Anti Psychotic

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Antipsychotic gamot sa schizophrenia Antipsychotics = makes Dopamine goes down because the problem in schizophrenia is increase in dopa So decrease

dopa na - decrease dopa cause EXTRAPYRAMIDAL SYNDROME Extrapyramidal Side Effects (EPS ) Types of Antipsychotics akinesia (inability to initiate movement) akathisia (inability to remain motionless) agitated, anxious ,dimapakali Pseudoparkinsonism- pakinson symptom DOC : AMANTIDINE DYSTONIA -rigidity - Torticollis wry neck - Oculogyric crisis fixed stare -Opisthotunos arched back DOC : Diphenhydramine (benadril) Benztropine (cogentine ) cause bladder distention TARDIVE DYSKINESIA ito ung nkkhiya sintomas Irreversible side effects of antipsychotics Lip smacking Tongue protruding Cheeks puffing NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME Hyperthermia, unstable BP, increase CPK, diaphoresis, pallor -mgnt : stop mking med ??? Photosensitivity Sunscreen Wide brimmed hat Agranulocytosis Report immediately Sore throat 1st sign to appear
1. Typical/classic/convention al/major tranquilizer 2. Atypical new gen. Least cause of EPS

To counteract the side effect of antipsychotic which is the Extrapyramidal Side Effects give ANTICHOLINERGIC DRUGS OR DOPAMINE AGONIST *dopa and acetylcholine are inversely proportional..anticholinergic cause decrease acetylcholine which in turn increase dopa again.
ANTI PARKINSON DRUG - CAPABLES Cogentin Artane Parlodel Akineton Benadryl Larodopa Eldepryl Symmetrel
Anticholinergic Drugs that will make the AcH down o Artane o Akineton o Benadryl o Cogentin Dopaminergic Dopamine goes up o Parlodel o Larodopa o Symmetryl o Eldepryl

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