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Las siguientes oraciones fueron tomadas de la película ‘IT CHAPTER II’ y contienen verbos auxiliares y
modales. Encierre el verbo en cuestión y traduzca al español una de las oraciones por cada palabra.

1. I am not afraid of you! I am on your side. What am I seeing, Mike? Today I am becoming a man.

2. Memory is a strange thing. Here is your consolation prize. Your hair is winter fire.

3. What are you doing? Terrible things are happening. You are nobody without me!

4. He was born here, idiot. My heart was beating so hard. It was a trap.

5. But we were older. You were the best big brother in the world. They were here somewhere.

6. I want to be with you. Everything will be fine. Be who you want to be.

7. It's been 17 hours. I know this week has been difficult. It has been so long.

8. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here today. She was ashamed of being your mother!

9. We have one here. Why do you have a scar on your hand? You have the right to a lawyer.

10. The fun has just begun. How much time has passed? It has started again.

11. You had your grace. He said you had a tumor. I had a beautiful dream.

12. Do you have your notes? You do not need that. Do you think this is a game?

13. What does that mean? Does anyone see them? Why does Stanley have to save you?

14. Did you finish the pages? Did you call the others? That did it.

15. When can you come? Can you tell us? We can kill it.

16. It could be anyone. I could not stop it. Could you shut up now?

17. You may not want to forget. May I help you? He may come.

18. The echo, we might change it. We might die if we go. He might be hungry.

19. You must say three. It must be a joke! We must find faith.

20. It should be a place where people meet. You should know. I should come back.

21. You will float, too! Who will be the winner tonight? No one will love you like me.

22. However, I would like to know. It would be the first time. She would still be alive.

Las siguientes son sustantivos (nouns) muy frecuentes en inglés. ¿Los conoces? Traduzca al español
una de las oraciones por cada palabra.

1. time We don't have much time. Kiss me, as if it were the last time. It's time to float.

2. people People want to escape from a prison. Richie, more people will die. People laugh at me, too.

3. year It gets hot here at this time of year. 27 years later. I haven’t seen you for years.

4. way But life doesn't work that way. Because you don't look that way. He died in a terrible way.

5. thing That thing is a monster. For that little thing. I didn’t like that thing.

6. man What's up, man? Nobody wants to kiss the fat man. Today I am becoming a man.

7. day You said you needed a day to finish the pages. It’s a good day to die.

8. life Run for your life! I've lived my whole life with fear. I love my life.

9. woman Look at that woman. Who married a woman? You are a weak old woman.

10. world You were the best brother in the world. But it's time to go to the world. This is my world.
¿Conoces los siguientes verbos? Son muy frecuentes e importantes. Aparecen mucho en diferentes
contextos. ¿Sabes también sus pasados? Escribe los pasados que conozcas.

1. Say You have to say it. Say you love me, Eddie. What did he say? You must say three.

2. Go I have to go; we'll talk soon. You won't go anywhere, okay? I want to go home.

3. Get What did you get, Vickie? I want to get out of this hole. Did you get married?

4. Know I don't know why. I know this week has been difficult. You know what happened?

5. Make Don't make it worse! So don't make it easy for him. Ben is trying to make him stay.

6. Think Do you think this is a game? Do you think it's fun? I think he's dead.

7. See Shit, do you see us? What did you see out there? get close to see my face.

8. Come Will Stanley come or what? You have to come home. When can you come?

9. Take Take my hand. I'll take the risk. Eddie, take the knife!

10. Tell Tell me I'm wrong! Richie, I have something to tell you. What are you going to tell me?

Los siguientes son los adjetivos más utilizados del inglés. ¿Los reconoces y los dominas? Traduce
una de las oraciones para cada palabra.

1. good That is good. There are no good or bad friends. That can't be good, right?

2. new I have a new idea. This is new in this town. I will be your new friend.

3. right That's right. Am I right, Richie? Take it with your right hand.

4. great That's great. The Great Pennywise. This is a great cap.

5. big I work for a big company. Wasn't it bigger here? It’s a big problem.

6. high I have high expectations. He’s a cop of high rank. Look at that high building.

7. old But we were older. An old friend of Derry called me. I'm an old friend of your husband.

8. bad It looks bad? It smells really bad. I think it is very bad.

9. little You will always be my little girl. I lost the little boat, Billy. We kill our little brother!

10. small They have small penises. You're small, you can fit on the grill. I made it small.

Las siguientes palabras tienen que ver con la película vista. ¿Las conoces? Busca el significado de
todas, luego escoja 5 y realiza una oración con ellas.

clown balloon kids afraid kill die scary blood knife fear

boat float together losers missing sewers

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