).............. a lot of
different (24)............. to choose from. In my city, there are a lot of (25)………… restaurants. My favorite
food at the Italian restaurant is (26)……….. My parents would rather have (27)………….. or (28)………….
There are Greek restaurants, (29)…………… restaurants, and (30)……………. restaurants; in fact there are
(31)................. from most cultures. I can (32)…….. ………… from restaurant to restaurant and pretend that
I am travelling in the (33)……….. and trying all the (34).................. foods from around the world.
Sometimes I eat things that aren’t (35)...................for me. I eat (36)………………….. and (37)………...
These (38)…… aren’t part of a nutritious (39)…….., but they are fun to (40)……….
Listening Section

1. Where is the place for making our meals?

2. What is inside the stove?
3. What is on the top of stove?
4. What is refrigerator?
5. What can we keep in the refrigerator?
6. What can we have in the freezer?
7. What can we put in the toaster?
8. We boil the water to make tea by using …………………
9. Where do we wash the dishes?
10. Mention the kitchen utensils spoken by the speaker!
11. Are there tea towels and clothes?
12. What do we use to take hot things out of the oven?
13. What are the dishes?
14. The timer buzzes when the food is ……….
15. Can we cook in the microwave?

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