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Learn Psychology Kenneth E Carter


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Revised First Edition
Kenneth Carter, PhD, ABPP
Professor of Psychology
Oxford College, Emory University
Oxford, Georgia

Colleen M. Seifert, PhD

Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Psychology
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Contributions by:
Jonna Kwiatkowski, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Mars Hill College
Mars Hill, North Carolina
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ISBN: 978-1-284-12484-2
The Library of Congress has cataloged the earlier printing as follows
Carter, Kenneth, 1967-
Learn psychology / Kenneth Carter, Colleen M. Seifert.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-7637-9898-7
1. Psychology. I. Seifert, Colleen M. II. Title.
BF81.C33 2013
Printed in the United States of America
20 19 18 17 16 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Brief Contents
CHAPTER 1 Psychology: An Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

CHAPTER 2 A Scientific Approach to Psychology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

CHAPTER 3 Neuroscience: The Biology of Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

CHAPTER 4 Sensation and Perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

CHAPTER 5 States of Consciousness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

CHAPTER 6 Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

CHAPTER 7 Memory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

CHAPTER 8 Thinking and Language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276

CHAPTER 9 Intelligence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316

CHAPTER 10 Motivation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

CHAPTER 11 Emotion, Stress, and Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416

CHAPTER 12 Development Throughout the Life Span. . . . . . . . . . . 450

CHAPTER 13 Personality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504

CHAPTER 14 Psychological Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536

CHAPTER 15 Therapies for Psychological Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . 578

CHAPTER 16 Social Psychology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614

Contents v
Contents Preface xviii
Acknowledgments xxv
About the Authors xxvii

CHAPTER 1 Psychology: An Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.1 The Science of Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 1.1 The Scope and Limits of the Science of Psychology 7
1.2 The Origins and History of Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . 8
Philosophical Roots 9
Biological Roots 9
Schools of Thought: Structuralism vs. Functionalism 10
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 1.2 Comparing and Contrasting Structuralism and
Functionalism 12
1.3 Contemporary Psychology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The Biological Perspective 14
The Evolutionary Perspective 14
The Psychodynamic Perspective 15
The Behavioral Perspective 16
The Humanistic Perspective 16
The Cognitive Perspective 16
The Sociocultural Perspective 16
Professional Specialization and Research Areas in Psychology 17
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 1.3 Contemporary Perspectives and Settings in Psychology 19
1.4 Critical Thinking and Multiple Influences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . 19
Critical Thinking 19
The Importance of Multiple Influences 20
Summary of Multiple Influences on Psychology 21
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 1.4 Applying the Criteria of Critical Thinking 23
Visual Summary of Psychology: An Overview 25
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 26

CHAPTER 2 A Scientific Approach to Psychology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2.1 Psychological Investigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
The Scientific Method in Psychology 33
Why Is the Scientific Method Important? 35
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 2.1 Within or Between? 36
2.2 Descriptive Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . 37
Naturalistic Observation 37
Case Studies 38
Surveys 39
Correlational Studies 41
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 2.2 What Do Correlations Mean? 46
2.3 Experimental Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . 46
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 2.3 Designing an Experiment 51
2.4 Statistical Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . 51
Measures of Central Tendency and Variance 52
Making Inferences with Statistics 55
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 2.4 Summarizing with Statistics 56
2.5 Ethics in Psychological Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Human Participants 57
Animal Studies 59
Summary of Multiple Influences on a Scientific Approach to Psychology 61
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 2.5 Ethics in Psychological Studies 61
Visual Summary of A Scientific Approach to Psychology 65
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 67

CHAPTER 3 Neuroscience: The Biology of Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

3.1 Overview: The Components of Biological Bases of Behavior . . . . . . 76
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 3.1 Reviewing the Terminology of Neuroscience 77
3.2 Neural Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . 77
Glia 78
Neurons 78
Neural Networks 82
Multitasking Neurotransmitters 83
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 3.2 Recognizing the Parts of the Neuron 84
3.3 Nervous System Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Peripheral Nervous System 84
Central Nervous System 85
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 3.3 The Organization of the Nervous
System 86
3.4 The Brain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Organization 86
Research on the Brain 86
The Brainstem 87
Midbrain 89
Forebrain 89
Plasticity 93
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 3.4 Identifying the Structures and
Functions in the Brain 94
3.5 The Endocrine System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . 94
Endorphins 95
Adrenal Glands 95
Gonads 95
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 3.5 Identifying the Role of Endorphins and the Endocrine
System Functions 96
3.6 Genetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
The Basic Concepts of Genetics 96
The Research Methods of Genetics 98
Summary of Multiple Influences on the Biology of Behavior 100
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 3.6 Reviewing the Role of Genetics in Psychology 100
Visual Summary of Neuroscience: The Biology of Behavior 103
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 105

CHAPTER 4 Sensation and Perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

4.1 The Interaction of Sensation and Perception. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . 112
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 4.1 Comparing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processing 114
4.2 Sensory Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . 114
Transduction of Physical Energy into Neural Stimulation 115
Detection Thresholds Reflect Sensitivity 115
Sensory Adaptation 117
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 4.2 Testing Sensory Thresholds 118
4.3 The Five Major Senses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . 118
The Sense of â•›Vision 119
The Sense of Hearing 123
The Sense of Smell 124
The Sense of â•›Taste 125
The Sense ofâ•› Touch 127
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 4.3 Methods of Sensory Transduction 129

Contents vii
4.4 Perception Organizes Sensations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . 130
Form and Pattern Perception 130
Gestalt Organizing Principles 131
Depth Perception 133
Perception of Motion 134
Perceptual Constancy 135
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 4.4 Perceptual Organization Principles 136
4.5 Experience and Perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Development 137
Learning 137
Culture 138
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 4.5 The Role of Experience in Perception 140
4.6 The Role of Attention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . 140
Selective Attention 140
Divided Attention 141
Summary of Multiple Influences on Sensation and Perception 142
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 4.6 The Role of Attention in Perception 142
Visual Summary of Sensation and Perception 144
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 146

CHAPTER 5 States of Consciousness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

5.1 Overview: Consciousness, Brain Activity, Levels of€Awareness . . . 154
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 5.1 Consciousness and Psychology 155
5.2 Sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Biological Rhythms and Stages of Sleep 156
Sleep Theories 157
Effects of Sleep Deprivation 158
Sleep Disorders 158
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 5.2 Stages of Sleep 162
5.3 Dreams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Theories of Dreams 162
Dream Contents 164
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 5.3 Theories of Dreams 165
5.4 Hypnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Critical Thinking About Hypnosis 165
Theories of Hypnosis 166
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 5.4 Theories of Hypnosis 167
5.5 Meditation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Meditation Defined 167
Effects and Benefits of Meditation 167
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 5.5 The Effects and Benefits of Meditation 168
5.6 Drug Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Mechanism of Action of Psychoactive Drugs 171
Depressants 171
Stimulants 172
Hallucinogens 173
Summary of Multiple Influences on Consciousness 174
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 5.6 The Effects of Psychoactive Drugs 175
Visual Summary of States of Consciousness 177
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 179

CHAPTER 6 Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

6.1 How We Learn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . 186
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 6.1 Comparing Types of Learning 188
6.2 Classical Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . 188
viii Contents
Pavlov’s Experiments 189
Review of Terminology, Processes, and Factors That Affect Classical€Conditioning 192
Conditioning and Emotional Responses 192
Contemporary Views of Classical Conditioning 194
Applying Principles of Classical Conditioning 196
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 6.2 Applying Principles of Classical Conditioning 197
6.3 Operant Conditioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . 198
Thorndike’s Law of Effect 198
Skinner’s Experiments 198
Punishment 203
Review of Terminology, Processes, and Factors That Affect Operant Conditioning 204
Contemporary Views of Operant Conditioning 205
Applying Principles of Operant Conditioning 207
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 6.3 Comparing Consequences of Behavior 208
6.4 A Cognitive Approach: Observational Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Tolman’s Latent Learning 209
Bandura’s Social-Cognitive Learning Theory 210
Summary of Multiple Influences on Learning 213
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 6.4 Learning by Observing 214
Visual Summary of Learning 216
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 218

CHAPTER 7 Memory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

7.1 Overview: What is Memory?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 7.1 Defining Memory 227
7.2 Constructing Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . 227
Automatic Processing 227
Effortful Processing 229
Mnemonics 232
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 7.2 Applying Methods of Encoding 233
7.3 The Three Stages of Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Sensory Memory 234
Short-Term Memory or Working Memory 234
Long-Term Memory 238
Storing Memories in the Brain 239
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 7.3 Movement of Information Through the Stages of
Memory 240
Contents ix
7.4 Organizing Information in Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . 240
Declarative Memory 242
Procedural Memory 247
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 7.4 Organizing Information in Memory 248
7.5 Retrieval from Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ 248
Retrieval Cues 248
Adding Context 250
Retrieval Practice 251
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 7.5 Practicing Retrieval 251
7.6 Reconstructing Memories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Source Monitoring 252
The Misinformation Effect 252
False Memories 254
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 7.6 Introducing Error in Memory 256
7.7 Forgetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Measures of Forgetting 257
Theories of Forgetting 259
Motivated Forgetting 260
Amnesia 261
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 7.7 Learning from Case Studies of Amnesia 262
7.8 How to Improve Your Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Memory Principles Applied to Studying 263
Summary of Multiple Influences on Memory 264
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 7.8 Developing Helpful Study Habits 265
Visual Summary of Memory 267
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 269

CHAPTER 8 Thinking and Language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276

8.1 Overview: What Is Thinking?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 8.1 Defining Thinking 281
8.2 Problem Solving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . 281
Problem-Solving Methods 281
Biases in Problem Solving 284
Expertise 286
Methods of Problem Solving 286
8.3 Decision Making. . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Algorithms in Decision Making 287
Heuristics in Decision Making 287
Heuristics in Decision Making 290
8.4 Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Algorithms in Reasoning 290
Biases in Reasoning 292
Practicing Reasoning 294
8.5 Language. . . . . . . . . . . . .
What Is a “Language”? 294
Language Structure 294
Language Development 296
Theories of Language
Acquisition 297
Language in Animals 298
Features of Language 299
8.6 Brain, Language, and
Culture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Summary of Multiple Influences on Thinking and Language 302
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 8.6 Multiple Influences on Language Use 304
Visual Summary of Thinking and Language 306
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 309

CHAPTER 9 Intelligence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316

9.1 The Nature of Intelligence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Defining Intelligence 318
Theories of Intelligence 319
The Brain and Intelligence 324
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 9.1 Comparing Theories of Intelligence 326
9.2 Measuring Intelligence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . 327
The Development of Intelligence Testing 327
Principles of Test Construction 330
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 9.2 Understanding What Scores Mean 336
9.3 Individual Differences in Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . 336
Intellectual Disability 336
High Intellectual Ability 338
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 9.3 Varieties of Intelligence 340
9.4 Group Differences in Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . 340
Differences Within Groups and Differences Between Groups 340
Bias in Intelligence Testing 343
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 9.4 Expecting to Be Smarter 346
9.5 Multiple Influences: The Roles of Genetics and Environment in
Determining Intelligence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Evidence for Heredity 347
Evidence for Environmental Influence 347
Summary of Multiple Influences on Intelligence 350
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 9.5 Understanding the Evidence on the Heredity-Environment
Question 350
Visual Summary of Intelligence 352
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 354

CHAPTER 10 Motivation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

10.1 Motivational Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . 362
Instinct Theories 362
Evolutionary Theories 363
Drive Theories 363
Arousal Theories 364
Incentive Theories 365
Hierarchical Theories 366
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 10.1 Theories of Motivation 367

Contents xi
10.2 Motivation of Hunger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . 368
The Physiology and Regulation of Hunger 368
Environmental Influences 373
Hunger, Eating, and Weight 374
A Comparison: Motivation of Thirst 378
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 10.2 Eating Disorder or Disordered Eating? 378
10.3 Sexual Motivation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . 380
Physiology of Sexual Response 381
Gender Norms in Sexual Motivation 382
Evolutionary Theories of Mating 384
Sexual Orientation 387
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 10.3 Evolution and Gender Differences 390
10.4 Social Motivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . 390
Motivation to Belong 390
Motivation to Achieve 392
Motivation for Self-actualization 393
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 10.4 Fostering Achievement 394
10.5 Motivation and Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . 394
Personnel Psychology 395
Organizational Psychology 397
Career Directions 400
Summary of Multiple Influences on Motivation 403
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 10.5 What “Works” at Work? 404
Visual Summary of Motivation 406
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 408

CHAPTER 11 Emotion, Stress, and Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416

11.1 The Role of Physiology and Evolution in Emotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
The Role of Physiology in Emotion 418
The Role of Evolution in Emotion 421
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 11.1 Bodily Processes and Emotion 421
11.2 The Role of Behavior and Cognition in Emotion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
The Role of Behavior in Emotion 422
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 11.2 Behavior and Cognition and Emotion 425
11.3 Theories of Emotion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . 425
Common-Sense Theory 425
James-Lange Peripheral Feedback Theory 425
Cannon-Bard Simultaneous Trigger Theory 426
Schacter-Singer Two-Factor Theory of Emotion 426
Cognitive-Mediational Theory of Emotion 428
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 11.3 Theories of Emotion 428
11.4 Expressing Emotion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . 428
Culture and Emotion 428

Gender and Emotion 429
Fear 429
Anger and Aggression 429
Love 430
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 11.4 Expressing Emotion 431
11.5 Stress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
What Is Stress? 432
Sources of Stress 432
Cognition and Stress 434
Choice as a Stress 435
Culture and Stress 435
Effects of Stress 436
Stress and Health 436
Coping with and Managing Stress 437
Interventions 437
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 11.5 Sources and Effects of Stress 438
11.6 Positive Psychology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . 438
Happiness 438
Hardiness 439
Optimism 440
Summary of Multiple Influences on Emotion, Stress, and Health 441
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 11.6 Positive Psychology 441
Visual Summary of Emotion, Stress, and Health 443
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 445

CHAPTER 12 Development Throughout the Life Span. . . . . . . . . . . 450

12.1 The Beginnings of Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . 452
What Is Development? 452
Prenatal Development 453
The Newborn 456
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 12.1 Before and After Birth 457
12.2 Infancy and Childhood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . 457
Physical Development 458
Cognitive Development 461
Social Development 465
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 12.2 Stages of Cognitive Development 472
12.3 Adolescence and Young Adulthood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . 472
Physical Development 473
Cognitive Development 475

Contents xiii
Social Development 476
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 12.3 Defining Adolescence 478
Critical Thinking Application 478
12.4 Adulthood and Aging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . 479
Physical Development 479
Cognitive Development 481
Social Development 483
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 12.4 Is There a “Right Time” for Everything? 486
12.5 Nature and Nurture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . 486
Summary of Multiple Influences on Development 488
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 12.5 Nature or Nurture? 489
Visual Summary of Development Throughout the Life Span 491
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 493

CHAPTER 13 Personality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504

13.1 Defining Personality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . 506
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 13.1 Describing Personality Theories 507
13.2 The Psychoanalytic Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . 507
The Nature of the Psychoanalytic Perspective 507
Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory 508
Jung’s Analytical Psychology 511
Adler’s Individual Psychology 513
Evaluating the Psychoanalytic Perspective—Is Freud in Error? 513
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 13.2 Comparing the Psychoanalytic Perspectives 514
13.3 The Humanistic Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
Rogers’s Person-Centered Perspective 514
Maslow’s Theory of Self-actualization 515
Evaluating the Humanistic Perspectives 516
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 13.3 Illustrating the Humanistic Perspective 516
13.4 Trait Perspectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . 517
Factor Analysis 517
The Big Five Factors 517
Assessing Traits 518
Evaluating the Trait Perspective 518
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 13.4 Identifying the Big Five Traits 518
13.5 The Social Cognitive Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . 519
Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory 519
Mischel’s Social Cognitive Theory 520
Evaluating the Social Cognitive Perspective 521
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 13.5 Comparing Social Cognitive Perspectives 521
13.6 The Biological Perspective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
Eysenck’s Theory 522
Genetics and Personality 523
Evolutionary Theories of Personality 523
Explain 524
Evaluating the Biological Perspective 524
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 13.6 Understanding the Biological Perspective 524
13.7 Personality Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ 524
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 13.7 Identifying Personality Assessments 526
13.8 Culture and Personality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ 526
Summary of Multiple Influences on Personality 527
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 13.8 Examining Culture and Personality 527
Visual Summary of Personality 529
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 531

xiv Contents
CHAPTER 14 Psychological Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
14.1 Overview: Understanding Psychological Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
Defining Psychological Disorders 538
Criteria of Abnormal Behavior 539
Classifying and Labeling Psychological Disorders 540
Etiology of Psychological Disorders 542
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 14.1 Identifying Psychological Disorders 544
14.2 Anxiety, Compulsiveness, and Stress Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 544
Panic Disorder 545
Phobic Disorders 546
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 547
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 549
Etiology of Anxiety, Compulsiveness, and Stress Disorders 549
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 14.2 Identifying Anxiety, Compulsiveness,
and Stress Disorders 551
14.3 Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . 552
Somatic Symptom Disorder 552
Conversion Disorder 553
Illness Anxiety Disorder (Hypochondriasis) 553
Etiology of Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders 553
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 14.3 Identifying Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders 554
14.4 Dissociative Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . 554
Dissociative Amnesia and Fugue 554
Dissociative Identity Disorder 555
Etiology of Dissociative Disorders 556
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 14.4 Identifying Dissociative Disorders 556
14.5 Mood Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . 556
Major Depressive Disorder 556
Depression and Bipolar Disorder 557
Etiology of Mood Disorders 558
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 14.5 Identifying Mood Disorders 559
14.6 Psychotic Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . 560
Symptoms of Psychotic Disorders 560
Identifying Schizophrenia 561
Etiology of Psychotic Disorders 562
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 14.6 Classifying Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia 563
14.7 Personality Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . 564
Antisocial Personality Disorder 565
Paranoid Personality Disorder 565
Borderline Personality Disorder 566
Summary of Multiple Influences on Psychological Disorders 567
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 14.7 Categorizing Personality Disorders 567
Visual Summary of Psychological Disorders 569
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 571

Contents xv
CHAPTER 15 Therapies for Psychological Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
15.1 Mental Health Practitioners and Settings 580
Psychiatrists 581
Counseling and Clinical Psychologists 581
Master’s-Level Therapists 582
Settings for Mental Health Practitioners 582
The Role of Psychotherapy 583
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 15.1 Comparing the Roles and Settings of Mental Health
Practitioners 584
15.2 Psychodynamic Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
Techniques of Psychodynamic Therapy 584
Types of Psychodynamic Therapy 586
Short-Term Psychodynamic Therapy 586
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 15.2 Understanding Psychodynamic Therapies 586
15.3 Humanistic Therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . 587
Carl Rogers and Client-Centered Therapy 587
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 15.3 Describing the Elements of Humanistic Therapy 588
15.4 Behavior Therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . 588
Classical Conditioning Techniques 588
Operant Conditioning Techniques 590
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 15.4 Designing a Behavioral Treatment Plan 590
15.5 Cognitive Therapies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . 590
Aaron Beck and Cognitive Therapy 591
Albert Ellis and Rational Emotive Therapy 591
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 15.5 Comparing Cognitive Therapies 591
15.6 Family Systems and Group Therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . 592
Systems Approaches 592
Group Therapy 592
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 15.6 Describing an Eclectic Systems Approach 593
15.7 Biomedical Therapies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . 593
Drug Treatments 593
Medical Procedures 599
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 15.7 Explaining the Use of Medicines for Psychological
Conditions 600
15.8 Evaluating Therapies for Psychological Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
Effectiveness of Therapies for Psychological Disorders 601
Effectiveness of Different Therapies 602
Common Factors That Increase Effectiveness 602
Culture, Cultural Values, and Psychotherapy 603
Summary of Multiple Influences on Therapies for Psychological Disorders 603
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 15.8 Summarizing the Factors of Effective Psychotherapy 604
Visual Summary of Therapies for Psychological Disorders 606
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 608

CHAPTER 16 Social Psychology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614

16.1 Social Thought and Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
Groups 617
Core Social Motives 618
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 16.1 Describing Social Roles 618
16.2 Person Perception. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . 619
Social Categorization 619
Physical Appearance 619
Stereotypes 620
Subjectivity 620
Culture and Person Perception 620
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 16.2 Person Perception and Musical Tastes 621
16.3 Attribution: The Person or the Situation? 621
Fundamental Attribution Error 621
Actor-Observer Bias 621
xvi Contents
Defensive Attribution 622
Self-Serving Bias 622
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 16.3 Explaining Attributional Biases 622
16.4 Attitudes and Social Judgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . 623
Components of Attitudes 623
Relieving Cognitive Dissonance 624
Influencing Attitudes: Persuasion 624
Culture and Attitudes 625
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 16.4 Explaining Persuasion 625
16.5 Conformity and Obedience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
Conformity 626
The Power of the Situation: The Stanford Prison€Experiment 627
Obedience 627
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 16.5 Distinguishing Conformity, Obedience,
and Compliance 630
16.6 Social Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . 630
Prejudice 630
Aggression 630
Factors in Attraction 632
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 16.6 Designing for Friendships 633
16.7 Group Influence on the Individual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .å°“ . . . . . . . . . . 633
Altruism 634
Effects of Group Interaction 635
Decision Making 636
Groupthink 636
Social Loafing 637
Social Facilitation 637
Deindividuation 637
Summary of Multiple Influences on Social Psychology 638
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 16.7 Preventing Groupthink 638
Visual Summary of Social Psychology 640
Chapter Review Test • Chapter Discussion Questions • Chapter Projects • Chapter Key
Terms • Answers to Concept Learning Checks • Answers to Chapter Review Test •
References 641

Glossary 648
Index 663
Credits 675

Contents xvii
Welcome Welcome to Learn Psychology! Our goal with Learn Psychology is to create content for
introductory psychology that establishes a new paradigm for student-centered learning.
Learn Psychology is written with the 21st-century student in mind. We have devel-
oped a fresh presentation for introductory psychology that is highly interactive, compatible
with digital applications, and cognizant of the challenges of an ever-evolving economic
landscape. To us, the perfect textbook makes learners want to read it and presents ev-
erything they need to know in an easy-to-use format. That’s what we’ve done with Learn
Psychology. We have drawn on the best practices of educational pedagogy with a “learning
by doing” approach that pairs critical analysis of psychological concepts with examples
from everyday life and allows readers to actively engage with the curriculum.

About The Learn Series

Learn Psychology is the flagship publication of The Learn Series, a completely new course
curriculum solution from Jones & Bartlett Learning that aims to provide a fresh, integrated
print and digital program solution for general education survey courses. The Learn Series
is produced with today’s “digitally native” students in mind by re-envisioning the learning
experience and focusing not just on what students learn but also how students learn. The
Learn Series is characterized by authoritative and notable authors; visual, modular design;
student-centered pedagogy; and integrated formative and summative assessments that
improve learning outcomes—features that allow instructors to easily customize and per-
sonalize course curriculum. The Learn Series provides the most interactive and advanced
curriculum solution for today’s student-centered learning environments by emphasizing
the skills students need to thrive in the 21st-century knowledge-based economy.

For more information on additional titles in the series, please visit www.TheLearnSeries.

Skills for the 21st-Century Workforce

Sample 21st-Century Addressable Workforce Skills Supporting Pedagogy in The Learn Series
Able to determine Able to evaluate Can apply evidence to Group and individual projects
the extent of information and its new problem solutions Online writing tutorial included in Navigate
RESEARCH LITERACY information needed sources critically
I Can convey ideas Able to speak Can effectively work Group and individual projects
and meaning persuasively in a in a team structure Discussion questions
through oral group to solve problems Instructor’s Resource Curriculum Guide with
& PUBLIC SPEAKING communication additional group projects and activities

Able to analyze data Able to evaluate Able to make Critical Thinking Applications
Able to synthesize source material for decisions based Short essay questions in Test Bank
PROBLEM SOLVING different types of validity, etc. on data Interactive exercises in Navigate
& CRITICAL ANALYSIS information PAL Psychology
Able to use the Able to retrieve and Able to use basic Navigate Learn Psychology
Internet critically manage information word processing Chapter Projects
LITERACY via technology and spreadsheet Online activities and assignments
Able to organize and Uses a variety of Able to write complete, Online Writing Tutorial included in Navigate
outline the main topics simple and complex grammatically correct Short Essay Questions in Assessment Banks
or thesis sentences to create sentences
a fluid writing style

The Themes and Approach of Learn Psychology

The overarching definition of psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes,
and the biological, experiential, and sociocultural factors that influence behavior. In Learn
Psychology, we highlight the multiple influences that affect psychological phenomena.
Within each chapter, we explain how biological factors (including genetics, neural process-
ing, hormones, and evolution) combine with environmental factors (such as culture, social
context, and experience) to influence psychology. We offer multiple levels of explanation
to aid in understanding the “why” of psychology; that is, why do people behave they way
they do? In order to understand psychological questions, we must explain the interplay
of biological and environmental influences jointly at work in all human behavior.
Each chapter topic is explained in terms of the multiple influences on psychology
and concludes with a thought-provoking summary that emphasizes these multiple in-
fluences. Learners will see this theme of “multiple influences on psychology” repeated
throughout the text, continually underscoring the fact that human psychology has roots
in biology, yet is driven by social and cultural context, and that these factors work in
concert to explain psychological concepts and questions. Though the field is just begin-
ning to explore how genes and environment interact in development, for example, Learn
Psychology encourages students to consider multiple influences as explanations for any
topic within psychology.
Throughout the book we also emphasize psychological science and explain the meth-
ods involved in research. We present state-of-the-art information on psychological topics
and the supporting scientific evidence. What we know about psychological phenomena
comes from these studies, so it is critical that students learn about the science and the
methods. These research discussions require the learner to think critically about conclu-
sions from empirical studies and how results can be applied to behavior in the real world.
The scientific foundation includes both classic and recent studies to provide the most
accurate, current, and comprehensive coverage possible.

The Structure of Learn Psychology

Learn Psychology helps optimize learning through enhanced coverage, study, testing,
and review while emphasizing the “doing” that reinforces comprehension. Pedagogical
features are designed to provide a preview of the material and ensure key concepts are well
understood. Each chapter contains numbered sections, or modules, that address a major
concept in the introductory psychology curriculum. These modules are self-contained
key content units. Each module has associated learning objectives, preview statement,
illustrations, concept learning check, and finally, a summary and test. This modular con-
tent unit structure informs the entire Learn Psychology program.
All of the content in Learn Psychology is highly visual, current, and easy to under-
stand. Visual overviews play to dynamic learning and underscore important points. Our
goal with Learn Psychology is to present accurate core content rooted in best-in-class
pedagogy while avoiding distracting off-topic add-ons. The result is an introductory
psychology curriculum that is engaging, consistent, and complete—and which helps
students measure their progress at every step.
Learn Psychologyis fully comprehensive and designed for cutting-edge coursework.
By incorporating opportunities for active learning, Learn Psychology maximizes teaching
productivity, enhances student learning, and addresses the challenges of teaching and
learning introductory psychology in fresh, new ways.

Pedagogical Aids and Features

Learn Psychology is based on a modular concept format that provides a clear organization
of the key topics pertaining to introductory psychology. With this modular format, digital
versions of Learn Psychology are also fully customizable, allowing faculty full control over
the desired curriculum. For more information on customization options, please visit the
publisher website at
This essential textbook covers more than 100 introductory psychology topics and
divides them into modules linked with learning objectives, providing students with a
structured road map for learning, reviewing, and self-assessment.
Every chapter in Learn Psychology is organized with the following structure to help
learners engage with the concepts in the textbook as they read:

Preface xix
Chapter Sections
The modular format dictates that each chapter opens with a series of learning objectives,
which reappear whenever a topic is repeated to help guide students’ learning. Each chapter
contains several numbered sections that address a major topic or concept; sections are
largely self-contained units of content instruction. Any element or feature labeled with a
section number reflects and is relevant to that section.
Chapter Overview
Content-specific chapter overviews provide a summary of key chapter concepts and serve
as a “master plan” to visually show the scope and sequence of content covered. Students
use the Chapter Overviews as a map, to guide them through critical concepts and keep
them connected to learning objectives.

5 States of Consciousness

alloons. Not two or three, but dozens of them. I wasn’t sure
what to think. There she was, in my waiting room, with what
must have been three dozen balloons of all different colors
tied with brightly colored ribbons.
As a clinical psychologist, I’ve learned to watch for certain
Learning Objectives




Define consciousness.
Describe how consciousness relates to psychology.

Describe the changes in brain wave activity that occur during the different stages
of sleep.
Understand why sleep deprivation is harmful.
Understand why deep sleep is important.
Understand why REM sleep is important.
Describe some common sleep disorders.

Describe the two main theories of dreams.

5.4 ■ Explain the two theories of hypnosis.

behaviors in my therapy waiting room. Most clients are anxious: 5.5


Discuss the effects and benefits of meditation.

List and describe the four categories of psychoactive drugs.

They might sip nervously from a cup of water, or thumb through

■ Describe the effects of psychoactive drugs on the nervous system.

a magazine. Some bring props, photo albums, diaries, or lists.

Chapter Overview

None had brought balloons. 5.1 Overview: Consciousness, Brain ConCept Learning CheCk 5.2 Stages 5.4 Hypnosis 5.6 Drug Use Summary of Multiple Influences on
Activity, Levels of Awareness of Sleep Critical Thinking About Hypnosis Mechanism of Action of

I led her back to my office. Anyone else might have jumped right
Theories of Hypnosis Psychoactive Drugs ConCept Learning CheCk 5.6 Effects of
ConCept Learning CheCk 5.1 Consciousness 5.3 Dreams Depressants
Altered State of Consciousness Psychoactive Drugs
and Psychology Theories of Dreams Role Playing Alcohol
Dreams as a Reflection of Unconscious Divided Consciousness Narcotics/Opiates
5.2 Sleep

in and asked, “So, what’s with the balloons?” But as a psychologist, you
Wishes Stimulants
Biological Rhythms and Stages ConCept Learning CheCk 5.4 Theories of
of Sleep CritiCaL thinking appLiCation Caffeine
Sleep Theories Dreams as Interpreted Brain Activity Nicotine
Effects of Sleep Deprivation Dream Contents 5.5 Meditation Cocaine

learn to let these things unfold in their own time. She was disheveled, Meditation Defined Methamphetamine
Sleep Disorders ConCept Learning CheCk 5.3 Theories of
Insomnia Effects and Benefits of Meditation Hallucinogens
Sleep Apnea LSD
ConCept Learning CheCk 5.5 Effects and Marijuana

her face worn with age, and she had sadness in her eyes. She waited,
Benefits of Meditation Ecstasy

as many clients do on their first visit, for my cue. “So what brings you
here today?” I began.

She explained to me that a year ago, on this very day, her 8-year-old
98987_CH05_Pass4.indd 152 24/02/12 3:31 PM 98987_CH05_Pass4.indd 153 24/02/12 3:31 PM

son died. SheStatement
Preview described his long, protracted illness. She told me
how much he loved balloons. She and a few dozen others, who had also
lovedsection, a preview
ones, were on theirstatement
way to thesummarizes the would
park. There they content of the section that
follows. These
notes preview
to the people statements
they had lost,prepare students
tie the notes to thefor the content
balloons, ahead, providing
and set
advance organization
them free, one byduring reading.
one. It was sad, and beautiful, and yes, a little strange.

14.1 Overview: Understanding Psychological Disorders

Psychologists use a number of different tools to diagnose and understand
psychological disorders.
■■ Define psychological disorders as determined by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and
explain the criteria for abnormal behavior using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
If a person lines up her fries Disorders.
before she eats them, it might
What causes people to behave in unusual or disturbing ways? To what extent do outside
be unusual, but it’s not likely 7.2╇ Constructing Memory 229
influences (nurture) combine with biological forces (nature) to affect behavior? Does the
to be a disorder.
about your experiences. and
In this sense, memory Tables
is highly
above have a psychological disorder or a very healthy way of dealing
selective: It depends on you to
with your
construct the information, and it requires hereffort.
grief? Psychologists understand a psychological disorder to be any behavior or
Effortful ProcessingFigures and mental tables
processunderscorethat causes a person keytopoints suffer oror present
worry or produce complex
harm to his information.
or her social They provide
In contrast to automatic processing,or work life. The science of understanding and diagnosing these psychological disordersto aid the reader
anto ensure
processing in order effective memory
that information
construction requires
is encoded into memory. mode
a great deal
of instruction,
of effortful
As experienced presented schematically
is called
learners, you know this very well: Simple psychopathology
repetition, or experience with information,. In their
is quest to understand the nature of psychological
not sufficient to guarantee that theand reinforce
information will the text.
be encoded use
(see Figure References
7-4). tools totoidentify,
figures areand
study, in color
discoverto themake originsit easier to locate
One fundamental finding is that we tend to remember the meaning of an experience rather
than the incidentalthe
detailsfigure and
surrounding its ofpop
encoding. In other right back
people perform into
These the reading.
effort tools include diagnostic manuals, statistics, and bio-
after meaning, attempting to understand thepsychosocial
point of a communication models. By the end of this chapter, you will have examined some of
or experience,
and we tend to encode the meaning that we assign to it. 320 ChaPter 9 Intelligence
these tools and how psychologists combine their use to understand psychological
Encoding into Memory disorders. You will also use these
Figure tools
7-4 Two to define and identify
types of psychological
Table 9-1 Psychological disorders.
Theories of Intelligence
processing can lead to the
Theorist Major Concept Key Points
encoding of information into
Automatic (unaware) Effortful (conscious) Defining memory.
Psychological Disorders Charles Spearman (1904) General
A single, general intelligence capacity (“g”) is the source
of all mental abilities

Not all abnormal or unusual behavior qualifies as a psychological

Louis Thurstone (1938) Primary mental
abilities disor-
Discovered a set of seven different factors related to
varied task scores

der. Lining up French fries in rows before eating them

Raymond Cattell (1963)
may be unusual
Fluid and
Discovered just two underlying abilities: fluid intelligence
and crystallized intelligence

behavior. However, it probably does not indicate a psychological

Robert Sternberg (1985) Triarchic theory disor-
Broadened Cattell’s concept into three categories of
intelligence: analytic, creative, and practical

der. There are two widely used approaches Howard to understanding

Gardner (1983) Multiple and defining
Proposed a theory of seven separate intelligence abilities
operating independently
What you ate for lunch psychological
Textbook reading disorders: the medical model and theSalovey,
Mayer, biopsychosocial
Caruso, & Emotional approach.
The ability to perceive, understand, integrate, and
Sitarenios (2001) intelligence regulate emotions to promote personal growth

The DSM, or Medical Model

This is illustrated by an early study of reading (Sachs, 1967), where this story was
presented: “There is an interesting story about theOver several
telescope. years,
In Holland, mental
a man named health professionals developed
to concludea system
that there is for categoriz-
a single, general intelligence underlying performance in all
Lippershey was an eyeglass maker. One day his children were playing with some lenses. intellectual tasks. So a single “intelligence” score could be determined that will predict
ing and describing disordered behavior. This system is presented how a person willin theonDiagnostic
perform any mental task.
xx Preface
They discovered that things seemed very close if two lenses were held about a foot apart.
Lippershey began experimenting and and Statistical
his “spyglass” Manual
attracted of Mental
much attention. He sent a Disorders, or DSM, published
Of course, this correlation between tasks is not perfect. Spearman also proposed
by the (s)American
specific intelligences Psy-
that accounted for skilled performance, specific to each par-
letter to Galileo, the great Italian scientist. Galileo at once realized the importance of the ticular task. Any cognitive task draws upon multiple abilities, some of which are unique
discovery and set about to build an instrument of his own. He used an old organ pipe Ken Jennings III is the to the specific task (such a pressing a particular key) and others that also apply to other
winningest game show tasks (such as detecting a stimulus). More recent work has shown that the single g score
with one lens curved out and the other in. On the first clear night he pointed the glass
Concept Learning Check
CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 14.1 Identifying Psychological Disorders
At the end of every section, a Concept Learning Check Compare each behavior to the three criteria of psychological disorders. Then decide
whether the behavior is disordered or not.

is presented to test mastery of the material in that sec-

tion. These checks focus on “pain points” for students
and provide extra coaching on the key concepts in the
chapter. This gives learners a chance to apply what they
have studied in fresh examples, or to see the material
applied from a different perspective. Betty brought balloons
to her first appointment
with her therapist.
Ben throws a tantrum
almost every day
whenever he doesn’t get
Sam throws a tantrum
almost every day
whenever he doesn’t get
Clara is afraid of clowns.
She wants to take her
children to the circus,
Maria is very afraid
of snakes. She enjoys
hiking, but won’t go
his way. Ben is 22. his way. Sam is 2. but she’s afraid she’ll in the reptile house
see a clown. She avoids at the zoo.

Critical Thinking Application toy aisles in department

stores for the same
Is it deviant?

The Critical Thinking Applications within each chapter Does it cause the
person distress?

highlight a challenging or topical concept that asks learn- Is it


ers to participate and demonstrate their understanding

Is it a disorder?

of the concepts.
Summary of Multiple Influences in the
The final section of each chapter ties together the discus-
sion of biological and environmental factors affecting our
psychology and highlights the multiple influences on the
A few years ago in a small Connecticut city, a man named Scott left his office and
began his drive home. He was 25 years old, single, and in good health. In fact, he
had never suffered from more than a cold or a bad case of food poisoning. With no
history of seizure disorder, Scott had a seizure while driving. Unable to control his muscles
or his car, he lost control of the vehicle, killing one person and injuring several others.

topic presented. When people who hear this story are

asked if they think Scott should be punished,
people take a harsher view of Scott’s role.
They suggest that Scott should be committed
most say no, because they believe the accident to a mental institution or arrested and tried for

Chapter Key Terms wasn’t his fault. Some may suggest that his driv-
ing privileges should be suspended until he is
seizure-free. Almost everyone agrees, however,
the death and destruction he caused.
If we think about it, most of us would agree
that seizures and hallucinations share some
that putting him in jail wouldn’t prevent or deter biological and physiological characteristics.
Key Terms appear in blue in the text at point of use and another similar accident.
Strangely, when this story is told so that Scott’s
Nevertheless, we tend to feel very differently
about behavior that results from one condition
are defined in a way that doesn’t interrupt the main idea “seizures” are instead called “hallucinations,”
versus another. Why?

of the sentence. Key terms are also provided in the margin 1. Do attitudes about mental health affect how we treat, punish, or choose not to treat mental
illnesses as opposed to other illnesses? Explain.

with sharp definitions that can be used as flashcards. Key 2. How might stigmas and biases about mental illness be reflected in our language and in our laws?

terms are also found as an alphabetical list at the very end

of the chapter and in the final glossary.
Visual Overview
The Visual Overview provides a dynamic visual diagram of one or more key concepts and
helps to tie chapter themes and segments into a cohesive whole.
Visual Summary
The Visual Summary is located at the end of the chapter and recaps the main ideas in
each section using brief, bulleted sentences that are highlighted with an image that refers
back to the section content.

266 chapter 7 Memory

Visual Summary of Memory
Visual Summary of States of Consciousness Visual Summary of States of Consciousness, continued

Visual Overview Types of Knowledge

Visual in Memory Sleep cycles
Overview 5.5 Meditation
• Meditation refers to any mental practice • The techniques of meditation hold
Different kinds of knowledge are organized in different ways in long-term memory.
5.1 Overview: Consciousness, Brain Activity, Levels of Awareness that focuses on regulating attention and promise for the treatment of several
awareness. conditions.
Awake • Neuroscience imaging gives us a peek into • Dual processing ability of your nervous
what occurs in consciousness. system helps you to attend to and manage
• Consciousness is dynamic and fluid. stimuli from a variety of sources.
Schemas Stag
tage 1 reM reM
“Flashbulb” reM reM • Our ability to selectively attend helps us • Cognitive neuroscience is the science that
to focus and attend. studies thought, perception, and language
from a biological perspective.
g 2
5.6 Drug Use
5.2 Sleep • A psychoactive drug is a chemical used to • Depressants are drugs that reduce the
Stage 3 alter consciousness. level of activity in the nervous system and
• Your brain is active during sleep. • The adaptive theory of sleep maintains
• The abuse of psychoactive substances include tranquilizers, alcohol, narcotics,
• You progress through four distinct phases that sleep is an evolved biological process.
can lead to addiction, tolerance, and barbiturates, and opiates.
during sleep. • Sleep deprivation can cause many
ge 4 psychological and physical problems.
symptoms of withdrawal. • Stimulants are drugs that increase
• Stage 1 is the phase between relaxed
• A mechanism of action refers to the way activity in the nervous system and
wakefulness and sleep. • Chronic sleep deprivation and sleep include caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines,
Knowledge Organization in Memory • Stage 2 is distinguished by sleep spindles
and K-complexes on the EEG.
debt can also cause problems in daily
a drug functions, and psychoactive drugs
influence the functioning of the nervous methamphetamine, cocaine, and ecstasy.
system through their influence on • Hallucinogens are a class of drugs that
• In Stage 3, delta waves emerge on the • Sleep disorders are conditions in which neurotransmitter functioning. distort conscious experience and include
Declarative EEG. the quality or quantity of sleep is LSD, mescaline, and marijuana.
• In Stage 4, delta waves are more disturbed.
prominent on the EEG. • Parasomnias are abnormal behaviors
Semantic networks Awake Low voltage, high frequency Autobiographical • REM sleep emerges the second time you associated with sleep.
enter Stage 1 sleep and is associated with • Dyssomnias are conditions that affect the
Easy to wake up quantity or timing of sleep.
memory sorting and dreams.
ge 1 Low Voltage, mixed frequency More difficult to wake up • The restorative theory of sleep suggests • Insomnia is characterized by difficulty
Florida Hard to wake up, that sleep regenerates the body. falling or staying asleep.
may feel disoriented
Stage 2 Sleep spindles & K complexes
reM Low voltage, 5.3 Dreams
mixed frequency + • Dreams are an array of sensory events • The activation-synthesis theory of dreams
rapid eye movement
Stage 3 Mostly slow waves
and muscle atonia
experienced during sleep. maintains that dreams are the result of
• The Freudian theory of dreams interpreted brain activity during the
is a consolidation of our memories.
suggests that dreams are a reflection of
Stage 4
St Slow waves unconscious id wishes.

5.4 Hypnosis
• Hypnosis is a trancelike state induced by that hypnosis is a special state of
a person whose suggestions of changes consciousness.
in consciousness or sensations are readily • The sociocognitive theory of hypnosis
accepted by the subject. suggests that you respond to the
• Not everyone is hypnotizable; about 20% suggestions of the hypnotist because you
of people can’t be hypnotized, even by are expected to do so.
highly skilled practitioners. • Dissociation theories of hypnosis suggest
• Hypnosis can help many medical that the hypnotic state produces a split in
conditions like pain. consciousness and separates the executive
• Researchers can’t consistently find control system from the rest of the brain.
changes in the brain that would indicate

Concepts “how to”

177 178

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Preface xxi
Chapter Review Test
The Chapter Review Test is a multiple-choice self-quiz covering the entire chapter. Head-
ings correlate to chapter sections as well as objective statements. Answers that provide
complete rationales are also included.

Chapter reVieW teSt A. teachers’ expectations led to greater learning for those 14. A student is asked to report her gender at the top of a
students. mathematics test. Based on “stereotype threat” research,
B. his intelligence test was in fact able to identify doing this will very likely:
9.1 The Nature of Intelligence conceptual “blooming” in children. A. boost her performance on the test.
1. A person who scores equally high on several different 3. Sam’s intelligence is described as “bodily kinesthetic.” C. standardized tests were not a valid measure of student B. hinder her performance on the test.
intelligence test measures, such as mathematical, verbal, Which theory of intelligence is referred to here? C. have no effect on her performance.
musical, emotional, the ACT, and the Stanford-Binet, A. general intelligence (g) D. lower her stress level.
D. students’ actual learning was not related to their
provides evidence for: B. Gardner’s multiple intelligences
A. general intelligence (g).
teacher’s expectations.
C. Sternberg’s triarchic theory
B. Gardner’s multiple intelligences. D. Emotional intelligence 9.5 Multiple Influences: The Roles of Genetics and Environment in Determining Intelligence
C. specific intelligence (s). 4. Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence includes creative 15. Factors that significantly impact intelligence test scores 17. The Flynn effect refers to finding that the intelligence tests
D. savants. intelligence, practical intelligence, and: include all of these except: scores for every generation since 1920 have:
2. Raymond Cattell’s (1963) theory of intelligence A. analytical intelligence. A. academic achievement. A. gone up steadily.
identified just two abilities underlying intelligence: fluid B. emotional intelligence. B. socioeconomic status. B. stayed at the average score of 100.
intelligence, the ability to determine relationships within a C. logico-mathematical intelligence. C. gender. C. gone down due increases in poverty levels.
given task, and: D. spatial intelligence. D. genetics. D. showed differences between ethnic groups.
A. specific intelligence (s).
B. crystalized intelligence. 16. The highest correlation between two individuals’
C. primary mental abilities.
intelligence test scores is found when the two are:
D. creative intelligence.
A. fraternal twins raised together.
B. nonbiological siblings.
9.2 Measuring Intelligence C. identical twins raised apart.
5. If your intelligence quotient is 100 as measured with the 7. Susan scores a 520 on the math GRE. She studies for D. biological parent and child.
Stanford-Binet test, you have a “mental age” that is: 6 months and retakes it, to score a 520. This example
A. determined to be above average. suggests the GRE score is: Chapter DiSCUSSion QUeStionS
B. different than your chronological age. A. standardized.
B. reliable. 1. Imagine that you are a teacher for first-grade children 3. We can see in Section 9.4 that environment plays a role
C. the same as your chronological age.
C. valid.
who are just beginning to learn how to read, write, and for most all group differences in intelligence, lowering
D. determined to be below average.
do mathematical operations. Evaluate the pros and cons scores for some groups. Relate this difference in scores to
6. According to providers of tests like the Wechsler, D. biased against women.
of at least three theories of intelligence in helping you differences in life outcomes. In other words, if someone
WAIS, GRE, SAT, and ACT, modern psychological tests 8. You take a test today that measures your willingness to understand how to teach your students. As with all classes is at risk for a lower IQ score due to environmental
of intelligence are now designed to provide all of the help others. Next month, you take the same test and get of students, you should expect a wide range of strengths circumstances, what areas of his/her life are likely to be
following except: the same score. This illustrates the technique used to and weaknesses in the group. affected?
A. standardization. measure:
2. IQ-like tests are sometimes used during the hiring process 4. Section 9.5 reviews evidence for both heredity and
B. validity. A. test-retest reliability. for different businesses, where the skills needed for the job environment in intelligence. Assess the role of heredity
C. reliability. B. criterion validity. are assessed in the test. Imagine that you are the person and environment in determining IQ scores. Do heredity
D. mental age. C. content validity. making hiring decisions for wait staff in a restaurant and and environment always have the same relative importance
D. split-half reliability. you are using an IQ-like test to make your decisions. in determining IQ? In other words, does heredity play a
9. Intelligence tests are most accurate when used to predict: Differentiate the errors that you would make if your test bigger role for some groups versus others? Or is the role
A. practical decision-making. was not reliable versus if it was not valid. What problems of heredity and environment always about the same for
B. academic performance. might you find in your wait staff if you hired based on a everyone?
C. parenting skills. nonreliable test versus a nonvalid test?
D. job success.
Chapter proJeCt
9.3 Individual Differences in Intelligence
1. Design your own intelligence text. What are example items 2. View a movie tackling the issues of life for a person with
10. Intellectual disability is defined as scoring below ________ 12. According to Simonton (2009), the cases of “genius” he that you feel truly capture what we mean by “intelligence”? intellectual disability. Are there any aspects of the depiction
on intelligence tests. studied show that: Write ten example questions and answers. Then, give your that surprised you? What issues are raised about personal
A. 100 A. genius is a collective recognition, like a school of art. exam to three people, and determine whether there are independence and the right of self-determination?
B. 70 B. genius is universal, with excellence across many any differences in performance. What elements of your test
C. 30 domains. were successful, and which were less so? Why is creating
D. 120 C. geniuses are not very productive, often producing one an intelligence test so difficult?
11. In addition to tests of intelligence, advocates for the great work.
intellectually disabled suggest measuring: D. geniuses tend to have long careers, peaking around Chapter keY terMS
A. literacy. age 40.
Achievement test Emotional intelligence Intellectual disability
B. cognition. Adaptive behavior Environmental influence Intelligence
C. adaptive behavior.
Analytic intelligence Fluid intelligence Intelligence quotient (IQ)
D. mental health.
Aptitude test Flynn effect Intelligence test
9.4 Group Differences in Intelligence Content validity General intelligence (g) Mental age
Creative intelligence Genius Multiple intelligences
13. In Rosenthal’s study of school performance, he told
teachers which of their students were “on the verge of Creativity Gifted Norm
blooming” intellectually. At the end of the year, his findings Crystalized intelligence Group aptitude test Practical intelligence
showed that: Down syndrome Heritability Predictive validity
354 Chapter Review 355

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Chapter Discussion Questions

Open-ended questions provoke thoughtful discussions in the classroom or in online
discussion boards. These questions are carefully chosen to illuminate key concepts of the
chapter and to create a constructive experience of discussion, evaluation, and comparison
in order to solidify comprehension.
Chapter Projects
Potential projects for individuals, pairs, or small groups are suggested. These can be
done either in class or outside of class. They focus on an issue related to students’ lives
and experience, real-world applications, or media depictions of psychological concepts.

Learn Psychology Digital Curriculum

Learn Psychology is a comprehensive and integrated print and digital solution for courses
in introductory psychology. Instructors and students can use the following digital resources
in part, or in whole:
Navigate Learn Psychology is a simple-to-use and fully customizable online learn-
ing platform combining authoritative content written by the authors of the main text
with interactive tools, assessments, and robust reporting and grading functionality. Using
content that extends the core text, including objectives organized by lesson, instructors
can use Navigate Learn Psychology as part of an on-ground, online, or hybrid course
offering requiring little to no start-up time.

xxii Preface
PAL Psychology is a powerful new personalized adaptive learning (PAL) program
that uniquely combines study planning, homework assignments, and assessment tools
all in one easy-to-use application. PAL Psychology helps students study more efficiently
so they can make the most of their study time.

For students who prefer electronic textbooks, Learn Psychology is also available in
digital formats from leading ebook retailers such as Coursesmart, Amazon, and Google.

Learn Psychology Instructor Resource Program

Every element in the Instructor Resource Program maps to chapter and section-level
learning objectives. Student learning outcomes are developed by the main authors of the
core text ensuring quality and consistency throughout.
The Comprehensive Instructor Resource Program includes:
• Instructor Resource Curriculum Guide featuring chapter overviews, chapter
outlines, suggested lectures, discussion questions, projects, handouts and media
resources—all keyed to chapter section and learning objectives, when and where
possible. Additionally, we also include a correlation grid connecting learning objec-
tives to APA outcomes and selected 21st-century workforce skills.
• Brownstone’s Diploma Testing Software with a comprehensive bank of test ques-
tions written by the main text authors. The complete bank includes over 160 Critical
Thinking, Applied, and Factual questions per chapter, each tagged to chapter learn-
ing objectives and Bloom’s Taxonomy. Questions can be sorted, selected, and edited
based on level of difficulty or question type.
• PowerPoint™ Presentation Slides in multiple formats including PowerPoint with
chapter images only; PowerPoint with chapter outlines and key narrative; and Pow-
erPoint with outlines, key narrative, and images. All of the PowerPoint slide pre-
sentations are written by the main text authors and include references to supported
chapter learning objectives.
• Psychology Instructor Place for online access to PowerPoints, Instructor Resource
Curriculum Guide, APA correlation grid, 21st-century workforce correlation grid,
discussion questions file, suggested student projects, video resources links, chapter-
by-chapter media bibliography, and sample syllabi.
Contact your Jones & Bartlett Learning Account Representative for more details.

More Free Resources for Students To Support Basic

Writing Skills:
A Writing Tutorial for College Students
The ability to organize and outline main topics and write complete, grammatically cor-
rect sentences is a critical skill for today’s freshman-level student. Combining the best of
English composition manuals and various open resources available online, Learn Psy-
chology includes a specially developed free resource designed to help students improve
basic writing skills, analyze resources on the web, and perform critical analysis of a topic.

Preface xxiii
The website,, distills the essential skills of
writing into eight succinct modules:
1. Introduction to College Writing
2. Structure and Thesis Statements
3. Mechanics and Grammar
4. Research, Citation, and Avoiding Plagiarism
5. Making an Argument
6. The Research Paper
7. The Writing Process
8. Elegance and Style

About the Authors

Dr. Antone Minard, PhD
Dr. Minard earned his PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles. He currently
resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, where he teaches in the Humanities Department
at Simon Fraser University and in the Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious
Studies at the University of British Columbia.
Dr. Amy Hale, PhD
Dr. Hale earned her PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles, and teaches in-
troductory students in a variety of courses, disciplines, and delivery systems emphasizing
writing projects and assignments.

xxiv Preface
There is an art to aiding in the creation of a textbook like this one. It’s an effort that involves
encouragement, opportunity, support, and constructive criticism. There are dozens of
people who have mastered this art and who made the completion of this project possible.
We want to start by thanking Eve Howard, Senior Vice President at Jones & Bartlett Learn-
ing. Eve’s vision has been the essence of this project, and she provided wonderful motiva-
tional speeches, mentorship, understanding, and advice. We would also like to thank our
editor, Bill Wahlgren, for his tireless guidance with the manuscript and for his patience
and gentility. Without the help extended by each of them, we would not have developed
the skills necessary to carry out this project, nor would we have as deep an appreciation
of the meaning of collaboration. A special thank-you to the friendly production experts
at Jones & Bartlett Learning, including Susan Schultz, Anne Spencer, and Anna Genoese.
We would like to especially thank our chief marketing strategist, Alison Pendergast.
Jonna Kwiatkowski of Mars Hill College expertly jumped in and assisted us with
the discussion questions and projects at the end of the chapters, taking advantage of her
experience with successful online class delivery, and with several of the ancillary elements
of the Learn Psychology resources. Wendy Ludgewait also contributed to the development
of the learning objectives and assessments and the lecture materials.
We also want to thank the reviewers of Learn Psychology, who took time out of their
hectic schedules to pore over the drafts of the chapters. Your dedication, attention to detail,
and expertise helped shape this text. We learned so much from each of you. Thank you!
In-Depth Psychology Faculty Reviewers
Laura Bailey, San Joaquin Valley College
Art Beaman, University of Kentucky
Janice Hartgrove-Freile, Lonestar Community College
John Haworth, Chattanooga State Community College
Linda Jackson, Michigan State University
Jim Johnson, Central New Mexico Community College
Kevin O’Neil, Florida Gulf Coast University
Catherine Snyder, Paradise Valley Community College
John Updegraff, Kent State University
In addition to the reviewers, special thanks to the many instructors who participated
in our expanded review and market research, which aided us in rounding out the strategy
for The Learn Series, as well as refining the pedagogy and chapters of Learn Psychology.
Psychology Faculty Analysts
Eric D. Miller, Kent State University
Javier Alonso, Oakton Community Michael Davis, West Virginia
College Northern Community College
Jill Norvilitis, Buffalo State College Steve Ellyson, Youngstown State
Richard Shadick, Pace University University
Nancy Hartshorne, Delta College Linda Bajdo, Macomb Community
Michelle Russell, University of College
Tennessee-Knoxville Peter Vernig, Suffolk University
Jamie Tanner, Valdosta State Caroline Kozojed, Bismarck State
University College
Christine Harrington, Middlesex Christopher J. Mruk, Bowling Green
County College State University
Dennis A. Gentry, University of Bob Reese, Jefferson College of
Cincinnati Clermont Health Sciences
Cecile Marczinski, Northern Amber Amspoker, University of
Kentucky University Houston
Kim Morris, Athens Technical Teri Fournier, Diablo Valley College

Sean Taylor, Des Moines Area Ryan Tapscott, Iowa State University
Community College Mary Fraser, DeAnza College
Scot Hamilton, University of West Susie Sympson, Johnson County
Georgia Community College
Kevin Kean, Central Connecticut Mary-Ellen O’Sullivan, Housatonic
State University Community College
Michael Rader, Northern Arizona Dr. Eva Szeli, Arizona State
University University
Jeffrey Green, Virginia Michael Knepp, Mount Union
Commonwealth University Karl L. Wuensch, East Carolina
Diane Reddy, University of University
Wisconsin-Milwaukee Barb Corbisier, Blinn College
Jeffrey Baker, Monroe Community Autumn Willard, St. Clair County
College Community College
Karla Lassonde, Minnesota State Sarah Novak, Hofstra University
University, Mankato Lorry Cology, Owens Community
Diane Pisacreta, Saint Louis College
Community College Laura Jackman, Joliet Junior College
David Gersh, Houston Community Melissa McCeney, Montgomery
College—Central College
Kelie Jones, Odessa College Jill Berger, Nova Southeastern
Cari Cannon, Santiago Canyon University
College Tamara Hodges, Baylor University
Andrea Molarius, Shasta College Amy Masnick, Hofstra University
Ari Grayson, Scottsdale College Christine Lofgren, University of
Robert Zettle, Wichita State California Irvine
University William Rick Fry, Youngstown State
Dr. Rebecca Fahrlander, University University
of Nebraska at Omaha Michael Rader, Northern Arizona
David Biek, Macon State College University
Bonnie Gray, Scottsdale College Aimee Callender, Auburn University
Brian Howland, University of Chris Ruggiero, Tacoma Community
Florida College
Emily Stark, Minnesota State Rick Howe, College of the Canyons
University, Mankato

Finally, a very special thanks to my entire family and many friends, including Jen-
nifer Thompson, Jack Hardy, Teddy Ottaviano, Sharon Lewis, and Susan Ashmore, for
providing infinite patience, kindness, and food during adversity.
—Kenneth Carter

To my girls, Lynn Hillger, Julie Boland, and Kim Wheeler, for getting me through it;
and my boys, Zeke and Victor Montalvo, for making me do it. I owe you.
—Colleen Seifert

xxvi Acknowledgments
About the
Dr. Kenneth Carter received his PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, in 1993 and completed a postdoctoral Masters in clinical psychopharmacology at Fairleigh
Dickinson University in 2007. Before joining the faculty at Emory University, Dr. Carter served as
a Senior Assistant Research Scientist in the Epidemic Intelligence Service of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention where he researched smoking as a risk marker for suicidal behaviors in
adolescents. Currently he is a Professor of Psychology at Oxford College, Emory University, where
he is actively involved in research and teaching. Dr. Carter has been a psychotherapist and researcher
for more than 17 years. His work has garnered awards from the National Institutes of Health, the
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, and the University of Michigan. Dr. Carter is a past editor
of JCAL: The Journal of Cognitive-Affective Learning. In addition to his own research, Dr. Carter authors
articles in plain language on the latest research in psychology for magazines such as mental_floss and
Reader’s Digest, and for news programs such as Connect With Kids and NBC’s Today.

Dr. Colleen Seifert received her BA in Psychology from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter,
Minnesota, in 1980, and her PhD in Psychology from Yale University in 1987. After a postdoctoral
fellowship at the University of California at San Diego, Dr. Seifert moved to the University of Michi-
gan, Ann Arbor, and was promoted to full Professor of Psychology in 2001. She was named Arthur F.
Thurnau Professor of Psychology in 2011. Her research publications address thinking and memory,
specifically, how the status and types of past experiences in memory affect current reasoning. Dr.
Seifert’s investigations are rooted in her interest in how people navigate through complex, real-world
tasks, and her research examines planning and problem solving in the domains of legal reasoning,
medicine, and creative design. She is a past President and Executive Officer of the Cognitive Science
Society, past co-chair of the Institutional Review Board for the Behavioral Sciences at Michigan, and
a member of several journal editorial boards.

Chapter Overview

1.1 The Science of Psychology 1.3 Contemporary Psychology

The Biological Perspective
Concept Learning Check 1.1 The Scope
and Limits of the Science of Psychology The Evolutionary Perspective
The Psychodynamic Perspective
1.2 The Origins and History The Behavioral Perspective
of Psychology The Humanistic Perspective
Philosophical Roots The Cognitive Perspective
Biological Roots The Sociocultural Perspective
Schools of Thought: Professional Specialization and
Structuralism vs. Functionalism Research Areas in Psychology
Concept Learning Check 1.3 Contemporary
Perspectives and Settings in Psychology
Concept Learning Check 1.2 Comparing and
Contrasting Structuralism and Functionalism

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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
los caballos enjaezados. Fijó las riendas en el extremo delantero de
carro, y aseguró sus pies en los borceguíes adheridos a él.[139] Primero
suplicó a los dioses de esta manera, levantando al cielo las manos
«Si soy criminal, ¡oh Zeus!, que no viva más, y que mi padre conozca
que ha sido injusto conmigo, ya después de mi muerte, ya mientras
vea la luz». Y mientras tanto, cogió el látigo y aguijó los caballos
nosotros, sus servidores, seguíamos cerca del carro a nuestro dueño
que se encaminó en derechura a Argos y Epidauro. Poco después que
entramos en lugares desiertos, más allá de esta tierra,[140] y llegamos a
la orilla del mar Sarónico, se oyó cierto ruido horrible, como si fuera e
de un trueno subterráneo de Zeus, que nos hizo temblar a todos; los
caballos levantaron la cabeza y enderezaron las orejas; nosotros
teníamos gran miedo, no sabiendo cuál fuese la causa que lo
producía; pero habiendo mirado a la orilla del alborotado mar, vimos
una espantosa ola que amenazaba al cielo, hasta el punto de
ocultarnos la ribera Sarónica, y el istmo y el promontorio de Esculapio
Hinchándose más después, y derramando en torno mucha espuma, y
bramando horriblemente, se estrelló en la orilla, en donde estaba la
cuadriga, y del seno de la tempestad y de las agitadas olas salió un
toro, monstruo fiero, con cuyos mugidos resonaba pavorosamente la
tierra; a todos los que presenciamos este espectáculo parecía
espantoso, y no podíamos mirarlo sin estremecernos. El miedo se
apoderó de los caballos, y mi señor, muy diestro en manejarlos, cogió
en sus manos las riendas y tiró hacia atrás, como el marinero hace
con el remo, y con ellas ciñó su cuerpo; pero los caballos, tascando e
bocado endurecido al fuego, arrancaron con ímpetu, sin cuidarse de la
mano que los regía, ni e las riendas, ni de los carros bien labrados
siempre que en tierra llana, y sin soltar las riendas, cambiaba su
carrera, aparecía el toro delante, como para acometer al carro, e
infundía en los caballos invencible miedo; si con furia lo llevaban
contra los peñascos, seguía acercándose en silencio, hasta que le
embistió y volcó, rompiendo las ruedas contra una peña. Todo fue
entonces confusión; los rayos de las ruedas y los clavos de los ejes
saltaron en todas direcciones. El desventurado, sujeto por las riendas
se estrelló la cabeza contra los peñascos y se magulló el cuerpo
exclamando con la mayor amargura: «Deteneos, caballos alimentados
en mis pesebres; no me matéis. ¡Oh, cruel maldición de mi padre
¿Quién quiere socorrerme y salvar a un hombre bueno si los hay?»
Muchos que lo deseábamos, con tardo paso le seguíamos de lejos. A
fin, desenredándose de las riendas, cayó no sé de qué modo, y le
quedan pocos instantes de vida, y los caballos y el malhadado y
milagroso toro se escondieron no sé en qué lugar montañoso. Yo soy
en verdad, un siervo de tu palacio, ¡oh rey!, pero jamás podré cree
que tu hijo ha delinquido, aunque se ahorquen todas las mujeres y
escriban tantas tablillas cuantas pueden hacerse de las selvas de
Ida,[141] seguro como estoy de su inocencia.
¡Ay, ay de mí! Consumáronse nuevos desastres, e inevitable es e
Gozo me infundieron tus palabras por el odio que tengo a la víctima
de estos males; venerando ahora a los dioses, y recordando que es m
hijo, ni sus desdichas me placen ni me afligen.
¿Qué hacemos, pues? ¿Lo traemos aquí? ¿Cuáles son tus órdenes
acerca de ese desventurado? ¿Cómo te agradaremos? Piénsalo bien
y si quieres seguir mi consejo, no seas cruel con tu infortunado hijo.
Traedme para que vean mis ojos al que negó haber profanado m
lecho, y lo convenzan mis palabras, y la desgracia que le agobia, obra
de los dioses.
EL CORO[142]
Tú, Afrodita, doblegas el ánimo inflexible de los hombres y de los
dioses con ayuda de tu hijo, revestido de variado plumaje, que los
cobija bajo sus alas velocísimas. Vuela por toda la tierra y por e
salado mar, que profundamente resuena. Cupido ablanda los
corazones y los asalta con su antorcha, resplandeciente como el oro
que inspira el furor, y a las fieras que viven en los montes, y a los
peces del mar, y a cuanto alimenta la tierra, que el sol purifica con sus
rayos: todos los hombres están sujetos a su imperio, y Afrodita sola
manda en todos a un tiempo como reina.
ARTEMISA (en un carro de nubes doradas).[143]
Óyeme, que tal es mi voluntad, noble hijo de Egeo; yo soy Artemisa
hija de Leto, ¡oh Teseo! ¿Por qué, mísero mortal, te deleitan estos
males, y has dado injusta muerte a tu hijo, creyendo lo que no es
cierto, seducido por las falsas palabras de tu esposa? Manifiesta es la
desdicha que te pierde. ¿Cómo no te precipitas con rubor en los
abismos de la tierra, o evitas este daño volando? Ya no podrán
contarte entre los justos. Entérate, Teseo, de sus desdichas, que esto
aunque de nada te sirva, te llenará al menos de dolor. No tiene otro
objeto mi venida que probar la piedad de tu hijo, y su gloria al morir, y
el furor de tu esposa, y hasta cierto punto su nobleza. Estimulada po
la diosa más aborrecida de los que rendimos grato culto a la
virginidad, se enamoró de Hipólito, intentó vencer su pasión, y murió
inesperadamente por la imprudencia de su nodriza, que la descubrió a
tu hijo mediante juramento. Él, como era honrado, no accedió a sus
deseos ni fue impío, a pesar de tu enojo, violando después su
juramento. Pero Fedra, temiendo que supieras su delito, escribió una
carta falsa y te persuadió lo que quiso, y perdió con engaño a tu hijo.
¡Ay, ay de mí!
¿Te afligen mis palabras? Tranquilízate, oye lo restante y llorarás
más. ¿No sabías que tu padre[144] había de cumplir tres votos tuyos?
Contra tu hijo, ¡oh tú, el más malvado de los hombres!, fulminaste uno
de ellos, como si hubiese sido tu mayor enemigo. Tu marino padre
que bien te quiere, te concedió lo que debía, puesto que lo había
prometido; pero tú has sido criminal con él y conmigo, y no esperaste
que las pruebas te convencieran, ni oíste a los adivinos, ni nada
averiguaste, ni aguardaste a que el tiempo descubriese la verdad, sino
que más pronto de lo que convenía maldijiste a tu hijo y ocasionaste
su muerte.
Que yo muera, ¡oh diosa!
Cometiste atrocidades, pero aún puedes obtener el perdón. Afrodita
ha sido causa de todo por saciar su ira: es ley entre los dioses que
ninguno se oponga a los deseos del otro, y que todos cedan cuando
es menester. Ten por cierto que, de otra manera, y a no temer a Zeus
no me deshonraría hasta el punto de consentir en la muerte del morta
que más amo. Tu ignorancia demuestra que has faltado sin malicia, y
además tu esposa al morir destruyó las pruebas orales que te
hubiesen convencido. Sobre ti principalmente descargan ahora estos
males, aunque yo también los sienta. No agrada a los dioses la muerte
de los piadosos, sino la ruina de los malvados, con sus hijos y su
familia. (Hácese invisible).
Ya llega el infeliz, desgarrados horriblemente sus miembros
juveniles y desaliñada su blonda cabellera. ¡Oh palacio infortunado
¡Que doble calamidad[145] te agobia por mandato del cielo!
HIPÓLITO (que llega en una camilla).
¡Ay de mí! ¡Ay de mi! ¡Ay de mí! ¡Cuánta es mi desventura!
despedazado injustamente a causa de las imprecaciones[146] de un
padre, también injusto. No tiene remedio mi desdicha; ¡ay de mí
mísero! ¡Ay, ay! Dolores intolerables atormentan mi cabeza, e
incesantes espasmos acometen mi cerebro. Dejadme descansar
dejad que reciba algún consuelo mi fatigado cuerpo. (Ponen en tierra
la camilla). ¡Ay, ay de mí! ¡Oh caballos odiosos que alimentó mi mano
me habéis perdido, me habéis dado la muerte! (Mientras lo sientan sus
servidores). ¡Ay, ay, por los dioses! ¡Oh esclavos, tocad con cuidado
mis doloridos miembros! ¿Quién está a mi derecha? Levantadme con
amor, con suave movimiento, que mi desdicha es grande y mi padre
me maldijo equivocado. Zeus, Zeus, ¿ves esto? Yo soy aquel varón
casto que daba a los dioses culto, el que en la práctica de esta virtud
superó a todos, y ahora pierdo la vida y me aguarda la muerte debajo
de la tierra; en vano fui piadoso entre los hombres y sufrí grandes
molestias, ¡ay, ay, ay, ay de mí!, y ahora el dolor, sí, el dolor me aflige
de nuevo. Dejadme abandonado a mi desventura; no prolongad m
martirio, y que la muerte cure mis males. Matadme, matadme, que soy
un desdichado; ojalá que me hiera una espada de dos filos y acabe de
una vez conmigo. ¡Oh malhadada imprecación de mi padre! ¡Oh
parientes manchados de sangre![147] Mi desdicha corona ahora sin
vacilar las de mis viejos progenitores, y viene contra mí, que nada
tengo que ver con ellas. ¡Ay de mí, ay de mí! ¿Qué diré? ¿Cómo me
libertaré de este dolor cruel? Que la negra y nocturna Necesidad, que
habita en el palacio de Hades, aletargue mis sentidos.
ARTEMISA (invisible).
¡Oh infeliz! ¡Qué calamidad te atormenta! La grandeza de tu alma
ha sido causa de tu ruina.
¡Ay de mí! ¡Oh divino y embriagador perfume![148] Aun en medio de
mis males te he percibido, y mi cuerpo siente consuelo. Aquí está la
diosa Artemisa.
¡Oh mísero! A tu lado está la diosa que más te ama.
¿Vesme, señora, en la desventura en que me hallo?
Te veo; pero no me es lícito derramar lágrimas de mis ojos.
Ya no sobrevivirá a su desdicha tu cazador y sacerdote.
No, seguramente; pero mueres amado de mí.
Ni el que guiaba tus caballos y guardaba tus estatuas.
Obra es de la engañosa Afrodita.
¡Ay de mí! Ya reconozco la deidad causa de mis males.
Enojada porque no la adorabas, se vengó de tu castidad.
Ella sola, según veo, nos ha perdido a los tres.
A tu padre, a ti, y en tercer lugar a su esposa.
También deploro los infortunios de mi padre.
Ha sido engañado por las sugestiones de la diosa.
¡Oh padre infeliz! ¡Grande es tu desventura!
Perecí, ¡oh hijo!; no me deleita ya la vida.
Deploro tu suerte más que la mía, a causa de tu yerro.
¡Ojalá, ¡oh hijo!, que yo hubiese muerto en tu lugar!
¡Oh dones crueles de tu padre Poseidón!
Quisiera no haberlo evocado nunca.
¿Y por qué? Segura era siempre mi muerte, siendo tanta tu ira.
Los dioses habían perturbado mi juicio.
¡Ay de mí! ¡Ojalá que los mortales pudiesen maldecir a los
ARTEMISA (invisible).
Déjame, que ni aun cuando vayas a las tinieblas que hay debajo de
la tierra se ensañarán en ti impunemente las iras de Afrodita, acordes
con su deseo, pues de ellas te libraron tu piedad y buenos
pensamientos. Yo, con mi misma mano, y con mis inevitables saetas
te vengaré, dando muerte a uno de sus favoritos, al mortal que más
ame.[150] Te concederé, ¡oh desventurado!, por tus graves desdichas
los más grandes honores en la ciudad de Trecén; las doncellas, antes
de casarse, cortarán en tu honor sus cabellos, y gozarás largo tiempo
de sus lágrimas copiosas.[151] Siempre te honrará música de vírgenes
y se hará público el amor que inspiraste a Fedra. Y tú, hijo del viejo
Egeo, toma en tus brazos a tu hijo, y oprímelo contra tu pecho
Involuntariamente lo has perdido, pero errar es natural en los hombres
consintiéndolo los dioses. Ruégote, ¡oh Hipólito!, que no odies a tu
padre, que el destino ha sido causa de tu muerte. Adiós, que no me es
lícito mirar los muertos ni empañar mis ojos con el aliento de
moribundo, y veo que se aproxima ya tu última hora.
Adiós, tú también, virgen bienaventurada; olvida sin pena mi trato
cotidiano. Perdono a mi padre, accediendo a tus ruegos, como antes
te obedecí siempre en todo. (Retírase Artemisa). ¡Ay, ay de mí! ¡Que
las tinieblas envuelven ya mis ojos! Abrázame, padre, y levanta m
¡Ay de mí, hijo mío! ¿Cómo me abandonas así, sumido en la mayo
Yo muero; ya veo las puertas de los infiernos.
¿Y me dejas el alma mancillada?
De ningún modo, puesto que no te imputo este desastre.
¿Qué dices? ¿Me absuelves de haber derramado tu sangre?
Por testigo pongo a Artemisa, la de las irresistibles saetas.
¡Oh hijo el más amado! ¡Cuánta es tu generosidad para con tu
Adiós, tú también, ¡oh padre!; adiós muchas veces.
¡Ay, cuán piadoso y bueno eres!
Pide que así sean tus hijos legítimos.
No me abandones, ¡oh hijo!; recobra tus fuerzas.
Mis fuerzas se acaban; yo muero, ¡oh padre!; cubrid cuanto antes
mi rostro con el peplo.[152]
¡Oh maldita región de Atenas y de Palas! ¡Qué hombre has perdido
¡Oh desventurado de mí! ¡Cuántas veces, ¡oh Afrodita!, recordaré los
males que me causas!
A todos nos sorprende esta desgracia; ríos correrán de lágrimas
porque la memoria de los grandes hombres debe llorarse mucho

Si damos fe al escoliasta de Aristófanes (Las Ranas, v. 53) y a lo
que nos dice J. A. Hartung (Euripides restitutus, tomo II, pág. 415 y
siguientes), la tragedia titulada Las Fenicias es la tercera de una
trilogía, cuya primera y segunda fueron, por su orden, Antíope e
Hipsípile. El argumento de la Antíope era la fundación de Tebas, y e
de Hipsípile el asedio de esta ciudad por los siete capitanes mandados
por Adrasto, antes de ocurrir la muerte de los hijos de Edipo.
La fábula de Las Fenicias (con algunas variantes si se compara con
algunas tragedias griegas y tradiciones épicas pertenecientes como
ella al ciclo tebano) cuenta la muerte de Eteocles y Polinices, nietos de
Layo. El poeta supone que Polinices, desterrado de Tebas por su
hermano Eteocles, no obstante el pacto celebrado entre ambos de
reinar un año cada uno, se refugia en la corte de Adrasto, rey de
Argos, con cuya hija se desposa, y con cuyo auxilio y el de otros
famosos guerreros pone sitio a Tebas para obligar a su hermano a
cederle parte del reino. Yocasta, madre y mujer de Edipo, y madre de
ambos, obtiene de Eteocles que permita a Polinices la entrada en
Tebas con el maternal objeto de reconciliarlos; pero no pudiendo
conseguirlo a pesar de sus ruegos y exhortaciones, se da el asalto po
los sitiadores, que son rechazados de las murallas y vencidos por los
tebanos, después que Meneceo, hijo de Creonte, se sacrifica por su
patria, obedeciendo al oráculo que revela el adivino Tiresias. Eteocles
entonces, para evitar la efusión de sangre inútil, propone a ambos
ejércitos la decisión de la fratricida contienda por medio de un combate
singular entre él y Polinices, que se verifica, en efecto, sucumbiendo
uno y otro. Al saberlo, su madre Yocasta se dirige al campamento con
su hija Antígona, ansiosa de evitarlo, pero llega tarde; se precipita
inconsolable sobre la espada de uno de los muertos, y perece también
abrazada a ellos. Eteocles, antes de pelear con su hermano, encarga a
Creonte, su tío, que no dé sepultura a Polinices si muere, y aque
intenta cumplir sus órdenes, no obstante la resistencia de la piadosa
Antígona, que al fin acompaña a su padre, ciego, al destierro a que lo
condena Creonte.
La acción de esta tragedia, como se deduce fácilmente de las líneas
anteriores, es eminentemente trágica, no solo en el sentido que esta
palabra tiene entre nosotros, sino también en el griego. El destino con
su horrible influjo se muestra en toda ella, y recuerda a los mortales
sus inflexibles decretos. Sin embargo, ni la escena en que el pedagogo
enseña a Antígona los capitanes del ejército sitiador, ni la entrada de
Polinices en Tebas, forman parte esencial de ella, a pesar de su
belleza incomparable. Los dos caracteres de Eteocles y Polinices, que
aparecen en primer término, están bien dibujados y sostenidos, y
ambos se distinguen por su ambición y por su odio fratricida y por sus
opuestos sentimientos.
En nuestro juicio, y no obstante los lunares mencionados, algunas
máximas nada morales que contiene y las extrañas críticas literarias de
Eurípides intercaladas en la tragedia, es una de las mejores que de é
nos quedan. Tiene escenas inimitables, trozos felicísimos, y su
versificación es en general muy superior a otras obras suyas. En una
palabra: leyéndola despacio, y no una vez sola, se puede aprende
Séneca la ha imitado en su Tebaida, de la cual solo existen
fragmentos, y Estacio en su poema heroico que lleva el mismo
nombre; entre los franceses, Rotrou en su Antígona, y Racine en sus
Hermanos enemigos, una de sus más débiles producciones.
En cuanto a la fecha de su representación, parece lo más probable
atendiendo al escolio citado al principio, que fuera en la olimpiada 93, 2
(407 antes de Jesucristo). En efecto, además de este dato de
escoliasta, que no deja de tener fuerza, y que en todo caso es el único
que poseemos, confírmalo también la observación que hace Hermann
(in Præfat. Phœn., pág. XV) cuando dice: Quum illa (Yocasta) deinde
cum Polinice coierit sermonem, ejus prior pars, qua singulatim exquiri
cur grave sit patria carere, non est ita inserta, ut apareat qui hoc in
mentem venerit Yocastæ. Quo fit ut ista aliena abs re videri debeant
Chocan en verdad las preguntas que Yocasta hace a su hijo Polinices
acerca de los males del destierro, y es de presumir que aluda el poeta
a la vuelta de Alcibíades a su patria a principios de junio del año 407
en el arcontado de Euctemón, cuya fecha concuerda exactamente con
la señalada por el escoliasta.

Yocasta, esposa de Edipo, antes de Layo.
El pedagogo.
Antígona, hija de Edipo y de Yocasta.
Coro de vírgenes fenicias.
y hijos de Edipo y de Yocasta.
Creonte, hermano de Yocasta.
Meneceo, hijo de Creonte.
Tiresias, adivino.
Un mensajero.
Otro mensajero.
Edipo, hijo de Layo y esposo de Yocasta.

La acción es en Tebas.
La escena representa la plaza de Tebas, frente al Palacio Real.

¡Oh sol, que en tu curso cortas los astros del cielo, sentado en carro
de oro, y haces girar la llama con tus ligeros caballos! ¡Qué día tan
infausto fue para Tebas[153] el que alumbraron tus rayos, cuando
Cadmo[154] vino a esta tierra, dejando las riberas fenicias! Casose con
Harmonía,[155] hija de Afrodita, y tuvo de ella a Polidoro, padre, según
dicen, de Lábdaco,[156] y este de Layo. A mí me llaman la hija de
Meneceo, y Creonte es mi hermano, e hijo de mi madre.[157] Yocasta es
el nombre que me puso mi padre, y Layo fue mi esposo. Como no
tuviese hijos después de muchos años de matrimonio, fue a consulta
a Apolo y le pidió que le diese herederos varones. Respondiole así
«¡Oh tú, que imperas en los caballeros tebanos!, no siembres el sulco
en donde nacerán tus hijos, que te son contrarios los dioses; te matará
el que tengas, y tu palacio se llenará de sangre». Pero él, amigo de
deleite, y excitado por el vino, engendró en mí un hijo, y confesando su
yerro al recordar el oráculo del dios, lo entregó al nacer a los pastores
para que lo expusiesen en el prado de Hera y en la cima de
Citerón,[158] atravesados sus talones por férreas agujas, por lo cual lo
llama Edipo[159] la Grecia. Pero los yegüerizos de Pólibo lo recogieron
y lo llevaron a su casa, y lo entregaron a su dueña. Ella amamantó con
sus pechos al fruto de mis entrañas, e hizo creer a su marido que era
suyo. Ya hombre, cuando la barba sombreaba su rostro, o por sus
propias sospechas, o por consejo ajeno, quiso conocer a sus padres, y
se encaminó al templo de Apolo al mismo tiempo que Layo, que
deseaba averiguar si vivía o no su hijo expósito. Y los dos se juntaron
en una encrucijada de la Fócide, y así dijo a Edipo el cochero de Layo
«Deja libre el paso a los tiranos, ¡oh peregrino!». Él iba callado
aunque lleno de arrogancia. Los caballos lo atropellaron y lo
mancharon de sangre, y por esta causa (¿pero a qué referir antiguas
desdichas?) el hijo mató al padre, y dio su carro a Pólibo, el que lo
había criado. Después de la muerte de mi esposo, y cuando la
Esfinge[160] devastaba a la ciudad con sus rapiñas, Creonte anunció
por sus heraldos que daría mi mano al que adivinase los artificiosos
enigmas de la virgen. Y mi hijo Edipo los explicó, y recibió el cetro en
premio. El desdichado, sin saberlo, se casó conmigo, ignorando que
su madre, que también lo ignoraba, había de ser la compañera de su
tálamo. Tengo de él dos hijos varones, Eteocles y el esforzado
Polinices, y dos hijas. Su padre llamó a la una Ismene; yo puse a la
mayor el nombre de Antígona. Y cuando Edipo averiguó que su
esposa era también su madre, él, que tantos males había sufrido, se
cegó con rabia, hiriendo sus pupilas con los dorados broches.[161
Cuando la barba cubrió las mejillas de mis dos hijos, ocultaron a su
padre en los aposentos interiores del palacio para que se olvidase este
suceso, lo cual, en verdad, no era fácil empresa. Vivo está, pues, en e
palacio, pero lleno de ira y quejoso de su suerte, y ha pronunciado
contra ellos las más impías maldiciones, y ha pedido a los dioses que
desgarren el seno de esta familia con el aguzado hierro. Temiendo
ambos que se realizasen las imprecaciones paternales si vivían juntos
convinieron en que Polinices, que es el más joven, se desterrase de
Tebas voluntariamente, y que Eteocles se quedase en ella, reinando
un año cada uno. Pero después que se sentó Eteocles en el trono, no
ha querido bajar de él, sino que ha expulsado de este reino a
Polinices. Encaminose, pues, a Argos, en donde se casó con la hija de
Adrasto, y ha reunido numeroso ejército de argivos, que acaudilla, y ha
atacado las siete puertas de esta muralla, reclamando el cetro paterno
y parte del territorio. Yo, para acabar la contienda, persuadí a mi hijo
que le diese un salvoconducto para venir aquí antes de empuñar la
lanza. El mensajero que se ha enviado dice que vendrá. Líbranos
pues, de estos males, ¡oh Zeus!, que habitas los esplendentes senos
del cielo, y reconcilia a mis dos hijos; que si eres sabio, conviene que
no hagas a los mortales perpetuamente desdichados. (Entra en e
EL PEDAGOGO[162] (que aparece en el terrado
y habla dirigiéndose hacia dentro).
¡Oh noble Antígona, hija de ilustre padre! Ya que tu madre te ha
dado licencia para dejar la compañía de las vírgenes y subir a
terrado[163] del palacio, accediendo a tu deseo de ver el ejército argivo
detente para que yo explore las avenidas, por si aparece algún
ciudadano y me reprenden y me avergüenzan como a siervo y a t
como reina; todo lo he examinado, y te diré cuanto he visto y oído de
los argivos cuando fui a entregar a tu hermano el salvoconducto
primero de aquí para allá, y luego a mi vuelta. Pero ningún ciudadano
se acerca al palacio; sube por estas viejas escaleras de cedro, y mira
los campos y la corriente del Ismeno,[164] y la fuente Dircea,[165] y e
numeroso ejército enemigo.
ANTÍGONA (oculta todavía).
Dame, dame tu arrugada mano desde los peldaños en que te
hallas, para que pueda subir allá.
Tómala, pues, ¡oh virgen! A tiempo has subido, que el ejército
pelásgico se mueve y sus cohortes se separan unas de otras.
ANTÍGONA (que aparece sobre el terrado).
¡Oh Hécate, hija veneranda de Leto! Todo el campo broncíneo[166
Seguramente no viene Polinices desprevenido, que le acompañan
con estrépito muchos caballos e innumerables hoplitas.
¿Están seguras las puertas del palacio y las barras de bronce que
defienden los muros de piedra construidos por Anfión?[167]
No tengas miedo; por dentro está la ciudad bien fortificada. Pero
mira primero, si quieres saber lo que sucede.
¿Quién es aquel del blanco penacho que va al frente del ejército
llevando en su brazo sin trabajo el pesado escudo de bronce?[168] ¡Es
uno de los jefes! ¿Quién es? ¿En dónde ha nacido? Di, anciano
¿cómo se llama?
Dicen que ha nacido en Micenas, pero que ahora habita junto a la
laguna de Lerna,[169] y se llama el rey Hipomedonte.[170]
¡Ay, ay! ¡Qué soberbio! ¡Qué temible es su aspecto, como el de un
gigante, hijo de la Tierra, con sus estrellas pintadas! No se asemeja a
los demás hombres.
¿Ves a aquel jefe que atraviesa las aguas de Dirce?
Distintas, distintas son sus armas; pero ¿quién es?
Es Tideo,[171] el hijo de Eneo, que lleva en su pecho el Ares etolio.
¿Este es, ¡oh anciano!, el marido de la hermana de la mujer de
Polinices? ¡Qué peregrino es el color de sus armas! ¡Es semibárbaro!
Todos los etolios[172] llevan clípeos, y manejan bien la lanza.[173]
¿Y cómo sabes esto, ¡oh anciano!?
Observé las divisas de sus escudos cuando los vi al llevar a tu
hermano el salvoconducto; y como me acuerdo bien de ellos, los
conozco cuando los veo.
¿Quién es ese que pasa ahora junto al monumento de Zeto,[174] de
cabellos rizados, feroz mirada y juvenil aspecto? Parece un jefe
porque le rodea y sigue armada muchedumbre.
Ese es Partenopeo,[175] el hijo de Atalanta.[176]
¡Que Artemisa, que veloz corre las selvas con Atalanta, su madre
lo mate con sus dardos por haber venido a devastar mi ciudad!
¡Ojalá que así suceda, oh hija! Con razón vinieron aquí, sin
embargo, y temo que se la den los dioses.
¿En dónde está el que nació de mi misma madre con destino
funesto? Dime, anciano muy querido, ¿en dónde está Polinices?
Cerca de Adrasto,[177] junto al sepulcro de las siete vírgenes, hijas
de Níobe.[178] ¿Lo ves?
No claramente; pero me parece que columbro su figura y como la
traza de su pecho. Ojalá que, cual ligera nube, pudiese atravesar e
aire con mis pies y llegar hasta mi hermano; con mis brazos, después
de tanto tiempo, rodearía el muy amado cuello de este mísero
desterrado. ¡Cómo se distingue de los demás por sus armas doradas
¡oh anciano!, brillando como los matutinos rayos del sol!
Vendrá a este palacio a llenarte de gozo, que ya ha recibido
permiso para hacerlo.
¿Quién es, ¡oh anciano!, ese que, sentado, rige un reluciente carro?
Ese, ¡oh señora!, es el adivino Anfiarao,[179] y con él van víctimas
que serán ofrecidas a la tierra, ávida de sangre.
¡Oh luna!, hija del sol, que ciñes cinturón espléndido, bella luz en
cerco de oro; ¡con cuánta modestia y serenidad aguija a los caballos
de su carro! ¿En dónde está el que ha proferido contra esta ciudad tan
atroces amenazas?
Capaneo[180] examina ahora la entrada de las torres, y mide
escrupulosamente los muros.
¡Oh Némesis,[181] y tú, Zeus, de horrísonos truenos, y de rayos que
disipan las tinieblas! Refrena su soberbia y castiga sus insolentes
palabras. ¿Entregará las cautivas tebanas a los guerreros de Micenas
y al tridente lerneo,[182] e impondrá el yugo de la esclavitud en las
aguas de Amimone, consagradas a Poseidón? Nunca, nunca, ¡oh
Artemisa veneranda!, hija de Zeus, de cabellos de oro, sufriré yo ta
Entra en el palacio, ¡oh hija!, y no salgas de tu gineceo, ya que has
tenido el gusto de ver lo que tanto deseabas. Una turba de mujeres se
encamina al palacio de los reyes, alborotada la ciudad. Maligno es po
naturaleza el sexo femenino, y por el más leve pretexto habla hasta la
saciedad; cierto placer sienten las mujeres en murmurar unas de otras
EL CORO (que llega de la ciudad).[183]
Estrofa 1.ª — He venido desde la isla Fenicia, dejando el mar Tirio
ofrenda escogida de Febo, para servir en su templo en las gargantas
del Parnaso, cubierto de nieves, atravesando en las naves el ma
Jónico, mientras el céfiro agitaba el aire en los estériles campos que
rodean a Sicilia, y resonaba armoniosamente.
Antístrofa 1.ª — Don grato a Apolo, he venido desde mi ciudad
predilecta a la tierra cadmea de los ínclitos Agenóridas,[184] y he
llegado a las murallas de Layo, fundadas por mis ascendientes. Como
a estatua dorada me han hecho sierva de Febo. Pero también es
verdad que me esperan las aguas de la fuente Castalia para lavar en
ellas mi cabellera, y gozar de estos virginales deleites al servicio de
Epodo. — ¡Oh peñasco brillante!, que despides dos llamas en las
báquicas cumbres consagradas a Dioniso, y tú, vid, que cada día
haces germinar pesados racimos de lozanas uvas; gruta divina de
dragón, rústicas cavernas de los dioses y sagrado monte, cubierto de
nieve.[185] ¡Ojalá que danzando en los coros de los dioses inmortales
pierda el miedo en los valles de Febo, en donde está el centro de la
tierra, lejos de la fuente Dircea!
Estrofa 2.ª — El fiero Ares me sale al encuentro delante de estas
murallas, y promueve contra esta ciudad (ojalá que no sucedan
bélicas matanzas. Comunes son los dolores de los amigos, y si algo
padece este país, fortificado con siete torres, también sufrirá la región
fenicia. ¡Ay, ay! La sangre es la misma, hijos son también de la
cornígera Ío,[186] y yo compartiré sus trabajos.
Antístrofa 2.ª — Densa nube de escudos fulgura en torno de la
ciudad, anunciando la sangrienta batalla que Ares dará a los hijos de
Edipo, y la destrucción con que amenazan las Furias. ¡Oh pelásgico
Argos! Tengo miedo al poder y a la venganza divina: el que armado
pide su palacio, no ataca sin justicia.
POLINICES (con la espada desenvainada,
y mirando receloso a todas partes).
Con facilidad me abrieron paso los guardas de las puertas y me
dejaron entrar en la ciudad, y por lo mismo temo algún lazo, y que no
pueda escaparme sin derramar mi sangre. Miraré, pues, a todas
partes, no sea que me armen asechanzas. En la diestra traigo m
espada, y mi osadía me salvará. ¡Hola! ¿Quién es aquel? ¿Me asusta
acaso el ruido? Todos son peligros para los que se atreven a pisa
tierra enemiga. Confío ciertamente en mi madre, y desconfío de ella a
mismo tiempo, por haberme persuadido que viniese aquí, fiado en su
palabra. A mano está el socorro, que hay cerca altares, y un palacio
no abandonado. Vamos, guardaré mi espada en la oscura vaina, y
preguntaré a las que veo junto a la regia morada. Mujeres extranjeras
decidme: ¿de dónde habéis venido a este país griego?
La Fenicia es la patria que me crió. Los nietos de Agénor, como
presente escogido del botín de su victoria, me enviaron al servicio de
Febo, y cuando el ínclito hijo de Edipo deseaba que fuese a venerar e
oráculo y a las aras de Apolo, atacaron a la ciudad los argivos. Dime tú
ahora quién eres, y a qué vienes a las torres de las siete puertas de
Mi padre es Edipo, el hijo de Layo; mi madre Yocasta, hija de
Meneceo, y el pueblo tebano me llama Polinices.
¡Oh tú!, de la misma sangre que los hijos de Agénor, mis señores
que me han traído aquí. De rodillas te adoro, ¡oh rey!, según se
acostumbra en mi patria. Largo tiempo has tardado en venir al lugar de
tu nacimiento. Dueña veneranda, ven corriendo, abre las puertas. ¿Me
oyes, madre que diste a luz a este? ¿Por qué tardas en salir de los
altos atrios y abrazar a tu hijo?
Al oír, ¡oh vírgenes!, estas voces fenicias[187] dentro del palacio
vengo arrastrando mis trémulos pasos. ¡Oh hijo!, al fin veo tu rostro
después de largo tiempo, después de muchos días; que mis brazos
maternales opriman tu pecho; déjame besar tus mejillas, y que tus
rubios y rizados cabellos den sombra a mi cuello. Bendigamos
bendigamos a los dioses, que te traen a mis brazos contra toda
esperanza. ¿Qué te diré? ¿Cómo, palpándote todo con mis manos y
hablándote al mismo tiempo, podré en múltiple deleite recordar mis
antiguas alegrías? ¡Oh hijo, hijo mío, que dejaste desierto el hoga
paterno, y sin razón fuiste desterrado por tu hermano! ¡Cuánto te
echan de menos tus amigos! ¡Cuánto la ciudad de Tebas! Desde
entonces corto sollozando mis blancos cabellos en señal de duelo, y
no me he puesto blancos vestidos, ¡oh hijo!, sino estos negros y
tenebrosos paños. Pero el anciano ciego, víctima de su profunda
pena, no viendo unidos a sus dos hijos como a dos novillos de una
misma yunta, hoy separados, se precipita sobre su espada para darse
la muerte, y prepara lazos en el techo, arrepentido de las maldiciones
que ha fulminado contra vosotros, y siempre se oculta en las tinieblas
dando gritos y sollozos. Ya sé, ¡oh hijo!, que te has casado y disfrutas
de los placeres conyugales, teniendo en palacio extranjero parientes
también extranjeros, motivo de tristeza y de disgusto para mí y para e
linaje del viejo Layo. Ni yo encendí en tus bodas las nupciales
antorchas, con arreglo a nuestras leyes, y como lo hubiese hecho una
madre más afortunada, ni te lavaron las ondas del Ismeno, ni se
celebró en Tebas con cantos la entrada de tu esposa. ¡Oh! Que todo
esto se acabe, o por el hierro, o por la discordia, o por tu padre
también interesado en ello, o por el destino, que fijó su eterno asiento
en el palacio de Edipo, que yo soy víctima de los tormentos que estos
males producen.[188]
Doloroso es el parto de las mujeres, y sin embargo, todas aman a
sus hijos.
Prudente he sido, e imprudente, ¡oh madre!, en venir adonde
estaban mis enemigos; pero una fuerza irresistible nos obliga a todos
a amar a nuestra patria; quien otra cosa dice habla por hablar, pero no
lo siente. Miedo y temor tengo a un tiempo de que mi hermano me
mate a traición, y por esto he atravesado la ciudad mirando a todas
partes, y llevando en mi diestra la espada. Tranquilízanme, sin
embargo, la tregua y tu palabra, que me facilitaron la entrada en las
murallas paternas. Mucho he llorado al venir, viendo al cabo de tanto
tiempo los templos y las aras de los dioses, y los gimnasios en que me
eduqué, y la fuente Dircea, de todo lo cual fui despojado sin derecho
habitando desde entonces en una ciudad extranjera, convertidos mis
ojos en fuentes de lágrimas. Ya te contemplo, ¡oh madre!, víctima de
incesantes dolores, con la cabeza rapada y llevando negros vestidos
¡Ay de mí y de mis males! ¿Qué desgracia es comparable al odio entre
los que habitan bajo un mismo techo? Y ¿qué más difícil que su
reconciliación, cuando llegan a aborrecerse? Y mi viejo padre, ¿qué
hace en el palacio solo en las tinieblas? ¿Y mis dos hermanas?
¿Lloran mi mísero destierro?
Algún numen maléfico se ensaña en el linaje de Edipo desde que
yo tuve hijos contra la voluntad divina, y tu padre se casó, y tú naciste
Pero ¿de qué sirven estos recuerdos? Suframos nuestro destino
Temo y deseo a un tiempo preguntarte por no afligir tu ánimo.
Pregunta sin cuidado cuanto quieras; tu voluntad, ¡oh madre!, es
también la mía.

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