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County Times


Commissioners Reject
Planned Unit Developments

Wahl Responds to
Criticism from Mahoney

Community Leaders
Question Lusby Villas MOU

Thursday, August 1, 2024 Calvert County Times 2

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Lusby Villas agreement questioned
Calvert readies for National Night Out

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County Times

3 LOCAL NEWS Calvert County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

Planned Unit Developments Rejected

Commissioners Vote Against 3-2
By Dick Myers we can do this instead.” doesn’t have that kind of money and he can’t was Wildewood in St. Mary’s County.
Staff Writer County Attorney John Norris explained buy you something over here. So, person A Commissioner Mark Cox said, ‘So, in my
that the PUD was contract zoning, “It’s a can build his restaurant or person B cannot opinion I think it’s a valuable tool to put in a
The Calvert County Board of County proposal from the developer that does go because he’s got nothing to offer.” toolbox. And I’ll give you an example of that.
Commissioners (BOCC), on a 3-2 vote, has through a public hearing process before He added, “It seems to me he’s buying Let’s go back to Armory Square. I believe we
decided to keep the prohibition of planned the planning commission. Under the state his way for a more relaxed code. And to had…four or five text amendments we did with
unit developments in place in the county. law, the Planning Commission then makes me that sets a table for a whole lot of cor- the first group. If we had a PUD, we would not
Commissioner President Buddy Hance a recommendation to the Board of County ruption. And it sets a table for people that have been there. And if we had a PUD with
cast the tie-breaking vote during a July 30 Commissioners. One, whether it’s consistent prey on you when you’re new. They come the second group, we could have navigated
meeting at which the update of the zoning with your comprehensive plan and any of out because they know you don’t know. You the citizens’ wants and needs through town
ordinance was finalized for a second draft your town center master plans that might be haven’t been through the ringer yet.” halls and we could get their opinions and we
expected later this month in advance of a applicable. And also makes a recommenda- Hart said he experienced such a situation can navigate with the developer early on and
scheduled Nov. 10 public hearing. tion as to whether or not the Board of County with a person who had contributed to his cam- not at a late stage of what they want, what the
Zoning planner Wil Hager explained, “A Commissioners should approve it. And then paign and then expected special zoning favors. citizens want in the development.”
plan unit development is a mixed-use devel- that goes to a public hearing before the Board Hart observed, “Big corporations are able Commissioner Todd Ireland said, “Senior
opment that must combine residential with a of County Commissioners. because it is actu- to go in and do this same exact thing where housing…is definitely a need here in the
combination of recreational, commercial, or ally creating what is a mini zoning ordinance a small business owner cannot because county as is start-up housing. How many
institutional elements. The goal of a PUD is to that just applies to that piece of property.” they can barely afford to do what they’re parents have kids in the county who can’t
achieve a substantially higher quality develop- Commissioner Mike Hart led the charge doing. But they have a fair business as well. afford to live here? Kids are moving from
ment that provides a public benefit that would against PUDs. He said, “It sounds like it They’re providing the service as well.” here to DC to apartments because they’re
otherwise not be obtained. And a key factor makes the county code irrelevant. If there’s Commissioner Catherine Grasso was more affordable, because they’re walkable
with a PUD is that a PUD proposal requires a project and there’s something county code equally as opposed to the PUDs. “I believe communities, much like our comprehensive
Board of County Commissioners approval.” dictates must happen, it gives the board the that the table should be fair for everybody. plan spells out being vibrant walking com-
Director of Planning and Zoning Mary authority to say that that ordinance no lon- And the rules are the same. I am adamantly munities, which we don’t have here.”
Beth Cook said of the public benefit, “It ger applies if they’re satisfied with the offer against these PUDs because they rely on the That left Hance as the swing vote, and he
really could be up to the applicant, whatever from the builder.” credibility of who sits in these seats. And I said he had mixed emotions. But in the end
they want to include with their proposal. It Hart used as an example two people who think it just puts too much power on these he concluded, “I’ve been struggling with
could range anywhere from anything really. want to open a restaurant. He said, “We have seats and not enough on the public out there. this for a while, as most of you can proba-
A library, a community center, something parking restrictions on how many parking And staff. I think it puts pressure on staff to bly tell. And, I’m going to have to be a No
that would typically not be included in a nor- spots per tables. Solomons is the only one come up with ways.” because I am concerned that it does make
mal application that comes into the office for that does this shared thing. But restaurant A’s Cook said contract zoning was allowed. She it easier for three commissioners to make
review. It’s an addition, kind of like a give got a lot of money and he’s got a great rela- noted, “This is a successful planning tool that’s changes, even though I know they can with-
and take, if we’re requesting that, if you give tionship with board members. And he says, used across the country. And I really think the out it (the PUDs).
us some leniency or some flexibility that we Hey, I’ll build you something over here if desire is to get a more attractive product.”
don’t have to adhere to these regulations and you relax your parking regulation. Person B Norris said a nearby example of a PUD [email protected]

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Thursday, August 1, 2024 Calvert County Times LOCAL NEWS 4

Mayor Candidate Reacts to Current Mayor’s

By Dick Myers these establishments, you don’t have to do whole lot of sense. The waterpark needs to
Staff Writer the gaming, that’s a choice. And so, I don’t be reopened so we give our high school kids
have a problem with it. Mahoney has had summer employment. So, we have places to
Former Chesapeake Beach mayor and cur- a problem with it, and he always has the keep my wife entertained and everybody else.”
rent mayoral candidate Bruce Wahl has entire time he has been on the council. I Wahl said, “Mahoney’s comment that got
reacted to criticism of him by current Mayor don’t know what the root of that is.” captured at a work session about, we don’t
Pat Mahoney. Wahl feels the waterpark should be kept want that people down here. I don’t know
Mahoney said at the July 18 town open and refurbished. He said, “The water exactly what he was referring to, but I can
council meeting, “Thirty-six years ago, park is a huge issue. Last year they rose the kind of figure out what he might’ve been
in 1988, Bruce Wall was appointed by rates so high. My wife has always had a sea- referring to.”
Mayor Gerald Donovan to the town coun- son pass at the waterpark. We paid for that Wahl said he hadn’t been in good health
cil. Bruce was loyal to that administration every year. And last year, they did away with since leaving the mayor’s office but has lost
for his entire time in office.” Donavan, who the middle tier, which was the county res- 150 pounds and had a heart transplant. He
has since passed away, was operator of the idents. So, all they had was town residents said, “My health is better now than it’s been
Chesapeake Beach Resort and Spa and the and everybody else. They raised the rate so in probably the last 30 years.”
Rod ‘N Reel Restaurant, which has gaming high, the place was deserted. And then at the He said after he retired from National
machines and sports betting. The facility is end of the season, they complain that they Public Radio in 2019, “I hadn’t paid a whole
now operated by his family. lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Well, lot of attention to what had been going on in Bruce Wahl
“To be clear to the world, you will not see is any of this a surprise? No. It seems like the town until earlier this year. And when I
a Bruce Wahl sign in my front yard. This is it was deliberate, and that was the excuse started digging into it, I was pretty appalled gonna come up in the east and go down
not the same town it was in 1988. Probably, to shut it down.” at a lot of the things that I see are going on. in the west, they would’ve said, no, nope.
you know, close to a large percentage of our Wahl said the waterpark should be for And so, after a lot of careful thought and a We’re gonna have it come up in the west and
registered voters weren’t even born in 1988. residents and visitors alike. lot of prayer, to be quite honest with you, go down in the east. That’s how bad it was.”
Our citizens expect more and deserve better He said he was originally appointed to the and lengthy conversations with my wife Meanwhile one of the other candidates
now,” Mahoney said. council by Donovan because of his experi- Becky, I decided to go ahead and run again.” for mayor, Councilman Greg Morris, has
Wahl responded, “There are three estab- ence with waterparks in Virginia. He said, “I think that I bring back to the town reportedly withdraw and will instead seek to
lishments in the town that have gaming “Originally the concept was we were just council a sense of civility, although if you be re-elected to the council. Morris did not
that’s authorized by the state. I personally going to build a swimming pool. And this attend the current meetings or observe the return The County Times’ call for comment.
am not a person that does any gaming. I was back in the 80’s.’ current meetings, there doesn’t seem to be Councilwoman Valerie Beaudin is the other
don’t, it is just not what I do. But I also He added, “I came up with this swim- much dissension among the council. When announced candidate.
believe that these businesses operate legit- ming pool concept, and Mayor Donovan I was mayor, there was a faction led by
imately, they support the community. They said it needs to be more entertaining than Pat Mahoney that basically would oppose [email protected]
contribute, if I’m not mistaken, somewhere that. Why don’t we build a waterpark? So, everything that I did. If I had said, the sun’s
near 25 percent of the tax revenue of the we changed it from just a plain swimming
town. So, I don’t see it as evil. I don’t par- pool to a waterpark, and it ran successfully
ticipate in it, but I believe in live and let live, for years and years and years.”
if this is legal, it’s authorized in the state. I Wahl observed, “This thing about the
don’t see any reason to attack those busi- waterpark sinking was the excuse for shut-
nesses. And candidly, they contribute a lot ting it down. The entire waterpark is built on
to the community. I think the Rod ‘N Reel hundreds of pilings that are driven down to
has about 230 employees, a lot of whom bedrock,” adding, “If it’s sinking, the whole
live in the town. earth is sinking.”
“I think the Traders has over a hundred, “To completely shut it down, keep every-
many of them live in the town. So, it’s pro- body away, and not have a plan to repair, I
viding revenue to the town. It’s providing think they’re spending tens of thousands of
employment for the citizens. It’s providing dollars for consultants to figure out what to
nice places to go. And, when you walk into do, which I don’t know that that makes a

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5 Calvert County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

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Thursday, August 1, 2024 Calvert County Times LOCAL NEWS 6

Lusby Villas Memorandum of Understanding

By Dick Myers commission members, Johnny Gott (the
Staff Writer property owner) signs the document in 2004
in January. What does that tell us? What
The proposed 276-unit Lusby Villas apartment does that say? That says that this document
complex continues to be a hot button issue. is altered, has been altered, or there’s a miss-
The 2005 Memorandum of Understanding ing document. Now, nobody in their right
(MOU) between the planning commission mind would do a document like this without
and the property owner, which is the under- notaries. There’re no notaries on this, no
pinning of the rights alleged by the developer, notarizing of the signatures. You also have
was called into question by two speakers at this document that everybody is relying on
the public forum at the county commissioners’ for the development of the property.”
July 30 meeting. The planning commission She added, “This document that was
is scheduled to take their final vote on the signed, that was agreed to, this document is
project at their August meeting. the whole document that everybody’s refer-
Myra Gowans, founder of Calvert Citizens ring to, this memorandum of understanding, Myra Gowans Josh Johnson
United (CCU) addressed the commissioners which is questionable because Johnny Gott’s
about the “legislative and legal oversight for signature is at another time and place. Now, agreement. This is a problem, and it has to affordable housing units here and we have
the county that you all are using or perhaps the other thing is that you have to worry be addressed and it has to be looked at.” another thousand that are already proposed.
not using, but maybe you don’t even know about here is Johnny Gott is referred to as Josh Johnson, chair of the Calvert County “So, another thing to keep in mind, there’s
what’s going on, that’s a possibility.” the owner. Johnny Gott signs this as the man- Republican Central Committee, noted the different values for different people. Some
She said she received a timeline from aging member; what the heck is a managing traffic study, which is now being revised, people want to have paths and they want to
planning and zoning on Lusby Villas member? That could be a secretary.” doesn’t meet state and local requirements. walk on that. I think that would be great in
including the 2005 MOU and the 2020 proj- Gowans said, “You have a false docu- “All this is normally done by the way before some areas, but keep in mind our values are
ect submittal. She asserted, “I look up the ment here, and everybody’s putting all it even passes the first time around.” not necessarily that way. And the values of
memorandum of understanding, and this is their eggs into this basket. Now the other He added, “I’ve been listening to people. the people that came out to all these town
questionable. First of all, you’ve got a doc- thing is in this document says ‘time is of I’ve had a lot of people come up to me and halls that might not be their values. They
ument that’s dated the 26th day of January the essence.’ What does this mean in legal they’re concerned. They do not want this.” appreciate what they have. They appreciate
2005. The Planning Commission signed this terms? It means it’s critical. This is a critical Johnson said, “We already have a thou- keeping this area rural, and that really needs
document. I don’t even think they had legal issue. You must work to get this handled and sand more units. I do appreciate what to be the values of what we have because
authority to do that. It’s usually the county done immediately. You must quickly and Commissioner Ireland was saying (see sep- that’s what they’re telling us and that’s the
attorneys that do this for a memorandum of efficiently and with haste do this project. In arate story) about trying to be able to have reason why they got us selected.”
understanding,” adding, “On the back page 2005, adding “If you don’t do it when time some housing for those that might need it.
has it signed in 2005 by all the planning is of the essence, you’re in breach of your Keep in mind, we already have 8,000 to 9,000 [email protected]

Sentence Imposed for

Child Pornography
Departing From
Hunter Lee Kirby, 27, of Prince Frederick,
was sentenced on July 26 to 35 years in
prison, with 10 years of active time, for dis-
tribution of child pornography and sex abuse
of a minor. The sentence was imposed by
Judge Andrew S. Rappaport of the Calvert
Point Lookout Marina
County Circuit Court.
In July, 2023, the Maryland Internet
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Crimes Against Children Task Force
received a cyber tip that Kirby was access-
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ing and sharing child pornography on his
electronic devices. The court issued a search
warrant that led to the seizure of these
devices. Multiple images of child pornogra-
phy were identified and Kirby was arrested. Hunter Lee Kirby
Further investigation revealed that Kirby
had unlawfully touched a minor female. This case was prosecuted by Senior Assis-
Upon his release from prison, Kirby will tant State’s Attorney Rebecca N. Cordero.
be on 5 years of supervised probation. He
will also be required to register as a sex Press Release from Calvert County State’s
offender for life. Attorney

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7 COPS & COURTS Calvert County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

Law Enforcement, Community Come

Together for National Night Out
By Dick Myers 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. 2105 Sixes Road,
Staff Writer Prince Frederick
• Huntingtown Citizens’ Association 6 –
Across the country and in Calvert County 7:30 p.m. Huntingtown Volunteer Fire
the annual National Night Out (NNO)takes Department, 4030 Old Town Road,
place this year on Tuesday, August 6. Huntingtown
According to the NNO website, “National • Northeast Community Center 6 – 8 p.m.
Night Out is an annual community-building Kellam’s Field, 3825 Gordon Stinnett
campaign that promotes police-community Avenue, Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732
partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie Collaboration with NBFD and the town.
to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring • Oakland Hall 4 – 7 p.m. Oakland Hall
places to live. National Night Out enhances which is kind of cool because we work well they look up to us. I interacted a lot with the Clubhouse, 2425 Comptrollers Court,
the relationship between neighbors and law together here in our community. And, it just kids out there. We played basketball, we had Prince Frederick, MD 20678
enforcement while bringing back a true sense bolsters that kind of relationships that we corn hole set up in a lot of them.” • Patuxent View Community Association
of community. Furthermore, it provides a have between us and the fire service as well.” In the Calvert NNO communities, attendees 4 – 7 p.m. Corner lot/Seagull Beach Rd
great opportunity to bring police and neigh- He added, “What we’re looking for, too, is will enjoy visits from law enforcement, local & Dawn Drive, Prince Frederick
bors together under positive circumstances.” for partnerships in the neighborhood. We’re Fire and EMS, and various community agen- • Prince Frederick Village & Prince
Calvert County Sheriff Ricky Cox said of also looking to make our community stronger cies. It’s a great chance to meet your neigh- Frederick Seniors 5 p.m. 340 Fair
the benefit of NNO to law enforcement, “It and safer as a whole. And, it gets the citizens bors, make new friends, and have some fun. Ground Road, PF
benefits us well. I wish we could do more of here to know their deputies. And, since I’ve • Bayside Forest 6 – 8 p.m. Beach Area • Queensberry FRIDAY, August 9, 2024
it, because it seems like we only do it one been elected as sheriff, I’ve started the neigh- off Deane Avenue, Prince Frederick 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 1519/1520 Larkspur
day a year in August. For me moving for- borhood deputy program. So, I think right • Broomes Island Civic League 5 – 9 Ct., Huntingtown
ward, I would like to do it more than once now we have 14 to 15 different communities p.m. 4080 School Rd., Broomes Island • White Sands 6 – 8 p.m. 8585 Sycamore
a year. That’s what I’m looking forward to inside our county that I assigned a deputy to. • Calvert County Office on Aging Road, Lusby
doing. It gives the opportunity just to have And that deputy hears all the concerns. And (Calvert Pines) 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. 450 W • Yardley Hills 6 - 8 pm Community
that partnership that I hope it grows between a lot of them got invited to their Easter com- Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick Center, 700 Yardley Hills Dr., Prince
us and sheriff’s office. Also, we get to interact munity parties, summer parties. So it’s kind • Calvert Towne 4:00 – 6 p.m. 100 Frederick
with local fire departments, our paid EMS, of cool to see it actually working in place.” Serenity Court (Community Area),
and our volunteers too, because they come While a deputy at NNO, Cox said, “I liked Prince Frederick [email protected]
out in the communities with us too as well, to see the smiling faces on the kids because • Gray-Ray American Legion Post 220


During the week of July 15, 2024 – July in Prince Frederick. fere, ignoring dep- ported to the Calvert County Detention
21, 2024, Calvert County Sheriff’s Office Further investiga- uty’s commands to Center and charged with Disorderly Conduct
Deputies responded to 1,738 calls for ser- tion revealed a K9 back away. Conway and Malicious Destruction of Property/
vice throughout the community including, sniff of the vehicle was transported to Value less than $1000. The estimated value
but not limited to: resulted in a posi- the Calvert County of damaged property is $300.00.
• Check Welfare / Mental Health: 68 tive alert. A probable Detention Center
• Disorderly: 20 cause search of the and charged with Theft: 24-54423 On July 15, 2024, DFC
• Domestics: 15 vehicle revealed a Disorderly Conduct, Newton responded to the 5300 block of
• Motor Vehicle Crashes: 41 plastic tear-off with Failure to Obey a Huntingtown Road in Huntingtown, for the
• Patrol Checks / School Checks: 760 Sharon Oshee Pratt white residue, 64 Alina Pitts Reasonable/Lawful report of a theft. The complainant advised
• Suspicious Persons / Vehicles: 33 Fentanyl pills, and Order of a Law sometime between 7:40 p.m. on July 14 and
• Traffic Complaints: 63 $266 in US Currency. Sharon Oshee Pratt, Enforcement Officer, Intoxicated Public 11:47 a.m. on July 15, an unknown suspect(s)
• 911 Hang Ups: 68 21 of Washington D.C., was arrested and Disturbance, and Resisting/Interfere with stole a black and green Ryobi wet tile saw from
• ARRESTS: 43 transported to the Calvert County Detention Arrest. Pitts was transported to the Calvert a vehicle parked outside the residence. The
Center and charged with CDS: Possession- County Detention Center and charged with estimated value of stolen property is $110.00.
CDS Violation: Not Cannabis, CDS Possession with Intent to Second-Degree Assault, Obstruction &
24-54828 On July 16, Distribute, CDS Possession- Large Amount, Hindering, Disorderly Conduct, Failure to Theft: 24-54824 On July 16, 2024, Master
2024, DFC Strong and CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia. Obey Reasonable/Lawful Order of a Law Deputy Cress responded to the 11800 block
responded to the Enforcement Officer, and Intoxicated Public of Crown Drive in Dunkirk, for the report
3400 block of Cox Disorderly Disturbance. of a theft. The complainant advised an
Road in Chesapeake Conduct: 24-55786 unknown suspect(s) stole a package con-
Beach, for the report On July 21, 2024, Property taining six iPhones off the front porch. The
of a 911 hang-up. deputies responded Destruction: estimated value of the stolen property is
Upon arrival, con- to the Tiki Bar 24-55936 On July $4,500.00.
Meagan Marie Bailey tact was made with located at 85 21, 2024, Deputy
Meagan Marie Charles Street in Chase responded Editor’s Note: The above arrests are not an
Bailey, 30 of Harpers Ferry, WV. Further Solomons, for an to BAIA Coastal indication of guilt or innocence as the cases
investigation revealed several pieces of drug active fight in prog- Italian Kitchen & have not been adjudicated
paraphernalia with residue were located inside Craig Michael Conway ress. Upon arrival, Wine Bar located
the Bailey’s vehicle. Bailey was transported deputies observed at 8323 Bayside Anyone with information about these inci-
to the Calvert County Detention Center and a white male, Craig Michael Conway, 53 Kolten Takoda Ford Road in Chesapeake dents is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office at
charged with CDS: Possession-Not Cannabis of Arlington, VA, advancing on the security Beach, for a disor- (410) 535-2800 and reference the case num-
and CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia. staff. Despite multiple loud verbal commands derly patron. The complainant advised an ber provided. Citizens may remain anony-
from deputies to back away, Conway con- unknown male kicked in the restroom door mous thru the ‘Submit a Tip’ feature on the
CDS Violation: 24-55082 On July 17, tinued to scream and push forward, caus- and shattered one of the toilets. Toilet paper Calvert County Sheriff’s Office mobile app.
2024, Calvert Deputies initiated a traffic ing a scene in front of onlookers. While and blood were discovered all over the bath- To download, visit
stop on a vehicle for an inoperable tail- being placed into custody, Alina Pitts, 30 room floor. The suspect, Kolten Takoda share/a39520678 . Tipsters may also email
light near Armory Road and Main Street of Arlington, VA repeatedly tried to inter- Ford, 26 of Chesapeake Beach, was trans- [email protected]
Thursday, August 1, 2024 Calvert County Times IN OUR COMMUNITY 8

Annual Jousting
Oppose Lusby Villas Tournament
Lusby Villas is the wrong time for this
development. Thus, I strongly oppose this
project for the following reasons:
how he would guarantee Lusby Villas
would provide the affordable housing
he envisions. The tax records indicate
1. The Lusby Town Center does not need this property is owned and would be
additional traffic. Rousby Hall Road, developed by Lusby Town Center,
where this project will front, is over- LLC. This is the same group that
burdened with traffic now, and there developed Lusby Center Shopping
is dangerously scarce accommoda- Center, and in January 2005, submit-
tion for pedestrian and bike traffic. ted a Memorandum of Understanding
The Lusby Town Center Master Plan to the Planning Commission. The
that addresses traffic, bicycle lanes, memorandum stated, “The owner shall
and public safely was adopted and deliver a deed conveying fee simple
approved in 2002, but it has not been title to the Village Green Area con-
updated since. A major development taining approximately two acres of
bringing more people and more traffic ground, more or less.” Do residents
to the Lusby Town Center should not remember the ‘It is Your Lusby’ signs
be approved until a new traffic study that subsequently showed up in the
is completed and the Town Center Lusby area? Beautiful drawings were
Master Plan is updated. submitted showing a gazebo that
2. Lusby Villas will impact impervious would host concerts and other civic Christ Church invites you to the the jousting field to cheer on Sir Knight and
surfaces that feed into waterways and events; the walkways and landscape 157th annual Calvert County Jousting Fair Lady as they spear rings as small as ¼”
eventually into the Patuxent River. were picture perfect. Yet, what did the Tournament. The event will take place on on running horses. In the afternoon, cool off
The subdivisions of Chesapeake residents of Lusby get? An enormous August 31 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at in the historic Christ Church for soothing
Ranch Estates and Drum Point are mound of dirt and the surrounding area Christ Church, located at 3100 Broomes organ recitals. Top off your day with a tradi-
densely populated with many septic that is overgrown with weeds. Island Road in Port Republic. tional church supper in our air-conditioned
systems now failing. This project will It is not in anyone’s best interest to approve In one day, in one location, travel back in parish hall, or take it boxed and ready to go,
only add to the pollution of the water- this project without further evaluation and time to the family friendly simple pleasures featuring homemade fare of deviled crab,
ways and environment. thoughtful planning. Many citizens have of yesteryear. In the morning, enjoy the fried chicken, ham (choice of two), potato
3. Crime is a concern in the first district spoken out in opposition to the development delights of the church bazaar. Browse the salad, apple sauce, and more.
where the Lusby Town Center and this of Lusby Villas. It is county government attic treasures, peruse gentle-used books, For more information, visit
project is purposed. Pick up a weekly and the Planning Commission’s obligation visit the children’s corner for face paint-,
copy of the Calvert County Times and to serve the citizens’ wishes. Presently, this ing, savor a hot dog, fresh lemonade, and email [email protected], or call
read the Police Blotter. More people project cannot assure affordable housing, but a snow cone, and take home homemade 410-586-0565.
equal more crime. With respect to without question, will cause traffic conges- baked goods and preserves. At noon head to
Planning Commission Chairman, John tion, increased crime, and reduction of safety
Toohey, who stated it was a good proj- on Rousby Hall Road.
ect because it would provide affordable
housing, I would like to know what his
definition of affordable housing is and
Art Carson
Lusby, Maryland
“This is Me”
Happy. Healthy. Substance Free.

Legal Notice
Notice is hereby given that the following vessel has apparently been abandoned
for 180 days on the property of Marina West located at 4055 Gordon Stinnett Ave.
Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732 301.855.8450. The vessel is described as 34’ 1990
Sea Ray pleasure boat with a fiberglass hull, ID # SERF2147K990, Vessel # MD
724AY. Application for title will be made in accordance with Section 8-722 of
the Annotated Code of Maryland, Natural Resources Article if this vessel is not
claimed from the above property within 30 days of this notice.

Color Run/Walk & More

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For more information call the CAASA Office at 410-535-3733

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[email protected]
9 CALENDARS Calvert County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

Calvert Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email [email protected] with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Fri, Aug 2 adults and children ages 8 and older that are our Active Floor—an interactive gaming sys- Come have fun with D&D, a role play-
accompanied by an adult. Pre-Registration tem you play with your feet! You’ll be floored! ing game for adults of all experience lev-
JobSource Mobile Career Center required at least two business days before 410-257-2411. els. Registration required. 410-535-0291.
the program. Cost: $25 per participant. 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. https://
Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch
4100 5th St., North Beach Dungeons & Dragons – TEENS Tue, Aug 6
1-4 p.m. Senior Book Discussion
Calvert Library Prince Frederick Tarot Study Group: Drop-In Program
Get job counseling and resume help, 850 Costley Way Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch
search for jobs and connect with Southern 12:30-4 p.m. Calvert Library Southern Branch 4100 5th St., North Beach
Maryland JobSource. 410-257-2411. https:// 13920 H. G. Trueman Road, Solomons 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Meet up and have fun with D&D. Players 6-7:30 p.m.
ages 13 - 19 of all levels and interest Join us this month to discuss The First
Wet and Wild Water Play are welcome. Registration is required. Come learn and practice tarot as a creative Ladies by Marie Benedict. The daughter of
410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. https:// tool, for self-reflection, introspection, med- formerly enslaved parents, Mary McLeod
Kellam’s Field itation, thoughtfulness, or as a fun hobby. Bethune refuses to back down as white
Chesapeake Beach This month we will focus on the meanings supremacists attempt to thwart her work.
10-10:45 a.m. Dungeons & Dragons – TWEENS and patterns of the number and court cards. 410-257-2411.
Registration requested. 410-326-5289.
Calling all Pre-Schoolers for a Wet and Calvert Library Prince Frederick Tween Summer Book Fest
Wild collaboration program with CCPR and 850 Costley Way
Calvert Library Twin Beaches. Dress to get 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch
wet and plan to beat the heat and have some Wed, Aug 7 4100 5th St., North Beach
water play fun. Don’t forget your towel and Join our Dungeon Master (DM) to learn 6:30-7:30 p.m.
sunscreen. We will share stories, rhymes, about D&D and start playing the magical, Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support
songs, and other early literacy fun! https:// mystical role playing game (RPG)! The DM Join other book lovers during this fun sum- will bring prepared characters so all you need Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch mer book club! Each month we will read
to do bring is yourself! 410-535-0291 or 4100 5th St., North Beach a new book and come together to discuss,
First Fossil Friday! 301-855-1862. 3-4 p.m. play games and do activities. Did we men-
tion there will be snacks?! The first ten
Calvert Marine Museum Get tips and support from other caregiv- (10) registrants get a copy of the book to
1-4:30 p.m. Mon, Aug 5 ers. Facilitated by Susan Brayford and keep! Contact your library branch at 410-
Sandra Raviv. 410-257-2411. https:// 257-2411 to pick up your book at least one
Fossil hunters, bring your fossil finds from Book Discussion week before the event. August’s book is the
the Calvert Cliffs or other local areas to be graphic novel “Saving Sunshine” by Saadia
identified! This service is provided for free; Calvert Pines Senior Center Chess Club Faruqi.
however, admission fees apply for access to 12:45-1:45 p.m.
CMM exhibits. Calvert Library Fairview Branch Work on Whatever Wednesday
Join us to discuss Where the Crawdads Rt. 4 and Chaneyville Road, Owings
Sing, an exquisite ode to the natural world, 12:30-2 p.m. and 2-3:30 p.m. Calvert Library Prince Frederick
Sat, Aug 3 a heartbreaking coming-of-age story, and a 850 Costley Way
surprising tale of possible murder. https:// Looking to sharpen your chess skills? Come 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Fossil Field Experience drop in and challenge new opponents! All
skill levels and ages are welcome. Please Bring your project and supplies. Whether
Calvert Marine Museum Active Play—Active Fun! bring a chess board along if you own one. it’s paper craft, scrapbook, quilting, origami,
9 a.m. – noon 410-257-2101. or whatever you’re working on. Come for
Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch the whole time or just a couple of hours. Get
Come and explore the fossils at Cove Point. 4100 5th St., North Beach Dungeons & Dragons – ADULT your projects done and make new friends!
Learn more about fossils: where to find 2-4 p.m. Registration is not required but you’ll get a
them, how to identify them, and what they Calvert Library (Zoom/Roll20) reminder if you do. 410-535-0291 or 301-
can tell us about the past. This program is for Kids and Tweens can come jump and play on 6-9 p.m. 855-1862.

Publisher Thomas McKay The County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of St. Mary’s
Associate Publisher Eric McKay and Calvert County. The County Times will be available on newsstands every Thursday. The paper is
published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company, which is responsible for the form, content, and
General Manager policies of the newspaper. The County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product
Al Dailey [email protected] or service in its news coverage.

Advertising To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the writer’s full
Jen Stotler [email protected] name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior
to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week. After that deadline, the County Times will
Staff Writers make every attempt possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/

County Times
Dick Myers [email protected] edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material
Guy Leonard [email protected] submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the County Times
and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge
Contributing Writers receipt of letters. The County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be pub-
Ron Guy, Ken Lamb, Shelby Opperman, lished, due to time or space constraints. P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Dave Spigler
Thursday, August 1, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times CALENDARS 23

St. Mary's Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email [email protected] with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Thu, Aug 1 Come on out to St. George Island’s Annual [email protected] Thu, Aug 8
Crab Cake Dinner!
American Legion Post 221 Meeting $28 : Crab cakes, ham, parsley potatoes, Shakespeare in the City: “Much Ado
green beans, coleslaw, applesauce and roll. Wed, Aug 7 About Nothing”
21690 Colton Point Rd., Avenue All proceeds support local missions.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Lions Club Event The Inn at Brome Howard
18281 Rosecroft Rd., St. Mary’s City
American Legion Post 221 invites all active- Sun, Aug 4 Olde Breton Inn 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
duty personnel and veterans to join us for 21890 Society Hill Rd., Leonardtown
our monthly meeting on the first Thursday Vendor Show by HVFD Ladies Auxiliary 7:30 p.m. Historic St. Mary’s City & the New Towne
of each month at 7:00pm. E-mail us at Players invite you to experience the magic
[email protected] or call 301*481*6625 Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department The Leonardtown Lions Club will host Mr. of Shakespeare’s comedic masterpiece—a
for more information. Tell them you saw 24801 Three Notch Rd., Hollywood Timothy W. Maier as their guest speaker. delightful journey into the heart of love,
the announcement on the SoMD Internet 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. His presentation will address: “What is a laughter, and the artful complexities of
Calendar. journalist?”, “what do ‘future journalists’ human connection.
There will be a bake sale and a 50/50 raf- need to take in high school and college to All outdoor performances are at 7:30pm
fle. Free parking and free entry. Vendors become a journalist?,” and “upon graduation on the lawn of The Inn at Brome Howard,
Sat, Aug 3 include: Tastefully Simple, Pampered from college, and what kinds of jobs would with food trucks on site. (Rain venue is
Chef, Scentsy, Lip Sense, Origami Owl, be on the table for a journalist graduate?” Dodge Center at St. Mary’s College). There
Crab Cake Dinner Perfectly Posh, Mary Kay, Rada Cutlery, Maier is the publisher and Executive will be one Indoor Matinee on Sun. Aug 11,
Party Lite, Optimal Air, Permanent Jewelry Editor of the Baltimore Post -Examiner. He 3pm at Dodge Center. For list of dates &
First Saints Community Church By Sheri, Avon, Bugeye Coffee, Style has launched several online journalism prod- ticket purchase:
16378 Piney Point Rd., Piney Point Hunter Boutique, Paper Pie, Amish book ucts and will address numerous issues relat-
Noon to 5 p.m. Author, Southern MD Stories Author. For ing to preparing for a career in journalism.
more information or to rent a table, e-mail: Maiers presentation is open to the public.

Behind the Scenes gland winters and the Shenandoah Valley. Center staff at Lexington Park Library on • Fifth District Park Pavilion
Library Tour Ayanna is an award-winning quillwork art- Tuesday, August 6 from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. (37880 New Market Turner Rd,
Curious about the inner workings of ist as well as a cultural preservationist and to explore how to work through common Mechanicsville, Maryland 20659)
your library? Want to learn more about historian. She practices traditional wood- conflict situations at school. Register on on Saturday, August 17, 9:45 a.m.
what the library offers? Join us for this land farming, hide tanning, wild-crafting, • Leonardtown Library on Saturday,
comprehensive tour at Leonardtown as well as other ancestral skills. Her art- August 17, 12:30 p.m.
Library on Friday, August 2 from 1 - 2:30 work has been exhibited in the US, Can- Composting Workshop • Lexington Park Library, Saturday,
p.m. You’ll visit the back room to see ada and Europe. This art installation is Learn how to turn your trash into garden August 17, 3:15 p.m.
how we get your books to you, spend made possible by grants through the St. treasure! Compost is the best fertilizer for Most seating will be on the floor- feel
time in our computer lab for an over- Mary’s County Arts Council. Register on your plants and garden - and you can make free to bring a blanket! Space may
view of key virtual services, and see a your own for free! In this interactive work- be limited and will be filled on a first-
demo of the equipment in our Maker- shop, you will learn the basics of how to come, first-served basis. This event is
space! Register on Biodiversity and create your own at-home compost, using supported in part by a grant from the
Native Gardening 101 materials you might have otherwise thrown St. Mary’s County Arts Council. Regis-
Meet the Artist Ayanna Are you ready to embark on a green-fin- out. Walk away with the knowledge and ter on
Proctor: Èlikhatink (In the gered adventure? Unearth the secrets of tools to compost - whether on an acre or
Village): New Art Installation gardening with our Biodiversity and Na- in a condo! Informational session is free, Loteria (Bingo) for Everyone!:
and Reception tive Gardening 101 program, perfect for and discounted compost bins may be pur- Bilingual Bingo
Piscataway artist, Ayanna Proctor, beginners and enthusiasts alike! Char- chased by cash or check at the end of the It’s a family event! All ages can have fun
will discuss her new installation in the lotte Hall Library on Saturday, August 3 program. Lexington Park Library on Mon- learning Spanish while playing Loteria,
Maryland Room at Leonardtown Li- from 2 – 3 p.m. Unlock the joys of gar- day, August 12 from 6 – 7 p.m. This program a fun Bingo game. Fun prizes for the
brary representing life in the village. The dening and watch your world bloom! Join is made possible with support from the winners! Lexington Park Library on Sat-
event will include a hands-on display of us for Biodiversity and Native Gardening University of Maryland Extension Master urday, August 17 from 10 – 11 a.m. Join
cultural items, a Q&A session, and light 101 and let your green dreams take root. Gardener Program and the LMPP Commu- us for a morning of Loteria (Mexican
snacks. Leonardtown Library on Satur- Register on nity Garden. Register on Bingo) for all ages! The bingo boards
day, August 3 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Ayan- have colorful pictures with Spanish
na Proctor is an enrolled tribal citizen Be Your Best Self at School: Reptile Wonders words labeling the picture. Pictures will
of the Piscataway Nation (Turtle Clan). What To Do When You Meet real, live reptiles from around the be called in Spanish and translated to
Her inspiration is continuously derived Experience Conflict world! From baby tortoises to giant py- English, giving you an opportunity to
from her Eastern Woodland heritage, We don’t always get along with everyone. thons, learn about their habitats, diet, ad- learn new Spanish or English words!
rewilding and time spent in New En- Join us and the Community Mediation aptations, & behaviors. Three sessions: Register on
22 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

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6-Oz., Selected
August 1, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times 21
Sundae Delights

5 To 8-Oz., Selected 16 To 24-Oz., Popcorn
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Shredded Cheese Mr P’s Foster Farms Budget Saver

Frozen Pizza Pops
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1.00 7.98 2/$2/6





.80 1.00

10.5 To 11.25-Oz.,
6 To 8-Oz., Selected Selected
64-Oz. OFF TWO
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Sargento Full Circle Hostess

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Sliced Cheese Breyer’s

Organic Milk Ice Cream


4.48 .98




Honey Ham Or White Or

6-Oz., Selected Kretschmar 48-Oz.

Virginia Ham Double Layer

Mayfield Yellow American
Coconut Cake

5.99 11.98
Sundae Delights
5 To 8-Oz., Selected 16 To 24-Oz., Popcorn
Sargento 5.2-Oz., Selected 18-Ct., Selected
Chicken Or
Shredded Cheese Mr P’s Foster Farms Budget Saver

Lb. Frozen Pizza
Chicken Strips Pops

1.00 7.98 2 7 /$

1.98 2/6




Bakery & Deli Fresh

Honey Ham Or White Or 13.5-Oz., Peanut Butter Or
8-In., Strawberry Or Kretschmar Chocolate
2.25-Oz., Selected
Virginia Ham Double Layer
Strawberry Rhubarb Yellow American
Shirley’s MiniCoconut Cake Otis Spunkmeyer
5.99Lb. 11.98
Hawaiian Cheese
Baked Pie Donut No Bake Cookies Muffins

5.98 4 5 /$
2 7 /$

Liquor and Beer

750 ML. 2016 750 ML. 2019
Chateau La Chateau La 750 ML
750 Ml. Cabernet Chateau D’
Roberterie Roberterie Sauvignon 750-ml., Selected
Esclands 750 ML.
R 1590 R 1590 Josh Cellars Apothic Whispering Coppola
Selectus Classicus Wine Red Wine13.5-Oz., Peanut Butter Or Rose Wines

14.99 9.99

13.99 11.99 11.99

8-In., Strawberry Or

Chocolate 2.25-Oz., Selected

Strawberry Rhubarb 3.17-Oz.

Shirley’s Mini Otis Spunkmeyer
Hawaiian Ring Muffins
Baked Pie Donut No Bake Cookies

5.98 4/$5
Liquor and Beer
Chardonnay, 750 ML 1.75L Tanqueray Morgan 1.75L 1.75L
Casillero Crown London Original Jim Smirnoff
Del Diablo Royal Dry Gin Beam Vodka

Spiced Rum

750 ML. 2016

750 ML. 2019
36.99 26.99 29.99 18.99
Chateau La Chateau La 750 ML
750 Ml. Cabernet Chateau D’
Roberterie Roberterie Sauvignon 750-ml., Selected
Esclands 750 ML.
R 1590 R 1590 Josh Cellars Apothic Whispering Coppola
750Ml. Canadian Club, 1.75L.
Classicus Wine Red Wine
750Ml. 1.75L

Angel Rose

9.99 13.99 11.99 11.99

Maker’s Milagro Grey Blended

Mark Seagram’s Tequila Tequila Goose Canadian
Whiskey VO Whiskey Resposado Vodka Whiskey

18.99 29.99

44.99 47.99
52.99 17.99
Chardonnay, 750 ML 1.75L Tanqueray Morgan 1.75L 1.75L
Casillero Crown London Original Jim Smirnoff
Del Diablo Royal Dry Gin Beam Vodka

Spiced Rum

12-Oz. Bottles
44.44 12-Oz. Cans 36.99 10-Oz. Cans 26.99 29.99 18.99
24 Pack
12-Oz. Cans 30-Pack, 12-Oz. Cans Selected
12-Pack Corona 30-Pack 24-Pack Miller Happy Dad
Beer Michelob Ultra Bud Light Yuengling Lite Seltzers

VO Whiskey
Canadian Club, 1.75L.
Whiskey Anejo Vodka
20 OBITUARIES St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

In Remembrance
Continued from page 18 tos or any pertinent information to The Bay Larry McGranahan (Linda) of Douglassville, MD Brown Swiss Juniors for many years.
District Fire Dept. Hall on August 25, 11:00 PA, niece Amy Schaeffer (Chris), nephews Their biggest enjoyment was chaperon-
in Norma’s memory to the Charlotte Hall AM to 3:00 PM. Jeffrey McGranahan (Malinda) and Sean ing the Junior’s to the National Show’s in
Veterans Home, 29449 Charlotte Hall Road, In lieu of flowers you may make a dona- McGranahan (Emily). Harrisburg, PA, the World Dairy Expo in
Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 or to St. Jude tion to Hospice of Callaway Md. or a local On Friday, August 9, 2024, the family Madison, WI, and the North American in
Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude charity of your choice. will receive friends for the visitation from Louisville, KY. In 2004 they continued their
Place, Memphis, TN 38105. 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Brinsfield Funeral life at Lake Anna, VA where Howard’s great-
Condolences may be made at www.brins- Judy Pulvirenti, 76 Home & Crematory, P.A. 30195 Three est enjoyment was driving the boat and jet Notch Road, Charlotte Hall, MD 20622. A skis. After his health deteriorated he loved
Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Judy Pearl memorial service will be held on Saturday, riding around the neighborhood on his golf
Home, P.A. (McGranahan/ August 10, 2024, at 10:00 am at Patuxent cart. A celebration of life will be held on
Morazes) Pulvirenti, Presbyterian Church, 23421 Kingston Creek August 10, 2024 at 1 pm at Poplar Springs
Blaine Caldwell, 90 76, of Mechanicsville, Road, California, MD 20619. A celebration of United Methodist Church, Mt. Airy, MD. In
MD, peacefully Judy’s life will follow the memorial service at Lieu of flowers, donations can be made to
We are sad to passed away on July the church. In memory of Judy, wear teal or the Fisher House Foundation.
announce the 20, 2024, surrounded blue in support of Ovarian Cancer Awareness.
passing of Blaine by loved ones. On In lieu of flowers, please consider a Geraldine Dinkins, 79
Charles Caldwell June 30, 1948, Judy donation to the Ovarian Cancer Research
of Hollywood, MD. was born in Norristown, PA to Hugh A. and Alliance Alma Geraldine
He died at the age Pearl K. McGranahan. Condolences may be made to the family Dinkins, 79, of
90 on April 16, 2024 Judy graduated from Methacton High at Leonardtown, MD,
in his home. School in 1966. Once her children were Arrangements by Brinsfield Funeral Home passed away peace-
Blaine (Red) was in school, she dedicated her time as a & Crematory, P.A., Charlotte Hall, MD. fully surrounded by
born in Metamora, Ohio, the son of Reva Paraeducator with St. Mary’s County her loving family at
Dora Caldwell and Charles Alexander Public Schools, providing media support Howard Fleming, 78 Hospice House of
Caldwell. Blaine served our country as a to Oakville Elementary and special educa- St. Mary’s County
United States Marine in the 1st Marine divi- tion support to Esperanza and Leonardtown It is with heavy on Friday, June 28,
sion in Korea from 1951 to 1953. His last Middle schools. She cherished the oppor- hearts that we 2024, after bravely battling cancer.
duty station was Patuxent River Naval Air tunity to support children and aid in their announce the pass- Born in 1945 in Queen City, Texas,
Station where he was honorably discharged. growth. Each day, she found immense joy ing of our dearly Geraldine was the daughter of the late
He worked in the Lexington Park A&P in witnessing their progress, no matter how beloved Howard Leonard and Lois Moore.
grocery store for 30 years. He also worked small. The children’s laughter and determi- Charles Fleming, In 1965, she married Kenneth Ray
at the Rexall drugstore, High’s, Dean nation inspired her, fueling her passion to 78, of Mineral, VA. Dinkins in Malden, Missouri, and together
Lumber, McKay’s Foodland, Copsey’s make a difference in their lives. She often Howard was born in they raised two children. Geraldine earned
Seafood, Lowes, and Ace Hardware. He was worked closely with their families, offering Poplar Springs, MD, her Bachelor of Arts from Pittsburg State
a member of the Lexington Park Volunteer guidance and reassurance, ensuring they felt on November 15th, 1945 to the late Charles University in Kansas and dedicated herself
Fire Department where he served as chief supported and understood. In 2012, Judy and Pearl Fleming. Howard would have to elementary education, serving her com-
and several related positions. Blaine also retired after 22 years with the St. Mary’s been married to the love of his life Norma munity with passion.
served in the Lexington Park Volunteer County school system. Lea Wachter for 59 years in September. A devout Christian, Geraldine lived her
Rescue Squad, The Marine Corp League, Judy was blessed to be the mother to In addition to his wife, Howard is sur- faith as a Preacher’s Wife, spreading her love
American Legion of Avenue, MD, Optimist Krista Morazes Cook (John) of Hollywood, vived by his son, Eric (Becky), daughter and wisdom across the country. She was also
Club of Mechanicsville, Moose Lodge of MD, Nicholas Morazes (Christina) of Kimberly (John), grandchildren, Jason a talented quilter, known for crafting beauti-
Hollywood, VFW of California Md. and California, MD, and Heidi Roeser (Trey) (Crystal), Sheraden, Amber, Abigail Rose, ful quilts for her family and charitable causes.
Elks Lodge 2092. of Raleigh, NC and grandmother to grand- and Savannah, great granddaughter, Angeli, In her leisure time, she enjoyed playing cards
He loved St. Mary’s County and the children Addison Morazes, Hannah Roeser, sister, Doris Keen, several sister and brother and bocce ball with friends and family.
people in it. He enjoyed boating, fishing, and Josie Roeser. in-laws, and many nieces and nephews. Before moving to Southern Maryland in
crabbing, hunting, coaching Little League While her children were in school, Judy Howard was preceded in death by grand- 2022 to be closer to family, Geraldine was
baseball, target shooting, gardening, danc- supported the Athletic and Band Boosters son Andrew and sister Jane Stull. active in the Palm Street Church of Christ in
ing, traveling, reading, genealogy, singing in of Chopticon High School. She was a In 1963 two weeks after graduating from Lonoke, Arkansas. In Maryland, she became
the barbershop quartet, and eating seafood. proud member of the Collective Education Glenelg High School, he joined the United involved with the St. Mary’s County Church
In addition to his mother and father, he Association of St. Mary’s County, the States Navy and was stationed at Patuxent of Christ and embraced her new community.
was preceeded in death by his sister, Emily Patuxent Presbyterian Church, and the River Naval Air Station. After leaving the Geraldine is survived by her daughter,
Rose Riggins, and brothers, Allan Kent drama director and choir member at Mt. Navy he continued with the Navy Reserves Teresa (Kevin) Parsons of Lexington Park,
Caldwell and Rick Gene Creque; and his Zion United Methodist Church. Judy loved while working for the Department of Defense Maryland; son, Kenneth Ray Dinkins,
first wife, Shirley Ann Hill. He is survived spending time with her friends and family; and retired after 30 years.. After retiring from Jr. of Denver, Colorado; 4 grandchil-
by his loving wife of 32-and-a-half years, traveling, dancing, crafting, shopping, and the DOD he went to work for J.F. Taylor, Inc. dren: Jeremy (Lindsey) Parsons, Ashley
Julia Dent Caldwell; two sisters, Janet Ann visiting former President’s homes. She will (govt. contractor) where he retired after 13 (Jeremy) Duncan, Ryan Parsons, and Sean
Harestad and Judy Kathleen Furniss; his forever be known as the world’s best soccer years. For over 50 years all of his military McCaffery; 3 great-grandchildren: Blakely
brother, Randy Loyd Creque; two sons, mom and list maker. and employment life were spent at Patuxent Duncan, Nathan Parsons, and Levi Duncan;
James Blaine Caldwell and Stephen Kent Judy is predeceased by her parents and River Naval Air Station. Howard and Norma brother, Jesse Moore; brother-in-law, Reed
Caldwell; and one daughter, Rebecca sister-in-law, Nancy McGranahan (Jack). built their life together in St. Mary’s County. Leon Dinkins; and numerous nieces, neph-
Ann Clarke; as well as eight grandchil- In addition to her children, she is survived Howard supported Norma with her love of ews, and cousins whom she cherished.
dren, 19 great-grandchildren, and nine by her beloved husband, Guy “Tommy” softball and bowling. Their love for agricul- She was preceded in death by her husband
great-great-grandchildren. Pulvirenti of 12 years and his children; ture got their children involved in 4-H. When of 53 years, Kenneth Dinkins, her parents,
Blaine was known for his volunteer work Maria Snyder (Dan), Francesca Breitmaier the 4-H projects got out of hand, Burnt Mills Leonard and Lois Moore, and her brother,
and his kindhearted, easy going, positive (Troy), Anne Marie Bell (Michael), grand- Farm was established with Brown Swiss and Leonard Moore.
attitude. He was a loving husband and children; John Pulvirenti, Thomas Snyder, Guernsey cattle. Burnt Mills Farm received A Celebration of Life will take place at St.
father. Blaine heard the gospel salvation Gia Arnold, Dani Snyder, Troy Breitmaier, State and National recognition for their Mary’s County Church of Christ in California,
message and trusted Christ as savior and Jr., Mariana Breitmaier, Adriana Breitmaier, cattle. Howard served on the board of the MD on August 18, 2024, at 3:00 pm. In lieu of
will be in heaven for eternity. Emma Breitmaier, and great-grandchild Maryland Brown Swiss Association and flowers, donations may be made to Hospice
We invite people that knew Blaine to join Ellie Mae Snyder, Judy’s brothers; Hugh Maryland Guernsey Association. Howard of St. Mary’s County, Maryland.
us in a celebration of his life and bring pho- “Jack” McGranahan (Carol) of Berwyn, PA, and Norma were the Junior Advisors for the
St. Mary’s
85% Lean County Times

4.98 2.98
Thursday, August 1, 2024 23860 Hollywood Road, Hollywood, MDSugardale
Lean Ground 20636 19 1-Lb., Fresh 85% 12-Oz. Reg. Or Thick

Springer Mtn. Farms

Family Pack 301-475-2531
Round Patties Sliced Bacon
Fresh Split Ground Round
Chicken Breast

1.98Lb. 3.98Lb.
9.99 12.00
Certified Angus Beef
12.98 5.98
Certified Angus Beef
Ahi Ribeye Tastee Choice
Tuna Boneless
SeafoodBottom Boil
Lb. Steaks
Butchers Best Boneless Ribeye
Lb. Round Roast
Steaks $11.98Lb.

7.99Lb. Round 6.99

5.8-Oz. 31 To 35-Ct.
2.98Lb. Sliced
Butcher’s Best

1-Lb., Fresh 85% Texas
12-Oz. Reg. Gulf
Or Thick
Whole Or Half Family Pack
85% Lean
Ground Sugardale
Boneless Beef
Springer Mtn. Farms Patties Bacon
Split Ground Round

Chicken Breast

Lb. 3.98Lb.
3.98 1.98
FINAL PRICE 1.19-Lb., Selected Italian FINAL PRICE


Sausage Or 16-Oz., Selected

Oscar Mayer
1.00 .50
9.99 Lb. 12.00
Limit 1 Bratwurst
Ahi $ Limit 1 Meat Wieners
Tastee Choice

Farm To Table

Tuna Seafood Boil


M 12-Oz.

Fresh Express Halo, 2-Lb. Bag Whole Crisp
5-Lb. Bag, Lite & Fluffy

3.98 7.99Lb. 6.99Lb. Shrimp

Garden Salad Mix

Easy Peel Seedless5.8-Oz. Premium Idaho Large Slicing
31 To 35-Ct.
Mandarin Snow
Watermelons Russet Potatoes Texas Gulf
Whole Or Half
.68 5.98Crab 2/$6 .78

Boneless Beef Ea. Ea.


9.98Lb. 4.78
28-Oz., Selected
JIF Peanut
12.08 To 18.71-Oz.,
38-Oz., Squeeze

3.98 1.98
SelectedSelected Italian FINAL PRICE
22.6 To 25.9-Oz., Selected
6-Ct. Paper Towels Or 14 To 16-Oz., Selected 30-Oz.
Folger’s 16-Oz.,
16-Oz., Selected 12-Ct., Selected Kraft Kraft Nabisco
Sausage Or 128-Oz. 20-Oz., Squeeze
Can Coffee
Oreo Johnsonville
Cookies Food Club
Oscar Mayer
Food Club
Peanut Butter
Bath Tissue
Real Mayo
FINAL PRICE Limit 1 Bratwurst
Vegetable Limit 1 Meat Wieners

1.98 2.00 5.98 2.00 2.48 2.00 2 7 7.98 2.98


7.98 2 9

3.98 2 5

Farm To Table



M 12-Oz.

Fresh Express Halo, 2-Lb. Bag Whole Crisp
8-Oz. 8-Oz., Selected 15-Oz. 15 Oz., Selected 64-Oz. 3-Oz., Hot Or 5-Lb. Bag, LiteSelected
6-Oz., & Fluffy 7-Oz., Selected
Garden Salad Mix

Food Club Hunt’s Libby’s Country Chef EasyFood
PeelClub Seedless
Andy Capp’s Premium
Pete Large Slicing
Sausage Gravy Mandarin Watermelons Russet Potatoes Cucumbers

3.98 5.98 .78

Mustard Tomato Sauce Boyardee Apple Juice Cheddar Fries Hot Sauce Crackers

1.68.68 22/$/$63

1.00 4/$5 2/$4 1.00 2/$Ea.5



$ Ea.

28-Oz., Selected 4.48
38-Oz., Squeeze
JIF Peanut
Butter Heinz
12.08 To 18.71-Oz., Ketchup
14 To 16-Oz., Selected 22.6 To 25.9-Oz., Selected 30-Oz. Selected
6-Ct. Paper Towels Or
20-Oz. .5-Liter Bottles
7.25-Oz., Selected
16-Oz., Selected Kraft Folger’s Kraft 10.3 ToNabisco
7 To 10-Oz., Selected
128-Oz. 20-Oz., Easy Squeeze
Kraft Macaroni French’s
12-Ct., Selected 10-Oz., Selected 30-Oz., Selected
Can Coffee
18-Oz., Selected 12.6-Oz., Selected
Oreo Cookies FritosClub
Food Or 6-Pack
Food Club Cardinal Dressing
A1 Steak Miracle Real Mayo
Maruchan Cap’n Crunch
& Cheese Mustard CheetosOil
Vegetable Coke Products
Peanut Butter Bath Tissue Sauce FINAL PRICE
/$ Cereal

1.98 5.98 22.48 2/$7 37.98 32.98


7.98 2 9

3.98 2/$5
2 6

4/$5 2/$5 5.48 5.48 2.00 /$ 4 2.98 /$

10 /$


31 1 2 3 4 5 6
8-Oz. 8-Oz., Selected 15-Oz.
Monday - Saturday 7am to 9 pm
3-Oz., Hot Or
15 Oz., Selected 64-Oz. 6-Oz., Selected 7-Oz., Selected
Hunt’s Libby’s Country Chef Food Club Andy Capp’s SUNDAYTexas8 am Pete to 7 pm Cheez-It
Mustard 31 THRU August
July Tomato6, 2023
Sauce Sausage Gravy Boyardee Apple Juice Cheddar Fries Hot Sauce Crackers
1.00 .88 1.68 4 5 /$ 2 4 /$ $
1.00 2 3 /$
18 OBITUARIES St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

In Remembrance
Continued from page 17 to serve as Cardiac Nurse Practitioner. desired it. She always thought of someone also hurt with several operations and phys-
Steve is survived by wife Vicki, step- else before herself. She was also a big tip- ical therapy.
Steve graduated from Davenport College son Zachary Pfeiffer (Angelique Carson) per for services rendered. She knew about Norma was always positive about bad
in Michigan with Paramedic certification. of Washington D.C., sister Harriet Beck hard work. Her entire life was always trying things happening. She dealt with the pain
During the ‘90s, Steve and Vicki lived in (Lewis) of Connecticut, niece Jennifer to help someone. Family was always first. and continued living life to its fullest. She
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Steve as paramedic Soltanas, nephew David Beck, and two Norma had tragedies but has always said spent time with grandchildren and great
and bodyguard to the royal family, Vicki great-nieces, Cailyn Soltanas and Briana “She Was Blessed “. She lost her father grandchildren at every event of their lives.
as hospital nurse who wasn’t permitted to Beck plus cousins. when she was nine years old in 1942. I Norma and Carl moved from Forestville,
drive. When Steve and Vicki decided to A Celebration of Life will be held from believe Norma regarded life as precious and MD to St. George Island in 1998. They
return to the States, he was presented an 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday, September 28 in the always kept close to the family. Her brothers travelled all over the world on trips with
award for serving as Disaster Coordinator Gettysburg GAR building, 53 E. Middle William, Buck, and Mo along with her sister the local clubs. Visiting friends of Norma
to the King Fahad National Guard Hospital, Street, Gettysburg. There will be refresh- Doris were always very close. They never and Carl were always special to both of
chief of the Hospital Disaster Preparedness ments and displays of Steve’s remarkable life. moved far away from each other. them. Norma always bragged about trips
Response team. He also earned certifications Kingston Court (York) retired chaplain Helen Norma got married at 17 to her husband to Lewes, Delaware to see Carl’s friend
from the Professional Association of Diving Pinder will present remarks and invite friends Bill October 2, 1951. Together they had two Jack Flaherty. Carl was a huge Redskin fan
Instructors (PADI), diving the Red Sea from to tell stories and reminisce about Steve. children, Debbie in 1954 and Sam in 1958. and baseball fan as well. Norma followed
Jordan and the Caribbean from Jamaica. Family and friends were always around the games but didn’t really have a favorite
Steve and Vicki moved to Shippensburg, Norma Redden, 90 for holidays and special parties. Norma team. She would just cheer for the team you
and he launched Gettysburg Stage, a troupe evolved into the main cog in the family. wanted to win. She also loved to dance and
dedicated to performing mature, literary Norma Ann Redden Always helping when needed in some form could cut a mean rug in her day. Music was
plays. They made their debut with “You was born November or another. Norma and Bill cared for her always being played at the house when she
Can’t Take It With You” in 2000, produced 19, 1933, and raised mother Florence (Grandma to everyone) was cleaning or decorating for the holiday
by the Adams County Arts Council. The in Washington DC. since 1968. Norma always provided for parties. Christmas always took place at the
company presented thought-provoking This was four years her mom, whether it be rides to bingo, spe- Redden house. Family and friends as usual.
plays through 2003. after the stock cial trips, or just a quiet place to live. They Tragedy struck again when Carl passed
Steve was already struggling with health Market crash in moved to Forestville, Maryland to buy their November 10, 2010. They had been together
issues when the couple moved to Florida. 1929. The family first home in 1966. 25 years.
He’d faced serious medical problems for the was poor just like They raised their children in Catholic Again, Norma was devastated, but kept
last 25 years of his life, weathering each new everyone else in the nation. During this Schools and stressed education as the single her faith in God. Norma lived the last 14
challenge with gratitude to be alive and with dire time in history, most families did not most important thing. Catholic principles years alone on the Island. She volunteered
Vicki at his side. But they missed friends and have modern conveniences. I believe Norma were also important to Norma. She prayed at the St. George Island Improvement
connections in Pennsylvania. They moved lived her life no different later in years. every night before bed. Association for several years. She loved
back to Waynesboro, where Vicki continues She did not waste or overspend unless she She started work at 17 with the C & P the people and the island with all her heart.
Telephone Company as an operator. Her sis- She didn’t want to miss the sunrise on the
ter Doris and mother Florence also worked at water. She had too many friends to list and
the same job. The only time she didn’t work was loved by everyone. She lived life to
was to have her two children. Her work effort the fullest. She has been to the depth of the

Philip H. Dorsey III was superior. She always felt she wasn’t smart
due to her lack of education. However, Norma
water scuba diving, skiing in the moun-
tains, numerous cruises, Cancun trips with

Attorney at Law
retired with 33 years of service with the the family, sporting events, and also loved
phone company. She was a lifetime member watching her great grandchildren perform-
of The Telephone Pioneers of America and ing in sports and theater. In her words, “live
proud union member of the Communication life to the fullest and don’t let the man get
Workers of America Local 2108. ya”. She will be missed by all.
Norma lost her husband, Bill on July The family will be doing a graveside ser-
13, 1981, who died of a sudden aneurism vice on August 12, 2024 at 1:00 pm at the
of the brain. She was devastated but was Maryland Veterans Cemetery, 11301 Crain
the strongest woman you will ever know. Highway, Cheltenham, MD 20623.
Her faith in God pushed her through tough Norma is survived by her children
times. Norma still felt blessed for the time Deborah Jean Windsor of St. Leonard, MD
they had; just shy of thirty years. and Clayton William Redden (Sandra) of
After a few years, Norma started to vol- Hernando, FL; and her brother Charles
-Serious Personal Injury Cases- unteer at the VFW and American Legion
to get out of the house and as usual help
“Moe” Roland Moroney (Rita) of Clinton,
MD; her grandchildren Ronda Libby,
people. She kept in close contact with a Russell Windsor (Samantha), Robert “Clay”
few of the older generation of family. When Windsor (Michelle), Ryan Redden (Brittney)
LEONARDTOWN: 301-475-5000 someone was sick, she was always there for and Dana Ruhe (Jeremy) and great grand-
TOLL FREE: 1-800-660-3493 support. She was a member of the Cooties,
dressing up as clowns and visiting old age
children: Austin Libby (Morgan), Garrett
Libby (Elizabeth), Lilly Windsor, Aaron
homes and children functions. Windsor, Wyatt Libby, Shane Windsor,

EMAIL: [email protected]
Norma again met a special person in her Abby Windsor and Roman Redden and
life, Carl Hoffman. Norma knew Carl from her Great-Great Grandchild, Harper Libby
work and the VFW. Norma called Carl to and many extended family and friends. In
set him up with a friend named Jeanette. addition to her parents, she is also preceded
Carl thought Norma was asking him out. It in death by her husband Clayton Willard
turned out be a great relationship. He was Redden, her sister Doris Virginia Moore and
the most softest, caring person for her. A true her brothers, William “Bill” Webb Moroney
gentleman in every sense of the word. They and Franklin “Buck” Moroney.
travelled everywhere and she, again, said Serving as pallbearers will be Austin
she was blessed to have two loving people Libby, Garrett Libby, Aaron Windsor, Wyatt
in her life. Libby, Shane Windsor and Roman Redden.
During this time, tragedy struck again In lieu of flowers please send donations
when Norma’s mother Florence was killed
in a car accident Feb 25, 1989. Norma was Continued on page 20
Thursday, August 1, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times OBITUARIES 17

In Remembrance To schedule an obituary in the County Times, submit text and picture to
[email protected] by noon on Tuesdays for publication on Thursdays.
Any submissions received after this deadline may run in the following week’s edition.

Robert Kerr, 72 at in St Mary’s County, MD from 1984-1999, Steve Wilcoxson, 74

Arrangements by Brinsfield Funeral Home including Winning on Wellness, which he
Robert Anthony & Crematory, P.A., Charlotte Hall, MD. created. Later, along with Tommy McKay, Stephen Earl
K e r r, 72 of he helped form the only Co-Op Winery in Wilcoxson, 74, died
Mechanicsville, MD, Joe Dick, 95 the United States in 2007. His vineyard was June 27 at York
peacefully passed his hobby and passion for over 40 years. Hospital after a long
away on July 24, Captain Joseph L. In 1982, he and his wife of 70 years, series of illnesses.
2024, surrounded by Dick, USN, Ret, Nancy, purchased and restored St Michael’s Born June 17, 1950,
loved ones. Robert passed away peace- Manor in Scotland, MD. They ran a bed and in Fredericksburg,
was born in New fully on July 23, breakfast for many years. They had numer- Virginia, Steve was
Jersey on December 2024 with his loving ous interesting guests over the years includ- the son of the late
18, 1951, to Alexander Taylor Kerr and family by his side. ing a former Secretary of the Navy. Earl and Harriet Wilcoxson. He graduated from
Mildred Agnes Kluber. He was predeceased In 2002, Joe ran for state delegate in Great Mills High School, where he played
His passion for knowledge and books by parents, John and district 29B. Although the campaign was football and was bitten by the theater bug. He
led him to graduate of Fairleigh Dickenson Mary Dickshinski, ultimately not successful, the entire family enlisted in the Navy and served in Vietnam.
University and to earn a Master’s Degree at and four brothers; Clem, Eugene, Edward, participated in the effort. In the ‘70s, he acted in several south cen-
GW University. and Jack, and sister Irene. He is survived by He is survived by his wife Nancy and tral Pennsylvania community theaters and
Mr. Kerr devoted his life to service his sister, Dorothy. five children: Susan Belmore (Glen), worked on outdoor dramas like “Wings of
and worker rights having retired from the Joe was born in Nanticoke, PA in 1928. David Dickshinski, (Elinor), Dr. Laura the Morning” in St. Mary’s City, MD as
Seafarers International Union where he suc- After moving to Chicago, Joe Dick gradu- Swett, (Dr. Bruce), Jonathan Paul (Maria), technical director. He also co-founded a
cessfully worked as a writer and activist. ated from Northwestern University in 1952 Jeff Dickshinski (Trish). Grandchildren: sandwich shop in New Orleans in the famed
His passion for equality is reflected with a degree in Zoology. In his spare time, Sean Belmore, Anna Lancaster (CJ), Maple Leaf pub.
by his work with the St. Mary’s County he formed the gymnastics team, competed Tim Dickshinski (Pooja Kothari), Ben In the early ‘80s, Steve took a variety of
Commission on People with Disabilities, on the collegiate level, and lettered. Dickshinski (Jess Bazzelle), Hannah jobs, from deep-sea diving for oil companies
his one-term presidency of the Southern He served with distinction for 30 years Dickshinski, Christa Day (Jeff Ballin), to staging then-new IMAX technology for
Maryland Center for Life and two-term in the United States Navy, including tours Dr. Katherine Aboud (Dr. Assad), Jamie the Canadian Pavilion at the New Orleans
Vice-presidency of the American Council of as the Naval Attache and as the Assistant Knecht (Emily), Sarah Dickshinski, Leah Worlds’ Fair. He met his beloved wife Vicki
the Blind of Maryland where he also served Naval Attache to the US Embassy in Ottawa, Dickshinski. Great Grandchildren: Emilee, in the early ‘80s, and they married in 1985
as Legislative Director until 2007. Canada. He served on many US Navy ships, Payton, Carlie, Jordan Lancaster, Sami at St. Charles Avenue Christian Church. As
Making sure his legacy would endure the including Commanding Officer of the USS Aboud, and many nieces and nephews. Vicki earned multiple degrees in nursing,
test of time, Mr. Kerr was instrumental in the Myles C. Fox (DD-829) and Executive Condolences to the family may be made
passage of two bills by the Maryland General Officer of the USS Little Rock (CLG-4). at Continued on page 18
Assembly. One that empowers and assists Joe received numerous medals, including
blind and visually impaired people to use the Meritorious Service Medal, the Defense
voting machines, and a law that bolstered Meritorious Medal, the Defense Superior
the protections of the use of service animals. Service Medal, and special recognition from
A lover of books, music and fine wine, the Secretary of the Navy.
Robert is survived by his loving wife of 47 Joe was an active church member and
years, Lisa M. Kerr, son, Lloyd M. Kerr and champion for the local church and com-
daughter in law Ana. munity. He led his children’s church youth
The family will receive friends for the groups, lent his support for church suppers
visitation on August 1, 2024, from 10:00 and outreach programs, and served as the
am to 11:00 am with prayers at 11:00am Sunday School Superintendent at Trinity
at Brinsfield Funeral Home & Crematory, Episcopal Church, in St Mary’s City, MD.
P.A., 30195 Three Notch Road, Charlotte He participated in Cursillo. Joe also coached
Hall, MD 20622. Interment will follow his children’s soccer and gymnastics teams
after the service at 12:15pm at Charles and served as PTA president at Friendly High
Memorial Gardens, 26325 Point Lookout School. Joe was a long-time member of the
Rd, Leonardtown, MD 20650. Lions Club, serving from 1982 to the present.
In lieu of flowers, please consider the He also served as President of the Lions Club.
Mechanicsville Volunteer Rescue Squad. After retirement he formed and led vari-
Condolences may be made to the family ous drug and alcohol prevention programs

A Tribute to the Loved One Honor the memory of your cherished

one by sharing the story of their life
with friends, neighbors and associates
Whose Memory Lives here in the community.

For details and to place

On Forever in Your Heart your notice of remembrance,
call 301-373-4125 for assistance.

16 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

Doug was taken from us 5 LONG years ago,

people say it gets easier, I say it gets harder…
Praying and music are what keeps me going.
Many songs remind me of Doug,
my favorites are: Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas,
Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd, and
Nothing Else Matters by Metallica,
those song titles say a lot…
I am going to end with
Doug’s original memorial, just make it bigger,
just like his heart was…

Thank you Lord for

Doug Delahay Woodburn
5/12/2000 - 8/3/2019
"love you pumpkin"
Words cannot say
We miss you everyday
Through the month of May
We remember your Birthday
Thursday, August 1, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times COLUMNISTS 15

of a Aimless Mind by Shelby Oppermann
Are you afraid of
The ‘70s Still outliving your money?
‘Colour My World’ Do you worry about running out of money during your retirement years? If
I say loudly, in the voice of Jan Brady, of The so, how can you help prevent this from happening?
Brady Bunch, “Laundry, laundry, laundry!”. I In the first place, if you have this type of fear, you’re far from alone. Consider
know, it has to be done, and often, especially this: 58% of retirement savers from all age groups, including current retirees,
married to a pool man. Sometimes though I say that outliving their assets is their greatest retirement fear, according to a
wish that the cycles were about 10 minutes each study by Cerulli Associates, a financial services research organization.
instead of 59 minutes or more each, because, I’ll This type of fear can certainly affect your quality of life when you retire.
say it, “I forget the load in the washer and dryer Still, there’s no need to panic – because you can take steps to help prevent the
all.the.time” while I start on other things or run running-out-of-money scenario. Here are a few to consider:
errands, etc. I am sure I put that dryer on fluff • Know how much you’ll need during retirement. You need to get a clear
more than I should, even with the buzzer turned picture, or at least as good an estimate as possible, of how much money
on high. I’m normally upstairs, or outside, or in you’ll need to support your retirement lifestyle. Once you do retire, some
my workshop, so I don’t know why I bother to costs, such as transportation or other work-related expenses, might go
turn the dryer buzzer on anyway. I may hear it now since I’m in the office upstairs, down, while others – medical expenses, in particular – will likely go up.
however the laundry room is below our bedroom on the opposite side of the house. The fear of running out of money, like many fears, is caused largely by
Maybe I should start setting my cell phone alarm when I put in a load. Also, why what you don’t know, so having a good sense of how much you’ll need
don’t split foyers have the laundry room upstairs where the bedrooms are? in retirement can help reduce your anxieties.
Right now, I’m in that awful, in between cortisone shots time, where I can look • Build financial resources before retirement. You’re probably at your peak
at the laundry basket and think that should really go downstairs, or look at the earning capacity in the years close to your retirement, so consider con-
furniture and think, “Wow, that really should be dusted” and then I realize that, tributing as much as you can afford to your IRA and 401(k) or other
oh, my subconscious is saying, “That means you dummy!”. Actually, I can hear employer-sponsored retirement plan.
Fred Sanford add, “That means you, you Big dummy!”. I really must be stuck • Maximize your Social Security payments. You can start collecting Social
in the 70s, not that that’s a bad thing, since I still love all the music, colors, and Security as early as 62, but your monthly benefits will be larger if you
memories. Weren’t shag rugs so soft? And wasn’t it nice without all the distract- can afford to wait until your full retirement age, between 66 and 67.
ing technology of cell phones and social media. You could lay on that shag rug (Payments will “max out” at age 70.)
with your head in the middle of two large speakers listening to your 45s or your • Re-enter the workforce. Going back to work in some capacity is one
albums and nothing would disturb you other than your mother calling you down way to possibly help build retirement resources and delay taking Social
for dinner. Or sit and read a book outside under a tree with no interruptions. Those Security. If you have a particular area of expertise, and you enjoyed the
truly were my most favorite things in the world as a child through the teenaged work you did, you might be able to go back to it on a part-time basis
years. It was still the same for me in college when I brought my 70s albums, or do some consulting. You could boost your cash flow, and potentially
receiver and large speakers to our tiny dorm room in 1979 as you can see in the extend your contributions to an IRA and to an employer’s retirement plan.
photo – all that was missing was a fluffy shag rug to lay on. • Cut costs during retirement. Possibly the biggest cost-cutting measure is
My husband and I love to sit out front either in our firepit area or in front of downsizing – are you willing and able to move to a less expensive area
his man-cave old Mustang garage and listen to the 70s music stations on TV or scale down your current living space? Of course, this is an emotional
through Breezeline’s Music Choice. I love all the 70s rock including heavy decision, as well as a financial one, and downsizing isn’t for everyone,
metal and once in a while my husband will listen to a little bit of that for my but it might be something to at least consider. As for the lesser ways of
sake, though we both love soft rock and classic rock which is a happy medium reducing expenses, take advantage of senior discounts, which are offered
for us. We can sit companionably for hours, not saying a whole lot, each lost in in many areas, including entertainment, public transportation, restaurants
our old memories of where we were when we first heard a song. Some nights, and retail establishments. And look for other opportunities, such as cutting
we talk the whole time about our memories, whether it be concerts we have out streaming services you don’t use.
seen together or earlier in our lives, or about trivia associated with each artist or • Look for more income from your investments. As you get closer to retire-
band. The talkative nights are normally the nights with a glass or so of wine, or ment, and even when you do retire, you might want to adjust your invest-
a tumbler of Bourbon: My husband enjoys a bit of Bourbon over a large cube ment portfolio to provide you with more income-producing opportunities.
for sipping, and I’ve found in the last few years that I love Kentucky Mules, However, even as a retiree, you’ll want some growth potential in your
Old Fashioneds, or even better, smoked Old Fashioneds. investments to help keep you ahead of inflation.
Well, I don’t know how I got from laundry to Bourbon. It may be due to an Ultimately, the more you can bolster your financial security before and during
author asking in one of my cozy book clubs today on Facebook (yes, a wonderful retirement, the less fear you may have of outliving your money.
distraction), “Readers, how about you? Which sleuth are you most like?” to which
I replied, “ I’m more like Miss Marple. I take the long, convoluted method of This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward
explaining things, or getting my thoughts out by word or on paper...but I eventually Jones Financial Advisor.
arrive at the answer.” This is just the way my mind works. Could my mind be this Edward Jones, Member SIPC
way from all those distractions I have availed myself of in the last 26 years since Contributed by David McDonough
my first cell phone and my first clunky computer a few years later? Or is it just the Financial Advisor at Edward Jones
start of remembering older stored memories more than the thousands of images we Office located at 41680 Miss Bessie Dr. Suite 302
see and hear through TV or scrolling each day? I panic most every day that I have Leonardtown, MD 20650
not written something down on the call log that has come in on our business line, or 301 997 1707
on my cell phone, which could be by phone call, text, Facebook Messenger, or by
email. Then there are appointments and events and birthdays…and on and on that
we all have to keep track of on our “can’t live without” phone calendars, although
I still use my trusty little 4” x 6” purse sized notebook for back up. The world does
seem to be spinning faster. I think I’ll turn up the old Chicago song of Colour My
World with the beautiful waltz tempo which has been playing softly in the back-
ground on repeat, and just maybe I can slow my own world down just for today.
To each new day’s adventure, Shelby
Please send your comments or ideas to: [email protected]
or find me on Facebook
14 IN OUR COMMUNITY St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

Beach Combing, DIY

of the
Windchimes & More
Fun at Piney Point
Families, kids, and adults of all ages can Museum’s Family Fun Fest on the
“Made with love – enjoy free outdoor activities while visiting Potomac. Formally RetroFest, our
For the love of Dogs.” Piney Point Lighthouse Museum & Historic activities will have a retro focus, such
Park on the second Saturdays of the month. as rock pet painting and adoption, retro
Modeled loosely after “Forest School” learn- games like jacks and can tosses, and tie
29015 Three Notch Rd, Mechanicsville (New Market Plaza) ing styles in Denmark and Sweden, the Nature dye painting.
240-249-3061• & Forest Play for All Ages Series encourages • Saturday, November 9, 2024 (12 p.m. –
discovering nature through hands-on, tactile, 2 p.m.): Outdoor Autumn Play Skills &

 “no right or wrong way to play” experiences.

These activities encourage visitors to explore
nature and the outdoors through curiosity and
Forest Stories. Families, teens, and kids
of all ages are welcome to bring a snack
and picnic! Optional activities include a
My dog’s not fat. He’s just a little Husky!
play. Age is not a factor; adults need to con- natural windchime craft, pumpkin bowl-
Hi there, my name is Caliber. I’m a 9-MONTH- nect with nature in relaxing, simple ways, just ing, leaf stamping, leaf people drawings
OLD Husky and I have more ZEST FOR as much as children do! for holiday cards, naturally scented sen-
LIFE than a squirrel on caffeine! I’m a Themed activities will be held on the fol- sory bins with wooden measuring tools,
HOUSEBROKEN whirlwind who loves backyard lowing dates: DIY autumn spice playdough, rock
escapades but I actually prefer the cozy indoors • August 10, 2024 (12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. painting, DIY Tic-Tac-Toe kits.
for my naps. I know some commands but I families & children; 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. • December 14, 2024 (12 p.m. – 2 p.m.):
might need a refresher since my EXCITEMENT adults): Beach Combing. We’ll be turn- Tale of the Christmas Spider. Enjoy the
bubbles over like a shaken soda can! I’m on the hunt ing over cove rocks, looking for crabs, Christmas Spider story and ornament
for an ACTIVE HOME with older kids who can match fish and other organisms, and discuss- building with hot chocolate. Learn
my ENERGY and ZEST. Ready to bring home a tornado of fun? ADOPT ME ing the smaller ecosystem around us. more about our winter insect friends.
TODAY!Hurry on down during adoption hours, Mon-Fri 11am-4pm and Sat Sand and sediment microorganism Registration is not required but encouraged
10am-3pm.BE MY MIRACLE AND PLEASE CHOOSE ME! ALWAYS OPT TO viewing under a camera microscope so that we can ensure we have enough mate-
ADOPT, please don’t shop! is an option. Participants should wear rials. Please call ahead and let our staff know
clothing and shoes that can get wet. which session(s) you would like to attend.
To see more of my amazing friends also available for adoption, “like” us on
• September 14, 2024 (10 a.m. – 4 p.m.): Admission is free. Play is rain or shine if there
Facebook @ Charles County Animal Care Center or view us on our website
FamilyFest on the Potomac. Join us for are no safety concerns. For more information
a fun day filled with family activities or to register, please visit www.Facebook.
and food at Piney Point Lighthouse com/1836Light or call (301) 994-1471.

Drive Safely Around

Horses and Buggies
Did you know that St. Mary’s County is home Do NOT use the horn or make any unex-
to an Amish community of approximately 350 pected or loud noises. Horses can be easily
families? In honor of Amish Safety Day on spooked, especially by loud noises such as
August 1st, St. Mary’s County Government a car horn, revving engine, noisy exhaust

(SMCG) reminds residents to slow down and pipes, or squealing brakes. This can cause a
be courteous when driving near Amish horses safety hazard for the Amish horse and buggy
and buggies. Many people do not expect to operator, as well as the vehicle operator.

see Amish buggies on the road, and they are Do not stop to take photos. While horses
not as visible as cars, trucks, and bicycles. and buggies can be very interesting, it can
These factors make them more vulnerable be dangerous for the horse and the operator
when on public roads. Accidents between a if you stop nearby for a photo-op, especially
car and buggy can be serious and have often if stopping in front of or next to the horse.

AUGUST 3 · 8:00AM led to severe injury or death.

Chaptico and Mechanicsville are the
primary areas of residence for the Amish
Observe driving habits. A horse and
buggy is not the same as a motorized vehi-
cle, and therefore will not behave as one.
PREVIEW AUGUST 2 • 8:00AM community in St. Mary’s County, Maryland.
Highways which serve as major arteries for
Buggies will drive as close to the right side
of the road as possible but may move toward
Hayes Auction Services • Green Manor Farm Amish horses and buggies are Thompson the center when making a turn. Most bug-
Corner Road (Maryland Route 236) and gies do have turn signals.
38250 New Market Turner Rd • Mechanicsville Budds Creek Road (Maryland Route 234). Leave plenty of room between your vehi-
Amish buggies may also be seen on other cle and the back of the buggy when stopped
St. Mary’s County roads, including Point at an intersection. A buggy may roll back
Lookout Road (Maryland Route 5) and near slightly once stopped, or a horse may take a
the St. Mary’s and Charles County line. few steps backward. This could cause dam-
Here are some tips for how to travel age to the front of your vehicle if you are
safely around Amish horses and buggies: stopped too close.
Take it slow in areas where there is a high Be alert for horses at night. Most buggies
prevalence of Amish. The average horse and utilize flashers during the day and night, but
buggy only travels 15-20 miles per hour. the horses may be harder to see at night.
Give them room by passing in the other Stop the car if the driver signals the horse
lane whenever possible. Allow 20 feet is spooked and wait as long as reasonable
HAYESAUCTIONSERVICES.NET • (301) 861-7738 between your vehicle and the horse before and necessary until the horse is calm enough
LOCAL FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED returning to the travel lane. to safely pass.
Thursday, August 1, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times 13

Saturday, August 3
9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Zumba Class at Port of Leonardtown Park
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Visit the Old Jail Museum & Leonardtown Visitor
2 p.m. – 5 p.m. Live music at Port of Leonardtown Winery featuring
Wildgood and Scratch Mobile Kitchen food truck on site
5 p.m. – 10 p.m. Ride the FREE Leonardtown Trolley

Sunday, August 4
8 a.m. – 9 a.m. Rise + Shine yoga at the Wharf with Evolve instructors
8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday Brunch at Social Coffeehouse with live music
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Visit the Old Jail Museum & Leonardtown Visitor
12 p.m. – 2 p.m. “Ice Cream Social-izations” at Earthwise Pet
12:30 p.m. Frozen Drinks and Flower Arrangement Workshop at Town
Market LLC
2 p.m. – 5 p.m. Live music at Port of Leonardtown Winery featuring Thank You to Our
Brian Grumbine and Heidi’s Eats & Sage’s Treats food truck on site Wonderful Sponsors:

2 p.m. – 5 p.m. St. Mary’s County Parks and Recreation hosts family
roller skating at Leonard Hall Recreation Center
8 p.m. Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon showing at Social
The information presented here is accurate at the time of posting and
is subject to change. Please check the event/organization pages/
websites for current information.
County Times
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County

Do you want to advertise on this page?

Contact Jen Stotler: 301-247-7611 or [email protected]
12 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

FREE Weekend Specials Ge
t to Know

The Good Earth Natural Food Store is offering a Pink

Pineapple Smoothie with pineapple, apple, beet
crystals, agave syrup and coconut water
Specials and Sales throughout Shepherd’s Old Field Le
o n a r dto w n
Drayden African American Market
Schoolhouse Open Houses
Aug. 3 & 17 • Sept. 7 & 21 • Oct. 5 & 19
11AM–2 PM
Friday, August 2
Learn more about one of the nation’s best- 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Visit the Old Jail Museum & Leonardtown Visitor
preserved one-room African American
schoolhouses and its rich history and Center for FREE tours and extended hours for First Friday
importance to education in St. Mary’s County
18287 Cherryfield Road • Drayden, Maryland 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. St. Mary’s County Parks and Recreation hosts family roller skating at Leonard Hall Recreation Center
5 p.m. – 6 p.m. Audience Participation Drum Circle on the St. Mary’s
St. Mary’s County Art’s Council Lawn
Nursing & Rehabilitation
5 p.m. – 7 p.m. First Friday Reiki Share with SPICE Studio
5 p.m. – 10 p.m. Ride the FREE Leonardtown Trolley
21585 Peabody Street
Leonardtown, MD
• Long-term care
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Parents Night Out at MADE by You
• Rehabilitation 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Live music at Port of Leonardtown Winery
featuring WIP-SOMD and Scratch Mobile Kitchen food truck on site
• Respite care
6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Live music in Leonardtown Square featuring Funkzilla
To schedule a tour or 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Mad Splatter Shack FREE art activity in LTown Alley
speak to admissions,
please call
301-475-8000 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Local Book Launch with Christine Trent at Marie &
7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Karaoke at Social Coffeehouse featuring Invincible
Entertainment with DJ Ernie
FROM LOCAL 8 p.m. – 11:45 p.m. Rodeo Night at Action Lounge and Billiards

Live music every weekend!

301-690-2192 •
Open 7 days a week Noon - 6 pm • 23790 Newtowne Neck Road
Thursday, August 1, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS LETTERS 11

Traffic Stop Leads to

Arrest and Recovery ‘Enthusiastic support’ for two candidates
of Stolen Firearm The SMC Times letter to the editor of
7/18/24, by Phillip Wentz, criticized the
highly qualified At-Large SMC school
SMC schools, he has provided important
documentation quantifying the “rot,” as in
his previous LTE of 6/20/24, titled, “Our
board candidate Brandie Edelen as being students deserve safe schools.” In it he cited
“immature and unprofessional” in her official statistics revealing that hundreds of
reaction to the SMC teachers’ union’s vote SMC students were arrested or suspended
against endorsing her candidacy. Edelen’s for violent attacks on unprotected students
response included criticism of the union for and teachers in a single school year. He
“causing rot in the school system” and “not also advocated use of legal and effective
caring about the students.” “Alternative Schools” to isolate dangerous
Among evidence of the union’s negative offenders from their terrorized student and
impact (rot) are its long record of support teacher victims.
of permissive policies that endanger safety Therefore, while I enthusiastically con-
of classroom schoolteachers and their stu- tinue my support for the more experienced
dents. And their continuing opposition to and highly qualified Brandie Edelen for
health screening kids for drugs to protect service on the SMC school board, I like-
them from harmful drug use and related wise enthusiastically support the continuing
violence. candidacy of Josh Guy whose well docu-
Such endangerment of teachers and stu- mented advocacy accentuates the urgency
dents in the current fearful violent public of the need for our government and school
education environment, is well-documented officials to enact new and effective initia-
in periodic behavioral student surveys. It is tives -immediately- to begin in the new
a major cause of continuing loss of student approaching school year, to authorize and
enrollment headcount and the difficulties of implement “zero tolerance” of violence
teacher recruitment. against students and teachers.
On Sunday, July 28, 2024, while con- bered. A subsequent check of law enforce- The younger candidate, Josh Guy may
ducting proactive traffic enforcement in ment databases revealed the weapon was be less experienced. But from his excellent DeForest Rathbone
Lexington Park, Deputy Joseph Senatore listed as stolen through the Shenandoah closeup witness as a recent teacher in the Leonardtown, MD
initiated a traffic stop on a Ford F-150 for County Sheriff’s Office in Virginia.
an equipment violation. Upon approaching The passenger of the vehicle, a 17-year-
the vehicle, Deputy Senatore observed a old juvenile, was arrested and charged as an
‘Unconcerned with even the appearance of fairness’
firearm in plain sight, leaning against the adult with transporting a handgun in a vehi- On July 12, 2024, the Education Association Law § 8-802, (a)(1)(i), “Members of boards
passenger’s left leg on the front passenger cle, a loaded handgun in a vehicle, posses- of St. Mary’s County (EASMC) announced of education shall be elected on a nonpar-
side of the truck. sion of a stolen regulated firearm, possession its endorsement of candidates for election to tisan basis.” School board candidates file
The driver and the passenger were of a firearm by a minor, and related charges. the St. Mary’s County Board of Education. certificates of candidacy “without party
detained, and the truck was searched. The The suspect was transported to the The endorsement process consists of a designation or regard to party affiliation,”
firearm was identified as a loaded 7.62 X Detention and Rehabilitation Center in candidates’ questionnaire and a video inter- and are designated as “unaffiliated” on
39mm Draco pistol with ammunition cham- Leonardtown to await a bond hearing. view for the consideration of its members. election ballots. Essentially, by the letter
Of note is that I was not offered the opportu- of the law, this is the extent of “non-parti-

Hollywood Man
nity to participate. I did not receive the ques- san” school board elections.
tionnaire or an invitation to be interviewed. As demonstrated by the EASMC, the
Was I politically stonewalled. Why? non-partisan nature of school board elec-

Charged with Multiple

Based on its history of endorsements, tions is a pretense. In general, there is no
I am aware of the EASMC’s predilection adherence to even the spirit of the law. The
of support for Democrats. I am also aware EASMC was unconcerned to show even the

Counts of Assault
of my opponent, Cathy Allen, being regis- appearance of fairness.
tered Democrat. I surmise the EASMC’s
endorsements are politically motivated. Elena Brewer
According to Maryland Code, Election
On Thursday, July 25, 2024, Patrol Deputies
from the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office
responded to a call from a business owner
for the report of a suspicious incident that
had occurred Wednesday, July 24, 2024,
at approximately 9:45 p.m. in the park-
ing lot of an establishment located in the
25000 block of Point Lookout Road in
Leonardtown, MD.
Deputies spoke to the victims, who
were employees of the business. They
were advised that on Wednesday, as they
were leaving work following their shifts, a
coworker drove past, rolled down his vehi-
cle window, and pointed a firearm at them. REAL ESTATE
In speaking with the business owner and SERVICES
the victims, Deputies were able to identify Carl James Zimmerman
the suspect as Carl James Zimmerman, 19, VEHICLES
of Hollywood, Maryland. Leonardtown and charged with four counts EMPLOYMENT
Zimmerman was located at his residence of first-degree assault and four counts of
and arrested without incident. The weapon, second-degree assault. CHILD CARE
a “bullpup” style 12-gauge shotgun that Those with additional information about GENERAL MERCHANDISE
was legally registered to Zimmerman, was this incident are asked to contact Deputy
recovered. The suspect was transported to Mina Geric at Mina.Geric@stmaryscoun- WWW.SOMD.COM • CLASS.SOMD.COM
the Detention and Rehabilitation Center in or 301-475-4200, ext. 8166. YOUR ONLINE COMMUNITY FOR CHARLES, CALVERT, & ST. MARY’S
10 LOCAL NEWS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

Legal Notices Communities Invited

Thirty days following publication of this notice, applicant will seek title to the to Participate
National Night Out
vessel described below unless proof of an existing ownership interest has been
presented. Vessel is described as:

1980 Basshunter
Length: 11’ 6” National Night Out (NNO) is an annual com- • Leonardtown Villages
Color: Blue munity-building campaign that promotes • Longview Beach
Registration Number: MD7311AE police-community partnerships and neigh- • Meadow Lake
Hull Identification Number: MD7311AE borhood camaraderie to make our neigh- • Myrtle Point
borhoods safer, more caring places to live. • Patuxent Homes
Contact Nathan Faus: National Night Out enhances the relation- • Persimmon Hills
(570) 930-2013 ship between neighbors and law enforcement • South Woods Estates (River Bay)
24945 Nelka Lane while bringing back a true sense of commu- • Spring Valley
Leonardtown, MD 20650 nity and by bringing police and neighbors • St. James Neighborhood
together under positive circumstances. • St. Joseph’s Community
Want to join in the celebration? The • The Woods at Myrtle Point
following local communities will be cel- • Town Creek
Thirty days following publication of this notice, applicant will seek title to the ebrating National Night Out on Tuesday, • Villages of Leonardtown
vessel described below unless proof of an existing ownership interest has been August 6, 2024, with the St. Mary’s County • Westbury
presented. Vessel is described as: Sheriff’s Office (SMCSO): • Wildewood
• Birch Way “We are thankful to our partners in local
1987 FISHER • Breton Bay law enforcement for their efforts to serve,
Length: 12’ 0” • Cecil’s Mill protect, and engage the community,” said
Color: Light Brown • Cedar Cove Commissioner President Randy Guy. “We
Registration Number: MD 5213 AU • Clarks Rest hope all participating communities have a
Hull Identification Number: FMC86149E787 • Country Lakes fun National Night Out!”
• Forest Way Cul-de-sac (Wildewood) Does your neighborhood want to partici-
Contact Dustin Horst: • Golden Beach pate? Deadline to register is Friday, August 2,
(240) 925-4511 • Greenbrier 2024. Contact the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s
41370 Friendship Ct • Hollywood Shores Office (SMCSO) with additional inquiries via
Mechanicsville, MD 20659 • Leonard’s Freehold email to [email protected].
• Leonard’s Grant Learn more about NNO at:

Notice is hereby given that the following vessel has been abandoned for more than
180 days on the property of: Janet Teeple Muller, 143 Peach Grove Lane, Clear 20 Businesses Pass
Compliance Checks
Brook, VA 22624. Her phone number is 540 974-4024. The vessel is described as:

Boat Registration Number: MD1968 CB

Hull Identification Number: MDZ50389J773
Vessel Name: Graf Spee On July 24, 2024, the St. Mary’s County • H.V. Liquors: 22576 Macarthur Blvd.
Builder: O’Day, Dragonfly Sailboats Sheriff’s Office Alcohol Enforcement Unit Ste. 322, California, MD 20619
Length: 17’ conducted several alcohol compliance • Hermanville C-Store: 21151 Three
Color: Green checks within St. Mary’s County. Notch Rd., Lexington Park, MD 20653
The covert compliance checks involved • Jughead Liquor Wine Beer: 16036
Application for title will be made in accordance with Sections 8-722 of the using an underage Sheriff ’s Office Three Notch Rd, California, MD 20619
Annotated Code of Maryland, Natural Resources Article if this vessel is not Confidential Informant, hereafter referred • Lex Wine & Spirits: 46400 Lexington
claimed and removed from the above property within 30 days of this notice. to as CI. The CI was 19 years old and was Village Way, Lexington Park, MD 20653
accompanied by Sergeant Robbert Merritt, • Marketplace Wine & Spirits: 44920
both of whom were dressed in athletic wear. Saint Andrews Church Rd., California,
The CI was directed to enter the store and MD 20619
If you would like to place a legal notice, request or retrieve an alcoholic beverage • Ridge Market: 13270 Point Lookout
from the business location to purchase it. Rd., Ridge, MD 20680
please call the County Times at 301-373-4125 Twenty alcohol retailers were visited, • Rod’n Reel: 18161 Three Notch Rd.,
or email [email protected] and 19 were compliant with Maryland law. Lexington Park, MD 20653
However, one retail business failed to ask the • Sign Of The Whale Liquors: 21899
CI for any identification, and the CI was able Three Notch Rd., Lexington Park,
to purchase an alcoholic beverage illegally. MD 20653
The following businesses asked for iden- • St Mary’s Fine Wine And Spirits:
tification from the underage individual: 20141 Point Lookout Road, Great
• 2000 Liquor: 21800 N Shangri-La Dr., Mills, MD 20634
Scan QR Code
Lexington Park, MD 20653 • St. James Deli & Spirits: 19343 Three
i ng • ABC Liquors: 22741 Three Notch Rd., Notch Rd., Lexington Park, MD 20653
With Smarthpone

of fer
for Video Sample

now California, MD 20619 • Twist Wine & Spirits: 22608 Three

Vehicle Wraps • Vehicle Wraps • Vehicle Lettering • Banners • Bradfords Neighborhood Market LLC: Notch Rd., Lexington Park, MD 20653
& • Graphic/Logo Design • Decals/Stickers 23860 Hollywood Rd., Hollywood, • Wildewood Wine & Spirits: 23415
Full Color Banners • Screen Printing • Custom T-Shirt Printing MD 20636 Three Notch Rd., California, MD 20619
• California Wine & Spirits: 23123 The following business failed to ask for
Camden Wy., California, MD 20619 identification from the underage individual:
• Cook’s Liquors & Deli: 18400 Point • Baymart and Deli: 16591 Three Notch
Lookout Rd., Park Hall, MD 20667 Rd., Ridge, MD 20680
• Corner Liquors: 46920 South Shangri The alcohol violation report was for-
La Dr., Lexington Park, MD 20653 warded to the St. Mary’s County Alcohol
• Early Bird: 23791 Mervell Dean Rd., Beverage Board for review.
Hollywood, MD 20636
301-769-1177 • • 410-474-3744
Thursday, August 1, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times ON THE COVER 9

Historic St. Mary’s Mansion, Grounds Up for Sale

Photos by Oleks Yaroshynskyi

By Guy Leonard According to a prospectus of the property ing the Potomac River Association. “The Janssons were so generous.”
Staff Writer the last major additions were made to the The concert series began life in the mid- Miller held out hopes that Mulberry
manor house in 1832. 1980s as the Tidewater Music Festival and Fields would stay much the way it had for
An historic nearly 500-acre plantation nes- The plantation was also once home to was held at Mulberry Fields. the past generations.
tled away on the banks of the Potomac dozens of slaves who worked the grounds The family was also instrumental in using “I hope whoever acquires it respects
River in Leonardtown has been up for sale there until the Civil War. their influence to stop an oil refinery from the integrity of Mulberry Fields and what
for almost a year now with an asking price “The Maryland Historical Trust docu- being built approximately 50 years ago in a remarkable historical asset it is for St.
of $30 million. ments that William Somerville [one of the Piney Point. Mary’s County and Maryland,” Miller said.
Not widely known because it has always owners] held a slave labor force of about Starting in 1968 Holger served as the “It’s like being in another world when you
been held in private ownership over the cen- 46 men, women, and children by the early director of the Historic St. Mary’s City go there.
turies — yes, centuries — Mulberry Fields 1800s,” the prospectus reads. “Most worked Commission as well. “It takes you back to the agrarian world
is still owned by the Jansson family, which in the fields, cultivating corn, wheat, flax, Miller said he was glad to have been able of the 18th and 19th century.”
first took possession of it about 70 years ago. and cotton.” to call the Janssons his friends. Mulberry Fields was listed on the
Built in 1763, Mulberry Fields has sur- There are numerous other structures on “They wanted to share the building [the National Register of Historic Places in 1973.
vived the Revolutionary War, the War of the property surrounding the manner house, Mulberry Fields mansion] with others,”
1812 and the Civil War as well as efforts by with some of them rented out as living space. Miller said. “They recognized its signifi- [email protected]
developers to reshape its land and character. One such building is an art studio. cance and character.
It still stands today. There are conditions on the sale and use
Holger and Mary Jansson, long since of the property.
passed away and having left the mansion “The Maryland Historical Trust Deed of
and the grounds, much of it split between Easement allows industrial or commercial
agricultural land and pristine forest, to their activities to be conducted at Mulberry Fields
children, became well known in the com- if the external appearances of its buildings
munity for their philanthropy and advo- are not altered,” the prospectus reads as one
cacy for preserving historical resources like of the conditions. “Owners of Mulberry

Departing From
Mulberry Fields. Fields must abide by a conservation ease-
They opened their home in the mid-1970s ment, a historical preservation easement,
to archaeologists eager to study a remaining and three road easements.
example of Georgian-style home architec-
ture and a prime example of the gentrified,
agrarian lifestyle of the mid-18th century in
“Approximately 100 acres of the land is
currently leased out for farming purposes.
Approximately 300 acres of the land is
Point Lookout Marina
St. Mary’s County.
One of those young archaeologists was
Miller said his first visit to Mulberry
Ridge, MD • Thursday–Sunday • 10am
Henry Miller, now a Ph. D and Maryland
Heritage Scholar at Historic St. Mary’s City.
Fields left a lasting impression on him.
“It was the first 18th century mansion I
Cruises run Through September 15
He was a little saddened at the prospect of ever encountered in my life,” Miller said.
such a cultural and historic resource passing “I was thrilled… you could feel the history.”
out of the hands of the Jansson family who Holger and Mary Jansson had many other
had long held it in trust. interests in St. Mary’s County but they all
“Holger and Mary did so much to pro- focused on maintaining and preserving the
tect it,” Miller told The County Times. unique ways of life here.
“Everything [in the interior of the mansion] Holger and his son Gordon were both
is original from the 1760’s. artists who helped found the North End
“I would hope whoever acquires it would Gallery which still operates in downtown
respect the building; it’s the best Georgian- Leonardtown. The Janssons were also influ-
style mansion in St. Mary’s County. ential in starting the summer concert series
“It’s a fabulous building.” at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and start-

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       Cruise and Crab feast package available
8 LOCAL NEWS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

Tri-County Council Briefed on Alternate

Regional Agricultural Center Plan
By Guy Leonard Morgan later clarified that he feared that
Staff Writer SMADC would want to take over the oper-
ation of the RAC in its new form, but sad-
Momentum seems to be shifting in the effort to dle St. Mary’s County taxpayers with the
build a regional agricultural center (RAC) in majority of the bill.
St. Mary’s, with some elected leaders favoring The memorandum of understanding on
a new approach that includes using a vacant the project states that the facility, whatever
grocery store still under lease in Charlotte it may be, must be owned by the county.
Hall instead of building an entirely new facil- Sewell himself said in the meeting that
ity as originally planned on county-owned SMADC could not sublease the property,
land near a convenience center. which is currently still being leased by
At a special meeting of the executive Shoppers Food Warehouse despite ceasing
board of the Tri-County Council of Southern operations there.
Maryland last week, staff presented a pro- The county, Sewell said, would have to
posed business plan for how the alter- own the property or in conjunction with
nate RAC, which would be known as the other members of SMADC, which includes
Southern Maryland Food Processing Center, Calvert, Charles, Anne Arundel and Prince
would operate. George’s counties.
The space under consideration is the old The county and SMADC should not
McKay’s/Shoppers Food Warehouse located Under the new proposal, the facility would RAC design group was near $7 million. move so quickly to abandon all of the work
on Mohawk Drive just next to the border be used to process meats, poultry, seafood, “And that was before the changes put into building the original site, Morgan
with Charles County; the move to this alter- produce and other cottage industry-made requested by the St. Mary’s [County] Health said, who noted only Charles County has
native site is a result of about six years of foods, said Craig Sewell, marketing and Department in the 10-month delay to get so far shown an interest in helping with the
delays for the original project. livestock program manager for SMADC, septic approved.” cost of owning and operating the pre-built
Under the original agreement with and support 20 full-time employees. Del. Todd Morgan (R-Dist. 29C), who site on Mohawk Drive.
the Southern Maryland Agricultural “It could accomplish a lot,” Sewell said attended the meeting on July 25 virtually, “If it’s that important, let’s see everyone
Development Commission (SMADC) the of the proposed pre-built site. voiced his displeasure with how long the else put some skin in the game,” Morgan
facility was to be used to process already Costs have also increased over time, process has taken and now with the proposal said. “The burden shouldn’t be placed solely
slaughtered livestock for eventual sale by Sewell said, for the original RAC proposal. to switch to a new, pre-built site. on St. Mary’s County tax payers.”
local farmers, plus the sale of some val- According to his presentation: “The last “I don’t like power grabs,” Morgan said
ue-added farm products. estimate for building the RAC from the during the meeting. [email protected]

Activities Challenges Great Prizes

Programs & Events And much more!

Visit your library Calvert

to keep reading 

and learning
all summer long.
Thursday, August 1, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 7

Sheriff’s Office Prepares Sizzlin’ Summer SALE

for National Night Out L OWEST PR I C ES EVER
Outdoor Pottery All Perennials All Roses

All Colors and Sizes 25%OFF 50%OFF

40 %
OFF Buy 3 Get 1 FREE Buy 1 Get 1 FREE
All Citrus Azaleas & All Tropicals
By Guy Leonard younger deputies who have recently joined Allamanda,
Staff Writer the agency, the sheriff said. Mandevilla
“I don’t know that there’s a more pro- & More
Deputies with the sheriff’s office are getting found crime prevention program that we Many varieties to Mix & Match
ready to meet with their community mem- do,” Hall said. “We need to have that gal- choose from. SAVE 33%OFF 50%OFF
bers when celebrations for National Night
Out begin Aug. 6 countywide, said Sheriff
vanized relationship with the community.”
Hall said that the agency first began par- 30 %
OFF Buy 2 Get 1 FREE Buy 1 Get 1 FREE
Steve Hall this week. ticipating in National Night Out around Hanging Baskets Tubs & Color Bowls Japanese Maple
Hall said the National Night Out cele- 1991 and in that one particular instance,
bration, which began decades ago as a way the inaugural celebration, that a unique phe-
for law enforcement and first responders to nomenon occurred.
bond with communities who wanted to stand “There was one call for service the first
up to crime in their neighborhoods, is one year we did National Night Out and that was
of the most important events of the year for a noise complaint which came because of a
his agency.
“It’s been well over 30 years now [since the
National Night Out event,” Hall said.
To have such a reduction in calls for ser- 50%OFF 50%OFF All Sizes & Colors
sheriff’s office first took part] and it’s amaz- vice, and presumably criminal activity, for Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Buy 1 Get 1 FREE 50%OFF any size
ing it’s still going on,” Hall told The County even a brief period of time, was something Fountain Festival Accessories All Furniture
Times. “It’s one of the best things we do.” he hoped could be replicated.
By getting sheriff’s deputies out in the Hall said he plans to attend events in the
community in a friendly, non-confronta- northern, middle and southern regions of
tional manner, where they can enjoy each the county.
other’s company, said Hall, both sides can “I’ll be all over,” said Hall.
learn to understand each other better and
40%OFF Shade Pergola, Hammocks, Benches, Rockers & Tables
learn to cooperate to fight and prevent crime. [email protected]
All Fountains & SAVE
Trellis & Big Green Egg
This was especially important for newer,
Outdoor Statuary 30 to 50%OFF 20 to 60%OFF

New St. Clements Island

Screening Installation SALE - Block Out Your Neighbor
Plant Selection Size Installation 5 or More
Each Each

Water Taxi Approved Green Giant 4-5 ft 7 gal

6-7 ft
$150 ea.
$325 ea.
$135 ea.
$295 ea.
By Guy Leonard “It would be much like a landing barge,” 8-10 ft $499 ea. $440 ea.
Staff Writer Hutson told county commissioners at their
July 30 business meeting. “It will be 45-to- Leyland Cypress 3-4 ft 3 gal $75 ea. $65 ea.
The local group of activists and volunteers 50 feet long. 4-5 ft 7 gal $175 ea. $160 ea.
that works to preserve historic St. Clements “It’s going to be brand new.”
Island — the St. Clements Hundred — will The vessel would also be serviced by a 8-10 ft 15 gal $350 ea. $315 ea.
get a new water taxi soon to aid in that mis- boat lift to keep it out of the water when not
sion after the Commissioners of St. Mary’s in use for ease of maintenance and length- LANDSCAPE DESIGN BUILD
County approved using $700,000 in state ened service life, Hutson said.
bond money to have the vessel custom built. The vessel will also be designed entirely
County planning documents show the in Maryland by a builder based in Annapolis;
vessel would have a 40-person capacity Cerny Yacht Design, Hutson said.
and be compliant with the Americans with In addition to the $700,000 in acquisition
Disabilities Act (ADA). The vessel would costs for the vessel, the annual operations
be used for transporting grounds and land- costs, according to county project documents,
scape equipment to the island by the St. would be $59,000 to be divided between stor- Now ScheduliNg Summer hardScape & laNdScape iNStallatioNS!
Clements Hundred staff and volunteers,
transport participants of all, varying abil-
age at Colton’s Point Marina, pay for the boat’s
captain, fuel, maintenance and insurance.
Call Today For an Estimate 1-800-451-1427
ities to and from the island during county There are plans to develop a memoran- or request a consultation on-line:
museum division-sponsored events and pro- dum of understanding that would allow
vide transportation on and off the island in county emergency personnel to operate the
the event of a weather emergency. vessel for transport in hazardous situations Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Prince Frederick Garden Center Oakville Garden Center
Mike Hutson, a member of the St. when sheltering in place on the small island Sat & Sun. 9-5 1700 Solomon’s Island Rd, & Landscape Project Center
Clements Hundred, said the boat would be is not feasible. Prince Frederick, MD 41170 Oakville Road, Mechanicsville, MD
Sale Ends 8/13/24
“catamaran-style with a center cavity and a 410-535-3664 • 866-535-3664 301-373-9245 • 800-451-1427
pilot house in the back.” [email protected]
6 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024
Thursday, August 1, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 5

Support Grows for Federal Delegation

Amending Animal Awards Funds to YMCA
Ordinance By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
YMCA of the Chesapeake to run a new facil-
ity on Great Mills Road in Lexington Park.
“Thank you for sticking with it,” Cardin
Maryland’s 5th Congressional Represen- said. “Now we’re actually going to make
tative Steny Hoyer, and its two Senators, it happen.”
Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin, all The YMCA has been seen an opportu-
Democrats, awarded hundreds of thousands nity to provide activities and services to the
in federal funding to the YMCA project underserved population and to the econom-
here in St. Mary’s County last week. ically disadvantaged from physical fitness
The main chamber of the Commissioners and well-being to jobs and skills training.
of St. Mary’s County in the Chesapeake “This is about bringing community
Building was full July 26 with purple-t- together,” said Van Hollen. “It opens the
shirt-clad supporters of the long-awaited door for young people and for their families.
By Guy Leonard trator in finding ways to “take away this project with about a $15 million price tag. “We think this is a good use of federal
Staff Writer arbitrary number and still meet the… intent The project is being funded in part by tax dollars.”
of what we’re trying to do, which is pro- the county commissioners and private Commissioner Mike Hewitt, who has
Last week advocates from the animal res- tect the animals and protect the people of donations and now with $850,000 from a been one of the most ardent local supporters
cue community spoke publicly to the the county.” congressional “earmark,” or funds directed among elected leaders for the project, said a
Commissioners of St. Mary’s County in oppo- Colvin said he believed the balance could by elected officials to a specific project in YMCA was long overdue as a needful cat-
sition to the recently updated and installed be struck with relative ease in the ordinance their district. alyst for revitalization of Lexington Park.
animal control ordinance, specifically the with a few minor changes and was waiting While the practice has been widely criti- “It needs regeneration,” Hewitt said
restriction of pet owners to five dogs before for county staff to come up with a proposal cized in some political circles as “pork bar- of the county’s oldest urban center. “The
being required to get a kenneling license. to be debated later by commissioners. rel” spending, Hoyer defended the practice, YMCA is part of that.”
This week Commissioner Eric Colvin Animal rescue advocates speaking last saying it allowed a representative to get Robbie Gill, CEO of the YMCA of the
said he wanted to explore ways to amend week at a public forum said the new ordi- funding for a worthy project that might be Chesapeake which has agreed to run the
the ordinance to address what he believed nance would make it harder for them to take overlooked otherwise. facility, which will still be owned by the
was the local government establishing a in and foster many puppies given up or aban- “We’re trying to help a little bit and I’m county, reiterated that the non-profit is
purely arbitrary number on dog ownership. doned by their breeders or previous owners glad we could do that,” Hoyer told those inclusive of all in spite of their ability to
“The big concern is the five-dog limit,” and led to their eventual death or euthanasia. assembled. pay for a membership.
Colvin said during the July 30 business To come into compliance with the coun- Sen. Ben Cardin, who is not seeking “The Y[MCA] turns no one away due to
meeting in Leonardtown. “To me it seems ty’s newly updated ordinance, they said, reelection, praised the community mem- financial limitations,” Gill said.
to be that it’s a little bit of government over- would also be an unwelcome expense and bers who have for several years continually
reach. We put this arbitrary, five-dog num- make their efforts more difficult. pressed leaders for an agreement with the [email protected]
ber out there.” Colvin said he has engaged
the county attorney and county adminis- [email protected]

National Lighthouse Weekend

at Piney Point Lighthouse
August 3 – 4 • 10am – 5pm
• Oldest lighthouse on the Potomac
• Enjoy tours of the museum & historic park
• The keeper’s quarters &lighthouse will be open
Great for kids
• Climb to the top of the lighthouse! and families
Free admission all weekend!
More info: 301-994-1471
4 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

F eed i n g St.
er s M
m a


The third annual Farmers Feeding St. Mary’s County Program will offer free,
farm fresh produce at two community events!*

Thursday, August 15
Bay District Fire Department
46900 S Shangri-La Dr, Lexington Park, MD
1-7 p.m.
Saturday, September 7
U-Haul Parking Lot
46041 Signature Lane, Lexington Park, MD
9 a.m.-1 p.m.
*While Supplies Last

The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County,

the St. Mary’s County Department of Aging & Human Services,
the St. Mary’s County Department of Economic Development,
Feed St. Mary’s
and the University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
are pleased to offer these valuable community events!

For more information, call 301-475-4200, ext. 1050, or visit

Thursday, August 1, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 3

Now, more than ever, St. Mary’s County needs
trustworthy reporting—but good journalism isn’t free.

Please support The County Times by making a


Two easy ways to show your support:

· Call us at 301-373-4125 to pay by credit card
LOCAL5 · Mail your check to:
Federal funds boost YMCA project My County Times
PO Box 250
Hollywood, MD 20636


Leaders briefed on RAC 2.0 proposal Mulberry Fields is up for sale


Mostly Sunny PM Thunderstorms Thunderstorms PM Thunderstorms DO YOU FEEL

Hi: 94° Lo: 74° Hi: 91° Lo: 73° Hi: 89° Lo: 73° Hi: 86° Lo: 72°

Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny PM Thunderstorms PM Thunderstorms
Hi: 91° Lo: 72° Hi: 86° Lo: 73° Hi: 88° Lo: 71° Hi: 84° Lo: 71°

FOR SALE — $325,000.00 FOR SALE — $485,000.00


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1st Floor Office Condo - 1,825 s.f., 2 bathrooms,
22335 Exploration Drive #1000, Lexington Park
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2 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, August 1, 2024

SALE! 10 Days
July 25 thru
August 3


Rocking Chairs | Single & Double Gliders
Benches | Adirondack Chairs | Tables


Five week lead time. Orders must be prepaid. See store for details.

L&K Poly Lawn Furniture

10340 Somerville Place | Mechanicsville, MD
Monday – Friday 7am – Dark | Saturday 8am – Dark
National Lighthouse Weekend
Aug 3–4 • 10am-5pm Piney Point Lighthouse
Free admission all weekend! More info: | 301-994-1471

St. Mary's
County Times


77 TH A
St. ary’s County






-22, 20
RDTO WN • M 24


Photo by Oleks Yaroshynskyi

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