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Journal of Business Research 145 (2022) 347–359

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International sourcing and the productivity of SMEs in transition countries:

Formal and informal ‘region effects’ and the communist footprint
María Jesús Nieto , Alicia Rodríguez *, Virginia Hernández
Institute of Entrepreneurship and Family Business, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Avenida de la Universidad, 30, 28911 Leganés (Madrid), Spain


Keywords: We study how SMEs in transition countries can boost productivity by sourcing inputs from regions with which
International sourcing they share formal institutional links (the European Union) or informal links (the former communist bloc).
Transition countries Additionally, we discuss how the length of the communist footprint may modify these productivity gains. Using a
Region effect
sample of SMEs located in Eastern Europe, we find a positive relation between firm productivity and inputs from
Institutional links
regions with formal and informal institutional links. We also find that this positive relation is weaker for firms
Communist footprint with longer communist footprints that source inputs from EU countries.

1. Introduction of prosperity in Eastern Europe (Alam, 2008). Although accession to or

association with the European Union (EU) has helped firms in these
The internationalization strategies of firms in different contexts have countries increase their productivity (Friesenbichler, 2020; Holscher &
attracted the attention of scholars, especially in emerging or transition Howard-Jones, 2019) and achieve growth rates above the European
contexts (Jaklič, Obloj, Svetlicic, & Kronegger, 2020; Meyer & Peng, average (Szczepanski, 2018), they still lag far behind those of the most
2016). Given their shared geography, history and current events, Central advanced nations. It is vital, then, to understand what strategies may
and Eastern European (CEE) countries need to be re-examined by IB help them improve their levels of firm productivity and bridge the gap.
scholars (Rašković, Dikovac, & McDougall-Covin, 2020). We need to This is especially so for small and medium-sized firms (SMEs), as oper­
contextualize studies of the international activities of firms since inter­ ating in resource-deficient transition economies obliges them to seek
nationalization theories are context sensitive (Cuervo-Cazurra, better inputs beyond their national borders. In this paper, we address
Mudambi, & Pedersen, 2019; Narula, 2012). Specifically, the unique this challenge by examining the relations between international sourc­
conditions experienced in transition countries require research that fo­ ing1 location decisions and the productivity of SMEs in transition
cuses on the behavior and decisions of firms from these countries countries.
(Teagarden, Von Glinow, & Mellahi, 2018). The contextual richness of Previous research shows that firms may boost productivity by gain­
transition countries characterized by profound institutional change, ing access to superior inputs than those available in the country of origin
different transition processes, and particular resource-restricted entre­ (Amiti & Wei, 2009; Görg, Hanley, & Strobl, 2008; Nieto & Rodríguez,
preneurial environments make a study of the internationalization stra­ 2013). The extensive availability of resources with different compara­
tegies of their firms highly relevant (Jaklic, Raskasovic, & Schuh, 2018). tive advantages—better costs and/or quality—drives firms to look
Beyond this, business reforms in Eastern Europe have led to sub­ abroad to enhance their competitiveness and create value (Lin, 2020;
stantial variability across countries in terms of market structures and Manning, Massini, & Lewin, 2008; Mukherjee, Gaur, & Datta, 2013).
firm productivity (Gogokhia & Berulava, 2021). This situation has Traditionally, international inputs and intermediate goods were limited
generated especial interest in studying the determinants of firm-level to multinational enterprises (MNEs) that delocated activities to devel­
productivity in these countries (Friesenbichler & Peneder, 2016; oping countries with lower costs. This phenomenon has evolved
Kravtsova & Radosevic, 2012), as productivity growth is seen as a driver considerably and is no longer restricted to MNEs from developed

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.J. Nieto), [email protected] (A. Rodríguez), [email protected] (V. Hernández).
In this paper, international sourcing is defined as inputs that are produced in a foreign location, transferred to the firm’s home country via imports, and
incorporated into its production process (Cho & Kang, 2001; Coucke & Sleuwaegen, 2008; Gleich, Schmeisser, & Zschoche, 2017; Nassimbenni, 2006).
Received 26 July 2021; Received in revised form 18 February 2022; Accepted 24 February 2022
Available online 11 March 2022
0148-2963/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M.J. Nieto et al. Journal of Business Research 145 (2022) 347–359

countries; nowadays it is common practice for firms from any country between sourcing location and origin country and (ii) analyzing the
(Cuervo-Cazurra et al., 2019; Di Gregorio, Musteen, & Thomas, 2009) moderating role of a communist footprint.
and of any size (Canham & Hamilton, 2013; Musteen, Ahsan, & Park, By examining the comparative advantages of different regions, we
2017; Roza et al., 2011; Rodríguez & Nieto, 2016). respond to the call in recent papers for further research to determine if a
In this paper, we focus on SMEs in transition countries, firms for regional strategy exerts an impact on firm performance (Demirbag et al.,
whom the resource limitations are even more severe (Wadhwa, 2020). We contribute to this line of research and cast light on the
McCormick, & Musteen, 2017). Because of their small size, these firms continuing globalization-regionalization debate (see studies by Rugman
typically lack financial resources and management skills (Musteen, & Verbeke, 2004) by examining theoretical and empirical evidence on
Datta, & Butts, 2014; Musteen, Datta, & Francis, 2014). SMEs, however, the formal and informal ’region effect’ on the potential productivity
are important for the economic development of less developed countries gains of SMEs in transition countries.
(Ullah, 2020), and in transition countries they have played a crucial role Additionally, this paper joins the growing stream of research
in the transformation of these economies (Aidis, 2005). Indeed, they studying the influence of imprinting in transition contexts (Kriauciunas
have responded better to the opportunities presented by the change to & Kale, 2006; Maksimov, Wang, & Luo, 2017; Marquis, & Tilcsik, 2013).
the economic system than larger firms. Moreover, SMEs have absorbed We add to recent studies such as Popli, Raithatha and Fuad (2021),
the bulk of jobs lost in the restructuring and privatization processes of Banalieva et al. (2017), and Thakur-Wernz and Wernz (2022) that
large firms (Hashi & Krasniqi, 2011). analyze how the length of imprinting conditions firms’ decisions. Our
Specifically, we examine how SMEs in transition countries can in­ study complements this research by concentrating on communist foot­
crease their productivity depending on the regional origin of source print effects and providing evidence on its moderating role in the rela­
inputs. Nowadays both advanced and emerging markets offer attractive tion between international sourcing strategies and the productivity of
locations for supply chain inputs (Pisani & Ricart, 2018). As suggested SMEs in transition countries.
by Mukherjee et al. (2013), to create value firms must make effective Lastly, our research adds to the literature on SMEs’ international
resource choices and remember that—despite the internal nature of sourcing strategies (Musteen et al., 2017; Roza et al., 2011), in particular
configuration processes—they are in constant interaction with the the stream that studies the different consequences of these strategies. As
environment. For this reason, these authors believe that environmental far as we are aware, few studies addressing this topic exist. Exceptions
contingencies affect firm-specific resource choices. While regions all include Di Gregorio et al. (2009), who analyze the international
differ, it stands to reason that one area may be strategically more ad­ competitiveness of Mexican SMEs; Munjal, Requejo and Kundu (2019),
vantageous (or problematic) than another (Demirbag, Glaister, & Sen­ who examine the financial performance of small firms in India; and
gupta, 2020). In line with this, studies exist that analyze what factors Rodríguez and Nieto (2016), who analyze sales growth in Spanish SMEs.
affect the choice between developed and emerging regions (Demirbag & Our study makes a special contribution to this research stream by
Glaister, 2010); the impact of cultural and institutional dimensions on analyzing the implications for the productivity of SMEs.
the selection of location (Hahn & Bunyaratavej, 2010; Hernández, Nieto
& Boellis, 2018); the importance of host country context and local 2. The research context and literature review
embeddedness (Mukherjee, Lahiri, Ash, & Gaur, 2019); and even the
consequences of the different location choices for the configuration of 2.1. Transition economies: Institutional context and resource availability
international sourcing strategies (Lin, 2020). Many factors and di­
mensions influence the choice of country or region from which to obtain The term ‘transition economies’ is used to refer to those Eastern
inputs, but the implications of this decision require further study. European countries that either were part of the former USSR or were
Among the contextual factors typical of CEE countries, we analyze under Soviet influence and in recent decades have transitioned to
the formal institutional connections attributable to the EU, along with become market economies (Eddleston, Banalieva, & Verbeke, 2020).
informal links to other regions such as the former USSR. Taking into These countries offer a different context from that traditionally analyzed
account the institutional imprinting literature, we also analyze the role in developed economies. It is this context that makes it necessary to
of the communist footprint in the relation between the productivity of investigate the applicability of the relations studied in the previous
SMEs and international sourcing inputs from regions with formal or literature (Ramadani et al., 2019). Specifically, institutional theory
informal institutional links. posits that institutions shape firms’ strategies (North, 1990). While
To perform the empirical analysis, we use a sample of SMEs located stable and market-based institutions are taken for granted in developed
in Eastern Europe from the Eurobarometer Internationalisation of Small contexts, in less developed environments firms continue to be affected
and Medium-sized Enterprises. This survey compiles information on firms by contextual constraints (Peng, Wang, & Jiang, 2008).
from the 28 EU member states, along with seven additional countries Because of their history and the transformations undergone, transi­
with special links to the EU. For this study we only include firms from tion countries are at the crossroads between emerging and advanced
Eastern European transition countries that were EU members or had an economies (Hoskisson et al., 2013; Jaklič et al., 2018; Jaklič et al.,
association or agreement with the EU (three of these countries are 2020). Countries that have recently joined or are aspiring to join the EU
candidates to become EU members) at the time of the survey.2 must take advantage of the new opportunities presented by membership
Our study contributes to the highly topical discussion of the inter­ or association status, while at the same time transforming their econo­
nationalization strategies of firms in transition countries (Bahl, Lahiri, & mies to converge with European standards and battle global competitive
Mukherjee, 2021; Rašković et al., 2020; Srivastava, & Tyll, 2021). We pressures (Giannini & Vitali, 2014). In fact, EU membership or associ­
extend previous work that finds a positive relation between interna­ ation has made it possible to introduce numerous reforms that have
tional sourcing activities and firm productivity traditionally limited to begun to invigorate the economies of these countries and make them
developed countries (Amiti & Wei, 2009; Görg, et al., 2008; Nieto & more competitive (Friesenbichler, 2020). And yet, the region’s
Rodríguez, 2013) by (i) adopting a region-level approach that in­ communist inheritance of the previous economic system persists in one
troduces the dimensions of formal and informal institutional links way or another (Banalieva et al., 2017; Maksimov et al., 2017). Weak­
nesses in formal institutional systems remain (Bruton, Lau, & Obloj,
2014; Gelbuda, Meyer & Delios, 2008). Systems to protect intellectual
We examine the following countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech property rights tend to be less effective (Javorcik, 2004); political sta­
Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North bility is lacking in some instances (Ahlstrom & Bruton, 2010); a multi­
Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. For more detailed in­ tude of legal and administrative barriers clog processes (Krammer and
formation about the observations, please see the table in the appendix. Jimenez, 2020); state protectionism continues to play a key role in some

M.J. Nieto et al. Journal of Business Research 145 (2022) 347–359

sectors (Bruton et al., 2014); political reforms often favor large firms 2.3. Where should firms in transition countries look for inputs to boost
(Hegerty, 2009); and high levels of corruption endure in many cases their competitiveness?
(Eddleston et al., 2020).
In addition, the norms and values of the informal institutional sys­ The key question for firms in transition countries to answer is where
tems that are embedded in their industries continue to be influenced by exactly they should seek inputs to boost their competitiveness, bearing
the ‘old rules’ of a planned economy (Dixon, Meyer, & Day, 2010; in mind the characteristics of the origin and destination country. The
Williams and Vorley, 2015), oriented to the short term and far removed specific institutional contexts of the home countries may explain why
from market demands (Kafouros, & Aliyev, 2016). These contextual firms in these markets follow different trajectories from those of MNEs in
conditions imply that these are economies that: (i) do not have state-of- developed economies (Gammeltoft, Pradhan, & Goldstein, 2010). The
the-art technologies (Krammer, 2009; Maksimov et al., 2017); (ii) have literature on emerging MNEs underlines how international competi­
typically had to face difficulties caused by their limited access to capital tiveness is determined by the firm-specific advantages (FSAs) of each
(Smallbone & Welter, 2001); or (iii) lack a market-oriented organiza­ enterprise. But these FSAs largely depend on the conditions of the origin
tional culture (Crowley & McCann, 2018). country (Marano et al., 2016; Narula & Kodiyat, 2016), determined as
In line with this, the institutional theory literature recognizes that they are by a variety of national factors including cost, access to pro­
institutional constraints result in firms gaining access to fewer resources ductive elements, market conditions, policies, and the interests of
and suffering competitive disadvantages (Krasniqi & Desai, 2016). Thus, different groups, etc. (Hennart, 2012; Buckley, 2014). Emerging econ­
these contexts display features that constrain the resources available to omies are usually unfavorable contexts for generating significant firm-
firms and the creation of specific competitive advantages. This aspect specific ownership advantages of the traditional kind (Gammeltoft,
may also be particularly relevant for SMEs, given that the literature Barnard, & Madhok, 2010). For this reason, emerging multinationals use
reveals that these firms suffer more limitations to obtain resour­ international expansion as a means of alleviating some latecomer dis­
ces—limitations that are likely to be even more evident in transition advantages (Luo & Tung, 2007; Thakur Wernz, Cantwell & Samant,
countries (Hashi & Krasniqi, 2011; Musteen, Francis & Datta, 2010; 2019).
Smallbone & Welter, 2001). Each origin country, however, has country-specific advantages
(CSAs) (Dunning, Kim, & Park, 2008). Because many of these home-
country advantages are not freely available to all companies or cannot
2.2. International sourcing and firm productivity: An opportunity for be easily exploited by emerging multinationals when they enter other
SMEs in transition countries countries, these firms must possess FSAs—not CSAs—when they inter­
nationalize (Ramamurti, 2012). Similarly, conditions exist in the desti­
Firm productivity is a key indicator of the improvement in the nation country (e.g., cultural, social, institutional, economic, etc.) that
relation between sales and the resources employed to achieve them. exercise an effect on the characteristics and behavior of firms (Luo &
International sourcing strategies may be particularly effective to Zhang, 2016). In sum, successfully marrying FSAs with new CSAs in
improve the productivity of firms in Eastern European countries. These markets where supply inputs are sought and avoiding the liability of
strategies should increase productivity via the following mechanisms: i) outsidership will depend on the degree of knowledge and experience of
providing access to better inputs; ii) reallocating resources to more these locations possessed by firms (Arregle et al., 2013).
efficient production stages; and iii) exploiting externalization advan­ The rise of regional integrations around the world has generated a
tages. First, firms engaging in international sourcing obtain access to series of advantages that merit attention (Beleska-Spasova, Loykulnanta,
foreign inputs, which may be available at better cost or quality than & Nguyen, 2016). Many studies, then, include a regional dimension in
domestic ones. Greater use of foreign inputs, then, may boost firm their analyses of international strategies and the performance of MNEs
productivity levels via efficiency gains resulting from lower operational (Verbeke & Asmussen, 2016; Verbeke, Kano, & Yuan, 2016; to cite a few
and labor costs (Capolupo, Amendolagine, & Ferri, 2017) or from the examples). The regionalization hypothesis stresses the advantages of
higher quality of superior inputs (Amiti & Wei, 2009; Görg, et al., 2008; internationalization in geographical or ‘regionalized’ terms (Rugman &
Nieto & Rodríguez, 2013). This may be especially important for firms Verbeke, 2007). According to this hypothesis, firms are better able to
that are operating in contexts far from the international technological exploit the specific advantages of their home regions and thus minimize
frontier (as is the case with many firms in transition countries). Second, the liabilities of foreignness. Different studies suggest that a regional
firms in the home country can concentrate on the activities they perform perspective is useful to explain the international behavior of small firms
most efficiently and import intermediate inputs from foreign countries (Baum, Schwens, & Kabst, 2015) or firms conducting their early inter­
where they are produced in better conditions. In this way, firms are able nationalization efforts and attempting to ensure they profit from FSAs
to reallocate their resources to more efficient production stages and and CSAs (Sui & Baum, 2014). Thus, in line with other studies that
redirect their limited but valuable resources to core areas where they analyze the internationalization of SMEs in developing economies
can generate greater value (Mukherjee et al., 2013). Third, the supplier (Lopez, Kundu, & Ciravegna, 2009), we extend previous ideas on CSAs
advantages offered by international sourcing can raise productivity. by adopting a regional-level approach. The regional dimension becomes
Firms can achieve productivity benefits thanks to the specialization and especially important for countries that share institutional links—formal
economies of scale of the suppliers (Tang & Livramento, 2010), who and informal—with various regions simultaneously, as is the case with
may possess the required minimum size and innovative capacity that transition countries. Their international relations with EU and Eastern
input-needy firms are lacking (Kedia & Mukherjee, 2009). bloc countries require research to reveal the potential benefits of the
Previous studies of the effects of international sourcing strategies on ‘region effect.’
firm-level productivity find positive net effects in different contexts (e. Firms from transition countries face the challenge of managing an
g., Görg et al., 2008, for Irish manufacturing; Nieto & Rodríguez, 2013, ever-more global value chain while operating under conditions that
for Spanish firms; Tang & Livramento, 2010, for Canadian firms; & result from the institutional features of their origin countries. When
Wagner, 2011, for German firms). Given the characteristics and limited deciding to exploit inputs from other locations, these institutional fea­
resource endowments of SMEs in transition countries, international tures can create a ‘region effect’ that may present particular challenges.
sourcing strategies could be particularly useful to deliver productivity Regional differences exist, many of them related to proximity and in­
gains. Since the input sources in each country have varying degrees of stitutions. And certain regions can prove to be more or less propitious for
efficiency (Bunyaratavej et al., 2008), choosing to look to overseas lo­ firms looking to develop international strategies (Demirbarg et al.,
cations for inputs is a decision of great importance for the configuration 2020). Firms that seek opportunities abroad incur search and delibera­
of international sourcing strategies (Lin, 2020). tion costs (Rangan, 2000). Banalieva and Dhanaraj (2013) extend

M.J. Nieto et al. Journal of Business Research 145 (2022) 347–359

institutional research by incorporating these costs in their analysis of origin country. EU membership and SAAs have brought changes to
firm’s home-region orientation and performance. These authors find countries’ political and legal systems, changes that have strengthened
that spatial proximity and institutional commonality across partners their formal institutional frameworks. In contrast, though, their
within the home region influence these search and deliberation costs. informal institutions—social norms, traditions, unwritten codes (North,
Thus, the advantages obtained can stem from geographical, cultural, 1990)—have not evolved in the same way. Codes of conduct, norms and
institutional, political, or economic proximity (Ghemawat, 2001). But social values have not kept pace with the times, a so-called communist
when such proximity is lacking, firms find the task of working outside legacy or imprint endures (Banalieva, Puffer, & McCarthy, 2018;
their home regions much more difficult (Verbeke et al., 2016). Banalieva et al., 2017). Indeed, Russia continues to lead transition
We posit that the new formal institutional links resulting from EU economies in FDI outflows (World Investment Report, 2020). The
accession—in conjunction with the existence of informal links (i.e., the communist inheritance, with norms typical of a centralized economy,
old rules) left over from communist regimes—will have a marked impact allows firms from these countries to feel culturally closer to those with a
on the international sourcing location decisions of SMEs in transition similar communist heritage and/or economy based on collaborative
countries. These firms face the challenge of balancing the advantages norms (Marinova et al., 2020). We capture the impact of the informal
and disadvantages of different regions depending on their formal and institutional links that firms find in these regions via the term informal
informal institutional links. Consequently, we adopt a regional approach ‘region effect.’
that views institutional links with the origin country as a key factor that The relative costs for a firm of evaluating the reliability and capa­
may influence the capacity of firms to take advantage of their interna­ bilities of a partner decrease as the institutional and cultural proximity
tional supply chain configurations. between them increases (Choi et al., 2018; Slangen, & Van Tulder,
2009). Indeed, firms from these contexts are especially inclined to forge
3. Research hypotheses or maintain links with partners with whom they share linguistic or
cultural ties (Gammeltoft et al., 2010). Firms’ social networks can act as
3.1. Looking for inputs from EU countries: The formal ‘region effect’ a key resource to exploit the advantages of international transactions
(Musteen et al., 2010). In transition countries, the codes of conduct often
The firms examined in this study are located in EU member states or still resemble those of former Soviet times, with systems that rely on
in countries that have signed a Stabilization and Association Agreement reciprocal networks of relationships and connections to overcome the
(SAA) with the EU. Institutions, firms and individuals from EU member weaknesses of the formal institutional environment (Tonoyan et al.,
states and signatory countries of SAAs enjoy access to a trans-national 2010). These networks may reduce transaction costs and help firms
area of action in which shared norms for doing business exist and are mobilize resources in situations of uncertainty and adverse institutional
respected. This trans-national union functions as one region insofar as conditions (Ahlstrom & Bruton, 2006). As is widely recognized, for
formal institutional links exist among the member states, generating historical reasons many firms’ social networks tend to be local or na­
what we term a formal ‘region effect.’ EU development policies, both in tional (Rangan, 2000). And this is certainly the case in transition
legal and economic terms, have multiplied continuously since the mid- countries, where firms seeking to internationalize typically form net­
1980s (Rodríguez-Pose & Fratesi, 2004). Economic integration permits works with others from countries with similar historical roots.
the free trade of goods and free movement of capital, which in turn Thus, firms from transition countries can still take advantage of the
hugely facilitate commercial transactions among member states (Mal­ informal institutional commonalities and characteristics they share with
hotra, Agarwal, & Baalbaki, 1998). Common economic regulations also those from countries with a similar background in the Soviet bloc. An
help firms implement certain international strategies in these contexts, opportunity exists, then, for these firms to lower the costs associated
such as international sourcing strategies (Tavares & Young, 2006). The with seeking, contracting, and exploiting foreign inputs, and thereby
institutional links between partners in the home region minimize increase their productivity. The preceding arguments lead us to posit our
deliberation costs associated with the search for opportunities in foreign second hypothesis:
markets (Banalieva & Dhanaraj, 2013). In addition, institutional simi­ Hypothesis 2. International sourcing from regions with informal links
larities may provide better conditions for obtaining benefits from with their home country will improve the productivity levels of SMEs in
offshore outsourcing by reducing switching costs and adjustments to a transition economies.
foreign institutional environment (Choi et al., 2018). Analogous regu­
latory systems can facilitate and safeguard transactions—particularly
sourcing activities—among firms. As information asymmetry is reduced, 3.3. The effects of the communist footprint
the risk of opportunism is mitigated and transactions can be performed
more easily. These factors contribute to the acquisition of superior in­ Firms from the same country and industry may behave differently
puts from these regions, inputs that make the management of value depending on their external environments (Thakur-Wernz & Wernz,
chain activities more efficient and ultimately boost firm productivity. 2022). In particular, the organizational imprinting literature suggests
In sum, we posit that the formal institutional conditions shared by that institutional conditions during fledgling stages affects firms’ ca­
firms from EU member countries (or from SAA signatory countries) will pacities, norms, strategies, and future actions (Marquis & Tilcsik, 2013;
help them obtain inputs in a more advantageous way and will contribute Simsek, Fox, & Heavy, 2015). This is especially relevant for firms in
to improved productivity. We capture this idea in our first hypothesis: emerging markets due to the influence that governments wield in these
Hypothesis 1. International sourcing from regions with formal links contexts over business decisions (Gammeltoft et al., 2010). Recent
with their home country will improve the productivity levels of SMEs in studies extend imprinting theory by considering the duration of expo­
transition economies. sure to specific institutional environments in their analyses of the impact
of imprinting on individual behavior (Banalieva et al., 2017), firm
behavior (Thakur-Wernz & Wernz, 2022), or firm performance (Popli
3.2. Looking for inputs from former communist countries: The informal et al., 2021). By examining firms in the CEE transition context, we
‘region effect’ develop specific arguments on the impact exerted by their historical
institutional contexts related to the existence of a communist imprint
Firms from transition countries may also find comparative advan­ (Shinkle & Kriauciunas, 2012).
tages or disadvantages related to the institutional conditions of their The extent of the informal institutional influence exerted by

M.J. Nieto et al. Journal of Business Research 145 (2022) 347–359

communism (the communist imprint) depends on the length of expo­ 4. Empirical analysis
sure—the communist footprint (Banalieva et al, 2017). We take the
concept of the communist footprint and apply it to SMEs in transition 4.1. Sample
countries. Specifically, we propose that the length of time firms operated
under communist regimes (i.e., a longer or shorter communist footprint) Our empirical analysis uses data from the Eurobarometer Inter­
will modify the relation between SME productivity and international nationalisation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises survey, which was
sourcing strategies. requested by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Inter­
Drawing on the theoretical underpinnings of organizational nal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and coordinated by
imprinting, we posit that a longer communist footprint exerts longer- the Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission,
lasting effects on the norms and operating practices of firms. Kriauciu­ 2015). The survey was performed in 2015 on a sample of manufacturing
nas and Kale (2006) argue that—when faced with a transition to a and services SMEs (firms with 1–249 employees) from the 28 EU
market-oriented context—firms from countries with longer communist member states. The sample was selected by applying quotas for size and
footprints will have to combine their existing knowledge with newly sector ranges; these quotas were adjusted to take account of the popu­
acquired information. These authors also suggest that these firms are lation size of each country and to ensure that the sample was
less likely to be able to adapt their knowledge sets to the new context representative.
successfully. These factors may affect the ability of managers to operate In this study we only consider firms from Eastern European transition
in contexts with stronger institutional conditions (with their different countries that were EU members or had signed SAAs with the EU at the
rules and ways of doing business) and to negotiate with foreign firms in time of the survey. Specifically, the study includes firms from: Albania,
developed countries (with no opportunity to rely on personal networks Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,
or ties). Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia
Thus, we argue that firms with longer communist legacies will and Slovenia (see Appendix). The final sample used in our analyses in­
encounter greater difficulties to forge relationships with EU firms cludes 2768 firms.
because they lack the experience of working with partners from more
market-oriented contexts (McMillan & Woodruff, 2002). Deliberation 4.2. Variables
costs, for example, tend to be more problematic when familiarity or
experience are absent (Rangan, 2000). Indeed, the advantages that we 4.2.1. Dependent variable
postulate are supplied by formal institutional links will be offset by the Productivity: This variable captures firm-level performance via labor
practices resulting from the communist imprinting process. Therefore, productivity (sales per employee); this indicator has been used previ­
we believe that relationships with EU-based partners will be more ously to analyze determinants of productivity in Eastern European
challenging as the communist footprint is magnified by increased countries (Friesenbichler & Peneder, 2016; Gogokhia & Berulava,
deliberation costs and a greater resistance to change, which ultimately 2021). Specifically, we measure Productivity as a continuous variable
result in a reduction in the efficiency of transactions. In other words, the calculated via the logarithm of each firm’s sales per employee (Crowley
degree of imprinting from a communist regime will affect the ability of & McCann, 2018; Gkypali, Love, & Roper, 2021; Konrad, & Mangel,
firms to adapt and build new relationships with EU partners, thus 2000; Mauri, Song, & Neiva de Figueiredo, 2017; Nieto & Rodríguez,
limiting the potential benefits of international sourcing on productivity. 2013).
In sum, we posit that, despite formal institutional links, firms with
longer communist footprints will encounter greater difficulty to exploit 4.2.2. Independent variables
foreign inputs in terms of productivity. We capture this idea in our third The independent variables capture international sourcing strategies
hypothesis: in different locations. This strategy occurs when the firm incorporates
inputs that are produced in a foreign location, transferred to its home
Hypothesis 3. Productivity gains achieved by SMEs via inputs from
country via imports, and incorporated into its production process (see
regions that share formal institutional links with their home country will
Coucke & Sleuwaegen, 2008; Gleich, Schmeisser, & Zschoche, 2017;
decrease as the communist footprint increases.
Nassimbeni, 2006; Rodríguez & Nieto, 2016). We construct the variables
Firms with longer communist footprints have more ingrained be­ for international sourcing depending on the region from which the SMEs
haviors and practices such as limited competition or relying on personal in transition countries import the inputs, in line with a regional classi­
ties with bureaucrats. Networks are a fundamental asset in these con­ fication used by previous studies (Demirbag et al., 2020; Flores, et al.,
texts, where companies use ongoing relationships among them to sub­ 2013; Lorentz et al., 2016; Vos et al., 2016; among others). Specifically,
stitute for missing institutions (Peng & Heath, 1996; Tonoyan et al., we identify the following regions from which inputs originate: the EU;
2010). These practices make it possible to take greater advantage of the US; China; India and Southeast Asia; Russia, the Caucasus and other
relationships with firms from contexts with which they maintain Eastern European countries; Middle East and North Africa; Latin
informal institutional links—links that originate from their shared America; and Other regions.
communist past (McMillan & Woodruff, 2002). Specifically, we argue To test our hypotheses, we focus on two specific independent vari­
that firms with longer communist footprints may be better placed (than ables that allow us to capture the international sourcing from regions
those created in the post-communist era) to deal with organizations with formal and informal links, respectively.
from these contexts. A stronger tradition of working together in past
networks and a similar knowledge set based on the previous economic (i) International sourcing from EU region is a dichotomous variable
system will contribute to reduced deliberation costs. that takes value 1 when the firm acquires inputs from the EU; it
Firms with longer communist footprints, then, may take better takes value 0 otherwise. This variable is used to test hypotheses 1
advantage of international inputs from regions with which they share and 3, as the EU is a region with which the focal firm has a formal
informal institutional links, thus increasing the potential for produc­ link via its home country’s membership of or association agree­
tivity gains. We capture this idea in our fourth hypothesis: ment with the union.
(ii) International sourcing from Russia and CEE region is a dichotomous
Hypothesis 4. Productivity gains achieved by SMEs via inputs from
variable that takes value 1 when the firm acquires inputs from
regions that share informal institutional links with their home country
Russia, the Caucasus or other Eastern European countries; it takes
will increase as the communist footprint increases.
value 0 otherwise. This variable is used to test hypotheses 2 and
4, as Russia and the CEE is a region with which the focal firm has

M.J. Nieto et al. Journal of Business Research 145 (2022) 347–359

an informal link due to its home country’s previous membership

of the USSR or time spent under communist influence.


International sourcing from the rest of the regions identified are


included as control variables.


4.2.3. Moderator variable

0.11*** 0.12***
Following Banalieva et al. (2017), we employ the variable Communist

footprint to capture the number of years the firm operated under a

− 0.1*** 1

Mean VIF
communist system. Given the fact that some firms were founded after

− 0.04
the fall of communism in these countries, the variable takes positive and


negative values. Positive values capture the number of years the firm

− 0.19***
operated under the communist system, and negative values capture the

− 0.002
− 0.01
number of years (in negative terms) the firm was born after the fall of


communism; this variable ranges from − 25 to 51 years.

− 0.06**
4.2.4. Control variables


To control if the firm imports inputs from other regions, we include
the following six dummy variables: US (International sourcing from US);

− 0.12***

China (International sourcing from China), India and Southeast Asia (In­

ternational sourcing from India and Southeast Asia); Middle East and North

Africa (International sourcing from MENA); Latin America (International


− 0.02

sourcing from Latin America); and other regions (International sourcing


from other regions. In all instances these variables take value 1 if the firm

− 0.06**
imports from the region and value 0 when this is not the case.


Additionally, we include different control variables to collect infor­


mation on factors that may affect the productivity of firms (Lee &


− 0.01
− 0.02
Rugman, 2012; Nieto & Rodríguez, 2013). These factors include: (1)


international activity, measured by a continuous variable that captures

the percentage of exports over total sales (Export intensity) and three


− 0.02

− 0.02
− 0.02
dichotomous variables that capture if the firm has performed Foreign



Direct Investment (FDI), R&D agreements with foreign partners (Inter­
national R&D Agreement) and has worked as a sub-contractor for a



− 0.02




foreign-based firm (Foreign supplier); (2) being a new firm (New venture),

this is a dichotomous variable that takes value 1 when the firm is six


years old or younger; (3) membership of a national group (National

− 0.02



group), this is a dichotomous variable that take value 1 if the firm be­

longs to a group in its origin country and value 0 otherwise; (4) mem­

− 0.005


bership of the firm to a foreign group (International group), this is a

Correlation matrix and collinearity diagnostics of the independent and control variables.




− 0.02

Table 1


− 0.47***

Variable Mean St. deviation Min Max

− 0.06**
− 0.001

− 0.04*

− 0.02

− 0.01

− 0.01



Productivity (ln) 10.49 2.82 0 16.80


Int. sourc. EU region 0.47 0.50 0 1

Int. sourc. Russia and CEE region 0.09 0.28 0 1
− 0.05**
− 0.001



− 0.01

Communist footprint − 8,07 11.56 − 25 51




Int. sourc. US 0.04 0.20 0 1


Int. sourc. China 0.08 0.27 0 1

− 0.04*




Int. sourc. India and southeast Asia 0.03 0.17 0

− 0.03

Int. sourc. MENA 0.02 0.16 0 1


Int. sourc. Latin Am. 0.01 0.09 0 1

Int. sourc. Other regions 0.03 0.18 0 1
− 0.05***






Export intensity 15.85 29.1 0 100

− 0.03

− 0.03

− 0.04



FDI 0.04 0.19 0 1

p < 0.001.

International R&D 0.09 0.29 0 1

Foreign supplier 0.20 0.40 0 1
Int. sourc. India & southeast Asia
Int. sourc.Russia and CEE region

New venture 0.16 0.36 0 1

National group 0.06 0.24 0 1
Int. sourc. Other regions

International group 0.09 0.29 0 1

Size (empl ln) 2.82 1.19 0.69 5.52
p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01;
Communist footprint
Int. sourc.EU region

International group
Int. sourc.Latin Am

GDP origin per cap

International R&D

Int. sourc. MENA

Foreign supplier
Export intensity
Int. sourc.China

Domestic group

Manufacturing 0.23 0.42 0 1

Int. sourc.US

New venture

Retail 0.31 0.46 0 1

Services 0.24 0.43 0 1
Industry 0.22 0.42 0 1

GDP origin per capita (ln) 10.02 0.42 8.71 10.38

Table 2


Total observations = 2,768


M.J. Nieto et al. Journal of Business Research 145 (2022) 347–359

dichotomous variable that take value 1 if the firm belongs to a group MENA)i + β10(Int. sourc. Latin Am.)i + β11(Int. sourc. Other
from a foreign country and value 0 otherwise; (5) the size of the firm regions)i + β12(Export intensity)i + β13(FDI)i + β14(International
(Size) measured via the logarithm of the firm’s number of employees; R&D Agreement)i + β15(International outsourcing)i + β16(New
and lastly (6) the effect of the firm’s sector, captured by categorical venture)i + β17(National group)i + β18(International group)i +

variables (Sector) related to different NACE codes (which includes in­ β19(Size)i + β20( Sector)i + β21(GDP origin per capita)i + εi
formation on manufacturing and services sectors).
We also include control variables that collect information on the where x is the value of the constant, β’s represent the coefficients of
firm’s country of origin. Specifically, we incorporate a variable (GDP the different variables included in the model, and ε’s the error term. To
origin per capita) to capture the level of economic development of the test hypotheses 1 and 2, the significance of the β’s corresponding to
origin country (Friesenbichler, 2020). regions with formal and informal links should be checked (i.e., Inter­
Table 1 displays the main features of the variables used and Table 2 national sourcing from EU region and International Sourcing from Russia
contains their correlations. The correlation matrix in Table 2 also pro­ and CEE region). To test hypotheses 3 and 4, the significance of the β’s
vides information on potential multicollinearity problems by including corresponding to interaction terms between Communist footprint with
the individual values and mean VIFs of the variables. None of the indi­ International sourcing from EU region and International Sourcing from
vidual values is greater than 10.0 and the mean value of the VIFs does Russia and CEE region should be checked, respectively.
not exceed 6.0, indicating the absence of multicollinearity problems
(Neter, Wasserman, & Kutner, 1989). 5. Results

Table 3 displays the results of our analyses. Model 1 only includes

4.3. Empirical model control variables, while models 2 to 5 include the independent variables
we use to test our study’s hypotheses. Specifically, in model 2 the co­
Given the continuous nature of our dependent variable (Productiv­ efficients for International sourcing from EU region (β = 0.491, p < 0.001)
ity), we use lineal regression models with the following specifications: and International sourcing from Russia and CEE region (β = 0.626, p <
0.001) are positive and significant. These results confirm that firms from
(1) Productivityi = x + β1(Int. sourc. EU region)i + β2(Int. sourc. Russia transition countries boost their productivity when they obtain interna­
and CEE region)i + β3(Communist footprint)i + β4(Int. sourc.US)i + tional inputs from regions like the EU, regions with which they have a
β5(Int. sourc. China) + β6 (Int. sourc. India and southeast Asia)i + formal institutional link. The findings also show that inputs from areas
β7(Int. sourc. MENA)i + β8(Int. sourc. Latin Am.)i + β9(Int. sourc. with shared informal institutional links—such as Russia, the Caucasus
Other regions)i + β10(Export intensity)i + β11(FDI)i + β12(Interna­ and other Eastern European countries region—increase the productivity
tional R&D Agreement)i + β13(International outsourcing)i + β14(New of firms from transition countries. Hypotheses 1 and 2, therefore, are
venture)i + β15(National group)i + β16(International group)i + supported.

β17(Size)i + β18( Sector)i + β19(GDP origin per capita)i + εi Models 3, 4 and 5 include the interaction effects. Specifically, model
(2) Productivityi = x + β1(Int. sourc. EU region)i + β2(Int. sourc. Russia 3 includes the interaction term between Communist footprint and Inter­
and CEE region)i + β3(Communist footprint)i + β4(Int. sourc. EU national sourcing from EU region, which shows a negative and significant
region X Communist footprint)i + β5(Int. sourc.Russia and CEE re­ effect (β = -0.018, p < 0.05). Additionally, model 4 includes the inter­
gion X Communist footprint)i + β6(Int. sourc. US)i + β7(Int. sourc. action term between Communist footprint and International sourcing from
China) + β8 (Int. sourc. India and southeast Asia)i + β9(Int. sourc.

Table 3
Results of regression analyses of International sourcing location and SME productivity.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Productivity Productivity Productivity Productivity Productivity

Int. sourc. EU region 0.491*** (0.1) 0.341** (0.114) 0.494*** (0.1) 0.350** (0.115)
Int. sourc. Russia & CEE region 0.626*** (0.157) 0.641*** (0.157) 0.527** (0.182) 0.595** (0.184)
Communist footprint 0.004 (0.004) 0.012* (0.005) 0.005 (0.004) 0.012* (0.005)
Int. sourc. EU region X Communist footprint − 0.018* (0.007) − 0.017* (0.008)
Int. sourc. Russia & CEE region X Communist footprint − 0.0146 (0.0134) − 0.007 (0.014)
Int. sourc. US − 0.021 (0.221) − 0.170 (0.221) − 0.143 (0.221) − 0.174 (0.221) − 0.147 (0.221)
Int. sourc. China − 0.054 (0.170) − 0.142 (0.169) − 0.151 (0.169) − 0.141 (0.169) − 0.150 (0.169)
Int. sourc. India & Southeast Asia 0.297 (0.257) 0.217 (0.255) 0.223 (0.255) 0.225 (0.255) 0.226 (0.255)
Int. sourc. MENA 0.592* (0.279) 0.438 (0.278) 0.454 (0.278) 0.434 (0.278) 0.452 (0.278)
Int. sourc. Latin Am. 0.883† (0.492) 0.789 (0.488) 0.765 (0.488) 0.772 (0.488) 0.758 (0.488)
Int. sourc. Other regions 0.326 (0.237) 0.310 (0.236) 0.330 (0.235) 0.307 (0.236) 0.328 (0.236)
Export intensity 0.007*** (0.002) 0.004** (0.002) 0.004** (0.002) 0.004** (0.002) 0.004** (0.002)
FDI 0.152 (0.225) 0.0232 (0.224) 0.0221 (0.224) 0.0180 (0.224) 0.0198 (0.224)
International R&D 0.402** (0.153) 0.289† (0.153) 0.290† (0.153) 0.289† (0.153) 0.290† (0.153)
Foreign supplier − 0.046 (0.113) − 0.0729 (0.113) − 0.0727 (0.113) − 0.0681 (0.113) − 0.0705 (0.113)
New Venture 0.0759 (0.118) 0.136 (0.131) 0.141 (0.131) 0.132 (0.131) 0.139 (0.131)
ln_size_empl − 0.140*** (0.038) − 0.179*** (0.039) − 0.178*** (0.039) − 0.179*** (0.039) − 0.178*** (0.039)
National group 0.05 (0.175) 0.061 (0.174) 0.068 (0.174) 0.056 (0.174) 0.065 (0.174)
International group 0.599*** (0.151) 0.552*** (0.151) 0.541*** (0.151) 0.543*** (0.151) 0.538*** (0.151)
Sector Included Included Included Included Included
GDP origin 3.858*** (0.102) 3.840*** (0.102) 3.849*** (0.102) 3.843*** (0.102) 3.850*** (0.102)
Constant − 28.39*** (1.026) − 28.32*** (1.023) − 28.34*** (1.022) − 28.33*** (1.023) − 28.34*** (1.023)
F 98.51*** 88.34*** 84.77*** 84.38*** 81.07***
R2 0.39 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
Log likelihood − 6110.3 − 6084.8 − 6081.7 − 6084.2 − 6081.6

Standard errors in parentheses.

N. Observations: 2,768.

p < 0.10, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.

M.J. Nieto et al. Journal of Business Research 145 (2022) 347–359

Fig. 1. Predicted margins. Productivity when importing/not importing from the EU at different levels of communist footprint.

Russia and CEE region, which shows a non-significant effect. Lastly, (Antonakis et al., 2010; Leoncini, 2016; Rodríguez & Nieto, 2016;
model 5 includes all the variables. These findings are consistent with Santamaría, Nieto, & Rodríguez, 2021). In Step 1, we estimate the most
those of the previous models. In sum, the results confirm that in the case likely value for international sourcing activities via a probit model. In
of SMEs (in transition countries) with longer communist footprints, the this first step, the probit model provides us with a prediction value that is
positive relation between acquiring inputs from the EU and firm pro­ then included in Step 2 in the corresponding regression model specified
ductivity is weakened, as postulated in hypothesis 3. In contrast, the to analyze firm-level productivity. The results obtained provide support
findings do not provide empirical support for hypothesis 4. In the case of for the same conclusions as those discussed in this article, thus showing
SMEs with longer communist footprints that acquire inputs from Russia, the robustness of our analyses. These results are available on request.
the Caucasus or other Eastern European countries, the relation between
importing from this region and firm productivity is not affected. 6. Discussion and conclusions
We have calculated the marginal effects and represented them
graphically in Fig. 1. As can be seen, there is a moderation effect of In this paper we advance our knowledge of international sourcing
communist footprint in the case of SMEs importing from the EU region. and the productivity of SMEs in Eastern European transition countries.
Specifically, the graph reflects that SMEs decrease their productivity as The choice of location for international sourcing activities is a strategic
their communist footprint grows. decision with important implications for competitiveness and firms must
Beyond these findings, a number of other results for some of the weigh up numerous internal and external factors in the decision process.
control variables reveal significant relations with the productivity of the Following authors who introduce a regional perspective to studies of
firms from the transition countries analyzed. Regarding other regions, MNE location strategies (Arregle et al., 2013; Demirbag et al, 2020;
the coefficient for International sourcing from MENA is positive and sig­ Rugman and Verbeke, 2004), our paper analyzes the impact of inter­
nificant in all models. Similarly, the coefficient for International sourcing national sourcing from regions with formal and informal institutional
from Latin America is positive and significant in all models. These results links. We stress the impact exerted by the conditions of the origin
reveal that the firms in the transition countries analyzed also obtain country and the links with the region from which the international in­
positive and significant productivity gains when they acquire inputs puts are acquired. We take into account the existence of formal and
from these regions. informal institutional links with these regions, as well as the moderating
Furthermore, the international activity (Export intensity and Inter­ effect of the length of the communist footprint on the relations analyzed.
national R&D) of the firm exerts a positive and significant effect. Other Our arguments focus on these aspects because institutional context
control variables present significant effects. Membership of an interna­ determines many firm-level characteristics, along with the potential
tional group (International group) is also positively and significantly comparative advantages of destination regions. We posit that firms in
related with firm productivity. For its part, the coefficient for firm size transition countries that acquire international inputs will obtain greater
(Size) is negative and significant, showing that SMEs with greater benefits when they turn to regions with which they share formal or
numbers of employees have lower levels of productivity. Lastly, firms informal institutional links. EU membership or association provides
from transition countries with higher per capita GDP levels (GDP origin formal institutional links that facilitate access to resources in the EU
per capita) display higher levels of productivity. region compared to other regions (Verbeke et al., 2016). In a similar
way, regions comprising Russia and other Eastern European or Cauca­
5.1. Additional tests sian countries offer specific location advantages via informal links that
result from shared communist heritage, historical roots, or cultural
We have performed additional analyses as robustness tests. Specif­ norms. Indeed, we postulate that firms in European transition countries
ically, to address potential endogeneity issues, we adopt an will improve their productivity by acquiring resources in regions with
instrumental-variable approach by performing a two-stage model which they share informal institutional links (e.g., the former Soviet

M.J. Nieto et al. Journal of Business Research 145 (2022) 347–359

bloc). Our first two research hypotheses capture these ideas and Beyond this, international business research stresses the importance
empirically test them via a large sample of firms in transition countries. of considering the institutional and country environment to understand
The empirical results show that productivity gains for these firms are international trajectories of multinational firms in emerging contexts
greater when they acquire inputs from the EU or from former Soviet bloc (Gammeltoft et al., 2010). Based on the premises of institutional theory,
countries. our study advances in this direction by examining institutional links to
Productivity gains derived from international sourcing from both explain the results of international sourcing strategies. Our focus on
regions can be explained by formal and informal ‘region effects,’ formal and informal institutional dimensions to reveal the relative ad­
respectively. On the one hand, international sourcing from the EU helps vantages of international sourcing contributes to studies that analyze
the firms under study improve their productivity levels. Without doubt, how institutions affect the internationalization of firms in emerging
economic and commercial integration gives rise to a free trade zone that countries (Krammer, Strange, & Lashitew, 2018; Peng et al., 2008).
facilitates transactions among firms from EU member states. These Although local conditions in transition countries play an extremely
formal institutions deliver a single market without physical, technical, important role in the acquisition of resources for firms, studies of
or fiscal barriers; they promote a more efficient exchange of goods, internationalization and its results have underplayed their impact
which may explain the greater benefits experienced by the firms. And on (Marano et al, 2016). In line with Gugler (2017), our paper deepens
the other hand, informal links generate an informal ‘region effect.’ The knowledge of how firms from emerging economies combine the assets of
existence of a formal framework such as the EU is not sufficient to erase their origin countries with those of the destination countries to
historical, institutional, geographical, and cultural differences among strengthen their competitive advantages. And the special contextual
countries (Malhotra et al., 1998). This is especially so when the transi­ characteristics of transition countries cause these assets to form a unique
tion countries in question have joined or become associated with the EU intersection between two distinct regions: the EU (with whom they share
after (since 2004) the original member states. Differences in consumer formal links) and the other former Soviet bloc countries (with whom
behavior and codes of conduct can be decisive factors within the EU they share informal links). The richness of the context under study, then,
itself, and these differences can in turn cause inter-regional similarities allows us to analyze institutional conditions in formal and informal
to surface via informal institutional connections. This is what occurs terms. In addition, the inclusion of the concept of the communist foot­
with countries from the former Soviet bloc, a region that shares close print complements recent studies (Banalieva et al., 2017; Popli et al.,
historical roots and cultural links. In such a region, then, consumer 2021) by helping us understand how the length of time spent under a
behavior, cultural values and codes of conduct are similar to those of communist system influences the strategies of firms.
transition countries, a circumstance which may make transactions with Lastly, we contribute to the stream of research studying the de­
these countries more advantageous and provide an explanation for the terminants of firm-level productivity in Eastern European countries
positive relation we find with productivity. (Friesenbichler, 2020; Gogokhia & Berulava, 2021; Kravtsova & Rado­
Since not all firms have been exposed to a communist system to the sevic, 2012). Specifically, our study extends previous research by
same degree, the length of this exposure and its impact should be analyzing productivity gains obtained by SMEs via international sourc­
considered. The length of exposure to a communist regime—the ing. In doing this, we also contribute to the research stream that analyzes
communist footprint—determines the conditions under which firms how firms that perform international sourcing strategies can create
operate. Our results indicate that a longer communist footprint weakens value. By paying particular attention to dimensions that affect how firms
the positive relation between international inputs from the EU and may benefit from location-specific resourcing (Mukherjee et al., 2013)
increased firm productivity. The benefits supplied by formal links are and international sourcing strategies (Lin, 2020), we shine more light on
diminished because of the higher transaction costs that occur in less the creation of value in terms of efficiency.
familiar contexts with greater cultural distance and when partners have
little experience of working together. Contrary to our expectations for 6.2. Practical implications
the relation with international inputs from Russia and CEE regions, our
findings do not provide empirical support for the positive moderating This study has implications for managers and public policy makers.
effect. The productivity benefits delivered by international inputs from SMEs make up 99% of the industrial fabric of the EU (Papadopoulos et
these regions do not change on account of a longer or shorter communist al, 2018). Indeed, in transition countries these firms are the drivers of
footprint. In other words, the advantages associated with these informal the economy and systemic reforms. Access to international resources
links are a simple result of the shared communist heritage; the length of makes it possible for them to complement what is available in their
the communist footprint makes no difference. origin countries. Understanding these sources better with the aim of
improving the competitiveness of these firms, then, is an important
6.1. Theoretical implications practical contribution. The consequences of international sourcing for
firms are driven by a broad range of internal and external factors. The
Our paper contributes to the literature on internationalization by local context embeddedness of the offshoring firm is an external factor
extending and rethinking theoretical concepts in contexts distinct from that has been shown to be crucial in determining offshoring outcomes
those of more advanced economies. Specifically, this study advances our (Mukherjee et al., 2019). Managers of firms in transition countries need
knowledge of internationalization strategies and the productivity of to be aware of the increased advantages that inputs from institutionally
firms in Eastern European transition countries, thereby making it proximate regions—via formal or informal links—can provide. Firms
possible to better understand the international behavior of CEE firms searching for international sourcing in countries with which they do not
(Jaklič et al., 2020). The increasing regional focus and the specific have such formal or informal links can opt for collaborative relation­
contextual nature of these countries require internationalization re­ ships to position themselves better in the host location. As Mukherjee
searchers to deepen the analysis of the strategies adopted by these firms et al. (2019) suggest, establishing collaborative relationships will leave
(Jaklič et al., 2018). We add to studies that examine the regional firms well-positioned to exploit the benefits of offshoring. In addition, it
dimension and call for further research into the impact of a regional has been shown that political, commercial and economic agreements
strategy on firm performance (Demirbag et al., 2020). Our study dem­ can change over time, resulting in new and different regional make-ups
onstrates the benefits for firms in transition countries of seeking pro­ (Verbeke et al., 2016). Public policy makers need to design policies that
ductive inputs in regions with which they have institutional links. This foster inter-regional links. While this can be difficult to achieve in the
conclusion is in accordance with Rugman et al. (2009), who find that a case of informal links, policy makers do have the power to introduce
regional strategy can be more beneficial than a global one for the supply integrative measures that build formal links between countries and/or
chain activities of US MNEs. regions.

M.J. Nieto et al. Journal of Business Research 145 (2022) 347–359

6.3. Limitations and future research draft, Investigation, Funding acquisition, Conceptualization. Virginia
Hernández: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft,
Although this study delivers important findings for academics, Methodology, Investigation, Funding acquisition, Conceptualization.
managers and policy makers, it is not free of limitations. The study’s
analysis is limited to inputs from two destination regions related by Declaration of Competing Interest
formal and informal links. Future studies could deepen this analysis to
identify other regions (e.g., MENA and Latin America) with features that The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
may explain the advantages of internationalization. Additionally, future interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
researchers with longitudinal data available could analyze the evolution the work reported in this paper.
of these regions over time. Another line of research could examine more
value chain activities for each firm. Research in this direction would also Acknowledgements
cast light on the inter-relations between different activities (upstream or
downstream) and the pros and cons of different locations. Although we We thank the Associate Editor, Professor Debmalya Mukherjee, and
control for the activity of the firm in our paper, we are not able to the two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and sugges­
identify the type of input that is being imported or the extent of its tions. The manuscript has also benefited from the comments by partic­
technological nature. It would be highly useful to include information of ipants and reviewers of the 46th EIBA Annual Conference on an earlier
this type to better evaluate the distinct comparative and competitive version of this paper. This project was funded by the Government
advantages of different supply chain inputs. Similarly, it would be Research Agency of Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
valuable to include more fine-grained variables related to innovation (PID2019-106874GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). This work is
activities. These future lines of research present interesting opportu­ developed with the support of Madrid Government (Comunidad de
nities to build on the findings of our current work. Madrid-Spain) with the project Excellence of University Professors
(EPUC3M20) in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of
CRediT authorship contribution statement Research and Technological Innovation). All authors have contributed
María Jesús Nieto: Writing - review & editing, Writing - original equally to this paper.
draft, Methodology, Investigation, Funding acquisition, Conceptualiza­
tion. Alicia Rodríguez: Writing - review & editing, Writing - original

Appendix A. Countries included in the sample and percentage breakdown of observations

Country Observations %

Albania 92 3.32
Bulgaria 113 4.08
Croatia 126 4.55
Czech Republic 264 9.54
Estonia 162 5.85
Hungary 158 5.71
Latvia 249 9.00
Lithuania 277 10.01
Moldova 182 6.58
Montenegro 66 2.38
North Macedonia 65 2.35
Poland 239 8.63
Romania 273 9.86
Slovakia 197 7.12
Slovenia 305 11.02
Total 2768 100%

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Verbeke, A., & Asmussen, C. G. (2016). Global, local, or regional? The locus of MNE Business, among many others. She is a Senior Editor of Business Research Quarterly.
strategies. Journal of Management Studies, 53(6), 1051–1075.
Alicia Rodríguez is an Associate Professor at University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). She
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competitive dynamics perspective. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22
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Scholar at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University (Boston,
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from Quarterly. She has conducted research stays at Copenhagen Business School (2013) and
University of Edinburgh (2018).


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